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unit 5 the media 9th –unit 5 4 unit 5 the media phöông tieän truyeàn thoâng ñaïi chuùng 1 the media n phg tieän tr thoâng ñaïi chuùng tv radio newapapers internet 2 the internet n maïng in

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Present progressive infinitive to be working/ to be doing Perfect infinitive to have worked/ to have done.. Perfect progressive infinitive to have been working/ to have been doing Prese[r]



(Phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng)

1.(the) media N Phg tiện tr thông đại chúng ( TV, radio, newapapers, Internet)

2 (the) Internet N Maïng Internet

3 to guess v / guess,n V ( sư) đđđoán, đoán = deduce, v / deduction, n

4.to cry V Keâu to, rao = shout / call out

crier  town crier N Người rao tin

shout N Tiếng gọi lớn, tiếng kêu thét = cry / yell ≠ whisper, n 5.wide (adj)

widely (adv)

A Rộng lớn, phạm vi rộng = large ≠ narrow

6.adult, N/Aj (Người) lớn, trưởng thành = grown-up / grown person ≠ child,n/ immature,adj 7.variety

=> a variety of (Ns)

N Nhiều, đủ loại = selection /range

8 channels N Kênh truyền hình

9 stage N Giai đoạn = period / step

10.interactive Adj Tương tác, trao đổi thơng tin

interaction N Sự tương tác, hợp tác

to interact V Tương tác = work together

11.to be able to st Phr Có thể làm việc gì Dùng thay cho CAN

12 remote Adj Từ xa, xa xôi = distant/ isolated /inaccessible

/ far-off ≠ nearby

remote control N Thiết bị điều khiển từ xa

13.source N Nguoàn

source of income N Nguồn thu nhập

14.violent Adj Có tính bạo lực, đội = aggressive / cruel ≠ friendly


=> to violate NV Bạo lực, ác liệt, dộiPhạm, vi phạm to violate a law: vi phạm luậtto violate an oath: lỗi thề

15 documentary N Phim tài liệu

16.informative Adj Có nhiêu thông tin bổ ích = instructive

information N Tin tức, thông tin

to inform V Baùo, khai baùo = let somebody know/ tell / report to

≠ keep in the dark

17.telegraph N Điện báo, máy điện báo

to telegraph V Đánh điện, gửi điện báo 18.journalism N Nghề làm báo, ngành báo chí

journalist N Nhà báo = reporter/ correspondent /columnist

19.forum N Diễn đàn = meeting/ debate/ discussion

20.to post V Đưa tg tin lên mạng Internet = send/ put up

21.to surf V Lướt (internet, TV)


22.to respond V Trả lời, đáp lại = reply / answer / answer back 23.to communicate V Liên lạc, trao đồi thông tin = be in touch/ correspond /write

communication N Sự liên lạc, giao tiếp

24.wonderful Adj Tuyệt vời = magnificent / superb / fantastic

25.to deny (doing sth) V Phủ nhận = turn down ≠ to admit/ agree

26 benefit N Lợi ích, phúc lợi = profit

27.pity N/v (Lòng) thương hại, thương xót = feel sorry for / feel badly for

pitiful Adj Gợi lên thương xót = piteous / miserable/ pitiable

pitifully Adv Một cách đáng thương

28 access (to) N Sự tiếp cận, truy cập = right of entry

to access (O) V Truy cập thông tin = log on/ get into

29.to explore V Thaùm hiểm, thăm dò = search / investigate

exploration N Hoạt động thăm dò, thám hiểm

30.to wander V Ñi lang thang = to stroll

31 purpose N Mục đích = aim /object / objective /goal

/target 32.limitation N Sự hạn chế, giới hạn

to limit V Giới hạn, hạn chế = control/ reduce / restrict

33 consume V Tiêu thụ, tốn kém, xài, = expend / use up ≠ conserve 34.time-consuming Adj Tốn nhiều thời gian

35.to suffer V Chịu, chịu đựng = undergo /endure/ put up with / be

ill with

36.disadvantage N Sự bất lợi, điểm bất lợi = difficulty / inconvenience

# advantage N Tiện lợi, lợi thế


1.1 Examples of infinitive forms

Present infinitive to work, to

Present progressive infinitive to be working/ to be doing Perfect infinitive to have worked/ to have done

Perfect progressive infinitive to have been working/ to have been doing Present infinitive passive to be done

Perfect infinitive passive to have been done

1.2 Uses of the infinitive

A The infinitive may be the subject of a sentence: (appear, be, seem)

- To compromise appears advisable To lean out of the window is dangerous

- To save money now seems impossible

B The infinitive may be the complement of a verb: - His plan is to keep the affair secret

C The infinitive may be the object or part of the object of a verb.

He wants to pay. / He wants me to pay D The infinitive can express purpose

- He went to England to learn English better

1.3.Verb + to infinitive


3 Be Willing : sẵn lòng Be going to : Desire : ao ước Hope : hi vọng Decide : định Want : muốn Intend : có ý định 10 Expect : mong chờ 11 Promise : hứa 12 Command : lệnh/yêu cầu 13 Instruct : dẫn 14 Order : lệnh

15 Remind : nhắc nhở 16 Manage : cố gắng xoay sở 17 Refuse : từ chối 18 Believe : tin tưởng 19 Agree : đồng ý 20 Arrange : xếp 21 Invite : mời 22 Offer : đề nghị 23 Demand : đòi hỏi/yêu cầu 24 Deserve : xứng đáng 25 Seem : dường 26 Mean : muốn / có ý 27 Pretend : dặn dò/giả vờ 28 Ask : yêu cầu/hỏi

29 Beg : cầu xin 30 Appear : xuất 31 Threaten : đe dọa 32 Volunteer : tình nguyện 34 Hesitate : dự / ngần ngại 33 Wish : ao ước

35 Encourage : khuyến khích 36 Warn : cảnh báo/báo trước 37 Need : cần 38 Attempt : cố gắng

39 Prepare : chuẩn bị 40 Sau tính từ 2 Verb + V-ing (gerund) : DANH ĐỘNG TỪ

1 Enjoy : thích Avoid : traùnh

3 Be Worth : đáng Mind : làm phiền / ngại Postpone / Delay : trì hỗn Miss : lỡ / nhỡ Be Busy : bận It’s no use / good :chẳng có ích/ lợi Hate = Detest : ghét 10.Can’t Bear/Stand : ko thể chịu được

11 Have fun / a good time 12 Consider : xem / coi 13 Keep : giữ / 14 Be Accustomed To : quen với 15 Practice : luyện tập 16 Look forward to : mong chờ 17 Get used to / Be used to : quen với 18 Suggest : đề nghị 19 Forgive : tha thứ 20 Quit : / ngừng 21 Discuss : thảo luận 22 can’t help : nhịn 23 Admit : thừa nhận 24 Recollect : hồi tưởng 25 Appreciate : thưởng thức 26 Resist : chịu đựng 27 Tolerate : tha thứ 28 Recall : nhớ lại 29 Mention : đề cập / nói đến 30 Have difficulty : gặp khó khăn 31 Waste : lãng phí 32 Complete : hoàn tất / thành 33 Deny : từ chối 34 Recommend : khuyên

35 Understand : hiểu / biết 36 Resent : không lòng 37 Risk : mạo hiểm

38 Sau giới từ / mạo từ / tình từ sở hữu

- She is fond of reading short stories – I look foeward to hearing from you soon - The draining of those pounds was difficult for them

- Would you mind my smoking here?

**Chú ý: The verbs may be followed by either an infinitive or a gerund with little or no difference in meaning : Finish / Start / Begin / Love / Prefer / Hate/ Dislike / Like / Continue / Can’t Bear / Can’t Stand

Eg: “ They like to walk in the rain.” and “ They like walking in the rain.” 3 Verbs followed by Either the Infinitive or the Gerund :

1 Like/Dislike/Prefer/Hate/Detest V – ing: thích / ghét thật

To-infinitive : thích cho tốt nên laøm Eg : I like ( drink) ……… milk

I like (drink)……… milk Stop V – ing : ngừng hẳn


Eg : When the teacher came to class The students stopped ( talk ) ……… Feeling sleepily , the driver stops ( drink ) ……… coffee Remember / Forget / Regret V – ing : việc xảy

To-infinitive : việc chưa xảy ra/ cần phải làm Eg : I remember ( see ) ……… you somewhere but I don’t knpw your name.

Judy always remembers ( lock ) ……… the door before going out. I regret (lend) ……… him some money

I regret (tell) ……… you that you failed the test Try V – ing : thử làm việc

To – infinitive : cố gắng làm việc

Eg : I am trying ( learn ) ……… English The room was hot.I tried ( open ) ……… the window,but that didn’t help so I tried ( turn )

……… on the fan

5 Need /want V – ing / to be + Vpp: mang nghĩa bị động ( chủ ngữ vật )

To – infinitive : mang nghĩa chủ động ( chủ ngữ người ) Eg : The blackboard is very dirty It needs ( clean ) ………

He needs ( try ) ……… hard in his studying. EXERCISES

I Choose the word among A,B,C or D that has the italic letters pronounced diffirently from the others. A Wood B Look C Cook D Blood A China B Check C Chemist D Chocolate A What B Who C Where D Which A Sale B Sail C Sugar D Sort II Choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

5 I hate……… video

A watch B watching C to watch D watches I remember ……… her somewhere

A see B seeing C saw D to see Excuse me Can I ………… in this area?

A smoke B smoking C smoked D to smoke Don’t forget ………… the letter for me !_ I won’t

A post B posted C posting D to post He laughs a lot because ………… her funny face

A in B at C on D of 10 She thinks chatting on the Internet is time ………

A consuming B consume C consumer D consumption 11 The next stage in the development of television is ……… TV

A interact B interaction C interactive D interactively 12 The cost of ……… is very high in big cities

A live B living C lived D life 13 Can you tell me who ………… this kind of machine ?

A to invent B invent C invention D invented 14 Your teacher writes poems and stories, ………she ?

A doesn’t B didn’t C don’t D won’t 15 They will buy a new computer , ……… they ?

A will B don’t C won’t D 16 Tam didn’t go to school yesterday , ………… he ?

A did B didn’t C does D doesn’t 17 Don’t talk in class, ……… you ? The teacher is explaining the lesson


A has he B has she C hasn’t he D hasn’t she 19 I am late for the appointment , ……….I.?

A am B am not C are D aren’t 20 You are doing this exercise, ……… you ?

A B don’t C aren’t D are III READING: Choose A, B, C or D to complete the passage.

Television is one of man’s most ( 21 )……means of communication It brings events and sounds (22 )…… around the world into millions of homes A person with a television set can sit in his house and watch the President making a ( 23 )……or visit a foreign country He can see a war being ( 24 ) ……watch statesmen try ( 25 ) ……about peace Through television, home viewers can see and learn about people, places, and things all over the world TV even takes its ( 26 )………out of this world It brings them coverage of America’s astronauts as the astronauts explore outer space

In ( 27 )………to all these things, television brings its viewers a steady stream of programs that are (28 ) ……… to entertain In fact , TV provides ( 29 )……entertainment programs than any other kinds The programs include action–packed dramas, light comedies, (30 )………events and motion pictures

21.A importance B important C unimportance D unimportant

22.A from B at C in D to

23.A speak B speaking C speech D spoken

24 A fight B find C found D fought

25.A bring B brought C bringing D to bring

26.A viewers B seers C lookers D watchers

27.A add B edit C addition D editor

28.A make B designed C did D build

29.A many B much C more D most

30.A sport B sporting C sported D sportier


A Choose the word or phrase ( A, B, C or D ) that are not correct in standard English 31 When he was a little boy, he used to going swimming

32 You don’t like tea, they?

33 They spent all morning to learn English yesterday 34 Swim everyday is a good way of keeping fit

35 There are different magazines in this newsagent, aren’t they ?

B Choose the best answer ( A, B, C or D ) that is the same meaning with the italic sentence. 36 Tom has not been seen by my father yet

A Tom has not seen my father yet B My father has not been seen Tom yet C My father has not seen Tom yet D My father has not seen yet Tom 37 I often went fishing with my brother when I was a child

A I used to go fishing with my brother when I was a child B I am used to going fishing with my brother when I was a child C I often go fishing with my brother when I was a child

D I used to went fishing with my brother when I was a child 38 My father can’t give up smoking

A I wish my father can give up smoking B I wish my father can’t give up smoking C I wish my father couldn’t give up smoking D I wish my father could give up smoking 39 I love listening to pop music

A I am fond of listen to pop music B I am fond of to listen to pop music C I am fond of listening to pop music D I am fond of listening pop music 40 Let’s go somewhere for a drink

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2021, 21:32

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