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Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective to bleed bite ambulance concious to elevate burn parademic sterile to minimize crutch wheelchair to lie flat emergency tissue damage to lower eye chart to [r]

(1)Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 Week: 20th (1) Period: 55th Date of Teaching : 12/1/2010 Date of Preparation: 10/1/2010 UNIT : A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 1: Section : - Getting started (page 80) - Listen and Read 1, (page 80, 81) I.Aim: Reading for details about the situations which require first – aid By the end of the lesson, Ss can know what they would in the situations which require first – aid II.Language Contents Grammar in order to, so as to Making requests, offers and requests using modal, "will" Future simple with "will/ shall" Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) bleed bite ambulance concious (to) elevate burn parademic sterile (to) minimize crutch wheelchair (to) lie flat emergency tissue damage (to) lower eye chart (to) overheat fainting (to) ease injection promise shock sting stretcher treatment victim wound III.Teaching aids: Pictures on page 80, cassette, gap fill chart, drawing IV.Procedure Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm Up T: - Ask Ss to open their, books and look at the things on page 80 (for 20") Tell them these things are often used for first- aid - Divide the class into two groups - Ask Ss to close their books and go to the board to write the names of the things they've just seen from memory, (either in English or Vietnamese) Chatting: -Have you ever had an accident that requires first –aid ? - Have you ever met any situations ? - What did you at that time ? GETTING STARTED Kim's game THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (2) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 - Tell them the group having the most right English words is the winner - Have Ss open the books again and go through the words in English - Ask Ss to discuss and write down what they would in these situations which require first-aid Answer Key: Ss: give their answers emergency room 2.sterile dressing II.New Lesson medicated oil water pack water pack alcohol Activity Possible answers: T: show the pictures and introduce the + A girl has a burn on her arm  Use cold situations water / ice to ease the pain Get S to guess + A boy has a bad cut on his leg  Use alcohol medicated oil / sterile dressing S: work in groups discuss about the + A girl has a nose bleed  Use a situations in the picture handkerchief to stop the bleeding / tell her to lie T: present the words down - Have Ss copy the vocabulary in their + A boy has a bee sting  Use medicated oil notebooks  Listen and Read Checking technique: Slap the board I Vocabulary - Put the new words (in Vietnamese or drawing) all over the board - not in a (an) ambulance (draw an ambulance) (an) emergency (T: When we need an list ambulance?) - Call on Ss or teams (4 or Ss for each) in both sides to the front of the  S: When there is an emergency class standing at equal distance from unconcious (adj)  concious (What's “bat tinh” in English?) the blackboard (to) bleed  the bleeding - Call out one of the new words (in (When you have a cut, the cut will English) in a loud voice .(bleed) ?) - Two Ss must run forward and slap 5.sting (V ) đốt chích the word, the student who slaps the 6.Cover the would correct word first is the winner and 7.Hold it tight gets a mark II Gap fill Prediction Activity "There was an emergency at Lan's school, A T : Hang the chart with the paragraph student (1) off her bike and hit her head on the board on the road She was ,(2)., but she cut her - Ask Ss to predict the words in the head and (he .(3) was (4), badly Lan gaps telephoned Bach Mai Hospital and asked the - Call on some Ss to go to the board nurse to send an (5) to Quang Trung and write their words School Lan was asked to keep the student, - Have Ss open their books, listen to (6) while waiting for the ambulance." the tape while reading the dialogue Anwer Key: - Check if Ss' predictions are right fell concious cut THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (3) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 or not - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and select the topics covered in he dialogue (page 81) - Tell Ss (in groups) to write their answers on a sheet of paper and hand in after finishing - Collect Ss’ papers and correct - Ask Ss to write a story using the information from the dialogue - Tell Ss to begin their story with: "Yesterday there was an emergency at " - Monitor and help Ss with their work - Have Ss find some more words (about 4/5) for situations which require first- aid - Let Ss the exercises in the workbook, (page ) bleeding ambulance III Comprehentian question Answer Key: a , b , c , e , f IV.Role Play awake - Have Ss in turns play the roles to demonstrate the dialogue V Write- it –up Situation: -.A student has a broken leg because of the accident Homework ************************************************************************ Week: 20th (2) Date of Teaching: 14/1/2010 Period: 56th Date of Preparation: 13/1/2010 UNIT : A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 2: Section: - Speak -Listen (page 81, 82) I.Aim: Practice in making and responding to offers, promises and requests By the end of the lesson, Ss can make and requests, offers, and promises Listening to a paragraph for details about the activities in an emergency room Help Ss know how to listen for details II.Language Content Grammar in order to, so as to Making requests, offers and requests using modal, "will" Future simple with "will/ shall" Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) bleed bite ambulance concious (to) elevate burn parademic sterile (to) minimize crutch wheelchair (to) lie flat emergency tissue damage (to) lower eye chart (to) overheat fainting (to) ease injection THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (4) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 promise shock sting stretcher treatment victim wound III.Teaching aids: Pictures on page 80, cassette, gap fill chart, drawing IV Procedure Teacher’s and Students’activities Content I.Warm up Revision: - Draw the network with an example on the Network board and use it as a game Situations which - Deliver posters to Ss and ask them to write reaquire first-aid as many words as possible on their posters - Ask Ss to stick their posters on the board Have a snake bite after they finish - Tell them the group to have most right Possible answers: words is the winner have a nose bleed S : Do as teacher asks have a burn II.New Lesson have a cut Activity have a bee sting…  SPEAK Pre-Speaking Questions: T: Set the scene I want you to get me a bandagel - Ask Ss questions to elicit the models How can I say? - Have Ss repeat or times beore writing I’d like you to come to my party them on the broad How can I say? - Underline the key words I tell my mother that I’ll surely finish my work T: Get Ss to work out the rules for before bedtime How can I say? themselves by asking questions - After formulating the model sentences, elicit some more phrases with the Same use from Ss THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (5) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 - Get Ss to copy - Hang the chart with the statements on the board T: Elicit the model sentences , use the poster of the use : Requests, Offers,Promises and their responses S: copy down T: Let S repeat the model sentences S: listen and repeat II Model Sentences Will you (please) get me a bandage? Would vou like to come to my party ? I promise I’ll finish my homework before bedtime Concept cheeking: To make a request: Could you (please) + bare infinitive ? Responses : + Sure / OK / All right — I’m sorry I can’tJ I’m afraid not To make an offer: Will / Won’t you Shall I bare infinitive ? Can I Would you like + to infinitive ? What can I / get for you ? Can I get you .? Responses; + Yes, please / That would be nice - No, thank you To make a promise : I promise I’ll /I won’t I will I promise I promise to Responses: I hope so / Good / I’m glad / - Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 82 Don’t forget and match the statements S: answer in orally situations T: give correct answer S :copy down with the III Matching The girl has a bum on her hand The girl has a bad fever The boy has just broken the vase The boy hat a headache The boy has a snake bite Answer key THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (6) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 While –Speaking l.a 2.d 3.e b c IV Picture Drill: T ask S Identify the situations in the - Identify the situations in the pictures pictures Picture a)  request b) offer offer / request - Model Picture a) then get Ss to repeat c)  offer/ request (chorus individual) - Call on one student d)  offer to demonstrate Picture e)  promise b) with the teacher Open pairs: Post -Speaking - Get or pairs to demonstrate the - Monitor and correct, encourage Ss to make exchanges of the rest, (c, d, e ) sentences for themselves Closed pairs: - Collect the Ss' ideas and write them on the - Get Ss in turns to practice all the exchanges board, (generally in a list.) (a  e) • Pre-listening T: Ask S to look at picture on page 82 and write out all the verbs describing the actions of the people in it S: Work in group The group having the most right verbs is the winner While - Listening T:Ask S to look at the picture again and name the things S: Do as directed T: teach vo S: listen and cppy down S: Have Ss copy Checking technique: What and Where - Have Ss repeat the words in chorus then rub out word by word but leave the circles - Go on until the circles are empty - Get Ss (5 at a time) to come to the blackboard to fill in the circles with the right words again T: - Ask Ss to look at the picture in their GV : Lê hoàng hiệp  LISTEN  Guess from Content What actions ? To drive, wheel , move, push,weigh,wait,lie,stand, I Vocabulary (an) eye chart (use the picture )  eye sight (nu): Bản đo thị lực (a) parademic (He takes care of patients but he isn't a doctor nor a nurse.): trợ Y (a) wheelchair (use the picture): Xe lăn  (to) wheel (to push a wheelchair) (a) stretcher (picture) : Cai cang (a) crutch  crutches (picture): cái nạng 6.lean against the wall: tựa vào tường Checking technique: What and Where THCS sơn hải Lop1.net (7) Giáo án Tiếng Anh books again and match the letter A, B, C, D, E, F to the correct words in the box Answer Key: S: answer Năm học 2009 - 2010 Stretche eye chart parademic wheelchair crutches - Rub out the letters (A, B ) but leave the words - Tell Ss they are going to listen place in an emergency room which contains the words on the board - Have Ss copy and guess the order of the words T: Play the tape and ask Ss to listen - Ask Ss to give their answers and correct Post - Listening II Matching A  ambulance D  eye chart B  wheelchair E  scale C  crutches F  stretcher III Order Prediction - Put the words in the table You guess On tape ambulance ……… wheelchair ……… crutches ……… eye chart ……… - Stick the chart with the statements on the scale ……… board: stretcher ……… - Ask Ss to read the statements carefully and check if they understand the meaning of IV True / False Statements the statements A doctor is wheeling a patient into the - Ask as to work in pairs to decide which of emergency room the statements is true and which is false The patient's head is bandaged - Play the tape and have Ss listen (2 or 3 A nurse is pushing a wheelehair with a times) patient sitting on it - Ask Ss to give their answers and correct The eye chart consists of 28 letters ranging in Homework the different size T : Ask Ss to write the story about the The baby's mother is trying to stop the nurse activities in the picture, using the Present from weighing her baby continuous Answer Key: Ss : rewrite the above story in the Past Tense False a parademic not a doctor) True False True False (empty wheelehair not with a patient ) (stop her baby from crying) V Write- It-Up “This is the emergency room in a large hospital……… Week: 20th (3) Date of Teaching:15/1/2010 THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (8) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Period: 57th Năm học 2009 - 2010 Date of Preparation: 13/1/2010 UNIT :A FIRST- AID COURSE Lesson 3: Section : - Read (page 83, 84) - Language Focus (page 86) I.Aim: Reading for the instructions about some more situations requiring ifirst- aid At the- end of the lesson 8s can use in order to and so as to to indicate purposes II.Language Content Grammar in order to, so as to Making requests, offers and requests using modal, "will" Future simple with "will/ shall" Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) bleed bite ambulance concious (to) elevate burn parademic sterile (to) minimize crutch wheelchair (to) lie flat emergency tissue damage (to) lower eye chart (to) overheat fainting (to) ease injection promise shock sting stretcher treatment victim wound III.Teaching aids: chart, picture / drawing, mimes, cardboards IV.Procedure Teacher’s and Students’activities Warm up Content Bingo T: - Ask Ss to give nouns for emergencies which require first-aid and write them on Suggested words the board - Have Ss choose any words on the board burn, cut, bee sting, snake bite, fainting, shock, nose bleed and write them down on a piece of paper - Call out the words until someone has ticked all the four words and shouts “Bingo!” He / She wins the game Pre-reading  READ T: set the scene: ( today we will learn about I.Vocabulary 10 GV : Lê hoàng hiệp THCS sơn hải Lop1.net (9) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 emergencies ( siruations ): fainting,shock and burns ) Now you work in groups and discuss what should in those situations S: discuss in groups T: teach Vo S: listen and copy down - Have Ss copy technique: Rub out and Remember - Have Ss repeat and rub out the English words (one at a time), leave the Vietnamese translations - When all the English words are rubbed out, go ough the Vietnamese list and get the Ss to call out English words While -Reading - Draw the network with some examples on the board - Ask Ss to think of what to in these emergency cases - Collect and write the Ss' ideas on the board - Have Ss open their books and read the instructions on page 83 - Ask some Ss to go to the board and add the missing information - Ask Ss to read the statements on page 84 and match three Leadings A, 8, C to them - Draw the grid on the board - Ask Ss to read the instructions again and fill in the Information - Call on some Ss to the board to write their answers (to) lie flat; (mime / drawing):nằm thẳng (to) elevate  (to) lower (gesture): nâng lên (a) victim (person who needs first- aid) (to) overheat (make sth too hot) 5.tissue damage(translation) (to) ease = (to) stop: giảm đau 7.Cool the burn 8.Minimize tissue damage 9.Force sb to st :bắt làm gì II Network cool the burn with ice fainting burn First-aid? Let the victim lie down Don’t give the shock victim any food III Matching Choose the correct case for each of the following treatments Answer Kev: A a, c, e B  b C d IV Grid Cases Do Don't Fainting - Leave the patient lying flat Elevate the Don't force him/ her to sit or stand Shock - Give him/ her a cup of tea when he/ she revives - Don't overheat the victim with blankets or coats - Have Ss copy the grid in their notebooks S : Do as T’s asks - Don't give the victim any food or drink or drug 11 THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (10) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 - Cool the burn immediately to minimize the tissue damage : Put the affected part under a running cold tap (if possible) - Ease the pain with ice or cold water packs Cover the burned area with a thick sterile dressing - Ask the question to elicit the answer Model then have Ss repeat, choral  individual Vgrammar A Why should we cool the burn immediately ? B We should it so as to minimize the tissue damage in order to bare inf Concept checking Form : so as to / in order to + bare infinitive Meaning : để Use : to indicate purposes VII Role Play Model: A: Why ? B: in order to / so as to Post –Reading Write the model on the board and ask Ss to ask and answer questions using their own words Homework Learn the lesson carefully Week: 21 (1) Period: 58th Date of Teaching : 19/1/2010 Date of Preparation: 17/1/2010 12 THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (11) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 UNIT 9: A FIRST-AID COURSE Lesson Write (page 84, 85 I.Aim: Writing a thank- you note By the end of the lesson, Ss know how to write a thank-you note II.Language Content Grammar in order to, so as to Making requests, offers and requests using modal, "will" Future simple with "will/ shall" Vocabulary Verb Noun Adjective (to) bleed bite ambulance concious (to) elevate burn parademic sterile (to) minimize crutch wheelchair (to) lie flat emergency tissue damage (to) lower eye chart (to) overheat fainting (to) ease injection promise shock sting stretcher treatment victim wound III.Teaching aids: Posters, drawing IV.Procedure Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up T : Call Ss go to the board and give the first aids instructions for these situations : S : Go to the board T : Correct and give mark New Lesson Pre- Writing T:Set the scene - Ask Ss to close their books and listen Nga was sick and she had to go to hospital After she left the hospital, she wrote a thank-you note to Hoa Why and what did she write ? - Elicit words from Ss S: read in chorus and copy down - Faiting - Shock - Burn I Vocabulary (to) thank (so) for (sth) (give an example with a gap) 13 THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (12) Giáo án Tiếng Anh - Have Ss copy Năm học 2009 - 2010  eg: She thanked me helping her (to) cheer (so) up: (to make (so) feel happier) (to) come over: (translation) T: Checking technique: Slap the board - Write the Vietnamese translation all over the board, adding some words in the last lesson - Call on 2Ss or teams of 4/5 Ss in both sides to the front of the class - Call out the English words and Ss run forward to slap the Vietnamese word on the board II True / False Predictions T: - Hang the poster with the statements on Nga writes to thank Hoa for some candy Hoa's gift cheered Nga up the board Nga'd like Hoa to see her at the hospital S: Read –predict Nga is very bored now T : Ask Ss to read the statements and 5.Nga writes the letter at the hospital Answer Key: predict, False  flowers (not candy) S : Give their predictions, (only one True student for each statement) and write on False  at her house (not at the the board (T/F) hospital) S : look at the letter on page 84 and True complete it with the right verb forms at her house (not at the - Monitor and help Ss with the tense forms False  hospital) T : Call on some Ss to give their answers and correct S : Read the whole letter and check if their predictions are right or not III.Complete the letter T : Correct 0.sent While –Writing 1.was T : Tell Ss they are going to write a thank- 2.were you note to a friend and invite him / her to 3.helped go on a picnic with them 4.came - Put the poster with the questions (page 5.am 85) on the board 6.will phone S : answer the questions orally IV.Questions and Answers T : Have Ss practise speaking to each What did your friend give/send you? other On what occasion ? - Ask Ss to join the sentences into a What was / were it / they like ? paragraph (not put any numbers, eg: 1, 2, 3, How did you feel when you received the ) to make it a thank-you note present ? S : write their letters on a sheet of paper to How you feel now ? hand in or in their exercise notebooks Do you want to invite your friend to somewhere ? If so, then when ? 14 THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (13) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 Post-Writing - Divide the class into groups and choose a letter randomly in each group - Ask groups to copy chosen letters on posters then put them on the board - Compare the posters and correct - Call on some more Ss to read their letters for the class (if possible) - Give feedback and correct Homework T : Ask Ss to use the same format to write another letter to another friend for another occasion, - Let Ss the exercises in the workbook, page… How will you contact your friend ? Write a thank you note Suggested letter Dear Phuong, Thank you very much for the books you sent me while I treated my disease at home.they were very interesting and helped me relax a lot I loved reading them very much.Now,I have got over and felt very sad.I want to go out to enjoy the fresh air.Do you want to go on a picnic with me this Sunday ? If yes.I ‘ll come and pick you up I’m looking forward to hearing from you Your friend Nguyen At Homework Write another letter S : Do as T’s asks Week: 21st (2) Period: 59th Lesson Date of Teaching: 20/1/2010 Date of Preparation: 17/1/2010 UNIT 9: A FIRST-AID COURSE Language Focus .Aims:At the end of the lesson,S will be able to master and use “ so as to / in order to “ in purposes ,revise “ will “ in the simple future tense,how to use it requests,offers and promises II.Language Content: 1.purposes: so as to / in order to 2.Will : simple future tense requests,offers and promises III.Teaching aids: individually work, groupwork,pairwork IV.Procedure: Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up Complete the sentences T: invide class into big groups and guide to G1:I go to Ha Noi S: work in groups G2: to visit Hoan Kiem Lake T: comment the game and lead to the new lesson G2: We go to the bookshop 15 THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (14) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 New Lesson: G1:so as to buy some books I.Matching: Activity 1.Revision of “ so as to / in order to “ T: Ask S to look at the example ( so as to / in order to “ are hidden) Meaning: để,để mà S: look at it Form: so as to T: explain –Let S compare parts and guess the meaning of the “ so as to / in order to “ Use: indicating purpose +V ( bare infi ) In order to * Matching: S: listen and copy down f-c-b-e-a-d T: let S match A and B Make sentences: S: individual work T: Ask S to read aloud Ex:I always keep the window open so as to / in order to let fresh air in Activity II.Complete the dialogue: T: guide S to complete the dialogue (1).Answers S:work in pairs to complete, 1.will T:Revise the use of “ will “ in the simple future tense 2.will 3.won’t S: listen and copy down 4.shall T: call on some pairs to give feedback 5.will S: Read aloud,( pairwork ) 6.’ll T: correct Revision of the simple future tense: Use: Express an action in the future Activity Form: S + will /shall + V ( infi ) T: explain how to III.Making requests,offers and promises and how to respond: S: listen T: let S observe the pictures and speak 1.Complete the sentences: S: work individually a.Will you open the window ? T: let S read the dialogues: a - f b.Will you give it ? S: pair work c.Will you answer the telephone ? T: call on some pairs to read aloud d.will you turn on please ? S: as directed e.will you pour a glass of water ? T: explain the task f.will you get me a cushion ? 16 THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (15) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 S:Pairwork while looking at pictures 2.Make requests,offers,or promises: T:Call some pairs to read aloud b.will you paint the doors? c.I promise i’ll study harder Consolidation: Consolidate model sentences - Consolidate model sentences Homework - Write sentences of purpose Write sentences of purpose Week: 21st (3) Period: 60th Lesson 1: Period 60 Date of Teaching:21/1/2010 Date of Preparation: 17/1/2010 UNIT 10: RECYCLING Section : - Getting started (Page 89) - Listen and Read 1, I.Aim: To give Ss information about the environment problems Ss will be able to something to protect the environment and save natural resources II.Language Content: Passive forms Adjectives followed by - an infinitive a noun claus Present simple Future simple Vocabulary Verbs Nouns (to) decompose natural resource (to) recycle compost (to) reduce deposit (to) refill fabric (to) reuse fertilizer (to) protect glassware (to) contact metal representative III.Teaching aids: Posters, flashcards, a chart, cassette IV.Procedure: Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up: T: - Draw the circle with an example on the board S : think and write - Ask Ss to think of ways to reduce the amount of garbage they produce  GETTING STARTED Brainstorm: Ways to reduce the amount of garbage 17 THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (16) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 - Deliver posters to Ss, dividing them into groups Reuse plastic bags - Tell Ss to put the posters on the board after they finish and the team having the most good ideas is the Possible answers: winner Use cloth bags, use tree leaves to wrap things, make garbage into fertilizer, make vegetable matter into T:give feedback animal food S : Do as teacher’s asks  LISTEN AND READ T : Lead to new lesson I Vocabulary (a) representative (translation) New Lesson: (to) protect (to keep so/ sth safe from danger) Activity  (to) protect (so / sth) from (so / sth) T: - Elicit words from Ss natural resource(s) (translation/ explanation) - Have Ss copy (coal mines, oil/gold/mineral deposits are ) Ss : copy down (to) recycle (to make something already used able T : Let ss repeat in chorus then invidually to be used again) Ss : Repeat (to) contact (translation/ definition) (to communicate with someone by telephone or letter ) Checking technique: Jumbled words T : Stick flashcards with jumbled words on the ceresoru psentreretive tconatc board - Ask Ss to rewrite the words in the right order - Tell Ss the first two groups with the right words cyrecel ropttce ralnatu will get points S : Groupwork Answer Key: T : Correct contact representative resource natural protect recycle II True / False Predictions Activity T : Ask Ss to listen to the situation - Set the scene: A representative from Friends of the Earth, Miss Blake, is talking to the students of Quang Trung School, friends of the Earth shows people how to protect the environment and save natural resources T : Put the chart with the statements on the board - Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide if the statements are true or false S : Do as teacher’s asks - Write the Ss' guesses on the board, (only one guess for each statement) - Ask Ss to open their books, listen to the tape while reading the dialogue GV : Lê hoàng hiệp True or False ? Friends of the Earth is an organization to help people make friends with each other Miss Blake asks the students to remember things: reduce, reuse, recycle Reduce means buying the products which are overpacked We cannot reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags Miss Blake says that we should use cloth bags and shouldn't use plastic bags at all Recycling means not just throwing things away but trying and finding another use for them Answer Key: False  an organization to help people protect the environment and save natural resources 18 THCS sơn hải Lop1.net (17) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 Ss : correct the false statements True False  Reduce mean not buying…… False  We can reuse things………… True True Grammar: The passive form of present simple tense: S + am / is / are + V.pp + ( by + O ) EX:My sister is taken to school by me every morning III Comprehension Questions Answer Key: a Reduce means not buying products which are overpacked Activity b We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles and old plastic bags T : Ask Ss to look at the questions on page 90 and c Recycle means not just throwing things away Try work in pairs and find another use for them Ss : Pairworks d We can look for information on recycling things T : Call on some pairs to ask and answer the by having a contact with an organization like questions Friends of the Earth, going to the local library or - Give feedback asking your family and friends e (Students' answers) (Possible answer: We shouldn't use plastic bags because when we throw them away, they could stay very long and could not be selfdestroyed / self demolished) IV Discussion Consolidation: - Write the topic on the board T : Ask Ss to express their opinions / ideas on this How to protect our environment ? topic - Write the Ss' ideas on the board into a list - Give feedback, correct and have Ss copy - Write the questions and full answers in your exercise notebooks - Do the exercises in the Workbook on page Ss Do as teacher’s asks Homework Write the answers in notebooks Week: 22(1) Date of Teaching:26/1/2010 19 THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (18) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 Period: 61st Date of Preparation:24/1/2010 UNIT 10 : RECYCLING Lesson Section : - Speak (page 90, 91) - Listen (page 91) I.Aim: To help Ss practice in giving and responding to instructions and Listening for specific information about making compost - Ss can give and respond to instructions II.Language Content: Passive forms Present simple Vocabulary Verbs Nouns (to) decompose natural resource (to) recycle compost (to) reduce deposit (to) refill fabric (to) reuse fertilizer (to) protect glassware (to) contact metal representative III.Teaaching aids: Picture (copied from textbook, p.91), a mapped dialogue chart, realia (clothes), cassette IV.Procedure Teacher’s and Students’activities Content Warm up - Show the picture to the Ss and ask them to observe it carefully, let them look at the picture for about 20"then put it away - Divide the class into teams - Ask Ss (one student in each team at a time) to go to the board and write as many words showing things in the picture as possible - Tell Ss the team with the most right words is the winner New Lesson Memory game (Kim's game) Possible answer: used paper, old newspapers, books, cardboard boxes, bottles, glasses, jars, plastic bags, food cans, drinking tins, vegetable matter, clothes, shoes, schoolbags, —.-  SPEAK Activity 1:Speak Pre-speaking T: - Elicit words from Ss S: read in chorus Read individually I Vocabulary 1.fertilizer(n(explanation) 20 THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (19) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010 - Have ss copy Checking technique: Bingo -Get Ss to brainstorm a list of about 10 new words - Get Ss to brainstorm a list of about 10 new words fertilizer, compost, leather, fabric, plastic, glass, metal, paper, cardboard, tin… - Ask Ss to choose any words and copy into their papers - Call out the words until a / some student(s) has / have ticked all of their words and shout " Bingo" and they win While-Speaking - Tell Ss they are going to listen to the words for items and put them into the right groups - Draw the table on the board and ask Ss to copy it - Tell Ss to listen to the words and put them in the right columns - Model some words - Read the words (in the table below) aloud, slowly and jumble them up - After listening, ask Ss to work in pairs and give their answers - Read the words again and correct - Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board - Elicit the exchanges from Ss - Have some pairs practice each exchange before going on to another exchange - After finishing the dialogue, ask a good pair to demonstrate the whole dialogue Post-Speaking - Ask Ss to work in pairs, replacing the information (in brackets) with the words in the dictation list - Monitor and correct Activity 2:Listen (Fanners often use this thing to make their plants or trees grow well What's it ?)  (to) fertilize 2.compost(nu(question) (What you call the fertilizer made from spoiled food, leaves, vegetable matter )  (a) compost heap fabric (n)(realia : clothes) (What are these clothes made of ?) 4.leather(n)(question) (Our shoes, sandals are often made of ?) Checking technique: Bingo II Dictation Group Items Paper used paper (old newspaper, books, cardboard boxes) Glass Plastic Metal Fabric Leather Vegetable matter (bottles, glasses, jars) (plastic bags, plastic bottles.) (food cans, drinking tins.) clothes (cloth bags, material.) (shoes, sandals, schoolbags) fruit peels, (vegetables, rotten fruits) III Dialogue Open pairs: - Ask some pairs to demonstrate the dialogue Close pairs: Which group (do clothes) belong to?  What can we with (those clothes)?  Is / Are (fruit vegetable matter)? What will we with (it)? Put (them) in (fabric) We can (recycle them and make them into paper or shopping bags That’s right We make (it into compose and fertilize our field) 21 THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (20) Giáo án Tiếng Anh Năm học 2009 - 2010  LISTEN - Tell Ss they are going to listen to an IV Multiple Choice expert who gives the instructions to make Answer Key: a A b B c A d B compost - Ask Ss to open their books and read the V.Fill in each gap with suitable words or phrases: multiple choice questions on page 91 - Check if Ss understand the questions Today I’m going to explain how to start a - Play the tape or times, Ss listen and compose heap.First of all you must use only the exercise vegetable matter,which includes tea - Have Ss give their answers and leaves,egg shells correct - Practise the dialogue with your Find a place in your garden that gets a few partner, replacing the information hours of sunlight each day.the compost also Homework need moisture,but it will get this from - Do the exercises in the workbook on condensation page After about six months,your compost will be ready to use as fertilizer Listening Week: 22(2) Period: 62nd Date of Teaching:27/1/2010 Date of Preparation: 24/11/2010 UNIT 10: RECYCLING Lesson - Read 1,2 (page 92,93) I.Aim: Reading for details about how things are recycled By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to form the Passive in the Present Simple II.Language Content: Passive forms Present simple Vocabulary Verbs Nouns (to) decompose natural resource (to) recycle compost (to) reduce deposit (to) refill fabric (to) reuse fertilizer (to) protect glassware (to) contact metal representative III.Teaching aids: wordsquare chart, photocopied pictures (p 95), drawing 22 THCS sơn hải GV : Lê hoàng hiệp Lop1.net (21)

Ngày đăng: 31/03/2021, 12:50
