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Mai doesn’t finds a good job before September, she will stay on at school.. Mai doesn’t find a good job before September she will stay on at school.[r]


Unit 4: LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Bài 1: Điền vào bảng sau với từ ngữ pháp cho khung.

preposition phrase noun paragraph adjective plural

adverb sentence dialogue verb singular


Grammar word Meaning Example

verb Something we Go, eat, look A piece of text (one or more

sentences) beginning on a new line This test is about words fortalking about languages You can score 30 points

2 A word that describes a verb Quickly, happily …

3 A conversation between two people Tom : Where’s my pen? Mary: On the table

4 Just one Car, student, girl…

5 A person or a thing Teacher, cat, chair …

6 A word that describes a person or a

thing Big, good, tall…

7 A complete idea in writing: it starts with a capital letter and ends in a full stop

Yesterday, I went to the beach with a friend

8 A little word used before a noun At, on, from, …

9 A group of words In my room, a new car …

10 More than one person or one thing Cars, students, girls … Bµi 2: Nèi tõ, cơm tõ ë cét A víi nghÜa cđa tõ cét B.

Column A Column B Bµi lµm

1 primary school a) a school paid for by the parents - secondary school b) a person, usually over 16, who is studying - private school c) school usually for pupils up to 11 years old -

4 state school d) to be successful -

5 subject e) school usually for pupils over 11 years old -

6 results f) what is being studied (e.g Maths) -

7 a class g) school paid for by the stage or government -

8 a pupil h) the marks you get in your exam -

9 a student i) a number of pupils who study together - 10.pass (an exam) j) a person, usually under 16, studying at school 10 - Bài 3: Chọn đáp án cho câu sau

1 If he … her, she could have had an accident

A didn’t warn B hadn’t warned C warned D doesn’t warn He required that everybody … present

A is B should be C have been D was

3 My teacher always expected me … well in exam

A doing B to C D does

4 The dentist told me … more careful when I brushed my teeth

A being B to be C be D have been


A does John live B John lives C does John live? D John living I wish we … shopping here together

A will go B would go C go D to go

7 If there … gravity, water wouldn’t run downhill

A aren’t B isn’t C hadn’t been D weren’t

8 If I were the Minister of Education, I … more money on teachers

A spent B would spend c will spent D have spent

9 If I … here, I’d like to be in Paris

A am not B weren’t C hadn’t been D haven’t been

10.You will be ill if you … so much

A will eat B are eating C eat D ate

11 We won’t go out … it stops raining

A if B if not C unless D when

12.He acts as if he … it perfectly

A know B knows C has known D knew

13.He didn’t take the job … the salary was good

A because B if C though d as

14.Mary wasn’t thirsty … she has drunk some milk

A although B though C while D because

15.He asked his son … back as soon as possible

A comes B to come C came D coming

16.Marry would lend me some money if I … her

A ask B am asking C will ask D asked

17.If I … be somebody else, I … to be a film star

A could / would B can / would like C could / would like D can / like 18.If I were you, I … that camera

A won’t buy B wouldn’t buy C didn’t buy D haven’t bought 19.When my brother was asked if he liked the job, he replied that he …

A has done B does C did D was doing

20.I wish I … him, but I don’t

A am liking B like C liked D was liking

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án điền vào chỗ trống câu sau

When I first started learning English ten years ago, I could hardly (1) … a word - “hello”, “good bye”, “thank you” was just about it! I went to classes two evenings a week and I was surprised at how quickly I (2) … progress (3) … the course we learned lots of vocabularies and studied grammar rules (4) … thing I enjoyed most was being able to practice speaking with the other students in my class

After two years I went to England to a (5) … school It was in Cambridge I did a (6) … course at a very good school and I stayed with a local family It was a fantastic experience and I (7) … up a lot of new language from speaking with my host gfamily and with other students from (8) the world I really improved my pronounciation as well When I got back (9) Spain, I was

… …

so much more confident I (10) … actually hold a conversation with my teacher in English

1 A talk B speak C say D tell

2 A B make C did d made

3 A During B After C Before D While

4 A That B A C The D Those

5 A science B language C art D finance

6 A three - weeks B third - week C threes - weeks D three - week

7 A picked B looked C got D stood

8 A all B over C over all D all over

9 A the B to C in D X

10.A didn’t B can C could D couldn’t

Bài 5: Đọc đoạn văn chọn đáp án điền vào thông tin dới


and girls study their own language, which is English, and mathematics, … and another language, perhaps French, or German, or Spainish

Many adults learn English, because it is useful for their work Teenagers learn English for their higher studies, because some of their books are in English at the college or university Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English

1 According to the writer ………

A only adults learn English B no children like to learn English C English is useful only for teenagers D English is popular all over the world Most people learn English by ………

A watching video only B hearing the language in the office C talking with foreigners D working hard on their lessons Many boys and girls learn English because ………

A English can give them a job B it is included in their study course C they are forced to learn D they have to study their own language In America or Australia many school children study ………

A English as a foreign language B English and mathematics only

C such foreign languages as French, German, and Spainish D their own language and no foreign language

5 Many adults learn English because ………

A English is spoken in their office B they want to go abroad C most of their books are in English D it helps them in their work Bài 6: Chọn đáp án để viết lại câu cho nghĩa câu không đổi

1 I wish I had one million dollars

If only ………

A I had had one million dollars B I have had one million dollars C I have one million dollars D I had one million dollars If you don’t study harder, you will surely fail the next exam

Unless ………

A you don’t study harder, you will surely fail the next exam B you study hard, you will pass the next exam

C you study hard, you will surely fail the next exam D you sudy hard, you won’t surely fail the next exam I will marry her and I don’t care how old she is

No matter ………

A how old is she, I will marry her B how old she is, I will marry her C I don’t care how old she is, I will marry her D how she is old, I will marry her If I earn more, my wife will spend more

The more ………

A I earn, the more my wife spends B I earn, the more my wife spend C I earn, the my wife will spend more D my wife spends, I earn more They didn’t follow the map, so they got lost

If ………

A they didn’t follow the map, they wouldn’t get lost B they followed the map, they wouldn’t get lost

C they hadn’t followed the map, they wouldn’t have got lost D they had followed the map, they wouldn’t have got lost “It certainly wasn’t me who took your car!” said Bob

Bob denied ………

A taking my car B to take my car C being take my car D took my car “I’d take a taxi if I were you”, said Paul

Paul suggested ………

A I take a taxi B he takes a taxi C I took a taxi D me took a taxi “You’d better not lend them any more money, Tom,” said Mary

Mary advised Tom ………

A to not lend them any more money B not to lend them any more money C not lend them any more money D not lending them any more money “What time does the manager come back?” The customer asked


A knowing what time the manager came back B to know what time the manager comes back C to know what time does the manager come back D to know what time the manager came back 10.The doctor told him that he worked too hard

“You ………”, the doctor said to him

A worked too hard B have worked too hard

C work too hard D had worked too hard

11 Unless he phones her immediately, he won’t get any information

If ………

A he doesn’t phone her immediately, he won’t get any information B he phones her immediately, he won’t get any information

C he doesn’t phone her immediately, he will get any information D he doesn’t phone her immediately, he gets any information 12.She asked John how he liked her new dress,

“How ……….?, she asked John

A does he like my new dress B did you like my new dress C you like her new dress D you like my new dress 13.The children will go swimming if it is sunny

Unless, ………

A it isn’t rainy, the children will go swimming B it is rainy, the children will go swimming C it is sunny, the children will go swimming D it is rainy, the children won’t go swimming 14.“How many students are ther in your class?”

The man asked me ……… A how many students there were in your class B how many students were there in my class C how many students there were in my class D how many students there have been in my class 15.John is fat because he eats so many chips

If ………

A John wasn’t fat he would eat so many chips

B John didn’t eat so many chips he would not be fat C John doesn’t eat so many chips he will not be fat D John didn’t eat so many chips he would be fat

16.Mai will stay on at school unless she finds a good job before September

If ………

A Mai finds a good job before September, she will stay on at school

B Mai doesn’t find a good job before September, she won’t stay on at school C Mai doesn’t finds a good job before September, she will stay on at school D Mai doesn’t find a good job before September she will stay on at school 17.“Can I have a new bicycle?” said Ann to her mother

Ann asked ………

A her mother if she can have a new bicycle B her mother if she could have a new bicycle C her mother can she have a new bicycle D her mother could she have a new bicycle 18.“Where has he been?” she doen’t know that

She doesn’t know ………

A where has he been B where he was

C where he has been D where he had been

19.You will be ill if you continue to smoke

Unless ………

A you continue to smoke, you’ll be ill B you don’t continue to smke, you ‘ll be ill C you stop smoking, you won’t be ill D you stop smoking, you’ll be ill

20 She asked Tom “Do you understand my questions?”

She asked Tom ………

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 13:38

