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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 9: Review grammar

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Write a letter to your pen friend to describe the Competition.using the following cues : + Where and when the competition took place + Who organised it?. + Who participated in it?[r]

(1)Period: REVIEW GRAMMAR Preparing date: Teaching date:B2…… B4 I Aims: - Use reported speech with gerund appropriately - Write a letter to describe a competition that they have seen or joined II Method: Integrated, mainly communication III Teaching aids: Notebook, lesson plan IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up - Review the grammar: Grammar: Explains Ls how to use: Reported speech with gerund: 1.Reported oders and requests: + to suggest + verb- ing + to admit + verb- ing - Direct speech Ex: Shall we go for a swim now? ->Indirect speech: She suggested going for a swim 2.Reported offers & suggestions: + accuse sb of + verb- ing + prevent sb from + verb- ing + thank sb for + verb- ing *Direct speech: Ex; It’s really nice of you to visit me -> Indirect speech: She thanked him for visiting her Exercise1 *Introduce: Asks Ss to change direct speech into report speech Begin each of the sentences in the way shown - Give Ss some new words and write them on the board then explain the meaning - Guides Ss to make some strategies - Asks Ss to read carefully sentences - Write the example on the board Ex: “ Thank for me helping” Mary said + Mary thanked me for helping her - Guide Ss to strategies “I’ll drive you to the airport I insist” John said to Lan Lop11.com - Listen and prepare - Listen to the teacher carefully - study - Copy down the notebook - Study - Copy down the notebook - Study - Copy down the notebook Exercise 1: - Change direct speech into report speech Begin each of the sentences in the way shown - Copy down the notebook - Read carefully sentences - Look at the sentence example and work individually and then discuss the following pairs - Compare the answer with friends - Write the correct answers: Dung insisted on driving Lan to the airport (2) + Dung insisted 2.“I’m happy you have passed the final exams Congratulation” Jim said to you + Jim congratulated “ It was nice of you to invite me to the dinner Thank you” Miss White said to Peter + Miss White thanked “Don’t play with the matches!” I said to Jack + I warned “I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier,” + Margaret said to you + Margaret apologized not “ I have always wanted to be a pilot” Paul said to you + Paul has always dream of “You didn’t what I said” the mother said to son + The mother accused - Asks Ss to look at the sentence example and work individually and then discuss the following pairs - Walks around the class to help when necessary - Asks Ss to compare their answer with friends - Calls on Ss to answer and practice the sentences in front of the class - Corrected answer Exercise You have just joined the English Speaking Competition at your school Write a letter to your pen friend to describe the Competition.using the following cues : + Where and when the competition took place + Who organised it? + Who participated in it? + How the contest went on? + Who won the competition ? + If you enjoyed it or not Why / Why not? - Guides Ss to use some strategies before class - Asks Ss to work in group and write a letter to your pen friend to describe the Competition - Asks Ss to compare the writing with friends - Calls some Ss to read a letter before class and give opinion - Remarks and check the lesson Homework - Asks Ss to review again Jim congratulated me on passing the final exams Miss White thanked Peter for inviting her to the dinner I warned Jack against playing with the matches Margaret apologized for not phoning me earlier Paul has always dream of being/ becoming a pilot The mother accused her son of not doing what she (had) said - Compare the answers with teacher - Practice the sentences in front of the class Exercise - Work in group - Write a letter to your pen friend to describe the Competition - Compare the writing with friends - Write the correct writing I have just joined the English Speaking competition at my school The competition took place last Sunday It was organised by Ho Chi Minh communist youth union The number of participants were twenty The contest went on exciting Tuan of my friend won in the competition and he got a great prize It was a big dictionary I loved the competition very much because of providing us more importance knowlege and things However, making us like learning EL more - Work at home Lop11.com (3)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 08:01

