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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period: 80, 81 đến Period: 160

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While- speaking pairs to read a page 144 Complete the following table with the - work in pairs loudly given information Suggested answer Energy Advantages Disadvantages sources 15’ - goe[r]

(1)TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ Week Period: 80,81 Date prepared:January 10th GA: K 11 NC GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON 1,2: READING I II Aim: Reading a passage about sources of energy for the poor By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - be updated with concepts renewable and unrenewable energy sources by using a variety of words such as: wind, coal, oil… - Discuss ways to find energy sources for the poor in developing countries -Improve micro- reading skill by choosing the best tittle and answering the questions III Materials: textbook, chalk, board… IV Anticipated problems: students may have difficulty in distinguishing renewable with nonrenewable energy sources V Procedure Time Content Teacher’s Students’ * Warm- up Networks - Guides the - Play game in ways of groups playing game 7’ - Controls ENERGY 7’ 16’ WIND Suggested answer: oil, coal, natural gas, solar energy… * Pre- reading a) page 139 Match the pictures with the correct words or phrases Answer f a 3.e b c g d h b page 140 put the names of the energy sources in a) into the correct column Lop11.com - Controls - asks some to answer - work in pairs - goes round and helps - work in pairs NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (2) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ GA: K 11 NC Suggested answer Renewable -win , garbage , solar energy , biogas  Non- renewable energy resources - old , coal, natural gas , nuclear energy * While- reading a) page 141 Choose the best tittle for the text 15’ 20’ 15’ correct answer 3) Sources of energy for the poor b) page 142 in which paragraphs are the following ideas discussed? Correct answer Smoke affects people’s health(C, D) Non-renewable sources are being used up( E) The new source helps farmers their work better(D) The new source generates electricity for poor people.(C, D) The new source may save people’s lives(C) The new source is not costly(D) People may use win power to serve their life in the future(E) People don’t have electricity(A,B) c) page 142 answer the questions Correct answer Because they supply people with electricity to improve their life Wood for cooking, kerosene for lighting, and batteries for the radios and flashlights saving human energy, solving the problem of air polution, providing Lop11.com GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG - asks some to answer - goes round and helps - asks some to say their answer - goes round and helps - asks some to say their answer - goesround and helps - asks one to one - corrects - scan the text individually - exchange with partner - read the text again(individually) - exchange with partner - read the text again(individuallyin pairs) NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (3) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ 13’ 2’ GA: K 11 NC better health care and education population- free/ smoke free and cheap * Post- reading d page 142 which energy sources are people in different areas in Viet Nam currently using for cooking in their homes? Suggested answer Common energy sources used for cooking in Viet Nam - Cities: electricity, natural gas( sometimes kerosene and coal) - Rural areas: wood, straw, plant stalks, coal, kerosene, biogas - Mountainous areas: wood, solar energy * Homework - sumarize the main points - prepare the next lesson: Listening Lop11.com GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG - Controls - asks some to report - work in groups of four - assigns - take notes NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (4) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ Week Period: 82 Date prepared:January 24th GA: K 11 NC GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON 3: LISTENING I AIM: Listen to a short talk about biomass II Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - understand the concept of biomass and its advantages through related vocabulary and group discusion - Improve micro- listening skill by experiencing a new and difficult question type: completing a diagram III Materials: textbook, chalk, board… IV Anticipated problems: students may have no ideas about biomass Careful instruction is needed to ensure students’ thorough understanding of the term V Procedure: Time 8’ 7’ Content  Warm- up Flower Game GARBAGE 56 - Is garbage renewable or non- renewable energy source?  It is a kind of biomass + Biomass: refer to living and recently dead biological material that can be used as fuel or for industrial production Most commonly, biomass refers to plant matter grown for use as biofuel, but it also includes plant or animal matter used for production of fibres, chemicals or heat Biomass may also include biodegradable wastes that can be burnt as fuel Biomass is grown from several plants, including corn, willow and sugarcane  Pre- listening a) page 142 Discuss how each kind of biomass can be used as a source of energy Suggested answer - Wood: being burned to cook foods, heat building, or run engines Lop11.com Teacher’s -Guilds the way of playing game - Controls Students’ -play game in groups - asks - answer - goes round and gives assistance - work in groups NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (5) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ GA: K 11 NC - Garbage: being burned to produce steam for making electricity or to provide heat for industries or homes - Biogas: being burned to cook food, heat buildings or generate electricity - Crops ( from corn, sugar cane, sugar beet, potato skin, sorghum): making ethanol or transpotation fuel  While- listening Task b: Checking ideas mentioned - Elicit the task: Mr John Jackson is giving a lecture on energy sources Listen to the first part and check () 10’ the ideas that are mentioned in his lecture Correct answer The ideas which are mentioned include: Local people have used coal and oil to generate electricity for a long time Coal and oil are non- renewable energy sources burning coal and oil produces smoke People have to look for new energy sources because coal and oil will be used up The new energy sources are called renewable Task c) page 143 Completing a diagram 8’ Correct answer e c b d e f  Post- listening * Task d) Page 144 Use the information in the diagram in c) to retell how biomass is 10’ recycled Suggested answer 1.e Corn, the biomass from plants, is used as an energy source c Corn are finely ground b Then they are made into sugars d These sugars are made into ethanol f Cars using ethanol may give out carbon dioxide(CO 2) Lop11.com GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG - collects the answer - asks some ss to write on board - discusses the answer - runs through task - plays the tape(once or twice) - asks some to answer - corrects - work individually - exchange with partner - runs through task c - goes round and gives assistance -plays the tape once or twice - asks one to one - corrects - guest first(individually/ in pairs) - listen individually - exchange in pairs NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (6) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ 2’ GA: K 11 NC GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG  Wrapping: - summarize the main points - Write a short paragraph about how biomass is recycled - Prepare next lesson: speaking Lop11.com NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (7) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ Week Period: 83 Date prepared: January GA: K 11 NC GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY Lesson 4: SPEAKING I Aim: Using alternative ways to sy things II Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Use different expressions alternatively to say the same thing - Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of some energy sources such as cooking fuel and transpotation fuel III Materials: - Textbook, chalk, board… IV Anticipated problems: Students may find it difficult to gather enough ideas to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of certain sources of energy V Procedure: Time Content Teacher’s Students’ Lop11.com NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (8) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ GA: K 11 NC GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG 5’  Warm- up Matching - guilds the - match in way of groups A B matching dangerous a endless - controls limited b precise running out c harmful costly d eshausting exact e expensive Answer: c a d e b  Pre- speaking + Set the sence: in daily life, we often use expresions alternatively for the same thing to make the conversation go smoothly and to clarefy what has been said In today speaking session, we will learn how to use these expression to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of some energy sources 10’ - introduces - take notes Useful expressions - explains * Asking people to * Saying some thing clarify in another way - I don’t quite - That means…/ I understand mean… - What exactly - What I mean is,… you mean? - In other words,… - what does that - let me put in mean? another way - let me give you an example Ex: A: I think burning wood to cook food is harmful - work in pairs to the environment B: I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand - gives A: um, what I mean is, it may pollute the air example B: I see - asks some  While- speaking pairs to read a) page 144 Complete the following table with the - work in pairs loudly given information Suggested answer Energy Advantages Disadvantages sources 15’ - goes round Coal - not costly - running out and helps 10 Lop11.com NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (9) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ Wind sun Nuclear 13’ GA: K 11 NC - harmful to the environment - limitless - environmentfriendly - pollution- free - limitless -sss environmentfriendly - pollution- free GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG - asks some to complete - dependent on weather - corrects - dependent on weather - costly - dangerous - harmful to the environment - smelly Garbage - not costly - limitless + Task b) page 145 one of you talk about the advantages or disadvantages of some sources of energy The other want clarification Example(in textbook)  Post- speaking Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of cooking fuel ( natural gas, wood, kerosene, electricity ) and transpotation fuel( gasoline, electricity ) currently used in your home or neighborhood Suggested answer A: We burn wood for cooking at home It’s very cheap B What exactly you mean? A: We can save a lot of money with wood especially when the gas price is rising sharply B: I see .Homework - Write a short paragraph about some energy sources can be used in our home - Prepare next lesson: Writing - work in pairs - work in pairs - controls - goes round and helps - asks some pairs to present in front of class - take notes - assigns 2’ 11 Lop11.com NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (10) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ Week 3-4 Period: 84,85 Date prepared: February 1st GA: K 11 NC GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON 5,6:WRITING I Aim: Writing about places II Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Write an introduction to some countries basing on the fact sheets - Improve background knowledge about some countries including Thailand, Kingdom of Sweden, Bolivian Republic of Venezuela and Brunei Darussalam III Materials Textbook, chalk Board IV Anticipated problems: Students may have difficulty arranging information with statistics in a writing V Procedure: Time Content Teacher’s Students’  Warm up Flower game - Guilds the way - Play game in of playing game groups 8’ G E O G R A P H Y - Controls + Topic: including: area, weather, population…  Pre- writing a) page 146 Read the paragraph and complete the table 14’ - traditional thermal power station: nhaø maùy - explains some -takes notes nhieät ñieän truyeàn thoáng new words - water power station= hydroelectric source: nhaø maùy thuyû ñieän - nuclear power plants: nhaø maùy ñieän haït nhaân Correct answer - monitors - read Kingdom of Thailand individually Area 513.115 - exchange with Population 64,631,595 partner Capital Bangkok Population … capital About million Exports Textiles Imports Petrolium Percentage…fossil fuels) 91,51% Percentage hydroelectric 3,31% sources NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 12 Lop11.com (11) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ GA: K 11 NC Percentage nuclear 0% sources Percentage wind sources 2.18% b)page 146 Complete the brief outline Geography( area, population, capital, 18’ population of capital Exports and imports Electricity production 30’ 15’  While- writing c) page 147 use the information provided to write a paragraph about one of the countries  Post- writing Suggested writing The kingdom of Sweden is 449,964 square kilometers in are It has a population of more than million Stockholm, its capital, has about 761,721 people Sweden exports a lot of transpotation equepment, electronic sound equepment and power generating equepment It imports petrolium, petrolium products, and transpotation equepment Its main source of electricity comes from nuclear station(48,59%) , while hydroelectric stations generate 41% and thermal, wind and solar sources account for the rest( about 10%)  Homework: -d)page 148 Write a paragraph about Viet Nam - preapare next lesson: language focus GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG - goes round and helps - asks some to say the answer - corrects - read individually - exchange with partner - goes round and helps - work individually - asks some to read their reading loudly or write on the board - corrects - assigns - take notes 5’ 13 Lop11.com NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (12) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ Week Period: 86 Date prepared: February 2nd GA: K 11 NC GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON 7: LANGUAGE FOCUS I Aim: Word formation with prefix bioRelative clauses with prepositions II Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Form some new words from the prefix bio- and use them properly - Get rules regarding relative clauses with prepositions and join two sentences by using relative pronouns with prepositions III Materials: Textbook, chalk, board IV Anticipated problems: students may have problems with prepositions when joining two sentences V Procedure: Time Content Teacher’s Students’  Warm- up Noughts and crosses - guilds the way - play game in of playing groups Solar coal Wood game Wind Oil Crop - controls nuclear gas corn  Word- study: Word formation with bio- listen + Bio- originally means life It can go with a number -explains of words to form new words with different meanings - Give Vietnamese equivalents of the words combined with bio- elicit  Biology: moân sinh hoïc vietnamese - answer  Biography: tiểu sửõ meaning  Biogas: khí sinh hoïc  Biosphere: sinh quyeån  Biotech: coâng ngheä sinh hoïc  Biodata: tiểu sử  Biodiversity: ña daïng sinh hoïc + Practice - work a)page 149 matchthe words in A with their meaning - goes round and helps individually in B - asks some to - exchange with Correct answer say their partner d 2.f answer e g - corrects a c b 14 Lop11.com NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (13) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ GA: K 11 NC GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG b) page 150 complete the sentences with the words in a) - monitors - work in pairs Correct answer biodata - asks one to one biology biotech - corrects biography biogas - explains  Grammar: Relative clauses with prepositions - take notes Ex: He was respected by the people whom he worked with He was respected by the people with whom he worked °Note: - giới từ không đặt trước that và who - without, during and since thường không đặt trước DTQH º a) page 149 Complete sentences - runs through -read Correct answer task a individually Ann is the roommate Mary lives with - monitors - exchange with Mr Eric Wilson is the man she is working for in - asks one to partner chicago one Mina is the collegue she play badminton with on weekends Karen is an 80 year old- neighbor she sometimes reads to Kim and Joe are the couple she sometimes babysits for Bill is a young handsome man she is now in love with b) page 150 read the situation and complete the questions - runs through -read Correct answer individually What’s the name of the coffee shop you had lunch task b - monitors - exchange with at? - asks one to partner Do you like the town you live in? one How big is the water power station you work in? - corrects Is the music you are listening to good for the nerves? c) page 150 Joining the sentences by changing the 15 Lop11.com NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (14) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ GA: K 11 NC second sentence of each pairs into a relative clause Correct answer Here’s the address(that) you should write to They fially found the most beautiful church, in front of which stood a statue Renewable energy sources are difficult topic (that) I am not familiar with This country now has 300 wind turbines, which the national network relies on Now solar energy is the only way to solve the problem of energy shortage (that) we have been very much worried about + Consolidation: choose the best answer Sunday is the day which we usually go fishing A during B at C in D on one of the people _ I admire most in the history of the world is Gandhi A that B which C whose D of them The boy to I lent my money is poor A that B who C whom D both B & C The knife _ we cut bread is very sharp A with that B which C with which D that GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG - asks Ss to at home if there isn’t enough time - sticks poster - asks one to one - corrects -assigns  Homework - summarize the main points - task c - prepare for examination - take notes 16 Lop11.com NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (15) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ Week Period: 89,90 Date prepared: February 4th GA: K 11 NC GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG UNIT 11: THE ASEAN GAMES LESSON 1,2: READING I II Aim: Reading a text about the 15th Asean Games in Doha, qatar Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will : - have background knowledge of the Asean Games in general and the 15th Asean Games in Doha, Qatar in particular - Improve their reading skill through table completion and answering question exercises III Materials: textbook, chalk, board IV Anticipated problems: students may have difficulties in understanding the text because of some sport-related word such as: triathlon, venue, attendee… V Procedure Time Content Teacher’s Students’  Warm up Matching - guilds the way - work in of matching groups football a quần vợt 10’ - controls volleyball b bôi loäi badminton c theå hình tennis d boùng chuyeàn swimming e bóng đá - corrects bodybuilding f caàu loâng 10’ 5’ Answer: 1.e d f a b c  Pre- reading + Discussion: where are the people in the pictures? what the people in the pictures do? what are they called? can you guess where they come from? you want to participate in or witness these events?  While- reading + Set the scene: sports is one way of competitions among countries, but the competitions are in peace and they help to strengthen mutual understanding and unity among countries in the region in particular and in the world in general Our lesson today will provide you with the information about the biggest sports event in Asia 17 Lop11.com - asks - answer NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (16) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ GA: K 11 NC a) page 153 complete the table Correct answer Date of - December 1,2006(15th 20’ opening Asean Games) - November 2, 2010(16th Asean Games) 10’ Date of closing - December 15,2006(15th Asean Games) - November 18, 2010(16th Asean Games) Number of sports New sports Number of countries Number of athletes Big cities -6(1st Asean Games) - 39(15th Asean Games) Chess and triathlon - 11(1st Asean Games) - 45(15th Asean Games) 10,000 (15th Asean Games) GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG - asks ss to read individually - monitors - asks one to one - corrects - work individually - exchange with partner - Doha (15th Asean Games) - Guangzhou, China (16th Asean Games)khalifa stadium- 50,000 Main stadium and its capacity Number of 34 venues Venue of Khalifa Satdium opening ceremony Venue of Khalifa Satdium closing ceremony + New words: - to finanlize: lựa chọn lần cuối - to eye: nhìn, quan saùt - weightlifting(n): môn cử tạ - venue(n) nơi gặp gỡ, địa điểm tổ chức 18 Lop11.com - explains some words if necessary -take notes NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (17) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ GA: K 11 NC - attendee(n) người tham dự b)page 153 answer these questions Corrects answer 15’ From the Arabian, some forward the northwest and you can see Qatar Bodybuilding, karate, judo, tae kwondo, shooting, weightlifting…  post- reading 10’ 5’ c) page 153 choose the events in a) will be your greatest concern + Corrects answer - venue of sports and new sports - big cities - new sports  Homework - summarize the main points - memorize new words - prepare next lesson 19 Lop11.com GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG - monitors - asks one to one - corrects - read individually Exchange with partner - assign - take notes NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (18) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ Week Period: 91 Date prepared: February 6th GA: K 11 NC GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG UNIT 11: THE ASEAN GAMES LESSON 3: LISTENING I Aim: Listening to passage about problems in the 15th Asean Games in Doha II Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will: - Understand some common problems of sports events such as slow sales of tickets, judging problem, lingering… - Improve their listening skill through Multiple Choice exercise III Materials: textbook, cessette, chalk, board IV Anticipated problems: Students may have difficulties in getting the correct information due to some specific words used for sports like linger, rainout, V Procedure Time Content Teacher’s Students’  Warm- up Jumbled Words - guilds the way - work in of playing groups fnelazi  finaline yee  eye - monitors dogudiblybn  bodybuilding teiwiflngiwh  weightlifting nishif  finish tothiral  triathlon neuve  venue  Pre- listening + Discussion: Where are the athletes in picture A? - asks - discuss in pairs What are they doing? + New words: field trip: chuyến thực địa to boost: tăng, thúc đẩy -explains some new words judging dispute: bất đồng với trọng tài lingering(a) keùo daøi, toàn taïi laâu - modeling read - repeat suspension(n) bị truất quyền thi đấu, bị treo - take notes gioø  While- listening + Set the scene: sports is a spiritual activity that strengthen the unity among nations, howerver, there still exist several problems, some of the - plays the - listen 15th ASIAD’s will be mentioned as examples a) page 154: Listen to the recordings and match tape(once or individually 20 Lop11.com NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (19) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ GA: K 11 NC each of them with the correct picture Correct answer d c b a GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG twice) - exchange with partner - asks one to one b) page 154: Listen again and choose the correct answer Correct answer C B A B C C C A B 10 A - plays the tape(once or twice) - asks one to one - corrects  Post- listening + Talk about Sea games 22 hold in Viet Nam - number of sports and new sports - ticket sales - weather -gives topic - goes round and helps - asks some to report - work in groups of four  Homework - Summarize the main points - Memorise the new words - Prepare next lesson: speaking - assigns - take notes 21 Lop11.com - listen individually - exchange with partner NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (20) TRƯỜNG THPT CẦU KÈ Week Period: 92 Date prepared: February 8th GA: K 11 NC GV: NGÔ THỊ HỒNG PHƯỢNG UNIT 11: THE ASEAN GAMES LESSON 4: SPEAKING I Aim: Talking about sports events in the 15th Asean Games II Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Talk about the sports they like by using the related words such as badminton, diving, judo, tae kwon do, etc - Report information about the games using such as someone say that…/ what I heard from…is that…, etc., and vocabulary like beat, stronger, etc III Materials: textbook, chalk, board IV Anticipated: students may not know the structures used for expressing agreement and disagreement V Procedure: Time Content Teacher’s Students’  Warm- up Noughts and crosses - guilds the way of - play game in playing game group ticket dispute Badminton drug linger Bodybuilding - controls medal championship walkout  Pre- speaking a) page 156 - runs through task a - opening ceremony: leã khai maïc - work in pairs - athletics: ñieàn kinh - goes round and - gymnastics: theå duïc duïng cuï helps - closing ceremony: leã beá maïc - asks some to Suggested answer practice in front of I want to see judo on December 2, and class wushu on December 11 I want to see baseball on December  While - speaking b) page 157 Useful expressions - explains - take notes - Someone says/ said (that)… - read example - I am/ was told(that)… - What I hear/ heard from…is/ was (that) - According to… - As far as I am informed… - goes round and helps - work in pairs Suggested answer 22 Lop11.com NAÊM HOÏC: 2008- 2009 (21)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 03:16



