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English test 16 tài liệu ôn thi đại học, tiếng Anh – Khối D

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The end Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn của bộ GD - ĐT... nghóa gaàn nhaát tr 71 vang sam phải sửa tr 72 sach bia xanh trang Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng tr 128 bia xanh t[r]

(1)     GOOD CHANCE FOR YOU TO MASTER ENGLISH Xuan Bac - Xuan Truong - Nam Dinh ‹Mobile phone: 0982 986 679 ENGLISH TEST 16 Tài liệu ôn thi đại học, tiếng Anh – Khối D §ç Hång TuyÕn  I Ngữ âm Chọn từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại câu A politics A Japan A consequently A conference A argument B imaginary B astronaut B profile B announcement B definite C result C unfortunate C initiate C arrival C museum D annoyed D approximate D project D reception D permanent Chọn từ có phần gạch phát âm khác các từ còn lại A surface A meadow A shoes A three A throw B face B increase B pens B marathon B allow C page C breakfast C letters C without C low D hay D head D parks D thank D know II Ngữ pháp và từ vựng Chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) để hoàn thành câu sau You’re late again - please try to be _ in future (accurate/ efficient/punctual/reliable) The house is old and it’s in bad _ (condition/state/damage/situation) To be chosen to go to moon would be the _ of a life time (fortune/fate/luck/chance) He couldn’t afford to _ his car repaired (pay/make/do/get) They bought the land with a _ to building a new office block (view/purpose/goal/reason) You will be _ to a replacement (allowed/entitled/guaranteed/permitted) I would _ you didn’t leave just at the moment (rather/like/ask/advise) His parents were so _ that he ran away from home (struck/striped/severed/strict) Some friends at school _ him to steal the sweets (dared/threatened/let/made) 10 Can you _ me to your parents when you next see them? (excuse/remind/forget/remember) 11 He had to leave his family _ when he went abroad to work (at a loss/ behind/ out/ at all costs) 12 When I went to talk to the manager, he told me he could only _ me a few minutes (provide/spare/hear/let) 13 Can you _ the BBC World Service on your new radio? (put on/ take in/ get at/ pick up) 14 A few hours after the injection the feeling of numbness in your arm will _ (wear off/ fade out/ drop away/ fall through) 15 At first the children enjoyed the game but quite soon the novelty _ (went off/ died out/ died down/ wore off) 16 What you say is true, but you could have _ it more tactfully (talked/ phrased/ observed/ remarked) 17 The situation was further complicated by John’s _ (decision/ undecidedness/ indecision/ indecisiveness) 18 Duong’s mother gave him _ of sweets (a hand/ hands/ a handful/ a handfulness) 19 In his anxiety to make himself _, he spoke too loudly and too slowly (understand/ understood/ understanding/ to understand) 20 Now that she has got a job, Huong is _ of her parents (dependent/ dependable/ independent/ depending) 21 It is quite _ to ask him again He’ll never agree (point/ pointing/ pointed/ pointless) 22 Should I find your camera _ (I will bring it round to your house/ I could bring it round to your house/ I would have bought it round to your house/ I bought it round to your house) 23 Were we to buy a computer _ (I could have learnt something about the Internet/ We would have sent more e-mails/ We would be able to write e-mails to friends/ I’ll write e-mails to my friends) 24 Had I known how useful mobile phones were _ (I had got one a long time ago/ I would have got one a long time ago/ I’d like to get one as soon as possible/ I let you get one a long time ago) 25 My mum doesn’t visit websites, even _ (though I know I’ll use them in the future/ if I find ones that I think might interest her/ so, she doesn’t know the first thing about them/ when she doesn’t have to use them in her work) 26 Technology will continue to develop _ (although we could find ourselves facing serious problems/ despite we wait it or not/ unless we enable them to/ whether we think that is a good thing for our society or not) Hoàn thành câu sau với dạng thích hợp từ ngoặc When Pele retired, it was a great _ to the Brazilian soccer (LOSE) My teacher _ me to take this exam (COURAGE) Evander Holifield knocked out his _ in the 11th round (OPPOSE) She’s not very clever, but she is extremely , and so she ought to pass her exams (STUDY) He’d like a job as a chef, but the problem is that he is totally _ (TRAIN) All of his _ are about love (POET) Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (2) Her father would like her to run one of his shops, but she finds shopkeeping totally (INTEREST) It’s about time something _ about the traffic problem in the city centre (DO) I’m going to take a taxi Six miles _ too far for me to walk (BE) 10 Can I borrow your scissors? Mine _ not sharp enough (BE) 11 He has never had any accident He is a driver (CARE) 12 Please your seat belt The plane is taking off (FAST) 13 It was so much by the film (INTEREST) 14 My car is much too to take on a long journey (RELY) 15 The old lady hid all her under the floor (SAVE) 16 In her she was a well-known athlete (YOUNG) 17 The gas from chemical factory has caused serious (POLLUTE) 18 The restaurant is now under new (MANAGE) 19 Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your (SATISFY) 20 The government has promised to deal with the problem of _ among young people.(EMPLOY III Kyõ naêng 1/ Kỹ đọc Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) cho chỗ trống Isaac Newton, one of the (1) _ scientists, was born (2) _ December 25th, 1642 in a small village (3) _ Woolthorpe in England His father was a poor (4) _ When the boy was fourteen, his father died Newton (5) _ school and helped his mother on the farm (6) _ he was fond (7) _ physics and mathematics, Newton was sent to school (8) _ he left high school, Newton studied at Cambridge University In 1667 he became (9) _ professor on mathematics at Cambridge University His greatest discovery is the (10) _ of gravitation He died in 1727 A great B greatest C most great D greater A in B on C at D of A in B at C on D of A blacksmith B appreciate C bookbinder D farmer A went B sent C left D run A So B So that C Because D Because of A in B of C at D about A For B While C Before D After A an B one C a D the 10 A law B invention C foundation D operation Mercury is the smallest (1) of the sun’s family It is only 3000 miles across It is also the sun’s (2) _ planet; its yearly journey around the sun in only 88 days Mercury always keeps one side (3) _ the sun On this side it is always day; on the other side always night We only see the (4) _ side Mercury (5) _ to us as a yellow-orange star As the nearest planet to the sun, it is always seen near the sun, either just before sunrise or (6) _ after sunset People sometimes call Mercury the morning or evening star Mercury is half the (7) _ of the earth Because it is much lighter, it has much less gravity If your weight on earth is 100 pounds, your weight on Mercury is only 27 pounds Looking at the sun from Mercury you can see that it’s much more (8) _ than it is seen from the earth And the yellow centre of the sun appears three times bigger from Mercury because it is much nearer to the sun On its lighted side, Mercury’s temperature is about 300 degrees centigrade But the dark side is extremely cold, about 150 degrees (9) _ zero So Mercury is probably the coldest (10) the hottest of the planets A child B part C component D member A quickest B swiftest C fastest D speediest A towards B to C facing D pointing A shone B lighted C lit D bright A displays B seems C shows D appears A soon B early C straight D short A proportion B dimension C size D ratio A dazzling B shining C shiny D brilliant A beneath B under C below D after 10 A as well as B also C but also D and too Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) cho câu Containing 72% of the earth fresh water, 90% the world’s ice, with wind blowing as far as 185 miles per hour, and with temperatures plunging to 100 degrees below zero, Antarctica’s landscape is breathtaking, its climate life-taking For centuries, Antarctica was almost unknown In 1838, the United States Navy commissioned Lieutenant Charles Weikies to explore the South Pole near the centre of Antarctica He saw enough of Antarctica to prove it a continent In 1911, a British team and a Norwegian team had a race to the South Pole Five Norwegians reached the Pole first and returned home The British party froze to death Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (3) Antarctica remains full of mysteries and contradictions Scientists have uncovered plant, tree and animal fossils of species originally found only in warm climates Today there are only lichens, mosses, three flowering plants, one herb, and two grasses that grow where the ice recedes in the December summer What triggered the metamorphosis? No one knows Antarctica has the coldest temperature (-126,9 degree Fahrenheit) ever recorded It contains enough ice to cover the United States with a layer two miles thick In this, the coldest place on the earth is Mt Erebus, an active volcano with a steaming, 1,000 degrees centigrade, bubbling lake of lava in the middle Why did the British and the Norwegians have a contest? A to explore an unknown continent B to prove that the South Pole exists C to measure their ability to resist cold D to determine which group would reach the South Pole first What is the main idea of paragraph 1? A A visit to the South Pole is risky and expensive B Few plants and animals survive in the bitter cold of Antarctica C Antarctica is a continent filled with beauty and peril D Cold, snow and ice are always present in Antarctica If Antarctica’s climate would become warm, what would most likely happen? A Many places would be colder than they are now B Some places would be colder and others warmer than they are now C Antarctica would have a more tropical climate with palm trees D Coastal areas would become flooded Warm-weather species no longer live in Antarctica because _ A of an unsolved mystery B the summers are too short C the glaciers changed the climate D researchers discovered plant fossils Where is Mt Erebus located? A in the earth B at the South Pole C near the sea D in Antarctica Twenty years ago when the personal computer hit the business world, experts predicted the advent of the paperless office But time has proved them wrong Offices have more paper than ever People can easily print out a personal copy of a document for anyone who needs to see it Programs such as spelling and grammar checkers, as well as improved computer graphics, have led people to expect perfection in their documents, and to keep printing copies until they get it The simple truth is that most people simply prefer paper Scientific studies have shown that paper copies are easier for people to read and to edit than is text on a screen And many people are still nervous about documents being accidentally deleted from a computer – if not through their own fault, through a computer system failure or a power outage In short, although office paper may be significantly reduced, the paperless office is unlikely to become a reality What does this article discuss? A The advantages of computers B The failure of the typewriter C The paperless office D The efficiency of printers When was the paperless office first predicted? A When office computers became common B When people realized the need to recycle C When paper became too expensive D When printers failed to work as advertised How have computer programs generated more paper? A They use lots of paper B They print multiple copies C They make documents easy to prepare D They connect easily to printers Why will offices probably always use paper? A Paper can be signed B Paper is traditional C Paper is easier to mail D Many people prefer paper 2/ Kyõ naêng vieát Chọn phương án (A/B/C/D) ứng với từ/cụm từ có gạch chân cần phải sửa câu The car is belong to my father He bought it last month A B C D Mary told me she would rather to stay at home and watch T.V than go out A B C D In the Middle Age, people believed that the Earth is motionless A B C D The biggest city in Brazil is Sao Paulo which population is over million A B C D You had better learning a foreign language before applying for a job A B C D Only when he was half way through the task did he realise how difficult was it A B C D All in a sudden, Maria thought of a solution to the problem A B C D He decided to repair the cassette himself and not to take it back to the shop A B C D Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (4) A barman in a private drinking club refuses to service a woman A B C D 10 Girl pupils in a mixed school discouraged from specializing in math and science subjects A B C D 11 The next generation of telephone users will laugh when we explain how we used to stand next to a wall in the kitchen to A B C a phone call D 12 I tried not to get involve in that situation but I couldn’t A B C D 13 The four-days working weeks will certainly be a reality, so we will have more time for leisure activities A B C D 14 Today’s cars are smaller, safer, cleaner and more economical than their predecessors, but the car of the future will be far A B C more pollution-free as those on the road today D 15 Such was the response to our appeal which we had to take on more staff A B C D Chọn phương án (A/B/C/D) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần với câu có sẵn sau đây C©u 1: Julia forgot to her homework A Julia did her homework but she didn’t remember B Julia forgot doing her homework C Julia didn’t her homework as she didn’t remember D Somebody did her homework for Julia but she forgot C©u 2: We can’t deny that all of us made certain mistakes early on A It can be denied that not all of us made mistakes B It is true that nobody could avoid making mistakes C We admit that we could avoid making certain mistakes when young D Everyone of us denies that we made certain mistakes early on C©u 3: “I don’t mind at all if you use my typewriter Go ahead.” A She allowed me to use her typewriter B She said I could use her typewriter if she went away C I was forbidden to use her typewriter, and I should go D She told me to go ahead C©u 4: “Don’t tell anyone or you’ll be sorry.” A She said she was sorry as I didn’t tell her B She warned me not to tell anyone C I would be sorry if she didn’t tell me D She said that I should apologise to her C©u 5: The agreement ended six-month negotiation It was signed yesterday A The agreement which ended six-month negotiation was signed yesterday B The agreement which was signed yesterday lasted six months C The negotiation which lasted six months was signed yesterday D The agreement which was signed yesterday ended six-month negotiation Viết lại câu cho ý nghĩa không thay đổi Can you explain this word to me, please? What does How long does the train journey from Pamplona to Madrid take? When does _ You can trust me to finish the report on time I promise I don’t know where he lives.Where _ That isn’t my car.That car _ Two men stole the old lady’s handbag.The old lady was _ John finds photography interesting.John is Helen has a good knowledge of car engines.Helen knows a lot The food in France is famous.France is 10 I’d like to thank your brother for his help.I’m very grateful Sử dụng nguyên dạng từ/cụm từ cho sẵn ngoặc để viết lại các câu sau cho ý nghĩa không thay đổi I can’t speak French, so I’m not going to live in France.(WOULD)  People don’t like her because she doesn’t tell the truth.(WOULD)  “Don’t open that window, Daniel!” said the teacher.(NOT)  “I think it would be a good idea if you did your homework after dinner,” said his mother.(SUGGESTED)  My sister earns more than my father (MUCH)  _ The end Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (5) VAng sam 25% tr 75 + 82 VAng sam 25% tr 75 + 82 nghóa gaàn nhaát tr 71 vang sam phải sửa tr 72 sach bia xanh trang Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng (tr 128 bia xanh trang Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (6)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 04:09



