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When the hospital let me have a few days' holiday, I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me.. In the jungle there was a lot of, but it is un[r]




01 { | } ~ 11 { | } ~ 21 { | } ~ 31 { | } ~ 02 { | } ~ 12 { | } ~ 22 { | } ~ 32 { | } ~ 03 { | } ~ 13 { | } ~ 23 { | } ~ 33 { | } ~ 04 { | } ~ 14 { | } ~ 24 { | } ~ 34 { | } ~ 05 { | } ~ 15 { | } ~ 25 { | } ~ 35 { | } ~ 06 { | } ~ 16 { | } ~ 26 { | } ~ 36 { | } ~ 07 { | } ~ 17 { | } ~ 27 { | } ~ 37 { | } ~ 08 { | } ~ 18 { | } ~ 28 { | } ~ 38 { | } ~ 09 { | } ~ 19 { | } ~ 29 { | } ~ 39 { | } ~ 10 { | } ~ 20 { | } ~ 30 { | } ~ 40 { | } ~ I PRONUNCIARION

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

01.A club B summer C public D educate

02.A combs B teachers C textbooks D arrives

03.A decided B visited C wanted D handicapped

04.A corn B can C city D cup

05.A ridden B whiten C given D risen

II Choose the underlined word or phrase in the sentence that needs correcting 06 I’d like buying some earrings like yours.

A B C D 07 Peter apologized for break the vase. A B C D

08 The teacher told us to keep quietly during the lesson. A B C D

09 We’re looking forward to see you again.

A B C D 10 David asked me telling him the time.


III Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 11 My brother a long hair.

A doesn't have B don't have C not has D doesn't has

12 Mr.Nam and came last night

A mine B my C I D me

13.Thank you very much lending me your bike.

A for B of C in D about

14.Which of the following sentences is not true

A I advised them not to drink too much beer. B He advised them not to drink too much beer. C They advised me not drink too much beer. D They advised me not to drink too much beer. 15 She at the moment.

A singing B isn't singing C are singing D isn't sing

16 Mary apologized not phoning me earlier.

A on B in C to D for

17.He told us to wait him at the bus stop

A the previous day B next Sunday C yesterday D tomorrow

18 Which of the following sentences is not true

A He told me to give him my phone number B The teacher told we to keep quiet C They promised to come back again D The teacher told us to keep quiet 19 “Don’t forget to ring me”


20.The doctor advised him and to take up some sport.

A stop smoke B stop smoking C to stop to smoke D to stop smoking 21 He this letter since last night.

A writes B has written C wrote D have written 22 The children prefer TV to

A watch / read B to watch / reading C watching / read D watching / reading 23.It is easy animals on the road in daylight.

A see B saw C to see D seeing

24 ) Someone told us sit on the stairs.

A to not B not to C not D don’t

25 Peter insisted driving me to the station.

A for B on C of D to

26 .he usually his homework at night

A Does /  B Does / do C Does / does D Do / do

27 George asked to call him last night.

A hers B she C herself D her

28 We work hard for our entrance exam.

A has to B didn't have to C haven't to D doesn't have to

29 Which of the following sentences is true

A She asked me not to open the window. B She asked me not open the window. C She asked not to open the window. D She asked me to not open the window 30.I asked him (explain) but he refused (say) any thing.

A to explain/ to say B explaining / saying C explaining / to say D to explain / saying 31 They often to school in the morning.

A to go B went C go D goes

32 all went with

A Us / them B Us / they C We / them D We/ they

33 They an English lesson tomorrow

A will have B Not have C will has D have

IV Read the passsage, then choose the correct completion.

Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital When the hospital let me have a few days' holiday, I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers We climbed onto the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat of the day Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet We crept nearer and found a dead deer, still bleeding This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly I started to feel very frightened

We heard the tiger a second before we saw it It jumped out like a flash of lightning, five hundred kilos plus and four meters long I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal's throat It grabbed( chộp) Kamal's leg between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch That night it was impossible to sleep!

34 The writer went to Nepal

A for treatment B for holiday C on a visit D for business 35 When having a few days off, he decided to go into

A the remote villages B the tropical forest C the seaside D the mountains 36 He felt very frightened when

A he crept nearer B he saw a tiger C he saw the tiger's lunch D he found a deer 37 He wanted to see

A wildlife B tigers C wild animals D wildcats

V Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

38 A annual B stimulate C final D competition

39 A northern B highland C effective D village



01 { | } ~ 11 { | } ~ 21 { | } ~ 31 { | } ~ 02 { | } ~ 12 { | } ~ 22 { | } ~ 32 { | } ~ 03 { | } ~ 13 { | } ~ 23 { | } ~ 33 { | } ~ 04 { | } ~ 14 { | } ~ 24 { | } ~ 34 { | } ~ 05 { | } ~ 15 { | } ~ 25 { | } ~ 35 { | } ~ 06 { | } ~ 16 { | } ~ 26 { | } ~ 36 { | } ~ 07 { | } ~ 17 { | } ~ 27 { | } ~ 37 { | } ~ 08 { | } ~ 18 { | } ~ 28 { | } ~ 38 { | } ~ 09 { | } ~ 19 { | } ~ 29 { | } ~ 39 { | } ~ 10 { | } ~ 20 { | } ~ 30 { | } ~ 40 { | } ~ I Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

01 A effective B northern C highland D village

02 A nation B volunteer C hospital D college

03 A competition B annual C stimulate D final


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 04 A textbooks B combs C teachers D arrives

05 A decided B wanted C handicapped D visited

06 A risen B whiten C ridden D given

07 A corn B can C cup D city

08.A summer B club C educate D public

III Choose the underlined word or phrase in the sentence that needs correcting 09 Peter apologized for break the vase.

A B C D 10 I’d like buying some earrings like yours. A B C D

11 David asked me telling him the time. A B C D

12 The teacher told us to keep quietly during the lesson. A B C D

13 We’re looking forward to see you again.

A B C D IV Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

14 We work hard for our entrance exam.

A has to B didn't have to C haven't to D doesn't have to

15.I asked him (explain) but he refused (say) any thing.

A to explain/ to say B to explain / saying C explaining / to say D explaining / saying 16.The doctor advised him and to take up some sport.

A stop smoking B to stop smoking C stop smoke D to stop to smoke 17 “Don’t forget to ring me”

A I offered to be rung B.I advised David to ring me

C You promised to ring me D.I reminded David to ring me

18 Peter insisted driving me to the station

A for B of C to D on

19 The children prefer TV to

A to watch / reading B watch / read C watching / reading D watching / read 20 They often to school in the morning.

A goes B to go C go D went


22.He told us to wait him at the bus stop

A next Sunday B tomorrow C yesterday D the previous day

23 George asked to call him last night

A she B her C hers D herself

24 They an English lesson tomorrow

A Not have B have C will have D will has

25 My brother a long hair.

A don't have B not has C doesn't has D doesn't have

26.Which of the following sentences is not true

A I advised them not to drink too much beer. B They advised me not drink too much beer. C He advised them not to drink too much beer. D They advised me not to drink too much beer. 27.It is easy animals on the road in daylight.

A seeing B see C saw D to see

28.Thank you very much lending me your bike.

A of B in C about D for

29 Mary apologized not phoning me earlier

A for B on C to D in

30 ) Someone told us sit on the stairs.

A don’t B not to C to not D not

31 He this letter since last night.

A has written B have written C writes D wrote

32 She at the moment.

A are singing B isn't singing C isn't sing D singing

33 Which of the following sentences is not true

A They promised to come back again B He told me to give him my phone number C The teacher told us to keep quiet D The teacher told we to keep quiet

34 Which of the following sentences is true

A She asked me to not open the window B She asked not to open the window. C She asked me not to open the window. D She asked me not open the window. 35 .he usually his homework at night

A Does / do B Does /  C Does / does D Do / do

36 Mr.Nam and came last night

A my B mine C I D me

V Read the passsage, then choose the correct completion.

Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital When the hospital let me have a few days' holiday, I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers We climbed onto the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat of the day Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet We crept nearer and found a dead deer, still bleeding This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly I started to feel very frightened

We heard the tiger a second before we saw it It jumped out like a flash of lightning, five hundred kilos plus and four meters long I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal's throat It grabbed( chộp) Kamal's leg between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch That night it was impossible to sleep!

37 When having a few days off, he decided to go into

A the tropical forest B the seaside C the remote villages D the mountains 38 He felt very frightened when

A he crept nearer B he saw the tiger's lunch C he saw a tiger D he found a deer 39 He wanted to see

A wildcats B wild animals C wildlife D tigers

40 The writer went to Nepal



01 { | } ~ 11 { | } ~ 21 { | } ~ 31 { | } ~ 02 { | } ~ 12 { | } ~ 22 { | } ~ 32 { | } ~ 03 { | } ~ 13 { | } ~ 23 { | } ~ 33 { | } ~ 04 { | } ~ 14 { | } ~ 24 { | } ~ 34 { | } ~ 05 { | } ~ 15 { | } ~ 25 { | } ~ 35 { | } ~ 06 { | } ~ 16 { | } ~ 26 { | } ~ 36 { | } ~ 07 { | } ~ 17 { | } ~ 27 { | } ~ 37 { | } ~ 08 { | } ~ 18 { | } ~ 28 { | } ~ 38 { | } ~ 09 { | } ~ 19 { | } ~ 29 { | } ~ 39 { | } ~ 10 { | } ~ 20 { | } ~ 30 { | } ~ 40 { | } ~ I Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

01 Which of the following sentences is not true

A The teacher told we to keep quiet B They promised to come back again C He told me to give him my phone number D The teacher told us to keep quiet 02 Which of the following sentences is true

A She asked me to not open the window B She asked me not open the window. C She asked not to open the window. D She asked me not to open the window. 03 all went with

A Us / they B We/ they C Us / them D We / them

04 Peter insisted driving me to the station.

A of B on C to D for

05.The doctor advised him and to take up some sport.

A to stop to smoke B stop smoking C stop smoke D to stop smoking 06 The children prefer TV to .

A to watch / reading B watch / read C watching / reading D watching / read 07 “Don’t forget to ring me”

A I advised David to ring me B I offered to be rung

C You promised to ring me D I reminded David to ring me 08 I asked him (explain) but he refused (say) any thing.

A explaining / to say B to explain / saying C explaining / saying D to explain/ to say 09 Someone told us sit on the stairs.

A not to B not C to not D don’t

10 They an English lesson tomorrow

A will has B will have C Not have D have

11 They often to school in the morning.

A goes B to go C go D went

12 Mr.Nam and came last night

A me B my C mine D I

13 We work hard for our entrance exam.

A doesn't have to B has to C haven't to D didn't have to

14.He told us to wait him at the bus stop

A yesterday B next Sunday C the previous day D tomorrow 15 .he usually his homework at night

A Does /  B Does / does C Does / do D Do / do

16.It is easy animals on the road in daylight.

A to see B seeing C saw D see


18.Thank you very much lending me your bike.

A for B of C about D in

19.Which of the following sentences is not true

A They advised me not drink too much beer. B He advised them not to drink too much beer. C They advised me not to drink too much beer. D I advised them not to drink too much beer. 20 Mary apologized not phoning me earlier.

A on B for C in D to

21 He this letter since last night.

A have written B writes C wrote D has written

22 George asked to call him last night.

A herself B she C hers D her

23 She at the moment.

A singing B isn't sing C are singing D isn't singing

II Choose the underlined word or phrase in the sentence that needs correcting 24 We’re looking forward to see you again.

A B C D 25 I’d like buying some earrings like yours. A B C D

26 Peter apologized for break the vase. A B C D

27 David asked me telling him the time. A B C D.

28 The teacher told us to keep quietly during the lesson. A B C D III PRONUNCIARION

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

29.A educate B summer C club D public

30 A cup B can C corn D city

31.A ridden B whiten C given D risen

32.A teachers B arrives C textbooks D combs

33.A wanted B handicapped C visited D decided

IV Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

34 A final B competition C annual D stimulate

35 A highland B village C northern D effective

`` 36 A hospital B nation C volunteer D college

V Read the passsage, then choose the correct completion.

Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital When the hospital let me have a few days' holiday, I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers We climbed onto the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat of the day Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet We crept nearer and found a dead deer, still bleeding This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly I started to feel very frightened

We heard the tiger a second before we saw it It jumped out like a flash of lightning, five hundred kilos plus and four meters long I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal's throat It grabbed( chộp) Kamal's leg between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch That night it was impossible to sleep!

37 He felt very frightened when

A he found a deer B he saw a tiger C he crept nearer D he saw the tiger's lunch 38 He wanted to see

A wild animals B wildcats C wildlife D tigers 39 When having a few days off, he decided to go into

A the tropical forest B the seaside C the remote villages D the mountains 40 The writer went to Nepal



01 { | } ~ 11 { | } ~ 21 { | } ~ 31 { | } ~ 02 { | } ~ 12 { | } ~ 22 { | } ~ 32 { | } ~ 03 { | } ~ 13 { | } ~ 23 { | } ~ 33 { | } ~ 04 { | } ~ 14 { | } ~ 24 { | } ~ 34 { | } ~ 05 { | } ~ 15 { | } ~ 25 { | } ~ 35 { | } ~ 06 { | } ~ 16 { | } ~ 26 { | } ~ 36 { | } ~ 07 { | } ~ 17 { | } ~ 27 { | } ~ 37 { | } ~ 08 { | } ~ 18 { | } ~ 28 { | } ~ 38 { | } ~ 09 { | } ~ 19 { | } ~ 29 { | } ~ 39 { | } ~ 10 { | } ~ 20 { | } ~ 30 { | } ~ 40 { | } ~ I PRONUNCIARION

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

01 A corn B cup C city D can

02.A educate B summer C public D club

03.A combs B teachers C textbooks D arrives

04.A ridden B risen C whiten D given

05.A decided B wanted C handicapped D visited II Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.

06 A final B annual C stimulate D competition

07 A village B highland C effective D northern

08 A nation B college C hospital D volunteer

III Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 09.It is easy animals on the road in daylight.

A to see B seeing C saw D see

10.I asked him (explain) but he refused (say) any thing. A explaining / to say B to explain / saying

C to explain/ to say D explaining / saying 11 .he usually his homework at night

A Does / does B Does /  C Do / do D Does / do

12 ) Someone told us sit on the stairs.

A not to B don’t C to not D not

13.Which of the following sentences is not true

A They advised me not drink too much beer. B He advised them not to drink too much beer. C I advised them not to drink too much beer. D They advised me not to drink too much beer. 14 They often to school in the morning.

A goes B went C go D to go

15 Mary apologized not phoning me earlier.

A on B for C to D in

16 He this letter since last night.

A has written B writes C have written D wrote

17 We work hard for our entrance exam.

A has to B doesn't have to C didn't have to D haven't to

18 “Don’t forget to ring me”

A I offered to be rung B.I advised David to ring me

C You promised to ring me D.I reminded David to ring me


20 My brother a long hair.

A doesn't has B doesn't have C don't have D not has

21 George asked to call him last night.

A hers B her C herself D she

22.The doctor advised him and to take up some sport.

A stop smoking B stop smoke C to stop to smoke D to stop smoking 23 They an English lesson tomorrow

A will has B Not have C will have D have

24.He told us to wait him at the bus stop

A next Sunday B tomorrow C the previous day D yesterday

25 Which of the following sentences is true

A She asked me not open the window. B She asked not to open the window. C She asked me to not open the window D She asked me not to open the window. 26.Thank you very much lending me your bike.

A in B about C of D for

27 all went with

A We / them B Us / they C We/ they D Us / them

28 Mr.Nam and came last night

A me B my C mine D I

29 The children prefer TV to

A to watch / reading B watching / read C watch / read D watching / reading 30 Which of the following sentences is not true

A He told me to give him my phone number B The teacher told we to keep quiet C They promised to come back again D The teacher told us to keep quiet 31 Peter insisted driving me to the station.

A to B on C for D of

IV Read the passsage, then choose the correct completion.

Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital When the hospital let me have a few days' holiday, I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me In the jungle there was a lot of, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat of the day Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet We crept nearer and found a dead deer, still bleeding This was the tiger's wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers We climbed onto the elephants' backs to get better view lunch! Suddenly I started to feel very frightened

We heard the tiger a second before we saw it It jumped out like a flash of lightning, five hundred kilos plus and four meters long I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal's throat It grabbed( chộp) Kamal's leg between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch That night it was impossible to sleep!

32 When having a few days off, he decided to go into

A the tropical forest B the mountains C the seaside D the remote villages 33 He felt very frightened when

A he crept nearer B he saw the tiger's lunch C he saw a tiger D he found a deer 34 He wanted to see

A wildcats B wild animals C wildlife D tigers

35 The writer went to Nepal

A for business B for holiday C for treatment D on a visit V Choose the underlined word or phrase in the sentence that needs correcting

36 We’re looking forward to see you again. A B C D

37 David asked me telling him the time. A B C D

38 Peter apologized for break the vase. A B C D

39 The teacher told us to keep quietly during the lesson. A B C D 40 I’d like buying some earrings like yours.


Đáp án đề: 001 ĐÁP ÁN KT TIẾT LỚP 11 BÀI 2

01 - - - ~ 11 { - - - 21 - | - - 31 - - } - 02 - - } - 12 - - } - 22 - - - ~ 32 - - } - 03 - - - ~ 13 { - - - 23 - - } - 33 { - - - 04 - - } - 14 - - } - 24 - | - - 34 - | - - 05 - - } - 15 - | - - 25 - | - - 35 - | - - 06 - | - - 16 - - - ~ 26 - | - - 36 - - } - 07 - - - ~ 17 { - - - 27 - - - ~ 37 - | - - 08 - - - ~ 18 - | - - 28 - | - - 38 - - - ~ 09 - - - ~ 19 { - - - 29 { - - - 39 - - } - 10 - - - ~ 20 - - - ~ 30 { - - - 40 - - } -

Đáp án đề: 002

01 { - - - 11 { - - - 21 - - - ~ 31 { - - - 02 - | - - 12 - - } - 22 - - - ~ 32 - | - - 03 { - - - 13 - - - ~ 23 - | - - 33 - - - ~ 04 { - - - 14 - | - - 24 - - } - 34 - - } - 05 - - } - 15 { - - - 25 - - - ~ 35 { - - - 06 - - - ~ 16 - | - - 26 - | - - 36 - - } - 07 - - - ~ 17 - - - ~ 27 - - - ~ 37 { - - - 08 - - } - 18 - - - ~ 28 - - - ~ 38 - | - - 09 - - - ~ 19 - - } - 29 { - - - 39 - - - ~ 10 - | - - 20 - - } - 30 - | - - 40 - - } -

Đáp án đề: 003

01 { - - - 11 - - } - 21 - - - ~ 31 - - } - 02 - - - ~ 12 - - - ~ 22 - - - ~ 32 - - } - 03 - - - ~ 13 - - - ~ 23 - - - ~ 33 - | - - 04 - | - - 14 - - } - 24 - | - - 34 - | - - 05 - - - ~ 15 - - } - 25 - | - - 35 - - - ~ 06 - - } - 16 { - - - 26 - - - ~ 36 - - } - 07 - - - ~ 17 - - - ~ 27 - | - - 37 - - - ~ 08 - - - ~ 18 { - - - 28 - - } - 38 - - - ~ 09 { - - - 19 { - - - 29 { - - - 39 { - - - 10 - | - - 20 - | - - 30 - - - ~ 40 { - - -

Đáp án đề: 004

Ngày đăng: 19/04/2021, 17:53
