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Nội dung

Mary told John to book her seat in advance.. IV/ Choose the word or phrase that would not be appropriate in standard written English...[r]


UNIT 1,2

Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1.A far B dark C target D mat

2.A.heat B repeat C meat D heart 3.A beat B.tea C lead D.head 4.A month B.wonderful C lovely D woman A.lunch B sunny C student D subject Choose the most suitable word or phrase

The children agree - the candy equally

A divide B to divide C.dividing D having divided My cousin is keen on - the English club

A.join B to join C.having joined D joining They advise me - a raincoat

A to wear B wear C wearing D wore 9.We should avoid - other people ‘s feeling

A hurt B to hurt C hurting D.having hurt 10.Don’t forget - her message when you see her

A giving B to give C give D gave 11 John - in Paris for ten years before he moved to Rome

A.have lived B lived C had lived D.was living 12 I - for two hours every night

A study B has studied C.has been studying D.studied 13 A As a rule he gets up early

B He as a rule gets up early C He gets as a rule up early D He gets up early as a rule 14.I - snails

A have never eaten B have eaten never C never have eaten D has never eaten

15 I remember - you somewhere last month

A meet B met C to meet D meeting 16 He - in time for meals

A always is B is always C were always D always were 17 They - up late all night

A sometimes stay B stay sometimes C sometimes stays D stays sometimes 18.We dinner at home on Saturdays

A don’t have B haven’t had C didn’t had D aren’t having 19 When I was a child, I usually - fishing with my brother

A.use to go B went C.gone D go 20 I usually avoid - to the parties

A go B to go C going D gone 21 He’s expecting - a trip to Ha Long Bay


22 Students stopped - noise when the teacher came in

A to make B made C making D make 23.Would you mind - a newspaper?

A bought B buying C to buy D buy

24 After the visistors - climbing in the mountains, they enjoyed fresh air at the seaside A gone B have gone C has gone D had gone

25 When they met again, they - each other for ten years

A haven’t seen B didn’t see C don’t see D hadn’t seen 26 The fire alarm went off when smoke rose

A burned B rang C shouted D exploded 27 We use a to break up the earth and plant seeds

A car B plough C dog D land 28 We are contented with what we

A satisfied with B disappointed with C interested in D fond of 29.The plane is due to leave at 10 o’clock, so we should hurry up or we will be late for it A must B needn’t C had better D shouldn’t

30 He had many interesting _ while he was traveling in America

a.experiment b.experienced c experiences d experience 31 Whenever you see a house on fire, call out the fire

a.bridegroom b brigade c brigadier d bridge 32.When her children are at school, Mrs Baker does her usual a.weather b field c routines d rubbish 33.Turn the radio down, or you will wake the _

a neighbors b.neighbourly c neighbourhood d.neighbouring 34 Another word for fasten is

a frighten b loosen c lengthen d tighten

35 Mr Lam occasionally goes to work on foot It means he walks to work a never b sometimes c often d usually

36.Lam always his bike to school

a runs b drives c travels d rides 37 This schhol is from most others

a same b similar c special d different 38 In an English class, working in seems helpful a two b couples c pairs d both 39.Nam is interested taking an art course a in b on c of d with



Choose the best answer among A , B , C or D that best completes each sentence : 1 John is always late for class , ……….annoys the teacher

A which B this C what D that

2 Now I don’t go to school on foot as I ………

A had been B did C used to D was

3 Without the Braille Alphabet it would be very difficult for ……… A the disabled B the deaf C the mute D the blind 4 Thuy’s class is different……….other classes because the children are


A on B from C in D at

5 Her job is……… of mentally retarded children in the area

A looking B taking care C taking notice D


6 We’ve lost her phone number , which makes it difficult ………her

A contacting B contacted C to contact D contact

7 Jane……….for the telephone company , but now she has a job at the post office

A works B used to work C having worked D working 8 By the time he arrived , his classmates………

A had left B has left C left D was left

9 The little boy is helping……….cross the street

A the poor B the rich C the blind D the young

10 Our teacher is very proud………her work

A in B at C of D with

Choose the underlined part among A, B , C or D that needs correcting : 11 Jane couldn’t come to my birthday party , this made me feel sad A B C D 12 Dennis used to smoking a lot a year ago


13 I look forward to have the resolution to the problem I have mentioned A B C D

14 We didn’t like the Club because the poor quality of its service A B C D

15 Our teacher sometimes encourages us our homework in class when we have time.



Louis Braille was born in France in 1809 His father had a small business He made shoes and other things from leather Louis liked to help his father in the store even when he was very small One day when Louis was years old , he was cutting some leather Suddenly the knife slipped and hit him in the eye He soon became completely blind When he was ten years old , he entered the National Institute for the blind in Paris One day his class went to visit a special exhibit by a captain in the army One thing in the exhibit was very interesting for Louis It showed message in code Armies send messages in secret codes so no one else can read them The captain wrote this code in raised letters on very thick paper

Louis thought a lot about this code Then he decided to write in the same way so the blind could “read “ with their fingers It is very difficult to feel the differences between raised letters Instead of letters , Louis used a “cell “ of six dots He

arranged the dots with two dots across and the three down So blind people can read and write even write music by Braille

16 Louis Braille’s father made things from

A leather B wool C exhibit D codes

17 When Louis was ten years old , he began to study A at a local school B at a university C at a special school for the blind D in the army 18 He saw a special exhibit It showed……… in code

A messages B systems C arrangements D computers

19 It is difficult to feel the differences between

A coded messages B arrangements of dots

C a system of raised dots D raised letters 20 Which of these sentences is probably NOT true ?

A Braille invented a system of reading of blind people B Braille visited an exhibit of codes.

C Braille system is used for everyone D Louis Braille was an intelligent boy Key

1.a2.c 3.d 4.b 5.b 6.c 7.b 8.a 9.c 10.c 11 b 12.b 13 b 14.b 15.b 16 a 17 c 18.a 19 d 20 c


Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences : 1 My aunt has just bought an………cooker

A electric B electrical C electricity D



A photocopier B printer C speaker D mouse

3 The Internet helps us to interact……… other people around the world

A to B from C of D with

4 Do you remember Mrs Lan , ………taught us English ?

A Who B Whom C that D Which

5 I’ve been in this city for a long time I ………here sixteen years ago

A have come B was coming C came D had come

Choose the underlined part among A, B , C or D that needs correcting : 6 Hanoi , that is the capital of our country , is a city of peace A B C D

7 Have you finish the report yet ? A B C D

8 We are looking forward for going on a wonderful summer holiday A B C D

9 Everything is ready , but the guests haven’t came yet A B C D

10 That’s the man who daughter is studying with me A B C D

Choose the correct sentence among A, B , C or D which has the same meaning as the given one :

11 She has just made this dress

A This dress has just been made by her B She didn’t make this dress before C She has never made any dress before. D She could make this dress but she didn’t 12 I have never seen such an interesting film

A This is the first time I have seen such an interesting film B This film is the best I have ever seen

C This is the first time I saw such an interesting film D This is the best film that I saw

13 The traffic jam prevented me from going to work A I could go to work although there was traffic jam B There was traffic jam but I went to work on time C I couldn’t go to work because of the traffic jam D I went to work and there was traffic jam

14 Unlike her mother , she doesn’t know how to cook A Her mother doesn’t want her to cook


A They arrived late enough to catch the bus

B They didn’t catch the bus because they arrived too late C They had to catch another bus

D They couldn’t catch the bus although they arrived early

Choose A , B , C or D which shows the best way of making a sentence from the words provided :

16 who / hear / deaf / one / can’t / anything / a / person / the / is // A A deaf person is the one who can’t hear anything

B A dead person is the one who anything can’t hear C A deaf one is the person who anything can’t hear D A one who can’t hear anything is the deaf person 17 been / our / a / has / built / village / new / just / in / school //

A A new school in our village just been has built B A school new has been just built in our village C A school new in our village built has just been D A new shool has just been built in our village

18 machine / can / calculations / a / small / that / calculator / / is / a / electronic //.

A A small electronic machine is a calculator that can calculations B A small electronic calculator can calculations that is a machine C A calculator is a small electronic machine that can calculations D A calculator that can calculations is a small machine

19 we / seen / left / haven’t / we / since / school / her // A We left school school since we haven’t seen her B We haven’t seen her since we left school

C We haven’t left shool since we seen her D We left school since we haven’t seen her 20 know / which / computers / / shop / sells / you / a //

A Do you know a shop which sells computers ? B Do you know which a shop sells computers ? C Do you know computers which a shop sells ? D Do you know shop which sells a computers ? Key

1 a b d 4.a 5.c 6.a 7.b 8.b 9.d 10.b 11.a 12.a 13.c 14.c

15.b 16.a 17.d 18.c 19.b 20.a CLASS 10


1 a computer b turn c miraculous d accuracy

2 a calculation b passion c question d mention


4 a look b tooth c school d afternoon

5 a put b full c fun d could

6 Computer-controlled robots are now common in industrial manufacture.

a service b production c preparation d communication

7 She sings She is famous for her voice.

a beauty b beautify c beautiful d beautifully

8 Since the 1970s, computers at a low enough cost to allow individuals to own a personal computer.

a are produced b will be producedc were produced d have been produced 9 The study of computer hardware _ part of computer engineering.

a is usually considered b usually considered c being usually considered d usually considering

10 I wish I _younger.

a had been b would be c were d have been

11 No one has used this computer for a long time. a This computer has not been used for a long time b This computer was not used for a long time. c This computer has been used for a long time. d This computer has not used for a long time.

12 a physical b mysterious c personal d magical

13 a receive b perform c manage d relax

14 a capable b beautiful c interesting d attractive

15 He has not got much progress in learning English as he expects because he is not capable _ remember vocabulary.

a on b in c for d of

16 A computer consists of hardware and software.

a screen b physical part c programs d keyboard

17 It _ that at least 47,000 jobs were lost last year due the economic crisis.

a calculates b calculated c has just been calculatedd had been calcualated 18 John is reading a novel _ by Jack London.

a write b written c writing d to write

19 Peter suggested a new computer but his father disapproved.

a buy b to buy c buying d bought

20 It is a computer which allows us _ any kind of document.

a type b to type c typing d typed


1 a nearly b ear c hear d early

2 a bird b skirt c shirt d hire

3 a today b together c work d progressive


a places where people go on holiday b places where people have medical tests c places where people go on business

d places where people learn foreign languages

5 She resumed her career as a tour guide after an interval of six years taking care of her two sons.

a continued b ended c protect d persuade

6 Mary _ to work everyday, but today she _ for a bus.

a is driving / waitsb drives / is waiting c has driven / is going to wait d is going to wait / has waited

7 Please close the windows The rain .

a came b is coming c would come d had come

8 There is an international football match on TV tonight Liverpool against Manchester.

a are playing b has played c was playing d has

been playing

9 These boys _ in the garden for three hours.

a are working b have been working c will be working d were working

10 Tomorrow we this place I _ for this.

a are going to leave / am waiting b will leave / waited c have left / have waited d had left / was waiting

11 a reason b lotus c forest d resort

12 a occasion b pagoda c permission d understand

13 I cannot wait until the weekend _.

a comes b is coming c is going to come d will come

14 The weather forecast says that it is 33 degrees Celsius and tomorrow it hotter.

a is even being b has even been c is going to be d will be being 15 I Mr Thompson at the airport at o’clock this afternoon.

a often meet b am meeting c was meeting d had been


16 a recent b exam c decide d permit

17 a early b garden c never d decide

18 At last, the discussion came to an end with the sound conclusions.

a finished b delayed c postponed d persuaded

19 Gold is _ expensive than it used to be.

a as much b much more c as more d many

20 You are going to leave for Paris on Sunday, ?



Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others.

1 A wild B try C mystery D violent

2 A enjoy B taught C thought D saw

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.

3 A.computer B media C medicine D president

4 A newspaper B encourage C responsible D effective

Choose the one word or phrase A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence.

5 .is a system connecting millions of computer worldwide A The television B The Internet C The media D The phone The scheme allows students from many countries with each other

A communicate B to communicate C communicating D communicates

7 the storm warnings, we did not go out last night

A Since B In spite of C Because of D The result When I arrived at the party, Lucy home

A has already gone B had already gone

C already went D already was going English people spent 18 hours per week TV

A watching B to watch C watch D for watching 10 I've lived in a small house near the coast 1990

A from B since C in D for

11 Since Mr Hassan president, both taxes and unemployment A has become/ increased B became/ increased

C became/ have increased D has become/ have increased 12 Although he was seriously ill, he was determined to finish his work

In spite of

A the serious ill, he was determined to finish his work B be ill seriously, he was determined to finish his work

C his serious illness, he was determined to finish his work D he was ill seriously, he was determined to finish his work

13 I've still got the camera because no one has claimed it I've still got the camera A because it hasn't claimed

B because of claiming on it

C because of no claim has been made on it D because it has been claimed by no one

14 My father ……….in this bank for 15 years Then he gave it up A has worked B had worked C worked D works A Choose the one option - a, b, c or d - that best completes the passage.


The poor countries (17) 'the developing countries' A lot of people not have (18) food to eat and medicine to cure illnesses In some parts, children are


starving The land of those countries is

too poor to

cultivate anything on They not know (19) new farming methods as well as inventions and discoveries of science and technology


, they not have enough money to it They certainly need help from (20) countries

15 A into B to C in D from 16 A another B other C others D one

17 A call B have called C called D are called 18 A very B too C many D enough

19 A applying B apply C how to apply D how applying 20 A rich B the rich C another rich D a rich


Choose the word that has the underlined letters pronounced differently from the others. A famous B nervous C dangerous D mountain

2 A town B cow C snow D brown

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.

3 A community B villagers C diseases D important A standard B instead C forecast D respect

Choose the one word or phrase A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence.

5 Last year we had a bumper crop of strawberries

A good crop B poor crop C early crop D bad crop

6 If our office a coffee machine, Mr Perkins said he would make coffee.

A had B have C will have D would have

7 If you your homework, I you watch TV A won't do/ let B did/ won't let

C don't do/ won't let D won't do/ don't let If it heavily next week, we plant the vegetables

A rains/ won't be able to B will rain/ aren't going to C rain/ would not D will rain/ don't plan If you this button, the computer

A press/ works B will press/ works

C press/ could work D had pressed/ will works 10 We'll be late unless we now

A leave B don't leave C had left D have left 11 'Please don't leave your boots in the hall.'

My mother always tells me

A not to leave my boots in the hall B don't leave my boots in the hall C not to leave your boots in the hall D not leave my boots in the hall 12 `Book my seat in advance.' Mary said to John

A Mary said to John to book her seat in advance B Mary told John book her seat in advance

C Mary told John that he booked her seat in advance: D Mary told John to book her seat in advance


13 Two days ago, the weather forecaster warned us that a tornado is coming


14 We asked Sean sing a song at the party ? A B C D

15 At the interview they asked me when can you start work


16 If I will have to make a difficult decision, I always discuss it with my friends


17 Unless we work harder, we would not finish on time A B C D

18 Sandy called from Miami during the storm and said she was swimming here


19 She wanted to know whether have I seen Paul recently


20 The teacher say the class that hot air rises and cold air sinks A B C D



1 C B 11 C 16 B

2 A C 12 C 17 D

3 A B 13 D 18 D

4 A A 14 B 19 C

5 B 10 B 15 A 20 A


Ngày đăng: 19/04/2021, 18:27

