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    • TEST FOR UNIT 10


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BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 10 UNIT 1 :A DAY IN THE LIFE OF I. Write the word so that /I/ becomes /i:/ and vice versa. /i/ /i:/ 1 1. rich reach 2 peak 3. hit 3. beat 3. rid 6. sheep 7. live 8 seek 9. sin 9. chip II. Match the italicized verbs in column A with their meanings in column B. A B 1. When did the plane take off? a. building 2. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went off. b. move downward 3. Let's take a break. We'll goon when you are ready c. made stop burning 4. Could you get me up early tomorrow? d. leave the ground 5. She laughed and chatted happily with other women e. talked in a friendly way 6. Did anyone see Sue getting on the bus? f. stopped 7. Suddenly the plane seemed to dip. g. getting into 8. I've given up trying to understand her. h. get out of bed 9. We had trouble putting up the tent in the dark. i. continue 10. Fire fighters soon put out the fire. j. rang, III. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verb in the brackets. There (1) (be) three adults and two children in the Bartons. The children are Ben, aged twelve, and little Stella, who is four. Their parents are Andrew and Marion. The other adult is Leslie, who is Andrew's brother. He is twenty-four. They (2) (live) in Newcastle, a large city in the north- east of England. On weekday mornings, everyone (3) (get up) early. Andrew Barton 4) (work) for a company which (5) (manufacture) computers. He (6) (leave) at seven o'clock. He (7) (like) to avoid the rush hour, he says. Marion (8) (suspect) that really he wants to avoid having breakfast with the children, who (9) (be) very noisy. Ben (10) (catch) the school bus at eight-fifteen. Leslie (11) (be) at university, studying physics. He lives away from home during term-time, so he (12) (avoid) the noise, too. Stella (13) (not go) to school yet, of course. Next year, she (14) (start) at the nursery school where Ben used to go. Her mother (15) (look) forward to this. as it will mean that she can go back to work. Before her marriage, she (16) (live) in London, where she (17) (work) for the National Gallery. She (18) (hope) to find the same sort of job in Newcastle. IV. Complete the conversation. Put in the past simple form of the verbs. Claire : (1) (you/ have) a nice weekend in Paris? Mark : Yes, thanks. It (2) (be) good. We (3) (look) around and then we (4) (see) a show. We (5) (not/ try) to do too much. Claire : What sights (6) (you/ see)? Mark : We had a look round the Louvre. I (7) (not/ know) there was so much in there. Claire : And what show (8) (you/ go) to? Mark : Oh, a musical. I forget the name. I (9) (not/ like) it. Claire : Oh dear. And (10) (Sarah/ enjoy) it? Mark : No. not really. But we (11) (enjoy) the weekend. Sarah did some shopping, too, but I (12) (not want) to go shopping. V. Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form. 1. Trees more quickly in summer than in winter. (grow) 1. 'Shall I phone at 6:00?' `No, I dinner at that time. (normally/ cook) 2. We at about 7:00. Couldn't you come an hour later? (usually/ get up) 3. In 1788 he his last great work in Vienna. (write) 5. She at Kennedy Airport at 2 o'clock this morning. (arrive) 6. I refuse to believe that he the car was stolen. (not know) 7. ‘How are you getting on with the book?' At the moment I chapter four. (read) 8. My mother all the doors and windows before she goes to bed. (lock) 9. I away most of my old books when 1 moved house. (throw) 2 8. Scientists some fundamental discoveries in the 18th century. (make) 10. Alice her mother in London most weekends. (see) 11. 'What's that terrible noise?' `The neighbors a party.' (have) 12. At the start of his career, Cousteau the aqualung, opening the oceans to explorers, scientists, and leisure divers. (invent) 13. durian when you lived in Malaysia? (ever/ eat) 9. Both ancient and recent records show that farmers long hours.(work) VI. Choose the correct verb form. 1. I'd like to borrow this book. it yet? a. Did you read b. Had you read c. Have you read d. Do you read 2. We in this town for a long time. We here sixteen years ago. a. had been/ come b. have been/ came c. were/ came d. are! came 3. No breakfast for Mark, thanks. He breakfast. a. hasn't eaten b. didn't eat c. isn't eating d. doesn't eat 4. The news came as no surprise to me. I for some time that the factory was likely to close. a. knew b. had known c. have known d. know 5. Fish were among the earliest forms of life. Fish on earth for ages and ages. a. existed b. are existing c. have existed d. exist 6. Glenda extremely hard when she was a student. a. worked b. has worked c. was working d. had been worked 7. The World War II in 1939 and in 1945. a. begins/ ends b. had begun/ ended c. has begun/ had ended d. began/ ended 8. I at the checkout when I a strange-looking man. a. waited/ noticed b. was waiting/ noticed c. waited/ was noticing d. was waiting/ had noticed 9. According to the research reports, people usually in their sleep 25 to 30 times each night. a. turn b. are turning c. have turned d. turned. . 10. Homestead High School's football team a championship until last season. a. has never won b. had never been winning c. is never winning d. had never won VII. Complete the conversations using the words in brackets. Put the adverbs in the best place. 1. A: Did you know the man who tried to steal your bag? B: No, but I him again. (certainly/ recognize / would) 2. A: That was a goal, wasn't it? B: Yes, the ball the line. (clearly/crossed) 3. A: The weather is a lot better today. B: It said on the radio it later. (probe/ rain/ will) 4. A: How do we get to Mike's place? B: I don't know. I the directions. (didn't/ fully / understand) 5. A: It's quiet here today, isn't it? B: Yes, the neighbors cut on a Sunday. (usually/are) 6. A: Have you been to this place before? B: Yes, I as a child. (it/ occasionally/visited) 7. A: Did the computers crash this morning? B: Yes. but they main. (soon/ were/working) 8. A: Your friend's late. Vicky. B: Rachel that we arranged to go out. (forgotten/ has/ obviously) 9. A: Do you know them? B: Yes, they live in the same street as me but I to them. (never/ have/ spoken) 10. A: Have you finished your homework yet? B: Yes, I have. But I homework. (hate/really) VIII. Are the adverbs in the right position or not? If they are correct, put a tick. If they are not, write the correct answer. 1. He sings always when he's having a shower. 3 2. I just have bought a new car. 3. Normally, we don't worry if the children are late home from school. 4. He speaks fluently five languages. 5. Jenny has been appointed recently Professor of Nursing. 6. I was totally unprepared for the news. 7. The traffic isn't usually as bad as it was this morning. 8. He had been to London never before. 9. Susan became soon bored with the new toys. 10. John frequently was away from home in his new job. 11. They are at home these days hardly ever. 12. I could never understand why he got so annoyed. 13. We had been already given three leaving presents. 14. Being alone brought her usually a sense of peace. 15. Jim never phones me. I have always to phone him. IX. Read the passage, then choose the correct completion. Last year 1 went to Nepal for three months to York in a hospital. When the hospital let me have a few days' holiday, 1 decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me. In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We climbed onto the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat o the day. Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet. We crept nearer and found a dead deer. still bleeding. This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly. I started to feel very frightened. We heard the tiger a second before we saw it. It jumped out like a flash of lightning, five hundred kilos plus and four. meters long. I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal's throat. It grabbed Kornal's between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away. One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger cat its lunch. That night it was impossible to sleep! 1. The writer went to Nepal a. for holiday b. for treatment c. for business d. on a visit 2. When having a few days off, he decided to go into a. the remote villages b. the mountains c. the seaside d. the tropical forest 3. He wanted to see a. wildcats b. tigers c. wildlife d. wild animals 4. He felt very frightened when a. he saw a tiger b. he saw the tiger's lunch a. chat c. he crept nearer d. he found a deer 5. The tiger a.was like a flash of light b.saw them a second before they saw it c.jumped out very fast d.jumped out of the grass at about four meters. 6. Kamal made his escape when a. one of the elephants ran at the tiger b. the tiger went back into the grass c. the tiger ate its lunch d. the writer pulled him away TEST FOR UNIT 1 I. PRONUNCIATION A. Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others. 1. a. scream b. death c. ready d. peasant 2. a. traveled b. stared c. landed d. seemed 3. a. chat b. panic c. park d. passenger 4. a. frightening b. brigade c. pilot d. fire 5. a. technology b. teaching c. purchase d. lunch B. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. 1. a. tobacco b. contented c. buffalo d. transplanting 2. a. passenger b. purchase c. district d. routine 3. a. technology b. comfortable c. activity d. experience 4. a. repair b. harrow c. arrive d. announce 4 5. a. interested b. serious c. wonderful d. immediate II. VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSION Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. 1 . John isn't content with his present salary. a. excited about b. satisfied with c. disappointed about d. interested in 2. We the seedlings into peaty soil. a. take b. plough c. raise d. transplant 3. We seldom set: each other anymore. a. sometimes b. occasionally c. frequently d. rarely 4. She purchased a number of shares in the company. a. invested b. sold c. exchanged d. bought 5. She got as soon as the alarm clock went a. over/ on b. up/ down c. up! off d. on/ off. 6. The plane from Dallas two hours late, so I missed my connecting flight from Frankfurt to London. a. took on b. took in c. took over d. took off 7. We had a nice chat over a cup of tea. a. formal talk b. informal talk c. serious talk d. long talk 8. It was time to the kids ready for bed. a. prepare b. get c. take d. make 9. Houses as a bomb exploded in the neighborhood. a. dipped b. disappeared c. dropped d. shook 10. It was a difficult tune, but we never gave up hope. a. stopped b. continued c. had d. offered III. GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE A. Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence. 1. I'll see him when he here tomorrow a. comes b. will come c. has come d. had come 2. We've given up to persuade them a. trying/ changing b. trying/ to change c. to try/ changing d. try/ to change 3. Maria is going to stop dinner, so she may be late. a. eating b. to eat c. for eating d. eat 4. As soon as the light turned red, she the car. a. stopped b. has stopped c. was stopping d. stops 5. The baby is so big! How much now? a. is she weighing b. she weighs c. does she weigh d. did she weigh 6. Harry works all the time. He a. never relaxes b. relaxes never c. often relaxes d. relaxes sometimes 7. These glasses are so dirty. You need them. a. wash b. washing. c. to washed d. washed 8. The last time I swimming was when we were in Spain. a. had gone b. went c. has gone d. was going. 8. Johnny the paper when I him. a. read/ interrupted b. read! was interrupting c: has read/ interrupted d. was reading. interrupted 9. We were told and fasten our seat belts. a. to sit down b. sitting down c. sit down d. that sit down 10. I at six o'clock, but to be up by five. a. normally get up/ I have sometimes b. normally get up/ sometimes I have c. get normally up/ sometimes I have d. get normally up/ I sometimes have 11. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody to bed. a. have gone b. went c. had gone d. goes 12. It was the most experience of my life. a. frighten b. frightening c. frightened d. frightful 8. I sympathize with your point of view. I cannot accept it. a. Although b. In spite of c. Because d. As 5 15 a long time for the bus. a. We have to always wait b. We always have to wait c. We have always to wait d. We have to wait always B. Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B. C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. 1. It was an extremely frightened experience in my life. A B C D 2. Mark went on working despite he felt unwell. A B C D 3. Frank is usually swimming before work, but this morning he is jogging. A B C D 4. Once when 1 was ten. I used to get sick and went to the hospital. A B C D 5. As soon as the alarm clock had gone off, she woke up and go out of bed. A B C D 6. All the children have been returned safe to their parents. A B C D 7. I know you're too busy to stay, but I look forward to see you again A B C D 8. Have you forgotten to lock the back door frequently? A B C D 9. I like lying on the beach, so I always spend my holiday to sunbath. A B C D 10. The bank lent us money for a down payment, so now we owned the house we used to rent. A B C D IV. SPEAKING Choose the sentence or phrase that best completes the dialogue. A: What do you usually do on your day off? B: (1) ________________________________________________ A: Do you get much exercise? A:(2) ________________________________________________ A: How often do you exercise? A:(3) ________________________________________________ B: What do you usually do? A:(4) ________________________________________________ A: Where do you go swimming? A:(5) ________________________________________________ A: You're really in good shape! A:(6) ________________________________________________ 1. a. I usually drive to work. b. I will sleep all day. c. I usually do not much. d. Nothing much. I always sleep until noon. 2. a. I usually do b. Yes. I do c. How about you? d. Very often. 3. a. No, I sometimes do. b. Yes, I often do. c. About three times a week. d. Often I don't do. 4. a. I usually go swimming and play badminton. b. No. I never do c. I go straight home after work. d. I watch TV a lot. 5. a. Every day from 5 to 6. b. I always go to the YWCA. c. No, I play tennis d. I usually go by motorbike 6. a. Yeah, I'm a real couch potato. b. Oh, are you? c. Thanks a lot. d. Good for you! V. READING COMPREHENSION A. Choose the one option - a, b, c or d - that best fits each of the numbered blank. David Evans is a farmer. He does farming on his own land in Wales. The farm has (1) his family for generations. The soil is poor. David (2) sheep on his land. He does not employ 6 (3) fulltime workers. His sons help him when they are not (4) school. His wife adds to the family income by (5) eggs which her hens produce. In summer she often (6) paying guests into the farmhouse. The guests from the city enjoy their quiet holiday in the clean country (7) and Mrs. Evans enjoys having some (8) money to spend on clothes for her children and herself. However, it is a lonely life for the Evans family when the guests have gone. The question is that if his children want to (9) the farm when Mr. Evans gives up working. Country life is quiet and (10) _to them. It is quite likely that they will leave the farm for the city some day. 1. a. been to b. belonged to c. possessed d. depended on 2. a. feeds b. Grows c. raises d. leads 3. a. some b. more c. much d. any 4. a. in b. for c. at d. on 5. a. selling b. sells c. to sell d. sell 6. a. take b. takes c. took d. is taking 7. a. wind b. sights c. life d. air 8. a. more b. free c. extra d. interest 9. a. take off b. take over c. take after d. take care 10. a. interesting b. exciting c. dull d. peaceful B. Read the passage, then choose the correct answer –a, b. c. or d. ROUTINES Think about your daily life. Do you follow the same read :o work every day? Do you sit in the same place in class? When you get dressed, do you always put the same leg or arm in first? You probably do, because we all have routines in our lives. Routines save time and energy because you do them without thinking, that's why they are so important in the morning when your brain isn't active. Here's Jo talking about her morning routine. 'Oh yes. I always do exactly the same things. 1 wake up at seven o'clock every morning, but I don't get quarter past seven. I switch on the radio and listen to the news. Then I go to the too and I brush my- teeth. I have a shower and dry my hair. Then I choose my clothes and I get dressed. I don't eat anything for breakfast. I just have a cup of coffee. Then I go to work. Yes, it's always the same.' Routines are very useful. but they also make you uncreative. So sometimes it's a good idea to break your routines. Get out of bed on the opposite side. Listen to a different radio station. Take a different route to work. Eat something different for breakfast. Change your routine. You never know, it could change your life. 1. This passage is mainly concerned with a. our usual ways of doing things b. our daily activities c. Jo's timetable d. changes in our lives 2. According to the passage, routines are useful because a. we can do them in the morning b. they make a habit of never thinking c. they save time and energy d. we all have them in our lives 3. The word 'loo' in line 9 can best be replaced with a. balcony b. bedroom c. sink d. toilet 4. What is the main disadvantage of routines? a.Routines make us unable to create things or to have new ideas. b.Routines may change our life. c.Routines make a habit of never thinking before doing. d.Routines make us do the same things day after day. 5. Which of the sentences is true? a.Routines make our brain creative. b.People who have routines are unable to think. c.We shouldn't break our routines .d.Our lives could be changed if we change our routines. VI. WRITING Choose the best answer to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. 1. I wish I hadn't sold my bike. I regret ______________________________________ a. to sell my bike. b. selling my bike. c. I had sold my bike. d. not to sell my bike. 2. No one told me about the change of plan. I_____________________________________ a.knew about the change of plan. b.am not known about the change of plan. c.was told about the change of plan. d. didn’t know about the change of plan. 7 3. Nigel felt sick from eating too many cakes. Nigel felt sick because _____________ a. he has eaten a lot of cakes. B. he was eating too many cakes. c. there were too many cakes he ate. D. he had eaten too many cakes. 4. In the middle of our lunch there was a knock at the door. When _____________________________________ a.we were having lunch, there was a knock at the door. b.we knocked at the door, we were having lunch. c.we had just finished lunch, there was a knock at the door. d.our lunch were in the middle there Was a knock at the door. 5. Their game of badminton is always on Tuesday. They_____________________________________ a. always play their game of badminton b. play badminton always on Tuesday. c. always play badminton on Tuesday. d. have always played badminton on Tue: 6. Adrian wears jeans all the time. Adrian _____________________________________ a. always wears jeans. b. often wears jeans. c. sometimes wears jeans d. usually wears jeans. UNIT 2 :SCHOOL TALKS I. Pick out the word that has the italicized letter pronounced /∧/ or /n:/. marvelous far kind love cousin maths hard subject games worry much headmaster communicate study talk director company charge complain package father July discuss language during money wrote travel party shop / ^/ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ / / ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. entertain maths nation relax safe profession enjoy employ attend. crowd 1. The police gave him protection for his own 2. How many times do I have to ask you to pay ? 3. The company made hundreds of redundant. 4. The store was with shoppers. 5. The show brought to millions of viewers. 6. She listens to classical music for 7. Cinema is a medium of mass 8. He can calculate very quickly. He has an amazing ability to solve problems. 9. In 1963 he was appointed of history. 10. Dang Thai Son is a Vietnamese pianist with an reputation. III. Put a circle round the letter of the correct word(s) to use in each blank. 1. do you want? ~ A box of chocolates. a. What b. Which c. Who d. How 2 is this building? ~ It's about two hundred years old. a. How long b. How far c. How old d. How 3. money do you earn? ~About £250 a week. a. How much b. What c. How many d Which 4. bag are you carrying? ~ Judy's. a. Which b. What c. who’s d. Whose 4. first stepped on the moon? ~Neil Amstrong, wasn't it? a. Whose b. Who c. Where d. When 6. is your new school? ~ It's very big and friendly. a. What b. How c. Where d. Which 7. is it to tile post office? ~ About two hundred meters. a. How far b. How long c. How often d. How much 8. is your national flag? Red and yellow. 8 a. What b. Which of color c. What color d. Which 9. do you take a holiday? ~ Once a year. a. When b. How long c. What time d. How often 10. is Greg like'? ~ He's tall and thin with brown hair. a. What b. How c. Who d. Whom 11. did the . Second World War end? ~ in 1945. a. Where b. When c. What time d. How long. 12. is a half of football? ~ forty-five minutes. a. What time b. How often c. How lone d. When 12. of holiday are you interested in?"~ package holiday. a. Which b What c. Which kind d. What kind 13. hand do you write with? ~ My right hand. a. Which b. What c. Whose d. What sort of 14. did the package come from? ~ London. a. When b. Where c. Which d. Who IV. What would you say? Put a circle round the letter of the best reply to each question. 1. Where's the nearest post office? a. Turn left and then right. b. It's about two kilometers. c. It opens at nine o'clock. 2. What's your new address? a. It's the old one. b. Go straight on c. Flat 42B, 225 Nathan Road, Kowloon. 1. How do we get there'? a. Flat 42B Nathan Road. b. Yes, you do. c. Turn right just after the Bank of China. 4. How far is it from here? a. Two kilometers, at least b. No, it isn't. c. Yes, it's rather far. 5. I think I'll go by bus. Where's the nearest bus stop': a. Cross the road and turn left. b. Five hundred metres, I suppose. c. It's five minutes by bus. 6. What time is there a bus? a. Twice a day. b. An hour and a half. c. Seven thirty 7. How often do the buses run? a. Twice or three times. b. Every hour. c. From that bus stop over there. 8. Can you tell me the way to Milus College from your flat? a. Yes, I can b. It's round the corner. c. I know it 9. How long does it take to get to Dave's place from your flat? a. It's a long way. b. About one kilometers. c. Thirty five minutes. 10. Do you know where there's a public telephone? a.There's one at the bottom of the street. b.Not very far from here. c.I know there is. V. Write sentences about yourself. Say whether you like or don't like these activities. Choose one of these verbs for each sentence: (don't) like, love, enjoy, hate, don't mind. be fond of, be interested in, detest, can't stand/ can't bear, prefer. 1: (fly) I like flying 2. (play football) 3. (lie on the beach) 4. (go to the museum) 5. (wait for biases in the rain) 6. (work on Saturdays) 7. (do the washing-up) 8. (do parachute jumps) 9. (be alone) 10. (be shouted at) VI. Complete the conversations. Put in a to-infinitive or an in -form. 1. A: I always want to visit San Francisco. B: Me too. I'd love to visit it some time. 2. A: Tom seems to enjoy watching football matches. B: Yes, he loves Manchester United play. 3. A: Do you think they'll approve the plan? B: Yes, I'm quite sure they'll decide it. 4. A: Do you want to come with me or wait here?' B: I'd prefer with you if that's OK. 9 5. A: You wear a uniform at school, don't you? B: Yes, I have to, although I dislike it. 6. A: I'm glad I don't work as late as Sarah does. B: Me too. I wouldn't like such long hours. 7. A: Have ICM bought the company? B: Well, they've offered it. 8. A: How long have you been working here? B: For about three years. But now I need a new job. I can't stand here any more. 9. A: What time will you be back? B: Oh, I expect back some time around nine 10. A: I'm sorry you had to wait all that time. B: Oh, it's all right. I don't mind VII. Complete this text with the correct answer Being a student involves (1) (take) responsibility for (2) (organize) your own time, there fore, you need (3) (learn) about planning your time and workload effectively. You can learn to do this through practice and through stopping (4) (think) about what works or doesn't work for you. Try (5) (set) yourself goals and target and give yourself small rewards. Don't try (6) (do) too much at once have regular breaks. If you fail (7) (finish) a piece of work as quickly as you expected, don't feel bad, just be more realistic your planning next time. If you find that you avoid even (8) (start) work, stop (9) (make) excuses and start today! You will! feel much better once you do. VIII. Choose the correct answer. 1. Ann is interested in young children. a. teach b. teaches c. to teach d. teaching 2. I finished the book and went to bed a. reading b. to read c. read d. to be read 3. The police questioned me at some length, and I didn't enjoy. a. to question b. questioning c. to be questioned d. being questioned 4. Dad allowed Dora to the party. a. going b. to go c. go d. gone 5. My teacher always expected me well in exams a. do b. doing c. to do d. to have done 6. Will you please stop TV channels? a. to change b. change c. be changed d. changing 7. My glasses are in my book bag, but I don't remember them there. a. putting b. to put c. I put d. put 8. I'd like somewhere different for a change. a. to go b. going c. go d. to have gone 9. He agreed the job as soon as possible. a. start b. starting c. to start d. to be started. 10. The searchers found the boy in the barn. a. to shelter b. shelter c. sheltering d. being sheltered 11. Look at those windows! They really need a. to, clean b. cleaning c. to be cleaned d. b and care correct 12. I'm tired. I'd rather out this evening, if you don't mind. a not going b. not to go c. don't go d. not go 13. My bank manager advised a loan. a. to take me out b. me taking out c. me to take out d. me take out 14. I must go now. I promised late. a. not being b. not to be c. to not be d. I wouldn't be 15. The children are looking forward their grandma again a. seeing b. to see c. to seeing d. to be seen 16. Our teacher made me all the questions. a. answer b. to answer c. answering d. answered 17. 1 don't mind home but I'd rather a taxi. a. to walk/ to get b. walking/ to get c. walking/ get d. to walk/ getting 18. It isn't sale . for children on ladders. a. playing b. to play c. play d. played 10 [...]... (7) .earn more money than he (8) at the high school _ he new company is (9) ., and the money may be very good in deed (10) Kevin can hardly quit T his teaching job! He loves it 1 a mathematic b 2 a shy b 3 a class b 4 a to join b 5 a to get 6 a was done 7 a actually 8 a do 9 a excited 10 a Therefore mathematics embarrassed career join b to produce b does b ready b does b excitedly b Furthermore c mathematical... checkout where no one else (5) had waited/ was waiting When the cashier (6) checked/ had checked the goods, the man (7) gave/ was giving, her a 10 note When she (8) was opening/ opened the till, the man quickly (9) snatched/ had snatched ail the money from it and (10) ran/ had run, out of the store before she (11) had realized/ realized what (12) was happening / happened At the time the security guard... climates a Even though b In spite of c Nevertheless d Despite 9 We got the plane at 10. 30 and the plane took on time a in/ off b on/ up in/ out d on/ off 7 People are fleeing, the area in panic a excitement b fear c -gust d danger 6 does it take to get to London from here? a How far b How much c How often d How long 10 Before the plane takes off, passengers must their seat belts a fasten b flee... 10 Jim passed his driving test pool It's a real nuisance That was very kind of him 1 My phone is out of order, which is a real nuisance 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. .. fed (10) the computer is correct 1 a powerful b significant c strange d mysterious 2 a previously b lately c frequently d continuously 3 a hard b brain c manual d intellectual 4 a doing b does c did d done 5 a manufactured b done c worked d performed 6 a be b being c been d to be 7 a machines b computers c programs d devices 8 a which b that c itself d themselves 9 a if b unless c whether d while 10. .. here 7 I (take) the book back to the library when I (read) it 8 The house was very quiet when I (get) home Everybody (go) out for dinner 9 After she (fill) the basket (go) to the check out 10 Yesterday morning I (remember) the answer the question Bob (ask) me the night before, so I (phone) him 11 Las night, I (go) to Jim’s room and (knock) on the door but there (be) no answer Either... have dinner a Finding b After finding c Having found 8 I English for four years now a have learned b am learning c learned 9 I'll .another time, Kevin a keep pace with y b keep you pace with you with 10 Just keep on .what you like a do b did c doing 11 The guide encouraged the tourists the ? Prado Museum in Madrid a visit b to visit c visiting 12 Shhh! I hear someone in the distance Do you hear... standing at the Other end of the store When staff (l4) checked/ had checked the records in the till, they (15) had found/ found that the thief (16) took / had taken only £4.37 As he (17) left/ had left the 10 note behind, the operation (18) cost/ had cost him £5.63 VI Choose the correct answers 1 'Was Tom there when you arrived?' `Yes, but he .home soon afterwards’ a goes b went c had gone d were going... things (7) to go wrong, he said 'I was just Unlucky to lose it later All companies (8) through good times - and through bad times Now (9) several lessons which I'll 4 never forget.' He said that he (10) to call his new company 'Office-fit' and was already very successful Office Fit’ and was already very successful 1 a manufacture b manufacturing c to manufacture d manufactured 2 a furniture b furniture... mature c ambitious d developed 8 The new road should help traffic problems a raise b create c ease d cause 9 There is no explanation for what happened a scientist b scientific c scientifically d since 10 The new surgeon will her post in May a go on b get over c take up d look after III GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE A Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence 1 The man . BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 10 UNIT 1 :A DAY IN THE LIFE OF I. Write the word so that /I/ becomes /i:/ and vice versa. /i/. man (7) gave/ was giving , her a 10 note. When she (8) was opening/ opened the till, the man quickly (9) snatched/ had snatched ail the money from it and (10) ran/ had run , out of the store that really he wants to avoid having breakfast with the children, who (9) (be) very noisy. Ben (10) (catch) the school bus at eight-fifteen. Leslie (11) (be) at university, studying physics. He

Ngày đăng: 14/05/2015, 22:54

