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Modalities in english and vietnamese offers

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY M.A THESIS MODALITIES IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE OFFERS (Tính tình thái lời đề nghị tiếng Anh tiếng Việt) HO THI MINH THAI Field: English Language Code: Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Hoang Tuyet Minh Hanoi, 11 / 2020 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I, the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitled “Modalities in English and Vietnamese offers” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in English Language Except where the reference is indicated, no other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the text of the thesis Hanoi, 2020 Approved by SUPERVISOR (Signature and full name) Assoc Prof Dr Hoàng Tuyết Minh Date:………………………… …… i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere thanks to many people who have supervised, advised and encouraged me during my research, and acknowledge their contribution directly or indirectly to the accomplishment of my thesis First and foremost, I am really grateful to my supervisor, Assoc Prof Dr Hoang Tuyet Minh for her insightful questions, comments and advice for me right from sketching out the plan of the research, and especially her enthusiastic supervision during the time I composed my research, at various stages of developing my thinking and writing this thesis Without her supervision, this thesis would not have been led to itssubmission Also, I deeply indebted to all my lecturers at HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY for their useful lectures as well as their constant support and insightful suggestions In addition, I am also grateful for my friends who gave me unconditional encouragement and inspiration Last but not least, I wish to express my thanks to my family With their support and invaluable help, I could pay more attention on my studies and thesis ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Certificate of originality Acknowledgements Table of contents Abstract List of abbreviations List of tables and figures i ii iii vi vii viii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aims and objectives of the study 1.3 Research questions 1.4 Methods of the study 1.5 Scope of the study 1.6 Significance of the study 1.7 Structure of the study 1 2 5 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Previous studies 2.2 An overview of modalities 2.2.1 Classification of modalities 2.2.2 Linguistic means to express modalities 2.3 An overview of offers 2.3.1 Offering as a speech act 2.3.2 Offering and forms of offers 2.3.3 Politeness in offering 2.4 Summary 7 11 17 22 26 28 31 34 37 CHAPTER 3: A CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS OF MODALITIES 38 IN OFFERS BETWEEN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 3.1 Modalities in English offers 3.1.1 In direct offers Lexical markers in direct offers Grammatical markers in direct offers 38 38 40 41 iii Prosodic markers – Intonation 3.1.2 In conventionally indirect offers Lexical markers Grammatical markers Prosodic markers – Intonation 3.1.3 In non-conventionally indirect offers Lexical markers Grammatical markers Prosodic markers– Intonation 3.2 Modalities in Vietnamese offers 3.2.1 In direct offers Lexical markers in direct offers Grammatical markers in direct offers Prosodic markers – Intonation 3.2.2 In conventionally indirect offers Lexical markers Grammatical markers Prosodic markers – Intonation 3.2.3 In non-conventionally indirect offers Lexical markers Grammatical markers Prosodic markers– Intonation 3.3 A comparison between modalities in offers in English and Vietnamese 3.3.1 In terms of direct offers in English and Vietnamese 3.3.2 In terms of conventionally indirect offers in English and Vietnamese 3.3.3 In terms of non-conventionally indirect offers in English and Vietnamese 3.4 Inplications of the study 3.4.1 For teaching 3.4.2 For learning 3.5 Summary iv 43 44 45 45 46 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 52 54 55 55 57 57 57 58 58 58 59 59 61 63 65 65 66 67 CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION 4.1 Recapitulation 4.2 Concluding remarks 4.3 Limitations of the study 4.4 Recommendations and suggestions for further research 68 68 69 70 71 REFERENCES APPENDIX I IV v ABSTRACT Natural languages offer speakers many and various linguistic devices to facilitate their communication It can be said that modalities play an important part in communicating activities This study investigates how speakers of English and Vietnamese express the modal meaning in different offering strategies in terms of linguistic means It attempts to seek what are the similarities and differences of the modal tools in English and Vietnamese offers Data used in this study are collected from various sources of textbooks, literature works, internet, especially English practical textbooks, articles, and novels, stories in English and Vietnamese To obtain the main objective of the study which is to show the similarities and differences of the modal tools in the two languages, we take examples in both English and Vietnamese into consideration The results show that in offers, both two languages have three kinds of modal markers, which are lexical markers, grammatical markers, and prosodic markers However, the usage of these markers is not the same in English and Vietnamese This study wishes to help teachers and learners of English have more knowledge of modalities in English and Vietnamese offers when teaching and learning English The most important thing is to help them improve their skills by providing some applications for teachers and learners vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CA: E.g : EFL: Etc : Fig : Ibid: I.e: M.A: VS: Contrastive analysis For example English as a Foreign Language Et cetera Figure The same author/ resources That is Master of Arts Versus vii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 2.1 The commodity exchanged & the speech function and the types of intermediacy Table 2.2 Palmer’s classification of modalities in modal system Table 2.3 Halliday’s modality system of modalization and modulation Table 2.4 The three basic sentences types in English Table 3.1 The contribution of modalities in English offers Table 3.2 The contribution of modalities in Vietnamese offers Table 3.3 The contribution of modalities in direct offers in English and Vietnamese Table 3.4 The contribution of modalities in conventionally indirect offers in English and Vietnamese Table 3.4 The contribution of modalities in non- conventionally indirect offers in English and Vietnamese 18 Figure 2.1 A spatial model tense, aspect and modality 14 viii 20 21 30 46 58 58 60 62 CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale A language is used as a means of social interaction and it expresses various social roles and performs various communicative functions like questioning, requesting, offering or commanding somebody or telling somebody something Such types of interpersonal functions of language are reflected in various sentence types like declarative, interrogative and imperative and also through the system of modals The three choices in the mood system perform various communicative functions like declaring, asking a question, making a request or giving a command With these sentence types, modal verbs like “can”, “may”, “will”, “must” help in expressing various social functions such as making a request, seeking permission, expressing rights, obligation and possibility Sentence types, mood choices and modal verbs are examples of modal markers Thus, it can be said that modalities are directly related to the social functions of language The notion of modality as well as linguistic means to express modalities has been studied by a lot of scholars so far; however, research on the way of using modal tools in a specific kind of speech act has been limited Offering is one common type of speech act, which shows consideration towards each other and therefore it can reinforce social relationship In different countries, or cultures, people make offers in different ways Modalities are closely related to the emotion and attitude of the speaker; therefore, in offering, modal tools are usually used When thinking of modalities, what appear first in our mind may be the modal verbs, which is a familiar concept Besides modal verbs, there are many other lexical markers such as modal adverbs, modal adjectives…, grammatical markers such as mood and vocative, and prosodic markers However, the use of linguistic means to express modalities in offering is not the same in all languages English and Vietnamese have their own specific features, which leads to a lot of differences in using language For the above reasons, the author would like to choose the topic “Modalities in English and Vietnamese offers” with the attempt to find out the similarities and differences of the modal tools in English and Vietnamese offers It’s also hopeful that this study will be of some help to those who are interested in this aspect of language 16 Palmer, F.R (1979b) Modality and the English Modals London 17 Perkins, Michael R (1983).Modal Expressions in English Longmans Press 18 Quirk, R and Greenbaum, S (1973).A University Grammar of English London: Longman 19 Rabinowitz, J F (1993) A Descriptive Study of the Offer as a Speech Behavior in American English, Ph D.Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, Michigan 20 Searle, J R (1975) Indirect Speech Acts in P Cole, J L Morgan (Eds.), Speech Acts (Syntax and Semantics 3), pp 59- 82 21 Searle, J R (1979) Expression and meaning: studies in the theory of speech acts Cambridge University Press 22 Vanderveken, D (1990) Meaning and speech acts Volume 1: Principles of language use Cambridge University Press 23 Van der Auwera, J et al (2009) Modality in English Theory and Description Berlin New York 24 Wierzbicka, A (1987) English speech act verbs Academic Press, Australia 25 Wundelich, D (1977).Assertions, conditional speech acts, and practical inferences Journal of Pragmatics IN VIETNAMESE Diệp Quang Ban (2004) Ngữ pháp Tiếng Việt NXB Giáo dục, Hà Nội Đỗ Hữu Châu & Bùi Minh Tốn (2001) Đại cương ngơn ngữ học Tập hai:Ngữ dụng học Hà Nội: Nhà xuất Giáo dục Nguyễn Văn Độ (2004) Tìm hiểu mối liên hệ ngơn ngữ -văn hóa NXB ĐHQG Hà nội Cao Xuân Hạo (1991) Tiếng Việt - Sơ thảo ngữ pháp chức năng, tập NXB KHXH, Tp.Hồ Chí Minh Nguyễn Văn Hiệp (2001) Ngữ nghĩa-ngữ dụng tiểu từ tình thái tiếng Việt (Meaning of modal particles in Vietnamese) NXB ĐHQG Hà Nội Ngũ Thiện Hùng (2004) Vai trị yếu tố tình thái vai trị thể tính lịch giao tiếp đối thoại Anh- Việt Nghiên cứu khoa học cấp Bộ-Mã số B2001-16-09 Ngũ Thiện Hùng (2003) Khảo sát phương tiện từ vựng ngữ pháp diễn đạt tính tình thái nhận thức tiếng Anh tiếng Việt Luận án Tiến sỹ Ngữ Văn Trường ĐH KHXHNV II Nguyễn Thị Lương (2006) Đặc trưng ngữ pháp - ngữ nghĩa nhóm động từ tình thái: Nỡ, Toan, Định, Dám Tạp chí Khoa học - Bộ GD&ĐT Trường ĐHSPHN Hồ Thị Kiều Oanh (2010) Một số tố lịch hành động ngỏ lời giúp đỡ Tiếng Anh Tiếng Việt Tạp chí khoa học ĐHQGHN, ngoại ngữ 26 (207214) 10 Hoàng Phê, et al (1998) Từ điển Tiếng Việt Trung tâm từ điển ngôn ngữ, Hà Nội 11 Võ Đại Quang (2008) Nghiên cứu số phương tiện biểu đạt tình thái câu-phát ngôn tiếng Anh Việt Thông tin khoa học (số 3) , NXB ĐH QG Hà Nội 12 Nguyễn Anh Quế (1988) Hư từ Tiếng Việt đại NXB Khoa học xã hội, Hà Nội 13 Nguyễn Kim Thản (1963) Nghiên cứu ngữ pháp Tiếng Việt NXB Khoa học xã hội, Hà Nội 14 Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Thanh (2003) So sánh phương tiện biểu thị tình thái khơng thực hữu tiếng Anh tiếng Việt Luận văn thạc sỹ.Trường Đại Học Khoa Học Xã Hội Nhân Văn III APPENDIX I IN ENGLISH A.THE DIRECT OFFERS 1- I’ll get you a cup of tea (Swan, 1990) - I’ll the washing up if you like (ibid) 3- Let me help you (ibid) 4- Are you free on this Saturday? I’d like to invite you to our dancing party (Cao Xuân Hạo, 1991) 5- I would like to invite you to dinner next Sunday at my home (Paltridge, 2000) 6- Go out and have a drink! (ibid) - Hey, come to the wild party with me tonight (Tillitt & Bruder, 1999) 8- I would like you to the final ceremony of our language program next Friday evening at 8:00 (ibid) - Let me get you an astray (Herman Melville, 1953) 10- I would like to drive you to the hospital.(ibid) 11- I’ll help you with your homework (Internet, 2020) 12- We could visit New York while you’re there (English Grammar, 1996) 13- We should take all the factors into consideration before we decide.(ibid) 14- Shall I help you? 15 - Shall we take break now? (English Grammar, 1996) 16: A: Today, you go to school? B: Oh, no Today I am at home A: Shall we go to supermarket? B: Ok (English Grammar, 1996) 17- Can/ Could you pass me the salt? (ibid) 18- Shall I go and black his eyes? (ibid) 19- Shall I acknowledge it? (ibid) 20- Shall I run up and look at him? (ibid) 17-I’ll open the door for you (ibid) 18 - I’ll bring some food (ibid) 19- I can take Julia home.(Paltridge , 2000) 10- Please, let me bring you to hospital (Kiefer, 1994) 21- Take a seat, please! (ibid) 22- Let me tutor him a little (ibid) IV 23- I could give you a quick lift to the hospital (ibid) 24- Hi, can I help you in any way? (ibid) 25- Can I offer you anything? (ibid) 26- What would you think, if I were to give your son extra tuition? (ibid) 27- Do you think it would help if we were to get together some time to go through it? (ibid) 28- Help yourself Have a biscuit (Eastwood, 1994) 29- Let me get it for you (ibid) 30- Do have another cup of coffee (ibid) 31- Let’s go out for lunch I’ll pay (Thomson & Martinet, 1986) 32- Let me carry that box of papers for you It's very heavy.(ibid) 33- Sit down, please! (ibid) 34- John, have some more wine, please! (Palmer, 1994) 35- Let me help you, mum! (ibid) 36- Would you please help me? (ibid) 37- May I approach? (ibid) 38- I would like another glass of water please (ibid) 39- Would I not be justified in immediately dismissing Bartleby? (Herman Melville, 2012) 40- I thought I would walk round to my chambers for a while (ibid) 41- What shall I with this stuff? (Palmer, 2003) 42- Come in, please! (Diệp Quang Ban, 2005) 43- You won't let it go any further, will you? (Lawrence, 2012) 44- What shall I with this stuff? (Palmer, 2003) 45- What would you advise me to with this stuff? (ibid) 46- I will what I like? (ibid) 47- Can you shut the door? (ibid) 48- Could you copy a small paper for me this morning? D 49- Will you anything at all to give a coloring to your refusal to depart the premises? (ibid) 50- Would you like to re-engage in copying for someone? (ibid) 51- You will permit me to handle the matter in my own way? (ibid) 52- Could you close the window? (Joseph Conrad, 1998) 53- Could you pass me the mashed potatoes, please? (ibid) V 54 - Could I have a cigarette? (ibid) 55- Shall we buy these rings? (ibid) 56- Shall we take break now? (ibid) 57- Would I please come and something about it? (George Orwell, 1936) 58- Would you like a clerkship in a dry-goods store (ibid) 59- Would you like to travel through the country collecting bills for the merchants? (ibid) 60- May I give him a bone? (ibid) 61- I'll sit down and wait (ibid) 62- We'll get you another one (ibid) 63- If you like I could help you (ibid) (English Grammar in use, 2012) 64- Could you lend me 40 Euros til Monday? (ibid) 65- Could you open the window a bit, please? (ibid) 66- Would you please stop talking? (ibid) 67- Could you knock before entering my bedroom? (ibid) 68- I can carry your bag? (ibid) 69- Would you like one of these chocolates? (ibid) 70- May I carry your suitcase, Madam? (English Grammar- Internet, 2020) 71- Shall I help you with your luggage? (ibid) 72- Shall I get a taxi for you? (ibid) 73- I will wait for you if you like (ibid) 74- Can I use your computer, please? (ibid) 75- Could I borrow some money from you, please? (ibid) 76- Would you mind if I turned up the heating? (ibid) 77- We can give you a lift if you like (ibid) 78- Shall I pick you up at 8? (ibid) 79- Can we pay you the money now? (ibid) 80- Do you mind if I turn up the heating? (ibid) 81- Would you like some more cherries? (ibid) 82- Would you like something to drink? (ibid) 83- Would you like some coffee? (ibid) 84- Would you like another cake? (ibid) 85- May I bring you some coffee? (ibid) 86- May I offer you something to drink? (ibid) VI 87- May I help you with this? (English –at-home-com, Internet, 2020) 88- Would you like me to type your letters for you? (ibid) 89- Would you like me to make some coffee for you? (ibid) 90- Would you like another cup of coffee? (ibid) 91- Would you like me to clean the board? (ibid) 92- Shall I bring you the mobile phone? (ibid) 93- Would you like some tea? (ibid) 94- Would you like to drink some coffee? (ibid) 95- Shall I help you with your maths problem? (ibid) 96- Would you like another piece of cake? (ibid) 97- I'll the washing, if you like (ibid) 98- Could you take a message, please? (ibid) 99- Would you carry this for me, please? (ibid) 100- I'll that for you if you like (ibid) 101- I'll give you a lift to the station (ibid) 102- Would you like to come round tomorrow? (ibid) 103- I’ll the photocopying, if you like.(ibid) B.THE CONVENTIONALLY INDIRECT OFFERS 1- Shall I answer the phone for you? (Van der Auwera, J et al 2009) 2- May I help you, madam? (ibid) 1- Shall I get you an envelop? (ibid) 4- May I come in? (ibid) 5- Shall we go to her house now? (ibid) 6- Shall I photo it for you? (ibid) 7-Can I get you anything to drink? (Perkins, 1983) -Shall we go for a picnic? (ibid) 9- Can I get you some biscuits? (ibid) 10- Shall I open the doors for you? (Van der Auwera, 2009) 11- Can we get together next week? (ibid) 12- Can I offer you anything? (ibid) 13- Shall I give you a lift? (Bybee, 1992) 14- If you want, I could give your son extra tuition (ibid) 15- May I take you home? (ibid) VII 16- Shall we go to Hoa’s house this evening (ibid) 17- Shall we go to Cat Ba together? (Internet, 2020) 18- Why not? Shall I bring my wife? ((Yule, 1996) 19- Will you tell me anything about yourself? (ibid) 20- I thought I would come at once to tell Monsieur le Marquis (ibid) 21- Can't you wait till I am dead? (ibid) 22 Would you mind closing the window? (ibid) 23- Would you like to go and see it now? (ibid) 24- Would you like me to repair it? (ibid) 25- Do you want me to check for you? (Perkins, 1983) 26- What about some more wine? (Swan, 1990) 27- I’ll answer it, shall I? (ibid) 28- How about going out for dinner tonight? (ibid) 29- Would you like to photocopy my notes? (Yule, 1996) 30- I might know how to get it working Would you like me to try? (ibid) 31- You can photo mine if you like (ibid) 32- Would it be possible for us to meet sometimes tomorrow? (ibid) 33- I was wondering if we could get together sometime next week (ibid) 34- I was hoping that we could perhaps arrange a meeting for tomorrow sometimes (ibid) 35- Hi, can I help you in any way? (Bybee, 1992) 36- Would you like a little cigarette? (ibid) 37 - What would you think, if I were to give your son extra tuition? (ibid) 38- Do you think it would help if we were to get together some time to go through it? (ibid) 39 - Drink? (Short form) (ibid) 40 - I can drive you to the hospital, if you like (ibid) 41 -If your son has such difficulties, I could /may be help him (English GrammarInternet, 2020) 42-Will Kim take out the rubbish? (ibid) 43- I’d like to invite you to have dinner with me, if you like (ibid) 44- Would you like to see the garden? (ibid) 45- Do you think I will go? (ibid) 46- If you're lucky, you will always get more money (Lawrence, 2012) VIII 47- Would you mind asking him himself? (ibid) 48- Do you think I oughtn't to? (ibid) 49- You won't let it go any further, will you? (ibid) 50- Wouldn't you like to go now to the seaside, instead of waiting? (ibid) 51- But you know you needn't worry, mother, don't you? (Lawrence, 2012) 52- If you'd like to be a partner, uncle, with Bassett and me, we could all be partners (ibid) 53-And in a minute I shall look at the list, Eh? (ibid) 54- We shall see some more of them by-and-by? (ibid) 55- Might I have look at the contents of your bookbag? (ibid) 56- Can you me a favour? (ibid) 57- Would you like me to the the ironing for you? (ibid) 58- Can I help you? (ibid) 59- Shall I open the window for you? (English Grammar- Internet, 2020) 60- Would you like another coffee? (ibid) 61- Would you like me to answer the phone? (ibid) 62- Shall I get you something to drink? (ibid) 63- You look tired Would you like a cup of tea? (ibid) 64- Can I get you some juice? (ibid) 65- Can I something for you? (ibid) C THE NON- CONVENTIONALLY INDIRECT OFFERS 1- There’s still some coffee there Kiefer, 1987) 2- Are you alright there?(ibid) 3- I can type this letter in two minutes (ibid)) - Do you hurt anywhere? (ibid) - Is there something wrong with you? (ibid) 6- There is room for one more in my car (ibid) 7- Are you alright there? (Story- Internet, 2020) 8- Is there any problem with your car? (ibid) 9- I’m completely free now (ibid) 10- Are you ok? (ibid) 11- Drink, anyone? (ibid) 12- We must change all this? (ibid) IX 13- Are we to give serious attention to such things? (Lawrence, 1926) 14- I ask you to take it seriously, for a child's life and a man's sanity may depend upon it (ibid) 15- You promise to go away to the seaside and forget it (ibid) 16- I thought perhaps you might give me a tip for the Lincoln (Herman Melville, 1953) 17- I thought it best to put on my hat and walk home for the day, suffering much from perplexity and distress of mind (ibid) 18- I think I'll just step behind his screen and black his eyes for him (ibid) 19- You’d better go to him Sunday morning (Nikolai Gogol, 1942) 20- It was necessary to go to the department (ibid) 21- It is not necessary to say much about this tailor (ibid) 22- It is probable that I shall use the carriage to-night (ibid) 23- Perhaps you should write a little note (ibid) 24- I shall probably return to London by the evening train (ibid) 25- Well, I think that under the circumstances we may enter without an invitation (ibid) II IN VIETNAMESE A.THE DIRECT OFFERS 1- Cụ mời chén trà (Khái Hưng, 1988) 2- Mời bà cụ ngồi chơi (ibid) - Cứ chọn túi (Trung Dũng, 2020) - Hay đem cho áo cũ, chị (Thạch Lam, 1943) 5- Mợ bảo va li cho tơi (Khái Hưng, 1988) 6- Này, nhà, trơng coi thằng Bị (Ibid) - Cháu muốn ăn thêm cơm ông (ibid) - Bác lại xơi cơm với nhà em ! (ibid) 9- Cô giáo để em xách cho (Diệp Quang Ban, 2004) 10- Cháu khỏe hẳn (ibid) 11- Cháu muốn lại ăn với vợ chồng cháu bữa cơm (ibid) 12- Chúng ta tham quan New York thời gian bạn (ibid) 13 - Chúng ta nên cân nhắc yếu tố trước định (Ibid) 14- Bây đến nhà cô nhé? (Thạch Lam, 1943) X 15- Bác phải thử (Ibid) 16 - Ông phải lại nhà cháu chơi ngày (Novel- Internet, 2020) 17- Em phải đến nhé! (Textbook- Ngữ văn 8,2020) 18- Vậy mai anh phải uống thuốc chữa bệnh (Textbook- Ngữ văn 8, 2020) 19- Có cần gọi cậu ta lại khơng?(ibid) 20 - Bạn có muốn đóng cửa lại khơng? (Newspaper, Internet, 2020) 21- Would you like me to close the door? (ibid) 22- Cháu lại giúp bác chút (Hồng Thơng, 2012) 23 - Mời bác dùng thêm ít.( ibid) 24- Tơi nhanh chóng đưa bạn đến bệnh viện (Down toner)(ibid) 25- Cháu lại khỏe hẳn ạ! (Minh Lam, 2009) 26 - Bác xơi nước ạ! (ibid) 27- Để cháu giúp bác tay ạ! (ibid) 28- Chị làm cho (Novel- Internet, 2020) 29 - Để tớ thay cho (Trương Thái Du, 2009) 30- Con dọn giúp mẹ (ibid) 31- Tớ mua cho nhé.( Trân Giang, 2009) 32 - Cậu cầm lấy (Ibid) 33 - Ăn thêm chút (Nguyễn Văn Bản, 2005) 34- Cháu mang cháo cho ông (ibid) 35- Tớ đến giúp cậu (ibid)) 36- Các chị đưa gánh cho (ibid) 37 - Đưa để chị giảng cho (Thạch Lam, 2002) 38- Hãy để chị giúp (ibid) 39 - Cô ăn bưởi (Thanh Tâm Tuyền, 2008) 40- Cậu để tớ sửa cho (ibid) 41 - Cứ vào (Short story- Internet, 2020) 42- Mẹ để bát rửa (Minh Lam, 2009) 43- Qua với tụi (ibid) 44- Bác Tư à, lại ăn cơm với cháu (ibid) 45- Ông ghé tạm vào chơi xơi nước (ibid) 46- Mời quý vị dùng tráng miệng (Bùi Trọng Ngỗn, 2004) 47- Thêm chén đi! (ibid) 48- Bác nghỉ tay đã! (ibid) XI 49 - Anh uống nước đi! (ibid) 50 - Cứ lấy xe mà (Nguyễn Thị Lương, 2010) 51 - Lan, đưa cầm hộ cho (ibid) 52- Thủ trưởng trước đi, để em làm nốt cho (ibid) 53- Ông giáo ghé tạm vào chơi xơi nước (Mân Châu, 2009) 53- Cô cô ngồi ghế cháu (ibid) 54- Để rót cho bà cốc nước (ibid) 55- Ơng để cháu đưa qua đường.( Nguyễn Thế Duyên, 2011) 56- Anh làm ơn đóng hộ giúp tơi cánh cửa khơng? (Nguyễn Văn Độ, 2004) 57- Anh với tơi chứ? (Ibid) 58- Liệu tơi phiền anh giúp gởi thư không? (Ibid) 59- Cho xin cốc nước nhé? (Nguyễn Huy Thiệp, 2009) 60- Anh làm ơn đóng cửa lại đi? (ibid) 61- Cậu ăn chút nhé? (Diệp Quang Ban, 2005) 62- Thơi em vơ phịng (ibid) 63- Hơm nay, ba đưa học (Trân Giang, 2009) 64- Nếu anh cảm thấy khơng để tơi nhường cho người khác nhé? (ibid) 65-Em đến nhà anh bàn cơng việc nhé! (ibid) 66- Anh nằm nói chuyện với em thêm lát (ibid) 67- Anh làm tiếp nghe cho vui (Thanh Tâm Tuyền, 2008) 68- Em chút nhé? (ibid) 69 - Cơ Thảo có việc đưa tơi làm đỡ với nào? (Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Tú, 2006) 70- Cứ để bị kỉ luật may chừa (ibid) 71- Để tớ xem xét hộ (ibid) 72- Con trông nhà, bố lúc (ibid) 73- Này, để thằng bé lại, đi! (ibid) 74- Cho vào chơi tí nhé? (ibid) 75- Dạ cảm phiền anh Hai ngồi chơi lát đi, em chút xíu mà (ibid) 76- Mai tớ với cậu sang bên chơi (ibid) 77- Đến gần ngày mở số em nhớ dò cho kỹ (ibid) 78- Hai đứa em muốn nhờ anh giảng toán, anh vào nhà giúp em nhé! (ibid) 79- Cậu cho tớ vắng mặt ngày hôm (ibid) 80- Mẹ đừng bỏ chúng mẹ nhé!( Huỳnh Vân Tiên , 2009) XII 81- Mẹ chăm sóc vợ hộ mẹ nhé! (ibid) 82- Để em bế cho, anh tắm (ibid) 83- Anh đừng giận em nhé! (ibid) 84- Anh nói phải giữ lời (ibid) 85- Vậy anh đừng quên mua thêm cho em đôi giày trắng (ibid) 86- Anh khen em lời đi! (ibid) 87- Anh đến với họ đi, em với anh trước (Đỗ Minh Hoan, 2018) 88- Anh đi khơng có tối anh lại ngủ lại khổ em (ibid) 89- Hai bố ăn (ibid) 90- Anh đừng có thức suốt đêm (ibid) 91- Anh ngủ đi.Đêm anh chẳng viết đâu (ibid) 92- Anh xúc động lắng xuống (ibid) 93- Em lên nằm nghỉ đi! (ibid) 94- Em đau mà! Làm làm việc được! (Nguyễn Hải Đăng, 2020) 95- Anh gởi bạn bè xách giùm cho nhé? (ibid) 96- Anh đồng ý với em hai tay chứ? (ibid) 97- Thôi, em nằm nghỉ đi, để anh thái mỡ cho! (ibid) 98- Cháu đừng tin vào thơ văn (ibid) 99- Mày bố trí cho người bố chân đó, bảo vệ chẳng hạn (ibid) 100- Anh nhìn em (ibid) 101- Anh hứa với em đi! (ibid) 102- Em không nhắm mắt anh (ibid) 103- Sao cháu không ngủ (ibid) 104- Cháu hủy thuốc hết hạn (Trương Thái Du, 2009) 105- Tết dẫn người yêu đến giới thiệu với ta (ibid) 106- Cháu phải cố gắng lên, giọng hát cháu hay (Nguyễn Thế Duyên, 2011) 107- Cháu phải chăm học, chủ nhật phải nhà chú, thiếu nói với cơ.Rõ chưa? (ibid) 108- Anh, hơm nhà ta chơi buổi (ibid) 109- Chú, lau nước mắt đi, Nhanh lên! (ibid) 110- Em uống nước đi! (ibid) XIII B THE CONVENTIONALLY INDIRECT OFFERS 1- Ở lại chơi với ngày cho khuây khỏa nhé? Đi uống cà phê ? (Bùi Trung Dũng, 2019) 2- Có cần tớ giúp tay khơng?(ibid) 3- Có muốn xem đá banh với khơng? (Diệp Quang Ban, 2005) 4- Cậu uống chút nhé! (ibid) 5- Tớ chụp ảnh cho cậu nhé! (ibid) 6- Cậu mượn sách cậu cần (ibid) 7- Tôi tự hỏi liệu gặp lúc tuần (ibid) 8- Tơi hy vọng xếp hẹn vào lúc ngày mai (ibid) 9- Có cần gọi cậu ta lại khơng? (ibid) 10- Bạn có muốn đóng cửa lại không? (ibid) 11- Chiều xem phim nhé? (ibid) 12- Tớ đèo cậu nhé? (Story- Internet, 2020) 13- Đi uống cà phê chứ? (Nguyễn Văn Hiệp , 2001) 14- Làm chén chứ?(ibid) 15- Ta chơi ván cờ cho vui ? (ibid) 16- Vào quán làm cốc nước cho mát ? (ibid) 17- Có cần tớ xách hộ không? (Nguyễn Quang Sáng, 2005) 18- Hay anh lại dùng bữa với nhà em hôm đi.(ibid) 19- Hay tớ đèo cậu (ibid) 20- Tối cậu xem phim với tớ có khơng? (ibid) 21- Thì để mẹ thời gian tính sau (ibid) 22- Anh uống trà hay cà phê? (ibid) 23- Đi ăn bánh xèo nha, xong ăn kem, có không? (ibid) 24- Uống cốc nước cho mát nhé? (Short story- Internet, 2020) 25- Nếu cậu khơng ngại để tớ giúp tay (ibid) 26- Nếu anh cần gọi em (Short story- Internet, 2020) 27- Không đến trễ đâu đấy! (Diệp Quang Ban, 2005) 28- Nếu anh cần gấp bảo với tơi (Short story- Internet, 2020) 29- Việc em (ibid) 30- Tối đâu chơi anh (ibid) XIV 31- Ðáng lẽ anh phải chừa đồ để làm chứ! (Nguyễn Nhật Ánh, 2009) 32- Nếu khơng có màu huyết dụ anh chọn màu xanh dương nhé! (ibid) 33-Thôi, thôi, không mượn! Con để cho mẹ (ibid) 34- Thơi, thơi, anh lên nằm nghỉ đi! (ibid) 35- Ra phố gầm cầu chúng mày (Nguyễn Thế Duyên, 2011) 36- Thì anh định làm làm (ibid) 37- Nếu có cháu phải mang báo cáo (ibid) 38- Chị tha thứ cho em chị nhé? (ibid) 39- Mày nói thật vơ lý! Có thú thực (Mân Châu, 2009) C THE NON- CONVENTIONALLY INDIRECT OFFERS 1- Còn nhiều đồ ăn (Nguyễn Nhật Ánh, 2018) 2- Tôi biết sửa loại máy (ibid) 3- Nhà tớ nhiều phòng trống (ibid) 4- Tớ rảnh mà (ibid) 5- Tôi biết sửa loại máy (Ngũ Thiện Hùng, 2003) 6- Cịn nhiều đồ ăn (ibid) 7- Xe cịn chỗ (ibid) 8- Có nặng khơng? (ibid) 9- Thôi, ăn cho xong (Thanh Tâm Tuyền, 2008) 10- Về cho tao ngủ mày Tao mệt (ibid) 11- Thôi, tắm kẻo muộn (ibid) 12- Nào, cháu kể chuyện nhà cho cô nghe (ibid) 13- Thôi mà, cưng ba, cho ba lại lần thôi! (ibid) 14- Nhức đầu nấu nồi lá, xơng hồi khỏi thôi.( Trương Thái Du, 2009) 15- Cần có chứng Hay nói cách khác cần tự xây dựng niềm tin cho người (ibid) 16- Thơi nghỉ chơi tới rồi! Chúng đến nhà thầy Phát nào! (Đơng Hịa, 2008) 17- Cịn sớm mà! Chơi thêm chút (ibid) 18- Hay để tui đóng vai Kim Trọng ln cho trọn tuồng nhé? (ibid) 19- Đồ quỷ, có im không, khuya (Thanh Tâm Tuyền , 2008) XV 20- Anh có anh đưa hết cho em (ibid) 21- Ba đưa nhà nghe không? (ibid) 22- Dậy mày, ngồi trơng cửa (ibid) 23- Xát xà phịng, kỳ lấy đi, ơng mãnh (ibid) XVI ... modalities in offers in English and Vietnamese 3.3.1 In terms of direct offers in English and Vietnamese 3.3.2 In terms of conventionally indirect offers in English and Vietnamese 3.3.3 In terms of non-conventionally... words-to-world fit The types include arguing, asserting, boasting, claiming, complaining, criticizing, denying, describing, informing, insisting, reporting, suggesting, swearing, etc Example: I met... teachers and learners of English gain an insight into modalities in general and modalities in the speech act of offering in specific, which contributes to the teaching and learning English 1.7

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2021, 22:14

