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Read the following passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks1. MODERN SCIENCE.[r]


VOCABULARY 1 Vocabulary

STT Từ vựng Từ


Phiên âm Nghĩa

1 vegetarianism n / ˌvedʒɪˈteəriənɪzəm / chủ nghĩa ăn chay

2 invaluable valuable valueless

a a a

/ ɪnˈvæljəbəl̩ / / ˈvỉljəbəl / / ˈvỉljuːləs /

vơ giá

có giá trị, đáng giá khơng có giá trị

3 cuisine n / kwɪˈziːn / phong cách nấu ăn

4 command n / kəˈmɑːnd / lệnh, thị

5 theft n / θeft / trộm cắp

6 confess v / kənˈfes / thú nhận

7 tackle v / ˈtỉkəl̩ / xử trí, giải

8 heritage n / ˈherɪtɪdʒ / tài sản thừa kế

9 monument n / ˈmɒnjəmənt / đài kỉ niệm

10 archaeological archaeology

a n

/ ˌɑːkiəˈlɒdʒɪkəl /

/ ˌɑːkiˈɒlədʒi / thuộc khảo cổ họckhảo cổ học

11 landscape n / ˈlændskeɪp / phong cảnh

12 reckless a / ˈrekləs / thiếu cẩn trọng

13 generosity n / ˌdʒenəˈrɒsəti / rộng lượng

14 recovery n / rɪˈkʌvəri / bình phục

15 survival n / səˈvaɪvəl̩ / sinh tồn

16 analyze analysis analytical analytics

v n a n

/ ˈænəlaɪz / / əˈnæləsɪs / / ˌỉnəˈlɪtɪkəl /

/ ˌỉnəlˈɪtɪks /

phân tích phân tích thuộc phân tích

mơn giải tích, tích phân

17 vision n / ˈvɪʒən/ tầm nhìn, thị lực

18 prospect n / prɒspekt / triển vọng

19 scenario n / sɪˈnɑːrɪəʊ / viễn cảnh

20 diverse diversify diversity

a v n

/ daɪˈvɜːs / / daɪˈvɜːsɪfaɪ /

/ daɪˈvɜːsɪti /

đa dạng đa dạng hóa đa dạng

21 conjure v / ˈkʌndʒər / làm phép, làm trò ảo thuật

22 delude v / dɪˈluːd / đánh lừa

23 possibly adv / ˈpɒsəbli /

24 likely adv / ˈlaɪkli / xảy ra, có khả

25 certainly adv / ˈsɜːtənli / cách chắn

26 potentially adv / pəˈtenʃəli / cách tiềm tàng, tiềm ẩn

27 commitment n / kəˈmɪtmənt / tận tụy, tận tâm

28 cloak n / kləʊk / áo khốc áo chồng (khơng có tay áo)


30 telecommunication n / ˌtelɪkəmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/ viễn thông

31 drone n / drəʊn / máy bay không người lái

32 commitment n / kəˈmɪtmənt / tận tụy, tận tâm, lời cam kết

33 obligation n / ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃn̩ / nghĩa vụ, bổn phận

34 assignment n / əˈsaɪnmənt / phân công công việc

35 stylish style stylishly stylistic stylistically stylist a n adv a adv n / ˈstaɪlɪʃ / staɪl / / ˈstaɪlɪʃli / / staɪˈlɪstɪk / / staɪˈlɪstɪkəl̩i /

/ ˈstaɪlɪst /

đặc sắc, hợp thời trang phong cách

một cách đặc sắc, hợp thời trang

thc văn phong, có phong cách nghệ thuật cách có nghệ thuật

người có phong cách khác biệt, nhà tạo mẫu

36 advertisement advertising advertiser n n n

/ ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt / / ˈædvətaɪzɪŋ / / ˈỉdvətaɪzər /

bài quảng cáo quảng cáo cơng ty quảng cáo

37 interval n / ˈɪntəvəl̩ / khoảng, quãng (thời gian )

38 interruption n / ˌɪntəˈrʌpʃən̩ / gián đoạn, ngắt quãng

39 entirely adv / ɪnˈtaɪəli / cách trọn vẹn

40 barely adv / ˈbeəli / vừa mới, vừa đủ

41 scarcely adv / ˈskeəsli / không

42 virtually adv / ˈvɜːtʃuəli / hầu như, gần

43 genuinely adv / ˈdʒenjuɪnli / cách thành thật chân thành

44 cautious caution cautiously a n adv

/ ˈkɔːʃəs / / ˈkɔːʃn̩ / / ˈkɔːʃəsli /

thận trọng, cẩn trọng lời cảnh báo, cẩn trọng cách thận trọng

45 vigorous a / ˈvɪɡərəs / mạnh mẽ, đầy sinh lực

46 coverage n / ˈkʌvərɪdʒ ^/ tường thuật, đưa tin

47 prosperous a / ˈprɒspərəs / thịnh vượng

48 warm-hearted light-hearted whole-hearted big-hearted a a a a

/ ˌwɔːmˈhɑːtɪd / / ˌlaɪtˈhɑːtɪd / / ˌhəʊlˈhɑːtɪd /

/ ˌbɪgˈhɑːtɪd /

nhiệt tâm, tốt bụng vơ tư, thư thái tồn tâm, tồn ý

rộng lượng, hào hiệp

49 appreciative appreciable appreciation appreciate a a a v

/ əˈpriːʃətɪv / / əˈpriːʃəbəl̩ / / əˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃən̩ /

/ əˈpriːʃieɪt /

biết đánh giá, biết thưởng thức đánh giá

sự đánh giá đánh giá 50 productively production product producer productivity productive adv n n n n a

/ prəˈdʌktɪvli / / prəˈdʌkʃən̩ /

/ ˈprɒdʌkt / / prəˈdʒuːsər / /ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvəti /

/ prəˈdʌktɪv /

sản sinh nhiều, hiệu sản xuất

sản phẩm nhà sản xuất suất



STT Cấu trúc - Cụm từ Nghĩa

1 to the extent đến mức

2 hard of hearing tai, khó nghe, lặng tai

3 have an impressive command of st giỏi làm việc

4 bring about gây ra, đem lại

5 count in hoạt động

6 turn up = show up = arrive xuất

7 undergo a transformation thay đổi

8 in broad daylight rõ ban ngày

9 to clear one's name xoá tội cho

10 have/keep st up one's sleeve giữ bí mật đến phút cuối

11 catch sb red-handed bắt tang

12 hand down lưu truyền

13 land on hạ cánh

14 pass by thông qua

15 in danger of = at risk of có nguy bị

16 on the edge of bên bờ vực (nguy hiểm)

17 for ease of dễ

18 specialise in st chuyên sâu vào

19 focus on tập trung vào

20 break the bank chi tiêu/tiêu xài hết tiền

21 tie the knot = get married kết hôn

22 turn the page chuyển sang giai đoạn đời

23 make ends meet kiếm đủ tiền để sống, không mắc nợ, cân đối số thu số chi

24 take advantage of tận dụng

25 make use of lợi dụng

26 put out of đưa khỏi get out of bỏ khỏi make out of từ bỏ

run out of hết

27 a long face mặt buồn thượt, chán nản, buồn xỉu

28 business kinh doanh

29 do/try one's best (to st) cố gắng (để làm gì)

30 make matters worse khiến vấn đề tồi tệ

31 bear no relation to không liên quan

32 take sb under one's wing bảo vệ, chăm sóc

33 catch on with sb thịnh hành, phổ biến

34 blow off the responsibility rũ bỏ trách nhiệm

35 pay sb a visit = visit sb ghé thăm


37 the brink of collapse bờ vực phá sản

38 come into ( st ) thừa hưởng, thừa kế come over ghé qua

come to đến với

come through qua

39 turn up = show up = arrive xuất bring down đánh bại

put on mặc và, làm hay diễn kịch make off vội vã trốn

40 catch sight of st/ sb bắt gặp ai/

41 (buy) a pig in a poke mua mà khơng suy nghĩ kỹ, mua vô tội vạ

42 eager beaver người làm việc nhiệt tình, chăm

43 be attracted by st bị thu hút, hấp dẫn

44 be obliged by st bắt buộc

45 old hand người có nhiều kinh nghiệm kỹ hoạt động cụ thể

46 rank and file nhân viên bình thường tổ chức

47 fight tooth and nail cố gắng để đạt điều muốn

EXERCISE: Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 1: Since the 1960s vegetarianism's popularity has increased greatly, to the that high

street stores stock a wide variety of products for vegetarians

A extent B distance C length D measure

Question 2: If you are of hearing, these hearing aids will be invaluable.

A poor B weak C hard D short

Question 3: Jenny has an command of Japanese cuisine.

A intensive B utter C impressive D extreme

Question 4: The new airport has a lot of changes on this island.

A brought about B taken to C counted in D turned up

Question 5: The way in which we work has a complete transformation in the past decade.

A undiscovered B undertaken C undergone D underdone

Question 6: He was accused to theft, but then he as the real thief confessed to the police.

A appeared in broad daylight B cleared his name

C kept it up his sleeve D caught himself red-handed

Question 7: The government has made a big effort to tackle the two most important issues of

our country

A society B socialize C sociable D social

Question 8: Xoan singing is a vocal art of villages in the ancestral land of Phu Tho It has

been for generations and the oral tradition is still very much alive today

A handed down B landed on C passed by D taken over

Question 9: The latest heritage at risk register revealed that 5,831 listed buildings, monuments,

archaeological sites, and landscapes in England are at of being lost

A edge B risk C ease D danger

Question 10: Next year, I have to decide which area of medicine I want to in.

A focus B hand C specialize D come

Question 11: We need actions and interventions of the local authorities to prevent national

parks from being destroyed by pollution

A timely B excitedly C reckless D threateningly

Question 12: After a six-year relation, Martha and Billy have decided to


Question 13: Being helpful is good, but don't allow others to advantage of your generosity.

A get B take C use D make

Question 14: Peter lost the race because he petrol on the last lap.

A put out of B got out of C made out of D ran out of

Question 15: One of the best-known examples of mass extinction occurred 65 million years ago with

the of dinosaurs and many other forms of life

A recovery B survival C death D change

Question 16: You looked exhausted I think you've more than you can handle.

A taken up B turned up C turned on D taken on

Question 17: We also use a great of water daily in our homes, in factories, and in power stations.

A number B measure C quality D amount

Question 18: Her classmates admire her so much because she has a clear mind.

A analyze B analysis C analytical D analytics

Question 19: My uncle left his job because he did not have of promotion.

A visions B prospects C scenarios D posts

Question 20: I gave the waiter a $50 note and waited for my

A supply B change C cost D cash

Question 21: Jim usually looks happy, but today he has a long He must have had a quarrel

with his best friend

A face B expression C chin D nose

Question 22: Some food that are good of nutrition include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

A origins B sources C resources D causes

Question 23: Some people lose control of their finances spending more than they should end up not

being able to So they end up in debt and have difficulty in paying it back

A business B their best C make matters worse D make ends meet

Question 24: Many countries' cultural _ is a result of taking in immigrants from all over the world.

A diverse B diversified C diversify D diversity

Question 25: His speech little or no relation to the topic given.

A was B reflected C gave D bore

Question 26: Any candidates caught in the examination will be disqualified.

A cheating B deceiving C conjuring D deluding

Question 27: When he woke up, he realized that the things he had dreamt about could not

have happened

A possibly B likely C certainly D potentially

Question 28: Katie O'Donovan, public policy manager at Google UK, said the company had shown its

to protecting children by developing its resources - such as an online safety course has been taught to 40,000 schoolchildren

A interest B keenness C enthusiasm D commitment

Question 29: The United States and China have a deal that allows the Chinese

telecommunications giant ZTE to stay in business in exchange for paying an additional $1 billion in fines and agreeing to let US regulators monitor its operations

A reached B solved C passed D come

Question 30: The head teacher has asked me to take the new boy under my and look after him.

A sleeves B arm C wing D cloak

Question 31: Drone racing is an exciting new sport that has become popular faster than other

sports before it

A no B none C neither D not

Question 2: The online game "Dumb ways to die" quickly with young people after being

released in 2013

A took on B caught up C caught on D took up

Question 33: He looks for any excuse he can to blow off his to housework.

A commitment B obligation C assignment D responsibility

Question 34: It is hardly possible to the right decision all the time.

A B arrive C make D take


A stylish B stylishly C stylistic D stylistically

Question 36: Students can a lot of information just by attending class and taking good notes of

the lectures

A absorb B provide C transmit D read

Question 37: Make sure you us a visit when you are in town again.

A give B C pay D have

Question 38: The play lasted two hours with a/ an of 15 minutes between part one and part two.

A interval B pause C stop D interruption

Question 39: When he went to Egypt, he knew no Arabic, but within months he had become

extremely fluent

A entirely B barely C scarcely D virtually

Question 40: are that stock price will go up in the coming months.

A Conditions B Opportunities C Possibilities D Chances

Question 41: After graduation, she found with a local travel company in Ninh Binh.

A career B workplace C service D employment

Question 42: They exchanged letters for 15 years, but they never met in person.

A truly B actually C positively D genuinely

Question 43: In order to your goals, you need to invest the maximum amount of time, effort

and energy in your studies

A manage B achieve C catch D establish

Question 44: Peter opened the door of cellar, wondering what he might find.

A cautious B cautiously C cautional D cautionally

Question 45: Although they tried to hide it, it was that they didn't like their unwelcome guest.

A foolish B basic C obvious D vigorous

Question 46: Larry was so in his novel that he forgot about his dinner cooking in the oven.

A absorbed B attracted C drawn D obliged

Question 47: Some people feel that television should give less to sport.

A programmers B coverage C concern D involvement

Question 48: I don't like John His complaints make me angry.

A continual B continuous C continuation D continuously

Question 49: Poor management brought the company to of collapse.

A the edge B the foot C the ring D the brink

Question 50: As a result of his father's death, he a lot of money.

A came into B came over C came to D came through

Question 51: The school drama club is a play for the school's anniversary, which is due to

take place next month

A turning up B bringing down C putting on D making off

Question 52: The world's biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, which makes wildlife .

A prosperous B perfect C vulnerable D remained

Question 53: I caught of a lion lying under the tree, and my heart jumped

A view B sight C look D scene

Question 54: The students' plan for a musical show to raise money for charity received

support from the school administrators

A warm-hearted B light-hearted C whole-hearted D big-hearted

Question 55: I don't feel like buying a in a poke; we'd better check the content.

A ox B pig C buffalo D cattle

Question 56: I don't know what it to be as popular with girls as my brother is.

A uses B takes C demands D expects

Question 57: I was most of his efforts to help me during the crisis.

A appreciative B appreciable C appreciation D appreciate

Question 58: TV advertising in the late afternoon tends to young children.

A aim B point C focus D target

Question 59: Why don't you just say you calling him a fool and make things up?

A pity B mercy C sorry D regret


VOCABULARY 2 Vocabulary

STT Từ vựng Từ

loại Phiên âm Nghĩa

1 rolling a /ˈrəʊlɪŋ / lăn, trôi qua

2 community n /kəˈmjuːnəti / cộng đồng

3 paperback n /ˈpeɪpəbæk / bìa sách

4 mortgage n /ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ / tiền chấp

5 vacancy n /ˈveɪkənsi / chỗ trống, chỗ khuyết

6 sympathetic a /ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk / đồng cảm

7 discourage v / dɪˈskʌrɪdʒ / làm nản lòng

8 promotion n / prəˈməʊʃən̩ / thăng chức, đề bạt

9 cottage n / ˈkɒtɪdʒ / nhà tranh

10 hotly-contested a / ˈhɒtliˈkɒntestɪd / thi đấu liệt, nảy lửa

11 continuation continuity continual continuous n n a a /kənˌtɪnjuˈeɪʃən̩ / /ˌkɒntɪˈnjuːəti /

/ kənˈtɪnjuəl / / kənˈtɪnjuəs /

sự tiếp tục

sự liên tục, liên tiếp liên miên, triền miên liên tục không ngừng

12 open - minded

kind - hearted narrow - minded absent - minded

a a a a

/ ˌəʊpənˈmaɪndɪd / / ˌkaɪndˈhɑ:tɪd / / ˌnærəʊˈmaɪndɪd / / æbsentˈmaɪndɪd /

cởi mở, phóng khống tốt bụng, có lịng tốt hẹp hịi, nhỏ nhen đãng trí

13 self- controlled a / ˌselfkənˈtrəʊld / tỏ tự chủ

14 directory direction director n n n

/ dɪˈrektəri / / dɪˈrekʃən̩ / / dɪˈrektər /

danh bạ

sự hướng dẫn, đường giám đốc, nguời điều khiển

15 valid a / ˈvỉlɪd / có hiệu lực

16 artificial a / ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəl̩ / nhân tạo

17 self - opinionated a / ˌselfəˈpɪnjəneɪtɪd / bảo thủ, cố chấp

18 self - dominated a / ˌselfˈdɒmɪneɪtɪd / vẻ người lãnh đạo

19 assert v / əˈsɜːt / khẳng định, xác nhận

20 structural a / ˈstrʌktʃərəl / thuộc cấu trúc

21 bias n / ˈbaɪəs / thiên về, nghiêng

22 deep-seated a / ˌdiːpˈsiːtɪd / sâu kín, thầm kín

23 circulation n / ˌsɜːkjəˈleɪʃən / lưu hành, lưu thơng

24 expansive a / ɪkˈspỉnsɪv / có tính cởi mở, mở rộng

25 novelty n / ˈnɒvəlti / tính lạ

26 short-sighted far-sighted single-minded single -handed a a a a

/ ʃɔːtˈsaɪtɪd / / ˌfɑːˈsaɪtɪd / / ˌsɪŋɡəlˈmaɪndɪd / / ˌsɪŋgəlˈhændɪd /

thiến cận, nhìn hạn chế nhìn xa trơng rộng

ngay thẳng, chân thật mình, đơn độc

27 allege v / əˈledʒ / viện cớ, viện lẽ


29 manipulate v / məˈnɪpjəleɪt / thao tác, vận hành

30 acquitted a / əˈkwɪtɪd / trắng án, khơng có tội

31 sovereignty n / ˈsɒvrɪnti / quyền tối cao

32 framer n / ˈfreɪmə / tạo khung

33 declaration n / ˌdekləˈreɪʃən̩ / tuyên bố, lời tuyên bố

34 ingratiate v / ɪnˈɡreɪʃɪ:eɪt / nịnh nọt lấy lịng

35 gratify v / ˈɡrỉtɪfaɪ / làm hài lòng, chiều lòng

36 commend v / kəˈmend / khen ngợi, ca ngợi

37 water-proof a / ˈwɔ:təpruːf / không thấm nước

38 snow-white a / ˌsnəʊˈwaɪt / trắng tuyết

39 semi-final a / ˌsemiˈfaɪnəl̩ / bán kết

40 airtight a / ˈeətaɪt / kín

41 allowance n / əˈlaʊəns / cho phép Structures

STT Cấu trúc - Cụm từ Nghĩa

1 the cutting edge (of st): giai đoạn nhất, tiên tiến phát triển

2 make off with ăn cắp

run out of hết

lose out on không lấy thứ mà bạn muốn

go through with làm việc cần thiết để hoàn thành trình

3 lend an ear (to sb/ st) lắng nghe cách kiên nhẫn thông cảm với

4 accept one's deepest/ warmest/ heartiest congratulations on/ upon: đón nhận chúc mừng nồng nhiệt

5 in due course vào lúc tương lai

6 go through st kiểm tra kĩ; trải qua việc go down with st bị ốm, mắc bệnh

come in for with st chịu đựng

come up against st giải quyết, vượt qua khó khăn

7 pursue one's interest theo đuổi đam mê, sở thích

8 odds and ends thứ linh tinh vụn vặt, không quan trọng (đồ vật) xây xước, tổn hại dùng ngày wear and tear hao mịn tự nhiên

white lie lời nói dối vơ hại

9 emerge as st biết đến

10 take action giải vấn đề, bắt tay vào giải

11 take effect phát huy tác dụng

12 get on one's mind nghĩ gì, suy nghĩ đầu

13 get down to st get off

get on

bắt tay vào làm việc xuống xe

đi lên (xe buýt, tàu hỏa, ngựa )


come up xảy

come over dưng cảm thấy come up with tìm ra, nghĩ

15 have a feeling có linh cảm, cảm giác

16 dispose of st = to get rid of st: vứt bỏ (rác thải)

17 part with st = give st to sb else, especially st that you would prefer to keep: cho mà ta u thích

18 a wide range/variety of st: nhiều loại khác

19 pay off trả nợ

20 give in đầu hàng

21 get st over (to sb) = make st clear (to sb); làm cho rõ điều

22 at long time sau thời gian dài down the years khứ in the event = when the situation actually

happened vào lúc xảy điều in the long run = down the road trong tương lai xa

23 refuse + to V

deny + V-ing/ deny + that + mệnh dề

từ chối, khước từ, cự tuyệt làm phủ nhận làm

object + to + V-ing reject + N

phản đối, chống, chống đối loại ra, bỏ ra; đánh hỏng

24 resort to st phải động đến ai, dùng tới ai/

25 wear off dần biến dừng lại turn out trở nên, hóa

doing without (sb/ st) cố gắng xoay sở mà khơng có (ai/ gì)

fade in trở nên rõ ràng to (hoặc ngược lại)

26 It never entered one's head that = I never thought that

tôi chưa nghĩ rằng, biết

27 overlook one's mistake bỏ qua, tha thứ cho lỗi lầm

28 look sb up thăm, liên lạc với (sau thời gian dài) take sb off copy giọng nói, cử hành động

một cách buồn cười send sb off đuổi khỏi sân (thi đấu)

call sb up gọi điện, gọi vào đội tuyển quốc gia (thể thao), gọi nhập ngũ

29 put (st) into practice đưa vào thực tiễn

30 come to the fore/ be to the fore/ be at the fore: giữ địa vị lãnh đạo, đóng vai trị quan trọng, trở nên quan trọng người ý

31 ingratiate oneself with sb commend sb for/ on st/ doing st

làm cho mến khen ngợi

32 make a statement make reference to st

khẳng định, thể quan điểm hay tính cách nói đến, nhắc đến việc

33 the extent of the damage mức độ thiệt hại

34 on the grounds lí


EXERCISE: Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 1: The university campus is like one big village where thousands of students live, work and

relax surrounded by rolling green fields It is the centre of the student in all its variety A society B company C community D connection

Question 2: Our firm is so successful because it is at the cutting of computer technology.

A fringe B limit C verge D edge

Question 3: What will happen when the world oil?

A makes off with B runs out of C loses out on D goes through with

Question 4: If you are interested in applying for the vacancy, send in your

A mortgage B paperback C notice D resume

Question 5: Jane is a sympathetic listener She lent me a (n) when I lost my job.

A eye B ear C mouth D mind

Question 6: school fees may discourage many students from attending university.

A Raising B Improving C Gaining D Receiving

Question 7: Please accept our congratulations on your promotion!

A finest B warmest C dearest D best

Question 8: They've bought a holiday cottage near the sea, and in course they plan to move

there permanently

A future B due C coming D intended

Question 9: She should have been here but she's chicken flu.

A gone through with B gone down with C come in for D come against

Question 10: Part-time jobs give us the freedom to our own interest.

A pursue B chase C seek D catch

Question 11: I won't buy that car because it has too much on it.

A ups and downs B odds and ends C wear and tear D white lie

Question 12: After a match, the team from Chia emerged as the winner.

A hotly-contested B hot-contested C hotly-compete D hot-competed

Question 13: Although she was , she agreed to give me a hand with the clean-up.

A tiredness B tired C tiring D tiresome

Question 14: Create a new and put all your files into it.

A directory B direction C director D directing

Question 15: Applicants must hold a(n)- driving license.

A artificial B faithful C false D valid

Question 16: As the drug took the patient became unconscious.

A effect B force C influence D action

Question 17: You're very quiet today What have you got on your ?

A spirit B attention C mind D brain

Question 18: I don't have time to argue with this self - women.

A controlled B dominated C opinionated D liked

Question 19: The professor scheduled two student appointments for the same time He was so

A open - minded B kind - hearted C narrow - minded D absent - minded

Question 20: What chemical is this? It's a horrible smell.

A giving over B giving off C giving down D giving up

Question 21: It's time I thinking about that essay.

A got down to B got off C got on D got down with

Question 22: I think you are your time looking for a job in this town There's not much to here.

A losing B spending C wasting D missing

Question 23: On hearing the news she fainted and it was half an hour before she came again.

A up B round C over D up with

Question 24: I had a , which I couldn't explain, that something terrible was going to happen.

A feeling B view C sense D thought

Question 25: Today's weather will be a of yesterday.

A continuing B continuation C continuity D continual


A seriously B largely C fully D heavily

Question 27: Too many factories dispose their waste by pumping it into rivers and the sea.

A out B of C away D off

Question 28: He was so mean that he could not bear to the smallest sum of money for the

charity appeal

A part with B pay off C give in D let out

Question 29: Although the patient's condition is serious, she seems to be out of

A place B control C danger D order

Question 30: They are conducting a wide of surveys throughout Vietnam.

A collection B range C selection D group

Question 31: At the 2015 Women in the World Summit, Hilary Clinton asserted that " cultural

codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed"

A deep-seated B deep-seating C seated-deep D seating-deep

Question 32: It's important that we this message to young people.

A go/over B get/down C get/over D go/for

Question 33: Miss Diligent did nine hours studying a day for her exam.

A heavy B solid C powerful D big

Question 34: “At the start of the 19th century, the highest newspaper in the United Kingdom

was The Morning Post, which sold around 4,000 copies per day."

A distribution B coverage C circulation D sales

Question 35: Marketing this new product will be expensive, but it will be worth the money we

spend on it

A at long last B down the years C in the event D in the long run

Question 36: The boys that they had broken the window, but I'm sure they did.

A refused B denied C objected D reject

Question 37: Students should never to violence to solve any problems.

A exert B resolve C resort D recourse

Question 38: The novelty of married life seems to if the couple involved don't have ways to

renew their love

A turn out B without C fade in D wear off

Question 39: It never my head that such great Bulgarian rose festivals would be held in Hanoi,

our capital city

A struck B dawned C occurred D entered

Question 40: With all due respect, I think your comments are

A short-sighted B far-sighted C single-minded D single -handed

Question 41: It is alleged that mothers and grandmothers spoil the children by their mistakes.

A neglecting B overlooking C avoiding D passing

Question 42: Internet Service is the latest mode of which helps us get required information

directly through computers by opening the site

A communicate B communication C communicative D communicator

Question 43: Despite all the evidence, he wouldn't admit that he was in the

A fault B error C wrong D slip

Question 44: In 2006, the news agency Reuters withdrew from sale 920 pictures taken by a photographer

because two images taken in Lebanon were to have been digitally manipulated

A believed B suggested C announced D recommended

Question 45: He walked from the court as a free man, having been of murder.

A unconvinced B discharged C liberated D acquitted

Question 46: Everyone laughed when he the teacher so well.

A looked up B took off C sent off D called up

Question 47: How did the framers put into the idea of popular sovereignty expressed in the

Declaration of Independence?

A practice B trial C test D examination

Question 48: You can't wash this jacket in the washing machine - you need to get it

A dry-cleaning B spin-dried C spring-cleaned D clean dried


A variable B variety C various D invariably

Question 50: The new political party came to the after the general election.

A fore B back C side D front

Question 51: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is trying to himself with US President

Donald Trump an impress Australian voters

A gratify B please C ingratiate D commend

Question 52: She made no to her illness but only to her future plans.

A statement B mention C reference D comment

Question 53: It is difficult to assess the full of the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy one of

the most destructive storms the U.S has had in quite some time

A range B extent C amount D quality

Question 54: I am trying to find a watch for my mother and a doll with hair for my

little sister

A water-proof/snow-white B proofed water/white snowed C proof water/ white snow D water-proofed/snow-whited

Question 55: Mr Nixon refused to answer the questions on the that the matter was confidential.

A reasons B excuses C grounds D foundation

Question 56: While the victory moves Vietnam, incredibly, a step nearer to the title, it sees Qatar fall at

the semi-final stage for the second competition in AFC U23 Championship

A successive B success C successfully D successful

Question 57: Peter Rae and screamed “Get out of my sight".

A turned on B took on C got back D showed off

Question 58: He decided to buy some chocolate kept in an container for his father.

A air tighted B tight-air C tight aired D airtight

Question 59: The politician tried to arouse the crowd, but most of them were to his arguments.

A closed B indifferent C careless D dead

Question 60: - “Can you take the day off tomorrow?" - “Well, I'll have to get from my boss.”



READING Read the following passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


It seems entirely natural to us that there are teams of scientists in universities and (1) institutions around the world, attempting to discover the way the world works (2) , it hasn’t always been that way Although the scientific method is now four or five hundred years old, the ancient Greeks, for example, believed that they could (3) the causes of natural events just by the power of thought

During the 17th century, more and more people began to realize that they could test their scientific

ideas by designing a relevant experiment and seeing what happened A lot of (4) was made in this way by individual scientists These men and women often worked alone, carrying out research into many different areas of science, and they often received very little (5) for their hard work At the start of the 20th century, thought, it became clear that science was becoming more complicated and

more expensive This individual scientist disappeared, to be replaced by highly qualified teams of experts Modern science was born

1 A another B every C other D whole A However B Besides C Thus D Accordingly A come out B work out C give out D solve out A development B evolution C movement D progress A present B gift C reward D prize

READING Read the following passage and choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you are One thing you have to be aware of is that you will face criticism along the way The world is full of people who would rather say something negative than positive If you’ve made up your (1) to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, don’t let the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the (2) criticism have a positive effect on your work If someone says you’re totally lacking in talent, ignore them That’s negative criticism If, (3) , someone advises you to revise your work and gives you good reasons for doing so, you should (4) their suggestions very carefully There’re many movie stars who were once out of work There’re many famous novelists who made a complete trash of their first novel – or who didn’t, but had to put off approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it published Being successful does depend on luck, to a (5) But things are more likely deal with well if you persevere and stay positive

1 A mind B brain C thought D idea A constructive B hostile C general D constant A therefore B hence C whatever D however A think B consider C look round D take

5 A certain exception B level C definite range D certain extent


Do you know that your place on the family ladder may have certain effects on the sort of person you grow up to be? You may be the only child, the eldest, youngest or (1) one; you may be the youngest of three boys or the eldest girl with a younger brother and sister All the different combinations of relationships will have helped to make you the person you are (2) of years between your siblings and you also helps to shape your character

Knowing such details about your best friend or loved one (3) also tell you about the type of friend or partner he needs For example, a boy with a younger sister would normally (4) much better with a girl who has an older brother than with a girl who has a younger brother Similarly, if your girlfriend is the oldest in her family, she would probably be more than a little domineering

Fortunately for all of us, family psychology is not totally accurate There are always exceptions to the rule Most important of all, we should always judge people (5) to who they are, not the relatives they have

1 A middle B focus C center D average A number B A amount C The number D The amount A could B should C need D ought A put up B stand by C make up D get along A relating B according C concerning average D regarding

READING Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.

In two studies publicly presented on Monday at the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Orlando, Florida in the United States, scientists have disclosed new steps toward using natural adhesives made by the dusky Arion slug (Arion subfuscus) in medical

applications such as in closing skin wounds and reducing scarring

Arion slug secretes an unusual glue, making itself a difficult target for predators This glue remains both sticky and flexible and works even when the surface the slug is on is wet Previous studies have shown that, unlike many artificial adhesives, Arion slug glue is non-toxic to mammalian tissue

Scientist Rebecca Falconer, an Ithaca College undergraduate who led one of the two studies, said "Typical sutures like staples and stitches often lead to scarring and create holes in the skin that could increase the chance of infection after surgery [ ] Understanding the roles of adhesive proteins in the slug glue would aid in the creation of a medical adhesive that can move and stretch yet still retain its strength and adhesiveness." In her set of experiments, Falconer observed eleven proteins found only in the Arion slug glue and used DNA recombination to produce usable amounts of each of these proteins, whereas Christopher Gallego-Lazo, also an Ithaca undergraduate, evaluated the glue by focusing on the chemical bonds within it Gallego-Lazo found that slight changes in these chemical bonds could alter the strength of the slug glue

Gallego-Lazo said, "Few studies on biological adhesives have identified the exact nature of the bonds holding the glue together This knowledge can guide the development of an organic synthetic adhesive that would reduce the risk of infection and scarring compared to stitches and staples and could be applied rapidly and simply."

(Adapted from Wikinews)

1 The word “disclosed” in the passage is closest in meaning to

A discovered B approved C revealed D proved 2 The word “its” in the third paragraph refers to .

A slug glue B adhesive proteins C the creation D medical adhesive 3 According to the passage, all of the following characteristics of the slug glue have been studied by scientists EXCEPT for

A Inner chemical bonds B Toxicity


4 What is the passage mainly about?

A New discoveries about artificial adhesives

B Ongoing research about a new type of organic glue C The drawbacks of typical sutures

D Reducing the risk of infection caused by stiches and staples

5 The chemical bonds of the slug glue are being studied because A they can directly alter the strength of the slug glue

B they can be used to produce usable amounts of adhesive proteins C they can lead to infection like stiches and staples

D they can provide scientists with useful information

READING Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.

People commonly complain that they never have enough time to accomplish tasks The hours and minutes seem to slip away before many planned chores get done According to time management experts, the main reason for this is that most people fail to set priorities about what to first They get tied down by trivial, time-consuming matters and never complete the important ones

One simple solution often used by those at the top is to keep lists of tasks to be accomplished daily. These lists order jobs from most essential to least essential and are checked regularly through the day to access progress Not only is this an effective way to manage time, but also it serves to give individuals a much- deserved sense of satisfaction over their achievements People who not keep lists often face the end of the work day with uncertainty over the significance of their accomplishments, which over time can contribute to serious problems in mental and physical health

1 Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A Common Complaints About Work B Accomplishing Trivial Matters C Achieving Job Satisfaction D Learning to Manage Time

2 According to the passage, why many people never seem to have enough time to accomplish things? A They not prioritise tasks B They get tied down by one difficult problem

C They fail to deal with trivial matters D They not seek the advice of time management experts 3 In paragraph 2, the word those refers to .

A daily lists B trivial matters C priorities D people The passage states that one solution to time management problems is to

A consult a time management expert

B accomplish time - consuming matters first

C keep daily lists of priorities and check them regularly D spend only a short time on each task

5 The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses .


PRACTICE TEST OF UNIT 10: ENDANGER SPECIES Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest

1 A danger B blank C habitat D impact A easy B clean C earth D mean A animals B leaves C lives D lists A cake B panda C face D late A social B science C sour D sure

Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the rest.

6 A future B wildlife C reserve D mountain A commercial B industry C sufficient D destruction A ability B conservation C governmental D exploitation A reserve B schedule C wildlife D beauty 10 A derive B contain C leopard D prevent

Choose the best option.

11 Everyone is worried about the _ of the rainforests

A destruction B protection C species D extinction 12 Toxic chemicals in the air and land have also driven many species to the _ of extinction

A border B limit C verge D edge 13 Birds aren’t all the same There are many different _.

A categories B species C animals D plants

14 A lot of different conservation efforts have been made to endangered species A save B kills C make D

15 You will be happy to know that efforts have already brought many animals back from the brink of extinction, but still, our work is far from done

A conservation B preservation C protection D defense 16 _ is destroying larger areas of tropical rain forests

A Forestation B Deforestation C Foresters D forests 17 The raw sewage needs to be treated

A chemically B chemical C chemist C chemistry 18 There are more than 20 working on the water treatment project

A researches B researcher C researchers D research

19 The primary causes of species extinction are habitat destruction, commercial _ and pollution A exploit B exploiting C exploitation D exploitative

20 Thousands of species of animals and plants are and the number decreases each year A danger B dangerous C endanger D endangered 21 Many modern medicines are derived _ plants and animals

A on B for C from D in

22 15,589 species (7,266 animal species and 8,323 plant species) are now considered risk _ extinction A at / of B on / in C for / with D in / at

23 _Lan: What solution to air pollution can you suggest? _Nam:

A Air pollution is really serious these days B Smoke from factory chimneys pollutes the air C Air pollution causes acid rain D People should use public means of transport 24 _Lan: How can we help to fight deforestation? _Nam:

A We may recycle paper and buy recycled paper products B We may cut down trees at an alarming rate

C We should only cut branches of big trees D We should set up animal ranches near forests 25 Tony has just received the gift from Kathy

_Tony: "Thank you for your nice gift.'' _ Kathy: " '' A I'm glad you like it B In fact I myself don't like it C But you know how much it costs ? D You're welcome

26 You ask a woman about her age It’s not polite


27 I’ll lend you the money and you pay me back till next month A needn’t B mustn’t C need D must 28 Marcela didn’t come to class yesterday She an accident

A will have had B may have had C should have had D must have

29 John didn’t his homework, so the teacher became very angry John his homework A must have done B should have done C may have done D needn’t have done 30 Sharon was supposed to be here at nine o’clock She about our meeting

A must have forgotten B must forget C should have forgotten D will have forgotten 31 Peter has been working for 10 hours He _ be very tired now

A needn't B must C has to D should

32 When you have a small child in the house, you _ leave small objects lying around Such objects _ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death

A should / must B should not / might C needn't / may D mustn't / can't 33 Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table He _ it here last night

A must have left B should have left C must be leaving D needn't leave 34 John is not at home He _ go somewhere with Daisy I am not sure

A might B will C must D should

35 Oh no! I completely forgot we were supposed to pick Jenny up at the airport this morning - She _ there waiting for us

A needn't sit B might still sit C must still be sitting D should have sat 36 John failed again He _ harder

A must have tried B should have tried C can tried D may have tried 37 When I was a child, as we were having dinner, my grandmother always used to say, “ _.”

A One must not eat with one's mouth open B You should have eaten with your mouth open C Open your mouth and eating D One needn't open his mouth to eat

38 _ We have still got plenty of food

A You should have bought some more to eat B You needn't have gone to the supermarket C We must have bought some more food D May I go to the supermarket?

39 John passed his exam with a distinction _

A He was too lazy to succeed B He can't have studied very hard C He must have studied very hard D He needs studying harder 40 _ We got there far too early

A We needn't have hurried B We should hurry up

C Hurry up or we will be late D We must have walked hurriedly

41 I have done this math problem at least twenty times, but my answer is wrong according to the answer

key A The answer in the book should be wrong! B The book needn't have a wrong answer

C There is a wrong answer in the book D The answer in the book must be wrong! 42 It's time we left for the disco.

A We may leave for the disco now B We needn't leave for the disco now C We should leave for the disco now D We must have left for the disco now 43 It was a mistake of you to lose your passport.

A You shouldn't have lost your passport B There must be a mistake in your passport C You needn't have brought your passport D Your passport must be lost

44 My car keys are possibly in the kitchen.

A My car keys should be put in the kitchen B My car keys cannot be in the kitchen

C I don’t know whether my car keys are in the kitchen D My car keys might be in the kitchen

45 Is it possible for me to come to your house at about p.m.? A Must I come over to your house at about p.m.? B Could I be coming to your house at about p.m.? C Can I come to your house at about p.m.?

D Will I come to your house at about p.m.? 46 You are not allowed to park your car here.


C You might not park your car here D You may not park your car here 47 It was not necessary for Nancy to clean the flat

A Nancy needn’t have cleaned the flat B Nancy doesn’t need to clean the flat C Nancy must have cleaned the flat D Nancy should have cleaned the flat 48 Perhaps Susan know the address.

A Susan might know the address B Susan must know the address C Susan needs to know the address D Susan needn’t know the address 49 It’s possible that Joanna didn’t receive my message

A Joanna might not have received my message B Joanna must not have received my message C Joanna should not have received my message D Joanna should have received my message

50 Although you work really hard, you will never be promoted here.

A However hard you work, you will never be promoted here B No matter how you work hard, you will never be promoted here C You will never be promoted here; however, you work hard D If you didn’t work hard, you would never be promoted here

Choose the best option to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined in word(s) in the following questions.

51 Many schools provide environmental education to increase students' awareness of conservation needs A effort B benefit C exploitation D knowledge

52 Biologists have introduced a global list of endangered and vulnerable animal species A rare and specious B small but invaluable

C weak and easily hurt D strong and unusual 53 Government have passed laws to protect wildlife from commercial trade

A enabled B enforced C enacted D ensured

Choose the best option to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions

54 It is found that endangered species are often concentrated in areas that are poor and densely populated, such as much of Asia and Africa

A disappeared B protected C threatened d reduced

55 World Wide Fund for Nature was formed to the mission of the preservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of natural resources, and the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption

A contamination B purification C extinction D development

Choose the underlined words that need correcting.

56 Nancy was refused to be given a scholarship to study abroad two days ago She could have been very sad A was refused B given C to study D could have

57 Species become extinct or endangerment for a number of reasons, but the primary cause is the destruction of habitat by human activities

A endangerment B reasons C destruction D by human activities 58 Without the particularly habitat, the species could not survive

A Without B particularly C could D survive 59 There is a No Parking sign, so you won’t park your car here

A won’t park B There is C so D here 60 The number of species around the globe threatened from extinction is over 15,000

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2021, 16:27

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