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Bài soạn Rèn AV9 HJ

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I. Translate into English: 1. Boys like to play soccer. This room has been painted blue. Cricket is played in Australia. I am given a book. We have lost our keys. You might see dolphins here. The report must be completed by next Friday. They were singing a song. A letter was written to her. The bike is being repaired. They listen to music. She is reading an e-mail. These cars are produced in Japan. Alan teaches Geography. German is spoken in Austria. Lots of houses were destroyed by the earthquake. Henry Ford invented the assembly line. The bus driver was hurt. You should open your workbooks. Houses have been built. I. Complete the sentesnces with the correct form of the verb in brackets 1. You (notify) ………………by my secretary next week. 2. Last night I ( not, remember ) ………………….to lock my front door. 3. At the present time, the oldest in the town (restore) …………… by the Historical Society. 4. At one time, the entire world (rule) …………………….by dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs (walk) ………………on their hind legs and (stand) ……………….as tall as palm trees. 5. Disneyland , a world famous amusement park in Southern (visit) …………………by more than ten million people every year. 6. Most insects (live)…….…………… .for less than a year. The common housefly (live) ………. …………… from 19 to 30 days. 7. I got into a taxi quickly because I (follow) ………………………….by two strange men. As soon as I got into the taxi, I (feel ) …………………a little safer. 8. When Alex was ten only, his father (die) …………………… 9. Mark ( influence) ……………………… a lot by his friends. 10. The exam papers are scored by machine. The students (tell) ……………………their results next week. II. Change the active sentences to passive 1. People grow rice in India . 2. They are fixing my car today. 3. They speak French in Quebec . 4. Did Thomas Edison invent the telephone? 5. How do people make candles? 6. People should save pandas from extinction. 7. People must obey all traffic laws. 8. They can pick tomatoes before they are completely ripe. 9. Someone should have supplied the hotel guests with clean towels. 10. Peter has hurt Bob’s feeling. 11. Someone has offered Mike opportunity to study abroad. 12. People don’t pay babysisters a lot of money. 13. Someone handed me a telegram when I answer the door. 14. She has to finish this work today. 15. They have reported the accident to the police. III. Change the sentences into the passive 1. People say that Mr. Henry is 108 years old. 2. People believed that she ate ten eggs a day. 3. They reported that two people were killed in the explosion. 5. They said that he stole 60 dollars. IV. Rewrite another sentence with the same meaning, beginning with the given words 1. It is said that many people are homeless after the floods. Many people are said . 2. It is known that the Prime Minister is in favour of the new law. The Prime Minister . 3. It is expected that the government will lose the election. The government . 4. It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall. The prisoner 5. It is believed that the thieves got in through the kitchen window. The thieves 6. It is alleged that he drove through the town at 90 miles an hour. He 7. It is reported that two people were seriously injured in the accident. Two people 8. It is said that three men were arrested after the explosion. Three men . V. Complete the sentences with the correct form ( Present or Past Participle) of the italicized word. 1. The book interests me. It is an ……………………… book. I am ………………………………… in it. 2. The trip tired everybody. Everyone was …………………………The trip was ……………………… 3. Ann boiled an egg. She took the egg out of the……………… water. She had a ………………… egg for breakfast. 4. The news upset us. We were ……………… The news was …………………… 5. Their behavior shocked us. It was……………… behavior. We were …………………………. VI. Choose the best answer 1. Ms. Laura ……………………at the Asia Company. a. is employing b. employed c. employing d. is employed 2. I still can’t believe it! My bicycle …………….last night. a. was stolen b. was stealing c. stolen d. steal 3. Something funny ……………….in class yesterday. a. happened b. was happened c. happens d. is happened 4. The child’s arm was swollen because he ……………… .by a bee. a. stung b. had stung c. had been stung d. has been stung 5. Today many serious childhood diseases …………… .by early immunization. a. are preventing b. can prevent c. prevent d. can be prevented 6. I ………………with you on that subject. a. am agreed b. am agreeing c. agreeing d. agree 7. When …………………….? - In 1928. a. did penicillin discover b. penicillin was discovered c. did penicillin discovered d. was penicillin discovered 8. Vitamin C ………………… by the human body. It gets into the blood stream quickly. a. absorbs easily b. is easily absorbing c. is easily absorbed d. absorbed easily 9. When can I have my car back? I think it’ll ………………… .late this arternoon. a. finish b. be finished c. have finished d. be finish 10. The rescuers………………….for their bravery and fortitude in locating the lost mountain climbers. a. were praised b. praised c. were praising d. praising 11. The longest fish in the contest was eighteen inches long. It………………… by Thelma Rivers. a. was catching b. caught c. was caught d. catch 12. Are we about to have dinner? Yes, it …………… .in the dining room. a. is serving b .serves c. is being served d. served 13. Where are Jack and Jan? They …………… the boxes you asked for into the house. a. have been bringing b. bringing c. have been brought d. to bring 14. Where’s the old chicken coop? - It ……………… by the windstorm last year. a. destroy b. is destroyed c. was destroyed d. destroyed 15. We’re still looking for Thomas. Hasn’t he………………………yet? a. been found b. to find c.found d. being found 16. Diana is a wonderful ballet dancer. She …………… since she was four. a. has been dancing b. has been danced c. is dancing d. was danced 17. What a beautiful dress you’re wearing! - Thank you. It ……….especially for me by a French tailor. a. is made b. has made c. made d. was made 18. Gold ………………… in California in the nineteenth century. a. was discovered b. has been discovered c. was discover d. they discover 19. All planes……………… .before departure. a. will check b. will has checked c. will be checked d. will been checked 20. Where did you get these old dresses? We ……………… .them in the old trunk. a. were found b. finding c. found d. have been found 21. I wanted ……………by the head of the company, but it was impossible. a. to see b. to be seen c. seeing d. being to seen 22. Those eggs of different colours are very artistic. Yes, they …………… .in Russia . a. were painted b. were paint c. were painting d. painted 23. I heard you decided to take up tennis.Yes, I have …………….every day. a. been played b. been playing c. playing d. play 24. What happened to the old maild carrier? He …………… .to the neighborhood to work. a. has sent b. was sent c. was sent d. sent 1) Mandy: "Are the boys reading the book?" Yesterday Mandy asked me . 2) Jason: "Who gave you the laptop?" Yesterday Jason wanted to know . 3) Robert: "Is Tim leaving on Friday?" Yesterday Robert asked me . 4) Daniel: "Will it rain tomorrow?" Yesterday Daniel asked me . 5) Jennifer: "Where do you play football today?" Yesterday Jennifer wanted to know . 6) Nancy: "Why didn't Nick go to New York last summer?" Yesterday Nancy wanted to know . 7) Barbara: "Must I do my homework this afternoon?" Yesterday Barbara asked me . 8) Linda: "Did Max fly to London two weeks ago?" Yesterday Linda wanted to know . 9) Grandmother: "Where are my glasses?" Yesterday Grandmother asked me . 10) A man: "When does the train to Liverpool leave?" Yesterday a man asked me . 2) 1) Christopher: "Do you want to dance?" Christopher asked me . 2) Betty: "When did you come?" Betty wanted to know . 3) Mark: "Has John arrived?" Mark asked me . 4) Ronald: "Where does Maria park her car?" Ronald asked me . 5) Elisabeth: "Did you watch the latest film?" Elisabeth asked me . 6) Mandy: "Can I help you?" Mandy wanted to know . 7) Andrew: "Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?" Andrew asked me . 8) Justin: "What are you doing?" Justin asked me . 9) Frank: "How much pocket money does Lisa get?" Frank wanted to know . 10) Anne: "Must I do the shopping?" Anne asked . REPORTED SPEECH EXERCISES Turn the following direct speech into reported speech: I/ Commands, requests, advice( expressed by tell, order, ask, beg, advise, remind, warn) 1. Switch off the TV, he said to her 2. Shut the door Tom, she said 3. Lend me your pen for a moment, I said to Mary 4. Don’t watch late-night horror movie, I warn them 5. Please fill up this form, the secretary said. 6.Don’t touch that switch, Mary, I said. 7. Don’t believe everything you hear, he said. 8. Help your mother, Peter, Mr. Pat said. 9. Don’t forget to write to your mother, I reminded her. 10.Make a list of what you want, she told us 11 Don’t argue with your father, my mother said. 12.Please book me a seat in a non-smoker, she said II/ Statements 1. I have something to show you, I said to her 2.I’m going away tomorrow, Mum, said Peter. 3. I’ll come with you as soon as I’m ready, she said. 4. It’s not so foggy today as it was yesterday. 4. Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun, she said. 5. I have a German lesson this afternoon and I haven’t my homework yet, said the small boy. 6. I’ll come and see you tomorrow, Hoa said. 7. The E1 train leaves at 11.30 tonight, he reminded me 8. Liz is going back to America for this summer holidays, John says. 9. We went to the Grand Canyons last year, Tim tells me. 10. I can’t come to the party on Friday night. I have to do my homework, Lan says. 11. We want to go on holiday in Cat Tien National Garden but we can’t afford it, our friends tell us. 12. I don’t think your father like me, said the young wife. III/ Questions 1. What country do you come from?, said Bill. 2. How long have you been here?, said Ann. 3.What happened to Mr. Bush yesterday?, asked Tom. 4. When are you coming back? I asked them. 5. How can I get from the station to the airport?, he wonders. 6. Which team has won?, asked Mrs. Jones 7. Why does the price go up so often?, she wondered. 8. Where is the ticket office?, asked the traveler 9. Did you play for your school team?I asked John. 10. Are you interested in acting? she asks me. 11.Have you enrolled for more than one class?, said Peter. 12. Whose cars did you borrow last night? I said to him 13.Who put salt in my coffee?, he asked. 14. Can the children get dinner at school?, she wonders. 15. Do you like the headmaster?, he asked. IV. Commands, requests, invitations, offers, advice 1. Would you like to have lunch with me on Sunday? he said to me. 2. Would you like a cigarette? said one of the guests. 3. Would you mind not smoking between courses? said their hostess. 4. If I were you, I’d try to get a room on the top floor. he said to her. 5. Why don’t you go by train? It’s much less tiring than driving, she said. 6. Would you mind moving your car? he said. It’s blocking my gate. 7. You’d better answer this letter for him, I told Ann. 8. Can I have sweet?said the small boy. 9. Will you help me, please? she said. I can’t reach the top of the shelf. 10. Why don’t you go somewhere for a drink? he told me. V. If- clauses and time clauses 1. Leave the key under the mat if you go out, said my mother. 2. If it goes on snowing, how will we get food?wondered the housewives. 3. When you hear the fire alarm, shut all windows and go down stair as quickly as possible,said the leader. 4. As soon as you find a hotel, ring me and give me the address, my mother said. 5. I will come to see you if I have time, the man said to her. 6. If it doesn’t rain, we will go out with you, I told her. 7. If you had asked me, I would have lent you my motorbike, said my friend. 8. They would be very disappointed if you didn’t come, the man said to his daughter. VI. Choose the best answer 1. He asked, Why didn’t she take the final exam?, - He asked why ……………….the final exam. A. she took B. did she take C. she hadn’t taken D. she had taken 2. They said, Hurrah! We have won the contest!……………… A. They said Hurrah that they had won the contest. B. They said that they had won the contest. C.They exclaimed with joy that they had won the contest. D. They said that they have won the contest. 3. Miss White said to him, Why are you so late? Did your car have a flat tire? A. Miss White told him why was he so late and did your car have a flat tire. B. Miss White asked him why was he so late and did your car have a flat tire. C. Miss White asked him why he was so late and whether his car had a flat tire. D. Miss White told him why he was so late and if your car had a flat tire. 4. Peter said to his friend, I’m sad. Let me alone A. Peter said that he was said and told his friend to let him alone. B. Peter said that I am sad and let me alone. C. Peter said that he was said and if his friend to let him alone. D. Peter said that he was sad and let him alone. 5. What does she like?,he asked me. A. He asked me what she likes B. He asked me what she liked. C. He asked me what I like D. He asked me what I liked. 6. She said, Don’t tease me, John. A. She said not to tease me to John. B. She said John not to tease me . C. She told John not to tease her. D. She said John not to tease her . 7. He asked me what ………… A. time was it B. time it is C. time it was D. none is correct 8. I said to him, I’m very angry with you. Go away. A. I said that I am very angry with him and go away. B. I said that I am very angry with him and went away. C. I said that I am very angry and he went away. D. I said that I am very angry with him and told him to go away. 9. My father said to me, Don’t smile. Be serious. A. My father said not to smile and be serious. B. My father told me not to smile and asked me to be serious. C. My father said me not to smile and be serious. D. My father told me not to smile and be serious. 10. He asked me where …… . A. did I lived. B. I lived. C. do you live D. that I lived 11. There’s too much noise in this room. I can’t understand what ………………. A. is the professor saying B. the professor is saying C. that the professor is saying D. is saying the professor. 12. When I was little, my father gave me some advice. He said…………… talk to strangers. A. I shouldn’t B. that shouldn’t C. don’t D. that I don’t 13. A fortune- teller predicted …………….inherit a lot of money before the end of the year. A. that I would B. that I C. what I will D. what I 14.What did your grammar teacher want to talk to you about?. I did badly on the last test. She …………… .study for it. A. said why didn’t I B. asked why didn’t I C. said why I didn’t D. asked why I didn’t 15. He told me that ……… A. his father has sold the house B. his father will sell the house. C. his father had sold the house the day before D. his father don’t sell the house. 16. My father said to me,Why are you late? Did you miss the train?. A. My father told me why was I late and did I miss the train. B. My father asked me why was I late and did I miss the train. C. My father told me why I were late and if I miss the train. D. My father asked me why I was late and if I missed the train. 17. Tom said , I must leave at eight!Tom said that he………… leave at eight. A. must B. had C. had to D. have to 18. Mary said, I should go to the library.Mary said that she………….to the library. A. should go B. should have gone C. ought go D. better go 19. What do you want? he asked me. A. He asked me what I want B. He asked me what I wanted C. He asked me what do I want D. He asked me what did I want. 19. Don’t be shy. _ Her boy friend told her ………… .shy. A. do not be B. don’t be C. not to be D. to be 20. My father went here last month. A. He said that his father had gone there the previous month. B. He said that his father went here the month before. C. He said that his father had gone there the month after. D. He said that his father went here the month before. 21. The teacher said, Two and two are four. _ The teacher said that two and two ………… four. A. are B. were C. has been D. have been. 22. She said that she would do it there and then. _ She said, I shall do it ………………………. A. here and then B. there and now C. now and then D. here and now.

Ngày đăng: 25/11/2013, 21:11


