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Thiết kế bài dạy Tiếng Anh 11 - Tuần 16

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New lesson : 2’ Teacher’s activities Students’ activities content Warm-up:4 munites - Ask students close the book and - Listen to the teacher find words that go with -Find out the words [r]

(1)Thanh Loc high school Week: 16 Period: 46 School year:2014-2015 Date of preparing: November 24th, 2014 Date of teaching: December 2rd, 2014 UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS SECTION : reading I/ OBJECTIVES : Formation of behavior : By the end of the lesson ,sts will be able to develop such micro –skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context and use the information they have read to discuss the topic Skill: Reading for identifying the main idea and specific information Language focus: - New words: Words related to celebration II/ PREPARATION : Teacher : textbook , lesson plan Students : textbook , notebook ,pen III/ TIME : 45 minutes IV / PROCEDURE : Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance (1’) Checking up (3-5’) T asks sts to write the form of conditional sentences and exercises New lesson : (2’) Teacher’s activities Warm-up: (4 minutes) - Lets students to listen to the song and ask some questions: a What is the title of the song? b.When people often sing it? c.What is it about? -There are many things about Tet that we want to say Today, we’ll study a new lesson Unit 8- Reading Pre-reading: (6 minutes) - Asks students to look at the picture and discuss the three questions in pairs -Goes around to offer help -Calls on some students to present their answers and give comments from other students -Gives feedback Students’ activities content - Look at the picture - Answer the questions a Happy New Year b to welcome the New Year/it is often sung on the last days of the old year and the at the beginning of the New year c Feeling about the old year and the New Year - Listen to the teacher look at the I/ Before you read : Look at the pictures and answer the picture and answer the questions questions -The answers are various time of the year is it ? 1,It is spring and it should be Tet 1.1 What It is spring and it should be Tet holiday because we can holiday because we can se the see the apricot blossom and a kumquat tree full of ripe fruits apricot blossom and a kumquat what are the people in the picture doing ? tree full of ripe fruits The people in the picture may be a family The grandmother is giving her niece and nephew some lucky 2,the people in the picture may be money The girl ,the boy and their parents may be wishing a family the grandmother is giving their grandparents good health and happiness her niece and nephew some lucky what else you see in the picture ? In the picture we can also see a five –fruit tray on the money The girl, the boy and their ancestral altar ( mâm ngũ trên bàn thờ tổ tiên) ,and a dish of fruits ,a tray of candied fruits and a banh chung parents may be wishing their on the table grandparents good health and happiness - Lets students work in pairs to tell -work in pair and discuss these which of the activities in the book activities they enjoy most doing in they enjoy most at Tet the Tet Nguyen Van Nam Lop11.com Englih 11 (2) Thanh Loc high school - Calls on some students to present their answer and other students comment -Asks students to read through the passage and find some new words +positive comments +candied fruit +spread (v): to extend over a place +Lunar New Year -Lets students read and copy in their notebooks While-reading: (20 minutes) You are going to read about the Tet holiday in Vietnam -Makes the class read the small talks, to scan the details and the tasks Task : -Asks students to read a passage about Tet holiday, and then underline those words which match with the definitions on the right column in the task - Firstly, ask students to study individually then in pairs - Walks around the class, offer ideas and comments when students need help -Calls on some students to explain their answer in front of the class - Gives suggestions Task - Work in pairs, read the small talks again and answer these questions - Ask students to work individually then work in pairs - Walk round the class and comments when students need Nguyen Van Nam School year:2014-2015 -Read individually -Listen to the teacher and write Pre –teaching vocabulary : down Agrarian (adj) : thuoäc veà ngheà noâng -Read in chorus ,noâng daân Build up : increase gradually: tích tuï , gom goùp Peach blossom : hoa đào Apricot blossom : hoa mai Sticky rice : gaïo neáp Pork : thòt heo Fatty (adj) : có nhiều mỡ Pray(for)(v) : caàu nguyeän Dress up : ăn mặc đẹp Fireworks (n) : phaùo hoa Get together: tụ tập đoàn tụ Kumquat tree : caây quaát Longevity (n) : trường thọ Lucky money : tiền mừng tuổi Plum (n) : quaû maän Shrine (n) : temple đền thờ II/ while you read : -Listen to the teacher + setting the scene : you are going to read a passage about Tet holiday in -Read the passage and underline Vietman While you are reading ,do the new words tasks in the textbook -Try to guess the meanings of the Task : Fill the meanings of the words words You can also use your dictionary -Listen to their friends’ answers -Listen to the teacher and correct Keys : impressive and large (trọng đại ,hoành tráng ) a long piece of cloth with a message on it (biểu ngữ ,băng rôn) mứt táo thuoäc veà noâng daân caàu nguyeän niền vui thích ,sự nô núc ,nhộn nhịp Task : you are required to read the passage and decide whether the -Read passage again statements are True (T) or False(F) -Work individually Answer : 1F( it fall between 19thJanuary -Work individually and20thFebuary) 2,F( it’s just for agrarian people) -Read carefully and give the 3.T Englih 11 Lop11.com (3) Thanh Loc high school School year:2014-2015 -Check the answer in front of the answer class as a whole -Give correct answers Task : - Ask students to read all questions to answer the questions in task - Ask students to work with a partner - Walks around the class to help students whenever they need -Give correct answer (the answer is in the passage) -Work in group and discuss 4,F( according to the passage, lucky number tends to be given to children) 5T 6,T Task : you are required to read the passage and answer the questions -two students present in front of the class -Copy down on the notebooks It sometime between 19th January and 20th February (line 2-3,para 1) Tet’s preparations and celebrations used to be spread over months (line 1-2,para 2) They are decorated with coloured lights and red banners (line 3-4,para 2) They buy gifts ,clean and decorate their houses and cook traditional foods (line 4-5,para 2) It is made from sticky rice ,green beans and fatty pork (line 5-6,para 3) Mut is candied fruit (line 6-7,para 2) Visiting friends and other family members ,exchanging wishes ,going to the pagoda ,playing games (last para) III/ After you read: (5’-6’) Post-reading: (5 minutes) Tell each other about your last Tet - Lets students work in groups to talk - work in groups to talk about their last holiday ,focusing on the following main about their last Tet holiday ,using Tet holiday ,using the following points the following main points main points How you prepared for Tet - Has students work in groups and discuss How you decorated your house - Walks around the class, listen to Who you visited student’s discussions and offer What special foods you are suggestions when necessary What activities you enjoyed doing - Gives comments most during Tet - Calls on some students to speak - Speak and give them feedback 4/ CONSOLIDATION : 2’  Summarises the main points of the lesson 5/ HOME WORK: 2’  learn by heart new words , reread the passage and answer some questions  prepare speaking of unit * Experience from the period: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… * Supplement: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….………………… Nguyen Van Nam Lop11.com Englih 11 (4) Thanh Loc high school Week: 16 Period: 47 School year:2014-2015 Date of preparing: November 24th, 2014 Date of teaching: December 3rd, 2014 UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS SECTION : speaking I/ OBJECTIVES : Formation of behavior : After the lesson , sts will be able to talk the celebration of Tet and other festivals’ activities ; can express their opinions about Tet holiday in Vietnam Skill: Fluency in expressing opinion and expressions about celebrations in Vietnam Language focus: - Grammar: - New words: II/ PREPARATION : Teacher : textbook , lesson plan Students : textbook , notebook ,pen III/ TIME : 45 minutes IV / PROCEDURE : Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance (1’) Checking up ( 3’-5 ‘): Tasks sts to read the passage,answer the questions and to write some words Agrarian (adj) : thuoäc veà ngheà noâng ,noâng daân Build up : increase gradually:tích tuï , gom goùp Peach blossom : hoa đào Apricot blossom : hoa mai Sticky rice : gaïo neáp Pork : thòt heo Fatty (adj) : có nhiều mỡ Pray(for)(v) : caàu nguyeän Dress up : ăn mặc đẹp New lesson : (2’) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities content Warm-up:(4 munites) - Ask students close the book and - Listen to the teacher find words that go with -Find out the words “ttraditional” in groups -Suggested answer: food, flowers clothes ,games , costumes Today, we will practice speaking about Tet holiday in Vietnam Pre-reading: (6 minutes) Task 1: -Asks students to read the dialogue and ask them what points are mentioned in the dialogue - Asks student to work individually then work in groups -calls on some pairs to act out the dialogue - Give suggestions While –speaking :(18 minutes) Task 2: -Ask students to look at the three pictures and work out the name of Nguyen Van Nam - read individually and then work in pairs - listen to the friend and give comments -Listen to the teacher -Answer : Lop11.com I/ Task : You are going to practice the dialogue on page 93 in pairs 1.when is it exactly? 2.What people often at ? Oh, that sounds really interesting II/ TASK : (10’-12’) You are going to match the holidays Englih 11 (5) Thanh Loc high school School year:2014-2015 with its description and activities Picture 1: Mid –Autumn festival is the 15th day of the 8th lunar month On this day people celebrate the largest full moon in the year Children wear masks ,have parties with special cakes and lots of fruits ,parade in the street Picture 2: Thanksgiving falls on the third Thursday in November when people celebrate the harvest Family members get together to share a large meal with roast turkey Picture 3: Valentine’s Day is on February 14th on this day people express their love to each other by giving chocolates, flowers or gifts to the people they love Key : 1.c a b III/ TASk : (10’-12’) You are going to ask and answer - Do the task about the holidays in task ,using the -Compare the answer with the dialogue in task as the model partners  Useful expressions : - Work in groups What you know about ….? -Ask the teacher if necessary -Some groups present their answer When is it exactly ? in front of the class What people often at ? What about the children ? Oh, that sounds really interesting eachholiday picture 1: Mid-Autumn - Ask students to work individually Picture 2: thanksgiving, then in pairs picture3 :Valentine’s Day - Walk around the class to help student when necessary - Check and give suggestions - Ask student to practice it with a partner - Corrects students’ pronunciation if necessary Post-reading: (7 minutes) Task 3: - Asks students to read all words in the task -Gives the meaning of some words when necessary - Asks students to work individually then work in pairs - Walks around the class to help students when necessary - Checks and give suggestions - Asks students to practice this conversation - Corrects their pronunciation when necessary - Gives comments 4/ CONSOLIDATION : 2’  Summarises the main points of the lesson 5/ HOME WORK: 2’  Write about the tet holiday their like  prepare listening of unit * Experience from the period: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… * Supplement: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….………………… Nguyen Van Nam Lop11.com Englih 11 (6) Thanh Loc high school Week: 16 Period: 48 School year:2014-2015 Date of preparing: November 24th, 2014 Date of teaching: December 3rd, 2014 UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS SECTION : listening I/ OBJECTIVES : Formation of behavior : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to develop extensive listening skills and use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks Skill: Listening for gist and for specific information Language focus: - Grammar: - New words: Words related to new year II/ PREPARATION : Teacher : textbook , lesson plan Students : textbook , notebook ,pen III/ TIME : 45 minutes IV / PROCEDURE : Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance (1’) Checking up( 3’-5‘) : Tasks sts talk about the holidays What you know about ….? When is it exactly ? What people often at ? What about the children ? New lesson (2”) Teacher’s activities Warm-up : (4 minutes) - Asks the students question : - What is special about the New Year holiday in Japan? - Can you guess what Japanese on these days? => Leads in: we are going to listen to the talking about how the New Year celebrated in Japan Pre-listening : (6 minutes) - Lets students work in pairs to guess which of the activities the Japanese often on their New year’s Day -Calls on some students to give their answers and write them on the boards Students’ activities content - Listen and answer -listen to the teacher - Work in pairs and each pair works I/ Before you listen Do you think which activities the in role - Listen to the teacher Japanese often on their New - Look at the picture in the book Year ‘s Days ? and guess before listening  Exchanging gifts and cards  Decorating the house with peach flowers  Wearing Kimonos or special dress -Introduces some new words from  Giving /receiving lucky money the listening passage  Going to the pagoda  Visiting friends listen and repeat :  Similarities  housewives  longevity Nguyen Van Nam Lop11.com Englih 11 (7) Thanh Loc high school School year:2014-2015  While-listening: (20 minutes) Task 1: -Ask students to listen to conversations - Listen to each pair - Let students listen for three times -Check the answer in front of the class as a whole -tick in the right column that best reflect their answer - Go around and remark Task 2: - Ask students to listen again and answer the questions - Let students read the questions first and quickly- work in pairs - Let students listen again times and ask them to discuss in groups to answer the questions - Listen to each group and remark After-listening: (5 minutes) - Have students sit in groups and compare the following aspects of the Vietnamese New year with those of the Japanese one - Go around and help if necessary -Call on some students tell the class again -Give comments -Listen carefully - Work individually - Give corrects  constancy  Kimono  shrine  pine trees  represent II/ While you listen : TASK1 : You are going to listen to two people talking about how the New Year is celebrated in Japan ,Listen and tick () the things you hear  They put on special clothes  Housewives prepare special foods  They go to a shrine  They drink rice wine  They watch television  They eat a special meal -Listen to the dialogues and then TASK2 : you are going to listen to the work in groups and give their tape again and answer comprehension answers questions -keys :  Answer s : 1,Because they want to get rid of 1) Because they want to get rid of the old year and welcome the new the dirt of the old year and year 2,from TV or the radio welcome the new year 3,Kimonos or special dress 2) From television or the radio 4,No, New year is mostly 3) Kimonos or special dress celebrates among family only 4) No New Year is mostly celebrated among family only III/ After you listen : (6’-8’) - work in group and discuss - each group presents their answers Compare the following aspects of the Vietnamese New Year with those of the Japanese one - Listen and copy in their  Preparations notebooks  Foods and clothes  Activities on New Year’s Eve  People to celebrate with 4/ CONSOLIDATION : 2’  Summarises the main points of the lesson 5/ HOME WORK: 2’  learnt by heart new words and these exercises  prepare the writing of unit * Experience from the period: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… * Supplement: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… Nguyen Van Nam Lop11.com Englih 11 (8)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 23:15