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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets with present simple or continuous tense.. 1.I often ...[r]


Exercise1.Asking about people Surname First name Country Age Address Job

Place of work Married Freetime Smith Jonh Britain 30

94 East St, Oxford OX1 9HI Teacher

School in Oxford No


* Read the information about John Smith Write the questions. Example :

What is his first name ? - His first name is John

1 His surname is Smith

2 He’s from Britain

3 He’s 30

4 94 East St, Oxford OX1 9HI

5 He’s a teacher

6 In a school in Oxford

7 No, he isn’t He’s single

8 He plays football

Exercise Put the words in the correct order Example :

You /from /are/ Where ? - Where are you from ?

1 do/ at / weekends / you / ? work/ she / does / where ?

3 a / television/ there / photo/ is / the on near/ there / chemist / a / is / here ? Coke/ please / I / a / Can / have ?

6 children/ how/ / they / have / many ? skiing/ in / Hans/ Switzerland / teaches any/ is / milk / the / there / fridge / in ? not/ work /Rosy/ go/ by/ does / to/ car

10 Sue / going / Dave / and/ the / opera/ like/ to

Exercise Questions Match a line in A with a line in B to make a quetions Then find an answer in C


Who How much What Where How What time

Do you go on Sundays ? Do you meet on Saturday evening ?

Do you go on Friday evenings ? Do you get up ?

Is a ham sandwich ? Do you travel to work ?

At seven o’clock To the theatre

My friends, Dave and Paul


Exercise some, any, a, an : Complete the sentences with some, any, a , any 1.There are flowers in the garden

2 There are pictures on the wall Can I have apples , please ?

4 There aren’t books in the living room 5.Are there books in the living room ? There aren’t good restaurants in our town

7 There is newsagent’s opposite the post office John has trees in his garden

9 Are there Japanese students in your class ? 10 There is orange on the table

11 There aren’t photographs on the wall 12 There are plates next to the sink

Exercise Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets

Exercise Complete the sentences with a verb from the box Example:

Peter a teacher

Am/ am not , does / does not , is/ is not, do/ not , are / arenot I hungy Can I have an apple ?

2 How you travel to work ?

3 Rome in Spain It in Italy Mary and Sarah like milk

5 James have two jobs ?

6 Ben like travelling by bus

7 We aren’t from Spain- we from Portugal you like ice-cream ? – No , I Exercise 7.Plural forms Write the sentences in plural Example: - She’s a doctor They are doctors I go swimming on Saturdays

2 He watches TV everyday The dictionary is over there This watch is expensive Look at that lovely flower Do you have a stamp ? She’s our child

8 He is an interesting person That man is American

10 The school doesn’t have a computer Exercise Choose the correct sentence Let’s go home

Let’s go to home

2.Kate and Anna are students in Cambridge University Kate and Anna are students at Cambridge University Let’s go out to the pub!

Let’s go out at the pub !

4 On Thursdays I get home at six o’clock In Thursdays I get home at six o’clock


5.Richard lives in London Richard lives at London To weekends I go swimming At weekends I go swimming

Exercise 9.Put the verbs into the correct tenses

1 I ( often stay) up late every Saturday night

2 He ( not buy) me a book when he ( go ) to Ha Noi I ( just finish) my homework

4 I ( cook ) in the kitchen now

5 My father ( read) a newspaper and my mother ( wash) the dishes My brothers ( have ) a final test next week

7 If you ( not finish) your house work , your mother ( punish ) you

Exercise 10 Which one is different ?

1.Cambridge London Oxford Rome magazine pen newspaper book 3.milk apple ice-cream ham 4.actor dentist policeman teach boring interesting like funny 6.father sister mother man

7 house bathroom kitchen living room often near next to opposite France England American Hungary 10 my we his your Exercise 11 Adjectives Match the opposite

Small Difficult Expensive Hot

Lovely Wrong Old New Right

Cheap Horrible Right Big Easy Left Young Cold old

Exercise 12 Words that go together Match a verb in A with a line in B Drive

Play Go Speak

Football A train Tea


Drink Travel Catch Listen watch Acar To music Jogging By bus French Exercise 13 The past tense of the verb to be

What are the past form of the verb to be ?

Positive Negative

Example I You He/she/ it We They Was Wasn’t Exercise 14.Can or can’t

Read the information , then complete the sentences with can or can’t and a verb

Swim Play tennis Speak German Speak Italy

Sylvia Linda Marianne v v x x v x v x v v v v Example :

Linda can swim and she can play tennis

1 Sylvia can swim , but she 2.Mariannne and she 3.Linda , but Sylvia and Marianne can

4 Everybody 5.Only Linda 6.Sylivia and Linda , but Marianne can’t

Exercise 15 Write the past simple of the verbs

Regular Irregular

1.work 2.live 3.earn 4.move 5.stay

have 7.come 8.give 9.go 10.buy Exercise 16 Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets: Past simple or present simple

My friend Jack is 40 He ( leave) Britain when he weas 20 and ( go)

To Italy he ( work) in Naples for ten years , then he ( move) to Rome There he ( meet) Antonella.they ( get) married in 1982 and now they ( live) in Florence.Jack ( teach) English in a language school And what ( do) Antonella ? She ( sell)


Execise 17 make these positive sentences negative Example

He bougth a new shirt he didn’t buy a new shirt

We enjoyed the film 2.I took a photograph of my sister

3.Angela wrote a letter to her friend

Charles Dickens became a journalist when he was 18

5.Germany won the World Cup in 1986

6.Her father died when she was 14

7.I lost $ 10 last night

8.People flew by plane 100 years ago

That book was very interesting

10 We arrived at school at eight o’clock

Exrcise 18 Would like Tick ( v) the correct sentence

1 A Would you like a drink ? Do you like

B.Yes An apple , please

2.A Would you like windsurfing ? Do you like

B Yes , but I prefer swimming

3.A What you like for dinner this evening? Would you like

B.Steak and chips

4 A Would you like Mr Brown ? Do you like

B No He’s not very nice A Can I help you ?

B Yes I’d like a bottle of mineral water , please I like

Exrcise 19 Write C next to the count nouns and U next to the uncount nouns Example

Book C rice U


Exercise 20 Write some ,any or a Do you have rice?

2 I’ve got pens in the office

3 There isn’t sugar in the dinning room Can I have can of coke , please ? Have you got photographs of Jim ? I’d like fruit , please

7 Peter put water and glasses on the table There wasn’t petrol or oil in the car

Exercise 21 How much or How many

1 milk is there in the fridge ? stamps you need ?

3 .oranges and apples are there on the table ? coke is there in the kitchen ?

5 money did you take to France? Exercise 22 Comparative or superlative

Adjective Comparative Superlative



More dangerous


Exercise 23 Write the ordinal number in words

a.1st . b 2nd c 3rd d.12th . e 20th .

Exercise 24 Choose the word from the box and write it next to its opposite Example : big – small

1.Boring stop night sell different noisy old 8.modern 9.west 10 after


Exercise 25 Write the correct ing- form walk

2 smoke drive stop work use use look get 10.buy 11.think 12.swim 13.cry

Exercise 26 Complete the sentences with the present continuos form of the verb in brackets Example : Julie is wearing earrings ( wear)

1 I on holiday tomorrow ( not go) A Why you ? ( smile)

B Because Mr Black didn’t give us any homework A Where’s Richard ?

B.He next to Jane ( stand) Tom at his desk ( not sit ) A What Sue ( eat) ? B A tuna sandwich

6.A What you ? ( do) B I my shoes ( clean )

7 I can’t phone my wife T he telephone ( not work )

Exrecise 27 Complete the sentences with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets

Example : ‘ Be quiet ! I am watching this film !’ ( watch )

1 We usually ( take ) the bus to town , but today we ( go) by car A Where you usually ( go) on Friday evenings ?

B.To the disco

A It’s 11.30 Why you (work) so late ? B Because I ( have ) a lot of homework to A.Where your parents ? ( do) B I n a small village near Oxford

A they ( like ) living in the country ? B Yes, they

A What you usually ( have ) for breakfast ?

B Toast But today I ( have ) some fruit because there isn’t any bread A The telephone ( ring) Can you answer it ?


Exercise 28 Write the sentences using possessive pronoun Example :


They are her shocks They are hers

1.it’s your newspaper They are his books It’s her T-shirt They are our videos This is their house Exercise 29 make positive , negative sentences , and questions using going to Example : She / pilot

- She is going to be a pilot He/ not /bus / driver

- He isn’t going to be a bus driver You/ hairdresser ?

- Are you going to be a hairdresser ? They / architect

he/ not/ ballet dancer

You / pilot ?

I/ not / policeman

We/ athletes

She / not chef

7.He / vet ? ( bác sỹ thú y )



9 He / not / travel agent

10.You / English teacher ?

Exercise 30 Rewrite these sentences using the infinitive of purpose


I went to Holland because I wanted to see the tulips = I went to the Holland to see the tulips

1 I am going to Moscow because I want to see the Kremlin

Paul is going to London because He wants to buy some clothes

3.Roger went to India because he wanted to visit the Taj Maha

4.Tracy often goes to the disco because she wants to dance


5.Tim is going to America because he wants to see the Nigara Falls

6.Frank is learning French because he wants to get a better job

7.Peter is saving money because he wants to buy a car

8.Henry went to Japan because he wanted to visit Kyoto

9.Chris went to the newsagent’s because he wanted to buy a newspaper

10.Brian and Jane are going to Paris because they want to climb the Eiffel Tower

Exercise 31 Write the adverb next to the adjectives

Example : quick - quickly

1.slow hard beautiful early sudden 10 wonderful careful fast 11 busy good bad 12 lazy Exercise 32 Complete the questions with a word from the box

Example :

A tall is your sister ? B 1m52

1.A you go to the cinema ? B About once a month

2 A time does the program start ? B At nine o’clock

3 A did you close the window ? B Because I’m cold

4 A color is Angela’s new car ? B Red

5 A did you go to town yet ? B Jim and Lucy

6 A newspaper you want – the Italian one or the English one ? B The English one

7 A is Edinburgh ? B It’s in Scotland

8 A are you going to clean your room ? B When this film has finished

9 A is your favorite season ? B I like summer best

Exercise 33 Write the past simple or the past participle of these verbs

1.stay 7.do sing cook


3 eat go win 10 drive live 11 clean have 12 buy Phan II

Exercise Tick ( v) the correct sentences a I went to London last week

b.I have been to London last week a.Have you ever been to France ? b Did you ever go to France ?

3 a Kate has finished her homework two hours ago b Kate finished her homework two hours ago

4 a Did he go to the dentist last week or the week before ? b Has he been to the dentist last week or the week before ? a.I haven’t seen that film yet

b I didn’t see that film yet

6.a I ‘ve just bought my plane ticket to Paris – here it is ! b I just bought my plane ticket to Paris – here it is ! a Jim and Cathy won $ 1, 000 last month

b Jim and Cathy has won $ 1, 000 last month Exercise Put the words in the correct column

Blue T- shirt foggy green Jumper Tie sunny brown cloudy snowing Pink suit skirt yellow windy

Colors Clothes Weather

Exercise 3.Each sentences has a mistake Find it and correct it Example : Where you live ? Where you live ?

1 There no is a supermarket Look at this piuctures Is a bank near here ?

4 I arrive at Heathrow airport at ten o’clock last night She could to speak three languages when she was ten Where did you went last night ?

7 The plant is in front the window

8 I don’t can go out because I have a lot of homework In the kitchen is a table

10 I was to the cinema last weekend 11.Who arer these people over there ? 12 I buyed a new vidio


14 Italian people is very artistic

15.I like cities because I can to go to the theatre

Exercise Complete the text with the Past simple form of the verbs in brackets There are regular and irregular verbs

Example : Leonardo da Vinci lived ( live) in Italy in the fifteenth centurry

Exercise Write the past simple form of these irregular verbs

1 give make leave break sell meet speak win lose 10 take Exercise can / could / was / were ( not)

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box

Can can’t was wasn’t were weren’t could couldn’t I drive I’m only 14 years old

2 Our teacher at school last week because she ill

3 Leonardo a student in Florence He draw , write music , and design buildings

4 We see the Mona Lisa in the Louvre in Paris

5 “ Where you last night ? You at home I phoned you , but there no answer ‘

6 ‘ I get into my flat because I lost my keys I at a friends’ house ‘ Exercise Write the statements as questions and negatives

He can swim

- He can’t swim - Can he swim ?

1 There is a good restaurant in this town 2.there are some eggs in the fridge

3 You can speak French He was born in 1985

5 She could play the piano when she was three They were in class last week

7 Your parents studied Germand at school The students went to the theatre last night


Exercise Complete the sentences with some / any / a/ an : Heathrow is international airport

2 I bought newspaper and magazines Jane lives in old house in France

4 There are trees in my garden , but there aren’t flowers Do you have books by Gabriel García Máquez ?

6 There are letters for you on the table Exercise Match a line in A with a line in B

A B Birthday

Easter Computer 2nd

Telephone Fridge Son Season

Congratulation ! Ticket

Chemist soldier

Kitchen Second Operator Plane Egg Wedding Present Internet War Sun Month aspirin

Exercise 10 Match a word in A with its opposite in B A B

Hot Clean Win Old Near Before Happy Poor On Begin right

Rich Far Under Left Cold Lose Finish After Sad Dirty moderm

Exercise 11 Translate the sentences into your language Translate the ideas, not word by word Is there a chemist near here ?

2 There are two books on the table

3 There are some flowers in the living room Are there any glasses /

5 I can ski, but I can’t swim

6 I couldn’t go to the party last night I was ill


9 I was born in Mexico

10 She started work when she was twelve 11 He didn’t like his first job

12 Where did you go on holiday last year ?

Exercise 12 There is a mistake in the folowing sentences Find it and correct it It’s very hot today – you like something to drink ?

2 Peter’s got a lot of books because he ‘d like reading How many children you got ?

4 Ho w many money has he got ? Who’s that new car ?

6 I’m go home now because it’s late

7 Last night I went to cafe for to meeting my friend We’re going have a test next week

9 I’m wear my old clothes because I’m going to clean the car 10 Pierre is French , he’s coming from Paris

11 What you doing tonight ?

12 My suister is more old than me 13.I think is going to rain

14.Your house is bigger than my

15 Who is the most rich person in the world ? Exercise 13 Match a question in A with an answer in B


1.Where does your sister work ? 2.Whose is this coat ?

3.How many cats have you got ? 4.How much did your bike cost? 5.Could you help me , please ?

6 Would you like some more to eat ? 7.Do you like Herry ?

8.Where are you going on holiday ? Why are you going to the chemist’s ? 10 What did you last night ?

11 Who is the new teacher ?

a Yes, ofcourse What can I for you ? b Yes, I think he is very nice

c To buy saome toothpaste d To Turkey

e In a bank f I stay at home g.Three

h.It’s Jane’s i.$ 195

j.Her name is Mrs Taylor k.No , thank I’m full

Phần III Exercise 15 Complete the chart

Adjectives Comparative Superlative


More beautiful





Exercise 16 a) Look at the information about the two hotels Write five sentences about the hotels using the comparative forms of the adjectives in the box

Example : The Ritz is a better hotel thn the Strand

Good big expensive near far modern

The Strand The Ritz

Numbers of stars Number of rooms Price

How many minutes to the sea ? How many minutes to the town centre ?

Old or new?

* * * 102

$80- $ 100 10 minutes 20 minutes New - 1990

* * * * 55

$ 120 -$ 140 15 minutes minutes Old – 1870

a b c d e b) Look at the information about The Star Hotel Write five more sentences , comparing the three hotels use the superlative form of the adjectives

Example : The Star is the best hotel

The Star Number of stars

Numbers of rooms Price

How many minutes to the sea ?

How many minutes to the town centre ? Old or new?

* * * * * 45

$ 150 - $ 175 minute 15 minutes Old - 1920

a b c d e Exercise 17 Completer the sentences with some/ any/ a

1 I don’t have brothers or sisters Would you like cup of tea ?

3.You have lovely pictures on the walls! 4.Is there water in the fridge ?

5.Can I have grapes , please ?


7 Do you want sandwich ?

8 The shop doesn’t have potatoes, peas, or bread

9 There are eggs in the cupboard , but there is’n sugar

Exercise 18 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets with present simple or continuous tense

1.I often ( watch) TV in the evenings, but tonight ( go) to the cinema 2.Pierre ( smoke) twenty cigarretes aday , but he ( not smoke ) now because he’s in class

3 Alice and Peter ( look) for a new house They ( not like) living in London

4 I always ( wear) nice clothes for work Today I ( wear) a blue jacket and a skirt

5 ‘ Why you ( go) to bed ? It’s only 10.00 ‘ ‘ I always ( go) to bed early ‘

6 Jane ( work) in a bank , but today she’s at home She ( write) letters Exercise 19 Complete the sentences with going to Use the verb and a place or person from the boxes

Example : I’m going to my homework in the living room

Buy write see borrow have My friend Florida library theatre baker’s Peter some bread at

2 I some books from We a play at They a holiday in I a letter to

Exercise 20 Put the words in the correct column

Clothes shop Food Drinks

Exercise 21 Translate these sentences into your language.Translate the ideas, not word by word. I like coke I’d like a coke

There is some bread on the table.There is’n any coffee

You’re older than me, but Tim is the oldest in the class

My sister has got three children

Wine fruit a dress a suit mushrooms milk a shirt cheese


5.I usually wear jeans , but today I’m wearing a suit

6.’ Whose is this book ? ‘ – It’s mine

7.We’re going to have a party

8.I went to London to buy some book

Exercise 22 There is a mistake in each sentences.Find it and correct it

Example ; We was in Paris last year = were Why you want to learn Portuguese ?

2 She hasn’t never been to Madrid

3 I’ve wrote to her three times and she hasn’t answered yet 4.I didn’t enjoy the fiml It was very bored

5 How many times you been to Greece ? I’m very exciting about my holiday The students worked very hardly

8.Say me when you want to stop for lunch What sort books you like reading ? 10 Did you ever been to Ireland ?

Exercise 23 Ask questions about the statements Example : Jonh went to New York

= When did he go ? Anna is tired

Why ? 2.I don’t go to work by car

How you ? This pen isn’t mine

Whose ? 4.I met a famous actress

Who you ? Sarah’s bought a new car

What sort ? We saw Bill yesterday

Where you ? 7.Sue’s watching television

What ? They are going on holiday

Where ? 9.Peter has left the party

Why ? 10 She drank a lot of wine

How much ? Exercise 24 Underline the correct tense


3 My sister did never go / has never been to France

4 I’m sorry I didn’t finish / haven’t finished my work yet 5.I ate / have eaten alot of ice- cream when I was a child 6.They climbed/ have climbed Everest in 1953

Exercise 25 Put the verb in brackets in the correct form , the present simlpe or present perfect I ( travel) by plane for the first time last year

2 We ( go ) to Paris two years ago you ever ( eat) Japanish food ? I never ( be) to hospital

5 Where you ( live) when you were a student ?

6.I can’t give you your book back , because I ( not read) it yet Exercise 26 Adjective or Adverb ? Underline the correct form

1.I’m driving careful / carefully because it’s raining

2 Our village is always very quiet / quietly Nothing happens Please speak more slow/ slowly I can’t understand you She’s a very good / well driver

5 He doesn’t drive very good / well

6 My grandparents are very strong and healthy / healthily for their age Exercise 27 Put the words in the correct order

1 letter / you / yet/ have / written ?

many / got / you / how / cousins / have ?

Rome / they / just / have / in arrived

well / speak / you / very / English

quickly / road / along/ man / the / walked / the

by/ play/ a / have / Shakespeare / seen / ever/ you ?

exam/ students/ the/ yesterday / a /had / difficult

carefully / you / work / did / your / check ?

exercise / this/ / please / quickly

10 people / going / many / invite / party / how / are / to / to / your / you ?

11 up / is / because / she / tired / she / got / early

Exercise 28 Complete the sentences with an auxiliary verb from the box

Am / is / are / does did have / has I listening to music


3 you daughter speak French well ?

4 you learn German when you were at school ? Ben ever been to India ?

6 We never played volleyball

7 I going to have driving lesson soon Mark and Jame live near you ?

9 Jonh going to phone you tomorrow ? 10 When you start work ? A long time ago ? 11 you written to thank Sue and Bill yet ?

Exercise 29 Complete the sentences with the preposition in the box

About in out of by on for to from Pamela lives the second floor

2 I’m reading a book the history of France 3 Oliver Twist is a book Charles Dickens 4, Is it far your house to the station ? Is Mexico City the biggest city the world ? Jane’s worried her exam

7 What is television tonight ? Are you interested politics ? She works a big company 10 Can I speak you for a moment ?

11 He drove the garage and down the street Exercise 30 Translate the sentences into your language

1 Tim drive carefully Tim is a careful driver

2 Have you ever been to China ? I went to China last year He hasn’t finished his homework yet

4 I want to go home

5 I’ve just finished my homework I’m interested in animals

Ngày đăng: 11/04/2021, 10:09

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