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Thiết kế bài dạy Tiếng Anh 11 - Period: 28 đến period: 30

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8 minutes -Walks around the class , listens to the Ss’ discussion and offers ideas when the Ss need help.. -Asks the Ss to compare the result with their friends.[r]

(1)Phu My High School Lesson plan - English 11 Period: 28 UNIT 5: ILLITERACY Classes: 11CB1,3 Part C : Listening Date of preparation: 22/ 10/2010 I.Aims and objectives : + Language content : To help the Ss listen to the result of the survey in some schools in Perth , Nothern Australia for general and specific information + Language function : To help the Ss improve their listening skill and enrich their vocabulary in the context + Educational aim : To educate the Ss to aware of the importance of learning 1.Language : + Vocabulary : survey , maturity , self-respect , academic , strategy , weakness + Structures : The past simple 2.Skills : Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing 3.Educational factor : To educate the Ss to aware of the importance of learning II.Teacher’s and students’ preparation : 1.Method : Communicative approach 2.Techniques : Pairwork , groupwork , gap-filling , Question and Answer 3.Materials needed : Fashcards , small boards 4.Students’ preparation : New words , look at the lesson first at home III.Procedures in class : 1.Stabilization : ( minutes ) -Asks the Ss : “ How are you today ?” 2.Checking up the previous knowledge : Asks Ss to talk about the school problems and the solutions to them 3.New lesson : Teaching steps& Teacher’s activities Student’s activities The content of the lesson Time-location I.Presentation of 1.Lead-in : Unit : ILLITERACY the new -Asks the Ss some questions : -Listen and answer Part C: Listening materials : “ Can you sing ? Can you dance ? Yes , I can / No , I can’t Can you play the guitar ? …” minutes -Says to the Ss : 10 Ss can sing , -Take note and Ss can dance , 12 Ss can play the answer the question : guitar , ………and asks them : You have just done a survey “What have I just done ?” -Leads to the lesson Before you listen : 2.Pre-listening : Listen and repeat -Asks the Ss to work in pairs , ask- -Work in pairs , askanswer the questions answer the questions effective maturity weaknesses academic Perth self-respect 1.Have you ever done a survey ? 1.Yes / No performance Western Australia 2.Do you know where Perth is ? 2.Yes / No -Asks the Ss to listen and repeat -Listen and repeat New words : the words in chorus survey (n) : ñieàu tra effective maturity weaknesses self-respect (n) : lòng tự trọng academic Perth self-respect performance Western Australia strategy (n) : chiến lược academic (a) : thuoäc nhaø 10 minutes -Teaches some new words -Write down and trường survey (n) guess the meaning of weakness (n) : tình traïng ñau self-respect (n) (translation) the new words yeáu strategy (n) maturity (n) : tình traïng academic (a) trưởng thành weakness (n) (explanation) maturity (n) -Asks the Ss to pronounce the -Pronounce words in chorus By Vo Thi Kim Men Lop11.com (2) Phu My High School -Calls on some Ss to pronounce again in front of the class -Checks their understanding of the new words 3.While-listening : TASK : -Asks the Ss to read the statements in Task , then discuss in pairs and guess the answers -Asks the Ss to listen to the tape twice , then discuss in pairs and choose the best option to complete the sentences 10 minutes -Walks around the class , listens to the Ss’ discussion and offers ideas when the Ss need help -Asks the Ss to compare the result with their friends -Calls on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class -Asks the Ss to listen the last time to check -Gives feedback TASK : -Asks the Ss to listen again , then work in pairs and ask-answer the questions 1.Where did the survey take place? 2.What percentage of the students felt mutual respect was essential for effective learning to take place? 10 minutes 3.What did the older students feel? -Walks around the class , listens to the Ss’ discussion and offers ideas when the Ss need help -Asks the Ss to compare their result with their friends -Calls on some pairs to askanswer in front of the class -Asks the Ss to listen the last time to check -Gives feedback 4.Post-listening : -Asks the Ss to work in groups and discuss the question : “Which you think is more essential for better learning – good teachers or good textbooks ? -Walks around the class , listens to the Ss’ discussion and offers ideas when the Ss need help By Vo Thi Kim Men Lesson plan - English 11 -Read the statements in Task , then discuss in pairs and guess the answers -Listen to the tape twice , then work in pairs and choose the best option to complete the sentences -Compare their result with their friends -Give the answers in front of the class -Listen the last time to check -Take note -Listen again , then work in pairs and ask-answer the questions While you listen : TASK : -The Ss listen to the tape twice and choose the best option to complete the sentences 1.The students were asked to _ what makes an effective school D.give their opinions on 2.Most of the students thought they should be encouraged to for their own learning B.set realistic goals 3.About of the students expected their teachers to be motivated and interested in what they were doing B.55 per cent 4.Nearly all the students believed that learning should focus on C.important life skills TASK : -The Ss listen again and askanswer the questions 1.It took place in Perth 2.80 percent of the students 3.They felt that they should be allowed to give some input into school decision making -Compare the result with their friends -Ask- answer in front of the class -Listen the last time to check -Take note -Work in groups and discuss the question Lop11.com After you listen : -The Ss discuss the question We think both good teachers and good textbooks are essential for better learning Because good textbooks bring us good knowledge and good teachers give us good lessons , help us understand our lessons well (3) Phu My High School Lesson plan - English 11 minutes -Asks the Ss to compare the result -Compare the result with other groups with other groups -Calls on some groups to give the -Give the answers in answers in front of the class front of the class -Gives feedback -Take note II.Consolidation -Asks the Ss to review what they -Review what they -The Ss review what they have have just learnt have just learnt just learnt minutes III.Homework : -Asks the Ss to learn the old lesson -Take note and prepare -Writing minute V.Self-evaluation : ………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… …………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… Period: 29 UNIT 5: ILLITERACY Classes: 11CB1,3 Part D : Writing Date of preparation: 24/10/2010 I.Aims and objectives : + Language content : To help the Ss describe information in a table + Language function : To help the Ss improve their writing skill and enrich their vocabulary in the context + Educational aim: To educate the Ss to realise the need of literacy 1.Language : + Vocabulary : decline , vary , rise , steadily , dramatically, sharply + Structures: a/an +adj+ N, V + adv, the past simple 2.Skills : Writing, Reading, Speaking, and Listening 3.Educational factor : To educate the Ss to realise the need of literacy II.Teacher’s and students’ preparation : 1.Method : Communicative approach 2.Techniques : Groupwork , gap-filling 3.Materials needed : Fashcards , small boards 4.Students’ preparation : New words , look at the lesson first at home III.Procedures in class : 1.Stabilization : ( minutes ) -Asks the Ss : “ How are you today ?” 2.Checking up the previous knowledge : Asks Ss to give their view on how to learn effectively 3.New lesson : Teaching steps& Teacher’s activities Student’s activities The content of the lesson Time-location I.Presentation of 1.Lead-in : Unit : ILLITERACY the new -Asks the Ss : “ Can you tell me -Listen and answer Part : Writing materials : something about the literacy rates in Viet Nam from 1998-2007 ?” minutes -Leads to the lesson -Take note Before you write : 2.Pre-writing : -Teaches some new words -Write down and New words : (v) : giaûm guess the meaning of decline decline (v) rise (v) : taêng the new words rise (v) ( pictures ) vary (v) vary (v) : khaùc steadily (adv) steadily (adv) : cách đều dramatically (adv) (explanation) dramatically (adv) : cách đột sharply (adv) (synonym) ngoät minutes = quickly (adv) sharply (adv) = quickly (adv) : -Asks the Ss to pronounce the -Pronounce caùch nhanh choùng words in chorus By Vo Thi Kim Men Lop11.com (4) Phu My High School -Calls on some Ss to pronounce again in front of the class -Checks their understanding of the new words 3.While-writing : TASK : -Asks the Ss to read the paragraph in Task , then discuss in groups and choose a suitable word from the box to fill in each space of the paragraph minutes -Walks around the class , listens to the Ss’ discussion and offers ideas when the Ss need help -Asks the Ss to compare the result with their friends -Calls on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class -Gives feedback TASK : -Asks the Ss to read the table given , then work in groups and write a paragraph of about 100 words , describing the information in the table below 15 minutes -Walks around the class , listens to the Ss’ discussion and offers ideas when the Ss need help -Asks the Ss to compare their result with their friends -Calls on some Ss to present their paragraphs in front of the class -Gives feedback 4.Post-writing : -Asks the Ss to work in groups and write a paragraph describing the literacy rate in Viet Nam from 1998 to 2007 By Vo Thi Kim Men Lesson plan - English 11 -Read the paragraph in Task , then discuss in groups and choose a suitable word from the box to fill in each space of the paragraph -Compare their result with their friends -Give the answers in front of the class -Take note -Read the table given then work in groups and write a paragraph of about 100 words , describing the information in the table -Compare the result with their friends -Present their paragraphs in front of the class -Take note -Work in groups and write a paragraph describing the literacy rate in Viet Lop11.com While you write : TASK : -The Ss read the paragraph in Task and choose a suitable word from the box to fill in each space of the paragraph 1.varied 2.rise 3.declined 4.different 5.went up 6.dramatically TASK : -The Ss read the table given and write a paragraph of about 100 words , describing the information in the table Literacy rates in Sunshine country from 1998-2007 1998 2002 2004 2007 Lowlands 50% 53% 56% 95% Midlands 70% 75% 80% 85% Highlands 50% 45% 40% 30% The table describes the trends of literacy rates in Sunshine country from 1998 to 2007 As can be seen they varied considerably between 1998 to 2007 In the Lowlands , there was a dramatic rise in the number of both males and females who were literate In the Midlands the trend for literacy rate increased steadily In contrast , the literacy rate in the Highlands decreased sharply This data may help the researchers or planners make suitable plans for educational (5) Phu My High School Nam from 1998 to 2007 minutes Lesson plan - English 11 development in each area of the country After you write : -The Ss write a paragraph describing the literacy rate in Viet Nam from 1998 to 2007 -Walks around the class , listens to the Ss’ discussion and offers ideas when the Ss need help -Asks the Ss to compare the result -Compare the result with other groups with other groups -Calls on some groups to present -Present their their paragraphs in front of the paragraphs in front of class the class -Gives feedback -Take note II.Consolidation -Asks the Ss to review what -Review what they’ve -The Ss review what they’ve just they’ve just learnt just learnt learnt minutes III.Homework : -Asks the Ss to learn the old lesson -Take note and prepare - Language focus minute V.Self-evaluation : ………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………… …………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………… Period: 30 Classes: 11CB1,3 Date of preparation: 26/10/2010 UNIT 5: ILLITERACY Part E: Language focus I.Aims and objectives : + Language content : To help the Ss know how to pronounce / pl /-/ bl /-/ pr /-/ br / and how to use the grammatical point : “ Reported speech with infinitive(s) ” + Language function : To help the Ss practise pronouning / pl /-/ bl /-/ pr /-/ br / and the exercises 1+2 + Educational aim : To educate the Ss to be careful and studious 1.Language : + Vocabulary : Words cointaining the sounds / pl /-/ bl /-/ pr /-/ br / + Structures : Reported speech with infinitive(s) 2.Skills : Integrated skills 3.Educational factor : To educate the Ss to be careful and studious II.Teacher’s and students’ preparation : 1.Method : Communicative approach 2.Techniques : Repetition , pairwork , games , … 3.Materials needed : Fashcards , small boards 4.Students’ preparation : New words , look at the lesson first at home 5.Previous exercises : III.Procedures in class : 1.Stabilization : ( minutes ) -Asks the Ss : “ How are you today ?” 2.Checking up the previous knowledge :(no checking) 3.New lesson : Teaching steps& Time-location I.Presentation of the new materials : minutes Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I.Pronunciation : 1.Lead-in : -Says to the Ss : “Today I’ll help you know how to pronounce / pl // bl /-/ pr /-/ br / ?” -Leads to the lesson The content of the lesson Unit : ILLITERACY -Listen -Take notes By Vo Thi Kim Men Part : Language focus I.Pronunciation : Lop11.com (6) Phu My High School 2.Pre-pronunciation : -Gives a model eg : / pl / : please / bl / : black minutes / pr / : practice / br / : brown -Explains to help the Ss find out the difference among them 3.While-pronunciation : Listen and repeat -Asks the Ss to pronounce the words in chorus -Calls on some Ss to pronounce again in front of the class minutes -Gives feedback Practise reading aloud the dialogue -Asks the Ss to read the dialogue after the T in chorus -Calls on some pairs to practise the dialogue again in front of the class -Gives feedback 4.Post-pronunciation : -Asks the Ss to work in groups and find out the words with the consonants / pl /-/ bl /-/ pr /-/ br / minutes minutes Lesson plan - English 11 / pl /-/ bl /-/ pr /-/ br / -Pay attention to the Listen and repeat model eg / pl / : please , pleasure , play , plenty / bl / : black , blouse , blue , blow -Listen to the T / pr / : pride , pretty , precious , practice / br / : brown , bread , brother , broad -Pronounce Practise reading aloud the dialogue A : Brian , what is Bretty presenting on Sunday ? -Take notes B : She’ll teach us how to play English pronunciation games A:Are you going to prepare for -Read the dialogue it? after the T B : Yes My brother is going to -Practise the dialogue play the guitar and I’ll sing the again in pairs blues -Take notes A : What clothes are you going to wear , Pretty ? -Work in groups and B : Black brown blouse and find out the words jeans A : How about a small present with the consonants / pl /-/ bl /-/ pr /-/ br / for Bretty after her presentation -Walks around the class , listens to ? the Ss’ discussion and offers ideas B : Please bring something not when the Ss need help very precious -Asks the Ss to compare the result -Compare the result with other groups with other groups II.Grammar : -Calls on some Ss to give the -Give the answers in Reported speech with answers in front of the class front of the class infinitive(s) -Gives feedback -Take notes egs: II.Grammar : “Keep quiet ,” the teacher said to us 1.Revision : a.Vocabulary / Structure : The teacher told us to keep quiet -Gives some model egs and asks -Pay attention to the the Ss to read the sentences aloud model egs and read “Be careful and don’t go out at after the T the sentences aloud night ” egs: He warned us to be careful of after the T strangers and not to go out at “Keep quiet ,” the teacher said to night us The teacher told us to keep quiet Khi tường thuật các lời nói “Be careful and don’t go out at tiếng anh , các động từ night ” theo sau số động He warned us to be careful of từ sau : tell , promise , advise , strangers and not to go out at ask , encourage , want , remind night -Explains to help the Ss -Listen and take notes ,invite , agree , … ta phaûi ñöa veà daïng “to-infinitive” understand the grammatical point , +Form : then asks them to write down tell S + ask + (O) + to-infinitive + By Vo Thi Kim Men Lop11.com (7) Phu My High School 16 minutes b.Exercises : -Asks the Ss to the exercises 1+2 in the textbook -Walks around the class , listens to the Ss’ discussion and offers ideas when the Ss need help -Asks the Ss to compare the result with their friends -Calls on some Ss to give the answers in front of the class -Gives feedback Lesson plan - English 11 want tell S + ask + (O) + NOT+ to-inf + want b.Exercises : Exercise : 1.They promised to come back again 2.The lifeguard advised us not to -Do the exercises 1+2 swim too far from the shore in the textbook 3.John asked Peter to close the window 4.The teacher encouraged Eric to join the football team -Compare the result 5.John promised to give it to him with their friends the next day -Give the answers in 6.My mum wanted Lan to front of the class become a doctor -Take notes 7.My sister reminded me to lock the door before going to school 8.His boss advised him to go home and rest for a while Exercise : 1.He advised me not to drink too much beer 2.She invited me to come and see her whenever I wanted 3.John asked me not to smoke in his car 4.He told Sue to give him her phone number 5.He reminded me to give the book back to Joe 6.He promised not to it again 7.He agreeed to wait for me 8.John asked her to lend him some money -Review what they’ve -The Ss review what they’ve just just learnt learnt -Take notes II.Consolidation -Asks the Ss to review what they’ve just learnt minutes III.Homework : -Asks the Ss to learn the old lesson and prepare the new unit minute V.Self-evaluation : ………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………… ……………………………… …………………… …………………………………………………………… …… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… By Vo Thi Kim Men Lop11.com (8)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 21:28