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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Unit 12: The Asian Games - Period 72 đến period 76

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Unit 12: The Asian Games back to the passage and locate the keys words, then read around the sentences carefully to find out the answers” -asks Ss to work individually and do the task -l[r]

(1)Unit 12: The Asian Games Date of teaching: Period : 72 Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Part: Reading AIMS AND OBJECTIVES  Language content : + To introduce Ss to the passage about the Asian Games + To provide Ss with some new words relating to the topic  Language function: + Reading the passage for specific information and guessing meaning in context  Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - develop their reading comprehension - use the information they have read to discuss the Asian Games Language: a) Vocabulary: intercultural knowledge, solidarity, squash, … b) Grammar : no structure Skills: Reading Method: Communicative approach Techniques/ activities: pair work, group work, questions – answer, summarizing, gap-filling Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pictures Procedures:  Stabilization: (1m) a Warm- up: + Greets the Ss + Has a short chat with the Ss b Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance  Checking up previous lesson: (5ms) -Calls on a student to come to the b/b -Asks the student to rewrite these sentences using participles clauses The children who attend that school receive a good education I come from a city that is located in the southern part of the country -Gives feedback The keys: The children attending that school receive a good education I come from a city located in the southern part of the country  Presentation of the new material: (35ms) Time 4ms Teacher’s activities I Lead-in -asks Ss to name some sports at the Asian Games -gives feedback -makes a question: How often are the Asian Games held? Students’ activities The content of the lesson -name some sports at the Asian Games -listen and answer -listen and answer the teacher’s questions Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (2) Unit 12: The Asian Games What sports is Viet nam best ? -gives feedback -tells the aim of the lesson: The Asian Games II Before you read 6ms -asks Ss to look at the pictures in the textbook and name the sports -gives feedback -sets a situation:” You are going to read a passage about the Asian Games And then you some tasks bellow” -introduces some new words: New words: + intercultural knowledge : ( Translation) + promote (v): develop + weightlifting: ( Picture) + fencing: ( Picture) + solidarity (n): (Translation) + squash (n) ( Translation) -checks understanding of the new words III While you read 17ms  Task -asks Ss to read the passage silently then task -gives instructions” read through the sentences and identify part of speech of the words to fill in each blank Then choose the most suitable word from the box to fill in the blank, paying attention to their right form” -asks Ss to work individually to the task -lets Ss the task in ms -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: facilities aquatic enthusiasm effort advancing appreciated  Task -asks Ss to scan the passage and then task -gives instructions “ read the information in the table and identify the key words Then go -listen and answer -listen to the teacher -look at the pictures in the textbook and answer -listen and answer -listen to the teacher -listen and guess the meaning of the new words -copy down the new words in their note-books Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Part: Reading Content New words: -listen and answer -listen to the teacher’s instructions + intercultural knowledge : + promote (v): develop + weightlifting: + fencing: + solidarity (n): + squash (n)  -work individually to the task in the allotted time -give their answers -listen and answer Task The keys: facilities aquatic enthusiasm effort advancing appreciated -listen to the teacher’s instructions Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (3) Unit 12: The Asian Games back to the passage and locate the keys words, then read around the sentences carefully to find out the answers” -asks Ss to work individually and the task -lets Ss the task in ms -asks Ss to compare their answers with their friends -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: 1951 the second Asian Games in Manila, the Philippines 1958 Squash, ruby, fencing and mountain biking 2002  Task -gives instructions “ skim the questions to understand them and underline the key words/ question words then decide what information needed to find in the text Read the part carefully to find the answers” -asks Ss to work in pairs, read and answer the questions -lets Ss the task in ms -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: The purpose of the Asian Games is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia 9,919 participants took part in the 14th Asian Games They won the gold medals in bodybuilding, billiards and women’s karatedo at the Busan Games IV After you read -puts Ss in groups 8ms -asks Ss to play game ” Competition game” -gives instructions” work in groups and list the sports which -work individually and the task in the allotted time -compare their answers with their friends -give their answers -listen and answer  -listen to the teacher’s instructions -work in pairs and answer the questions -do the task in the allotted time -give their answers -listen and answer Task 1951 the second Asian Games in Manila, the Philippines 1958 Squash, ruby, fencing and mountain biking 2002  Task Answer the questions: The keys: The purpose of the Asian Games is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia 9,919 participants took part in the 14th Asian Games They won the gold medals in bodybuilding, billiards and women’s karatedo at the Busan Games -work in groups -listen to the teacher’s instructions Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (4) Unit 12: The Asian Games Vietnamese athletes have won gold medals at the Asian Games as much as possible in minutes Which group having the most correct answers will be the winner” -lets Ss prepare in minutes -asks Ss to go to the b/b and write down their answers -conducts the game -prepare in the allotted time -go to the b/b and write down their answers -play the game  Homework: (4ms) Asks Ss to write in their notebooks: + learn the lesson well + discuss the questions” What sports is Viet Nam good at? And what is not?”  Preparation for the next lesson: Asks Ss to prepare part: “Speaking”  Self –evaluation: If having time, asks Ss to play game” Lucky Number” Questions: When was the first Asian Games held? Lucky Number How many nations took part in the first Asian Games? Where was the second Asian Games held? Where was the Asian Games held in 2002? Lucky number The 13th Asian Games was held in New Delhi, India Right or Wrong? How many nations participated in the 14th Asian Games? Lucky number The keys: in 1961 Lucky No 11 countries in Manila, The Philippines in Korea Lucky No Wrong 42 Lucky No _ Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (5) Unit 12: The Asian Games Date of teaching: Period : 73 Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Part: Speaking AIMS AND OBJECTIVES    Language content : + To enable Ss to use appropriate language to talk about Asian Games Language function: + Asking for and giving information about the Asian Games Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + use the required language to ask and answer about the Asian Games + use the required language to talk about sport results Language: a) Vocabulary: old vocabulary b) Grammar : no structures Skills: Speaking Method: Communicative approach Techniques/activities: Pair work, group works, discussion, role- play Teaching aids needed: Textbooks, board, chalk Procedures:  Stabilization: (1m) a Warm- up: Greets the Ss b Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance  Checking up previous lesson: (5ms) - Calls on one student to go to the b/b and asks him/ her to give these words in E.L kiến thức liên văn hoá (intercultural knowledge ) tình đoàn ket (solidarity) cử tạ (weightlifting) - Question: “ What is the purpose of the Asian Games?” (->The purpose of the Asian Games is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia ) - Give feedback and marks  Presentation of the new material: (34ms) Time 5ms Teacher’s activities I Lead-in -makes some questions: When and where were the first Asian Games held? How many countries took part in the Games? How many sports were there at the Games? -gives feedback Students’ activities The content of the lesson -listen and answer the teacher’s question -listen and answer Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (6) Unit 12: The Asian Games The keys: in 1951 in India eleven six -tells the aim of the lesson: Asking and answering about the Asian Games II Pre- Practice 9ms  Task -hands out the copied papers to the Ss (they are end of the lesson plan) -asks Ss to work in pairs, asks and answer about the Asian Games, using the questions: When and where were the first Asian Games held? How many countries took part in the Games? How many sports were there at the Games? -lets Ss in minutes -calls on some pairs to stand up and perform in front of the class -gives feedback III Practice 20ms  Task -asks Ss study the table and look at the two pictures below -asks Ss to work in groups of -gives instructions: ”each groups chooses a reporter and prepare the report about Vietnam’s performance and achievement at the 14th Asian Games.” The cues: Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES -get the papers Content -listen to the teacher’s instructions  -prepare the task in the allotted -present in front of the class -listen and answer -study the table and the two pictures -work in groups of -listen to the teacher’s instructions +What the sport +Where it is held +How many countries participate in +What sports Vietnam compete in +What medal it obtain in each sport -lets Ss in minutes -calls on the representative of each group to come to the front and report -gives feedback Part: Speaking -listen and answer -listen to the teacher Task 1 When and where were the first Asian Games held? How many countries took part in the Games? How many sports were there at the Games?  Task The cues: +What the sport +Where it is held +How many countries participate in +What sports Vietnam compete in +What medal it obtain in each sport -prepare the task in the allotted time -stand up and perform -listen and answer Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (7) Unit 12: The Asian Games  Homework: (5ms) Asks Ss to practice more at home  Preparation for the next lesson: Asks Ss to prepare part: “Listening”  Self –evaluation: The copied papers Card A: Games No 10 11 12 13 14 15 Host country India Year 1951 No of countries 11 No of sports Japan 1958 20 13 Thailand 1966 18 14 Iran 1974 25 16 India 1982 33 21 China 1990 37 27 Korea 1998 41 36 Qatar 2006 45 39 Host country Year Philippines 1954 18 Indonesia 1962 17 13 Thailand 1970 18 13 Thailand 1978 25 19 Korea 1986 27 25 Japan 1994 42 34 Korea 2002 44 38 Card B: Games No 10 11 12 13 14 15 No of No of countries sports Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (8) Unit 12: The Asian Games _ _ Date of teaching: Period : 74 Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Part: Listening AIMS AND OBJECTIVES  Language content: + To encourage Ss to listen to a monologue about sports + To help Ss practice listening  Language function: Listening for specific and for detailed information  Educational aim: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + develop extensive listening skills + use the acquired language to talk about sports and sportsmen Language: a) Vocabulary : freestyle, gymnast, gymnasium… b) Grammar : no structures Skills: Listening- Speaking Method: Communicative approach Techniques/activities: Group work, question-answer, multiple choice Teaching aids needed: Textbooks, board, chalk, tape Procedures:  Stabilization: (1m) a Warm- up: + Greets the Ss b Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance  Checking up previous lesson: (5ms) Asks Ss to talk about sports that Vietnamese athletes won at 14th Asian Games Give feedback  Presentation of the new material: (35ms) Time 6ms Teacher’s activities I Lead-in -asks Ss to look at the pictures and name the sports -makes questions: Have you ever watched them on T.V? Which one you like best? Why? Tell some athletes won gold medal in these sports -gives feedback -tells the topic of the lesson: Sports and sportsmen II Before you listen Students’ activities -look at the pictures in the textbook and answer -listen and answer the teacher’s questions The content of the lesson Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Part: Listening -listen and answer -listen to the teacher 6ms Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (9) Unit 12: The Asian Games -lets Ss repeat the words -introduces some new words + freestyle (n) (Translation) + gymnast (n): (Picture) + gymnasium (n): + bar (n): (Picture) -sets the situation: “You are going to listen about sources of energy Listen and some tasks 15ms below” III While you listen  Task -gives instructions “ read the statements carefully and identify the key words in each option and the differences between them, then work out what information you need to concentrate on while listening and guess the answers” -explains some new words if any -plays the tape the first time -asks Ss to give their answers -plays the tape the second time to check their answers -gives feedback The key: C A B B D  Task -gives instructions” read through the questions, identify the information you need to look for in each question Underlined some key words/ questions words and guess the answers” -has Ss to listen to the tape and the task -asks Ss to give their answers -plays the tape again -asks Ss to compare their answers with their partners -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback(T may play the tape to check their answers) The key: at 10.15 p.m gold medals times high jump He was very disappointed -repeat the words -listen and guess the meaning of the new words and take notes -listen to the teacher Content New words: -read the statements in task and guess the answers -listen and take notes -listen to the tape and the task -give their answers + freestyle (n) + gymnast (n) + gymnasium (n) + bar  Task -listen and answer The keys: -listen to the teacher’s instructions C A B B D -guess the answers -listen to the tape and the task -give their answers -listen to the tape again -share their answers with their partners -give their answers -listen and answer -take notes in their note-books  Lesson Plan - English 11 Task Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (10) Unit 12: The Asian Games IV After you listen 8ms -asks Ss to work in groups and talk about a famous athlete they know -gives some prompt questions to guide them in preparing their talk How old is the athlete? When did s/he begin playing the sport? Where did s/he train? What are his/ her major achievements? -lets Ss in minutes -goes around to check and help -calls on some representatives in front of the class to perform -gives feedback -listen to the teacher’s instructions -work in groups and the task The keys: at 10.15 p.m gold medals times high jump He was very disappointed -do the task in the allotted time -present in front of the class -listen and answer  Homework: (4ms) Asks Ss to write in their notebooks: + write a paragraph about Vietnam’s performance and achievements in recent Asia Games Asks Ss to prepare part: “Writing”  Self –evaluation: Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (11) Unit 12: The Asian Games Date of teaching: Period : 75 Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Part: Writing AIMS AND OBJECTIVES    Language content: To provide Ss with practice writing description Language function: Practicing writing descriptions of preparations for the coming Asian Games Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + write a paragraph describing the preparations for the coming Asian Games, using future verb tenses Language: a) Vocabulary : b) Grammar : the future tense Skills: Writing Method: Communicative approach Techniques/activities: Explanation, question- answer, brainstorming Teaching aids needed: Textbooks, board, chalk, pare board Procedures:  Stabilization: (1m) a Warm- up: + Greets the Ss b Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance  Checking up previous lesson:(no checking because the teacher wants to save time So that Ss can have more time to practise writing)  Presentation of the new material: (39ms) Time 4ms Teacher’s activities I Warm up -gets Ss to brainstorm and write down the words/ phrases about things or facilities related the Asian Games -gives feedback -sets the situation” Suppose Vietnam is going to host the coming Asian Games What will we prepare for it?” Expected answers: Students’ activities The content of the lesson -brainstorm and write down Unit 12: -listen and answer -listen to the teacher Lesson Plan - English 11 THE ASIAN GAMES Part: Writing Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (12) Unit 12: The Asian Games + stadiums + car parks + roads +… -tells the aim of the lesson: Describing the preparations for the coming Asian Games 8ms II Pre-Writing -asks Ss to read the prompts -explains some new words + upgrade (v) (Translation) + stadium (n) ( Picture) + equip (v) (Translation) + recruit (v) (Translation) 20ms 7ms III While-writing -asks Ss to write the description using the prompts -lets Ss the task in 15 ms -goes around to observe and offer help IV Post writing -selects some of Ss’ paper sheets and hang them on the b/b -has Ss correct their friends’ mistakes on the b/b -gives feedback * T draw Ss’ attention to the format of the paragraph ( topic sentences, supporting ideas/ examples, linking words, concluding sentence …)    -listen to the teacher -read the prompts -listen and guess the meaning of the new words Content Describing the preparations for the coming Asian Games -listen to the teacher’s instructions -do the task in the allotted time -hand in the paper sheets  New words + upgrade (v) (Translation) + stadium (n) ( Picture) + equip (v) (Translation) + recruit (v) -look at their friends’ work -correct their friends’ mistakes -listen and answer Homework: (5ms) Asks Ss to correct the mistakes and write the complete paragraph in their note books Preparation for the next lesson: Asks Ss to prepare par: “Language Focus” Self –evaluation: Sample Writing: To prepare for the coming Asian Games, we have a lot of things to First of all, we will build one more National Stadium and some sports building and car parks The National Sports Centers and local stadiums are not in good condition, so they need to be immediately upgrades And we will widen the training areas and the roads to the sports buildings Then we have to equip all the hotels and guess houses with modern facilities to welcome foreign athletes and visitors These hotels should also have Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (13) Unit 12: The Asian Games special services for disabled athletes It is necessary to promote and advertise all the preparations for the Asian Games on the radio and T.V Finally, we need to recruit volunteers to serve the Games These people should be university teachers and students with good English One more important thing is that we have to hold a competition to choose an official song for welcoming the Asian Games Date of teaching: Period : 76 Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES Part: Language Focus AIMS AND OBJECTIVES  At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + distinguish the sounds / str /, / skr / and / skw/ and pronounce them exactly + mater the use of relative clauses and equivalent types of clauses without relative pronouns + use relative clauses correctly and appropriately to solve communicative tasks Vocabulary: The words with the sounds / str / ,/ skr / and / skw/ in: street, scream, square,… Structure: Relative clauses – Omission of Relative pronouns Procedures: I Warm- up (5ms) -greets Ss -has a short chat with Ss II Checking up Previous knowledge( no checking) III Content of the lesson (35ms)  Pronunciation -asks Ss to give words with the sounds / str /, / skr / and / skw/ as much as possible -has Ss read aloud the words -tells the aim of the task : the sounds / str /, / skr / and / skw/ -introduces some more in the text book -has Ss listen and repeat the words -calls some Ss to stand up and repeat -helps Ss practice the sentences -calls some Ss to stand up and practice them -gives feedback  Grammar Revision and Exercises I A Revision 1: Relative clauses without Relative Pronouns -asks Ss to combine the following sentences, using a relative clause I like the book I bought it at the book store last week -gives feedback The keys: Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (14) Unit 12: The Asian Games I like the book which / that I bought at the book store last week Or: I like the book I bought at the book store last week -asks Ss to give any comments on the second sentence  Relative pronoun functioning as an object can be omitted -gives another example in the textbook B Exercises 1: -gives instructions” Complete the following sentences in the same ways as the example” -lets Ss exercise in ms -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: you lost he invited to the birthday party John told … II A Revision Relative clause with a prepositions -asks Ss to combine the following sentences, using relative pronouns The music is very interesting He is listening to the music -gives feedback The keys: The music [which / that] he is listening to is very interesting Or: The music he is listening to is very interesting -asks Ss to give any comments on the second sentence  Relative pronouns replacing objects after preposition can be omitted -gives another example in the textbook B Exercises 2: -gives instructions”” Complete the following sentences in the same ways as the example” -lets Ss exercise in ms -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys: I work with we went to we are living in … III A Revision -helps Ss to review relative clauses without relative pronouns B Exercises 3: -gives instructions” identify which sentence allows for an omission of relative pronouns and which does not, the first sentences is as an example” -lets Ss exercise in ms -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback The keys:  No  No   IV Home work (5ms) -asks Ss to write in their note-books: + all the exercises in the exercise note-book + Make sentences, using Relative clauses without Relative Pronouns Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (15) Unit 12: The Asian Games -asks Ss to prepare “ Unit 13 - Reading” V Teacher’ s comments  Self –evaluation: _ Lesson Plan - English 11 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Huu Hong Lop11.com (16)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 01:33
