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giaoan6 u 1 date of teaching august 25th 2008 period 1 giôùi thieäu moân hoïcvaø höôùng daãn caùch hoïc a giôùi thieäu moân hoïc chöông trình moân tieáng anh caâp thcs ñaëc bieät lôùp 6 maø caùc em

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A.GIÔÙI THIEÄU MOÂN HOÏC: Chöông trình moân Tieáng Anh caâp THCS, ñaëc bieät lôùp 6 maø caùc em saép tieáp xuùc, nhaèm hình thaønh vaø phaùt trieån cho caùc em nhöõng kieán thöùc, kó na[r]


Date of teaching: August 25th ,2008


A.GIỚI THIỆU MƠN HỌC: Chương trình mơn Tiếng Anh câp THCS, đặc biệt lớp mà em tiếp xúc, nhằm hình thành phát triển cho em kiến thức, kĩ tiếng Anh phâm chất trí tuệ cần thiết để tiếp tục học lên vào sống lao động

Trong học em cần ý theo hướng dẫn thầy cô để đat yêu cầu chũ yếu sau:

1.Kiến thức:

1.1 Nắm kiến thức bản, tối thiễu tương đối hệ thống vê tiêng Anh thực hành đại, phù hợp lứa tuổi

1.2 Có hiểu biết ban đầu văn hoá số nước sử dụng tiếng Anh

2 Kĩ : Có kĩ sử dụng tiếng Anh môt công cu giao tiếp mức độ đơn giản dươi cac dạng nghe-nói-đọc-viết, cụ thể là:

2.1 Kĩ nghe:- Nghe hiểu tiêng Anh sử dụng lớp học

- Nghe hiêu tiếng Anh chủ điểm nội dung ngơn ngữ đè cập chương trình

2.2 Kĩ nói : -Thực yêu cầu giao tiếp hang ngày tiếng Anh lớp học, lớp học

- Diễn đạt nội dung giao tiếp đơn giản hàng ngày liên quan đến chủ điểm nội dung ngôn ngữ da học chương trình

2.3 Kĩ đoc : - Đoc hiểu nội dung đoạn văn ngắn (khoảng 150 từ) đơn giản chủ điểm học chương trình

2.4 Kĩ viết: - Viêt có hướng dẫn đoạn văn mô tả báo cáo tường thuật vềcác hoạt động cá nhân hoăc lớp học khn khổ va chủ diểm chương trình

- Viết để phục vụ nhu cầu giao têp cá nhân xã hội đơn giản (như điên vào phiếu cá nhân, bảng điêu tra, viêt thư cho bạn…)

3 Thái độ tình cảm

3.1 Có tình cảm thái độ đung đắn đât nước, người, văn hoá ngơn ngữ học, nhờ phát triển thái độ, tinh cảm tốt đẹp đối vơi ngôn ngữ va văn hố dân tộc 3.2 Bước đầu có nhu cầu biết cách tư học để nắm sử dụng tiếng nước học tâp đời sống

3.3 Xây dựng phát triển ý thức lực lam viêc cộng đồng thông qua hoat động rèn luyện ngôn ngữ

A.HƯỚNG DẪN CÁCH HỌC : Qua phần giới thiệu chi tiết muc tiêu môn học Cụ thể em cần nám bắt số dẫn cách học đây:

1.Về sách giáo khoa hs cần có sách giáo khoa TIẾNG ANH thức NHÀ XUẤTBẢNGIÁODỤC in Đi kèm BAØI TÂP TIÊNG ANH 6(gọi WORKBOOK),dùng để luyện viêt nhà môt số tiêt ôn tâp lơp

2.Phương pháp học: +Ngày học 1ngoại ngữ ta ngĩ đến PHƯƠNG PHÁP GIAO TIẾP tức theo trình tự NGHE-NĨI- ĐỌC-VIÊT Mục tiêu kĩ đề cập Cụ thê tong tiêt học cac em phải TÂP TRUNG NGHE(nghe băng đọc, nhge thày, nghe bạn ),cố gắng bắt chước âm, ngữ điệu lăp lại Khi NĨI đơng cá


nhân NĨI TO ,TỰ NHIÊN Hai kỹ nầy phải xem chinh yếu Còn kỹ khác cac em hướng dẫn để BIÊT CÁCH ĐỌC VAØ VIÊT

Date of teaching: August 26th ,2008


I Aim: After finishing the lesson students can:* greet & get acquainted with one another * introduce their names * say “thanks” to one another

II Functions Of Language: Structure: My name’s (Lan) – I’m (Lan) – How are you? – I’m fine, thanks 2.Vocabulary: Hello – Hi – I – You – how – fine – thanks– am - are

III Methods: communicative

IV Behavior: compare the custom of greetings between students’ country and the others esp. England

V Teaching aids: - a cassette player – pictures of some students greeting one another B TEACHING STEPS:

Teacher & Sts’ activities Contents Today’s lesson:*Warm up:- Show the picture

of students greeting one another and ask such questions in

Vietnamese as‘’What are they doing?‘’/ “What are they talking? “

+Sts listen & answer when being asked -Now we hear the English people greet in English.

-Play the tape +Sts Listen & repeat in chorus:

+Pairwork / practice in groups: first in low voice, then aloud in front of class

1 Listen and repeat. -They are greeting

-They say ‘’Hello /Hi’’ ect…

HELLO – HI 2 Practice.

a a Say “HELLO’’ to your classmates b Say “HI’’ to your classmates *take notes, especially’’ HI’’ is more friendly


*Notes:” HELLO” or” HI” is used to greet in friendly manner between friends, relatives -Present two ways to introduce sb’s names: -Play the tape * Listen & repeat in chorus.

+ STS play roles & introduce their names. Consolidation: ( Suggested questions) +How to greet Sb in friendly manner +How to introduce your name

3 Listen and repeat.

-I AM(LAN) /MY NAME IS (NGA) Mình /tôi/ em/cháu … / tên (LAN/NGA…) -I am Lan –I am Nga –My name is Ba / ….Nam 4 Practice with a group Pairwork / practice groups in first in low voice, then aloud in front of class

+HELLO / HI +I’M / AM (name) / MY NAME IS (name)

C HOMEWORK: *Practice speaking and writing what you’ve learned *Do A1&2 (workbook p.4)

Week 1(3) Date of teaching:August 27th ,200

Period - UNIT 1- GREETINGS -A5,6,7&8 HELLO.(continued) A TEACHING POINTS:

I Aim: After finishing the lesson students can:- greet & get acquainted with one another - introduce their names - say “thanks” to one another

II Functions Of Language: Structure: My name’s (Lan) – I’m (Lan) – How are you? – I’m fine, thanks

Vocabulary: You – how – fine – thanks– are – Mr – Miss – Mrs III Methods: communicative

IV Behavior: compare the custom of greetings between students’ country and England V Teaching aids: - a cassette player – pictures of some students greeting one another B TEACHING STEPS:

Teacher & sts’s activities Contents

Oral test: *Ask pairs of STS to greet one


Today’s lesson: -Use the picture to represent the situation of the dialogue and the new expression of asking and answering about SB’s health

*Notice this is a form of greeting not a real question

-Now we hear the English people greet in English Play the tape twice

+Listen & repeat the dialogue between Ba & Lan in chorus / in groups

+Pairwork / practice in groups: first in low voice, then aloud in front of class


Miss Hoa:- Hello, Mr Hung Mr Hung:-How are you?

Miss Hoa:- I’m fine, thanks And you? Mr Hung:-Fine, thanks

+Write the dialogue in exercise books

*Notice each word for each blank +Some pairs of STS read aloud the dialogue *Suggested questions

-How to greet SB, asking his/her health? -How to answer ?

5 Listen and repeat: -How are you? -(I’m ) fine , thanks

Ba: -Hi, Lan Lan:-Helo, Ba Ba: -How are you ? Lan:-I’m fine, thanks And you ? Ba: Fine, thanks

6 Practice with a partner.

Pic 2: Nam:-Hi, Nga Nga: -Hello, Nam Nam:-How are you? Nga:-I’m fine thanks And you? Nam:-Fine ,thank

7 Write:

*Key: Nam: Hello, Lan … are you? Lan :… … fine, thanks And you

8 Remember as consolidation:


C Homework:*Practice writing and speaking what you’ve learned * Do A3&4 (workbook p.5)

*Prepare the coming lesson about B GOOD MORNING

Week 2(1) - Date of teaching: September 1st , 2008



I Aim: After finishing the lesson students can:- greet one another/ SB according to the native custom

-say ” good bye”

II Functions Of Language: Structure & Vocabulary: -Good morning / afternoon / evening / night / bye

III Methods: communicative

IV Behavior: compare the custom of greetings between students’ country and the others esp England

V Teaching aids: - a cassette player – pictures of People greeting one another with a clock to show

the time in the morning, afternoon, evening…

B TEACHING STEPS: Teacher & Sts’s activities Contents Oral test: *Ask STS reproduce the

dialogue N0.5.p.12 (Book closed if Possible.)

Today’s lesson:

-Represent the situation of each picture: *Pic.1 in the morning (from getting up to 12h) we

greet:/ Pic.2 in the afternoon (fr 12h –6h.) : Pic.3 (fr 6h to the bed time):

Pic 4(as going to bed): / And for leaving: -Play the tape.+ Listen & repeat in chorus: *notes:- For friendly greetings we say(?) -In the morning /afternoon/evening we say (?) for formal greetings +Practice in groups/ individuals according to the pictures with expressions under each -Ask STS such questions in Vmese as: ‘’Gặp bạn vào buổi sáng/trưa/chièu/trước ngủ/ tam biệt…em chào

-Play the tape of dialogues for Sts to repeat in chorus, groups / pairs

-Have some pairs reproduce the dilogues. + STS read promptly the dialogue and complete it Notice each word for each blank

*Ask or pairs read aloud the dialogue

-Play the tape for the Sts to listen and repeat

+Some Sts read aloud with good intonation

*St1 (Ba):-Hi , Lan St2(Lan):-Hello, Ba……… 1 Listen and repeat

-Good morning / Good afternoon -good evening -Good night / good bye / bye Good morning/afternoon/

evening/night/bye * Hello/Hi (at any time during a day)

‘’Good morning/Good afternoon… /Bye’’ 2 Practice with a partner.

-‘’Good morning/Good afternoon……’’ -‘’Good night / Good bye/Bye’’ 3 Listen and repeat:

Miss Hoa:-Good morning, children Children : - Good morning, Miss Hoa Miss Hoa :-How are you?

- Write:

*key: Lan: - - , - Nga:-Good afternoon, Lan.

Lan: - - - Nga:- I am And you? Lan: - , - Nga: - Lan:-bye

*5 Play with words.

Good morning Good morning. How are you?

Good morning Good morning. Fine, thank you.


*Suggested Qs: -How to greet SB in themorning/…evening ? -How to say before going to sleep?

+ Good morning/… Good evening/ +Good night

D HOMEWORK: *Practice writing and speaking what you’ve learned *Do workbook A1&2 (P.4)


Week 15(2j) Period 44 – UNIT : YOUR HOUSE


I Aim: After finishing the lesson students can say about means of travelling – ask & answer about it

-say about their own routin II Functions Of Language: Structure: - I go to school by bike – How you go to school? Vocabulary: -(N.) :bike/bicycles – motorbike – train – plane –bus// (V.) :travel-walk

III Behavior: educate Sts going to school on time and observe traffic rules: riding bikes carefully, walking on pavements

IV Teaching aids: - a cassette player – pictures or toys of traveling: bike/motorbike/car/bus/plane/train/ ect


Teacher & Sts’s activities Contents

Oral test:* St1 describe the place where he/she lives (Book closed if possible)

*St2 describes the place where St1 lives-Also ask such questions as: ”Do you live in the city/in an apartment/house? Is there a market/bank ?”

 Today’s lesson

Presentation: -The headline:

-The structure: “How you go to school?” inVmese?

-Vocabulary : Picture 1: by bike/ bicycle Pic.2 : by motorbike Pic 3: by bus Pic.4: by car Pic.5: walk

-Play the tape (at least times)

 Listen & repeat in chorus:

*St1:I live in ahoue in the city Near myhouse there is a bank , a market… It’s very noisy here St2:(X) lives in ahouse… Near his house……. -”Yes, I do/No, I don’t I live in the country… -“Yes,there is./No,there isn’t etc……… 1 Listen: On the move? -đi lại -Bạn/em…đi học cách nào/p tiện gì? -bằng xe đạp… xe máy / xe buýt / xe con(hơi) / bộ… -I go to school by bike / motorbike /bus / car / I walk to school *Practice:


* Play roles of people in the pictures: *Practice asking & answering in pairs. Notice:-We use DOES in the questions & GOES in the answers with….?

-Play the tape of questions &answers *Listen carefully & repeat in groups /in pairs * Some pairs reproduce the Qs&As

*Do the drill in pairs/in groups Follow the ex.of Pic.1 as example(Watch the pictures & practice asking & aswering)

Consolidation: +to ask how people

travel/go… ? + to answer ?

-How does Huong go to school? - She walks to school


Model:-How does he/she…go ?-He/she…goes… 2 Listen:

+ How does Mr Hai/Mrs Lan travel to work?/to Hanoi? -He / She travels by train / by plane Practice with a partner +How does Mr Ba travel to work?

-He travels by motorbike * key: Pic.2-How does Miss Hoa travel to work? –She walks to school

Pic.3-How does Mr Kim travel to work? –He travels (to work) by train

Pic.4-How does Mrs Dung travel to work? – She travels ( to work )by car

D HOMEWORK: * Practice writing and speaking what you’ve learned * Do C1&2 (workbook Pages 70,71)

Week 15(1) -, 2OO2 - Period 43- UNIT : YOUR HOUSE B2.3 & Town or country. (cont.)


I Aim: After finishing the lesson students( Sts) can:- describe the sights around their houses simply I Functions Of Language: Structure: -Near the apartment, there is a market….There is / are

Vocabulary :apartment, flat, in the country, in town, quiet, noisy……… III Methods : communicative

IV Behavior: we love our house, our country

V Teaching aids: - a cassette player – pictures of a house and the sights n around it. B TEACHING STEPS:


Teacher &Sts’s activities Contents ral test: +Ask St1 read the text about Ba’s

house and ask some questions  Today’s lesson

*Read the passage about Ba’s house *Use the passage and write sentences about her house , *Read aloud the sentences about Chi’s

*Look at the chart and the exercise

-Guide Sts how to do: -Put a check (  ) if there’s information, and put a cross (X) if there isn’t *Listen to the cassette once Then the listening task at the 2nd listening

-Correct whatever’s wrong on the board *Some Sts give the key in front of the class Tapescript:

a Minh lives in an apartment in the city b.Tuan lives in a house in a town

c.Nga lives in a house in the city

*Ask & answer to consolidate 4.1: a you / country /? / city //

b.they/ town /? / city //

4.2: a Lan / city / ? / county// b Mr Hung / town / ? / city //

-The text and Qs on p 76 - Key from the previous lesson B2 Read Then write Key: Chi lives in a house in the country Near Chi’s house there aren’t any stores There are trees and flowers, a river, a lake and paddy fields It is very quiet

B3 Listen and check Complete the chart- Key:

B4 Remember: Expansion & notice 4.1 a.Do you live in country? I live in the countr b.Do they live in town? No, they live in the city


a.Does Lan live in the city? No, she lives in the country

b.Does Mr.Hung live in the town?–No, he lives in the city

4.3.Are there any stores? No, there aren’t

Name City Town Country Apartment house

-Minh  X X  X

-Tuan X  X X 

-Nga  X X X 

*Do + you/ I / we / they…+ live…?

Does + he / she / Chi /…V…?

aren’t = are not


Week 2(2) -Date of teaching: September 3rd , 2008

Unit 1: Greetings C.1&2 How old are you?

1.Objectives: After finishing the lesson students (Sts) can ask & answer about age –count from 1 to 20

Language content:

a- Structure: -How old are you? –I’m twelve

b - Vocabulary: years(s) old – numbers – one, two, three,….twenty 3.Techniques: Presentasion dialogue, slap the board,Pre -teach

4Teaching aids: - a cassette player – flashcards of number 5.Time : 45’


6.Procedures :


Oral test: + Teacher and Sts greet each other + A pair of Sts reproduce the same situation

Today’s lesson:

- Play the tape of numbers from one to twenty +Listen and repeat them

+Count from to 20 + Count even numbers +Count odd numbers … +Count backward

-Choose a number for class to say in English Ex 1, 5, 7,…

+Some Sts the same as the teacher does for the class /

their classmates to say and to write on the board


-Help Sts the exercise C1(workbook p.7) by speaking and writing

-Fun corner : Let’s sing a song ‘’ Ten little Indian ‘’

‘’ One little two little three little Indians Four little five little six little Indians Seven little eight little nine Indians Ten Indian boys’’

T: Good morning / afternoon, children Sts : Good morning / afternoon Mr / Miss (X)

T: How are you?

Sts: We’re fine, thank you How are you? T.: Fine, thanks

C1 Listen & repeat

1 one two three four five 6 six seven eight nine 10. Ten

11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen ….20 .twenty

C2 Practice :

- one, two, three,….twenty - two, four , six,……

- one , three, five,….nineteen

- twenty, nineteen, eighteen………… one - 0ne, five, seven,……


2 11 20 13

two eleven five twenty seven thirteen

8 14 10

eight fourteen four ten nine one

18 15

eighteen three fifteen six

16 12 17 sixteen twelve seventeen


Week 2 September 4th,2008

Period: Unit : Greetings C.3,4&6 How old are you?

1.Objectives: After finishing the lesson students( Sts) can ask & answer about age – Introduce somebody

2 Language contents: -Structure: -How old are you? –I’m twelve -Vocabulary : years(s) old

3.Techniques : Presentasion dialogue ,Jumbled words ,survey 4.Teaching aids: - a cassette player – flashcards of numbers 5.Time :45’

6.Procedures :

TEACHER & STUDENT’S ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Oral test: +count even number fr to 20

+count odd number fr 1to 19 ( write the numbers on the board) Today’s lesson:

-Present the situation picture 1:A girl greets Miss Hoa She introduces Lan to Miss Hoa:

-Miss Hoa greets Lan and asks her age: -Lan answers:

-Play the tape twice for Sts to listen and repeat *Note: -To introduce SB to SB we say? -To ask SB’s age we say? And answer? +Sts write down the notes in notebooks

-Present the situation picture 2:A boy greets Ba &

introduce Phong to Ba Ba greets Phong and asks

Phong’s age

-Play the tape twice for Sts to listen and repeat

+Practice the two dialogue in groups of three Sts -Encourage Sts to speak naturally with good intonation

-Ask some Sts’ age

Two, four, six….twenty One, three, five -nineteen C Listen and repeat -Hello, Miss Hoa This is Lan -Hello, Lan How old are you? -I’m eleven.

‘’ This is + name’’

‘’ How old are you?’’ ‘’ I’m (anumber) -Hi, Ba This is Phong

-Hi, Phong How old are you? -I’m twelve.

C4 Practice with a partner

-‘’How old are you?’’ - I’m twelve (years old) C5 Play bingo (optional)


+Practise asking & answering real age in groups +Draw squares on a pieces of paper with a series of any numbers between and 20 Listen to

the teacher read and put a mark the numbers you

hear When a Sts have numbers (down, across.),

say aloud: ’’Bingo’’( 1, 7, )

*Notice:-to ask SB’s age…? And answer …? -expansion: St1: How old are you?

St2: I’m twelve

St3: How old is (St2) ? St1:- He’s/She’s twelve

C Remember:

-How old are you? -I’m (twelve) -How old is he/ she / Lan / Ba…?

C HOMEWORK: *Practice speaking and writing what you’ve learned *Do ex C2, 3&4 (Workbook pp 8,9, &10)


 TODAY’S LESSON B2 Read Then write *Read the passage about Ba’s house.

*Use the passage and write sentences about KEY: Chi lives in a house in the country Near

Chi’s house her house , there aren’t any stores

It is very quiet

*Read aloud the sentences about Chi’s -Correct whatever’s wrong on the board

*Look at the chart and the exercise B3 Listen and check Complete the chart- -Guide Sts how to do:=Put a check ( ) if there’s Key : information,and put a cross (X) if there isn’t Name City Town Country Apartment House

*Listen to the cassette once.Then the listening Minh X X X

task at the 2nd listening Tuan X X X

*Some Sts give the key in front of the class Nga X X X


a Minh lives in an apartment in the city

b Tuan lives in a house in a town c Nga lives in a house in the city *Ask & answer to consolidate B4 Renember: Expansion & notice

4.1 Do you live in town ? No,I live in the country

Do+you/ I / we / they…+ live…? a you / country /? / city // -Do you live in the country? No, I live in the city b they/ town /? / city // -Do they…?

4.2 Does he live in town ? –No, he lives in the country

Does + he / she / Chi /…V…? a Lan / city / ? /

county// -Does Lan live in the city? No, she lives in


b Mr Hung / town / ? / city // -Does Mr Hung … ?

4.3 Are there any stores? No, there aren’t aren’t = are not

C.HOMEWORK : - Practise what you’ve learned - Do B4&B5 (workbook, Page 69) - Practise writing new words and phrases at least lines V


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