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preparing date nguyôn b¸ h​­¬ng quy chau high school preparing date wednesday april 8th 2009 teaching date 9th period 91th unit 15 women in society lesson a reading i aim by the end of the lesson st

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The chart shows a comparison of the average week time that married women have to spend on their housework with those of married men. Strikingly, in families of 1-2 children, men spend al[r]


Preparing date: Wednesday, April 8th 2009 Teaching date: 9th

Period: 91th


Lesson A : Reading I Aim: By the end of the lesson, students can:

- use dictionaries to look up the meanings of the words

- make intensive reading to find out information in the lesson - practice reading skills such as skimming, clustering

II Skills : reading, speaking

III Aids: Lesson plan, textbook, available pictures, prepared pictures, other materials. IV Procedures:

Stages T’s activities Work

Arrangement Warm up


Making conversation:

- Ask Ss to make a short conversation with a school girl /boy about her/his mother’s daily routines, activities at home and in society E.g

A: What does your mother at home? B: She has to most of the housework

A: What does she have to at work B: ……… - T asks Ss to compare her mother’s with her father’s

Pair work

Before you read


* Eliciting pictures:

Look at the pictures and answer the questions that follow:(p 162) a) How many roles does this woman have?

b) Is her life typical of a Viet… woman’s life? Why / Why not? c) In your opinion, what is a typical Vietnamese woman like? * Vocabulary:

- civilization (n) [,sivəlai'zei∫n; ,sivəli'zei∫n] nền văn minhè civilize (v)

- deep-seated (adj): ăn sâu (vào tiềm thức), lâu đời - involvement [in'vɔlvmənt] tham gia(n) è involve (v)

- Age of Enlightment [in'laitnmənt] (n.p): Thời đại khai sáng

- philosopher [fi'lɔsəfə(r)] (n) : nhà triết học

- pioneer [,paiə'niə(r)] (n): a person who is the first to something

- advocate ['ædvəkit] (v): agree, support: tán thành

- discriminate ['krimineit] phân biệt(v)è discrimination (n)

* Check technique: R & R

Individual work

While you read


Task 1: Read the passage quickly and give the Vietnamese equivalents to the words and phrases (page 163)

- Guide the students how to read all the words and phrases in T - Ask Sts to read the words and phrases by themselves

- Check Ss by asking some Sts to read aloud

- Ask the students to read the text and underline words and phrases in the text



- T helps sts use dictionaries to look up the words’ meanings - Feedback and give correct answer

1: nền văn minh nhân loại 2: việc sinh con, việc mang thai 3: tham gia 4: thời đại khai sáng

5: niềm tin ăn sâu vào tiềm thức 7: lực trí ṭ

6: việc chăm sóc gia đình 7: lực trí ṭ.8: hội việc làm bình đẳng

Task 2: Choose the best option A,B,C or D to answer the following questions.

- Ask the sts to read the text again and choose the best option - Help Sts understand the Qs and the options clearly by explaining some words if necessary

-Ask the students to work in pairs and share their opinions -Ask some students to write their options on the board while others speak aloud their ideas to the class

- Ask Sts to look at the board and give the comments -Feedbacks and give correct answers

Keys: 1:C 2:D 3:C 4:B 5:A

Task 3: Choose the best title for the passage.

-Ask the students to read the passage again and find out the main information for each paragraph

- Go around to monitor and help

- Check by asking some Qs for each paragraph

- Ask the sts to work in Gs to choose the best title for the passage - Ask a representation from each groups to give their idea on the board while others listen and give the comments

- Feedbacks and gives corrects answer:

Key: C - Women’s Rights

Group work

After you read


- Work in groups Summarize the reading passage by writing ONE sentence for each paragraph Suggested key:

1 In the past, women were restricted to the role of mothers and wives due to the widespread doubt about their intellectual ability

2 The struggle for the women’s rights began in the 18th century as European political philosophers believed that women should be treated equally

3 Women now enjoy important legal rights such as equal work opportunities and equal pay, the right to vote and to gain education

Group work


2’ - Summarize the main points- Ask pls to prepare Lesson speaking Whole class Preparing date: Sun, April 12th 2009

Teaching date: 13th Period: 92th



I Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to improve their speaking skill and know some expressions to give the opinions

II Aids: pictures, posters, textbook… III Procedures:

Stages T’s activities Work

Arrangement Warm-up


Game: Matching

- Hang on the poster and ask pls to match the column A and B


Partly agreeing

I think…/I believe…/In my opinion,…/ From my point of view, …/ As I see it, Giving your


I quite agree./ I agree with you completely./ Absolutely!/ That’s right!

Strongly agreeing

Well, I see your point but…/I don’t quite agree/ To a certain extent, yes, but…

Strongly disagreeing

I don’t agree./ I’m afraid, I disagree./ That’s’ wrong./That’s’ not true

Disagreeing What nonsense!/ What rubbish!/I completely disagree

- Explain the information in the table and how to say some expression

(These expressions are commonly used when people are expressed the agreement or disagreement.)

Pair work

Before you Speak



+ neglect (v): lãng + rear nuôi dưỡng + slave (n) : lô lệ + nonsense(n) : vơ lí + rubbish (n): điều vơ lý

Task 1:- Ask pls to use the table above and practice saying them aloud

- Explain the information in the table and how to say some expression (These expressions are commonly used when people are expressed the agreement or disagreement.)

- Help the Sts practise saying the expression - Go around to monitor and help Sts

- Call some Sts read the expressions aloud - Listen and check if necessary

Individual work

While you speak


Task 2: - Ask Sts to read sentences in task and help them

understand the statements clearly

- Ticking the statements in the suitable column.


agreeing Partlyagree Disagr Stronglydisagr

A Men are usually stronger than w … B Women are usually more sym… C Women are usually better with … D Women are usually more careful


E Men are better making … F Women are better at running … G men lost their temper more… H Women waste more time than… I Women work harder than…

- Responding to these statements in pairs Example:

A: I thinks that Men are usually stronger than women B: I quite agree/ I don’t agree

- Asks Sts to work in pair to give their opinions about these statements - Walk around to help

- Check Ss by asking some pairs to say aloud their ideas - Correct students’ pronunciation if necessary

A :Men are usually stronger than women

I think so (That’s the reason why men often hard work, such as building, carrying things )

B : Women are usually more sympathetic than men

I don’t think so because there are fathers who are gentle and understand their children better than theirs wives

After you Speak


Task 3:

- Ask Sts to read and study all the information in the table - Introduce some new structures

+ be slaves at home [sleiv] + Look down upon

+ Lose touch with (mất liên lạc với) = Lose contact with - Give the example to explain and ask Ss to read the example aloud


A: I think married women should not go to work

B: I quite agree I think if the stay at home, they have time to look after their children and husbands

C: I don’t agree It’s too boring to be housewives all their lives - Ask Sts to work in groups of and make conversations similar to the example

- Call some groups stand up and make conversations - Correct some mistake if necessary

Group work

Home work

2’ - Ask students to prepare Part C- Listening and the homework Whole class Preparing date: Tue, April 14th 2009

Teaching date: 15th Period: 93th


Lesson C : Listening


II Aids: pictures, posters, textbook, cassette… III Procedures:

Stages T’s activities Work

Arrangement Warm-up


Brainstorming: Ask pls to give out their mother’s activities at

home Class work

Before you listen


* Discuss the question

Is the life of a city woman easier than that of a village woman nowadays ? why ?

* Pre teach-Vocabulary - saying tơc ng÷

- hold-up tr×

- agricultural

- firewood cñi

- Africa

- respect kÝnh träng

- two-thirds - three-fourths * Listen and repeat.

- Ask pls to listen to the tape and listen - Call some to read again

Individual/ Pair work

While you listen


Task :

- Before Ss listen and the task T gets them to read through the questions to understand them and underline key words

- T plays the tape twice for Ss to listen and then ask them to find a partner to check their answers

-T checks the answers with the whole class If many Ss can not answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two times

T checks again and feedback then asks someone to read aloud the answers in front of the class

Answers: B C C A B Task :

- Ask them to listen again to answer the questions in task 2: - Play the cassette twice

- Go around to supervise students if necessary

- Elicit the answers from students, if their answers are right, repeat the answers, if they are wrong, give them the answers: - If most students not catch the information for the questions, let them listen again to the passage once more

* Answers:

1 40% They earn nothing for doing their domestic work

3 They produce more than half of the food

House work

Cleaning the house Washing the dishes


4 80% At 4.45 am At 9.30 pm After you

Listen 8’

Table complete - Ask pls to complete the table about a day work

An African woman A Vietnamese woman

FOOD % %




- Call some pls to report their table out class

Group work

Home work

2’ - Ss learn by heart new words and make sentences with them.- Prepare for Writing part. Whole class


Women hold up half the sky This is an old Chinese saying However, research shows that perhaps women more than their share of holding up the sky" Fifty percent of the world's population are women, but nearly two thirds of all working hours are done by women They most of the domestic work like cooking and washing clothes Millions also work outside the home Women hold forty percent of all the world's jobs For this work they earn only 40 to 60 percent as much as men, and of course they earn nothing for their domestic work

In developing countries, where three-fourths of the world's population lives, women produce more than half of the food In Africa, 80 percent of all agricultural work is done by women.

In parts of Africa, this is a typical day for a village woman At 4.45 am, she gets up, washes, and eats It takes her half an hour to walk to the fields, and she works there until 3.00 pm She collects firewood until 4.00 pm then comes back home She spends the next hour and a half preparing food to cook Then she collects water for another hour From 6.30 to 8.30 she cooks After dinner, she spends an hour washing the dishes She then goes to bed at 9.30 pm

Task 1 B C

3 C

4 A B

Task 2

1 40 % 80% at 4.45

6 at 9.30 p.m

Preparing date: Thur, April 16th 2009 Teaching date: 17th

Period: 94th


Lesson D : Writing

I Aim: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to write a report describing the information shown in the column chart

II Aids: pictures, posters, textbook, cassette… III Procedures:

Stages T’s activities Work

Arrangement Warm up:


Jjumpled word

- mairedr : ® married - child baeirng :® childbearing - househlod :® house hold - nmuber :® number

- child crae: ®child care


Pre writing 15’


a Work in pairs :

- percentage of married men and married men - roles of women and men in society

- housework hours per week b answer the questions :


1 In general, married women more housework than men

2 They have to less house work when they have more children

3 Married men have to less house work when they have more children

4 Married men and women without children spend 20 and 30 hours on their housework per week respectively

5 It takes men and women with one or two children 15 and 50 hours respectively to their house work every week They are 10 and 55

7 Married men should spend more time sharing the housework with their wives

c Some useful language:

+ The chart shows/presents/illustrates (['iləstreit]minh hoạ)

+ As can be seen from the chart, + According to the chart,

+ In general/generally speaking,

+ Strikingly ['straikiηli] nổi bật, thu hút chú ý, đáng chú ý + approximately [ə'prɔksimitli] khoảng chừng

Individual/ Class work

While-writing 15’


Write a report describing the information shown in the column chart in task in two ways

1 begin your report

The chart shows a comparison of the average week time that married women have to spend on their housework with those of married men …

2 ordering the writing (weak pls)

e In families without children, women tend to spend 30 hours per week on housework, whereas men only spend nearly 20 hours

b The chart shows a comparison of the average week time that married women have to spend on their housework with those of married men

d Strikingly, in families of 1-2 children, men spend almost the same number of housework as in households without children, while women’s working hours rises to 52 per week, much of which is on caring for their children


c What is inferred from the chart is when women are socially equal, they should first be set free from endless household chores This will come true if men give their hand

a It is quite unexpected that, in households with three or more children, men spend less time on housework than before their third child is born, while women’s toiling hours approximately reach 56 a week, and men’s actually decline to 16

Key: b -> e -> d -> a -> c Post –writing



Married women more housework than men They have to less house work when they have more children

Married men have to less house work when they have more children

Married men and women without children spend 20 and 30 hours on their housework per week respectively

Talking roles of women

Pair/ Class work

Home work 2’

Write a correct report at home Study language focus at home

Whole class

Preparing date: Sun, April 19th 2009 Teaching date: 20th

Period: 95th


Lesson E : Language Focus I Aim: - By the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

- use intonation in yes / no question

- use verbs, prepositionand make the sentences with preposition II Aids: Textbook, posters, chalk and board.

III Procedures:

Stages T’s activities Work

Arrangement Warm-up


Matching: Aks pls to match the colunm A and B


1 to glance at sb/sth to invite to

3 to listen to sb to throw sth at sb to stare at

6 to explain sth to sb

liếc nhìn / mời đến đâu

lắng nghe ném vào

nhìn chằm chằm vào giải thích cho


7 to write to sb to point to to laugh at sb 10 to speak to 11 to wait for 12 to apply to 13 to ask sb for sth 14 to search for sb

15 to have an discussion about sth 16 to leave for

17 to apply for (job)

To talk to sb (about/ of sth)

To talk about (of)

viết cho vào

cười chế nhạo nói với


áp dụng vào hỏi xin tìm

thảo luận về đâu

xin (việc làm)

nói chụn, trị chụn) nói về, bàn về

* Ask pls to make sentences using the words/phrases learnt.

EX: I glanced at the shop to find a nice hat Intonation


1 Intonation

Are you students ? Yes ,I’m

Practise reading the following sentences with the rising tune Work in pairs

Practise reading these conversations and

Individual/ pair work

Grammar 20’

2 Grammar Setting the sence

What does he ? You look at him What does it mean ? you explain it to me

verbs go with preposition

Ex choose one of the following verbs + the correct preposition page 170

- T asks ss to go to the board

- T Corrects form and check meaning Key :

1 glanced at invited to

3 listen to

4 throw at

5 staring at speaking

7 wrote to point to

Ex : Fill in each of the planks with an appropriate preposition if necessary

Key : for for

3 to for

5 about

7 about for

9 for 10 for * complete the sentences with a proper preposition T sticks poster on the board and asks ss to fill preposition

1 we wait ……… The bus I ‘m interested … reading

Pair work


2 They live …a small village she arrives …the air post

5 Tom talks …… her

Home work 2’

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2021, 21:50

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