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Tổng hợp speaking part 3 VNU 2019

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  • - Enjoy every moment in your life with your family, because those small moments are your true happiness. 

  • - Instead of being sad and comparing all the time, let us smile and go through the difficulties.

Nội dung

Speaking Part – Tháng 06 TOPIC 1: IN VIETNAM, MORE AND MORE CASES OF FOOD SAFETY VIOLATIONS HAVE BEEN REPORTED IN THE MEDIA, CAUSING SERIOUS CONCERNS FOR CONSUMERS WHY DOES THIS PROBLEM STILL EXIST? GIVE REASONS AND EXAMPLE FROM YOUR READING, EXPERIENCE OR OBSERVATION TO SUPPORT YOUR POINT OF VIEW Ở Việt Nam, ngày nhiều trường hợp vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm bị lột trần truyền thông đại chúng, gây nhiều hoang mang cho người tiêu dùng Lí việc tồn tại? Hãy đưa lí ví dụ từ kinh nghiệm quan sát để chứng minh cho quan điểm bạn They are way cheaper than (=compared to) organic food (= high-quality products) - Undoubtedly, food violates safety guidelines coming from unknown origins -> cheap price - Poor quality ingredients are sold with low price to attract more buyers The majority of customers still prefer low-cost food items - Vietnamese are willing to choose bad food with cheap price rather than those with higher price - They find no difference between good-quality products and bad ones = They all the same in Vietnamese people’ eyes/ point of view/ opinion Both suppliers and retailers are beneficial from this business - Food suppliers can provide, or in order words, swipe away all rotten food - Retailers buy products from suppliers with cheap price, then re-sell them to customers with higher price for better interest Government does not have a strong solution - They should be more responsible = take action= something more serious - Authorities must prohibit/ ban/ prevent it from happening by enacting law related to this They are always available - Low quality food items are everywhere, every market, and even in supermarket - Customers cannot ignore their presence= availability TOPIC “WEARING MAKE-UP AND DRESSING SMARTLY CAN HELP A WOMAN BECOME MORE SUCCESSFUL AT WORK” DO YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE WITH THE OPINION? GIVE REASONS AND EXAMPLE FROM YOUR READING, EXPERIENCE OR OBSERVATION TO SUPPORT YOUR POINT OF VIEW “Trang điểm ăn mặc thơng minh giúp phụ nữ thành công đường nghiệp.” Bạn đồng ý hay không đồng ý với quan điểm Hãy đưa lí ví dụ từ kinh nghiệm quan sát để chứng minh cho quan điểm bạn Women will improve their confidence= Be more confident = Improve Self-confidence - She will look perfectly perfect if she is confident in herself - Cosmetics can cover flaws -> more beautiful -> more confident Build/ Improve/Save their images = Reputation - Everyone remembers your pretty face with make-up - They believe that you have some knowledge about fashion, not just a workaholic/ who only knows working Boost productivity - You are confident in yourself -> work effectively -> improve work outcomes - Not only improve your own work, but also improve company’s productivity (especially in the event that that company has many female workers) Be respected by other people - Your co-workers cannot look down on you because you know how to draw attraction - They respect you as you are keeping up with fashion trend Make good impression (especially for the first time) - Sign up contracts -> putting make-up, dressing up -> counterparts be impressed by you -> work easier - Interview: Dressing appropriately -> get bonus points from recruiters TOPIC THE MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING (MLM) FIELD IS GROWING AND ITS MEMBER COMPANIES ARE MULTIPLYING SHOULD VIETNAM’S GOVERNMENT BAN THIS BUSINESS MODEL? GIVE REASONS AND EXAMPLE FRNO YOUR READING, EXPERIENCE OR OBSERVATION TO SUPPORT YOUR POINT OF VIEW Đa cấp phát triển số lượng công ty thành viên chúng nhân lên Chính quyền Việt Nam có nên cấm loại kinh doanh khơng? Hãy đưa lí ví dụ từ kinh nghiệm quan sát để chứng minh cho quan điểm bạn They entice young people= immature youngsters - They approach you with sweet words, smooth-talking in order to seduce you - You may think that making money is easy -> illusion of life Affect lives of others, especially university students - Your live will be disorder because you have to make time for them - Your live turns to be theirs Time-consuming - Be distracted from studying - No spare time for self-improvement ( learning another language, sharpen social skills, ) Lose money - Some companies take advantage of you to get some money - They may ask you to the same with your friends (Lose money, lose friends) -> They are the ones who get benefits Impact on relationship with friends and family - They spend most of their time for what-so-called a company -> no time for family bonding activity - Also, less time for a get together with friends TOPIC4 MORE AND MORE FAMILIES HIRE PART-TIME MAIDS WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF THIS TREND? GIVE REASONS AND EXAMPLE FRNO YOUR READING, EXPERIENCE OR OBSERVATION TO SUPPORT YOUR POINT OF VIEW Ngày nhiều gia đình thuê người giúp việc bán thời gian Hãy nêu lí dẫn đến xu hướng Hãy đưa lí ví dụ từ kinh nghiệm quan sát để chứng minh cho quan điểm bạn Save money - Hiring temporary house helper is way cheaper than= compared to fulltime one - You not depend too much on them, as=because=since there are some household chores you can yourself -> save money Can change maid easily - If you not really like the way they work, you can easily dismiss/fire them - Another one is always available -> does not take much time to seek for= find= look for Most part-time maids are students -> they are easygoing, straightforward, honest - Students work for experience rather than because of big amount of income - They easily accept rules and benefits given without asking for more House’s owners not have to worry much about other benefits along with wages - You have to be responsible for your house maids, particularly full-time ones.( Health care, accommodation, food, benefits, ) - Do not have to take care of their= part-time maid personal lives as well (their families, their children’s school lives, ) Not everyone needs full-time maids - A full-time= permanent house maid can help with everything ( cleaning, washing, ironing, ), but not all owners need it - If you are busy in a day or two, or you are in emergency, part-time maids are available TOPIC MORE AND MORE PARENTS LET THEIR CHILDREN WATCH ENGLISH NURSERY RHYTHMS OR ENGLISH CARTOONS ON YOUTUBE WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF THIS TREND?GIVE REASONS AND EXAMPLE FRNO YOUR READING, EXPERIENCE OR OBSERVATION TO SUPPORT YOUR POINT OF VIEW Ngày nhiều bố mẹ xem hát phim hoạt hình tiếng Anh Youtube Hiệu xu hướng gì? Hãy đưa lí ví dụ từ kinh nghiệm quan sát để chứng minh cho quan điểm bạn Parents save time for other things - They can make use of= take advantage of the time at home for work - They can utilize= use that time to prepare meals or cleaning, washing, ironing, Parents can relax after working without worrying about their children - Spending time chilling out, sipping a cup of hot tea to release pressure after work - Go out for dinner, go on a date some times Children acquire English naturally, even if their parents not even know a single word - Scientists have proven that learning English from a very young age can boost the process faster = Children learn easier, just like their mother tongue - They not feel bored watching and listening to these types of English (instead of English on paper books) Heaps of images, videos, characters - Youtube has tons of programs which best suit young learners - Has real conversations and characters -> boost their imagination and creativity Reliable source - Youtube is a large site which is famous for its wonderful channels and programs - Many parents use Youtube to sharpen their kids’ learning ability GỢI Ý SPEAKING PART – THÁNG 07 - 2019 Topic 1: I hear and I forget I see and I remember I and I understand Tôi nghe quên Tôi thấy nhớ Tôi làm hiểu Bạn đồng ý hay không đồng ý với quan điểm People learn easier when engaging themselves into situations - Taking part in an activity is always a good way to really get to know something new - Using all senses, including seeing, hearing, saying, helps us reduce learning time People memorize things way better if they are involved in real cases - Learning is not as hard as memorizing - Knowing how to keep something important in mind all lifelong is another difficulty Do not just simply teach students by verbal speech - Students, especially children, are able to learn and explore while being involved in real situations - Let your students attending actual activities, using their body, their vision, their senses to learn new things Use pictures, videos, images to diversify teaching methods - It is a great idea for teachers and coaches to extend their teaching methods and facilities by applying something like videos, photos, postcards to attract their learners - Because they are vivid, colourful, eye poping and ear catching Practice makes perfect - Theory complicates thing, practice simplifies it - Only when they themselves engage in that specific task, they can actually understand and get everything clearly Topic 2: Some people hold the view that hiring a friend to work for them is really beneficial Một số người cho việc th bạn làm việc cho có lợi Bạn đồng ý hay không với quan điểm AGREE They are reliable and trustworthy = dependable = not telling lies - They will not reveal your company's secrets - They consider your benefits theirs Therefore, they avoid doing something bad that hurts you and your company You know how knowledgeable they are = You know their level = How professional they are - Hiring a friend also means that you understand how good they are in terms of knowledge - You know what they have and what they should be trained in order to be better and more beneficial Take time to hang out= relax=chill out= unwind after having tasks finished - You are more flexible, comfortable working with your friends - After working time, you can go out, have fun or even have a drink with your friends Get some pieces of advice = Ask what should you - They are working with you, so they know if there is any problem coming up - You can consult them = ask for advice when necessary They will not leave you alone when your company is going through hard times - They will always be there for you = They won't run away when you need them the most - Even when you cannot pay them during difficult period, it is still alright for them Topic 3: The more technology is developed, the less communication people have Càng nhiều công nghệ phát triển, người ta giao tiếp với Bạn đồng ý hay không với quan điểm AGREE They often send pure text messages = texts - Texts are fast, convenient and they can fake people's actual expressions - They provide more emojis = funny expressions They spend more time on their phones or computers - No more time for a get together with friends - It is harder to really understand what is going on in their lives - They listen to their audience’s feedback = comments to please them They are always available most of the time in a day - Whenever you turn your TV on, there is always at least one game show available - It shows that game shows are getting more and more popular and indestructible “Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another.” - Marquis de Condorcet Do you agree or disagree with this statement Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience or observations to support your point of view (“Hãy tận hưởng sống mà khơng so sánh với người khác.” Bạn đồng ý hay không với câu Đưa lý ví dụ từ kinh nghiệm quan sát bạn để làm rõ ý kiến.) Agree Comparing most of the time brings trouble rather than happiness - You just need to concentrate on = focus on your goals (how much have you gained to reach your peak in life?) - You will no longer feel satisfied and proud of yourself if you just care about somebody’s life and achievement Everyone is completely different from one another - Everybody was born to different things - We all have our mission It is just a waste of time and effort comparing somebody with somebody else Instead of comparing your life with others, let us compare you of yesterday’s version and today’s version - Let focus on improving yourself - Be better than you were yesterday Comparing might make you weaker, while it makes your competitors stronger - It is worthless spending your invaluable time and energy to strengthen your rivals - The only thing you actually get from comparison is jealousy, anxiety, and disappointment Even when after comparing, you see yourself way better than others, you will not achieve = gain = get anything afterward - If you compare yourself with someone less successful than you are, then you no longer crave for more and try your best for more - You forget that being better than someone does not mean that you are the best of all There are still many people out there working hard for their dreams “A room without books is like a body without a soul.” Cicero Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience or observations to support your point of view ( “Một phịng khơng có sách thân thể khơng có linh hồn.” Bạn đồng ý hay không với câu Đưa lý ví dụ từ kinh nghiệm quan sát bạn để làm rõ ý kiến.) Agree Reading books is one of the best methods to upgrade our minds - Books open our minds and bring us new lives - Books enhance = improve our skills, knowledge of all kinds = all aspects of life Having and collecting books is like a good habit - To some people, being into books every day is an inseparable part => they know what to when they have free time = spare time = much time on their hands - This good habit helps you to avoid other negative habits which are not good for not only your mind but your soul as well Books encourage us to explore things we have never heard of - Knowledge is like an ocean, and what we know is like a drop of it - We will be wiser and thoughtful, to be sure Not only books bring readers knowledge, but they also allow readers to become good people = improve people’s manners = learn how to regulate/ adjust manners - There are many kinds/ sources of books which can be chosen as a useful source to learn how to behave properly - It is an especially wonderful adventure for kids to gradually shape their minds as well as their manners/ behaviors towards others Books are not only about providing knowledge, they are much more than that - Some people, they read books to get not only academic source, but also real experience from the authors = the writers, and the characters in the books - Books bring knowledge, as well as real experiments which can help people to self-reflect More and more young women, especially celebrities, choose to be single moms Do you think that modern society should accept this trend? Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience or observations to support your point of view (Ngày nhiều phụ nữ trẻ, đặc biệt người tiếng, chọn việc trở thành mẹ đơn thân Bạn nghĩ xã hội đại nên chấp nhận trào lưu không? Bạn đồng ý hay không với câu Đưa lý ví dụ từ kinh nghiệm quan sát bạn để làm rõ ý kiến.) YES It is their own choice - Courage women can decide on their own - They can choose which way they want because they are already mature to it They not want to be trapped in an official marriage - Some women find it hard to breathe when being in a relationship - However, they still want to raise their kids They have more to reach than simply having family and die - Instead of spending time for their husbands, they can other things such as pursuing their dreams, for example - They are interested in enjoying their own lives rather than being chained with their husbands They think that men only bring troubles = problems - Women no longer trust men - They are likely = tend to believe in themselves They want to take more responsibility for their kids = children = They want to be more responsible - They can bring those kids up using their methods - They can fully love and take care of those children VNU - NOVEMBER TOPIC 1: “When one door closes, another one opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we not see the ones which open for us.” - Alexander Graham Bell Do you agree or disagree with this saying? Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience, or observations to support your point of view (“Khi cánh cửa đóng lại cánh cửa khác mở ra, thường hay nhìn lại hối tiếc cánh cửa đóng mà khơng nhìn thấy cánh cửa mở cho chúng ta.” - Alexander Gramham Bell Bạn đồng ý hay khơng đồng ý với câu nói này? Đưa lí ví dụ từ kinh nghiệm, quan sát để làm rõ quan điểm bạn.) YES One person has many opportunities/ chances/ doors in life - Each human being has so many/ a bunch of/ a wide range of doors - Today, we have a lot of happiness, but it does not guarantee that tomorrow will be the same At this time, we may face/encounter difficulties/burden/sadness, but it will go away soon - We need to keep in mind/ bear in mind/ remember that things not last forever - We happen to see our miseries today, but not worry/ not be worried, they will go to leave the stage for good things ahead People have a tendency/are likely to/ tend to see things negatively - As humankind, we cannot deny that being sad is something so common in our lives - We usually spend most of the time worrying about negative things just like pessimists We are always snowed under regret whenever something good ceases/stops happening - We waste our invaluable time to feel depressed/feel blue about what has already gone - This kind of negative feeling lasts long, taking the place of positive ones We lose lots of time and effort to go back to the past with darkness, we often forget to embrace/welcome/say “Hi” to new chances/opportunities - We are not willing to overcome and let the darkness go - While doing so, we are also close doors in the future and stop trying to be better TOPIC 2: Vietnam has been witnessing an imbalanced labour distribution: more and more people have been moving to urban areas for work while rural areas have been increasingly abandoned How can this problem be solved? Give your opinion and support it with reasons and examples taken from your reading, experience, or observations (Việt nam chứng kiến phân bố nhân lực không đồng Ngày nhiều người di dời đến khu vực thành thị để làm việc khu vực nông thông ngày bị bỏ Làm để vấn đề giải quyết? Đưa ý kiến bạn làm rõ lí ví dụ lấy từ kinh nghiệm quan sát bạn.) Companies in countryside should raise their workers’ salaries - People’s incomes are low = Jobs in rural areas are low-paid - They should think about increasing the salaries for their workers so they will feel more comfortable to retain/ stay Rural employers had better consider to offer more employment opportunities/ chances/ working opportunities - They should diversify/ vary working fields/ sorts so as to fit people’s abilities - There should be more job vacancies for them to apply for People living in rural areas need to think of another way to take advantage of these regions’ benefits - They themselves may think of ways to make use of what they are having now to keep developing - They might want to find some ways to combine and many jobs at one time (both work as an officer and a gardener) The government should encourage people living in the countryside more so that they will stay - Local authorities/ Local governments can use work to retain people from moving downtown - They could encourage people by lending them some money to have a start-up Experts in the economy and agriculture have to give a helping hand to guide people to work effectively/ fruitfully - Experts are those who have experience and also experiments to teach other people - When people have guidelines, they will believe in themselves and think that they can even when they are in rural areas TOPIC 3: “The Internet brings great benefits to its users However, without parents’ control, Internet surfing can be dangerous to teenagers.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience, or observations to support your point of view (“Internet mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho người dùng Tuy nhiên, khơng có kiểm sốt bố mẹ, việc lướt Internet nguy hiểm cho trẻ vị thành niên.” Bạn đồng ý hay khơng với quan điểm Đưa lí ví dụ từ kinh nghiệm, quan sát để làm rõ quan điểm bạn.) Yes Teenagers will waste/spend lots of time in front of the computer with access to the Internet - They not know how to watch the time to stop surfing the Internet - Even when they know how to so, they still ignore it because they are addicted to it They should be under the control of their supervisors/ parents so as not to damage their eyes and health - When it comes to the Internet, no matter which devices we use (Laptops or mobile phones, etc.), they will have a great impact/ effect teenagers’ health - They might suffer from nearsightedness which hurts their eyes In terms of various/ diverse websites on the Internet, teenagers are likely to be addicted without the supervision of adults - There are so many websites on the Net, both useful and useless - They are too small to differentiate which webs are for them They find it hard to choose/select suitable sources from the Internet - They will be curious about some sources on the Internet which are not designed for them - They have no idea what to choose among thousands of online sources They are easily involved in verbal and physical violence - Since they might be involved in negative-content webs, they will change their behavior negatively - They mimic and imitate what they have been watching, even when it is not good TOPIC 4: A report by UNEF ( United Nations Environment Programme) states that human populations have been over-exploiting the Earth’s natural resources by unsustainable development As a developing country, Vietnam has also been undergoing unsustainable development Discuss some major causes and effects of this social issue in the context of Vietnam Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience, or observations to support your point of view (Một báo cáo UNEF người khai thác mức tài nguyên thiên nhiên tự nhiên phát triển khơng bền vững Là đất nước phát triển, Việt Nam trải qua phát triển không bền vững Thảo luận vài nguyên nhân hệ vấn đề xã hội phạm vi Việt Nam Đưa lí ví dụ từ kinh nghiệm, quan sát để làm rõ quan điểm bạn.) *Causes: Humankind takes natural resources for granted/ They think that natural resources obviously exist on Earth - They not treasure/value the price of these resources - The presence of these sources is seen as ‘of course’ Of course, certainly, absolutely, there are there They guess that these resources will be there forever - Many people are not aware of the fact that natural resources will be gone if they just exploit them like this - These resources might be not renewable sources Therefore, the more we use them, the less they exist *Effects: Human beings’ lives will be dangerous = We will be affected because of what we are doing with nature - It will definitely damage our lives if we continue over-exploiting the Earth - No stable and sustainable development in the future It threatens the next generation’s life - Not only us but also the next generation will be involved in this severe and alarming issue - There is no natural resource left for our grandchildren We have to suffer from natural disasters - There are many natural disasters, namely earthquakes, storms, erosion, etc - They will have a great impact/ affect human beings’ lives TOPIC 5: “Life is not fair Get used to it.” - Bill Gates Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience, or observations to support your point of view (“Cuộc sống khơng cơng Hãy quen với nó.” - Bill Gates Bạn đồng ý hay không với quan điểm Đưa lí ví dụ từ kinh nghiệm, quan sát để làm rõ quan điểm bạn.) AGREE I think that life is unfair, and it will never be fair for all of us - There is no doubt about this, it is so clear that fairness hardly exists - Even when we are looking at the future, life will never be fair Everyone is different We are born to complete different missions in life We are not the same Stop making life fair - For example, when we see someone driving a new car, stop being miserable because everyone is totally different from each other - We not know what they are actually suffering from, they might have finance, have money, but they not have love We should familiarize ourselves with unfairness - Be aware of unfairness and be familiar with it - It is a way to admit/ accept this tough reality Do not wasting time to feel irritated, feel blue because our lives are miseries/ darkness/ sadness - We should not spend too much time on seeing ourselves as losers compared to other people as life is unfair with us today, but it will be better tomorrow - Wasting time and effort feeling sad/blue just because we not have what other people have is so stupid and time-consuming When we see life unfair, it means that we are comparing Do not compare - We should get used to unfairness and at the same time, if we want to compare, let us compare ourselves of today with yesterday’s version - Instead of being sad and comparing all the time, let us smile and go through the difficulties VNU - DECEMBER A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Do you agree or disagree with this saying? Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience or observations to support your point of view “Một người bạn cần người bạn thực thụ.” Bạn đồng ý hay không với câu nói trên? Đưa lí ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm quan sát bạn AGREE It is totally/ completely/ thoroughly wrong/ incorrect to say/ think that whoever plays with us is our friend - It is about the definition of friend As friends are those who understand/ get us - We call somebody friend when they are willing to know more about us and help us in difficult/ challenging conditions There is a kind of friends who are friends in normal days But when it comes to sadness/ burden/ pressure, they are gone/ vanish/ disappear - It shows that they are not our truly friends/ buddy - They share our happiness, but not our sadness Specifically, talking about financial problems, a friends indeed will know how to behave - For example, if they just want to make fun of us, they will keep silent, simply vanish and run away when we face severe/ major issues - In case they are what we call “true friends”, they will definitely/ surely/ certainly support us in either ways: money or care They are always be by our sides just to make sure that we are fine/ alright/ good - They want to see our smiling/ our happiness - They want to bring us great things and keep those great things last long in our lives They lend us their shoulders/ their hands when troubles come to us - They still stand by us in both bright days and dark days, not matter what happens - They try to find a way, and treat/ see/ solve our problems/ troubles/ issues as theirs Trash and pollutants have increasingly been dumped into the sea What are some consequences of this action Give your opinion and support it with reasons and examples taken from your reading, experience or observations Rác thải chất gây ô nhiễm ngày bị thải biển nhiều Hậu việc gì? Đưa quan điểm ủng hộ quan điểm lí ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm quan sát bạn Oil spills are dangerous/harmful - When pollutants such as/ like oil is dumped into the ocean, it will harm the life of marine/sea creatures - Oil affects coral reefs that thrive in the ocean Trash and pollutants have a great impact on not only aquatic animals, but also human - For instance, if fish in the ocean are contaminated by the trash and pollutants, and human eat them, human's health will also be harmed - In the long run, not only those who consume those fish get bad health, but also their families and maybe their next generations will be put under risk Sea creatures may choke these trash - Bottles and other garbage like bags are easy to be eaten by sea animals - Plastic items are one of the major causes of death among turtles Lack of oxygen in the ocean - If trash and pollutants are thrown into the sea, the oxygen will be depleted - It greatly affects the health of marine life They make sea itself dirty - As garbage is dumped into the sea, it causes ugly ocean - More seriously, it discourages tourists go to the sea for relaxing purposes “Great minds have purposes, little minds have wishes.” - Washington Irving Do you agree or disagree with this saying? Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience or observations to support your point of view “Bộ não lớn có mục đích, não nhỏ có ước mơ.” Bạn đồng ý hay khơng với câu nói trên? Đưa lí ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm quan sát bạn Agree Great minds are those who know who they are - This kind of people know why they are living, not just simply existing - They try to get to the final destination, their goals in their lives Little minds are those who not know who they are - They simply exist in the Earth, not knowing their missions - They nothing to fulfill their lives Great minds know how to make use of their time working and dedicating to make their dream come true - It is very common that those who live because of their purposes will be successful and great in their own lives - Their time is for reaching their purposes, not just wishes Little minds not work hard; therefore, their dreams are still there, in their minds - Their wishes never come true because they not their best to achieve/get them - They are called day-dreamers who always wish for good things, but they never take action to make them happen Great minds used to be little - They have wishes, have dreams like what little minds have - The only difference is that great minds continue to make their wishes come true Some countries apply humane punishments for prisoners by giving them certain facilities in prison Other countries insist that prisoners be punished severely by minimizing basic living conditions during their time there Do you think prisons should be a decent enough or a harsh environment? Why? Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience or observations to support your point of view Nhiều nước áp dụng hình phạt nhân văn tù nhân cách cho họ sở vật chất tù Các đất nước khác khẳng định tù nhân cần bị trừng phạt khắc nghiệt cách giảm tối đa điều kiện sống suốt thời gian họ tù Bạn có nghĩ nhà tù cần tạo môi trường khắc nghiệt hay đủ đầy? Tại sao? Đưa lí ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm quan sát bạn Harsh environment They deserve what they did - They had wrongdoings in the past, so they need to be punished seriously - They reap what they sow; bad people need to pay the price If we facilitate the prisoners by offering them good living conditions, it means they are enjoying, not suffering from their bad actions - There is no difference between their lives out of the prison and inside the prison if we give them higher living standard - It seems to me that the life in prison is worth living if there are that good conditions More crimes will be made - Since people are afraid of harsh environment in the jail, they not dare to commit crime, but now, they are no longer scared of it - If they know they will be treated nicely in the prison, surely, they will cause more wrongdoings Going to jail offering good conditions is what some people want - Some people see themselves as poor people, so if the living conditions are good, they will increase the crime rate so that they can go to the jail - They might think going to the jail is a good decision because they not have to pay for any expenses in life Suffering from difficulties makes them mature - Harsh environment helps them in the way they can be reborn - It makes them treasure their social life more “People should stop eating dog meat because dogs are man’s best friends.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience or observations to support your point of view “”Con người nên dừng việc ăn thịt chó có bạn thân người” Bạn đồng ý hay khơng với câu nói trên? Đưa lí ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm quan sát bạn AGREE Dogs are loyal to their masters - Most of the dogs obey their masters' words - They recognize who their master is Dogs help human a lot - They keep the house safe - They can some small stuff with human's instructions Dogs love us - They always try to show their love with human by waving their tails - They also love kids It shows clearly while they play with children It is not safe to eat dog meat - Consuming dog meat causes diseases such as rabies - Furthermore, it increases your risk of cancer, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, etc Dogs have feelings as human - They can feel hurt like us if they are killed - It shows clearly through their eyes, as their eyes are full of emotions like human beings Great minds have purposes, little minds have wishes ... day is unforeseen - Enjoy what you have and learn from your mistakes GỢI Ý GIẢI ĐỀ SPEAKING PART VNU- EPT THÁNG 9 /2019 TOPIC 1: I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I and I understand Confucius... things '' delicious'' out there waiting for you to try - Be willing to accept and adapt Speaking Part – Tháng 08 /2019 Topic 1: If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything Mark Twain... programs - Many parents use Youtube to sharpen their kids’ learning ability GỢI Ý SPEAKING PART – THÁNG 07 - 2019 Topic 1: I hear and I forget I see and I remember I and I understand Tôi nghe

Ngày đăng: 30/03/2021, 22:24

