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Bài soạn môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Bài tập 2

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A.The plants live on that island may develop differently.. The plants, which live on that island, may develop differently.[r]

(1)1.The food in the restaurant is cheap, but the choice is rather _ A.unlimited B.beautiful C.limited D.tidy 2.Nuclear energy can provide enough for the world’s need for hundreds of years A.electric B.electricity C.electrical D.electrician 3. _use this heat to make energy A.scientific B.scientist C.scientical D.scienter 4.when water moves from a high place to a lower place, it makes energy A.the B.a C.an D.X 5.Solar energy is not only plentiful and infinite but also clean and safe A.available B.sources C.abundant D.beautiful 6.We should develop such alternative sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy A.substitutive B.exhaust C.limit D.cheap 7. made up the largest amount of this figure A.petrolic B.petroleur C.petro D.petroleum 8.Solar energy doesn’t cause A.polute B.poluted C.polutively D.polution 9. are installed on the roof of a house to receive the energy from the sun A.hats B.glasses C.solar panels D.tiles 10.We can natural resources by using solar energy of coal, gas and oil A.tired B.because C.instead D.despite 11. is our major source of energy A.water B.heat C.electricity D.oil 12.A nuclear reactor releases threatening destruction and danger to the environment A.radiation B.limited C.exhausted D.expensive 13.A:Let’s play some music B: A.Yes, please B.Thank you C.Good idea D.Certainly 14.We haven’t any with him of several years A.expression B.excitement C.communication D.entertainment 15.When the wastes are poured into the atmosphere, the air becomes contaminated and unpleasant to breathe A.dense B.dirty C.pure D.cheap 16.Some species of rare animals are in danger of _ A.extinct B.extinctive C.extinction D.extincting 17.laws/ must/ some/ pass/ help/ protect/ environment A.Some laws must pass to help our environment B.Some laws must be passed to help protect our environment C.Some laws must be passed to help to protect our environment D.Some laws must passed to help protect our environment 18 The plants may develop differently The plants live on that island A.The plants live on that island may develop differently B The plants, which live on that island, may develop differently C The plants that live on that island may develop differently D.The plants, whose live on that island , may develop differently Lop11.com (2) 19.The opposite of passive is A typical B.professional C.active D.tragic 20.After ancient Greek athletes won a race at the Olympics, they _a simple crown of olive leaves A.received B.had received C.were received D.have received 21.the Asian Games, which every four years, are held for the purpose of developing inter-cultural knowledge and friendship within Asia A.start B.appear C.hold D.take place 22.Swimming is sport A.like B.water C.aquatic D.human 23.How may gold has the Vietnamese team won so far? A.silver B.coins C.medals D.bronze 24.Make all of your to study harder , then you will certainly pass the exam A.time B.effort Cfriends D.methods 25.” Is this the address you want the package sent?” A.which B.that C.to which 26.Are these the books _looking for? A.you B.which you C.that you 27.I like the flowery dress wearing A.Linda B.Linda is C.that Linda D.to where D.you are C.which Linda 28.That’s the armchair _-my grandmother used to sit in A.where B.which Cin which D.on which 29. _is comprised primarily of methane and cacbon dioxide A.electric B.biogas C.water D.wind 30.Many _customers are wairting for a fall inprices before buying A.potential B.ecologist C.infinited D.resources 31.Britain’s mineral include oil, coal and gas deposits A.potential B.ecologist C.limited 32.This is the first man who was arrested by police yesterday A.to arrested B.to be arrested C.arrested 33.we had a river in which we could swim A.We had a river to swim in C.We had a river to swimming D.resources D.arresting B We had a river in which swimming D.We had a river in that could swim 34.This is the only student _the problem A to be done B.which can C.to D.whose 35. are built across the rivers to help hold back the water A.eletrics B.dams C.houses D.supermartkets 36.New Zealand was the first country to give women the vote A.New Zealand was the first country whose give women the vote B.New Zealand was the country where give women to the vote C.New Zealand was the coutry whom give women to the vote D.New Zealand was the country which give women to the vote 37.Who was the last person who saw the young man alive? A.to be saw B.to saw C.see Lop11.com D.to see (3) 38.He never lost his of training athletes A.enthusiasm B.enthuse C.enthusiastic D.enthusiast 39.The number of has been increasing A.participates B.participles C.participations D.participants 40. ? -To develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia A.What ports you like? B.How many participants took part in the14th Asian Game? C.What is the purpose of the Asian Game? D.How often are the Asia Game held? 41. ? -11 countries A.How many sports were there at the Game? B.How many participants took part in the Game? C.How many countries took part in the Game? D.How often are the Game? 42.The book which I bought yesterday is very interesting A.to which B.X C.for which D.whom 43.Our teacher introduced us to new comers They were from abroad A.The new comers that our teacher introduced us were from abroad BThe new comers whom our teacher introduced us were from abroad C.The new comers our teacher introduced us were from abroad D.A,B&C 44.I have seen several houses.They were quite unsuitable A.Several houses I have seen were quite unsuitable B.Several houses I have seen which were quite unsuitable C.Several houses I have seen where were quite unsuitable D.Several houses I have seen that were quite unsuitable 45.Look! I it all back I should never have spoken like that A.put B.call C.give D.take 46.The company fell deeper and deeper into the and then went bankrupt A.black B.green C.yellow D.red 47.The slogan of this Game is cooperation and development A.regulated B.solidarity C.arrested D.anouncement 48.The Game are by the Olympic Council of Asia under the supervision of the International Olympic Committee A.learly B.regulated C.never D.called 49.The gym will be equipped with for students of ages A.solidarity B.regulated C.anouncement D.ports facilities 50.The of local news is a daily task in information center A.solidarity B.regulated C.anouncement D.ports facities 51.The Asian Game, also called the Asiad , is a multi-sport event _every four years A.hold B.help C.held D.holded Lop11.com (4) 52.when a policeman appeared at the door, the man was pretty surprised A.Imagine the man’ surprise when a policeman appeared at the door B.The man was surprisingly pretty when a policeman appeared at the door C.If the policeman didn’t appear at the door, the man wouldn’t pretty surprised D.The man wondered at the appearance of the police at the door 53.though he is in need ,he won’t play for this club A.In need as he is, he won’t play for this club B.He doesn’t need to play for this club C.He won’t play for this club unless he needs to D.Never will he play for this club 54.The office manager wondered why he hadn’t got a computer before A.The office manager asked why he hadn’t got a computer before B.The office manager wondered,”Why hadn’t I got a computer before?” C.Why th office manager hadn’t got a computer before was a wonder D.”Why didn’t I get a computer before?” thought the office manager 55.On being asked about the strike, the minister declined to comment A.When the minister was asked about the strike, he declined to comment B.When the minister declined to comment , he was asked about the strike C.Be asked about the strike, the minister declined to comment D.When asking about the strike , the minister declined to comment Lop11.com (5)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 05:22

