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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Uint 2: Personal experiences - Lesson 1: Reading

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Before you read - Asks Ss to look at the pictures and guess what is happening in each of them and guides Ss to ask and answer the questions.. - Guides Ss to guess the activities in each [r]

(1)UINT PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Preparing date: …./9/2008 Teaching date: B8……… period: Lesson 1: reading Aim(s): Helps Ss read comprehension for main information in reading and the tasks -Lexical items: Guides Ss to understand and use the new words to relate speaking, ask and answer -Skills: Reading for gist and for specific information Teaching Aids: Picture, sub-board Method: Integrated, mainly communication Procedure: Organization: total class 11B1 Check the old lesson Asks Ss to answer the teacher’s questions New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up - Asks Ss to answer some questions How are you? Have you got many embarrassing experience happened in your life? What is your most embarrassing experience? When did it happen? - Calls on some Ss to answer - Feedbacks and give correct answer Before you read - Asks Ss to look at the pictures and guess what is happening in each of them and guides Ss to ask and answer the questions - Guides Ss to guess the activities in each of picture How you feel in the following situation? Use an adjective from the book happy, frightened, embarrassed, excited, surprised, bored Example: You have a beautiful floppy cotton hat like the one your pop star idol wore in her video clip - Walks around the class and help when necessary - Gets Ss to answer in front of the class and remark Example: A: What can you see in picture A? B: I can see the picture on the wall and money on the table - Asks Ss work in pairs - Gets them to put the pictures in the order that they - Listen and answer - Listen and compare - Look at the pictures and guess what is happening in each of them and guides Ss to ask and answer the questions - Work in pairs You buy your friend a birthday present on the wrong day You see a wad of dollar notes on the street You see a thief in the bath Your teacher says “ I don’t like your sneaky look’’ A: What you think might be relationship between the girl and man? B: I think they might be friendship A: Whose money you think it is? Why? etc B: I think her money is on the table Lop11.com (2) think is the most appropriate - Calls some pairs to present their ideas - Correct answer * How does she in the pictures feel? While you read - Open the book * Set the scene: You are going to read a story in which a girl’s telling about her most embarrassing situation Then you the tasks that follow - Explains some new words and guide them to read - Plays the cassette and Ss to listen to reading once time - Asks Ss to read in silence and circle the information describing the pictures in the text book - Guides Ss to work individual and discuss the following couples after read - Walk around the class to help when necessary - Teacher’s remark and correct answer Paragraph 1: dream, a floppy cotton hat, pop star idol Task * Instruct: The words and phrases in the box all appear in the passage Use them to fill the blanks in the sentences - Asks Ss to read carefully sentences and guide - Plays the cassette again and Ss to listen to reading then task - Walks around the class to help when necessary - Calls some Ss to answer the sentences - Suggested answer Task - Ask Ss to listen to reading again and put the pictures of event above in the order they happened in the story - Ask Ss to work individual and discuss the following couple - Correct answer - Asks some questions to understand correct story What did the girl wish to have when she was in grade 9? Who gave the girl money on her birthday? Why did the girl decide to take the money from the boys bag? What did the girl wish the money? What did she discover when she came back home? Task A The girl is very happy when she wears the beautiful cotton hat B The girl looks surprised when her father tells her about the beautiful hat, her biggest dream - Listen - Copy down - Listen the cassette and read the following - Listen silently - Work individual and discuss Paragraph 2: excited, shop, schoolboy, a wad of dollar notes, thief, putting hand into the boys bag Paragraph 3: showing it to father, pointing to a wad of dollar notes - Individual work - Answer glanced making a fuss embarrassing idols sneaky - Individual work Picture D Picture B Picture F Picture E Picture A Picture C - Answer the questions She wished to have a floppy cotton hat Her father Because she thought that the boy had stolen her money She bought the pretty hat of her dream She discovered her money on the table Lop11.com (3) * Answer the questions - Individual work - Answer - Asks Ss to read the question carefully to understand A red floppy cotton hat(lines 2-3 paragraph 1) - Guides Ss to So that she could buy the hat for herself/ To buy the hat for herself(lines 1-2 - Underline the key words to decide what information paragraph 2) A wad of dollar notes that look exactly they need to find in the text like those her father had given her (lines 23 paragraph 3) - Ask Ss to answer the questions - Walks around the class to help when necessary Because she didn’t like to make a fuss - Suggested answer (lines 3-6 paragraph 3) She bought the hat with it (line paragraph 4) After you read - Asks Ss to work in small groups of or and - Work in group discuss the questions She might feel embarrassed and guilty / How did the girl in the story feel when she ashamed because that was not her money discovered that the money she had taken from the Perhaps maybe the girl could get on the boy’s bag ws not her? same bus the next day and look for the boy What you think the girl had to when she to return him the money discovered that the money she had taken t the boy’s bag was not her? - Do the tasks again and read the text - Guides Ss to answer above the questions - Prepare Speaking Homework: - Asks Ss to the tasks again and read the text - Asks Ss to prepare Speaking Lop11.com (4)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 02:49

