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Tài liệu unit nine

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Date of teaching Class Absent students 12C1 Period 54 UNIT NINE : DESERTS LESSON ONE : A – READING A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Know the bad weather in the deserts and be interested in protecting the environment. - Understand the content of the passage, guess meaning from the context and improve reading skill through true or false and answering question exercises. 2. Knowledge - Vocabulary: Words and phrases related to deserts: typical features, how they are formed, how animals and plants live. - Grammar: simple present, simple past 3. Skill - Main skill: reading - Sub-skills: speaking and writing B. Method: Integrated, Main Communicative C. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Sub - board, pictures. - Students: Sub - boards. D. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities I. Warm up. (3’) - Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions: + What can you see in the picture? *. Chatting. - Answer freely. + We can see a desert + We can see a camel. II. Before you read. (10’) - Ask Ss to work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. - Give and explain the meaning of new words. * New words. stretch [stret∫] (n) - Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions freely. + There is no water in this place. + It is a hot, dry and sandy place. + This place has a arid climate - Listen carefully then copy down aerial ['eəriəl] (adj) hummock ['hʌmək] (n) crest [krest] (n) - Guide Ss to read new words. - Give and explain the meaning of new words. - Guide Ss to read new words. - Read new words in chorus. - Read new words individually. III. While you read. (20’) - Let Ss have two minutes to read the passage silently. 1. Activity 1: Task 1: Give the Vietnamese equivalents to the following words phrases. - Ask Ss to work individually. - Advise Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain the words to guess meaning from the context. - Go around the class and provide help if necessary. - Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers. Ask them to explain their choice. - Give correct answers: 2. Activity 2: Task 2: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). - Have Ss read the passage more carefully. - Ask Ss to underline the information in the passage that helps Ss find the correct answers. - Go around the class and provide help if necessary. - Ask Ss to compare with their partners. - Call on some Ss to read and explain their answers aloud in front of the class. - Give feedback and correct answers: 3. Activity 3: Task 3: Answer the questions according to the information in - Read the passage about desert silently - Listen carefully - Individual work - Read silently - Give the Vietnamese equivalents to the following words phrases. 1. Kéo dài, căng ra 2. Có cát, 3. Trắc lợng trên không 4. Hội địa lý hoàng gia Austra 5. Thổ dân Australia 6. Cồn cát, đụn cát 7. độ dốc, dốc thoai thoải 8. Dốc đứng, dốc ngợc 9. Gò, đống 10. Đỉnh 11. Cỏ lá nhỏ mọc trên xa mạc - Read the passage more carefully and do the task. 1. F, 2. F, 3. T, 4. F, 5. F, 6. T. the passage. - Have Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about the passage. - Go around the class and provide help if necessary. - Call on some pairs to do the task in front of the class. - Give feedback and suggested answers. - Pairs work - Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1. They are Great Victoria Deserts, Gibbon…. 2. It lies between Lake Eyre in the south, the…. 3. In 1845. 4. He was the President of the South…. 5. They took camels across the desert. 6. In the western part, they are short, mostly …. 7. Two. They are hummock grasses and spinifex IV. After you read. (10’) * Read this story and answer the questions that follow. - Go around the class and provide help if necessary. - Call on some Ss to give answers in front of the class. - Explain. - Control and correct. V. Homework. - Ask Ss to learn new words by heart, summarize the main content of the passages. - Read this story and answer the questions that follow. 1. Yes, it is. 2. The interpreter mispronounced the word “ dessert”, and that made the businessman misunderstood so the businessman answer in a funny way “ Trees and water” - Learn new words by heart and summarize the main content of the passages. Date of teaching Class Absent students 12C1 Period 55 UNIT NINE : DESERTS LESSON TWO: B - SPEAKING A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about natural features of deserts and desert life - Discuss their ideas about related matters - Know the bad weather in the deserts and be interested in protecting the environment. 2. Knowledge - Vocabulary: Words and phrases related to deserts - Grammar: The tenses 3. Skill - Main skill: speaking - Sub-skills: listening and writing B. Method: Integrated, Main Communicative C. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Textbook, handout - Students: Sub - boards. D. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Give some words and ask Ss to put them in 2 appropriate categories (animals and plants): banana, horse, cactus, buffalo, grass, crocodile, pine, rabbit I. Pre-speaking : (12 minutes) Task 1 - Explain the task and make sure that Ss understand it. - Instruct Ss to read through the words given in the task. - Explain some new words. + eucalyptus (n): + cactus (n): + date-palm - Work in groups to do the task Expected answers: * Animals: horse, buffalo, crocodile, rabbit * Plants: banana, cactus, grass, pine - Listen carefully - Read silently - Read after the teacher - Have Ss work in pairs to discuss and do the task. - Walk around and help them. - Call on some students to give their answers. - Provide feedback afterwards. II. While-speaking : (16 minutes) Task 2 - Explain the task carefully. - Ask students to work in pairs to do the task. - Walk around observing and offering help when necessary. - Call some student to report their results before the class. - Ask for comments from other pairs. - Give feedback afterwards. III. Post-speaking : (10 minutes) Task 3 - Explain the task to Ss carefully. - Ask students to work in groups to do the task. - Call some representatives of the groups to report their discussion. - Correct their mistakes. IV. Homework: (2 minutes) - Ask the students to write a short paragraph about the natural features of a desert. - Work in pairs. - Choose the animals or plants that they think might exist in a desert and then explain their choices. - Take turns to express their ideas. * Suggested ideas: I think banana can’t exit in a desert because it is a tropical plant but it is very hot and dry in a desert … ……… I think camels can live in deserts. They can exist without food and water for long if they need to. When they eat, they store fat in their humps. They can drink as much as 100 liters of water . - Listen carefully - Work in pairs to discuss and find out as many natural features of a desert as possible. Suggested answers: + There is no water in a desert. + It is a hot, dry and sandy place. + There are very few animals and plants living in a desert. + It has arid climate. + Very little rain falls in deserts during the year. ………… - Listen carefully - Free practice - Choose the five most important things from the list given then explain their choices. Example: I think we should bring a lot of food and water because there is no water and food in a desert. Moreover, they can help us to survive if we get lost. - Listen to the teacher. - Write down the homework to do at home. Date of teaching Class Absent students 12C1 Period 56 UNIT NINE : DESERTS LESSON THREE: C - LISTENING A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Improve listening skill through doing True or False exercise. - Listen for specific information about the desert - Know the bad weather in the deserts and be interested in protecting the environment. 2. Knowledge - Vocabulary: colony(n), cool (v), petroleum (n), Canal (n), needle (n), firewood(n) - Grammar: simple present 3. Skill - Main skill: listening - Sub-skills: speaking and writing B. Method: Integrated, Main Communicative C. Teaching aids: - Teacher: tape, cassette player, projector and computer. - Students: Sub - boards. D. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities I. Warm up. (3’) - ASk Ss to observe 4 pictures on the screen then answer the question  Where can you see real sand dune, spinifex, camel and cactus? - Introduce the topic of the lesson “desert” - observe 4 pictures on the screen then answer the question  On desert - Listen II. Before you listen. (10’) - Ask students to look at the screen and answer the questions in the book. - Let them work in pairs. - Listen and correct their mistakes. - Work in pairs. - Look at the screen - Listen to the teacher. - Ask and answer the question in the book. * Listen and repeat - Turn on the tape and ask students to listen - Let students listen again and repeat. - Correct Ss’ pronunciation mistakes * New words. colony(n) cool (v) petroleum (n) Canal (n) needle (n) firewood(n) - Give and explain the meaning of some new words. - Guide Ss to read new words.  Human beings can contribute in the making of a desert because we cut down trees and destroy forests, These actions can lead to the changes of climate. - Listen and repeat. - Read the new words aloud in chorus then individually. - Read new words in chorus and individually. - Take note - Read individually. III. . While you listen. ( 22’) - Introduce the situation. 1. Activity 1: Task 1. - Ask students to read the statement at least once first. - Ask them to guess the answers - Play the tape once then check how many answers students can find. - Play the tape again. - Check and give remarks. - Call some students to say out their answers and the evidences they get to prove their answers. 2. Activity 2: Task 2. - Ask Ss to study all questions in task 2 - Ask them to guess the answers. - Play the tape once then check how many answers can students find. - Play the tape again. Check and give remarks. - Call some students to say out their answers and the evidences they get to prove their answers. - Let students work in pairs. - Read the statement once to get the main contents. - Guess the answers - Listen to the tape and do the task. - Find evidences to each of the answers. - Represent if being asked. Keys: 1.T, 2.F, 3.T, 4.F, 5. T. - Listen to the teacher’s explanation then correct the answers onself. - Read the questions once to get the main contents - Guess the answers - Listen to the tape and do the task. - Find evidences to each of the answers. - Represent if being asked. - Listen then answer. Keys: 1 A. It examines deserts, what are they and how they are formed 3. Activity : Task 3: - Explain the task carefully - Ask students to read the paragraphs given carefully - Guide students fill in each blank with one of the words in the box ( Protect , Larger plants, 90 percent, 19 percent, Canals, Bridge, Spreading, Capital Smaller plants) - Let student listen one or twice. - Ask students give their answers - Give feedback and correct answers. 2D. It is hot, dry and sandy place, it is a beautiful land of silence and space. The sun shines, the wind blow and time and space seem endless. 3C. Natural and human. 4B. They contribute by eating every plant they can find, this makes the land become deserts. - Read the paragraphs once to get the main contents. - Decide word speech needed for each blank. - Listen to the tape and do the task. - Represent if being asked. Keys: 1.90%, 2. smaller plants. 3. Prevent, 4.Spreading 5.Capital, 6.canals IV. After you listen. (10’) - Ask students to discus the guided question, find the answer fot the question about deserts. * What should humans do to prevent the growth of deserts? - Let them work in groups - Move around to help if necessary. - Give remarks or even suggestions. V. Homework: (2 minutes) Base on your summary, write a short paragraph about the deserts (about 80- 100 words) - In groups, discuss the guided questions and write about the deserts to correct oneself. - Listen to the teacher and write down homework to do at home. Date of teaching Class Absent students 12C1 Period 57 UNIT NINE: DESERTS LESSON FOUR: WRITING A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Write a composition about the Sahara desert basing on the information given. - Know the bad weather in the deserts and be interested in protecting the environment. 2. Knowledge - Vocabulary: Words and phrases related to deserts: typical features, how they are formed, how animals and plants live:extend, arid, oasis, tableland, gazelle, antelope, fox, jackal - Grammar: - simple present 3. Skill - Main skill: writing - Sub-skills: speaking and listening B. Teaching method: Integrated, Main Communicative C. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Projector and computer - Students: Extra boards D. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities *Check Ss during the lesson * Warm-up: (3 minutes) - Ask Ss to observe the picture of Sahara deset the ask “ This is the largest desert in the world What is its name? - Call on 1 or 2 representatives of the groups to answer I. Pre-writing: (12 minutes) * Give an exercise then ask Ss to do it “ Answer the following questions by circle the letter A,B or C * Explain some new words. + extend (v): elicit the meaning from Ss + oasis (n) – oases: translation + tableland (n): translation - Observe the picture then answer the question  its name is Sahara desert - Listen to the teacher. - Work individually - Try to understand the new words and phrases in the table. + gazelle (n): translation + antelope (n): translation + fox (n): translation + jackal (n): translation - Help Ss with the general outline of the Description and elicit the structures for their writings: * Introduction: + The largest desert in the world + * General description: + Geography (location): - It is located in - It extends from .to - It lies largely in + Area: - It (the Sahara desert) has a total area of - Its width is . and its length is + Natural features: - Climate: It has climate It is hot/ cold in - Oases: - Dunes: - Tableland: . - Trees and animals: * Conclusion + Variety in natural features + People should preserve the variety * Have Ss study the information in the table given. II. While-writing: (16 minutes) - Have Ss write the composition individually using the information in the table given and the suggested structures. - Walk around and help them. III. Post-writing: (10 minutes) - Ask Ss to exchange their writing with a friend for peer correction. - Call on one or two Ss to write their composition on the board. - Check with the whole class and provide correction afterwards. - Listen to the teacher. - Give the structures preparing for their writings. Ex: The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. It is located in the Northern Africa. The desert extends from……. - Study individually - Do the task individually - Exchange their writing for peer correction. - Represent their writing on the board if being asked. * Sample composition Sahara Desert, the largest desert in the world, is located in northern Africa. It extends from the Atlantic Ocean eastward past the Red Sea to [...]... (2 minutes) - Ask students to rewrite the task at home and prepare part Language Focus at home - Listen to the teacher and write down homework Date of teaching Class 12C1 Absent students Period 58 UNIT NINE: DESERTS LESSON FIVE: E - LANGUAGE FOCUS A Objectives 1 Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Distinguish between the full form and contracted form of some auxiliaries and use the... others to give comments - Give correct answers III Homework: (2 minutes) - Ask students to revise the strong form and weak form of auxiliaries, the use of connections, redo all the exercises and prepare unit 10 at home exercise orally - Other students give comments - Take notes of the suggested answers Keys: 1 So 4 But 7 But 2 But 5 So 8 So 3 So 6 But - Notice the teacher’s explanation - Work in pairs . Date of teaching Class Absent students 12C1 Period 54 UNIT NINE : DESERTS LESSON ONE : A – READING A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end. content of the passages. Date of teaching Class Absent students 12C1 Period 55 UNIT NINE : DESERTS LESSON TWO: B - SPEAKING A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end

Ngày đăng: 24/11/2013, 17:11

