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Đề cương ôn tập học kì 1 – lớp 11 (năm 2009 - 2010) - Trường THPT Trần Phú

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Perfect participle: having + PII - Phân từ hoàn thành được sử dụng để làm ngắn hoặc kết hợp các mệnh đề có cùng chủ ngữ nếu : một hành động hành động diễn tả bởi phân từ hoàn thành hoà[r]

(1)Trường THPT Trần phú ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ – LỚP 11(2009 - 2010) UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP 1/ PRONUNCIATION: /d / - /t / -Trong từ có các chữ cái sau phát âm là /d /: j, g , dg Ex: jam , gentle, edge ( Except : soldier , education) Trong các từ có các chữ cái sau phát âm là /t / : ch, tu ,tch Ex : chop , culture , catch 2/ GRAMMAR: a Infinitive with TO: -Some common verbs which are usually followed by TOInfinitive: hope,offer, expect, plan, refuse ,want, intend, seem ,fail, decide, appear, manage, promise, pretend ,agree, ask , afford… Ex: -We hope to see you again next week - She invites us to attend her lecture tomorrow Form : S + V + TO –Infinitive… +/ Notes: - describle a purpose - answer for the question with Why….? - used after an Adjective, Question words ( who, what , where , how….) - used with something, nothing, nowhere , anybody… b Infinitive without TO: - used with Modal verbs ( can, could, will, would ,shall, should….) - used with Make , Let, Have - used after the verbs of observation, action, sense such as: see, hear watch, feel, think, notice, overhear… Ex: She could hear them talk about their plan Form : S + V + (O) + Infinitive… Most passengers dislike (have) to sit in small uncomfortable seats on long flights Did Dick mean (tell) Sue about the party or did it slip out accidentally? 3.The judge demanded _(see) the original documents not the photocopy 4.You must keep _(practise) on the computer until you understand how to use all of the programmes I must drive more carefully I can’t rist (get) another speeding ticket I saw him (passing/to pass/ passed/ passes) my house They found a tree (to lie/lying/ lies/lay) across the road I’m looking forward to (meet/ to meet/ meeting/ met) You can’t prevent him from( spending/spend/spends/to spend) his own money 10 If she catches you(to read/ reading/to be read) her dairy, she’ll be furios 11 She smelt st - and saw smoke -( burnt-rise/ burning-rising/ burnt-rose/) 12 They denied ( to be/ be/ having been/ not being) there/ 13 ( having failed/ fail/to fail/being fail) twice, he didn’t want to try again 14 They spent a lot of money ( modernize/to modernize/ modernizing/ modernized) 15 They waste a whole afternoon(repair) the bike. -16 The children admitted (take)the money -17 I caught him ( clim) over my wall I askes him (explain) but he refused (say) - anything So in the end I had( let) him(go) - 18 It’s easy (see) animals on the road in daylight but sometimes at night it’s difficult (avoid) (hit) -them 19 I’m even planning ( go ) dancing with a guy from my class 20 Why don’t you consider (visit) me ? I really miss ( see) you 21 Please write I always enjoy ( hear ) from you UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES 1/ PRONUNCIATION: /m/ ,/n/ ,/ / - các âm /m/ ,/n/ có thể xuất vị trí từ : đầu, và cuối, âm / / không có vi trí đầu từ - n đứng trước g k thì phát âm là / / Ex: hungry, kings, drink - “ng” or “ngue” đứng cuối từ phát âm là: / / Ex: sing ,tongue, walking 2/ GRAMMAR: a the past simple tense: - Form: Aff : S +V2/ Ved (was/ were) +… Neg : S +Did not + Vinfinitiv +… Inter: Did +S +Vinfinitive +… ? - Use : diễn tả hành động xảy quá khứ và kết thúc quá khứ thời gian xác định quá khứ( thường kèm với các trạng từ : ago, yesterday, last night, last week, last month… ) b the past progressive tense: -Form : Aff: S + Was/ Were +V-ing +… Neg : S + Was / Were +Not + V-ing +… Inter : Was/ Were +S +V-ing +…… ? - Use : Diễn tả hành động xảy quá khứ vào thời điểm xác định cụ thể , thường dùng với cụm từ “at” Ex: I was sleepng at a.m last Monday - Diễn tả hành động xảy (QKTD) ,thì hành động khác xen vào (QKĐ) ( WHEN,WHILE, AS…) Ex: Iwas reading a book while she was cooking c.The past perfect tense: - Form: Aff: S +had + V3/ Ved +… Neg : S + had +not + V3/ Ved +… Inter : Had + S + V3/ Ved +….? - Use: - Diễn tả hành động xảy trước thời điểm quá khứ (by) Ex: By 1997 I had graduted from university - Diễn tả hành động đã hoàn thành trước hành động khác quá khứ( before, after, by the time ), hành động xảy trước dùng thì QKHT, hành động xảy sau dùng thì QKĐ */ S +Vqkđ + After + S +Vqkht */ S + Vqkht +Before +S + V qkđ **Exercise: Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thảo Lop11.com (2) Trường THPT Trần phú ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ – LỚP 11(2009 - 2010) We the news when - lunch.( hear/ have) Mary the first novel when she 19 years old( write/be) I on the computer when the light –out.( work/ go) When it – to rain , they through the forest Mary -– her glasses at that time , so she - what kind od car the man -.(not wear/ not know/drive) When the police arrived the car -(go) 7.They – everything by the time they at the party.(eat/arrive) When they to the station, the train (get/ leave) I the film last night because I - it several times before(not see/see) 10 While she - her favorite program, there - a power cut ( watch/ be) **Exercise: simple past or past perfect 1.Yesterday John ……( go ) to the store before he … ( go ) home 2.When John and I got to the theatre, the movie ……( start ) already 3.When we ………….( finish ) our meal , we ……… ( go ) for a walk After we …… ( finish ) work, we ……… ( watch ) T.V 5.By the time he ……………… ( be ) twenty five, he …………… ( make ) a million pounds 6.When we …………… ( come ) out of the restaurant, we saw that our car ………………… ( disappear ) 7.I ………… ( not ) watch the film because I ………… ( see ) it before 8.When I got home , I…………………… (switch ) on the answer phone Several people …………( leave ) massages for me 9.I ………… ( go ) home after I …… ( ) all my work 10.Before I ……… ( buy ) a bike, I …………( save ) enough money UNIT3: A PARTY 1/ PRONUNCIATION: /l/ , /r/ , /h/ Ex: /l/ /r/ /h/ lunch pretty hit lovely Europe house glass really holiday jelly library husband - The letter “h” is silent when it folows “g, k, r” at the beginning of a word Ex: ghost, rhinocer - The letter “h” is always silent in the words : honest, hour, honour - The “l” can be silent in the words : half , calm ,talk , could - The “r” is silent if there is no vowel sound after it Ex: artist, organ , urgent 2/ GRAMMAR: a Infinitive : - Form : S + V +(O) +To Infinitive +… - Some common verbs which are followed To Infinitive: appear, help, hope, learn , expect , fail , want, attempt , seem, promise, happen ,decide , would like, wish ,manage, ask , choose ,… Ex: I want to see the doctor b Gerund: -Form : S +V +(O) + V-ing +… - Some common verbs which are followed Gerund: avoid, escape, deny, mention, suggest, practise, keep, finish, delay , postpone, mind, miss, recall, enjoy, prevent, consider, can’t stand, give up… c.Passive Infinitive and Gerund : - Passive Infinitive: To Be + PII( past participle) Ex: I didn’t expected to be invited to their party - ĐTNM thể bị động dùng sau số động từ để bị động chủ ngữ Ex : We hope to be considered again - Thể BĐ ĐTNM dùng đưa lý , sau các ADJ, dùng để diễn tả tính chất ỏ thái độ hành động tương lai.Cũng dùng sau danh từ -Passive Gerund: Being + PII ( past participle) Ex: She appreciates being invited to my wedding -Thể BĐ DĐT có thể làm S, O, động từ , O giới từ I) Choose the best option The new students hope - in many of the school’s social activities A including B being included C to include D to be included Barbara didn’t mention - about her progress at work, but I’m sure she is A concerning B being concerned C to concern D to be concerned Please forgive me I didn’t mean - you A upsetting B being upset C to upset D to be upset Sally gave such a good speech that I couldn’t resist loudly when she finished A applauding B being applauded C to applaud D to be applauded Paul didn’t mind - by his fortieth birthday party held by his friends A surprising B being surprised C to surprise D to be surprised I finally finished - at 7.00 p.m and served dinner A to cook B to be cooked C cooking D being cooked7 Would you mind not - on the radio until I’ve finished with this phone call? A turning B being turned C to turn D to be turned The baby continued - even after she was picked up A being crying B having cried C have been crying D to cry Although younger than the other children, Daisy demanded - in the game A to include B to be included Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thảo Lop11.com (3) Trường THPT Trần phú ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ – LỚP 11(2009 - 2010) C including D being including 10 The driver was so tired of the same route every day that he asked for a transfer A to drive B being driven C driving D drive 11 Instead of - about the good news, Tom seemed to be indifferent A exciting B to excite C being excited D to be excited 12 Jack got into trouble when he refused his briefcase for the customs officer A opening B being opened C to open D to be opened 13 We can’t count on - by our parents every time we get into financial difficulty A rescuing B being rescued C to rescue D to be rescued 14 Ms Brown expects - about any revisions to her manuscript before it is printed A consulting B being consulted C to consult D to be consulted 15 If we want to develop inner tranquility, we have to stop by every little thing A being bothered B bothering C to bother D to be bothered 16 Alice didn’t expect - to Bill’s party A asking B being asked C to ask D to be asked 17 The nurse suggested - two aspirins A to take B taking C to be taken D being taken 18 The mouse avoided - by coming out only when the two cats were outside A catching B to be caught C being caught D to catch 19 We were shocked to hear the news of your fired A having been B having C to be D to have been 20 Mary’s children are used to - up after school every day A picking B pick C be picked C being picked II Infinitives or gerund We’re going out for dinner Would you like (join) _us? Jack avoided (look) _ at me Fred didn’t have any money, so he decided (look) _ for a job The teacher reminded the students (complete) _their assignments Do you enjoy (play) _.soccer? I was broke, so Jenny offered (lend) _me a little money Mrs Allen promised (not be) ) _ late for the meeting tomorrow My boss expects me (finish) _ this work as soon as possible Jane had to go out again because she had forgotten (buy) _ some bread at the market 10 Even though I asked the people in front of me at the movie (keep) _quiet, they kept (talk) _ 11 Joan and David were consider (get) married in June, but they finally decided (wait) _until August 12 Our teacher encourages us (look) over a dictionary whenever we are uncertain of the spelling of a word 13 Before I left home to go away to college my mother reminded me (write) to her a letter at least once a week 14 Mrs Jackson warned her young son (not touch) _ the hot stove She was afraid he would burn his fingers 15 I don’t mind (live) _alone 16 The teacher seems (be) _in a good mood today, don’t you think? 17 Lucy pretended (forget) the answer to my question 18 Dick intends (write) _to his friend a letter 19 Residents are not allowed (bring) _ pets in my apartment building 20 All applicants are required (take) _ an entrance examination UNIT: VOLUNTEER WORK 1/ PRONUNCIATION: /w/ , /j/ - EX: /w/ /j/ we jes west yellow wine wine whale use 2/ GRAMMAR : a.Gerund and present participle : +/ Gerund : V-ing - DĐT là hình thức động từ thêm –ing có chức danh từ Nó sử dụng: - as the subject of the sentence : Ex: Flying makes me nervous - as the complement of the verb “ to be” : Ex: My favorite hobby is fishing - after prepositions: Ex: He is good at learning English - after a number of “ phrasal verbs” which are compsed of a verb + preposition/ adverb ( to look forward to, to give up , to be for/against, to take to, to put off,….) Ex: She always puts off going to the dentist - in compound nouns ( a driving lesson, a swimming pool….) - after the expressions (can’t help, can’t stand , it’s no use/good ,…) and the adjective worth +/Present participle: V-ing , and is used in the following ways: - as part of the continuous form of a verb Ex : I am working -after verbs of movement/ position in the pattern: Verb + present participle ( to go shopping, to go fishing , to go walking, to go dancing….) Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thảo Lop11.com (4) ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ – LỚP 11(2009 - 2010) Ex: She came running towards me - after verbs of perception in the pattern : Verb + object + present participle Ex : I heard someone playing the guitar */Notes : có khác biệt việc sử dụng động từ nguyên mẫu không To và phân từ Động từ nguyên mẫu không có To thể hành động hoàn thành còn phân từ thể hành động hành động chua hoàn thành Ex: - I heard Nga singing - I heard Nga sing - as an adjective Ex : -It was an amazing film - with the verbs spend and waste, in the pattern : Verb + time/money expression + present participle Ex: My boss spends two hours a day travelling to work - with the verbs catch and find , in the pattern: Verb + object + present participle Ex: Don’t let him catch you reading his letters - to replace a sentence or part of a sentence: Ex: Knowing that she likes roses , he gave her a bunch of red on her bithday c Perfect gerund : having + PII -Danh động từ hoàn thành nhấn mạnh hành động diễn tả danh động từ hoàn thành diễn ra/ hoàn thành trước các hành động khác Ex: He was accused of having deserted his ship d Perfect participle: having + PII - Phân từ hoàn thành sử dụng để làm ngắn kết hợp các mệnh đề có cùng chủ ngữ : hành động ( hành động diễn tả phân từ hoàn thành ) hoàn thành trước hành động bắt đầu Một hành động đã diến khoảng thời gian thì hành động khác bắt đầu Ex: She bought a bike and cycled home →Having bought a bike , she cycled home Trường THPT Trần phú Now → then To night → that night Today → that day Yesterday → the day before Tomorrow → the day after, the next day Ago → before This week → that week Last week → the week before, the previous week ……… **Exercise: 1.“How many students are there in your class ?” ( ASKED) ………………………………………………………… 2.“You should go to the lecture” (ADVISED) ………………………………………………………… Jack said, “I have studied English for five years, Mary.” (TOLD) ………………………………………………………… She said, “ Have you got a new car, Jack ?” (ASKED) ………………………………………………………… He said to her, “ Give my regards to your parents.” (TOLD) ………………………………………………………… “Don’t talk to that man”, she said.(TOLD) ………………………………………………………… 'Switch off the TV,' he said to her  'Shut the door, Tom,' she said  'Lend me your pen for a moment,' I said to Mary  10 'Don't watch late-night horror movies,' I warned them  11 'Don't believe everything you hear,' he warned me  12 'Please fill up this form,' the secretary said UNIT 5: ILLITERACY  1/PRONUNCIATION: /pl/ , /bl/ , /pr/ , /br/ 13 'Don't hurry,' I said  Ex: /pl/ /bl/ /pr/ /br/ 14 'Don't touch that switch, Mary,' I said please black pretty bread  _ plenty blue pride brown 15 'Open the safe!' the raiders ordered the bank clerk play blow practice broad  2.GRAMMAR: 16 'Please as I say,' he begged me a.Reported speech with infinitive ( to infinitive)  _ - form : VERB + OBJECT + TO – INFINITIVE (NOT TO 17 'Help your mother, Peter,' Mr Pitt said  INFINITVE) -Verbs used in the form : advise, demand, remind ,allow 18 'Don't make too much noise, children,' he said  ,ask, request, tell , expect, agree, order, warn, wish cause 19 'Do whatever you like,' she said to us convince, promisse, encourge … +.Notes:  -Đổi đại từ nhân xưng , đại từ hay tính từ sở hữu cho phù 20 'Don't miss your train,' she warned them  _ hợp với chủ ngữ tân ngữ mệnh đề chính -Bỏ từ “please” và dấu ngoặc đơn , ngoặc kép có 21 'Read it before you sign it,' he said to his client - Đổi số tính từ định và trạng từ , trạng ngữ  _ This → that These → those UNIT : COMPETITIONS Here → there Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thảo Lop11.com (5) Trường THPT Trần phú ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ – LỚP 11(2009 - 2010) ………………………………………………………… 1/ PRONUNCIATION : /tr/ ,/dr/ , /tw/ Ex: /tr/ /dr/ /tw/ troops drink twin tropical dress twelve trousers drive twenty 2/ GRAMMAR: a.Reported speech with gerund: - Form: S +V + (O ) + (Preposition )+ (Not) V-ing - Verbs followed by V-ing: adimt, deny, cofess, consider, delay, detest ,practise, quit, suggest, enjoy, avoid, apologise for, escape from, dream of, warn against, thank …for, accuse of, … - The changes in indirected speech: +/ people , place, time +/ tense Present simple → past simple Present progressive → past progressive Present perfect → past perfect Present perfect progressive → past perfect progressive Past simple → past perfect …… +/ Adverbials of time **Exercise: 1.“ If the weather is fine I will go on a picnic with my friends “ She said to me She told me that …………………………………………………………… 2“ I would have to come to see you if I had known you were ill, Jim “ he said He ………………………………………………… 3.“ You will be surprised if you meet him “ Peter said to me Peter told me ………………………………………… 4“ If today were Sunday, we wouldn’t go to school “ they said to me They told me ……………………………………………………… 5.He wished he had invited her to his birthday party  He regretted ………………………………………… “ I am sorry I couldn’t come to visit you last summer “  He apologized ………………………………………… “ I hear you won the championship Congratulation ! “  Jane congratulated …………………………………… “ You mustn’t drink to much caffeine , Tom“  Jane warned …………………………………………… He had spent his childhood in Oslo so he knew the city well  Having……………………………………………… 10 “ Would you like some coffee , Mike ? “  Jane offered to make ……………………………… 17.“I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier”, Margaret said to you.( APOLOGIZED) ………………………………………………………… 18 “You didn’t what I said”, the mother said to her son (ACCUSED ) ………………………………………………………… 19 “ I must see the manager!” he cried ( INSISTED) 20 “I did not steal the car,” he said ( DENIED) ………………………………………………………… Unit : WORLD POPULATION I PRONUNCIATION: * /kl/: clean, class, claim, quickly, click, clever, club, clothes, clown, cloudy, clarify, clock, * /gl/: glean, glass, glance, struggle, ugly, glue, * / kr/: crowd, cranky, crash, creature, ice-cream, cricket, * /gr/: grow, green, group, ground, grey, * /kw/: quarrel, quarter, quality, queen, quick, acquaintance, II GRAMMAR: TYPES OF CONDITIONAL SENTENCES A THREE OF CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Type I If + S + Vo/-s/es , S + will/can + Vo is/am/are TypeII If + S + V-ed/ V2 , S + would/could/ Were should + Vo Type III If + S + had + V-ed/ V3 , S + would /could/should + have + V-ed/ V3 B CONDITIONAL IN REPORTED SPEECH (Điều kiện câu gián tiếp) * Ta giữ nguyên thì điều kiện loại và * Đổi thì điều kiện loại If clause : S + is / am /are thành S + was / were V1/ s / es Main clause: S + will + V1 thành S + would + V1 Ex: She said “ If it rains, I will not come” - She said if it rained, she would not come I/ give the correct form of the verbs Be careful, Tom I(not hurry) this decision if I were you If I(stay) at home, I would be in the university now Jim isn’t at home now If he(be) at home, I (visit) him If John(know) .there were a test yesterday, he(study) If there were no sunshine, we all (die) soon What(you/do) if you were in my situation? If I(have) a spare ticket now, I(take) you to the concert If there were not gravity, water (not run) downhill 10 He always says hello if he(see) me 12 I wouldn’t have been so upset if Judy (write) to me earlier 14 The engine starts if you (turn) this key 15 What (you/say) .if I offered you a job? 23 If I (know) that you were coming, I (bake) a cake 24 I (offer) to help him if I (realize) .that he was ill 25 If I (realize) what a bad driver you were, I (come) with you Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thảo Lop11.com V (6) Trường THPT Trần phú ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ – LỚP 11(2009 - 2010) 26 If I (realize) that the traffic lights were red, I (stop) 27 If my father (arrive) a bit earlier yesterday, I (not / miss) the last train UNIT CELEBRATIONS There’s … gin in the cupboard but there aren’t glasses They can’t have … more strawberries; I want … to make jam … one I know told me … of the details Have you … idea who could have borrowed your bicycle? 10 I saw hardly … one I knew at the party, and I didn’t get … thing to drink 11 When you would like to come? … day would suit me 12 Are there … letters for me? 13 Don’t let … one in I’m busy to see … body 14 … thing tells me you’ve got … bad news for me 15 I can’t see my glasses … where Choose the best answer among A,B,C, or D Were there any calls for me? – Yes,……………… rang while you were out A someone B anyone C no one D A & B Do you need thick paper or thin …………………? A anyone B everyone C one D ones We all know the man is a thief, don’t we ? – Yes ……… knows, but ………dares to say so publicly A someone / no one B everyone / no one C anyone / no one D anyone / someone Can you please check that ……………has got a ticket? A someone B anyone C no one D everyone I threw my old trainers and brought some new ………………………… A ones B one C some D any There’s ……….waiting outside to see you She didn’t tell me her name A no one B anyone C someone D everyone There are two films on TV this evening Which ………………would you prefer to see? A one B ones C someone D anyone I would like to offer a small reward to ………………….who finds my missing dog A someone B anyone C no one D one ……………… waiting to hear the results A Everyone was B All was C Everyone were D All were 10 I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find ……….at all A no one B anyone C someone D somebody 11 She has a good chance as ……….of winning the race A someone B anyone C everyone D no one 12 He wasn’t noticed by ……… as he crept of the boat A no one B none C anyone D not one 13 Can there be ……who has not stood in awe at the night A no one B none C someone D anyone 14 I doubt whether ………… could read your letter; your hand writing is really terrible A somebody B anybody C nobody D everybody 15 He could nothing He couldn’t ………………… A something B nothing C anything D everything PRONUNCIATION: - / fl/ : floor, fluoride, fly, flower, flu, overflow, flag, - / fr/ : fry, frozen, fruit, afraid, Friday, friend - /r/ : thrive, threaten, through, overthrow, three, II GRAMMAR: * Pronouns one(s), someone, no one, anyone, everyone - Some , any and no are used with countable nouns and uncountable nouns Each and Every are used only with singular countable nouns The compound some , any ,no are pronouns , no noun can be used with them 1.Some : (some / Someone / Somebody / Some where ) Used : in affirmative sentences, in questions when a positive answer is expected, in polite request and offer Ex : Someone took my key by mistake Are you looking for something ? Would you like some cake ? 2.Any : (any / anyone / anybody / anything / any where) Used : in questions , in affirmative sentences meaning no matter which , in negative sentences when not or other negative words are included Ex : Is anyone in the chicken ? I don’t eat anything spicy Hardly anyone has arrived yet 3.No: ( no one / nobody / nothing / nowhere) Used : in negative sentences instead of not any , or other negative words can be used Ex : He has nowhere to go Every (Everyone/ everybody / everything / everywhere ) Used : when we consider people or things a group Ex : I found everyone of these books interesting EXERCISES Complete these sentences by using in definite pronouns: 1.I’d like to read , please 2.I’m afraid there is not to drink 3.There was at the desk this morning 4.Please give this letter to in Mary’s family 5.There is not in the library now 6.He is speaking to on the phone now 7.‘Would you like a beer”? NO, .to drink , thanks 8.Mary did not buy .when she went shopping 9.Did you talk to about your problem ? 2.Insert some or any, making the appropriate compounds if necessary There’s … milk in that jug She wanted … stamps but there weren’t … in the machine I’m afraid there isn’t … coffee left; will you grid …? English written test Is there … one here who speaks Italian? Part 1: Phonetic I’d like to buy … new clothes but I haven’t … Choose the word which has pronounced differently money Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thảo Lop11.com (7) Trường THPT Trần phú ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ – LỚP 11(2009 - 2010) a write b who c watch d whose Choose the word which has pronounced differently a furiuos b future c number d amuse Choose the word which has pronounced differently a lonely b young c yes d lawyer Choose the word which has pronounced differently a unit b stupid c study d student Choose the word which has pronounced differently a called b flooded c suffered d issued Part 2: Vocabulary and structures The great in my life is to become a successful actor a ambition b goal c plan d intention We often go to Florida the winter a during b while c before d until The Rolling Stones have pleasure to millions of fans for more than 40 years a made b put c given d done I thuoght he was small but in he’s rather tall, isn’t he? a actual b fact c deed d particular 10 It took her to find the building she was looking for a time b while c money d ages 11 Mr Peter is my new neighbour He moved in a few weeks ago His house is to mine a next door b behind c Beside d to the left 12 Peter second in the competition for the best short story a got b took c came d did 13 Everybody found the talk Some students even fell asleep a bore b boring c bored d to bore 14 Thanks for your helping me I’ll the same for you in sometime a graceful b favor c Return d appriciate 15 I Casablanca for the first time last night I it before a saw/ had never seen b have seen/ had never seen c see/ have never seen d was seeing/ has never seen 16 We work hard to raise our of living a standard b level c surface d mood 17 He was offered the job his qualifications were poor a despite b in spite of c even though d whereas 18 He devoted most of his time novels a to have written b to write c to writing d to having written 19 Who suggested here for a picnic? a come b came c to come d coming 20 Yesterday I to a funiture store I bought a new lamp there a went b could go c could have gone d ought to have gone 21 of the students in my class could solve the problem yesterday a None b Neither c Either d Not much 22 Would you mind me a hand with this bag? a give b Giving c to give d to have given 23 He stops smoking a He no longer smokes b He stops and smokes c He keeps on smoking d Smoking interests him 24 My father enjoyed stories a telling b to tell c have told d to be told 25 Yesterday Ann introduced me to her husband As I asw him, I that I him before We went to primary school together a knew/ met b had known/ had met c knew/ had met d known/ had met 26 If you to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now a listen b will listen c had listened d listened 27 He persuaded his friend for a job a look b looking c to look d looked 28 Did you anywhere interesting last weekend? a go b went c was going d gone 29 “ Can I borrow your car this evening?’ – “ Sire, but Nora’s using it right now If she it back in time, you’ re well come to borrow it.” a brought b.would bring c will bring d.brings 30 If I could speak Spainish, I next year studying in Mexico a would spend b would have spend c had spent d will spend 31 If I the same problems you had as a child, I might not have succeeded in life as well as you have a have b would have c had had d If I can 32 If someone into the store, smile and say,”May I help you?” a comes b came c would come d could come 33 I doubt whether could read your letter, your handwriting is really terrible a somebody b anybody c Nobody d everybody 31 “ I am sorry I’m late.” - She apologized a be late b for being late d being late d for be late 32 “ I didn’t break the window.” - He denied a to breaking b have broken c breaking d break 33 “ If you get married to your teacher, we will be very sad.” - My parents prevented me to my teacher a get married b getting married c from get married d from getting married 34 “ It was very nice of you to invite us for dinner Thank you very much.” They thanked me to dinner a for invite them b for inviting them c invite them d inviting them 35 “ You should stay until your husband comes home.” - She insisted until my husband came home a my stay b my staying c on my staying d to my stay Read the following passage and choose the most appropriate answer from a,b,c or d Water is necessary for life People can live only (36) a few days without it Yet nearly 25 million people die (37) year .(38) it Both industrial nation and less developed countries are worried about the quality and quanti of water in the world Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thảo Lop11.com (8) ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ – LỚP 11(2009 - 2010) .(39) United Nations named the 1980s the World Water decade The UN hoped to provide (40) water for everyone by 1990 36 a few b a few c many d little 37 a each b a c the d # 38 a because b with c for d because of 39 a An b A c The d # 40 a pure b clear c clean d dirty Choose the underline part among a,b,c or d that needs correcting 41 There is a big tree lie across the street ab c d 42 Tom apologised to being late for class a b c d 43 He didn’t come to class for two days, and anyone knows where he is a b c d 44 She said that she will be here the next day a b c d 45 She was busy decorate the house a b c d Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thảo Lop11.com Trường THPT Trần phú (9)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 08:57

