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Many visitors also go to Parliament to watch the British lawmakers at work in the House of Commons and the House of Lords.. C©u 36 : The article as a whole is about ...[r]







Name: Class: Score:

I Choose the best option A, B, C, or D

C©u : New York is the centre of … finance, communicatins and business

A Famous B Metropolitan C Global D Mingle C©u : The sound of rain falling soon … to sleep

A Composed B Lulled C Delighted D Integral C©u : Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently ?

A Endangered B Established C Recognized D Orphaned C©u : Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently ?

A Station B Nation C Question D Population C©u : is a chemical used for killing weeds

A Fertilizer B Pesticide C Herbicide D Antibiotic C©u : Bach Ma National Park is … 40km South West of Hue City

A Located B Established C Defeated D Contained C©u : Mr Pike, to … I spoke last night, is very interested in our plan

A That B Whom C Who D All are correct C©u : Which word has the stress placed differently ?

A Emotion B Communicate C Combine D Language C©u : Which word has the stress placed differently ?

A Tropical B Classical C Submarine D Finance C©u 10 : It’s a pity the lake wasn’t frozen If it … frozen, we … skating

A Had been/ would have gone B Were/ went C Was/ could go D Is/ will go C©u 11 : Mary’s colleagues gave her a present when she retired

A Her was given a present by Mary’s colleagues when she retired B She was given a present by Mary’s colleagues when she retired C Mary was given a present by her colleagues when she retired D Mary was gave a present when she retired by her colleagues

C©u 12 : Which part needs correcting? I am saving up for buying a new computer

A Am saving B For buying C Up D A C©u 13 : Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently ?

A Father B Although C They D Think

C©u 14 : Which part needs correcting? - Nguyen Du, that wrote Kieu Story, was one of the greatest Vietnamese poets

A The greatest B Poets C One of D That C©u 15 : Let’s play some music

A Good idea B Certainly C Yes, please D Thank you C©u 16 : Sperm whale population are … risk due to hunting

A At B In C On D About C©u 17 : Try to eliminate wrongdoings from your life

A Get rid of B Add C Continue D Move C©u 18 : I … you a call if I … some help

A Will give/ need B Give/ need C Would give/ needed D Give/ will need C©u 19 : The World Cup is … for its clash of football cultures

A Fascinated B To fascinate C Fascinate D Fascinating C©u 20 : Bob Dylan/ one/ important/ contemporary/ rock music

A Bob Dylan is one of the important men in contemporary rock music B Bob Dylan is one of the most important man of contemporary rock music C Bob Dylan is one of the most important men in contemporary rock music D Bob Dylan is one of important men in contemporary rock music

C©u 21 : Would you like … ice cream ? There’s one in fridge.…

A An/ a B An/ the C The/ a D x/ x C©u 22 : … New York isn’t the capital of the USA, it’s the home of the United Nations

A Despite B In spite of C Because D Although C©u 23 : Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently ?

A Musician B Space C Recycle D Center

C©u 24 : I have brothers All of them are married A I have brothers, whom all of are married

B I have brothers, all of whom are married C I have brothers, all of who are married D I have brothers, who all of are married C©u 25 : As a teacher, I learn to control my

A Hopes B Works C Emotions D Abilities C©u 26 : Some species of rare aniamls are in …

A Dangerous B Endangered C Endanger D Danger C©u 27 : I think the way Jessica behaved was quite …

A Shocked B Shocking C Shock D Shockly

II Read the text, then fill in the gaps with the best answer A,B,C or D.


The Lake District is in the North-West of England and it has more visitors than any other countryside area in Britain (28) -it’s only 50 kilometres long, it has many lakes You can sail on some of the big lakes or you can walk in the mountains.You don’t need to be a very good walker; (29) - the weather can suddenly become very cold and wet, (30) - it’s important to wear strong boots and (31) - clothes.Wordsworth is its most famous poet but many (32) -well-known writers and artists lived there.There are cheap hotels (33) - in or you can go camping.If you go to England,try to visit the Lake District.You won’t be (34) -.It often rains there but the (35) - are always beautiful

C©u 28: A But B Because C However D Although C©u 29: A However B Therefore C Because D Although C©u 30: A Such B If C So D Unless C©u 31: A Thin B Warm C Hot D Light C©u 32: A Another B Other C Different D Else C©u 33: A Stay B Staying C To stay D For staying C©u 34: A Disappoint B Disappointing C Disappointed D Disappointment C©u 35: A Picture B Countryside C Views D Scenery

III Choose the best answer for the following passage

London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the largest cities in the world It is also a very old city, dating back nearly 2000 years to days of the Roman Empire

London, which is located on the River Thames and near the Atlantic coast, is one of the busiest centers of commerce and finance in the world

People of many nationalities and occupations can be found in this historic city In the shopping areas, a wide range of goods is offered to the public People travel about the large, busy city in subways or on double-decked buses At the center of London is Trafalgar Square, with its tall statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson, a British hero Other attractions for visitors to London include Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, St Paul’s Cathedral, the British Museum and many lovely parks and gardens Many visitors also go to Parliament to watch the British lawmakers at work in the House of Commons and the House of Lords

C©u 36 : The article as a whole is about

A London, a large, busy city B The capital of the U.S C Admiral Horatio Nelson D Commerce and finance C©u 37 : We learn from the passage that

A Sea trade probably helped London grow B London is a new city

C London is located on the ocean D London was the captical of the Roman Empire C©u 38 : Which of the following is not true ?

A London is a large city B London is 5000 years old C Buckingham Palace is located in London D London is on the Thames River C©u 39 : The House of Commons and the House of Lords are parts of

A St Paul’s Cathedral B Buckingham Palace C The British Museum D The British Parrliament C©u 40 : The statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson is found …

A at the center of London B in the British Museum C in Trafalgar Square D in Buckingham Palace

Ngày đăng: 19/04/2021, 22:17

