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Bài soạn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 9: The post office

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Defining relative clauses Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định  Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định là mệnh đề được dùng để xác định danh từ đứng trước nó..  Mệnh đề xác định là mệnh đề cần thiết cho ý nghĩa[r]

(1)CF101a CF 101 Date: ngaøy thaùng Time: phút ~ phuùt Name: UNIT 9: THE POST OFFICE A Pronunciation I Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others a skin b skirt c skill d milk a stop b stock c stone d hot a span b space c Spanish d hat a question b suggest c best d stand II Choose the word that has the main stress place differently from the others a technology b competitive c document d imagine a service b customer c describe d interest a capacity b capture c nature d industry a favorite b newspaper c ordinary d advance TLBT11 Lop11.com BTCB (2) CF101b B Defining relative clauses (Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định)  Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định là mệnh đề dùng để xác định danh từ đứng trước nó  Mệnh đề xác định là mệnh đề cần thiết cho ý nghĩa câu, không có nó câu không đủ nghĩa  Đại từ quan hệ dùng mệnh đề quan heä xaùc ñònh goàm coù: Subject Object Who(m)/ For persons Who/ that that Possessive Whose Whose/ of For things Which/ that Which/ that which  The man that / who talked to me last night is a Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định good doctor  The picture that / which my mother bought was Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định very beautiful TLBT11 Lop11.com BTCB (3) CF102a CF 102 Complete each sentence, using “who”, “whom”, “whose” or “which” _ I bought a cell phone which I can use to send and receive e-mail What was the name of the girl _ book you lent? A customer is someone buys something from a shop The boss I wanted to see was away on holiday I forget the name of the cat you bought last year The man met me yesterday is a good doctor The car John bought last year was very economical The song I am listening to was composed by a famous musician The book I told you about is a best seller now The place we visited were all very interesting TLBT11 Lop11.com BTCB (4) CF102b Join the sentences, using “who”, “that” or “which” _ A bus runs every half an hour It goes to the airport  A bus which/ that goes to the airport runs every haft an hour The man is a computer expert He talked to you last night  The school hasn’t been rebuilt yet It was destroyed in the fire  The farmer is afraid of computers He has never been on the internet  The film is very interesting I saw it last year  I went to see the doctor He told me to rest for a few days  Felipe bought the camera The camera has three lenses  TLBT11 Lop11.com BTCB (5) CF103a CF 103 John the sentences, using “whose” _ The man is a good doctor His daughter visited me last night  The man whose daughter visited me last night is a good doctor The worker works very hard His son has just passed the exam  The farmer is planting some trees in the garden His wife works in the bank  The woman is looking for a job Her children are at school all day  The doctor is helpful I know his daughter  A friend of mine helped me to get a job His father is the manager of a company  The man is very generous His son is very naughty  TLBT11 Lop11.com BTCB (6) CF103b Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning _ The waitress was very impolite She served us  The waitress who served us was very impolite 1.The singer had to cancel the concert She got flu The singer who 2.The painting is very nice I bought it last week The painting which 3.The man is very kind You met him yesterday The man whom _ 4.The boy is very sad His father was dead The boy whose 5.The student is the most intelligent He has the best marks The student that _ The new stadium will be opened next month It can hold 90,000 people The new stadium The girl lives near my house Her photo was in the local paper The girl _ TLBT11 Lop11.com BTCB (7) CF104a CF 104 Find out the mistake from the underlined words _ The people whose were arrested have now been A B C D released  caâu B: who The building of which was destroyed in the fire A B C has now been rebuilt D The man whom car is parked in front A B of my house is very helpful C D The girl that was talking to Bill said me that A B C she was a secretary D The man whose wife is beautiful congratulated A B C me on to pass the exam D TLBT11 Lop11.com BTCB (8) CF104b Choose the best answer to complete the sentence He is the student _ friends trust him a who b his c that d whose People _ live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones a who b whom c whose d all are correct You need to talk to a person _ you can trust a who b that c whom d all are correct The cat _ is following me is very nice a who b which c that d b and c The teacher _ teaches me Math likes music a who b whom c whose d all are correct The man _ car is red is my brother a who b whom c whose d which The pen _ which I am writing to you is a present you gave me last year a by b from c with d Þ The cost of everything has raised these days a run b rained c gone up d developed TLBT11 Lop11.com BTCB (9) CF105a CF 105 Fill in the blank with the best answer Nowadays, a lot of important inventions are carried out by scientists (1) are working for large industrial firms (2) there are still opportunities for others people to invent various things In Britain, there is a weekly TV program (3) attempts to show all the devices which people (4) recently The people organizing the program receive information about 700 inventions per year New ideals can (5) by private inventors However, it is important (6) these questions: will it work? Will it be wanted? Is it new? a who b whom a So c However a who b that a invented c invent a be developed c are developed a considering c to be considered TLBT11 c whose d they b Therefore d Also c which d b and c b have invented d inventing b develop d developed b considered d to consider Lop11.com BTCB (10) CF105b Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning _ The film is very interesting I saw it last year  The film that I saw last year is very interesting The man is very kind His daughter has just passed the exam The man whose _ The building has just been rebuilt It was destroyed in the fire The building which The farmer works hard all day He has many rice fields The farmer who _ The girl is very kind I met her last week The girl whom The woman was away on holiday I wanted to see her The woman whom _ This is the village My father was born in that village This is the village _ TLBT11 10 Lop11.com BTCB (11) CF106a CF 106 Date: ngaøy thaùng Time: phút ~ phuùt Name: UNIT 9: THE POST OFFICE A Defining relative clauses Combine these pairs of sentences, using a relative pronoun _ I met the professor He works at the university  I met the professor who works at the university Now, there are many students They help me to push the car  A lot of people suffer from stress They work in my office  I saw a man His name is Bill  The scientist has studied dolphins carefully He is John Lilly  The couple both worked in my office I bought their house  TLBT11 11 Lop11.com BTCB (12) CF106b Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning _ The woman was away on holiday I wanted to see her  The woman that I wanted to see was away on holiday What’s the name of the boy? You borrowed his car What’s the name of the boy whose The document has just been found It was stolen from a car The document which _ The TV doesn’t work today It still worked yesterday The TV that The professor has just gone away He taught me English last year The professor who _ A little girl has been found safe and well She had been missing since Tuesday A little girl _ TLBT11 12 Lop11.com BTCB (13) CF107a CF 107 Fill in each blank with “who”, “which” or “whose” _ Can you help me find the man who saved the girl? The man _ house you visited last month is a famous architect A fridge is a machine _ is used for keeping food fresh Could you tell me the post office is near here? The shoes _ are dirty are mine The book is about a girl _ runs away from home The river _ is in front of my house is very wide and deep The mother _ son is ill is poor The friend _ calculator I had borrowed wanted it back The boss _ employed many persons in his company is very helpful 10 We went to the restaurant _ Jane had recommended to us 11 The game _ you are playing is difficult to understand TLBT11 13 Lop11.com BTCB (14) CF107b Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form _ My mother (cook) was cooking at that time My sister (wait) for me when I came home last night The door bell rang while Tom (watch) TV I (come) and seen them before I left the city last week What you (do) yesterday? What you (do) when I phoned you last night? He (just / go) out He (just / go) out when you came yesterday We (already / see) this film I (not, visit) my teacher last year 10 They (not, finish) their tests yet 11 What you (wait) for right now? I (wait) for the shop to open But it (not open) until 9:00 I (know) , TLBT11 but I want to be early 14 Lop11.com BTCB (15) CF108a CF 108  Review “Word Form” Adjectives _ Adjective Noun : a good boy S + to be/ feel/ taste/ look/ sound/ smell + Adj _ She feels happy Adverbs S + V + Adv He drives carefully S + V + O + Adv He drives a car carefully Adv + Adj The result is completely correct Complete the sentences with the correct word form _ Their first public performance was not successful (perform) I can’t see him, it’s not (convenience) The of the project made me tense (important) She is beautiful (extreme) She finished her performance _ (success) TLBT11 15 Lop11.com BTCB (16) CF108b Fill in each blank with a suitable word There is one particular feeling which I find difficult to express When I am _(1) _ about something, I say nothing Once, for example, after I had bought a very _(2) _ jacket, I met a friend in cafe who said the jacket didn’t fit me very _(3) _ I was very _(4) _ My friend noticed my _(5) _ and asked me what was wrong I couldn’t tell him the _(6) _ I began to feel rather _(7) _ and left without giving an _(8) _ Later I felt rather ashamed of my behavior a angry b anger c angrily a expense b expensive c expensively a good b goodness c well a annoy b annoyance c annoyed a silence b silent c silently a true b truth c truthful a embarrassed b embarrass c embarrassing a explain TLBT11 b explanation 16 Lop11.com c explanatory BTCB (17) CF109a CF 109 Find out the mistake from the underlined words _ The doctor whose John visited last month is A B C D famous  caâu B: whom / who / that Please think of a word who comes from a foreign A B C D language into Vietnamese The student who dictionary is valuable is A B C good at English D The man asked me whom I meet two days A B C D before The bus that goes to the airport it runs every half A B C an hour D The teacher let me go home early because I felt A B C D ill TLBT11 17 Lop11.com BTCB (18) CF109b Fill in each blank with “who”, “which” _ A clock is an instrument which tells you the time A fridge is a machine is used for keeping food fresh A teacher is a person gives and explains lessons to students The picture my son drew when he was young is very funny The machine I have to use in my job costs over a million pounds The teacher is next to my house likes music very much The bridge was built across that river is beautiful The game you are playing is difficult to understand The meeting to I went was interesting A man shot two policemen has gone to prison 10 The trousers I bought yesterday are too small for me 11 The boy sat beside you at the party last night is Jane’s brother TLBT11 18 Lop11.com BTCB (19) CF110a CF 110 Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings _ Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?  Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? Do you like drinking milk? Do you enjoy “Keep quiet” the teacher said to us The teacher told us “I’m sorry I was late for school” John apologized for _ The man has just been released He was arrested last week The man who The house has just been rebuilt It was destroyed in the fire The house which The manger was happy His son studied very hard The manger whose I’ve never done this exercise before This is the first time TLBT11 19 Lop11.com BTCB (20) CF110b Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences I made an appointment with a doctor _ is considered an expert on backache a that b who c whom d a, b are correct I think the waiter took our order used to work at New World hotel a of who b of that c who d all are correct The book _ I bought last night is interesting a which b that c a, b are correct d a, b are incorrect The school is only for children first language is not English a who b whom c whose d which Don’t forget home as soon as you arrive at your destination a to call b calling c call d to be called How much did you pay the tickets? a about b in c for d off TLBT11 20 Lop11.com BTCB (21)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 04:15

