sport marketing plan.
SPORT MARKETING PLAN - DRAFTMarketing includes 4 basic principlesProduct – Promotion – Price – PlaceYour sport – Communication to a market – Cost of participation – Location / venueThe things you need to consider in developing a marketing plan1. Target – Members.Use sport magazine / newsletter through direct distribution to all members tokeep them informed of sport activities and future plans. Explore potential foradvertising in magazine / newsletter and sponsors promotions.2. Target – Sponsors, current or potentialPromote current sport activities to sponsors on at least a monthly basis by useof standard for letter or Sponsors Memo. Also through volunteer network,identify and direct target potential sponsors by adding to newsletter databaseand inviting to attend games at the Stadium.3. Target – Public / prospective members.Meet regularly with The West Australian sports journalist to promote sportactivities and find out what they need to get a regular story on sport in thepaper. Then meet this need. Meet with radio stations and Channel 31 toidentify opportunity for a profile player to be a regular guest on the station atan appropriate time. Train players in media awareness.Marketing is- Product, Place, Promotion, Price. In a sporting context -Identifying what it is that we want to market, why. (what is the outcome that we seekfrom the marketing exercise?). Not just the sport, it may be a specific aspect oractivity of the sport. The Product.Define who or where is the marketing exercise to be aimed at. Your area or furtherafield. Members, clubs, sponsors, a group of sponsors, the public, the government,etc. The target must be clearly defined for the marketing exercise to hit it. The Place.Determine the most appropriate means for conveying the marketing exercisedependent on the product and the place. Consider and allocate a budget to achieve theexercise. The promotion.Set the cost of the product to suit what the target can pay. If more members, then whatis the fee and what do they get for it. If more sponsors, then what do they get, what dothey want and what are they prepared to pay for it. The Price.Of course all this will take leg work, consultation, preparation and so on. Be preparedto do your research if you want the plan to be a success.Z:\02 ed\marketing plan.doc . SPORT MARKETING PLAN - DRAFTMarketing includes 4 basic principlesProduct – Promotion – Price – PlaceYour sport – Communication to. developing a marketing plan1 . Target – Members.Use sport magazine / newsletter through direct distribution to all members tokeep them informed of sport activities