1) Round to the nearest hundred.. 1) Round to the nearest hundred.. 1) Round to the nearest ten.. 1) Round to the nearest ten.. 1) Round to the nearest hundred.. 1) Round to the nearest [r]
(1)1) Round to the nearest hundred 528 500
2) Round to the nearest hundred 9,791 9,800
3) Round to the nearest ten 49 50
4) Round to the nearest ten 72 70
5) Round to the nearest hundred 89,678 89,700
6) Round to the nearest ten 3,242 3,240
7) Round to the nearest ten 7,068 7,070
8) Round to the nearest ten 1,526 1,530
9) Round to the nearest ten 52 50
10) Round to the nearest ten 700 700
11) Round to the nearest ten 6,836 6,840
12) Round to the nearest ten 43 40
13) Round to the nearest hundred 78,697 78,700
14) Round to the nearest ten 5,524 5,520
15) Round to the nearest hundred 46,068 46,100
16) Round to the nearest ten 3,060 3,060
17) Round to the nearest hundred 81,103 81,100
18) Round to the nearest hundred 628 600
19) Round to the nearest hundred 66,683 66,700
20) Round to the nearest hundred 42,887 42,900
1 500
2 9,800
3 50
4 70
5 89,700 3,240 7,070 1,530
9 50
10 700 11 6,840
12 40
(2)1) Round to the nearest hundred 528 500
2) Round to the nearest hundred 9,791 9,800
3) Round to the nearest ten 49 50
4) Round to the nearest ten 72 70
5) Round to the nearest hundred 89,678 89,700
6) Round to the nearest ten 3,242 3,240
7) Round to the nearest ten 7,068 7,070
8) Round to the nearest ten 1,526 1,530
9) Round to the nearest ten 52 50
10) Round to the nearest ten 700 700
11) Round to the nearest ten 6,836 6,840
12) Round to the nearest ten 43 40
13) Round to the nearest hundred 78,697 78,700
14) Round to the nearest ten 5,524 5,520
15) Round to the nearest hundred 46,068 46,100
16) Round to the nearest ten 3,060 3,060
17) Round to the nearest hundred 81,103 81,100
18) Round to the nearest hundred 628 600
19) Round to the nearest hundred 66,683 66,700
20) Round to the nearest hundred 42,887 42,900
1 500
2 9,800
3 50
4 70
5 89,700
6 3,240
7 7,070
8 1,530
9 50
10 700
11 6,840
12 40
13 78,700
14 5,520
15 46,100
16 3,060
17 81,100
18 600
19 66,700
(3)1) Round to the nearest ten 9,359 9,360
2) Round to the nearest ten 3,061 3,060
3) Round to the nearest ten 95 100
4) Round to the nearest hundred 823 800
5) Round to the nearest hundred 4,299 4,300
6) Round to the nearest hundred 63,421 63,400
7) Round to the nearest ten 3,788 3,790
8) Round to the nearest ten 43 40
9) Round to the nearest ten 3,195 3,200
10) Round to the nearest ten 43 40
11) Round to the nearest hundred 35,334 35,300
12) Round to the nearest hundred 201 200
13) Round to the nearest ten 2,438 2,440
14) Round to the nearest hundred 42,184 42,200
15) Round to the nearest ten 86 90
16) Round to the nearest hundred 77,725 77,700
17) Round to the nearest hundred 234 200
18) Round to the nearest ten 1,141 1,140
19) Round to the nearest hundred 11,483 11,500
20) Round to the nearest hundred 94,869 94,900
1 9,360 3,060
3 100
4 800
5 4,300 63,400 3,790
8 40
9 3,200
10 40
11 35,300 12 200 13 2,440 14 42,200
15 90
(4)1) Round to the nearest ten 9,359 9,360
2) Round to the nearest ten 3,061 3,060
3) Round to the nearest ten 95 100
4) Round to the nearest hundred 823 800
5) Round to the nearest hundred 4,299 4,300
6) Round to the nearest hundred 63,421 63,400
7) Round to the nearest ten 3,788 3,790
8) Round to the nearest ten 43 40
9) Round to the nearest ten 3,195 3,200
10) Round to the nearest ten 43 40
11) Round to the nearest hundred 35,334 35,300
12) Round to the nearest hundred 201 200
13) Round to the nearest ten 2,438 2,440
14) Round to the nearest hundred 42,184 42,200
15) Round to the nearest ten 86 90
16) Round to the nearest hundred 77,725 77,700
17) Round to the nearest hundred 234 200
18) Round to the nearest ten 1,141 1,140
19) Round to the nearest hundred 11,483 11,500
20) Round to the nearest hundred 94,869 94,900
1 9,360
2 3,060
3 100
4 800
5 4,300
6 63,400
7 3,790
8 40
9 3,200
10 40
11 35,300
12 200
13 2,440
14 42,200
15 90
16 77,700
17 200
18 1,140
19 11,500
(5)1) Round to the nearest hundred 45,755 45,800
2) Round to the nearest hundred 694 700
3) Round to the nearest ten 3,474 3,470
4) Round to the nearest ten 1,093 1,090
5) Round to the nearest ten 7,530 7,530
6) Round to the nearest hundred 977 1,000
7) Round to the nearest ten 50 50
8) Round to the nearest ten 77 80
9) Round to the nearest hundred 34,362 34,400
10) Round to the nearest ten 7,663 7,660
11) Round to the nearest hundred 724 700
12) Round to the nearest hundred 57,246 57,200
13) Round to the nearest hundred 25,402 25,400
14) Round to the nearest ten 930 930
15) Round to the nearest hundred 8,298 8,300
16) Round to the nearest hundred 25,457 25,500
17) Round to the nearest ten 6,139 6,140
18) Round to the nearest hundred 38,531 38,500
19) Round to the nearest ten 15 20
20) Round to the nearest ten 1,459 1,460
1 45,800
2 700
3 3,470 1,090 7,530 1,000
7 50
8 80
9 34,400 10 7,660 11 700 12 57,200 13 25,400 14 930 15 8,300 16 25,500 17 6,140 18 38,500
19 20
(6)1) Round to the nearest hundred 45,755 45,800
2) Round to the nearest hundred 694 700
3) Round to the nearest ten 3,474 3,470
4) Round to the nearest ten 1,093 1,090
5) Round to the nearest ten 7,530 7,530
6) Round to the nearest hundred 977 1,000
7) Round to the nearest ten 50 50
8) Round to the nearest ten 77 80
9) Round to the nearest hundred 34,362 34,400
10) Round to the nearest ten 7,663 7,660
11) Round to the nearest hundred 724 700
12) Round to the nearest hundred 57,246 57,200
13) Round to the nearest hundred 25,402 25,400
14) Round to the nearest ten 930 930
15) Round to the nearest hundred 8,298 8,300
16) Round to the nearest hundred 25,457 25,500
17) Round to the nearest ten 6,139 6,140
18) Round to the nearest hundred 38,531 38,500
19) Round to the nearest ten 15 20
20) Round to the nearest ten 1,459 1,460
1 45,800
2 700
3 3,470
4 1,090
5 7,530
6 1,000
7 50
8 80
9 34,400
10 7,660
11 700
12 57,200
13 25,400
14 930
15 8,300
16 25,500
17 6,140
18 38,500
19 20
(7)1) Round to the nearest hundred 490 500
2) Round to the nearest ten 27 30
3) Round to the nearest hundred 60,614 60,600
4) Round to the nearest hundred 794 800
5) Round to the nearest ten 3,484 3,480
6) Round to the nearest ten 1,600 1,600
7) Round to the nearest hundred 47,161 47,200
8) Round to the nearest ten 3,824 3,820
9) Round to the nearest hundred 58,268 58,300
10) Round to the nearest hundred 665 700
11) Round to the nearest ten 63 60
12) Round to the nearest ten 13 10
13) Round to the nearest ten 34 30
14) Round to the nearest hundred 2,041 2,000
15) Round to the nearest ten 6,678 6,680
16) Round to the nearest ten 567 570
17) Round to the nearest hundred 395 400
18) Round to the nearest hundred 28,687 28,700
19) Round to the nearest ten 2,905 2,910
20) Round to the nearest ten 3,171 3,170
1 500
2 30
3 60,600
4 800
5 3,480 1,600 47,200 3,820 58,300 10 700
11 60
12 10
13 30
(8)1) Round to the nearest hundred 490 500
2) Round to the nearest ten 27 30
3) Round to the nearest hundred 60,614 60,600
4) Round to the nearest hundred 794 800
5) Round to the nearest ten 3,484 3,480
6) Round to the nearest ten 1,600 1,600
7) Round to the nearest hundred 47,161 47,200
8) Round to the nearest ten 3,824 3,820
9) Round to the nearest hundred 58,268 58,300
10) Round to the nearest hundred 665 700
11) Round to the nearest ten 63 60
12) Round to the nearest ten 13 10
13) Round to the nearest ten 34 30
14) Round to the nearest hundred 2,041 2,000
15) Round to the nearest ten 6,678 6,680
16) Round to the nearest ten 567 570
17) Round to the nearest hundred 395 400
18) Round to the nearest hundred 28,687 28,700
19) Round to the nearest ten 2,905 2,910
20) Round to the nearest ten 3,171 3,170
1 500
2 30
3 60,600
4 800
5 3,480
6 1,600
7 47,200
8 3,820
9 58,300
10 700
11 60
12 10
13 30
14 2,000
15 6,680
16 570
17 400
18 28,700
19 2,910
(9)1) Round to the nearest ten 3,600 3,600
2) Round to the nearest ten 73 70
3) Round to the nearest hundred 79,639 79,600
4) Round to the nearest ten 7,867 7,870
5) Round to the nearest hundred 38,484 38,500
6) Round to the nearest ten 8,569 8,570
7) Round to the nearest hundred 91,927 91,900
8) Round to the nearest hundred 302 300
9) Round to the nearest hundred 69,065 69,100
10) Round to the nearest ten 10 10
11) Round to the nearest ten 61 60
12) Round to the nearest ten 2,535 2,540
13) Round to the nearest hundred 919 900
14) Round to the nearest ten 11 10
15) Round to the nearest ten 4,969 4,970
16) Round to the nearest hundred 35,946 35,900
17) Round to the nearest hundred 43,214 43,200
18) Round to the nearest hundred 696 700
19) Round to the nearest ten 162 160
20) Round to the nearest ten 5,460 5,460
1 3,600
2 70
3 79,600 7,870 38,500 8,570 91,900
8 300
9 69,100
10 10
11 60
12 2,540 13 900
14 10
(10)1) Round to the nearest ten 3,600 3,600
2) Round to the nearest ten 73 70
3) Round to the nearest hundred 79,639 79,600
4) Round to the nearest ten 7,867 7,870
5) Round to the nearest hundred 38,484 38,500
6) Round to the nearest ten 8,569 8,570
7) Round to the nearest hundred 91,927 91,900
8) Round to the nearest hundred 302 300
9) Round to the nearest hundred 69,065 69,100
10) Round to the nearest ten 10 10
11) Round to the nearest ten 61 60
12) Round to the nearest ten 2,535 2,540
13) Round to the nearest hundred 919 900
14) Round to the nearest ten 11 10
15) Round to the nearest ten 4,969 4,970
16) Round to the nearest hundred 35,946 35,900
17) Round to the nearest hundred 43,214 43,200
18) Round to the nearest hundred 696 700
19) Round to the nearest ten 162 160
20) Round to the nearest ten 5,460 5,460
1 3,600
2 70
3 79,600
4 7,870
5 38,500
6 8,570
7 91,900
8 300
9 69,100
10 10
11 60
12 2,540
13 900
14 10
15 4,970
16 35,900
17 43,200
18 700
19 160
(11)1) Round to the nearest hundred 51,451 51,500
2) Round to the nearest ten 18 20
3) Round to the nearest ten 33 30
4) Round to the nearest hundred 913 900
5) Round to the nearest ten 6,142 6,140
6) Round to the nearest ten 9,194 9,190
7) Round to the nearest hundred 43,909 43,900
8) Round to the nearest hundred 9,802 9,800
9) Round to the nearest hundred 52,440 52,400
10) Round to the nearest hundred 274 300
11) Round to the nearest hundred 56,604 56,600
12) Round to the nearest ten 774 770
13) Round to the nearest ten 1,893 1,890
14) Round to the nearest hundred 25,485 25,500
15) Round to the nearest hundred 717 700
16) Round to the nearest hundred 373 400
17) Round to the nearest ten 2,962 2,960
18) Round to the nearest ten 6,447 6,450
19) Round to the nearest hundred 65,673 65,700
20) Round to the nearest ten 5,377 5,380
1 51,500
2 20
3 30
4 900
(12)1) Round to the nearest hundred 51,451 51,500
2) Round to the nearest ten 18 20
3) Round to the nearest ten 33 30
4) Round to the nearest hundred 913 900
5) Round to the nearest ten 6,142 6,140
6) Round to the nearest ten 9,194 9,190
7) Round to the nearest hundred 43,909 43,900
8) Round to the nearest hundred 9,802 9,800
9) Round to the nearest hundred 52,440 52,400
10) Round to the nearest hundred 274 300
11) Round to the nearest hundred 56,604 56,600
12) Round to the nearest ten 774 770
13) Round to the nearest ten 1,893 1,890
14) Round to the nearest hundred 25,485 25,500
15) Round to the nearest hundred 717 700
16) Round to the nearest hundred 373 400
17) Round to the nearest ten 2,962 2,960
18) Round to the nearest ten 6,447 6,450
19) Round to the nearest hundred 65,673 65,700
20) Round to the nearest ten 5,377 5,380
1 51,500
2 20
3 30
4 900
5 6,140
6 9,190
7 43,900
8 9,800
9 52,400
10 300
11 56,600
12 770
13 1,890
14 25,500
15 700
16 400
17 2,960
18 6,450
19 65,700
(13)1) Round to the nearest hundred 72,339 72,300
2) Round to the nearest ten 24 20
3) Round to the nearest hundred 187 200
4) Round to the nearest ten 5,366 5,370
5) Round to the nearest hundred 9,906 9,900
6) Round to the nearest ten 2,639 2,640
7) Round to the nearest hundred 620 600
8) Round to the nearest ten 67 70
9) Round to the nearest ten 616 620
10) Round to the nearest hundred 847 800
11) Round to the nearest hundred 60,567 60,600
12) Round to the nearest hundred 91,477 91,500
13) Round to the nearest hundred 70,746 70,700
14) Round to the nearest ten 7,800 7,800
15) Round to the nearest ten 1,130 1,130
16) Round to the nearest ten 3,449 3,450
17) Round to the nearest hundred 401 400
18) Round to the nearest ten 94 90
19) Round to the nearest ten 2,739 2,740
20) Round to the nearest ten 86 90
1 72,300
2 20
3 200
4 5,370 9,900 2,640
7 600
8 70
9 620
10 800 11 60,600 12 91,500 13 70,700 14 7,800 15 1,130 16 3,450 17 400
18 90
19 2,740
(14)1) Round to the nearest hundred 72,339 72,300
2) Round to the nearest ten 24 20
3) Round to the nearest hundred 187 200
4) Round to the nearest ten 5,366 5,370
5) Round to the nearest hundred 9,906 9,900
6) Round to the nearest ten 2,639 2,640
7) Round to the nearest hundred 620 600
8) Round to the nearest ten 67 70
9) Round to the nearest ten 616 620
10) Round to the nearest hundred 847 800
11) Round to the nearest hundred 60,567 60,600
12) Round to the nearest hundred 91,477 91,500
13) Round to the nearest hundred 70,746 70,700
14) Round to the nearest ten 7,800 7,800
15) Round to the nearest ten 1,130 1,130
16) Round to the nearest ten 3,449 3,450
17) Round to the nearest hundred 401 400
18) Round to the nearest ten 94 90
19) Round to the nearest ten 2,739 2,740
20) Round to the nearest ten 86 90
1 72,300
2 20
3 200
4 5,370
5 9,900
6 2,640
7 600
8 70
9 620
10 800
11 60,600
12 91,500
13 70,700
14 7,800
15 1,130
16 3,450
17 400
18 90
19 2,740
(15)1) Round to the nearest ten 6,578 6,580
2) Round to the nearest ten 68 70
3) Round to the nearest ten 9,379 9,380
4) Round to the nearest hundred 826 800
5) Round to the nearest hundred 9,579 9,600
6) Round to the nearest hundred 35,694 35,700
7) Round to the nearest hundred 116 100
8) Round to the nearest hundred 44,807 44,800
9) Round to the nearest hundred 80,831 80,800
10) Round to the nearest ten 1,699 1,700
11) Round to the nearest hundred 28,289 28,300
12) Round to the nearest ten 9,784 9,780
13) Round to the nearest ten 6,787 6,790
14) Round to the nearest hundred 98,876 98,900
15) Round to the nearest hundred 890 900
16) Round to the nearest hundred 214 200
17) Round to the nearest ten 7,269 7,270
18) Round to the nearest hundred 21,054 21,100
19) Round to the nearest ten 87 90
20) Round to the nearest ten 595 600
1 6,580
2 70
3 9,380
4 800
5 9,600 35,700
7 100
8 44,800 80,800 10 1,700 11 28,300 12 9,780 13 6,790 14 98,900 15 900 16 200 17 7,270 18 21,100
19 90
(16)1) Round to the nearest ten 6,578 6,580
2) Round to the nearest ten 68 70
3) Round to the nearest ten 9,379 9,380
4) Round to the nearest hundred 826 800
5) Round to the nearest hundred 9,579 9,600
6) Round to the nearest hundred 35,694 35,700
7) Round to the nearest hundred 116 100
8) Round to the nearest hundred 44,807 44,800
9) Round to the nearest hundred 80,831 80,800
10) Round to the nearest ten 1,699 1,700
11) Round to the nearest hundred 28,289 28,300
12) Round to the nearest ten 9,784 9,780
13) Round to the nearest ten 6,787 6,790
14) Round to the nearest hundred 98,876 98,900
15) Round to the nearest hundred 890 900
16) Round to the nearest hundred 214 200
17) Round to the nearest ten 7,269 7,270
18) Round to the nearest hundred 21,054 21,100
19) Round to the nearest ten 87 90
20) Round to the nearest ten 595 600
1 6,580
2 70
3 9,380
4 800
5 9,600
6 35,700
7 100
8 44,800
9 80,800
10 1,700
11 28,300
12 9,780
13 6,790
14 98,900
15 900
16 200
17 7,270
18 21,100
19 90
(17)1) Round to the nearest ten 49 50
2) Round to the nearest ten 23 20
3) Round to the nearest ten 1,286 1,290
4) Round to the nearest hundred 887 900
5) Round to the nearest hundred 63,533 63,500
6) Round to the nearest hundred 76,689 76,700
7) Round to the nearest ten 20 20
8) Round to the nearest ten 6,514 6,510
9) Round to the nearest hundred 65,214 65,200
10) Round to the nearest ten 2,989 2,990
11) Round to the nearest hundred 11,310 11,300
12) Round to the nearest hundred 403 400
13) Round to the nearest hundred 15,270 15,300
14) Round to the nearest ten 212 210
15) Round to the nearest ten 1,563 1,560
16) Round to the nearest hundred 234 200
17) Round to the nearest ten 30 30
18) Round to the nearest hundred 4,562 4,600
19) Round to the nearest ten 4,395 4,400
20) Round to the nearest ten 8,274 8,270
1 50
2 20
3 1,290
4 900
5 63,500 76,700
7 20
8 6,510 65,200 10 2,990 11 11,300 12 400 13 15,300 14 210 15 1,560 16 200
17 30
(18)1) Round to the nearest ten 49 50
2) Round to the nearest ten 23 20
3) Round to the nearest ten 1,286 1,290
4) Round to the nearest hundred 887 900
5) Round to the nearest hundred 63,533 63,500
6) Round to the nearest hundred 76,689 76,700
7) Round to the nearest ten 20 20
8) Round to the nearest ten 6,514 6,510
9) Round to the nearest hundred 65,214 65,200
10) Round to the nearest ten 2,989 2,990
11) Round to the nearest hundred 11,310 11,300
12) Round to the nearest hundred 403 400
13) Round to the nearest hundred 15,270 15,300
14) Round to the nearest ten 212 210
15) Round to the nearest ten 1,563 1,560
16) Round to the nearest hundred 234 200
17) Round to the nearest ten 30 30
18) Round to the nearest hundred 4,562 4,600
19) Round to the nearest ten 4,395 4,400
20) Round to the nearest ten 8,274 8,270
1 50
2 20
3 1,290
4 900
5 63,500
6 76,700
7 20
8 6,510
9 65,200
10 2,990
11 11,300
12 400
13 15,300
14 210
15 1,560
16 200
17 30
18 4,600
19 4,400
(19)1) Round to the nearest ten 933 930
2) Round to the nearest ten 3,693 3,690
3) Round to the nearest ten 56 60
4) Round to the nearest ten 72 70
5) Round to the nearest hundred 16,221 16,200
6) Round to the nearest ten 3,114 3,110
7) Round to the nearest ten 7,852 7,850
8) Round to the nearest hundred 81,814 81,800
9) Round to the nearest hundred 60,995 61,000
10) Round to the nearest ten 1,592 1,590
11) Round to the nearest ten 7,348 7,350
12) Round to the nearest hundred 37,160 37,200
13) Round to the nearest hundred 258 300
14) Round to the nearest hundred 676 700
15) Round to the nearest ten 9,582 9,580
16) Round to the nearest hundred 911 900
17) Round to the nearest ten 23 20
18) Round to the nearest hundred 18,341 18,300
19) Round to the nearest hundred 18,907 18,900
20) Round to the nearest ten 58 60
1 930
2 3,690
3 60
4 70
5 16,200 3,110 7,850 81,800 61,000 10 1,590 11 7,350 12 37,200 13 300 14 700 15 9,580 16 900
17 20
18 18,300 19 18,900
(20)1) Round to the nearest ten 933 930
2) Round to the nearest ten 3,693 3,690
3) Round to the nearest ten 56 60
4) Round to the nearest ten 72 70
5) Round to the nearest hundred 16,221 16,200
6) Round to the nearest ten 3,114 3,110
7) Round to the nearest ten 7,852 7,850
8) Round to the nearest hundred 81,814 81,800
9) Round to the nearest hundred 60,995 61,000
10) Round to the nearest ten 1,592 1,590
11) Round to the nearest ten 7,348 7,350
12) Round to the nearest hundred 37,160 37,200
13) Round to the nearest hundred 258 300
14) Round to the nearest hundred 676 700
15) Round to the nearest ten 9,582 9,580
16) Round to the nearest hundred 911 900
17) Round to the nearest ten 23 20
18) Round to the nearest hundred 18,341 18,300
19) Round to the nearest hundred 18,907 18,900
20) Round to the nearest ten 58 60
1 930
2 3,690
3 60
4 70
5 16,200
6 3,110
7 7,850
8 81,800
9 61,000
10 1,590
11 7,350
12 37,200
13 300
14 700
15 9,580
16 900
17 20
18 18,300
19 18,900