How to hack Turnitin and pass the anti-plagiarism software What is Turnitin? Turnitin is an American commercial, Internet-based plagiarism detection service which is a subsidiary of Advance It is also an online software ( to help combat plagiarism It compares your documents with the available resources to get a report named as “Originality Report” This report will give you the similirity index among your documents and the others It will also help you the ways to fix this similirity index with the colors on its sentences Turnitin’s databases include resources from the Internet, the published work, academic data, and assignments submitted for Turnitin It is considered as one of the biggest resources in the world Therefore, the Originality Report has an enormous prestige How to check for Turnitin duplication? Turnitin compares your documents with the available resources to get a report named as “Originality Report” Limitations to Turnitin Turnitin has some very serious limitations to its ability to fully detect plagiarism For one thing, Turnitin can only detect the most blatantly copied text It cannot detect cleverly paraphrased passages, or copied text that has been vastly altered by the student’s use of a thesaurus It is also ineffective for detecting works that have been written by another student, person or a “ghost writer,” unless more than one student submits the paper Turnitin cannot distinguish between text that has been properly quoted and cited and text that has not Subsequently, it returns an inaccurate originality report Turnitin often returns a report of unoriginality for paper headers, and bibliographies Therefore, the initial plagiarism percentage rating cannot be used as a trustworthy indication of the degree of plagiarism For example, one student posted a paper that received an initial score of 50% plagiarized, but upon inspecting the paper I saw the majority of the matches came from properly quoted material and the references cited section After checking the accuracy of the citations and references, instructor excluded them from the match and the paper returned a score of five percent However, most of instructors give students some difficult situations The ways to hack Turnitin Turnitin can not review the contents which you submit Turnitin can not detect the images Turnitin checks for documents which has file types such as: doc pdf, coppy and paste Threrefor, we are have some following the ways: Fisrtly, we will insert a white text by the function of find and replace (Ctrl + H) in Microsoft Office Word However, it has some negative and positive things as follow: + Advantages: It is fast, easy to and we not need to set up any software + Disadvantages: It is easily discovered by instructors These details are seen in this following video Secondly, we will insert the picture in document and submit to Turnitin You can see it in this video However, it has some negative and positive things as follow: + Advantages: It is fast, easy to + Disadvantages: It is easily discovered by instructors (You must know how to take the screen photo with its high quality) Thirdly, we use illigal quotes: when instructors set up Turnitin, they turn on excluding quotes and Bibliography We insert some “” which has white color into the document to cheat Turnitin and the instructors It has also some advantages and disadvantages: + Advantage: It is fast, easy to + Disadvantages: It is easily discovered by instructors When we print the Originality Report, it will have a message of too many quotes in our document These details can be seen in this following video Fourthly, we use cleverly paraphrased passages We paraphaze the sentences with the same meanings We have no instruction details for this way It depends on your ability It has also some advantages and disadvantages: + Advantage: It is very difficult to be detected or if it is detected, you may not be suffered its consequences + Disadvantage: It waste time, it requries your great knowledge ... Turnitin, they turn on excluding quotes and Bibliography We insert some “” which has white color into the document to cheat Turnitin and the instructors It has also some advantages and disadvantages:... easy to + Disadvantages: It is easily discovered by instructors (You must know how to take the screen photo with its high quality) Thirdly, we use illigal quotes: when instructors set up Turnitin, ... instructors These details are seen in this following video Secondly, we will insert the picture in document and submit to Turnitin You can see it in this video However, it has some negative and