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Ôn tập Tiếng Anh 11 - Test 20

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"I will not complete the work unless you pay me 500 pounds extra" said Frank.. "I will not complete the work if you pay me 500 pounds extra" said Frank.[r]

(1)TEST 20 Part 1: Phonetics: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group A cups B stamps C books D pens A garden B part C care D card A sit B leak C hit D lick A hated B liked C finished D chopped A destroy B intend C end D cent Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group A shampoo B toothpaste C cigar D discos A country B tourist C receipt D children A travel B survive C worry D visit A families B government C magazine D together 10 A reporter B racial C marvelous D recently Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D 11 "Excuse me Do you know where the bus terminal is?" "It is the large police station" A opposite B opposed to C opposite with D opposite to 12 "Those students will perform the annual school play" "Yes, it is for next week" A due B scheduled C time-tabled D put on 13 This new service will be available to all users up for paid membership A that signed B that signed it C which signed D sign 14 That is a story of hardship our own situation into perspective A puts C it puts C that it puts D that puts 15 getting the highest result in the class, John still had problems with the teacher A Despite of B In spite of C Even though D Nonetheless 16 he was seen to be an aggressive politician, he was a quiet and loving family man at home A Although B Despite C In spite of D Nevertheless 17 It is said he was a man, to have the vision of an eagle and courage of a lion A who appeared B he appeared C that appears D and appears 18 Before Johnson & Smith reached great heights in the business world, encountered many great difficulties in promoting their theories and methods A they B who C which D and 19 A gifted scientist, Newton some of the most fundamental laws in the history of science A keeps discovering B who discovered C the discoverer of D discovered Last saved by Janny Lop11.com 8/23/2019 (2) 20 21 22 23 24 25 As it had not rained for several months, there was a of water A waste B shortage C drop D lost The concert was not successful Only friends came to hear him play A few B a few C several D a little My teacher has given me precious advice A a great deal of B most of C many D at lot Vehicles also account air pollution in the city A for B to C with D on There is always traffic in the city centre in the rush-hour A many B strong C full D heavy Thank you very much It's very you to help me A good with B good of C good about D good for Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one? 26 Although the weather was terrible we had a good time A We have a good time because of the terrible weather B We had a good time in spite of the terrible weather C Despite of the terrible weather we had a good time D We didn’t have a good holiday because of the terrible weather 27 I regret taking up smoking A I feel sorry for not taking up smoking B I wish I had taken up smoking C I wish I hadn't taken up smoking D I wish I give up smoking 28 It's too cold for swimming today A We could go swimming if it were not so cold today B It is not cold enough for swimming today C I cannot go swimming today because I have got a cold D It is a very cold day today 29 "Have you seen my gloves anywhere, Eric?" asked Mrs Noble A Mrs Noble asked Eric if he has seen her gloves anywhere B Mrs Noble asked Eric if has he seen her gloves anywhere C Mrs Noble asked Eric if he saw her gloves anywhere D Mrs Noble asked Eric if he had seen her gloves anywhere 30 "I will complete the work only if you pay me 500 pounds extra" said Frank A "I will not complete the work if you pay me 500 pounds extra" said Frank B "I will not complete the work unless you pay me 500 pounds extra" said Frank C "I will not complete the work if you pay me 500 pounds extra" said Frank D "I will not complete the work unless you pay me 500 pounds extra" said Frank Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting 31 After the social science lecture (A) all students are invited to (B) take parts in a discussion (C) of the issues which (D) were raised in the talk 32 If you (A) lend me that book, I promise that I (B) will give it back (C) by Friday (D) on the latest Last saved by Janny Lop11.com 8/23/2019 (3) 33 34 35 He was (A) accused of (B) stealing an old lady in the high street (C) just after she (D) had left the bank Let me (A) knowing when you (B) come back from your holidays so that we (C) can make arrangements (D) to meet This (A) meat is very (B) hard and I think you (C) should ask the (D) chef to cook it for a bit longer Part 3: Reading Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D Students should be allowed to study without worrying about grades Fortunately, most educators are becoming aware of the fact that students have different interests and abilities However, the regimentation resulting from grades still exists Grades often stifle creativity Competing for better grades causes many students to turn down opportunities to pursue music, dramatics and sports Grades impose an arbitrary standard of success on everyone I not demand as some extremists do, that grades be abolished immediately However, I believe that less emphasis should be placed on grades, I hope that someday grades will become optional at Village High School 36 37 38 39 40 Magdalena Smith thinks it is important for A students to get good jobs B students to participate in music, dramatics, and sports C students to compete more for grades D educators to have more control over grades Which of the following states a fact about grades at Village High School? A They are not useful B They foster unnecessary competition C They should be optional D They are currently in use Grades A promote creativity B enhance competition C limit creativity D limit success Which of the following is NOT an opinion expressed by Magdalena Smith A Grades should be abolished B Grades impose arbitrary standards of success C Students should be able to learn without worrying about grades D Competition many discourage students from pursuing subjects such as drama and art Magdalena Smith think that there should be A more emphasis on grades B less emphasis C less emphasis on music, dramatics and sports D less emphasis on an arbitrary standard of success I not think it possible for many people at the age of six to be able to predict their future with (41) _ accuracy However, at that age I felt confident enough to inform my mother that I intended (42) _ my own zoo and moreover, I added, I would give her a Last saved by Janny Lop11.com 8/23/2019 (4) cottage in the grounds to live (43) _ If my mother had been and American parents, she (44) _ me to the nearest psychiatrist however, being fairly phlegmatic, she merely said she thought that it (45) _ lovely and promptly forgot (46) _ She should have been warned since, from the age of two, I (47) _ matchboxes and my pockets with a wide variety of the smaller fauna that came (48) _ my way, so the progress from a matchbox to a zoo (49) _ predicted it is nice to record though that, before she died, I had fulfilled my promise and (50) _ her to live in my zoo, not in a cottage but in a manor house 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 A an b any A on having B that I would have A B in A must have rushed C should probably have rushed B would be B was going to be A B all about A was filling B have filled A on B by A could be B could have A taking B have taken C the D no C to have D having C at D by B would have rushed probably D would probably have rushed C had been D was to be C all about it D about C filled D had been filling C D at C could have been D may have been C taken D take d c b a a a c b d 10 a 11 a 12 b 13 a 14 d 15 b 16 a 17 a 18 a 19 d 20 b 21 a 22 a 23 a 24 d 25 b 26 b 27 c 28 a 29 d 30 b 31 b 32 d 33 b 34 a 35 b 36 b 37 d 38 c 39 a 40 b 41 b 42 c 43 b 44 d 45 a 46 c 47 d 48 c 49 c 50 c Last saved by Janny Lop11.com 8/23/2019 (5)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 08:16

