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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2009 - Unit 1 đến unit 9

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Check up : • Asks a student to go to the board , tell some significant features of Cuc Phuong National Park and answer the following question : - In the three National Parks in the book [r]

(1)Date of preparation : Date of teaching : PERIOD 56 : UNIT : ( cont’d ) B SPEAKING OBJECTIVES : Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : - offer solutions to sea problems using “ should / should not ” - talk about cause and consequences of sea problems - report on discussion results MATERIALS : Textbook METHOD : Intergrated , mainly communicative PROCEDURE : Lop11.com , 2009 , 2009 (2) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up: • Asks Ss to tell some sea problems or some action which threaten the sea and ocean Do as requested - Throw rubbish , plastic bags on the beaches - Hunt sea animals and fishes - Spill oil on the sea - How can we protect our oceans ?Now we are going to learn part B of unit “ Speaking ” to know some ways of protecting our oceans Task : Instruction : You are required to work in pairs Listen to put the actions in the order of importance and then say what we should or should not • Before Ss the task , T asks Ss to read through the actions Supplies some new words  sparingly ( adv) not wasting something : tiết kiệm , không lãng phí  dispose of (v) : bỏ , vứt  herbicide (n) : chất diệt cỏ  pesticide (n) : thuốc trừ sâu  release (v) : thả • Reminds Ss that “ should / should not ” are used to offer strong advice or solution to problem • Asks Ss to work in pairs to put the actions in Pair work the book in the order of importance and say what they should or should not • Goes around to observe Ss working Present their answers • Asks Ss to present their answers • Feedbacks and gives correct answers a We should place rubbish and plastic bags in proper dustbins b We should use water sparingly and not pollute it c We should not fish for species that are limited , threatened or endangered Lop11.com (3) d We should dispose of fishing lines and nets properly , not in or near the water e We should not use herbicides , pesticides and fertilizers that harm the environmet f We should learn all you can about the oceans g We should keep only the fish that you will eat and release the rest h We should before smart shoppers and choose our seafood responsibly Task : Discussing consequences and offering solutions : Instruction : Following are some threats to our oceans Work in groups to discuss the consequences that might occur and offer some possible solutions • Before Ss the task , teacher should ask them to read through the threats and makes sure that they understand them • Elicits or introduces some structures Ss can use to talk about consequences : to make sth / sb + adj ( This makes the ocean polluted ) to result in + noun ( Over-fishing results in the extinction of some fish species ) to cause ( Oil spills cause ocean pollution ) • Asks Ss to work in groups to discuss the threats , their consequences and possible solutions ( Asks groups to discuss one threat ) • Goes around to observe and offer help • Takes note of Ss’ mistakes for later correction Task : Reporting on the discussion results : • Calls on some Ss to report that their groups have discussed and asks other Ss to take note and compare with their groups’ ideas • Feedback and correction : While Ss report , Lop11.com Listen Read through the threats and give out the meaning if teacher asks them to so Take note Work in groups Whole class Do as requested (4) T takes note of their errors Then T gives feedback on Ss’ answers • Corrects any typical mistakes Consolidation : Summarises the main points Homework : Asks Ss to the exercise below : Write a paragraph of about 150 words on ocean threat and how to solve the threat Lop11.com Listen Take note (5) Date of preparation : Date of teaching : PERIOD 57: UNIT : ( cont’d ) C LISTENING OBJECTIVES : Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : Listen to get specific information about whale MATERIALS : Textbook , CD player , CD METHOD : Intergrated , mainly communicative PROCEDURE : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up: Consolidation : Homework : Lop11.com , 2009 , 2009 (6) Date of preparation : Date of teaching : PERIOD 60 : UNIT 10 : , 2009 , 2009 CONSERVATION A READING OBJECTIVES : Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : - use vocabulary items related to the issue of conservation - guess the meaning of words based on contexts and components of the words - scan for specific information about conservation - skim for general ideas about conservation MATERIALS : Textbook , picture , poster METHOD : Intergrated , mainly communicative Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Check up : Asks two Ss to the following exercise : Rewrite the following sentences by using conditional sentence type I don’t have your number I can’t phone you He I not a millionaire He can’t buy you that diamond ring Lead in : Guessing game : Prepares a piece of paper with the word “ conservation ” Asks a student to go to the board and gives him / her the paper Asks other Ss to ask the student yes / Lop11.com If I had your number , I could phone you If he were a millionaire ,he could buy you that diamond ring (7) no question to guess what the word is Teacher can model some questions : - Is the word a verb ? - Is it a noun ? - Does it begin with “ c ” ? Before you read : Discussing the questions based on the pictures : Uses the pictures on page 104 to introduce the topic of the lesson to Ss Asks Ss to work in groups to discuss the questions Goes around and offers help Asks Ss to present their groups’ answers Pre- teaching vocabulary : destroy ( v ) end sth Destruction ( n ) the act of destroying ( ) constant ( adj ) Play an important part in sth : conserve ( v ) clean up ( v ) make sth clean or neat worsen ( v ) to become worse , to make sth become worse pass laws : While you read : - You are going to read a passage about conservation While you are reading , the tasks in the textbook Task : Matching based on word guessing Explains the task Asks Ss to Consolidation : Lop11.com (8) Homework : Lop11.com (9) Date of preparation : Date of teaching : PERIOD 66 : UNIT 11 : ( cont’d ) , 2009 , 2009 B SPEAKING OBJECTIVES : Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : - use conditional sentence type to express regrets - talk about an excursion MATERIALS : Textbook , hand out METHOD : Intergrated , mainly communicative PROCEDURE : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Check up : • Asks a student to go to the board , tell some significant features of Cuc Phuong National Park and answer the following question : - In the three National Parks in the book , which one would you like to visit most ? Why ? • Remarks and gives mark Warm up: • Asks Ss the following questions : - Have you ever had a camping trip ? - According to you , what should we prepare for that trip ? • Leads to the new lesson Task :Combine the thing in column A with corresponding consequences in column B and read out the sentences • Makes sure Ss understand the requirement • Asks Ss to work in groups , discuss and the task • Explains some new words or expressions :  Food poisoning : ngộ độc thức ăn  Fine (n) cash paid as a punishment : tiền phạt  Get lost : unable to find way : lạc đường Lop11.com Do the checking up - Yes , I have / No , I haven’t - Fruits , drinks , food , noodles , blankets , ect Listen Work in groups Take note (10)  Car sick ( adj ) : feeling sick because of a car’s movement : say ô tô • Asks some Ss to give out their answers • Asks other Ss to remark Feedback : 1- f 5- b 2- e 6- c 3- h 7- a 4- g 8- d Task : Showing regrets : Instrution : Imagine that you are Nga’s classmates and you are not happy with the excursion to Huong pagoda Now you are talking with some friends about what you wish you had or hadn’t done • Before Ss the task , T asks Ss to read the examples on page 115 and tell T what grammatical structure is used in the examples • Elicits the conditional sentence type quickly : Form : If + S + had + P.P , S+ would / could + have+ P.P Meaning : The third conditional is used to talk about unreal situations in the past In other words , it is used to talk about things which did not happen in the past or express regrets Use : The time in type is the past and signifies a completed action in the past The condition , therefore , cannot be fullfilled because the action in the if-clause did not happen Ex : If I had had enough money , I would have bought that car ( But I did not have enough money , and so did not buy ) • Asks Ss to work in groups to the task • Goes around to observe , offers help and collects mistakes • Asks Ss to compare their answers with another group • Calls on some Ss to speak out their sentences and asks others to listen and remark • Gives feedback and suggested answers : If we had brought enough food and drinks , we Lop11.com Give out the answers Do as requested Listen Find out the grammatical structure used in the examples and tell T Take note Tell the T Take note Tell the T Take note Group work Compare their answers with another group Do as requested (11) wouldn’t have spent a lot of money eating in expensive restaurant If some of us hadn’t had food poisoning , we could have enjoy our visit If we had had raincoats , we wouldn’t have got wet and have had a cold If some of us hadn’t left our luggage on the coach when we arrived , we could have had clothes and money with us If we had been careful when walking in Huong Pagoda , we wouldn’t have got lost If we hadn’t thrown waste in the forest , we wouldn’t have got a fine If we had stayed there more than one day , we could have visited all the pagodas Task : Asking and answering about the excursion : Do as requested • Asks Ss to read the requirement of the task and tell T what they will Listen Instruction : You are goint to work in pairs One of you is Nga and the other is one of Nga’s friends who studies in another school Ask and answer about the excursion • Asks Ss to work in pairs and gives each pair two hand outs : one for Nga and the other for Nga’s friend Nga’s friend Nga Ask what Nga did last - Answer the friend’s Saturday question ( I went to Huong Pagoda with my class ) - Ask about the means - Answer and express of transport Nga’s class regrets used to go to Huong Pagoda - Ask about food and - Answer and express drinks Nga’s class regret brought - Ask about the duration - Answer and express of the excursion regret - Ask what they did in - Tell what they did and Huong Pagoda express regrets - End up the conversation Lop11.com (12) T mays model a part of conversation with a student T : - Last Saturday , I went to your house to meet you but you weren’t at home Your dad said that you were going on an excursion Where did you go ? T : - Really ? Was that fun ? T : - Why so ? T : - Tell me , how did you go there ? • Goes around to observe and collects errors • Calls on some Ss to act out their conversation • Asks other Ss to comment • Writes some typical errors on the board , asks for sefl and peer correction Gives correction only when other Ss cannot correct the errors Consolidation : Summarises the main points Homework : Write your conversation in your notebook Lop11.com S : - I went to Huong Pagoda with my class S : - Not really S : - Most of the thing we did went wrong S: Act out their conversation Comment Listen Take note (13) Date of preparation : Date of teaching : PERIOD 67 : UNIT 11 : ( cont’d ) , 2009 , 2009 C LISTENING OBJECTIVES : Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : Listen to get specific information about Cuc Phuong National Park MATERIALS : Textbook , CD player , CD , hand out METHOD : Intergrated , mainly communicative PROCEDURE : Teacher’s activities Check up : T : Checks Ss’ homework Remarks and gives marks New lesson : Warm up: Divides Ss into groups of Asks Ss to tell some national parks they know Which group has more answers will before the winner Before you listen : You are going to listen to a passage about Cuc Phuong National Park - Before you listen to the tape , I’d like you to a quiz about this park The quiz includes questions : ( Paper board ) Where is Cuc Phuong National Park ? What is the area of the park ? When is the best time to visit Cuc Phuong ? How many species of animals living in the park ? How many species of plants living in the park ? How many people go to visit the park every year ? What ethnic minority live in Cuc Phuong ? Elicits the answers from Ss and writes them on the Lop11.com Students’ activities Hand in their notebooks Group work Listen Answer (14) board for checking later Asks Ss to look at the words and expressions on page 116 Reads the words aloud and gets Ss to repeat after the teacher Vocabulary : 1.Threatened and endangered species : các loài bị đe dọa và bị nguy hiểm 2.Ethnic minority : an ethnic group that is a minority within a nation or a society ( dân tộc thiểu số ) Flora (n): all the plants found in a particular country or region ( hệ thực vật ) Fauna (n) : the animal life of a particular region or country : hệ động vật Defeat ( v ) : win a victory over a competitor :đánh bại The Quing invaders : quân xâm lược nhà Thanh While you listen : Task 1: Filling missing information and verifying the guesses : Asks Ss to listen to the passage to fill in the missing informationand check their answer to the quiz Plays the CD once for Ss to the task Asks for Ss’ answer and writes them on the board Plays the CD the second time for Ss to check their answers Checks and gets feedback 1960 160 km south west of 100,000 visitors 2000 ; 450 Quen Voi Task : Answering questions : - You are going to listen to the CD again to answer the questions Asks Ss whether they can the task based on the previous times of listening If Ss can ,asks them to give the answers and writes them on the board Plays the CD once Asks Ss to work in pairs to compare their answers Checks Ss’ answers Gets feedback It covers provinces : Ninh Binh , Hoa Binh and Lop11.com Do as requested Take note Do as requested Listen Answer Listen and checks Listen Answer Listen Work in pairs (15) Thanh Hoa It is about 160 km They come there to see the work being done to protect endangered species Nguyen Hue defeated the Quing invaders in the spring of 1789 They live mainly on bee keeping and farming After you listen : Asks Ss to work individually to write about the special features of Cuc Phuong National Park in five minutes After minutes , calls on some Ss to read their sentences aloud Asks other Ss to listen and comment Listens and feedbacks Consolidation : Summarises the main points Homework : - Learn by heart all the new words - Find out information about some other National Parks in Vietnam Lop11.com Take note Do as requested Read their sentence aloud Listen and comment Listen Take note (16) Date of preparation : Date of teaching : PERIOD 68 : UNIT 11 : ( cont’d ) , 2009 , 2009 D WRITING OBJECTIVES : Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : - write letter of acceptance or refusal MATERIALS : Textbook , paper board METHOD : Intergrated , mainly communicative PROCEDURE : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up: - Are you free on Sunday ? - Would you like to go to a cafe with me ? - How can you accept or refuse the invitation of your friend who lives in another place ? Lead to the new lesson - Today we are going to learn how to write a letter of acceptance or refusal WRITING A LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE OR REFUSAL Pre- writing : Task : Shows the chart of ways of acceptance and refusal and explain it shortly Asks Ss to read the three letters in Task Asks Ss to work in groups and find out the type of letter in task Asks Ss to Task Checks and gets feedback Lop11.com - Yes / No - Yes / No Answer Listen Look at the chart Read the three letters Group work Do the task Sugessted answer : ( acceptance ) I’d like to ( refusal ) I’m afraid I can’t come because … (17) ( acceptance ) That’s a good idea Task : Rearrange the following sentences to make a letter of accepting an invitation to spend a weekend in the country Asks Ss to work in groups to find out the common things between the letters in Task Helps Ss to recognize the parts of the letter Gives the format of a letter on a chart A Address Date B Greeting : Dear… C Body : Introduction : The reason for writing the letter Body : refusing or accepting the invitation , reason of refusing Conclusion : - feeling - suggestion D Closing E Signature Asks Ss to rearrange the sentences in pairs Checks , asks Ss to read aloud the sentences in right order Sugessted answer : 1–d 4–a 2–e 5-f 3–c 6- b Asks Ss to tell some structures which refer to acceptance in the letter Task : One of your friends has invited you to go for a picnic to Cuc Phuong National Park next weekend Write a reply letter accepting or declining his / her invitation Asks Ss to explain the requirement of the task Asks Ss to pay attention on the template of a letter of acceptance or refusal and find out a Lop11.com Do as requested Take note Do as requested Expected answer : It’s lovely to hear that … I woud really like to come… You know how much I love spending… Listen Explain the requirement of the task Do as requested (18) suitable reason for their letter Asks Ss to write their letters Asks Ss to exchange their letter for peer correction Checks and corrects some typical errors Consolidation : Summarises the lesson Homework : Write a reply letter : One of your friend has invited you to go for a picnic to Huong Pagoda with her classmate this weekend Write a reply letter accepting her invitation Lop11.com Listen Take note (19) Date of preparation : Date of teaching : PERIOD 69 : UNIT 11 : ( cont’d ) , 2009 , 2009 E LANGUAGE FOCUS OBJECTIVES : Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : - distinguish the sounds / t / and / d / - pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly - use conditional sentence type appropriately MATERIALS : Textbook , picture METHOD : Intergrated , mainly communicative PROCEDURE : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A Pronunciation : Lead in : Game : Scramble word Asks Ss to rearrange these letter to create a meaningful word Whole class play the game E I D T N T S - DENTIST Feedback : DENTIST Introduces the sound / t / and / d / Pre – practice : Writes the sounds / t / and / d / on the board and instructs Listen how to pronounce the two sounds Practice : Asks Ss to listen and repeat some words pronounced / t / and / d / in the text book Asks some students to read the words contain the two sounds , corrects their mistakes Lop11.com (20) Asks Ss to underline the words pronoucing / t / and / d / in the sentences in the textbook Gives feedback Reads the sentences and asks Ss to repeat after the teacher Free – practice : Game : Chain words Divides Ss into two groups : A and B Group A : write a word ended with / t / or /d/ e.g stopped Group B : find other word beginning with / t / and ending with / t / or / d / e.g : talked Lets Ss minutes to play the game which groups has more right words will be the winner B Grammar and vocabulary : Lead in : Draws a picture on the board : Underline the sounds / t / and / d / Do as requested Asks Ss some questions about the picture : - What happened to him yesterday ? - Why ? Writes on the board : - He didn’t learn the lesson He got a bad mark Rewrites : If he had learned the lesson yesterday , he would not have got a bad mark Asks Ss : Answer : - He got a bad mark - ( He didn’t learn the lesson ) Lop11.com Play the game (21)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 23:37



