On the basis of assessing the current situation of Vietnamese human resources and analyzing some of the e ff ects of Industry 4.0 on the tourism sector, the article points out some req[r]
Nguyen Thi Thu Mai, Nguyen Thi Thuyet*
Hoang Duy Anh†
Date received the article: 2/4/2020 Date received the review results: 5/10/2020
Date published the article: 26/10/2020
Abstract: The explosion of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 not only brings opportunities but also creates great challenges for Vietnam’s tourism industry, especially in developing hu-man resources to meet the needs of the tourist market On the basis of assessing the current situation of Vietnamese human resources and analyzing some of the eff ects of Industry 4.0 on the tourism sector, the article points out some requirements for the development of human resources in tourism, that is: Raising awareness of Industry 4.0 and new requirements on the capability of the workforce in the tourism sector to actively study and innovate; Com-pleting guidelines, policies, adjusting planning for human resource development in tourism; Improving training capacity, improving the quality of human resource training for tourism in training institutions; Improving technological infrastructure and information system of the tourism industry; and promoting international cooperation, strengthening public-private cooperation in tourism human resource development.
Keywords: Developing human, tourism, industry 4.0
* Faculty of Tourism - Hanoi Open University † Vietnam National University, Hanoi
1 Introduction
Over the past years, with its remark-able growth rate, tourism has shown a “spearhead” role in the country’s econo-my From 2015-2019, the number of tour-ists has gradually increased each year - number of international visitors increased 8.4 times, reaching over 18 million arriv-als; Domestic tourists tripled, reaching 85 million arrivals in 2019 Total revenue from tourists reached 32.8 billion USD in 2019, an increase of 7.9 times compared to 2015, directly contributing 9.2% into
(2)2 The development context and impacts of the industrial revolution on the tourism industry
Being identifi ed as a key econom-ic sector, in recent years, tourism has re-ceived great attention from the Party and the State Tourism development has been identifi ed as the responsibility of the en-tire political system, all levels, sectors and the whole society, and many policies have been enacted to facilitate tourism in general, tourism and human resourc-es in particular Rresourc-esolution No 08-NQ / TW dated January 16, 2017 of the Minis-try of Finance on “Develop tourism into a key economic sector” also outlines the tasks and solutions for tourism develop-ment, in which the emphasis is made on the need to develop human resources in terms of quantity and quality The resolu-tion clearly stated: “Promote the applica-tion of advanced science and technology in training and fostering tourism human resource development” and “improve the quality of human resources in both state governance, corporate management and labor in tourism” In addition, in the wide-spread context of the Industry 4.0 tide, the Prime Minister has issued Directive No 16 / CT-TTg on strengthening the ability to access the Industry 4.0, and has directed the implementation of measures to make the most of the advantages, while mini-mizing the negative eff ects of the Industry 4.0 on Vietnam, in which the mission for the tourism industry was set: “Proactively review, build plans and key tasks of the industry to implement in accordance with the development trend of the 4th Industri-al Revolution”
As the convergence of a series of new technologies, based on the platform of connection and digital technology
ap-plied in all areas of life, Industry 4.0 has quickly had a profound impact on all areas of socio-economic life, tourism included The internet of things can be applied in ac-commodation and dining services such as: creating smart rooms - self-adjusting tem-perature, lighting, automatic equipment in the room ; predictive failure detection of the service equipment system; food in-ventory tracking and management Ar-tifi cial intelligence (AI) can be used as a virtual assistant to provide information, take care of tourists, resolve complaints, book automatically to increase the qual-ity of the experience and save time for guests Big data can be used in analyzing and selecting target markets, even helping businesses personalize each travel product and service to perfectly meet the needs of travelers
The new technologies of Industry 4.0 applied in the tourism fi eld will create a lot of changes in the method of manage-ment, business, consumption and associ-ated with new requirements on qualifi ca-tions, skills and qualities of the workforce in the tourism industry Industry 4.0 will change the needs and approaches to tour-ism of the tourist market; change some employment positions in the tourism in-dustry; and alter some professional stan-dards in the tourism industry
Industry 4.0 changes the needs and approaches toward tourism of the tourist market:
(3)a global scale at lower costs Travel hab-its, travel behaviors, travel time can all change At the same time, the increasing demand for personalization in tourism products will force the tourism industry and its workforce to actively change in response
Industry 4.0 changes a number of job positions in the tourism industry:
The results of applying new tech-nologies in the tourism industry have formed new tourism trends such as smart travel, virtual reality travel thereby cre-ating new job positions such as marketing staff , online sales, consulting and online customer care, online dât analyzing and processing Meanwhile, some steps in the process of “manufacturing” tourism products and services will be gradually replaced by smart, automated robots such as picking up, ticket checking, luggage transportation, automatic payment assis-tance, security protection so some pub-lic may be lost Namely work such as tick-et conductors, tour guides, tourist advice and care, security staff
Industry 4.0 changes a number of profession standards in the tourism in-dustry:
The increasingly popular appli-cation of technology in work as well as the emergence of new career positions requires the workforce in the industry to have the qualifi cations and skills to use the technologies associated with each specifi c career position Therefore, the standards of many professional positions will inevitably change, in accordance with the requirements of the new situa-tion, with the actual application of tech-nology in specifi c job positions In this context, high-quality tourism human re-sources will become a decisive factor in
competition and ensure success in tour-ism operation, management and business 3 The situation of human resourc-es in tourism
Tourism human resources can be understood as the entire direct or indirect workforce with suffi cient qualifi cations and conditions to work in the tourism sector The growth of Vietnam’s tourism along with the new requirements posed by Industry 4.0 for the tourism industry requires the industry to have a human resource that ensures both quantity and quality However, the reality shows that tourism human resources are lacking in quantity and poor in quality
The shortage of tourism human re-sources:
According to the Institute for Re-search and Development of Tourism, with the same growth rate as the previous time, it is estimated that each year the tourism industry needs about 40,000 more work-ers In 2018, the whole country had 195 training institutions in tourism, of which there were 80 universities but could only supply about 15,000 employees per year The demand for human resources operat-ing in the tourism industry increased by an average of about 40% per year, of which, the demand for workers with university and college degrees accounts for 15% Also according to the forecasts from this Institute, by 2025, Vietnam Tourism will need to add 620,000 workers, and by 2025 2,090,000 more
Quality of human resources for tourism:
(4)index was only 4.8 points, ranked 47th / 140 countries, in the group above average in the world and only higher than Laos and Cambodia in the ASEAN region The ICT readiness index was only 4.3 points, ranked 83/140, in the low average group (WEF, 2019) In the ASEAN region, these rankings are just ahead of Laos and Cam-bodia The ranking indicators refl ect quite accurately the current state of the quality of tourism human resources in Vietnam According to statistics from the Institute of Tourism Research and Development, the proportion of workers trained with ex-pertise in tourism accounts for only 42% of the total number of direct workers in the industry, 38% of workers are from other industries and about 20% only re-ceive on-the-job training without formal training Of the workers trained in tour-ism, only 10% have university and post-graduate degrees, 50% have elementary to intermediate education and 40% only receive training through short classes term Regarding the foreign language lev-el of tourism human resources, the whole industry has about 60% of tourism work-ers know and can use foreign languages, but only 15% can use them fl uently Re-garding the level of technology, the whole industry has about 60% of the employees capable of using computers and equip-ment for work, but mainly associated with simple jobs (Nguyen Van Dinh, 2019)
Thus, it can be seen that the tour-ism human resource still lacks in quantity and still has many limitations in terms of quality Therefore in the face of the rapid development of tourism and the impacts of the new technology wave around the world, it is very urgent to actively improve tourism human resources in both quantity and quality
4 Some requirements for the de-velopment of tourism human resources
First, raising awareness of Industry 4.0 and new requirements on the capabili-ty of the workforce in the tourism sector to actively study and innovate:
The workforce in the entire indus-try must be properly aware of Indusindus-try 4.0 and of the impacts of new technologies on the tourism industry and on each job position As a result, each person working in the industry should be proactive and make eff orts in learning and innovating, improving knowledge, professional qual-ifi cations, professional skills, and ability to use new technologies Accordingly, re-newing thinking and working methods to adapt to new requirements, and to ensure labor effi ciency
Second, perfecting policies, adjust-ing plannadjust-ing for human resource develop-ment in tourism to the new situation:
(5)Third, improving quality of human resources training for tourism in training institutions:
Apply a specifi c procedure in tour-ism training, renovate the program con-tent, training methods and methods asso-ciated with the new requirements of the labor market Enhance the application of advanced technologies in the training of human resources for tourism, and at the same time associate training content with specifi c requirements and updates of groups of employment positions in the in-dustry Training institutions should focus on training high-quality human resources, management personnel at all levels Links between schools and businesses should be enhanced and training models in tourism businesses need to be deployed, to ensure the eff ectiveness of training and retraining activities
Fourth, improving the technology infrastructure and information system of the tourism industry:
Improve the technology infrastruc-ture system to ensure connectivity and enhance the ability of workers to access and use technology in the industry At the same time, it is necessary to form and build a tourism labor market information system to promote the supply-demand connection, and improve the effi ciency of the labor supply-demand connection in the tourism sector
Fifth, promoting international operation, strengthen public-private co-operation:
Promote international coopera-tion activities, strengthen public-private cooperation in tourism human resource development through expert exchange programs, training, retraining and
invest-ment cooperation in training infrastruc-ture, public infrastructure technology to improve human resources, improve the application of new technologies in man-agement, tourism business and other jobs The development of tourism and the explosion of Industry 4.0 not only bring op-portunities but also create great challenges for Vietnam’s tourism industry, especially in the development of human resources in response to the new situation By actively innovating thoughts and actions in the de-velopment of human resources in tourism - ensuring suffi cient quantity and ensuring the quality of human resources, Vietnam tourism really has a solid foundation to seize the “spearhead” role in the national economy and to develop sustainably References:
1 Nguyen Van Dinh (2019), Vietnam tourism human resource in the Industrial Revolution 4.0, Conference Proceedings, Institute of Tourism Development Research
2 Vietnam National Administration of Tour-ism (2011), Vietnam TourTour-ism Development Strategy to 2020, Vision 2030, Hanoi
3 World Economic Forum (2019), The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report
Author address: Faculty of Tourism - Hanoi Open University