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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period: 1 đến period: 102

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While speaking: Gets Ss to make Individually TASK 1:Listen and decide whether the statements are sentences with some Pairs work TrueT or FalseF Give the important words and Instructs Ss [r]

(1)English 11 -1UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP Lesson 1: Reading Period: 1st I/ AIMS: Help Ss - Understand the passage about friendship - Identify the main idea - Guess the meaning in context - Express their own ideas about friendship II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to : - Develop such reading micro- skill as scanning fr specific ideas , skimming for general information , and guessing meaning in context - Use the information they have read to discuss the topic III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts V/ PROCEDURE: T 5’ CONTENTS A.WARM UP: Discussing the picture : - What are the girls and boys doing in picture? - How they feel? - What does the pictue tell you? Suggested answers: - One boy is playing the guitar , and the other girls and boys are singing - They seem very happy because I can see their smile - The picture tells me that friends can happily many things together / Friendship is a nice thinf that brings happiness to us B NEW LESSON : 10 1.Pre- reading : Question: What you think of the friend in the poem on page 13 Suggestion : The friend in the poem is very dedicated and thoughtful He/ She is willing to help his / her friend in any circumtances Hand out: - Do you have a lot of friends? - How many close friends you have? -Whatdo you think are the qualities of friendship? VOCABULARY: _ acquaintance /o’kweitons/ (n): a person that you know but who is not a close friend _ incapable of = impossible - unselfishness [,ɔn'selfi∫nis] (n) :  unselfish ( adj) # selfish ( adj) vñ hai maët - give – and – take: cho & nhaän - constancy ['kɔnstənsi] (n) :the quality of staying the same & - two- side affair: not changing Lop11.com TEACHER’S Asks the whole class to look at the picture on page 12 and asks them some questions STUDENTS’ Pair work & whole class Ss answer the question Asks Ss to read the short poem on page 13 and answer the question Calls on some Ss to ansewr the question Pair work Teaches voc Model Listen Repeat Write out (2) English 11 -2-  constant (adj) nhiệt tình - loyalty ['lɔiəlti] (n) :loøng trung thaønh  loyal(adj) to :trung thành với - suspicion [sə'spi∫n] (n) :sự nghi ngờ suspicious (adj) - rumour ['ru:mə] (n): tin đồn - gossip ['gɔsip] (n): chuyeän nhaûm nhí - trust [trɔst] (n): loøng tin - mutual ['mju:tjuəl](adj) : laãn - sympathy ['simpəθi] (n): thông cảm - pursuit [pə'sju:t](n): caùi möu caàu 2.While reading: 8’ TASK1:Fill each blank with one of the words in the box mutual 5.give-and-take incapable of loyal to unselfish suspicious acquaintance; friend 5’ TASK2: Which of the choices A, B, C, or D most adequately sums up the ideas of the whole passage? Answer: B Conditions of true frienfship 10 TASK3:Answer the questions The first quality for true friendship is unselfishness It tells us/ me that a person who is concerned only with his own interests and feelings cannot be a true friend Changeable and uncertain people are incapable of true friendship because they take up an interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it, and they feelthe attraction of some new object The third quality for tru friendship is loyalty It tells us/ me that the two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them There must be a mutual trust between friends because if not, people cannot feel safe when telling the other their most intimate secrets Talkative people can’t keep a friend long because they cannot keep a secret, either of their won or of others’ The last quality for true friendship is sympathy It tells us/ me that to be a true friend you must sympathize with your friend Where there’s no mutual sympathy between friends, there’s no true friendship Post reading: 5’ Discuss the question: “ Why we need to have friends?” Then report the results of discussion to the class  We need to have friends b/c they are the people we can trust & share our interests , feelings, sorrows, and hapiness - enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzm] (n) : Lop11.com Writes the words on the board Instructs Ss to read the passage quiskly to guess their meaning Work individually Exchange their answers Answer and explain their choices Gives Ss sometime to Individual two re-read the passage pair work Calls on Ss to answer Pair work Asks Ss how to this Skim the six task questions to Calls on some Ss to understand them write their answer on Read the part the board and ask them carefully to find to explain their choices the answer Give the correct Discuss the answers answers with their peers Work in pairs Report the results to the class Asks Ss to discuss the question in the book Goes around to help Ss Asks every two pairs to (3) English 11 -3with & who completely sympathize with us… 2’ C/ HOMEWORK: Write about yourself: _ Can you be a good friend? _ Which of the qualities mentioned in the reading text you have? Which don’t you have? VI/ SELF- EVALUATION Lop11.com share ideas Calls on Ss to report their ideas to the class Gives feedback (4) English 11 -4UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP Lesson 2: Speaking Period: 2nd I/ AIMS: Help Ss _ Describe physical characteristics _ Discuss personalities _ Talk about a famous/ close friend II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to : Describe the physical characteristics and personalities of their friends, using appropriate adjectives III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts V/ PROCEDURE: T CONTENTS TEACHER’S STUDENTS’ Divide the class Four A WARM UP: Slap the board nose: straight, crooked into two groups representative hair: blond, long, wavy s of each Read some ads face: oval, large, round groups go to forehead: broad, hight the BB The first member to slap at the correct part of the body gets Slap the mark After minute, the group with more marks wins the correct part of game the work they hear B NEW LESSON : Elicits, teaches Pre- speaking : VOCABULARY Read useful words _ height (chieàu cao): tall, medium, short language on _ build( thể): slim, plump( bụ bẫm, đầy đặn), oerweight, page 16 bese( béo phì), thin, muscular( vạm vỡ), athletic, stocky Give the (thấp và nịch), well-built( lực lưỡng) meaning of _ hair: + length: long, short, shoulder- length these + style: straight, wavy, curly, crew cut( đầu cua) adjectives + colour: black, grey, red, brown + others: a fringe( maùi), a bun, a plait(s)(ñuoâi sam), receding, bald( hoùi) _ face: oval, round, large, square, skinny, chubby( phuùng phính), long, with hight checkbones _ eye: small, big, black, brown, blue _ nose: straight, crooked, turned-up, big, small, flat( teït) _ chin: pointed chin( nhoïn), double chin, no chin _ lips: thin, full, narrow, heart- shaped _ forehead: broad, hight _ skin: white, pale, suntanned,oriental, dark, brown, coffeecoloured, black _ a smooth compexion/ pale complexion, dark complexion, clear skin, greasy skin ( da nhờn) _ general appearance: beautiful, handsome, pretty, goodlooking, plain(bình thường) _ age: She was in her late teen( 18, 19 tuoåi)/ he was in his early twenties( 21, 23) , she was about thirty years old/ his twevle-year- old son/ a middle- aged woman/ a man in his Lop11.com (5) English 11 -5sixties (khoảng 60 tuổi) While speaking: TASK 1: Look at the people in the book and describe their physical characteristics Suggested answer: The boy is about 16 years old He may be shortsighted b/c he’s a wearing a pair of glasses He has short blach hair, a round face with a broad forehead, a small nose, thin lips and a small chin He’s quite good- looking The girl is about 14 She’s also wearing a pair of glasses She has shoulder- length black hair, and she’s wearing a ribbon She has an oval face with a straight nose, full lips and pointed chin She’s quite pretty The man is in his forties He’s tall and well-built He has short brown hair and a square face with a broad forehead, small eyes, a crooked nose and thin lips He’s quite goodlooking The woman is in her twenties She’s quite tall and slim She has long curly brown and an oval face with a broad forehead, big eyes, a straight nose, heart- shaped lips and a small chin She’s very beautiful TASK 2: Discuss & number the following personalities in oder of importance in friendship Report your results to the class VOCABULARY _ caring(adj.): kind, helpful and showing that you care about other people.( chu đáo) _ hospitable(adj): hieáu khaùch _ sincere( adj): chaân thaønh _ understanding( adj): thoâng caûm, thoâng hieåu Suggestion: My groups thinks that being caring is the most important in friendship b/c when friends care about each other , they will know when to share happiness or difficulty with their friend… After speaking: TASK 3: Role- play: Talk about a famous friend VOCABULARY _ quick- witted(adj): thoâng minh, nhanh trí _ good- natured(adj): toát buïng, ñoân haäu  his/ her physical characteristics: What does he/ she look like?  his/ her hobbies: What does he/ she like doing in his/ her free time? What are his/ her hobbies?  his/ her personalities: How is he/ she? Is he/ she friendly? … Suggestion: A: What’s his name? _ B: He is Nam Lop11.com Asks Ss to describe the people in the picture Calls on some SS to present their answers Give feedback Work in pairs Present their answers to the class Understand these Asks SS to look at adjectives Work groups the list of Give the adjectives results to the provided in the class book Elicitsor explain some adjs quickly Divides the class into groups to discuss Goes around to Work in pairs offer help Perform the Calls on some Ss interview to report the results Gets the Ss have a look at their roles on p 16 and the suggestions on p.17 Elicits the questions they may ask (6) English 11 -6A: When was he born? _B: In 1990 A: Can you describe him a little bit? _B: He’s thin and tall With a bright face, a broad forehead and thick glasses, he looks very intelligent A: what about his personalities? What makes him a good friend? _B: He’s friendly, and helpful What I like most about him is that he is he is very humourous A: What does he in his free time? _B: He likes playing pingpong He says that this sport relieves him of stress A: Why nis he interest in Maths? _B: He often tells me that he can see lots a magic things in this subject A: How much time does he spend on Maths every day? _B: He can study Maths days anmd nights A: What you think is the main reason for his success? _B: I think that is precisely b/c he is studious, patient and eager to learn anything related to Maths A: Thank you very much for your answers _B: You are wellcome C/ HOMEWORK: Write about the friend you have just talked about VI/ SELF- EVALUATION: Lop11.com Makes clear the meanings of some adjectives Asks Ss to perform the interview in minutes Goes around to offer help Calls on some pairs to perform the interview Elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments (7) English 11 -7UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP Lesson 3: Listening Period: 3rd I/ Aim(s): Helps Ss _ Identify specific details _Takes notes II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening III/ Lexical items: _ Vocabulary _ Structures IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player, handout V/ Procedures: 5’ A.WARM UP: Talk about your best friend Asks Ss to give their Pairs work _ Who is your best friend? opinions _ How did you meet him/ her? Calls some pairs to _ How long have you known each other? report to the class _ What qualities you admire in your best friend? B.NEW LESSON: 5’ 1.Pre- listening: Teaches new words Listen Reads aloud first Repeat in Vocabulary: Gets Ss to make chorus _ apartment builñing (n): toøa nhaø coù nhieàu caên hoä sentenceswith the Individually _ sense of humour: khiếu hài hước words and gives _ give sb a ring: phone sb corrective feedback _ go through a rough time: trải qua thời kỳ khó khăn While speaking: 10 TASK 1:Listen and decide whether the statements are Plays the tape once Individually for Ss to the task Pairs work True(T) or False(F) Asks for Ss’answers Instructs Ss to use somr strategies: _ First, read throught the statements to understand them, and writes them on the board underline key words Plays the tape the _ Listen to the tape and pay attention to the key words _ Decide whether the statements are true or false based second time for the Ss to check their on what they can hear answers.Checks and Give the Answer: 15 Lan’s Talk: corrects Ss’ answers answers by calling on some Ss Work in groups and and asks Ss to F F T F T F compare the explain their answer Long’s Talk: answers If many Ss cannot answer the questions, F F T T T plays the tape one or TASK 2: Listen again and the ideas in the table below two more times and Answer: pauses at the answer How & where What they like about for them to catch they meet their friends _ Ha’s very friendly Lan _ They used to Plays the tape again Individually Lop11.com (8) English 11 Long 8’ 2’ live in the same residential area in noi _Lan went on a holiday to Son and Ha went there to visit her _ They met in college _ Minh played the guitar, Long was a singer _ They worked together -8and helpful _ Ha’s sociable She’s got many friends in Do Son and she introduced lan around _ Minh has a sense of humour _ Minh likes to go to plays and movies _ minh is a good listener _ Minh is friendly and helpful After you listen: Take turns to talk about how Ha has been Lan’sbest friend and how Minh has been Long’s best friend C/ HOMEWORK: _ Summarises the main points of the lesson _ Learn by heart the new words VI/ Self- evaluation: Lop11.com for Ss to the task Checks their answers Calls on some Ss to give the answers and elicits feedback from other St Complete their notes Pairs work Give the answers Work in groups Gets Ss to talk about how Ha has been Lan’sbest friend and how Minh has been Long’s best friend Goes around to offer help Calls on some pairs to present their answers Elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments Pairs work (9) English 11 -9UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP Lesson 4:Writing Period: 4th I/ AIMS: Help Ss _ Describe a friend of theirs _ Talk about their friends II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to : _ Write about a friend, real or imaginary, using the words and the expressions that they have learned in previous lessons III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:words, expressions IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, handouts charts V/ PROCEDURE: Time CONTENTS TEACHER’S STUDENTS’ 7’ Introduces the Work in groups A/ WAMR UP: Guessing game game One student goes to the board and T gives him/ her a piece of paper with the name of a student in the class Other Ss have to ask Yes/ No questions to find out who the student is Ss should ask about the appearance, personalities, or clothes, … Ss may ask questions such as: _ Is the person a girl? _ Is she tall? _ Is she short- sighted? _ Is she friendly? The game can continue until time is up B/ NEW LESSON: 10’ Hangs on a chart Work in groups 1.Pre- writing: Categorizing with descriptive Write the Tall short dark long round blue flat fair smooth thin high pointed open- hearted sincere largew slim sociable adjectives on the answers board weather- beaten fat overweight thick oval helpful Asks Ss to put Put the adjectives under the following the Adjs Under Hair:short, long, thick Nose: hight, flat, pointed the following Eyes: round, blue, dark, Complexion: fair, smooth, headings large weather- beaten Gives feedback Build: slim, fat, Personality: open- heart, on what Ss have overweight sincere, sociable, helpful 15’ Face: round, thin, oval Write about a friend , real or imaginary, following these guilines _ give your friend’s name, age, sex and home address, when and where you met him/ her _ describe his/ her physical characteristics( height, hair, eyes, face, clothes, …) and his/ her personalities( helpful, sincere,…) _ say what you like about him/ her While writing: Suggested writing: Lop11.com Gets Ss to read Whole class the task and the guidelines silently and work out what they are require to write about Elicits the verb tenses Gets Ss to write Prepare an about their friend outline for the (10) English 11 - 10 Of all my classmates, I like to play with Hoa, who is also my good neighbor If you first meet her, you’ll be impressed by her short hair, hight nose and big brown eyes, which always shine I can read in them her most intimate feelings and intelligence Hoa has a strong tendency to be sociable She is willing to help me overcome difficulties in my study and my daily work as well I hope our friendship will last forever 10’ Post- writing: Peer correction 3’ C/ HOMEWORK: _ Learn by heart the descriptive adjectives _ Prepare for the next lesson VI/ SELF- EVALUATION: Lop11.com Move around to control and give help with voc When the Ss have finished, collects Ss’ writing Delivers each group pieces of writings and tells them to read and choose the best piece of writing Calls a St to read their group best writing and gives comments Gives feedback writing and exchange it with their peer Whole class Work in groups (11) English 11 - 11 UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP Lesson 5:Language focus Period: 5th I/ AIMS: Help Ss _ Distinguish between the two phonemic sounds / dz/ and /ts/ _ Use the verbs followed by To-infinitive and infinitive without To II/ OJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson , students will be able to : _ Distinguish two sound _ Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly _ Use some structures containing infinitives with and without To appropriately III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Two sounds; structures IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts V/ PROCEDURE: T CONTENTS TEACHER’S 3’ Divide the class A/ WARM UP: Group A and group B into two groups Write the phonetic sounds /d /and /t / on the board Asks Ss in each Ss in each group to write on the board as many as words group write the containing these sounds as possible words containing Time limited: minute the sounds The group with more correct words wins the game B/ NEW LESSON: 10’ PRONUNCIATION: Reads aloud the _ /d /: “ch”, “tu”, “tch” words that contains Ex: chop, rich, culture, mature, catch, kitchen, … the sounds Reads the words  Notes: “t”, “ti” again and asks Ss Ex: righteous (đạo đức, thẳng), question to repeat _ /t /: “j”, “g”, “dg” Asks Ss to practise Ex: jam, joke, gentle, giant, edge, bridge, … reading the words  Notes: “di”, “du” in the text book Ex: soldier, educate Asks Ss to practise reading the sentences Calls on some Ss to GRAMMAR: read aloud 10’ 1.Presentation: Gives examples a Infinitive with To: Explains _ Meaning: Asks some Ss to _ Form: comment on the + Nouns / pronouns + To Inf examples Ex: I have letters to write + Adjective + To- inf ( pleased, surprised, hard, important, impossible,…) Ex: His explainations were difficult to understand + Verb + To- infinitive ( decide, try, manage, want, hope, promise, choose, forget, need, help, …) Ex: How did you manage to get this part- time job? Lop11.com STUDENTS’ Groups work Listen and repeat Whole class Chorol Individual Pairs work Whole class (12) English 11 - 12 + Who, what, where, how…+ To inf Ex: Can you tell me how to this? Show me what to + Something, Nothing,…+ To inf Ex: I’ve got nothing to b Infinitive without To: + Make/ Let + Inf.(without To) Ex: Nothing can make him cry + See, watch, hear, feel,…+ Inf (withoutTo) I saw the man get into the car 15’ Practice: Exercise 1: 1.Who wants something to eat? I have some letters to write I am/ was delighted to hear the news My mother has some shopping to You always have too much to talk asbout It’s lovely to see you again It’s/ was too cold to go out I’m happy to know that you have passed the exams Exercise 2: The police watched them get out of the car They let him write a letter to his wife I heard them talk in the next room The customs officer made him open the briefcase The boy saw the cat jump through the window Do you think the company will make him pay some extra money? I felt the animal move toward me Do you think her parents will let her go for a picnic? 5’ Production: Give some extra examples C/ HOMEWORK: Pick out the inf In the following sentences and describe 2’ the function of each 1.It is delightful to hear the sound of the sea The dog wants something to eat I saw him run the mile in four minutes Everybody wishes to enjoy life He went to Paris to perfect his knowledge of French D/ Self – evaluation: Calls on some Ss to Groups work Give the give out some verbs that are answers followed by bare inf Asks ss to Ex1 individually and then compare their answers with other student Calls on some ss to read out their answers Gives correct answers Asks Ss to Ex2 in pairs Calls on some ss to write their answers on the board.Gives correct answers Asks Ss to give more example about the structure VI/ SELF- EVALUATION: UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Lesson 1: Reading Period: 6th Lop11.com Whole class Individually Compare the answers Pairs work Compare these answers (13) English 11 - 13 I/ AIMS: Help Ss _ Scan read for specific information _ Understand the text and express their ideas about past experiences II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to : _ Develop such reading micro- skill as scanning fr specific ideas , identifying the sequence events and guessing meaning in context _ Use the information they have read to discuss the story III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, pictures, handouts V/ PROCEDURE: T CONTENTS TEACHER’S STUDENTS’ 5’ Asks the whole class to Pair work & A WARM UP: look at the picture on whole class Discribing the pictures _ What can you see in the picture A? page 12 and asks them Ss answer _ What you think might be relationship between the girl some questions the questions and the man? Why? Gets Ss to make sense _ What you see on the table? Whose money you of the pictures on the think it is ? Why? page 22 _… Calls on some Ss to present their ideasbut B NEW LESSON : should not correct them 10’ Pre- reading : Teaches new words, Listen VOCABULARY elicits words/ phrases in Repeat _ make a fuss about something: become angry or excited Write down the context about sth and complain Model Chorol _ sneaky( adj): vuïng troäm, leùn luùt Individually _ glance (v) at sth/ sb (miming) _ idol( n): ; thần tượng Hangs on a chart Pairs work Checking: Gap- fill ( hang on a chart) Makes Ss clear the The girl was so shy that she didn’t look at him in the chart face She just …………… at him and look awayø Gets Ss to complete the 2.She complains noisily about anything she doesn’t like chart,but not correct She is the typeof person who is always……………… yet Teenagers nowadays often have their own ………… who they really love and intimate in different ways I don’t like the look of that man There is something …… about him 5’ Checks that ss Read the 2.While reading: ubnderstand all the passage TASK1:The words/ phrases in the box all appear in the words correctly silently passage Use them to fill the blanks in the sentences Calls on some Ssto tell Give the glanced idols the meaning of the meaningsof making a fuss sneaky words in Vnese the words embarrasing 5’ Callson a St to put the Individual TASK2: Put the pictures of the events ( on page 22) in the Groups work pictures in order and order they happened in the story explain Picture d Picture b Picture f Gives feedback Picture e Picture a Picture c 10’ TASK3:Answer the questions Makes Ss skim qs to Pairs work Lop11.com (14) English 11 - 14 A red floppy cotton hat So that she could buy the hat for herself./ To buy the hat for herself a wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones her father had given her before Because she didn’t like to make a fuss She bought the hat with it 8’ Post reading: Discuss the question: “What you think the girl had to after she discovered that the money she had taken from the boy’s bag was not hers?” Suggested: _ put up a notice at the school board _ get on the same bus the next day and look for the boy to return the money to him _ nothing _ keep it a secret _ tell her father and ask him for advice,…  I think the girl would put up a notice at the school board  In my opinion, the girl should get on the same bus the next day and look for the boy to return the money to him  As for me, I would tell my father and ask him for advice if I were her 2’ C/ HOMEWORK: _ Learn by heart the new words _ Retell the story in text book VI/ SELF- EVALUATION: Lop11.com understand them Gets Ss to checks their answers with a peer Calls on Ss to write the answers on the board Corrects the answers Teaches some structures that canbe used for giving suggestions Goes around to check and offer help Calls on the group to tell and explain their choice Gives corrective feedback Groups work Summarises the main points of the lesson Whole class (15) English 11 - 15 UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Lesson 2: Speaking Period: 7th I/ AIMS: Help Ss _ Talk about their personal experiences and how they affect their life II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to : _ Identify structures that are used to talk about past experiences and their influences on one’s life _ Use these structures to talk about a past experience and how it affects their life III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Vocabulary, structures IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, handouts V/ PROCEDURE: Time CONTENTS TEACHER’S STUDENTS’ Divide the class Work in A WARM UP: My situation into small groups groups My most embarrassing experience happened when I had Gets Ss to just left university I had just stared teaching (1) …… A Liverpool secondary school One morning, my clock didn’t complete the par (2)………… I had forgotten to wind it up I woke up at half past eight and school (3)……… at nine I quickly washed, shaved, dressed, jumped into my car and drove (4)………… work When I arrived, the pupils had already been in class I didn’t go to the staffroom but(5)…………… straight into class After or minutes, the (6)……… began laughing and I couldn’t know why! Suddently, I (7)………… down and understood I had (8)……… on one black shoes and one brown shoes Answer: (1).at; (2).ring; (3).began,started; (4).to; (5) walked; (6).class, students; (7).looked; (8).put Whole class B NEW LESSON : Elicits, teaches Pre- speaking : VOCABULARY words _ appreciate(v):đánh giá cao, xem trọng Writes str on _ attitude to:thái độ board, elicits their STRUCTURE meaning and Make sb sth/ Make sb + Adjective uses While speaking: Introduces the Individual, TASK 1: Match the things you minght have done or task whole class experienced in box A with how the experience might have Calls on Ss to affected you in box B read out the Suggested answer: answers Corrects d c a b e Work in pairs TASK 2: A student is talking to her friend about one of her Introduces the past experiences and how it affected her The lines in their task Calls on Ss to conversation are jumbled Put them in the correct order, read out the then practise the dialogue answers Answer: Corrects b d h a e g c Lop11.com f (16) English 11 - 16 After speaking: TASK 3: Talk about past experiences in the dialogue in Task , then used the structures and the ideas in Task to make similar dialogues Suggestion: C/ HOMEWORK: Prepare for listening lesson VI/ SELF- EVALUATION: Lop11.com Hangs a chart with the dialogue Asks Ss to practise speaking the dialogue Put the chart away Calls on Ss to act out the dia In front of the class Gives comments Work in pairs Present their answers to the class (17) English 11 - 17 UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Lesson 3: Listening Period: 8th I/ Aim(s): Helps Ss _ Listen for specific information _ Understand the passage II/ Objectstive(s): By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening III/ Lexical items: _ Vocabulary _ Structures IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player, handout V/ Procedures: 5’ A.WARM UP: Guessing thing: What is it? Divides the class into Groups work two groups A and B _ It destroys buildings, houses and forests Asks Ss to guess _ It can kill people guess what it is _ It gives out a lot of smoke _ You need water to put it out Helps Ss to B.NEW LESSON: 5’ 1.Pre- listening: Listen pronounce them correctly Repeat in Vocabulary: Teaches new words chorus _ memorable(adj) # unforgettable Model first Individually _ scream (v):shout very loudly Elicits the meanings _ gas stove (n): _ protect (v): _ embrace (v): 10 While speaking: Gets Ss to make Individually TASK 1:Listen and decide whether the statements are sentences with some Pairs work True(T) or False(F) Give the important words and Instructs Ss to use somr strategies: answers _ First, read throught the statements to understand them, gives corrective feedback Work in underline key words Plays the tape once groups and _ Listen to the tape and pay attention to the key words compare the _ Decide whether the statements are true or false based for Ss to the task answers Asks for Ss’answers on what they can hear 10 Answer: and writes them on the board Plays the tape the T F F F T second time for the Individually TASK 2: Listen again and fill in the gaps in the Ss to check their Complete summery of Christina’s story below answers.Checks and their notes Answer: corrects Ss’ answers Pairs work small everything by calling on some Ss Give the family replaced and asks Ss to answers took appreciate explain their answer Work in 12 After you listen: If many Ss cannot groups Family is more important than things b/c it can’t be answer the questions, Lop11.com (18) English 11 - 18 replaced It gives you mutual love, support and sincere understanding it brings the individual place and happiness Nothing is more precious than the sweet moment when every member of the family finds themselves among their dear ones, taking a good meal and getting through a peaceful night C/ HOMEWORK: _ Summarises the main points of the lesson _ Learn by heart the new words VI/ SELF- EVALUATION: Lop11.com plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the answer for them to catch Plays the tape again for Ss to the task Checks their answers Calls on some Ss to give the answers and elicits feedback from other St (19) English 11 - 19 UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Lesson 4:Writing Period: 9th I/ AIMS: Help Ss _ Write a personal letter _ Tell their memorable past experiences II/ OJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to : Write a personal letter telling about a past experience, using the structures and vocabulary that they have learned in previous lessons III/ LEXICAL ITEMS:Words, expressions IV/ TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, handouts charts V/ PROCEDURE: Time CONTENTS TEACHER’S STUDENTS’ 7’ Introduces the Work in groups A/ WAMR UP: Hand out Complete the sentences , using the adjectives in the box game proud (1), jealous (2), embarrassed (3), angry (4), sad (5), frightened (6) 1.He was very ……… when his father appeared on TV with the Prime Minister He was very ……… when his best friend went out with the girl he really like He was very ……… when he sent her a birthday present on the wrong day He was very ……… when someone stole his money He was very ……… when he heart that his aunt died He was very ……… when he saw those big dogs running 10’ Hangs on a chart Work in groups toward him on the board Write the B/ NEW LESSON: Gives example answers 1.Pre- writing: A sample outline Asks Ss to plan Whole class What happened? I nearly drowned Prepare an their stories When it happened? A year ago, my last summer outline for the according to the vacation writing and question on the Where it happened? A river near my grandparents’ exchange it board, then house with their peer compare and How it happened? When I was swimming , I check with a Whole class suddently caught a cold, I felt peer dizzy and I was too weak to Goes around to swim check and Who was involved? Some of my friends were also offerhelp swimming at the time, one tried Gives feedback to save me on what Ss have How it affected you? I learned that life is so important 20’ While writing: A sample letter: Hanoi 15 May 2007 Dear Peter, How have you been doing? Have you got any plan for the Lop11.com Gets Ss to read Work in groups the task and the guidelines silently and work out what they are (20) English 11 - 20 coming school break? Perhaps I will go to see my grandparents in the countryside I haven’t seen them since my last school holiday Let me tell you about my last summer vacation at my grandparents’ It was almost a year ago and was one of my most unforgettable experiences My grandparents live in a small village, which is about 70 kms southeast of HN There’s a large river at the back of their house where I often swimming every afternoon when I spend my vacation with them One day when I was swimming with some of my friends, I suddently caught a cold I felt so dizzy and was too weak to continue swimming, so I started to sink I thought I was going to drown but I couldn’t call out for help b/c I was too tired to and terrified Luckily , one of my friends saw that and shouted for help Immediately, another friend who swims the best among us swam towards me and tried to pull me up Then orther friends swam towards us to help him push me in My life was finally saved Now recalling the moment I thought I was going to die , I understand how precious life is This event definitely taught me to appreaciate my life What about you? Have you got any unforgettable holiday that you would like to share with me? See you soon Nam Post- writing: 5’ Peer correction C/ HOMEWORK: 3’ Revise their letters according to their peer’s suggestions and submit for making in the next lesson VI/ SELF- EVALUATION: Lop11.com require to write about Elicits the verb tenses Gets Ss to write about their experiences Move around to control and give help with voc When the Ss have finished, collects Ss’ writing Delivers each group pieces of writings and tells them to read and choose the best piece of writing Calls a St to read their best writing and gives comments Gives feedback (21)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 02:39
