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Nội dung

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following.[r]



Period: 41 Review the newwords

(Môi trường)

1 environment N Môi trường, môi sinh

 environmental  environmentalist


N Thuộc môi trườngNhà bảo vệ môi trường

2 dump N Bãi đổ, nơi chứa

 garbage dump N Bãi rác, nơi đổ rác

3 deforestation N Sự tàn phá rừng, nạn phá rừng

 to deforest V Phá rừng, phát quang

4 pollution N Sự ô nhiễm

 air pollution

 environmental pollution

Sự nhiễm khơng khí Sự ô nhiễm môi trường  to pollute

 polluted/ unpolluted


Adj Gây ô nhiễm, làm ô nhiễmBị ô nhiễm/ Không bị ô nhiễm

5 dynamite N Thuốc nổ

6 to spray V Phun, xịt

7 pesticide N Thuốc trừ sâu

8 to conserve V Giữ gì, bảo tồn

 conservation N Sự bảo tồn

 conservationist N Người làm việc đễ bảo vệ m trường

9 sand  sandy


Adj CátBị phủ đầy cát

10.disappointed Adj Thất vọng

 to disappoint  disappointment

(to Sb’s disappointment)


N Làm (ai) thất vọng, nãn lịngSự thất vọng

11.to spoil V Làm hư, làm hỏng, phá hỏng

12.to achieve V Đạt được, giành

 achievement N Thành tựu

13.to wrap V Gói, bọc lại

14.to turn off # to turn on V Tắt/ Mở

15.garbage = rubbish N Rác, rác thải

16.to protect  protect Sb from St

V Bảo vệ, che chở

 protection N Sự bảo vệ, che chở

17.to prevent

 prevent Sb from doing St


Period: 42 Do exercises

I/ Choose the best answer

1 If you park your car in wrong place you have to pay a ………

a ticket b attention c fee d fine

2 Our flight from Amsterdam to London was delayed ……… the heavy fog a because of b in spite of c because d though The wall was covered ……… posters advertising a few films

a in b forward c with d from

4 She advised the boy not to ……… that strange man

a say b trust c rely d distinguish

5 What song people often sing ……… New Year’s Eve ?

a since b at c on d in

6 Remember to turn off the lamps before leaving ……… cost us too much

a Air conditioning b Water c Lighting d Heating

7 Why did you stay an extra day in London?

a No problem b Thanks for inviting me to stay an extra day

c I promise I ‘ll that d I’m busy now I’ll tell you tomorrow I love volleyball ……… I must complete my homework

a and b so c but d or

9 The village ……… we are going to visit is far from here

a which b who c where d whose

10 Some people have ……… the tourist attraction They litter , pick flowers and walk on the grass

a foamed b protected c preserved d spoiled

11 If you don’t know his phone number, you can look it _ in the directory

A at B of C over D up

12 “I suggest fixing the dripping faucet”-

A We will B Good idea C Yes, please D I’m afraid not

13 This man heavily yesterday for cutting down the trees in the forest

A was fine B fined C had fined D was fined

II/ Choose the part that needs correcting.

15 She was walking(a) when(b) she was seeming (c) tired (d)

16 A tornado lifted(a) a baby who(b) was asleep in c) a carriage, into(d)the air 17 A tornado can suck up (a) anything that (b) is (c) on its (d) path

18 The zoo where (a) he often visited (b) is (c) a stadium nowadays (d) III/ Fill in the blanks of the passage with the suitable words given.

Mr Brown and some _(19) conservationists are on a very dirty beach now Today they are ready to make the beach a clean and beautiful place again After listening to Mr Brown’s instructions, they are divided _(20) three groups Group needs to walk along the shore Group should check the sand, _(21) group has to check among the rocks Garbage must be put into plastic bags, and the bags will be _(22) by Mr Jones He will take the bags to the garbage _(23) Each member is given a map to find the right place They won’t eat the picnic lunch _(24) by Mrs Smith until the whole area is clean _(25) look eager to work hard so as to refresh this _(26) area

19- A voluntary B volunteers C volunteering D volunteer

20- A in B to C into D onto

21- A or B and C because D though

22- A selected B chosen C collected D elected

23- A dump B yard C area D place

24- A happened B provided C achieved D shown

25- A Them all B They all C All them D All they



Period: 43 connectives- exercises

I/ Choose the best answer

1- She is worried her coming exam

A- at B- about C- for D- on

2- You should reduce the of electricity your family uses

A- number B- amount C- digit D- whole

3- You must there are no cracks in this pipe

A- sure B- make sure C- certainly D- confide

4- Please the T.V I am working now

A- turn up B- turn on C- turn around D- turn off

5- He has just given me advice how to save water

A- in B- on C- at D- about

6- Let’s go dancing? – Yes,

A- let’s B- we shall C- please D- thanks

7- They will provide equipment all of us

A- to B- about C- for D- with

8- Consumers want products that will not only work effectively, but save money

A- also B- too C- as well D- so

9- You must replace this old waste basket another new one

A- for B- with C- on D- of

10- Innovations can save money conserve the Earth’s resources

A- as well as B- as long as C- as soon as D- as much as

11- the USA, China is the more populous country

A- Comparing to B- Comparing with C- Compared to D- Compared with

12- If you follow these rules, not only money, but also the environment will be cleaner

A- we will save B- we can save C- will we save D- we’ll save

13- Nga is very tired , she has to finish her assignments

A- Therefore B- However C- But D- Because

14- Study harder you will succeed in the exams


Period: 44 phrasal verbs

I Complete the sentences by using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in brackets Nobody is watching the TV (turn off)

2 There is always litter here No one ever (pick up) ‘Do you want this box? ‘No, you can (throw away)

4 ‘Do you know the meaning of this word?’ ‘No, have you in the dictionary? (look up) Shhh! The children are asleep Don’t (wake up)

6 It’s quite cold outside Put on your coat! Yeah, I’m right now (put on) Have you washed up the dishes? – I’m going to (wash up)

8 I haven’t heard from my sister recently Perhaps I should now (ring up) I wanted to buy a shirt from that shop, but when I , it didn’t fit me (try on) 10 They gave me a form and told me to (fill in)

11 It’s quite dark There the light! Could you please (turn on) 12 Na is under the table She _ her pen (look for)

Fill in the blanks with proper words, then answer the following questions

Period: 45 Review newwords

1 energy

 energetic


Adj Năng lượngNhiệt tình, tích cực

2 recent Adj Gần

 recently Adv Gần đây,

3 enormous Adj Rất, vô

 enormously Adv Rất, vô

4 plumber N Thợ sửa ống nước

5 crack N Vết nứt, vết rạn

 to crack V Làm nứt

6 to drip V Nhỏ giọt, chảy nhỏ giọt

 dripping Adj Rò rỉ

7 solar Adj Thuộc mặt trời

 solar energy N Năng lượng mặt trời

8 nuclear Adj Thuộc hạt nhân

 nuclear power N Năng lượng hạt nhân

9 source N Nguồn


10 to intall V Lắp đặt, cài đặt

 installation N Việc lắp đặt

11 resource N Nguồn, nguồn lực

 natural resources N Tài nguyên thiên nhiên

 natural resources N Tài nguyên thiên nhiên

12 luxury  luxurious


Adj Vật xa xỉ, đồ xa xỉXa hoa

13 consumer N Người tiêu thụ, người tiêu dùng

 to consume  consumption


N Dùng, tiêu thụViệc tiêu thụ

14 effectively Adv Một cách có hiệu

 effective Adj Có hiệu

15 household  household appliances

N Hộ gia đình

Thiết bị dùng gia đình

Period: 46 Verb form exercises

V/ Verb tense or form.

1.The stadium (build)……… at the end of this treet years ago 2.When he came, the children (play)………an interesting game 3.I wish Lan (not go)……….to class late every morning

4.We’ll have a good time (sunbathe)………on the beach 5.Trees (plant)……….since it began to rain

6.We (listen)……….to the radio when it stopped (work)……… 7.I (not hear)……… of him since we last met

8.May Day (celebrate)………in almost wvery country around the world 9.Paper money (use)……….for a thousand years

10.He (serve)………… in the army from 1960 to 1969 11.It started to rain while you (sleep)……… 12.They are eager (take)……… the trip to France 13.The doctor (be)……… here since o’clock 14.Four films (make)……….by Michal so far 15.The weather (turn)……… hot in April 16.Are they used to (swim)……… in the sea? 17.Someone made the boy (stay)………… in that room 18.If I lived here, I (visit)……… you more often

19.The postman (come)……… when I was working in the garden

20.He (not be)………here since Christmas, I wonder where he (live)………since then 21- We suggest he _ the test again (do)

22- They suggested _ for a walk (go)

23- I remember _ the gate Why is it unlocked now? (lock) 24- Why not _ choose another product? (choose)


Period: 47 as directed exercises

I/ Choose the part that needs correcting.

15 There’s no point to talk to such a conservative-minded person A B C D

16 Peter has told Mary to shut the door behind her but not lock it A B C D

17 Mr Giang just arrived at HCMC at 9pm and took a taxi to his cousin’s A B C D

18 They were making their most efforts to redo the plan for the project again A B C D

II/ Fill in the blanks of the passage with the suitable words given.

Most people think of computers as very modern inventions, products of our new technological age But actually the idea for a computer was (19) out over two centuries ago by a man (20) Charles Babbage

Babbage was born in 1791 and (21) up to be a brilliant mathematician He drew up plans for several calculating machines (22) he called 'engines' But despite the fact that he (23) building some of these he never finished any of them Over the years people have argued (24) his machines would ever work Recently, however, the Science Museum in London has finished building an engine (25) _ on one of Babbage's designs It has taken six years to complete and more (26) four thousand parts have been specially made Whether it works or not, the machine will be on show at a special exhibition in the Science Museum to remind people of Babbage's work

19 A turned B thought C invented D worked 20 A known B recognized C called D written 21 A developed B grew C brought D expected 22 A which B who C these D whose 23 A wanted B made C started D missed 24 A until B whether C while D though 25 A depended B based C insisted D influenced 26 A than B therefore C when D then

III/ Writing.

47- You need to attend the course

 It’s 48- You should reduce the volume at night

 You should turn 49- I am on the tenth page of the letter I am writing

 So far 50- You are not allowed to turn on that machine


Period: 48 Word form exercises

I Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

1- You must look everywhere before asking me for another (care) The report is _, so I hardly find anything informative (sense)

3 The problems must be considered in this workshop (environment) Your have to be taken into consideration (suggest)


1 He (not be)………here since Christmas, I wonder where he (live)………since then The door bell rang while I (read)……….a book

3 When I came, the house (paint)………

4 When the accident happened, we (sit)……….in a café We cant break past records without (train)……… hard That book (write)……….in 1980

7 This book must (return)……….to the library tomorrow It takes me ten minutes (drive)……….to work

9 .It sometimes may be difficult (get)……… a taxi during rush hour 10 Where’s Mai? We (wait)……….for her for hours now

11 Our school (build)……….here next year 12 Tam is not good at (repair)……….things

13 When we got to the hospital, she (wait)……… in the waiting room 14 If he (know)……… what you are doing, he would be very surprised 15 The boy stopped (play)……….because of the sudden rain

16 He (join)……….us if he finished his report 17 Nga’s father had her bike (repair)……… 18 They got the boy (take)………the box upstairs 19 They advised us (not go)……… out alone at night 20 We will have her (clean)……… the room tomorrow 21 We had our house (repaint)……….last month


Period: 49 example for test

I/ Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

1- I’d like you to divide groups

A to B into C at D onto

2- Where is he? – Over there, the girls

A between B among C during D along

3- Mrs Smith has provided the lunch us

A to B for C of D with

4- Nature provides human beings many advantages

A to B for C of D with

5- I am happy you both come here

A as B that C why D but

6- Plastic bags are hard to

A melt B dissolve C break D spoil

7- We must avoid on the school yard

A polluting B wasting C literring D spoiling

8- If the pollution goes on, the world will like a second hand junkyard

A end up B turn on C look up D pick up

9- Maria is studying laws, _?

A isn’t Maria B is Maria C isn’t she D wasn’t she

10- I’ve given your old jacket away _ it was too tight for you

A because of B if C because D and

11- Why not go dancing? -

A Sure B You’re welcome C That’s right D That’s a good idea

12- Thanks a lot

- _

A Sure B You’re welcome C That’s right D That’s a good idea

(13 – 20) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

Our oceans are becoming (13)………… polluted Most of this pollution comes from the land which means it comes from people First, there is raw sewage, which is (14)……… directly into the sea Many countries, both developed and developing are guilty of doing this Secondly, ships (15)……….about million tons of garbage into the sea each year Thirdly, there are oil spills from ships A ship has an accident and oil (16)……….from the vessels This not only pollutes the water but it also kills marine life Next, there are waste (17) ………… from factories (18)………proper regulations, factory owners let the waste run directly into the rivers, (19) ……… then leads to the sea And finally, oil is washed from land This can be the result of (20)………or a deliberate dumping of waste

13- A enough B extreme C very D many

14- A pump B pumping C pumped D pumps

15- A litter B waste C drop D save

16- A spills B leaks C falls D runs

17- A litters B dumps C junkyards D materials

18- A With B No C Without D Less

19- A that B what C which D who

20- A accident B carelessness C carefulness D godness

(21 – 24) Read the dialogue and then decide whether the statements that follow are True or False.

Air pollution is a cause of ill-health in human beings In a lot of countries there are laws limiting the amount of smoke which factories can produce Although there isn’t enough information on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases


in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere cannot think as quickly as other children and are clumsy when they use their hands There are other long-term effects of pollution If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the earth’s climate may become warmer A lot of the ice near the poles may melt and may cause serious floods

21- Air pollution causes lung diseases _ 22- Lead isn’t a harmful chemical element _

23- We will have higher temperatures if we can't stop the pollution _ 24- Ice melt from the poles can cause serious floods _

(25 – 28) Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.

25- There is (A) a species of bird (B) that are threatened (C) with (D) extinction

26- The (A) United States often try to (B) interfere with (C) other countries’ (D) domestic affairs

27- Some of students (A) in this class are learning (B) at different universities (C) in the city of Saigon.(D) 28- The painting they are looking (A) at is one of (B) the famous works (C) from (D) Leonardo Da Vinci

(29 – 32) Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

29- You must look everywhere before asking me for another (care) The report is _, so I hardly find anything informative (sense)

6 The problems must be considered in this workshop (environment) Your have to be taken into consideration (suggest)

(33 – 36) Supply the correct verb tense or form.

33- She had days there She many places of interest (visit) You must know the area well You here for five years (live) If you out, you should bring along a raincoat (go)

10 It is suggested that he here now (be)

(37 – 40) Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them.

37- We got up late, so we missed the first period

 Since 38- They were so lazy that they failed the exam

 They failed _ 39- You should exercise or you will have fat in your blood

 If you don’t 40- It would be better if you stop here

 I suggest _

Period: 50 Relative Clause

Relative clauses

Subject people Who / that

Subject and object Things Which / that

Object People Whom / that

Possessive Pople / things whose

Notes: There are two types of relative clauses: defining and non-defining (with commas)

That is not used in non-defining relative clauses. Ex:

- Tokyo, which is the capital of Japan, will be rainy. - The man who is standing there is my uncle.

- This is the book which I bought in Ho Chi Minh city.

Exercise: Combine these sentences, using relative clauses

1 Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991 Mount Pinatubo is a volcano in the Philippines.


3 Liz looks very sad Liz's team has lost the game.

4 We will soon gather at the village The festival is taking place in the village.

5.Tomorrow, I will invite my old friend to our party You met her at the bus station days ago.

6 We are going to visit Ha Long Bay Some of our relatives are living there.

Period: 51 Relative Clause exercises

I/ Paying attention to grammatically correct usage, for each of the following sentences, fill in the blank with who, whom or which

1 The window is open is the kitchen window The girl _ recited the poem is my niece

3 The woman to we were introduced was quite helpful

4 The opportunity to _ she owed her success came unexpectedly The man they trusted was unreliable

6 The book _ you read is the best book by that author

7 The Pacific Ocean, _ may have been crossed by raft during the Stone Age, is the world's largest ocean

8 His mother, _ he visited frequently, ran her own business The boy, was friendly and intelligent, soon found work

10 Her husband, to _ she told the story, was just as surprised as I was 11 The pictures, _ were taken in Algeria, were very striking

12 The newspaper to we subscribe is delivered regularly

II/ Paying attention to grammatically correct usage, for each of the following sentences, fill in the blank with who, whom or whose

1 My best friend, I see every day, always has something new to tell me Most students live in residence find it easy to make friends

3 Our neighbors, to we lent our lawnmower, are conscientious and considerate The volunteers, enthusiasm was obvious, finished the work quickly

5 The musicians we heard yesterday have played together for many years Parents children well in school usually consider themselves fortunate Children like music are often good at mathematics

8 The student to the prize was awarded had an impressive record My friend, I visited last week, is taking a holiday soon

10 The class treasurer, to we gave the money, announced the balance of the account 11 The engineers designed the building received an award


Period: 52 Relative Clause exercises

1 celebration N Lễ kỷ niệm, kỷ niệm

 to celebrate V Làm lễ kỷ niệm

2 to occur V Xaûy

 occurrence N Chuyện xãy ra, kiện

3 to decorate V Trang trí, trang hồng

 decoration N Việc trang trí

 decorative Adj Có tính trang trí, rực rỡ

4 sticky  sticky rice

Adj Dính

Gạo nếp apart

 apart from Sb/ St

Adv Caùch nhau, caùch xa

6 Israel  Israeli  Israeli(s) N Adj N

Nước người Do Thái Thuộc nước Israel Người Israel

Jew  Jewish


Adj Người theo đạo Juda (Do Thái)

7 slavery  slaver  slave

 to enslave Sb  enslavement N N N V N

Cảnh…, chế độ nô lệ

Tàu chở nô lệ, kẻ buôn nô lệ Người nô lệ

Bắt làm nô lệ

Việc bắt người làm nô lệ

8 ancient ≠ modern Adj Cổ, cổ xưa ≠ tân thời

9 joy (N)  joyful

Adj Vui mừng, hân hoan

10.to receive  receiver  recipient V N N Nhaän

Thiết bị tiếp nhận Người nhận 11.to crowd

Crowd St V Tụ tập đông đúc

 crowd

 crowded/ overcrowded Be crowded with Sb/ St.


Adj Đám đôngĐông đúc

12.parade march


N Cuộc diễu hànhCuộc duyệt binh 13.compliment

 to compliment Sb on St

V/ N Khen/ lời chúc mừng

14.to congratulate  to congratulate Sb on St


 Congratulation N Lời chúc mừng

15.active Adj Tích cực, lanh lợi

Period: 53 adverb clause of concession

1 Adverb clauses of concession (although, though, even though)

My father has to go to work though it is raining hard.

Although his house is near the beach, he rarely goes swimming.

2 Choose the best answer

1 _ the first and second nights of Passover, Jewish families often enjoy the Seder

A In B On C Over D At

2 Wearing uniforms helps poor students feel equal _ others

A up B on C off D to

3 Cong Vinh seems to be well-qualified _ the latest position

A in B by C for D of

4 He read this article on the website last night, _?

A doesn’t he B didn’t he C did he D hasn’t he

5 They are still playing on the field it is raining heavily

A though B because C but D despite

6 Study harder _

A if you will pass the exam B and you will pass the exam C unless you pass the exam D or you will pass the exam The cooker is displayed at Nguyen Kim Supermarket looks modern

A why B who C which D whose

8 _ “Let’s go to Vung Tau on the weekend.” _ “ _.”

A That’s fine B That’s a good trip C Yes, please D Yes, let’s _ “Thank you very much”


A Are you worried? B You’re welcome C Not all D Nothing

10 For most households, lighting _ for 10 percent to 15 percent of the electricity bill

A accounts B applies C asks D prepares

11 The final examination will be held _ June 12th , 2006

A in B on C at D to

12 How many languages are there _ the world?

A in B on C over D through

13 Egypt is famous _ ancient pyramids

A on B to C from D for

14 The boy looks very proud _ his success at school

A on B of C at D in

II/ Choose the part that needs correcting.

15 “Can you help me with my homework?” – “I wish I could but I couldn’t.” A B C D 16 The new film has been attracted a lot of people all over the world A B C D

17 We want to spend our holiday in a villa by the sea and enjoying sea food A B C D 18 She is looking forward receiving the Grand Prize


Period: 54 Exercises


I/ Fill in the blanks of the passage with the suitable words given.

New Year is one of the most important (19) _ in the United States On New Year’s Eve, most people go to the parties At twelve o’clock (20) _ night, everyone says” Happy New Year” and they (21) _ their friends and relatives good luck New Year’s Eve is usually a long night to many people They don’t go home until morning Another holiday, Halloween, is mainly for children On this holiday children (22) _ as witches, ghosts or others Most children go from house to house asking for candy or fruit (23) _ the people at the house not give (24) _ candy, the children will (25) _ a trick on them But this (26) _ ever happens Many people give them candy or fruit

19 A festivals B meetings C contests D courses

20 A on B at C in D for

21 A dream B greet C wish D congratulate

22 A wear B dress C put on D take off 23 A Whether B So C Although D If

24 A they B them C their D theirs

25 A say B tell C play D speak

26 A hardly B hard C soon D always

II/ Read the passage, the decide if the statements that follow are True – False.

Although no one knows for certain who the original Saint Valentine was, once a year, on February 14, there is a day in his honor Some historians believe that the original Saint Valentine was a priest who lived in the city of Rome about 300 years after the birth of Christ The emperor of Rome was not a Christian and refused to allow people to be married in a Christian ceremony Saint Valentine didn't obey the emperor and performed many Christian marriages, in spite of the emperor's order When the Romans found out, they sent Saint Valentine to prison and later killed him While his romantic efforts to help many Christians in love cost him his life, he was honored in his own days But his story has been mostly forgotten after people have come to celebrate Valentine's Day as a special time for sweethearts On Valentine's Day, people express their affections by sending Valentine cards to friends, families, and boyfriends and girlfriends

27- Feb 14 was originally a special time for sweethearts _

28- Saint Valentine was killed as he performed Christian marriages _ 29- Saint Valentine was thought to be born in 300 A.D _

30- Cards are sent on Feb 14 each year _

Period: 55 Exercises

I/ Verb tense or form

31 I wish I could but I (not can) 32 The bird _ with an arrow (kill)

33 The situation _ better if she could score a goal (be)

34 The Malaysian unit of currency is the Ringgit, _ of 100 sen (consist) 35 I’ll replace this bulb with a tube if I enough money (have)

36 The song since I was a child (sing)

37 The house _ suddenly and killed people inside (collapse) 38 She advised that he smoking (stop)

II/ Word form.


42- My _ are so strong that the word “love” can’t describe them (feel) 43- There are a lot of _ at tourist attractions in Ho Chi Minh city (sightsee)

44- He felt _ because he lost the match (disappoint)

45- She drives _, so she has never caused an accident (care)

46- Teachers now give more _ to their students in classroom activities (free) VII/ Writing.

47 The children are excited about going to the circus

 The children are looking _ 48 She talks too much in class

 I wish 49 When did you start learning English?

 How long _? 50 The teacher said, “Let us elect Ha Long Bay to be one of the World Wonders.”

 The teacher suggested that Ha Long Bay _

Period: 56 Relative pronouns

I- Choose the right wors in each sentences :

1- Hue, (which / that / where) was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1993, attracts thousands of tourists every year

2- Hue, (which / that / where) he spent his childhood, is well known for beauty spots.

3- Hue is the city (in which / that / where) attracted a lot of tourists to the 2000 Hue Festival. 4- The woman (who / where / whom) lives next door is both my neighbor and a colleague of mine. 5- I’ve received a postcard from Sally, (who / which / that) used to live next door.

6- There is someone at the door (where / who / which) wants to speak to you. 7- I live in the country (where / which it / that) exports rice.

8- I will provide free help for cities and villages, (where / which who) have just been hit by a tidal wave 9- The room, (which / that / where) there are a lot of posters on the walls, belonged to our eldest son. 10- Storms & earthquakes (where / who / which) kill thousands of people each year are natural disasters.

-0O0 -II- Join each pair of the following sentences using Relative Pronouns :

1- The engineers designed the building The engineers received an award

2- The students live in that dormitory They are from Australia

3- The bicycle has only a wheel It is often used at the circus

4- My best friend sees me every day He always has something new to tell me

5- Her house is in excellent repair Her house is over two hundred years old

6- The flowers were roses I bought the flowers for my sister

7- We all like sticky rice cakes They are special Vietnamese food for the New Year

8- Do you understand the word ? The teacher wrote it on the board

9- People in Israel are going to celebrate their festival It is called Passover


10- The tigers and the women were from Africa You saw them on TV yesterday

Period: 57 Relative clauses

1.The woman is my sweetheart I understand her the best

……… 2.The friends went to Canada I worked with them last year

……… 3.The professor is excellent I am taking her course

……… 4.The things are strange to me He is talking about them

……… 5.Viet Nam is the country I was born there

……… 6.That is the boy He broke my window

……… 7.April Fool’s Day is a day People play tricks on friends on that day

……… 8.We visited the factory Many modern cars were painted in that factory

……… 9.The boy will be punished He threw that stone

……… 10.My sister wants to speak to you You met her yesterday

……… 11.The flowers were roses I bought the flowers for my sister

……… 12.The girl is beautiful Her dress is red

……… 13.Do you know the man? He sat next to me at the dinner last night

……… 14.The car was very modern Mr Green was driving the car

……… 15.The woman is a nurse We saw the woman’s daughter last week

……… 16.The house was built 20 years ago We are living in the house

……… 17.We went away in August The children were on holiday from school at that time

……… 18.Mrs Jackson died yesterday She had been ill for a long time

……… 19.My English teacher is an American He speaks Vietnamese very well

……… 20.That is the singer I was telling you about her

……… 21.The boy is a friend of mine You are using his dictionary


Period: 58 More exercises with Relative clauses

22.The people were nice We visited their houses yesterday

……… 23.I like the house Its walls were made of glass

……… 24.My sister is trying to get a job Her children are at school all day

……… 25.I read about the child His life was saved by her pet dog

……… 26.The man is an architect We bought his house

……… 27.The scientist is famous for his research He met you yesterday

……… 28.The students are from Canada They are standing over there

……… 29.The river is not safe for swimming The river is polluted

……… 30.Tom got into the car The car was parked behind the house

……… 31.The woman is Miss Van She is carrying the red umbrella

……… 32.Is this the man? You are waiting for him

……… 33.The book was very good I read it yesterday

……… 34.Who is the woman? We met her here yesterday

……… 35.The office is on the 22nd floor I work in that office

……… 36.The man was very kind I talked to him yesterday

……… 37.The meeting was interested I went to it

……… 38.The children were playing soccer I saw them at the park

……… 39.The day is so boring to me We don’t meet each other on that day

……… 40.The time is over We love each other very much on that time


Period: 59 More exercises with Relative pronouns

-0O0 -I - Join each pair of the following sentences using Relative Pronouns : 1- The engineers designed the building The engineers received an award

2- The students live in that dormitory They are from Australia

3- The bicycle has only a wheel It is often used at the circus

4- My best friend sees me every day He always has something new to tell me

5- Her house is in excellent repair Her house is over two hundred years old

6- The flowers were roses I bought the flowers for my sister

7- We all like sticky rice cakes They are special Vietnamese food for the New Year

8- Do you understand the word ? The teacher wrote it on the board

9- People in Israel are going to celebrate their festival It is called Passover

10- The tigers and the women were from Africa You saw them on TV yesterday

II- Choose the right wors in each sentences :

1- Hue, (which / that / where) was recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1993, attracts thousands of tourists every year

2- Hue, (which / that / where) he spent his childhood, is well known for beauty spots.

3- Hue is the city (in which / that / where) attracted a lot of tourists to the 2000 Hue Festival. 4- The woman (who / where / whom) lives next door is both my neighbor and a colleague of mine. 5- I’ve received a postcard from Sally, (who / which / that) used to live next door.

6- There is someone at the door (where / who / which) wants to speak to you. 7- I live in the country (where / which it / that) exports rice.


Period: 60 Review the newwords



1 disaster N Thảm họa, thieân tai

 natural disaster N Thieân tai

 disastrous Adj Thảm khốc, tai hại

2 storm N Bão, bão

 snowstorm N Bão tuyết

3 earthquake N Động đất

4 volcano(es) N Núi lửa

 volcanic Adj Thuộc núi lửa

5 to forecast V Dự báo, dự đoán

 forecast N Lời dự báo, bảng dự báo

6 to turn up V Vặn to lên (âm thanh)

≠ to turn down V Vặn nhỏ lại

7 coast  coastal


Adj Bờ biểnThuộc miền duyên hải

8 to expect V Trông chờ, mong đợi

 expectation N Sự trông chờ, mong đợi

9 thunderstorm N Dông (có sấm sét mưa to)

10.high lands N Vùng cao, vùng cao nguyên

 highland Adj Thuộc cao nguyên

11.delta N Châu thổ, đồng

12.to prepare V Chuaån bò

 preparation N Sự chuẩn bị

13.to trust V Tin, tin tường, tin cậy

 trust

 trustful (or trusting)


Adj Lòng tin, tin cậyCả tin

14.(just) in case Exp Phòng khi, phòng hờ

15.to predict V Dự báo, dự đoán

 prediction N Sự dự báo, lời dự báo

 predictable Adj Có thể đốn trước

16.to can V Đóng hộp


17.to damage V Làm hư hại, làm hỏng

 damage N Sự hư hại

18.power cut N Tình trạng điện

Period: 61 example for test

I/ Choose the best answer

1 there have been many changes in his life, he still remains a nice man to everyone

A However B Despite C Because D Although

2 She complains noisily about anything she doesn’t like

A what B that C about which D whose

You seem to be quite good _ physics

A for B about C at D to

4 Our house needs to be

A painting B paint C painted D paints

5 If you saw a UFO, what you do?

A will B would C can D did

6 – “Would you like a glass of green tea?” – “ _”

A No, let’s not B No, I don’t C No, thanks D No, I wouldn’t Mr Long often goes swimming Sunday morning

A in B on C until D at

We’re good friends We each other since we were in primary school A know B have known C have been known D knew We wish you

A good luck B congratulation C happy D enjoy yourself 10 The final match of EURO 2008 on June 30th.

A will be occured B takes place C happening D is going 11 I had no money me when I came across a nice shirt

A by B at C on D over

12 He was happy to be friends again

A among B in C near D off

13 The doctor was attending the sick

A by B to C over D with

14 Five minutes later the actor appeared torn costume

A by B under C with D in

II/ Choose the part that needs correcting.

15- Mary wants(A) an(B) 2B pen bought(C) for her (D)

16- The room(A) which(B) you’ve(C) entered is very good - equipped(D) 17- The table(A) whose(B) legs broken(C) was burnt(D)

18- She has(A) few(B) friends, but(C) she always looks(D) sad III/ Fill in the blanks of the passage with the suitable words given.


19- A place B zone C eruption D lava

20- A wheels B rollers C wheel D roller

21- A make B prevent C ask D cut

22- A mirrors B mirror C glass D class

23- A intention B planting C planning D intend

24- A inside B instead C indeed D inform

25- A doorway B doorways C door waving D doors

26- A center B corner C top D bottom

IV/ Read the passage, the decide if the statements that follow are True – False – Not mentioned.

El Niño is a strange weather change In Spanish, it means the Christ child since it often occurs around Christmas It begins in December and continues until March

Once every four years, the wolrd’s largest weather system over the Pacific Ocean changes The winds that usually blow from East to West stop, then blow in the opposite direction This change makes the ocean currents reverse The warm and high water at Indonesia gets colder and drops to a lower level The coasts of Southern America receive higher levels of warm ocean water Terrible rainstorms cause floods in the South American coastal countries At the same time, dry weather and low water cause drought in the Western Pacific nations The changes in winds and the ocean currents make the climate change In 1982, thousands of people lost their lives and thousands of others were left homeless when a terrible El Niño occurred

Nowadays, scientists nowadays are using satellites to observe the atmosphere and the ocean so as to predict what will happen and prevent the death and destruction

27- The winds in the Pacific Ocean often blow West to East _ 28- During an El Niño, people often save food and fuels at home _ 29- The world’s largest system is over the Pacific Ocean _

30- Thousands of people died in 1982 because of a terrible El Niño _ V/ Verb tense or form.

31 He can’t live without her (love)

32 I will go with you when I’ve finished my homework (do) 33 My parents don’t let me out alone (go)

34 The bus driver was so tired of the same route (drive)

35 Would you mind not the radio until I’ve finished with this phone call? (turn on) 36 I was enjoying my book, but I stopped a program on T.V (choose)

37 Jack made me him next week (promise/ call) 38 His parents advised him hard for the exams (work) VI/ Word form.

39 The _ _ caused a lot of bad effects (volcano/ erupt)

40 Our _ have not warned our fishermen about the Chanchu typhoon carefully (science)

41 A eruption occurred here last night (disaster) 42 The beach is full of all kinds of (pollute)

43 There is a of 10% in the amount of money available for buying new books REDUCE

44 They said 'good-bye' to each other just because of some minor UNDERSTAND

45 The car is a complete write-off It is quite REPAIR

46 He is an doctor who just graduated from the medical school last year EXPERIENCE

VII/ Writing.

47- They don’t usually drink beer

 They are not used 48- They say people built the school in 1990

 The school is 49- French is quite hard to learn!


50- The boy feels sick because he eats too many cakes

 If the boy


Period: 59 More exercises with Relative pronouns


(1 – 12) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence. Sunlight is a resource of _energy

A normal B natural C simple D naturally

Let’s go to school by bus, instead motorbike

A for B of C to D at

Solar _are placed on the roof of the house

A energy B power C panels D cells

The energy from the sun can be _of a number of days

A stopped B stop C stored D store

Students are trying to make their schoolyard more _

A beauty B beautiful C beautifully D beautify

That is the lady _taught us English last year

A who B whom C which D whose

Ha Long Bay is the place _we visit very often every summer

A where B which C whom D whose

What you think about this comic, _you’ve read for days?

A that B which C who D whom

The weather is becoming hotter; _, children go swimming a lot

A so B therefore C because D however

10 Typhoon is also called _in Australia

A hurricane B cyclone C wave D storm

11 “Why don’t we go swimming?” - _

A Sure B Great C A lot D Of course

12 “You must be Linda.” -

A O.K B That’s right, I am C Yes, please D Yes, fine

(13 – 20) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Every ten minutes, one kind of animal, plant or insect dies (13) for ever If nothing is done about it, one million species that are (14) today will have become (15) twenty years from now The seas are in (16) They are being filled with poisons: industrial and nuclear (17) _, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and sewage The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following If nothing is done about it, soon one day nothing will be able to live in the seas The tropical rain forests, which are the (18) of half the earth’s living things (including many (19) animals and plants), are being destroyed If nothing is done about it, they will have nearly disappeared (20) twenty years

13 A into B on C out D over

14 A live B alive C lively D lifelike

15 A extinguished B extinct C distinct D invalid

16 A danger B death C debt D despair

17 A waste B rubbish C essence D mixture

18 A container B origin C house D home

19 A scarce B bare C rare D seldo


(21 – 24) Read the dialogue and then decide whether the statements that follow are True or False.


Air pollution is a cause of ill health in human beings In a lot of countries there are laws limiting the amount of smoke which factories can produce Although there isn’t enough information on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution cause lung diseases

The gases from the exhaust of cars have also increased air pollution in most cities The lead in petrol produces a poisonous gas which often collects in busy streets surrounded by high buildings Children who live in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere cannot think as quickly as other children and are clumsy when they use their hands

There are other long term effects of pollution If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the earth’s climate may become warmer A lot of the ice near the pole may melt and may cause serious floods

True False

1 The polluted air can make our health weaker _ Smoke in the air causes lung sicknesses to man _ There isn’t any pollutant in exhaust of cars _ The earth may be flooded if it is warmer _

(25 – 28) Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.

25- She looks happy(A) at the picture(B) taken(C) by(D) MPK. 26- I don’t care of(A) who you are(B) as long as(C) you love(D) me. 27- It’s quite(A) a difficult test(B) that he cannot(C) it successful(D). 28- Look! The(A) Greens are being(B) so(C) happy(D).

(29 – 32) Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

29 The consumers want products they buy to work _ (effect) 30 The volcano Pinatubo in the Phillippines again in 1991 (eruption) 31 At Passover, Jewish people celebrate from slavery (free) 32 In language, typhoon means “big wind” ( China )

(33 – 36) Supply the correct verb tense or form.

33 It ( rain ) _along the coast of Thanh Hoa tomorrow 34 Tourists felt very pleased (visit ) Vietnam

35 If the weather were better today, we ( go ) _on a picnic 36 They are looking forward to ( hear ) _your organization

(37 – 40) Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them.

37 The house is small; however, we can stay there

Even though 38 What about keeping our environment unpolluted ?

I suggest that _ 39 The tall boy is talking to my brother

The boy 40 I think he should decorate his room again

I think his room



1 He is famous for his ……… He is very helpful to those less fortunate than himself

A kind B unkind C kindly D kindness

2 Tuan was an effective ……… in that volunteer program He dedicated most of his time to fixing houses for poor people

A active B activist C actor D activity

3 Many people were injured when the building ………

A collapsed B destroyed C struck D erupted

4 In 1978, a young pilot and his plane ……… after sighting a UFO

A appeared B disappeared C existed D founded

5 The ……… of the volcano was a terrible disaster

A prediction B eruption C cyclone D shift

6 These buckets must be filled ……… water for future use

A of B into C with D on

7 ……… Easter Day, many children and adult enjoy painting eggs

A On B At C During D In

8 My friend Nigel, ……… works in the City Bank, earns much more than I

A that B which C who D whose

9 ……… he likes chocolate, he tries not to eat it

A Since B Though C Because of D However

10 If there were flying saucers, there would be ……… of their landing

A ways B paths C traces D roads

11 _ “I suggest going to Vung Tau on the weekend.” _ “ _.”

A That’s a fine day B That’s a good idea C That’s a trip D That’s a reason 12 _ “ _”

_ “Don’t worry I can fix it.”

A Are you worried? B May I fix your TV?

C The TV is out of order again D I want to fix your TV

(13 – 20) Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Most people think of computers as very modern inventions, products of our new technological age But actually the idea for a computer was (13) out over two centuries ago by a man (14) Charles Babbage

Babbage was born in 1791 and grew up to be a brilliant mathematician He drew up plans for several calculating machines (15) he called 'engines' But despite the fact that he (16) building some of these he never finished any of them Over the years people have argued (17) his machines would ever work Recently, however, the Science Museum in London has finished building (18) _ engine (19) _ on one of Babbage's designs It has taken six years to complete and more (20) four thousand parts have been specially made Whether it works or not, the machine will be on show at a special exhibition in the Science Museum to remind people of Babbage's work

13 A turned B thought C invented D worked

14 A known B recognized C called D written

15 A which B who C these D whose

16 A wanted B made C started D missed

17 A until B whether C while D though

18 A an B the C some D that

19 A depended B based C insisted D influenced

20 A than B therefore C when D then


Almost a hundred thousand people were killed and half a million homes burnt to the ground because of an earthquake in Tokyo in 1923 The earthquake began a minute before noon when the inhabitants of Tokyo were cooking their midday meals All the food and stoves fell onto the ground as soon as the earth began to shake For this reason, small fires occurred and quickly spread The fire trucks came to help 10 minutes late because many of the streets were too crowded then As a result, more people were killed in the fires than by the collapse of buildings

21 Half a million homes were completely destroyed _ 22 The earthquake struck the city of Tokyo at 12 a.m _ 23 The fire trucks arrived soon enough to fight the fires _ 24 The collapse of buildings killed one hundred thousand people _

(25 – 28) Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.

25- Alike (A) oxygen, which is chemically (B) changed by our bodies into carbon dioxide, nitrogen is

merely (C) exhaled back into (D) the air

26- Rattlesnakes feed only on warm-blood (A) animals; the eastern diamond-back (B), for instance, feeds

almost exclusively (C) on cottontail (D) rabbits.

27- The Mississippi Delta have been growing (A) and moving (B) south for many (C) millions of (D) years

28- Hunger depends (A) of (B) the blood's (C) concentration of glucose (D), a kind of sugar.

(29 – 32) Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

29 He was _ fined for dropping litter in public places (heavy) 16 Like paper, many other _ can be recycled (produce)

17 Most of films are produced for _ (entertain) 18 Our program tonight is about _ disasters (nature)

(33 – 36) Supply the correct verb tense or form.

33 My brother spent hours _ his motorbike (repair) 34 She dislikes _ to something by others (ask) 35 If Ann or Sue comes, tell them _ for me (wait) 36 I stopped _ a newspaper on the way home (buy)

(37 – 40) Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them.

37 That newspaper is mine I bought it yesterday

 That newspaper, which 38 Cars cause pollution, but people still want them

 Although 39 She last wore this plaid skirt two weeks ago

 She hasn’t 40 You may want a chat, so just give me a ring



(Sự sống hành tinh khác)

1 planet N Haønh tinh


Unidentified Flying Object N Vaät thể bay không xác định

3 spacecraft N Tàu vũ trụ

4 aircraft N Máy bay

5 balloon N Kinh khí cầu

6 meteor N Sao baêng

7 evidence N Bằng chứng, chứng

 to evidence V Chứng tỏ, chứng minh

8 existence N Sự tồn

 to exist V Tồn

9 experienced Adj Có kinh nghiệm

 experience N Kinh nghiệm

10.sighting N Sự trơng thấy, bị trông thấy

 to sight V Thấy, nhìn thấy, trông thấy

 sight N Tầm nhìn, sức nhìn

11.alien N Ngoại kiều, người ngồi hành tinh

 alien Adj Thuộc nước ngoài, xa lạ

12.to claim V Tuyên bố, khẳng định, quyeát

 claim N Lời tuyên bố

13.sample N Mẫu, vật mẫu

 soil sample N Mẫu đất

14.to capture V Bắt, bắt giữ

 capture N Sự bắt giữ, bị bắt giữ

15.aboard Adv Ở trong/ở (tàu/xe/máy bay)

16.to disappear V Biến

 disappearance N Sự biến mất, tích

17.device N Thiết bị, dụng cụ

18.treetop N Ngọn

19.creature N Sinh vật, lồi vật

20.mineral N Khống sản, khống chất

21.microorganism N Vi sinh vaät

22.gemstone N Đá quý

23.(outer) space N Không gian, vũ trụ

24.to orbit V Di chuyển theo quỹ đạo quanh (gì)


25.marvelous Adj Tuyệt vời, kỳ diệu

 marvelously Adv Một cách tuyệt vời

26.flying saucer N Đóa bay

27.trick N Trò bịp, mẹo, thủ tuật

 a trick of light Ảo ảnh ánh sáng

28.shape N Hình, hình dạng

29.trace N Dấu vết

 to trace V Theo, lần theo dấu (ai/gì)

30.mysterious Adj Bí ẩn, kỳ lạ, huyền bí



(According to the official instructions given by the Department of Education of HCMC, 2009) I Write the word which best completes the sentences in the table on the right (2.5 pts)

1 are funnel shaped storms which pass overland below a thunderstorm

A Tornadoes B Tidal waves C Typhoons D Volcanoes

2 Unless you understand, I _explain it to you again

A won’t B will C wouldn’t D would

3 You should use this dictionary to look new words

A for B up C after D at

4 I’m really _that you can’t come

A disappoint B disappointment C disappointed D disappointing If he a student, he will get a discount

A was B were C is D will be

6 Do you know the man car is parked over there?

A who B whom C that D whose

7 He will be in Singapore from Monday Thursday

A in B on C up to D at

8 She is not satisfied what she’s got

A with B of C for D at

9 You must be when doing this test

A care B careful C careless D carefully

10 A (an) _ is a person who installs and repairs water pipes

A carpenter B electrician C locksmith D plumber

II Supply the correct tences or forms of the following verbs (1pt)

1 Thousands of people because scientists had warned them about the volcanic eruption (save) Tet is a festival which in late January or early February (occur)

3 If you go on _ water, there _a shortage of water in a few decades (waste - be) III Supply the appropriate forms of the following words (1.5pt)

1 It’s too _to call anyone at night (convenience)

2 He is an _student who has taken part in different charity programs (act) Let me congratulate you on your (nominate)

4 _energy can be stored for a number of days (sun) His generosity _him from others (distinct)

6 He is one of the _singers in the world (fame) IV Choose the word A, B, C or D that best fits the blank (2pts):

These days it is impossible to open a newspaper (1)……….reading about the damage we are doing to the environment The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad.(2) ……… can each of us do?

We cannot clean (3)……… our polluted rivers and seas overnight Nor can we stop the (4) ……….of plants and animals But we can stop adding to the problem (5) ……….scientists look for answers

It may not be easy to change your lifestyle(6)……… but some steps are easy to take: cut down the amount of driving you do, or use as little plastic as possible It is also easy to save (7) ……….which also reduces household bills We must all make a personal decision to work for the future of our planet if we want to ensure a better world (8)……….our grandchildren

1 A with B without C and D but

2 A where B when C why D what

3 A up B to C on D in

4 A appear B appearance C disappear D disappearance

5 A when B during C while D within


6 A complete B completeness C completely D to complete

7 A water B energy C money D health

8 A from B for C to D in

V Read the following passage, then state “T” for True statements or “F” for False statements (1pt):

In the Unites States, people celebrate Mother’s Day Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May On this occasion, mother usually receives greeting cards and gifts from her husband and children The best gift of all for an American Mom is a day of leisure The majority of American mothers have outside jobs as well as housework, so their working days are often very hard The working mother enjoys the traditional Mother’s day custom of breakfast cooked by her family and served to her on a tray in bed Later in that day, it’s also traditional for the extended family group to get together for dinner; either in a restaurant or in one of their homes Flower is an important part of Mother’s Day Mothers are often given a plant for the occasion,

particularly if they are elderly

1 The second Sunday of May is chosen to celebrate Mother’s Day in USA _

2 A few American mothers have outside jobs _

3 A day of leisure is the best present for an American Mom _

4 People often give a plant to elderly mothers _

VI Rewrite the following sentences so that they have the same meaning as the given ones (2 pts) Since he was careless, Tim lost his job

 Because of The earthquake hit the city at two in the morning

 The city You should bring along a raincoat It might rain

 In case Don’t expect to be rich without working hard



(According to the official instructions given by the Department of Education of HCMC, 2009) I/ MULTIPULE CHOICE

(1-10) Choose the words or phrases ( A,B,C or D) that best fit the blank space in each sentence ( 2,5pts)

1 Father’s Day is an occasion _ children to express their feelings and love their fathers

A to/for B with/ to C for/ to D with/ for

2 All buildings _ Sweden will be heated solar energy in 2015

A on/to B in/by C in/for D on/to

3 If you don’t know his phone number, you can look it _ in the directory

A at B.of C over D up

4 The test was _ easy ,but the students’ result was too bad

A surprised B surprising C surprisingly D surprisedly

5 “I suggest fixing the dripping faucet”-

A We will B Good idea C Yes, please D I’m afraid not

6 This man heavily yesterday for cutting down the trees in the forest

A was fine B fined C has been fined D was fined

7 The label tells the consumers how much energy each model has

A efficient B efficiency C efficiently D effectively

8 _the pollution in that river is awfully bad, the water is not fit to drink

A Because of B Although C Since D If

9 They are talking about the celebration _ is going to be held at the end of the month

A when B what C which D who

10 Some people claim that watching TV is a waste time In other words, it is time activity

A consumer B consumption C consuming D consume


(11- 14) Use the correct form of the verb given in each sentence (1pt)

11 She had her picture _( take)

12 Would you feel better if you _ smoking( stop)?

13 Television usually _live programs of important events ( broadcast) 14 I know that famous artist whose songs _ a hundred year ago (compose)


(15- 20) Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence (1,5pt)

15 The of the environment is important [preserve] 16 They are trying to _their newspaper [popular]

17 Do you agree wit the _ of friendship between Vietnam and Singapore? [enhance] 18 A tidal wave is strong enough to cause _ [destroy]

19 The beach needs to be cleaned up [care]

20 We should celebrate Mother’s Day or Father’s Day because in these days the children can express their love and enhance family ……… [ traditional]


(21-28) Choose the words or phrases ( A,B,C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage( 2pts)

If you live in an earthquake (21) _, you should take sometime to look (22) your house Place heavy books on the bottom shelf of your bookshelves (23) the rollers on your

fridge and washing machine (24) them from moving Put hanging potted plants in plastic(25) Check the mirrors in your bathroom and bedroom Make sure they can’t (26) Don’t put your bed next to a window

Planning (27) you are going to be during an earthquake is very important The first thing to remember is to stay inside Then you should sit under a strong table or doorway , or stand in the corner (28) the room


22 A after B around C for D over

23 A Bring B Clock C Take D Block

24 A to prevent B to protect C to forbid D to prohibit

25 A buckets B bottles C containers D jars

26 A move B run C work D tie

27 A what B which C who D where

28 A in B at Cove D to


(29-32) Read the dialogue / passage and the decide whether the statements that follow are TRUE / FALSE (1pt)

More than two hundred years ago, the term “evironmental pollution”was quite strange to people They live healthily, drank pure water, and breathed fresh air Nowadays, the situation is quite different.People all over the world are worried about things that are happening to the environment.Actually it is man that is destroying the surroundings with many kinds of wastes.Everybody knows that motorbikes and cars emit dangerous gases that cause poisonous air and cancer, but no one wants to travel on foot or by bicycle Manufactures know that wastes from factories make water and soil polluted, but they don’t want to spend a lot of their money on treating the waste safely.Scattering rubbish is bad for our health, but no one wants to spend time burying it Is it worth talking a lot about pollution?

29.More than two hundred years ago people knew nothing about environmental pollution

30 In former days, people led an unhealthy life

31 Factory owners have no awareness of pollution

32 It’s harmful for our health if we spend time on gathering rubbish


( 33- 36) ) Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them (2pts) 33 This famous picture is worth thousands of pounds It was damaged during the war

This famous picture _ 34 There is no life on the other planets because there is no air and water there

If _ 35 “Is there a taxi coming now?” asked my friend

My friend asked me _ 36 The cafe was crowded of people but we found a table

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2021, 13:49

