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Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành (Dành cho nghề ĐTCN-CĐT) - Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Thực phẩm Tp. Hồ Chí Minh

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Nội dung

Electrical engineers design, develop, test, and supervise the manufacturing of electrical equipment, such as electric motors, radar and navigation systems, communicat[r]







( Dành cho nghề ĐTCN- CĐT- Lưu hành nội bộ)




1. What is engineering?

Engineering is a scientific field and job that involves taking out scientific understanding of the natural world and using it to invent, design and building things to solve problems and achieve practical goals

Engineering is the application of science and math to solve problems Engineers figure out how things work and find practical uses for scientific discoveries Scientists and inventors often get the credit for innovations that advance the human condition, but it is engineers who are instrumental in making those innovations available to the world

New vocabulary:

Engineer(n) (N) Kỹ sư Achieve (v) Thực Engineering (n) Kỹ thuật Discoveries (v) Khám phá Scientist(n) Nhà khoa học Instrumental(adj) Góp phần vào Inventor(n) Người phát minh Involve Liên quan Translate : What does an engineer do?

Engineers design, evaluate, develop, test, modify, install, inspect and maintain a wide variety of products and systems They also recommend and specify materials and processes, supervise manufacturing and construction, conduct failure analysis, provide consulting services and teach engineering courses in colleges and universities

New vocabulary:

Design (v) Thiết kế Inspect (v) Quan sát, xem xét

Evaluate: (v)(iˈvalyo͞oˌāt)

Đánh giá Modify (v) Sửa đổi Maintain Bảo dưỡng Process Quy trình Supervise manufacturing Giám sát sản


Consulting Tư vấn





2.What does an Electrical or electronics engineering do?

Electrical engineers design, develop, test, and supervise the manufacturing of electrical equipment, such as electric motors, radar and navigation systems, communications systems, or power generation equipment Electrical engineers also design the electrical systems of automobiles and aircraft

Electronics engineers design and develop electronic equipment, such as broadcast and communications systems, from portable music players to global positioning systems (GPS) Many also work in areas closely related to computer hardware New vocabulary:

Electrical equipment Supervise : giám sát Power generation Electric motors Automobiles: ô tô Navigation systems Hệ thống định vị Broadcast : phát

thanh Communications:

truyền thông

Specifications: thông số kỹ thuật

Portable : cầm tay

Translate :


Electrical engineers typically the following:

 Design new ways to use electrical power to develop or improve products



 Direct manufacturing, installing, and testing of electrical equipment to ensure that products meet specifications and codes

 Investigate complaints from customers or the public, evaluate problems, and recommend solutions

 Work with project managers on production efforts to ensure that projects are completed satisfactorily, on time, and within budget

Improve products Cải tiến sản phẩm Investigate Nhà đầu tư

Specifications Thơng số kỹ thuật Satisfactorily Hài lịng

Industry Electronics engineers typically the following:

 Design electronic components, software, products, or systems for commercial, industrial, medical, military, or scientific applications

 Analyze customer needs and determine electrical system requirements, capacity, and cost to develop a system plan

 Develop maintenance and testing procedures for electronic components and equipment

 Evaluate systems and recommend design modifications or equipment repair



 Inspect electronic equipment, instruments, and systems to make sure they meet safety standards and applicable regulations

 Plan and develop applications and modifications for electronic properties used in parts and systems to improve technical performance

New vocabulary:

Components, Scientific


Instruments Analyze

Maintenance Evaluate

Electronics engineers who work for the federal government research, develop, and evaluate electronic devices used in a variety of areas, such as aviation, computing, transportation, and manufacturing They work on federal electronic devices and systems, including satellites, flight systems, radar and sonar systems, and communications systems

Engineers whose work is related exclusively to computer hardware are considered computer hardware engineers

New vocabulary:

Research Manufacturing

Aviation Satellites

Transfortation Sonar

3 What is Mechatronic Engineering?


6 New vocabelary: Mechatronic Decisions

Mechanical Electrical

Autonomous Điều khiển tự động Fundamental Mechatronic Engineers in the workforce

The demand for engineers with experience and knowledge of computing, robotics and engineering principles continues to grow as industries evolve Example of industries and jobs mechatronics engineers can work in include:

 Automation

 Robotics

 Computer simulations and modelling

 Gaming

 Engineering design  Propulsion systems  Control System  Technology

Mechatronic Engineers are integral in the development of new technologies For example, cars brakes The design of brakes has been improved over time, making them better, more responsive and safer Now, thanks to modern sensing, actuation, computing and control technologies, braking systems are more amazing than ever before Using technology to adjust the braking system in a split second has meant brakes are more responsive and deliver the greatest breaking power possible

New vocabulary:

Workforce Lực lượng lao động


Người máy/ tự độn hóa



Control technologies Công nghệ điều khiển

Braking system Hệ thống hãm/phanh/thắng Split Chia nhỏ ra/ tít tắt Breaking Phá vỡ

4. Fill out : am, are, I’m, is, name’s in the below

 Hello, I Quan Hi, my name Linh

 Pleased to meet you

 Excuse me you Lisa? Yes, I am

 Please to meet you, Mr Rossi Lan Nice to meet you, Lan

 Hi, My Loan Hello Loan, boy

 Good to meet you Boy .you from Russia? No from VietNam

Work in pairs Practise the dialogue in with your partner Talk about yourseft

5.Introduce yourseft and the career you are leaning


Single or get married: Where are you live now: Where you work now: Defartment:

Career: industry electronics

6. Choose the coreect answer

1 The TV is On Off

2 The doors are Closed Open

3 Turn Left Right

4 Go In Out



6 The hammer is In the box On the box

7 Match the pictures with the words in the box: adapter, antenna, bolts, cable,

chisel, nuts, plug, saw, screws, screwdriver, spanner, washers

8 Write down the names of the tools that your occupation needs








1.Please read and fill in the following blanks:

The safety signs below follow the ISO internatinal standard This standard is used in the EU because it has many different languages These are three types of safety sign:

Warning signs These signs warn you about

a danger They say thing like this: warning Danger, Be careful, Look out There is a danger or hazard here You might injure youseft The signs are yellow and black in colour and triangular in shape Here are some examples:

1 Warning Poison: see(1) c Danger Fire hazard here: see(2)

Prohibition signs These signs prohibit an

action They say: not this You must not this Never this The signs are red, white and black incolour and round in shape Here are some examples:

3.you must not lift this with a hook: see(3) never take the guard off this machine: see(4)

Mandatory action signs These signs order

you to somthing They say: this, you must this, always this These signs are blue and white in colour, and round in shape Here are some example:

5.always read the manual before you service this machine: see(5)

6.you must use the gard on this circular saw:see(6)


Always You must

Wear A hard hat


Do not Don’t Never



You must not You mustn’t

Complete the instructions with the words in the box: always, do, not, must, mustn’t, never

a .use a lighted match in this workshop

b .wash your hands after using these chemicals c .enter this small space

d You wear safety boots when you lift this e .not smoke in this factory

f You touch this machine with bare hands It’s hot

3.Write these signs in another way

Example: not smoke here

Use might or could to explain the possible result of the hazard Could may there are these’s

1.Take care Heavy weight You injure your back 2.Warning a cold surface here You .injure your hands and arms

3 Be careful You trap your hand in the gears

4 Danger lasers in this laboratory You .injure your eyes

you Might, could Burn your arm



Get a electric shock

Complete these warmnings with the words or the phrases in the box You can use the words or pharses more than once

4.Safety hazards

Listen and match the warnings with the pictures

Listen again and write the warning number in the table

Warning Possible result

You might burn your hands You could injure your head You migh fall into the gap You could trip over the bricks

You may trap your hand in the gears You cuold get a electric shock

5.Identify the equipment from the description Use the word in the box

Battery digital receiver disk drive modem router starter motor a This device can change digital signals into analogue signals for a TV b This device stores electricity When it is flat, you recharge it

c This equipment can connect two or more computer to one modem d This device connects a computer to the internet through the phone line e This machine uses electricity from a battery It starts the engine of a car f This hardware can copy data from a computer to a CD -ROM

6.Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the phrases in the box You can use the words more than one

Attached to connected to disconnected from mounted on suspened from a The switch is the ceiling

b The printer is the power socket c The vice is the workbench d The mouse is the computer

e The hook is the rope The rope is .a bar f The speaker is a base It is the computer



If your computer does not start, check the adapter If the adapter is not connected, connect it to the computer.if the adapter is connected, check the disk drive If these isn’t a disk in the drive, press the power button If there is a disk in the drive, take it out

8.Complete the warnings Use each word once only

Always could don’t might must mustn’t never a Staff wear hard hats at all times on the site b You must use a lighted match near petrol or gas c You smoke in the workshop or on the building site

d This low beam is very dangerous You injure your head on it e .wear gloves if you lift these boxes They have sharp edges f The oven is very hot You burn yourseft Please touch it



On 24 th august last year, I inspected the Nautilus shipyard I(1) (find) many safety hazard Here are some main points of my safety report The emergency exit(2) (be) locked There (3) (be) some ropers on the ground, between tow boats Five workers(5) .(have) no hard hats or safety gloves One welder(6 not wear) his safety boots A high voltage cable(7) (be) coiled There(8) (be) many tools on the ground

A supervisor (9) (tell) me about anear miss The incident(10) (take place) in july last year A repair man(11) (put on) his hard hat and

safety boots He then(12) (climb) a ladder metres up to an electrical cable The cable (13) (be)damaged It (14) (have) some bare wires The repair man(15) (shout) to a worker:”switch off the power”

The worker(16) (switch off) the main electricity supply and shouted: ok, I’ve(17) (switch) it off Then the repair man (18) (touch) the cable But the cable(19) (not be) connected to the mains supply It (20) (be) connected to the generator There (21) (be) a spark The repair man was very lucky He (22) (not receive) a shock But this way was very serious incident

10.Asked the questions for these answers about the near miss incident in

1 It took place in the Nautilus shipyard.( where/incident) Where did the incident take place?

2 It happenned in july last year.(when/happen)



4 He used a ladder.( how /climb/to the cable)

5 It was a bout meters high.(how/cable) How many meters cable high?

It had some bare wires.(problem)

7 No, he didn’t, but there was a spark.(get/ electric shock)

8 No, it wasn’t It was connected to a generator.(cable/ mains supply)

11.Exercise :

Choose one of the projects below and follow the instructions

1 Troubleshooting in your industry Work with a partner or small group from the same or similar industries

a Find out a bout some imfortant equipment in your industry b Make a list of common operating problems, and their solutions c Write a troubleshooting guide explaining how to show the problem

2 Safety in your industry Work with a partner or small group from the same or similar industries

a Find out the about the causes of common accidents in your industry b Design a safety poster to avoid one of these accidents




Task 1: list as many instruments used for testing and repair in electronics as you can Task 2: how many of these instruments can you identify? Can you explain these use?

Task 3: check your answers to task and by reading this task


16 Multimeter:

This instrument can be use to measure a number of different electrical quantities, such as voltage, current, and resistance, it is a combined voltmeter, ammeter, and ohmmeter Multimeters can have analogue or digital displays and can be switched to different measuring ranges


instrument measure

Logic probe

This instrument is use for measuring voltage levels and pulses in digital logic circuits When the probe is placed on the pin of a logic IC, small coloured leds light up to indicate if a pulse is detected or whether the pin is at a high or a low logic level

Logic probe


This instrument is use to measure fast-moving signals It shows how a signal varies with time or relative to another signal It uses a cathode ray tube to display the wareform of the measured signal on a screen




Function generator

This instrument contains a triangular wave oscillator which can be switched to produce triangular, square, or sine waves over a range of frequences It is use to test and a adjust a variety of electronic equipment such as audio amplifiers The function generator provides a know signal which can be injected into a circuit Often it is used with an oscilloscope so that a visual display of the waveform can be seen

Task 4: which of the instruments would you use to the following?

1.to check a fuse

2 to determine the frequency response of an audio amplifier

3 to test for presence of a control signal on the output pin of a computer chip To determine the value of the current through a transformer

5 to measure the frequency of an oscillator


18 Cathode ray tube

Televisions as well as computers, radar systems, and oscilloscopes use a cathode ray tube(CRT) to produce an output display The construction and operation of the CRT is similar in it case but the simplest type of CRT is found in oscilloscopes


A CRT is really a large vacuum tube valve It has main sections The first sections is an electron which emits a stream of electrons The electron gun contains an electron lens which the electrons into a narrow electron

The second section is a system, which allows the beam to be moved or horizontally Oscilloscopes use charged metal to give deflection, where as televiton sets use electromagnetic coils to give electromagnetic


19 Language study: cause and effect,

Study these statements:

1 The electron beam hits the screen

2. The phosphor glows

Why does the phosphor glow? What is the relationship between statement(1) and (2) Statement (1) is a cause and statement(2) is an effect We can link scause and effect statements in a number of ways Study these ways, which use cause and make

1. The electron beam hits the screen causing The phosphor to glow

2 The electron beam hits the screen making The phosphor glow

Now study these cause and effect statements:

3 The phosphor glows

4 A spot is displayed

The effect is in the passive We can link cause and effect like this: The phosphor glows causing a spot to be displayed

Task 6: link each of these cause and effect statements to make one sentence 1.a a magnetic field is set up in the speaker coil

1.b the coil vibrates

2.a the coil pushes and pulls the speaker cone 2.b sound waves are produced

3.a a voltage is applied to a quartz crystal 3.b the quartz crystal expands and contracts 4.a a voltage is applied to the Y –plates 4.b the electron beam is deflected 5.a current flows through the filament 5.b the heater glows

Task 7: study these examples of compound nouns: Study these examples of compound nuons:

A signal generator = equipment for generating signals A cassettte player = equipment for playing cassettes A battery tester= equipment for testing batteries What we call equipment for



2 Receiving radio(signals)? Charging batteries?

4 Amplyfing aerial(signal)? Filtering(out) noise? Synthesizing speech? Cleaning cassete heads?

8 Amplifying (the) power(of a signal)? Sensing vibration?

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 16:09



