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Ôn tập Anh văn 11 - Unit 9

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PRACTICE TEST 3 LANGUAGE FOCUS Choose the word or phrase a, b, c or d that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word 1 You can subscribe to your favorite newspap[r]

(1)UNIT cramped [kræmpt] ≠ spacious ['spei∫əs] architect ['ɑ:kitekt] arrogant ['ærəgənt] customer ['kɑstəmə] facsimile [fæk'simili] bother ['bɑðə] fax [fæks] brave [breiv] ≠ coward ['kauəd] graphics ['græfiks] burglar ['bə:glə] in operation: hoạt động, có tác dụng capacity kə'pæsiti] network ['netwə:k] communal ['kɑmjunl] pacifist ['pæsifist] = pacificist [pə'sifisist] courteous 'kə:tjəs] = polite ≠ rude notify ['noutifai] speedy ['spi:di] - to notify somebody of something subscribe [səb'skraib]( to subscribe to something) - to notify something to somebody)  notification surface mail: telecommunications [,telikə,mju:ni'kei∫nz] pickpocket ['pik,pɑkit] telegram ['teligræm] punctual ['pɑηkt∫uəl] tenant ['tenənt] recipient [ri'sipiənt] thoughtful ['θɑ:tfl] reduction [ri'dɑk∫n] transaction [træn'zæk∫n] release [ri'li:s] (n) transfer ['trænsfə:] secure [si'kjuə] ( secure about something) transmission [trænz'mi∫n] shoplifter ['∫ɑp'liftə] (n) B PRACTISE I Vocabulary: Choose the best answer The hotel staff are friendly and _ a unhelpful b courteous c discourteous d impolite A person who receives something is called a receive b receipt c recipe d recipient The post office offers the _ Mail Service which is particularly fast a Secure b Efficient c Express d Reliable There was no mention of the incident in the national press a television b newspapers c Internet d radio You can choose to send your letters by air or surface mail a have b.like c select d get Prices are going to in a worry way a up b over c away d off III Grammar: Choose the best answer The girl _ photo was in the local paper lives near my house a which b.whose c.whom d.whoever It’s the best film has ever been made about madness a which b.whom c.whose d when 3.The year we came to live here was 1975 a when b where c that d which The fans crowded the stadium roared their approval a who b which c whose d what I can answer the question you say is very difficult a which b whom c where d whose He has just gone to his friend’s house, _ there is a party today a who b whom c where d which Most folk songs are ballads have simple words and tell simple stories a What b Whoever c.which d Whichever III Join pair of the sentences, using Preposition+ a relative pronouns Mrs Jason apologized for the mistake We complained to her ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Lan’s party is next Sunday evening We are all invited to it …………………………………………………………………………………………… He gave me a lot of advice Much of them was very useful …………………………………………………………………………………………… The girl is John’s sister I introduced you to her …………………………………………………………………………………………… Lop11.com (2) PRACTICE TEST Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one Mrs Pike has just bought some kitchen for her new house a equip b equipped c equipment d equipping Thank you for phoning when I was ill It was very _of you a think b thought c thoughtful d thoughtfully Thanks to the progress of science and _, human life has become better and better a technology b technological c technologically d technician I would like to send these letters air mail a in b with c by d over 10 _Could you please provide us some more modern equipment? a for b by c in d with 11 _ How far is your house away the city center? a in b for c at d from 12 fax transmission is commonly used in most offices a A b An c The d Ø 13 That post office provides us with best services with _ well-trained staff a the / a c Ø/ the c a / the d the / Ø 14 He was a kind and courteous mailman a polite b strict c unpleasant d rude 15 Without more training or advanced technical skills, they'll lose their jobs a out of date b backward c up to date d old 16 There was a parking area to cater for the tourist trade a thoughtful b courteous c possible d spacious 17 Newspapers and magazines are often delivered early in the morning a offered b given c provided d distributed 18 Because the doctors and nurses acted properly and quickly, the baby was operated successfully a cheaply b promptly c conveniently d usefully 19 If you want to send a document and not want to lose its original shape, our facsimile service will help you a post b express c parcel d fax 20 She had been assisted by a stranger her motor and drove her to safety a who started b whom starting c starting d that will start 21 With our senses, we perceive everything a is around us b that is around us c whom is around us d whose is around us 22 The volunteers, _ enthusiasm was obvious, finished the work quickly a who b whom c whose d that 23 The musicians _yesterday have played together for many years a to who we listened b who we listened to c to that we listened d to whom we listened 24 Many scientists have claimed that like music are often good at mathematics a children b children who c children whom d whose children 25 The student _had an impressive record a the prize was awarded b that the prize was awarded c to whom the prize was awarded d who the prize was awarded 26 Those have used our services for more than one year can enter the competition a who b whom c which d whose 27 I think it was your Dad _ a phoned b phoning c that phoned d which phoned 28 That man is a newcomer in our company Do you know him? a.That man is a newcomer in our company Do you know whom? b.That man who is a newcomer in our company Do you know him? c Do you know him that man is a newcomer in our company? d Do you know that man, who is a newcomer in our company? 29 Yesterday I went to I had never been to before a Thanh Ba Post Office, that b Thanh Ba Post Office where c Thanh Ba Post Office which d Thanh Ba Post Office, which 30 She has two grown children, both of live abroad a who b whom c that d whose Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given 31 yesterday / I / go / Thanh Ba Post Office/ send some money / my brother / the city 32 I / arrive / am / the post office / open 33 the staff / help / me / send the money / very helpful and courteous 34 the service / good / only two hours later / my brother / phone / he had received the money 35 I / satisfied / the service / Thanh Ba Post Office Lop11.com (3) READING Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase A post office is (36) authorized by a postal system for the posting, receipt, sortation, handling, transmission or (37) _ of mail Post offices offer mail-related services (38) _post office boxes, postage and packaging supplies (39) addition, some post offices offer (40) _ postal services such as passport applications and other government forms, money orders, and banking services Post offices also (41) post-office boxes to people and businesses (42) prefer not to have mail delivered to their home or office, or who live or stay at addresses to (43) _ mail delivery is not (44) The back rooms of a post office are a place (45) mail is processed for delivery Mail may also be processed in other post offices that are not open to the general public 36 a services b equipment c sending d mailing 37 a pass b giving c handle d delivery 38 a so b such c such as d so as to 39 a For b In c Of d On 40 a non b nor c not d no 41 a lend b borrow c rent d employ 42 a who b whom c which d that 43 a who b which c that d where 44 a present b free c ready d available 45 a where b that c which d what PRACTICE TEST Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one What is your _ in life? - Going out with friends and enjoying delicious foods a please b pleasant c pleasure d pleasing You can pay for the goods on a deliver b delivery c deliverable d delivering Those telephone companies have launched major crease their number of a subscribe b subscription c subscribers d subscribing Most schools and universities are now equipped _ surveillance cameras and other security measures a on b for c in d with I had asked everyone to submit questions _ advance of the meeting a in b at c on d for It would be more convenient you if you used the Express Mail Service a for b with c on d among Those letters were sent by surface mail a a b an c the d Ø _ is used to describe special services in which things are sent or done faster than usual for a higher price a Express b Message b Distribution d Press I wish you a speedy recovery from your illness to return to work soon a thoughtful b gradual c courteous d quick 10 John often uses Express Money _ to send money to his parents in the countryside a Change b Exchange c Transfer d Send 11 The Messenger Call Service helps you to notify the recipient of the time and place to receive the call a receiver b fax c call d telephone 12 Fax _ has become more and more popular because it is cheap and convenient a exchange b distance c sending d transmission 13 Someone sent you a parcel this morning and I put it on your table a package b letter c stamp d fax 14 The class treasurer, _, announced the balance of the account a to whom we gave the money b to that we gave the money c whose we gave the money to d whom we gave the money 15 The engineers designed the building received an award a which b whom c who d whose 16 _is one of the most important capitals in the world a London, that the place I was born b London, which I was born c London, I was born, d London, where I was born, 17 Express Money Transfer is one of the quickest ways _ helps us to send money a who b whose c when d that 18 Do you remember the time we first visited London? a which b when c that d on that 19 Sunday is the day few people go to work a that b which c when d why 20 Do you know the reason _she quit her job? Lop11.com (4) a that b which c when d why 21.The government sent money and food to the people houses were destroyed by the storm last week a which b that c whom d whose 22 I will never forget _ he said he loved me a the moment b the moment which c the moment when d the moment in that 23 It is very difficult to integrate yourself into a community is quite different from yours a whose culture b the culture that c which culture d that culture 24 He often finds fault with _ he describes as having no talent a John Smith, whom b John Smith, that c John Smith, whose d John Smith who 25.The scheme is designed to help children _ have fallen on hard times a that parents b which parents c parents of which d whose parents Error Identification 26 The Post Office, (a)that is a retail company in the United Kingdom; (b)formerly part of (c)the postal service Royal Mail, (c) became a separate entity in 1981 27.In 1823, the Post Office(a) used steamboats(b) to carry mails and parcels (c) between post towns (d) which no roads existed 28 On February 22, 1921, (a) when mail (b)was flown both day (c) and night (d)for the first time over the entire distance from San Francisco to New York 29.In 1930,(a) more than 10,000 trains (b)which were (c) used for moving the mail into every city, town, and village(d) in the United States 30 (a)When railroad mail service began, mostly letters(b) were sorted on the trains,(c) which (d) were not equipping to distribute other kinds of mail PRACTICE TEST LANGUAGE FOCUS Choose the word or phrase a, b, c or d that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word You can subscribe to your favorite newspapers and magazines the nearest post office a in b on c from d at He is very capable learning and understanding things a with b of c at d about Thanh Ba Post Office provides customers the Messenger Call Services a with b for c of d to The post office offers the Mail Service which is particularly fast a Secure b Efficient c Express d Reliable We are proud of our staff, who are always friendly and efficient a well-done b well-appointed c well-behaved d well-trained The hotel staff are always friendly and courteous a efficient b polite c helpful d perfect There was no mention of the incident in the national press a television b newspapers c Internet d radio I need to £1,000 to my daughter's account a transfer b transform c transmit d transact to the magazine can take advantage of this special offer a Subscribe b Subscription c Subscribing d Subscribers 10 is someone who works from home on computer and communicates with their office by telephone, fax, or e-mail a Telecomputer b Telecommuter c Telephonist d Telemarketer Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence 11 My mother enjoys hill walking a who is in her seventies b , that is in her seventies c , which is in her seventies d , who is in her seventies 12 She's one of the kindest people a that I know b whose I know c who I know d which I know 13 Where is the house ? a where they are living b which they are living c where they are living there d where they are living in 14 She lives in the house a which has the red door b has the red door c that with the red door d with its red door 15 Mark Twain is an author I like best a his books b that books c the book of whom d whose books 16 The problem never occurred a I hadn't expected it b that I had expected it c who I had expected d I had expected 17 In 1850, Yale University established Sheffield Scientific School, a engineers were educated there b where engineers were educated c in which were engineers educated d where were engineers educated 18 It was the ragtime pianist Scott Joplin the Maple Leaf Rag, perhaps the best known of all ragtime tunes a wrote b the writer of c who wrote d writing 19 A keystone species is a species of plants and animals absence has a major effect on an ecological system a that its b its c whose d with its Lop11.com (5) 20 William Samuel Johnson, helped write the Constitution, became the first president of Columbia College in 1787 a whom he had b who had c and he had d had Choose word or phrase - A, B, C or D – that needs correcting 21 Fred, (a) who usually conducts the(b) choir rehearsals, did not show up last night because he(c) had an accident (d) on his way to the practice 22 Now(a)that I no(b) longer have to wear uniform, (c)I'll be able to wear(d)which I want 23 (a)Ripe fruit is often (b)stored in a place(c) who contains much carbon dioxide so that the fruit will not decay too(d) rapidly 24 The town (a)we visited was a (b)four-days journey from our hotel, so we(c) took the train instead (d) of the bus WRITING From the four words or pbrases -a, b, c or d – choose the one that best completes the sentence After seeing a movie based on a novel, a the book was read by many people b the book made many people want to read it c many people want to read the book d the reading of the book interests many people Once known as the 'Golden State' because of its gold mines, _ a North Carolina today mines few metallic minerals b few metallic minerals are mined in North Carolina today c there are few metallic minerals mined in North Carolina today d today in North Carolina few metallic minerals are mined are considered humorous is mainly to his characters' use of slang a Damon Runyan's stories b Damon Runyan's stories, which c That Damon Runyan's stories d Because Damon Runyan's stories In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know a that the requirements for each vegetable b what the requirements for each vegetable are c what are each vegetable's requirements d that is required by each vegetable , methane can be used as a fuel a It is produced by the fermentation of organic matter b The fermentation of organic matter is produced c The production by the fermentation of organic matter d Produced by the fermentation of organic matter READING Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best fits the blank space in the following passage A major revolution for the automated office is electronic mail The customary (35) system requires message written on paper to be (36) physically from one location to another With electronic mail, messages are converted (37) _ electronic signals, transmitted (38) _ in the world, and then changed back into the original written form, all in several seconds and minutes at (39) Through the use of video screens in company offices, a single (40) can be transmitted to hundreds of people in dozens of branch offices at the same time Thus, electronic mail, along with (41) , can be an important asset in teleconferences Furthermore, the use of electric mail in the form of a 'mailbox' (42) to a telephone is also of great value Since in offices many telephone (43) go uncompleted on the first attempt, with electronic mail, two-way conversion is not essential, so it (44) telephone use and saves time a post b postal c postage d posting a transformed b transferred c transacted d transmitted a from b by c into d with a wherever b anywhere c somewhere d everywhere a most b all c least d last a data b instrument c document d information a programs b graphics c websites d databases a attached b transmitted c extended d spread a bills b calls c uses d services 10 a increases b receives c reduces d transfers III Speaking: Complete the dialogue Clerk: Good morning Can I help you? Customer : Yes , I would like to …………….to Lao Dong daily newspaper (deliver, subcribe, transfer, install) Clerk : Customer: For a year, please Clerk: _ Customer: At home Clerk: Customer: I live at 222 Huynh Thuc Khang street Clerk: Ok The price is VND 200,000 Can you fill in this form, please? Customer: That’s fine Reading comprehension What is Thanh Ba Post Office equipped with? …………………………………………………………………………………………………… What services are offered at Thanh Ba Post Lop11.com Office? (6) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… What are the three different ways of sending a letter? …………………………………………………………………………………………………… What is the Messenger Call Service used for? …………………………………………………………………………………………………… What will you have to if you want to get your newspapers and magazines delivered to your house? …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Lop11.com (7)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 20:41

