Printеd in thе Unitеd Kingdom at thе Univеrsity Prеss, Саmbridgе А саtаloguе record for this publicаtion is ауаilаblе from thе British Librаry ISBN... Chris Redston F-*'щ..[r]
Cаmbridgе, Nеw York, Mеlbournе, Madrid, Capе Town, Singaporе, Sao Paulo, Dеlhi Сambridgе Univетsity Prеss
Тhе ЕdinЬurgh Building, Cambridgе сB2 8RU, UK www.сambridgе.org
Information on this titlе : wrpw сambridgе org/9 8052|7 I27 43 @ Сambridgе Univеrsity Prеss 2009
Тhis puЬliсation Ь in сopyright Subjесt to statutory ехсеption аnd to thе pгovisions of rеlеvant сollесtivе liсеnsing agrееmеnts, no rеproduсtion of any part may takе plaсе w.ithout thе wIittеn pеrmission of Cambridgе Univеrsity Prеss
First publishеd 2009
1 New friends
numbers 0_.|2; сountries; the a|phabet; things in your bag (1); aand an; people; things; plurals
Pronunсiation word stress (1); lal and lel Spelling review
2 All about you
nationalities; jobs; titles; greetings; numbers 13-100 Pronunciation word stress (2\; ltl and litl
Spelling jobs; plurals
3 People and places
adjeсtives ('l); word order With adjeсtives; verу;Iami|уi food and drink (1) and (2\; love, like, eat, drink, a lot ot Pronunciataon syllables; lol and lil
Spelliпg numbers
4 Mу world
phrases With like, have' Iive' work, sfudy; free time aоtivities; things to buy; this, that lhese, those; days of fte week; time words P]onunciation sy||ab|es aпd Word stress (1)
Spelling double letters (1) Day-to-day life
dai|y routines; time phrases With 04 ,л, af; food and drink (3); frequenоy adverbs and phrases with eиery
Pronunciаtion sounds rrvieW (]) Spelling Present Simple (he, she, it\
(5)What's your name?
Saying he|lo ffiХЖffiЖ
lntroduсing peop|e ffi
" : YVoNNЕ RoЬеrt, t h i s isMеilin
namе? RoBERт H
Mеilin.N -m voЦ
МЕ|LIN You t- -
Saying goodbye ffiffi
(6)l, mу, уoLl,yoиr *Ж
Fill in thе gaps w.ith I, mу' уou ot уour.
HUGo Hеllo, /".,m Hugo WhatЪ
Hi' nаmеЪ Lian з ' - Niсе to mееt - - - -.-
Hеllo, Alеxеi. Hi, Сarla How arе
1A and 1B
Numbers 0-12 Ж
& o Writе thе numbеrs.
o -zэr-o
сARLA 'm [inе, thanks
And ?
ALЕxЕ| 'm oK, thаnks What's -_ - _ home ?
(7)Where are уou from?
Fill in thе gaps with thеsе wоrds.
Hettб And Whеre meet too Niсe name,s
l l'lf How oK l'm you this Niсe too from thаnks ;
EММA tt-i' ,Brian.
BRIAN Hеllo' Еmmа ЕМMA I'm finе,
вRIAN I'm."-'- - - ЕMМA Brian' - - - '
BRIAN Hеllo, Kaoru to mееt you KAoRU You _
ЕММA Whеrе arе you ? KAoRU from Osaka, in Japan.
he, his, she, her ffi
(8)ln сlass Тhe alphabet ffi
,& о Fillin йе gaps Usе small lеttеrs.
n _ - _ - q r -.-._._- -_ _- u - w - _ - z b) Writе thе alphabеt Usе сapitallеttеrs
Classroom language
G} рirr in thе gaps with thеsе words.
First names and surnames liЖffi
сABR|ELA ortеga тEAсHЕR
,,@ гirr in thе gaps with thеsе phrasеs.
Jхсчsetrтs in English Whаt does I don't know I don't understand i Can you repeat that How you spelt i GABR|ELA' _Ехсцs*e.Шe
тEAсHER Yеs' Gabriеla?
GABRIЕLA .diсtionary'?
.surnamе'mеan? ItЪ your family namе
r m sorry,
Yоur flirst namе is Johann Your surnamе is Sсhulz
JoHANN oh, oK Тhank you тЕAсHER Look at thе photo on pagе 12
YoUssЕF . , plеasе?
тЕAсHER Look at thе photo on pagе l2
DЕNIZ Еxсusеmе.WhatЪ.еlma'6. - - -
(9)People and things
Peop|e Ж Тhings ffiЖ
Plurals ffi
,@ w.i." thе plurals.
Pronunсiation: lr.l and lel
Help with Sounds, Student's Book p13
;.A} root at thе lеttеrs in bold Matсh thе words to thе sounds а studеnt
2 а tеaсhеr a pеrson + a thing s a baby aman a narnе a сountтy a sandwiсh 10 a woman 1,l a watсh l2 an answеr
Pronunсiation: word strеss (.1)
(10)2 All abоut yоu
Language Summary 2, Student's Book plO2
She's British
r .:;:;11111 1l;.,,,;1'1ir l:
Nationalities ffi
jl пind 15 nationаlitiеs () o).
0e (singular): positive ffi
His namе l5 Rogеr Hе from thе USA Hеr namе з Сamillе Shе a. '- Frеnсh
Hetto, I ,- A[iсia | 6- - - Сo[ombiаn'
be (singular): negative ffiffi
@ мuи" thеsе sеntеnсеs nеgativе. 1 I'm а tеасhеr.
l|m not a tеaсher. z HеЪ a studеnt.
You'rе flrom Russiа. ItЪ Gеrman. ShеЪ Сhinеsе.