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Unit 11. Keep fit, stay healthy

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Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, MP3 2.. Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler …3[r]


Period: 73


I Objectives

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: a Knowledge:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss understand the symptoms of the common cold and know how to prevent. - Vocabulary: symptom, common cold, runny nose, cough, sneeze, slight fever, disappear, prevent, cure, catch

- Grammar: simple past tense.

b Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

c Attitude: Ss understand the symptoms of the common cold and know how to prevent. 2 Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self-learning capability - Communicative competence - Cooperation capacity

II Preparation

1 Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, MP3. 2 Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler …

III Students’ activities

1 Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

- T asks Ss play the game “ Matching”

Put the chart on the board and ask Ss to match - Ss look and match

- T checks and corrects - T introduces new lesson

* Matching.

Cold đau Flu đau đầu Stomachache cảm lạnh Headache cảm cúm Toothache đau dày 2 Knowledge formation activities (36’)

- T asks Ss to look at the picture and elicits some words

- T reads model, Ss listen and repeat

- T asks Ss to read in front of the class loudly - T checks their pronunciation

- Ss listen and copy

B4 Read Then answer the questions.

* Ss know some diseases and some synomym words.

* New words.

- common cold (n): cảm thông thường - disease (n) = sickness: bệnh tật - catch (v): mắc, nhiễm

- symptom (n): triệu chứng - slight fever(n): sốt nhẹ - runny nose (n): sổ mũi - cough (V): ho

- sneeze (v): hắt hơi, nhảy mũi - cure (n): cách chữa trị

- prevent (v): ngăn ngừa - Let Ss listen to the tape twice

- T asks Ss to read the text silently

- T calls on some Ss to read the text before class - T corrects pronunciation

- Ss listen and take notes

- T asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions/ 112

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions - T calls on some pairs to ask and answer questions before class

- T checks and corrects the answers - Ss listen and copy down into their book

*Answer the questions.

a We call the cold common because every year millions of people catch it

b they are : a runny nose, a slight fever, coughing, sneezing

c No, there isn’t

d No, they don’t They only relieve the symptoms

e We can prevent a cold by eating well, doing exercises, keeping fit and staying healthy


3 Consolidation (4’)

- T reviews some symptoms of common cold, Ss listen

IV Experience:




Period: 74

THE 45- MINUTE TEST I Objectives

1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: a Knowledge:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss remember the knowledge they have learnt - Vocabulary: Words relating to units 9, 10, 11.

- Grammar: Preposition of location, past simple, present simple….(review) b Skills: speaking, reading and writing

c Attitude:Ss remember the knowledge they have learnt 2 Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self-learning capability

II Preparation

1 Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, cassette and tape 2 Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler …

III Students’ activities

1 Matrix

Tên chủ đề

Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng


TNKQ TL TNKQ TL Cấp độ thấp Cấp độ cao


A Language focus

6 1,5

6 1,5

12 3,0

B Writing 41,0 2 0.5 4 1,0 10 2,5

C Reading 4 1,0 31,5 7 2,5

D Listening 2 0,5 2 0,5 41,0 8 2,0

Total 12 3,0 13 4,0 8 2,0 4 1,0 37 10,0

2 Content (45’)

A Language focus (3,0 ms).

I Choose the letter a, b, c or d to complete every sentence (1.5 ms). The book store is the bakery store and the hairdresser

a next to b opposite c near d between

2 How is it from your house to your school?

a much b old c far d long

3 I volleyball last week

a play b played c was playing d plays

4 How height are you? -> I am one meter and sixty-two centimeters

a tall b weight c heavy d weigh

5 What was wrong with you? -> I had a ., so I went to the dentist

a headache b bad cold c toothache d runny nose

6 Yesterday, he a letter to her aunt

a send b to send c was sending d sent


A B Answer

1 borrow a gave +

2 buy b did +

3 make c drank +

4 drink d made +

5 e bought +

6 give f borrowed +

B Writing (2,5 ms).

I Complete the following sentences with the words given (0,5 m). school / Which / / go / you / to? -> weight / How / you / are / ,Hoa? -> II Use the past simple tense with the verbs in brackets (1.0 m).

1 The nurse (measure) Hoa

2 Ba (go) to the dentist, because he had a bad toothache She (watch) television last night

4 They (buy) a new motobike two weeks ago III Answer the questions about you (1,0 m).

1 Did you have a bad toothache? -> What is your full name? ->

3 How weight are you? -> How height are you? ->

C Reading comprehension (2.5 ms)

Lan watched Mrs Huong make her dress She thought sewing was a useful hobby She decided to learn how to sew

Lan bought some material She learned how to use a sewing machine and first, she made a cushion for her armchair It was blue and white

Next, Lan made a skirt It was green with white flower on it It looked very pretty Lan tried it on but it didn’t fit It was too big Lan’s neighbor helped her and then it fitted very well Now, Lan has a useful new hobby- she wears the things she makes

I True or false? Check the boxes (1,0 m).


1 Mrs.Huong decided to learn how to sew Lan learned how to use a sewing machine A cushion was blue and white

4 Mrs Huong wears the things Lan makes II Answer the questions (1,5 ms).

1 Did Lan decide to learn how to sew? -> What did Lan make first? -> What color was the skirt? -> Who helped Lan to repair the skirt? ->

D Listening (2.0 ms)

I True or false? Listen and check (v) the boxes (1,0 m)


1 Her full name is Pham Thi Hoa Hoa’s temperature is 360C.

3 Hoa was one meter and 30 centimeters last year The nurse will see Hoa in a few minutes

II Listen again and answer the questions (1,0 m).


A Language focus (3,0 ms).

I Choose the letter a, b, c or d to complete every sentence (1.5 ms).

1 d between c far b played a tall c toothache d sent II Matching (1.5 ms).

1 + f + e + d + c + b + a

B Writing (2,5 ms).

I Complete the following sentences with the words given (0,5 m). Which School you go to?

2 Hwo weight are you, Hoa?

II Use the past simple tense with the verbs in brackets (1.0 m). measures went watched bought

III Answer the questions about you (1,0 m). Ss’ answers

C Reading comprehension (2.5 ms)

I True or false? Check the boxes (1,0 m). F T T F

II Answer the questions (1,5 ms). Yes, she did

2 First, she made a cushion for her armchair The skirt was blue and white

4 Mrs Huong helped Lan to repair the skirt?

D Listening (2.0 ms)

I True or false? Listen and check (v) the boxes (1,0 m). T F T F

II Listen again and answer the questions (1,0 m). Her full name is Pham Thi Hoa

2 The nurse takes Hoa’ temperature

3 She is one meter and 45 centimeters tall now She is 40 kilos

V Experience:




Period: 75


1 Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: a Knowledge:

- To help Ss know the answer keys of the test as well as review the knowledge they have studied in unit 9, 10, 11

- Vocabulary: Related to unit 9, 10, 11; Preposition of location, past simple, present simple….(review)

b Skills: speaking, reading and writing c Attitude:

- Ss remember the knowledge they have learnt - Work hard

2 Capacity is formed and developed for students - Self-learning capability

- Communicative competence - Cooperation capacity

II Preparation

1 Teacher: lesson plane, book, color chalks, pictures, MP3 2 Students: books, notebooks, pen, ruler …


1 Warm up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

-T has Ss listen to the passage again and complete it

- Ss give the answers before the class and explain for their choice

- T checks and corrects any mistakes if necessary

- Ss copy down the correct answers

I Listening

Listen Complete the sentences you hear (2,5ms)

a right sentence is 0,5point.

1 bus first time

3 a short time/ 10 minutes Mrs Robinson the evening

- T has Ss the exercise again

- Ss give the answers before the class and explain for their choice

- T checks and corrects any mistakes if necessary

- Ss copy down the correct answers

II Language focus

1 Matching (1,0m) a right sentence is 0,25point a+ B b+ A c+ D d+ C

2 Write the past forms of the following verbs (1,5ms)

a right sentence is 0,25point.

a have -> had b live -> lived c see-> saw d buy-> bought e talk-> talked f fit-> fitted -T has Ss read the passage and does the

exercise again

- Ss give the answers before the class and explain for their choice

- T checks and corrects any mistakes if necessary

- Ss copy down the correct answers

III Reading.

1 True or false? Check (v) the boxes (0,5m)

a right sentence is 0,25point.

a T; b T

2 Answer the questions (2,0ms)

a right sentence is 0,5point. She bought some material Yes, she did

3 It was blue and white It looked very pretty -T has Ss read the sentences and does the

exercise again

- Ss give the answers before the class and explain for their choice

- T checks and corrects any mistakes if necessary

- Ss copy down the correct answers

IV Writing

1 Answer the questions (1,0m)

a right sentence is 0,5point. III Writing

Ss’ answers

2 Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets (1,5ms).

a right sentence is 0,5point.

a had b lived c open

4 Consolidation (4’)

T emphasizes the structures again

5 Homework (1’)

Ss learn the structures again prepare Unit 12 A1

V Experience:




Signature of the Leader


Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 17:09

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