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Week period Lesson Aims and objectives Teaching aids Planof


Supplementary materials

1 1 2


Test at the beginning of the school year Introduce the subjectto SS

Unit 1:A Hello ,2, 3, Unit 1:A Hello , 6, Unit 1:B Good morning

Unit 1:C How old are you? 1, Unit 1:C How old are you? ,

To be (simple present questions - Greeting people, identify oneself - Ask how people are

- Say goodbye / how old one is /how old others are - introduce oneself and others

- Count to twenty

- pictures, cards - cassette player, tape - group boards

- textbook

- some English exercise books - some English grammar books - activity books

3 4

8 10 11 12

Unit 2:A Come in 1, Unit 2:B Where you live? 1, Unit 2:B Where you live? 3, 4, Unit 2:C My school Unit 2:C My school 2,

- give and obey orders

- ask for and give personal information - Identify oneself and others

- identify places, people, and objects - review alphabet

- imperative (commands)

- pictures, cards - cassette player, tape - group boards - realia

- textbook

- some English exercise books - some English grammar books - activity books

5 5 6

13 14 15 16 17

Unit 3:A My house 1, Unit 3:A My house 3, Unit 3:B Numbers 1, Unit 3:B Number 3, 4, Unit 3:C Families 1,

- identify places and objects - give personal information - identify people

- ask for and give numbers - describe the family

- personal / possessive pronouns

- Imperative / question words / How many…

- pictures, cards - cassette player, tape - group boards - realia

15’ - textbook

- some English exercise books - some English grammar books

6 18 Grammar practice - Review all knowledge that students have already learnt from unit  3 - group boards- leather board - some English exercise books- some English grammar books

7 1920 Test 1Test correction - - Have plan to teach betterMeasure the students’ progress - Test papers- extra board 45’

8 8

21 22 23 24 25

Unit 4: A Where is your school? 1, Unit 4: A Where is your school? 3, Unit 4: B My class

Unit 4: C Getting ready for school 1, 2,

Unit 4: C Getting ready for school 4, 5, 6,

- describe location and size of school - describe location of objects - identify possession ( possessive: ‘s) - describe everyday activities - ask for and say the time - ordinal numbers to tenth

- pictures, cards - cassette player, tape - group boards - realia

- some English exercise books - some English grammar books - activity books

9 10 10

26 27 28 29

Unit 5: A My day 1, Unit 5: A My day 3, Unit 5: A My day 5, Unit 5: B My routine 1, 2,

- describe everyday routine (adverbs of time / present simple)

- ask for and say the time (preposition at / to / past) - Yes-no questions

- pictures

- cassette player, tape - group boards - realia

- some English exercise books - activity books

- some English grammar books


11 3031 Test (Mid- term test)Test correction - Measure the students’ progress- Have plan to teach better

- test papers 45’ - some English exercise books - some English grammar books 11 32 Unit 5: C Classes 1, 2, - describe school table time - pictures

- cassette player, tape - group boards - realia

- some English exercise books - some English grammar books


Week period Lesson Aims and objectives Teaching aids of TestPlan Supplementary materials

11 33 Grammar practice - Review all knowledge that the students have already leant from unit - - group boards- leather board - pictures, cards

- textbook

- some English exercise books - some English grammar books 11

11 12 12 12

34 35 36 37 38

Unit 6:A Our house 1, Unit 6:A Our house 3, 5, Unit 6:B In the city 1, 2, Unit 6:C Around the house 1, Unit 6:C Around the house 3, 4,

- give personal details

- describe places (prepositions of places) - describe locations (surroundings) - Question words (where Which What…) - Adjectives

- pictures, cards - cassette player, tape - group boards

15’ - activity books

- some English exercise books - some English grammar books 13

14 14 14 15

39 40 41 42 43

Unit 7:A Is your house big? 1, Unit 7:A Is your house big? 3, 4, 5, Unit 7:B Town or country? 1, 2, Unit 7:C On the move 1, Unit 7:C On the move 3,

- describe objects

- match descriptions with objects - identify places and their layouts - describe everyday actions

- talk about habitual actions, transportation - use indefinite articles: A / An

- adverbial phrases: by car, by bike …

- pictures, cards - cassette player, tape - group boards - realia

- activity books

- some English exercise /grammar books


15 4445 RevisionRevision

- review all knowledge from unit 1

- Have plan to teach better - hand out- pictures - some English exercise / grammar books 16

16 16 17 17

46 47 48 49 50

Unit 8:A What are you doing? 1, 2, Unit 8:A What are you doing? 4, Unit 8:B A truck driver 1, Unit 8:C Road signs 1, Unit 8:C Road signs 3,

- describe activities

- identify means of transportation - describe on-going activities - identify road signs

- use the present progressive tense - the way to use can/can’t/must/mustn’t

- pictures, cards - cassette player, tape - group boards - realia

- textbook

- some English exercise / grammar books

17 51 Grammar practice - further practice in present simple, present

progressive - group boards- leather board - pictures, cards

- English book used for teacher


18 5253 RevisionRevision - consolidate what students in the

st term test so as

to prepare for the coming test - small board - textbook 18 54 The first term test - Measure the students’ progress

- Have plan to teach better 45’ - textbook- English exercise books

19 Complete the teaching program


Week period Lesson Aims and objectives Teaching aids Plan ofTest Supplementary materials

20 20 20 21 21

55 56 57 58 59

Unit 9:A Parts of the body 1, Unit 9:A Parts of the body 3, Unit 9:A Parts of the body 5, Unit 9:B Faces 1, 2, Unit 9:B Faces 4,

- identify parts of the body - physical descriptions of people - identify and describe facial features - Identify colors

- grammar: present simple / adjectives

- pictures, cards - cassette player, tape - group boards - realia

- some English exercise / grammar books

- activity books

21 22 22 22 23

60 61 62 63 64

Unit 10:A How you feel? 1, Unit 10:A How you feel? 3, 4, 5, Unit 10:B Food and drink  Unit 10:C My favorite food 1, Unit 10:C My favorite food 3,

- talk about feelings

- talk about wants and needs - identify food and drink

- express possession / polite requests - Grammar: would like

Quantifiers: some, any

- pictures

- cassette player, tape - group boards - realia


- some English exercise / grammar books

- activity books

23 23 24 24 24

65 66 67 68 69

Unit 11:A At the store Unit 11:A At the store 2, Unit 11:A At the store Unit 11:B At the canteen 1, 3, Unit 11:B At the canteen 2,

- buy food and drink

- talk about quantities and prices - express needs and wants

- Grammar: - partitives: a box of… - want / need

- pictures, cards - cassette player, tape - group boards - realia

- some English exercise / grammar books

- activity books

25 70 Grammar practice - review all knowledge that Ss have already learnt

form unit  11 - small board- hand out / pictures - some English exercise / grammar books 25

25 26 26 26

71 72 73 74 75

Unit 12:A What are they doing? 1, Unit 12:A What are they doing? 3, 4, Unit 12:B Free time 5 Unit 12:C How often 1, 2, Unit 12:C How often 4, 5,

- describe sporting activities and pastime - describe timetable

- talk about frequency

- Grammar:- adverbs of frequency -present progressive

- pictures, cards - cassette player, tape - group boards - realia

- some English exercise / grammar books


27 7677 TestTest correction - measure the students’ progress- Have plans to teach better - Test papers- extra board 45’ some English exercise /grammar books 27

28 28 28 29

78 79 80 81 82

Unit 13:A The weather and seasons 1, Unit 13:A The weather and seasons Unit 13:A The weather and seasons

Unit 13:B Activities in seasons Unit 13:B Activities in seasons

- Describe the weather - express preferences

- talk about sports and activities

- talk about frequency

- Grammar: Adverbs of frequency

Present progressive Present simple

- pictures, cards - cassette player, tape - group boards - realia

- some English exercise / grammar books

- activity books


Week period Lesson Aims and objectives Teaching aids Plan ofTest Supplementary materials

29 29 30 30 30

83 84 85 86 87

Unit 14:A Vacation destinations 1, 2, Unit 14:A Vacation destinations 4, Unit 14:B Free time plans 1, 2, Unit 14:B Free time plans 4, 5, Unit 14:C Suggestions 1, 2,

- talk about vacation plans - talk about free time plans - talk about duration - make suggestions - express preferences

- Gram: Near future / Make suggestions with: Let’s, Why don’t we / What about…? / How about

- pictures, cards - cassette player, tape - group boards - realia


- some English exercise / grammar books

- activity books

31 88 - Grammar practice - Consolidate all knowledge that Ss have already

learnt form unit 11  14 - small board- hand out - pictures, cards

- some English exercise / grammar books


31 8990 - Test 3- Test correction - Measure the students’ progress- Have plans to teach better 45’ - some English exercise / grammar books 32

32 32 33 33

91 92 93 94 95

Unit 15:A We are the world 1, Unit 15:A We are the world 3, 4, 5, Unit 15:B Cities, buildings and people 1,

Unit 15:B Cities, buildings and people 3,

Unit 15:C Natural features 1, 2,

- talk about countries, nationalities and languages - describe places

- state dimensions - make comparisons - describe natural features

- Gram: comparatives / superlatives

- pictures

- cassette player, tape - group boards - realia

- some English exercise / grammar books

- activity book


34 9697 - Revision- Revision - reinforce all knowledge that Ss have already learnt form unit  15 - pictures- extra board - some English exercise / grammar books 34

34 35 35 35

98 99 100 101 102

Unit 16:A Animals and plants 1, 2, Unit 16:A Animals and plants 4, Unit 16:B pollution Unit 16:B pollution ,3, Unit 16:B pollution 5,

- identify quantities of food

- talk about the environmental issues - talk about occupations

- Gram: indefinite quantifiers: a few, a little, a lot of lots of / imperative using don’t / the ways to use should / shouldn’t

- pictures, cards - cassette player, tape - group boards - realia

- activity book

- some English exercise / grammar books

36 103 Grammar practice - consolidate all knowledge that SS have already learnt from unit 1516

- check SS ‘understanding

- small board - hand out - pictures

- activity book

- some English exercise / grammar books

36 104 - Revision - review knowledge that SS have already learnt from unit to 15

- Prepare for the second term test

- small board - hand out - pictures

- activity book

- some English exercise / grammar books

36 105 The 2nd semester test - Measure the students’ progress

- Have plans to teach better

45’ - some English exercise / grammar books

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2021, 14:25


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