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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION ******************* GRADUATION PAPER A STUDY ON THE SHIFT IN VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION OF ENGLISH BANKING FORMS Supervisor : Assoc Prof Nguyen Xuan Thom Student: Ha Minh Ngoc Year: QH2008 Hanoi , 2012 i ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƢỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƢ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH ******************* KHOÁ LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ CÁCH DỊCH CHUYỂN ĐỔI ANH-VIỆT TRONG CÁC MẪU ĐƠN NGÂN HÀNG Giáo viên hƣớng dẫn: PGS Nguyễn Xuân Thơm Sinh viên: Hà Minh Ngọc Khoá: QH2008 HÀ NỘI – NĂM 2012 ii ABSTRACT The need for the translation of banking documents into Vietnamese is a matter-of-fact since there are already a number of foreign banks operating in Vietnam, and entering this potential market with a growing population of 80 million people However, it is not an easy task at all to translate banking documents due to the sharp linguistic differences between English and Vietnam This thesis titled “A study on the shift in Vietnamese translation of English Banking form” The main purpose of this research is to find the types of shifts in banking forms and to draw out appropriate the strategies for translating of banking documents Hopefully, the research are helpful to translators with little experience of doing the translation in the field This study uses a qualitative descriptive method Ten English HSBC forms with their Vietnamese translations considered as source of the data As far as translation shift are concerned, Catford gives two types of translation shifts, namely level shifts and category shifts that are divided into structure shifts, rank shifts, class shifts, and Intra-system shifts In this thesis, it is limited in word level and above word level (nominal group) The results of the study show that the shift in translating Banking forms is an effective translation procedure Thus, readers can consider the shift as their choice of a good translation iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Mr Nguyen Xuan Thom, for his invaluable advice as well as his great help in the completion of this graduation paper My thanks then go to some lecturers of Division of Translation and Interpretation Practice of Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies, who gave me suggestions on the topic of the study I would also like to thank all of my friends for their constructive comments and suggestions, without which this paper could not have been completed Finally, I would like to thank my family who offered continuous support throughout the past few years iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Scope of the study .2 1.4 Methodology 1.5 Structure of the study CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Translation 2.1.1 Definition 2.1.2 Translation procedures .7 Transference .7 Naturalization Through translation Shift or transposition Modulation Cultural equivalent Functional equivalent Descriptive equivalent 2.2 Translation Shifts .9 2.2.1 Definition of a shift 2.2.2 Types of Shifts 10 2.3 Loss and gain of information 13 2.4 Form 14 2.5 Summary 15 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 16 3.1 Sampling 16 v 3.2 Data analysis process 16 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 18 4.1 The translation of nominal groups 18 4.1.1 The nominal group 18 4.1.2 Element function in nominal group 19 4.2 Translation by Category shift 22 4.2.1 Translation by structure shift with the automatic change in the word order from SL to TL 22 4.2.2 Translation by rank shift 25 4.2.3 Translation by class shift 29 4.2.4 Translation by Intra-system shift 32 4.3 Translation by level shift 35 4.4 Summary and Implications 35 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 38 5.1 Overview and summary of the thesis 38 5.2 Limitation 39 5.3 Suggestions for the further research 39 REFERENCES 41 APPENDIXES 43 vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS SL Source language ST Source text TL Target language TT Target text vii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale English is a compulsory subject in many schools and universities It is also an important tool for students of different majors such as Finance and Banking It is well-known that the students majoring in Finance and Banking often have to deal with many documents in English such as text books, reference books or translation task for study purposes, in order to keep them well-informed in this field For many English learners (students), doing translation of specialized documents is not a easy task because each language has its own features Thus, the role of the translator should be very important because he has to understand the source language so as to translate it properly to the target language “In order, that the translator is rendering of a source language (SL) text into the target language (TL) so as to ensure that the surface meaning of the two will be approximately similar and the structures of the source language will be preserved as closely as possible but not so closely that the target language structures will be seriously distorted” (Bassnet 1988) In other words, a translator has to know the shift of meaning in translating the source language to the target one Translator faces many difficulties when translating from English into Vietnamese or vice versa because each language has its own lexicon and grammatical structures Economics translation in general and banking translation in particular is always attractive to students of translating and interpreting major, in which the translation of banking documents has a great concern Therefore, I choose banking forms of HSBC as data for studying because from its first office in Vietnam in 1870, HSBC is now the largest foreign bank in Vietnam in terms of network, product range, staff and customer base The London-based HSBC provides precious materials of banking transaction represented by banking forms for study Vietnamese translator also translated them into Vietnamese to meet the demand of domestic transaction This research paper has been carried out with the hope of finding out how the shift is employed to make the translation sound natural but original Therefore, the major concern of this paper is to analyze and draw up a list of shift examples in banking forms, especially in HSBC forms Some suggestions from the findings can help other students gain deeper knowledge and awareness of translation shift, which is likely to be useful in their prospective career as translators 1.2 Objectives The object of this research is the translation which is found in banking form of HSBC It can be helpful for other students in translating banking terms or banking articles For that reason it is necessary to attempt to analyze the shift of meaning from the banking forms in both Vietnamese and English This research answers three questions: • What are different types of translation shifts which occur in English – Vietnamese translation of banking forms? • What are the reasons why shifts occur in the English – Vietnamese translation of banking forms? • What are the reasons for information loss and gain during translation shifts? Vietnamese or vice versa correctly because of the differences between two languages Therefore, they often make mistakes as they translate word by word or literal translation It is expected that the results of thesis would provide ESP students and translators of English with some ideas about ways of dealing with English banking texts, especially banking forms, thus reducing the mistakes arising in translating them In addition, the researcher wishes to help students to understand the shift in translation process as well as gain more knowledge in terms of banking term equivalents 1.3 Scope of the study The objectives in the preceding part have already implied that the research only focus on shift translation found in the HSBC forms Thus, the theory of Catford (1974) about the shift in translation is used Within the limit of time, it is hard to produce statistic data on the frequency of translation shifts applied in the translation of Banking forms, thus the collection of data is only expected to cover the outstanding translation examples based on the feature of four subgroups, namely, unit shift, class shift and intra-system shift In this case, the research limit the scope of the analysis at word level and above word level (nominal group) Besides, the theory of loss and gain of information and skewing proposed by Nida (1969) is also used to address the process of translation 1.4 Methodology This research is descriptive research Descriptive research involves seeking, collecting, classifying, analyzing data and then drawing conclusions which concern the current phenomenon Sampling Paper printed forms of HSBC Bank (Vietnam branch) was chosen to be assessed in this study for the main following reasons The forms in this research are the standard forms provided by HSBC Bank, one of the largest banking and financial services organizations in the world, with headquartered in London Besides, all the forms are well-designed in both Vietnamese and English in which English is SL and Vietnamese is TL so that it is convenient for study Data collection instrument Data were collected thanks to internet service on HSBC website, Vietnam branch Each form was taken in form of soft copies which are now used for transaction between the bank and customers All of them have both Vietnamese and English so that comparison between source language and target language can be made easily amount in word số tiền chữ position in company chức vụ full name in Block letters họ tên đầy đủ chữ hoa To conclude, the most important factor in the translation of these compound nouns is the change in nominal groups form in order to get the semantic equivalent and natural style of the TL The rank shift procedure is quite easy as the translator just to two following things: (1) firstly find the lexical equivalent of each element in the nominal group and (2) convert the position of the elements from English word order into Vietnamese order By this way, Vietnamese terms are longer than the SL but clearer to the readership Besides, in this case, there is no gain or loss information through rank shift translation because all words are converted into TL 4.2.3 Translation by class shift The next common technique used in translating texts from English into Vietnamese is class shift Vinay and Darbelne (1985) notes that, transposition means the replacing of one word-class by another, without changing the meaning of the message Class shift involves the change in parts of speech from SL to TL English itself exists seven types of class shift as presented by an English teacher at University Education, Dr Angelo Pizzuto (2010) No Word-class Original sentence Back-translation change Adverb  Verb I only defended myself I did nothing but defend myself Adverb  Noun I wrote to you early this I wrote to you at the year Adverb beginning of the year  He lives precariously 29 He leads a precarious life Adjective Adjective  Noun He found it difficult to I had difficulty to make arrange for the trip the arrangements for the trip Possessive Your hair is too long  adjective You have the hair too long Definite article Verb or past I intended to tell you the My intention was to tell participle  Noun whole truth Adverb  Noun I wrote to you early this I wrote to you at the you the whole truth year beginning of the year These cases are also sometimes seen in English and Vietnamese because each language has its own linguistic class of words and common linguistic categories including nouns and verbs, adjectives, among others Depending on each language, parts of speech have different classes and subclasses It not always be possible to translate a SL noun into a noun in TL It is investigated that the Vietnamese prefer verbs rather than nouns and adjectives This type of shift can be seen clearer in the following categories i SL noun is translated into TL verb SL text TL text Failure to provide the above mentioned Những lệnh chuyển tiền gửi mà code may result in additional charge khơng có mã số này, phát sinh thêm phí In such a noun as “Failure”, it can be easily rendered into Vietnamese in its original noun form In this case, the equivalent item of “Failure” is “Sự thiếu, không làm việc gì”, but it would be very unnatural in Vietnamese It can be better understood as “something doesn‟t have” The SL noun turned into a verb 30 “khơng có” Similarly, on dealing with noun “In the absence of any directions to the contrary” and “For assistance, please call…”, the translator changes nouns into verbs “Trong trường hợp khơng có dẫn trái ngược” and “Để trợ giúp, vui lòng liên hệ…” in order for them to be much more natural However, in both cases, it is possible to maintain the word-class in SL by translating as “Trong tình trạng thiếu dẫn trái ngược” and “Để có trợ giúp, vui lòng liên hệ…” but the translation sounds awkward Meanwhile, with a little adjustment, the translated version conforms to the rule of the Vietnamese language Another reasonable example in this case is translating title and subtitle from English to Vietnamese In the Banking forms, there are a lot of sections with titles and most of them are in the noun phrase form For example, “Telegraphic transfer/demand draft/local transfer application form” and “Premature withdrawal”, they are translated into “Yêu cầu chuyển tiền điện/hối phiếu nước” and “Rút trước thời hạn” These examples show the change of the SL noun into the TL verb without omission or addition any information ii SL adjective is translated into TL verb Besides turning nouns to verbs, the translator also employed word-class shift from adjective to verb This can be illustrated in the following example “Low battery” corresponds to “Hết pin”, which reflects the use of the TL adjective in place of SL verb in the context that bank states some reasons to issue new Security Device In this case, the adjective “Low” shows the status which is below the usual or average level and does not have enough something Therefore, “Low battery” would be translated as “Pin yếu” in order to avoid the occurrence of this shift However, readers can easily understand both translations It just depends on the translator preference “Pin yếu” should be used here but “Hết pin” has a stronger meaning For the researcher‟s viewpoint, the two translated versions are acceptable because they not change the meaning by comparing with the SL message There will be no translation shift and even loss of information 31 However, in some cases, the switch from adjectives to nouns is compulsory in order to remain the purity of Vietnamese For instance, “The resolution on Authorization for Business Internet Banking Service management made on - shall be invalid from the date the Bank approves this Amendment Form” is translated as “Nghị việc ủy quyền Quản lý Dịch vụ Ngân hàng Trực tuyến Doanh nghiệp lập vào ngày - chấm dứt hiệu lực kể từ ngày Ngân hàng chấp nhận đơn thay đổi này” In this situation, the adjective “invalid” refers to the action “something is not legally or officially acceptable”, meanwhile in Vietnamese, no adjective expresses actions as verbs This kind of adjustment, using verbs rather than using adjectives must be made in order to convey the massage Another example is sentence “Board resolution/account mandate (applicable to the 1st TMD placement only)…” which is well translated into “Nghị Hội đồng quản trị/Ủy nhiệm tài khoản (chỉ áp dụng lần đặt tiền gửi đầu tiên)” There is no equivalent adjective in Vietnamese which can take responsibility as a verb indicating something is true in the case of somebody/something This is not a simple task especially for English learners who are not very flexible in the use of words and parts of speech In this case, most translators should avoid the word-for-word translation and escape the frame of source language to have natural expressions In this case, it is quite clear to see that there is no loss or gain information from SL to TL 4.2.4 Translation by Intra-system shift Intra-system shift occurs when translation involves selection of a noncorresponding term in the TL system For example the singular-plural system is common in Vietnamese and English; however, the translator sometimes employed intra-system shift to change SL plural nouns to singular nouns in TL for natural expressions In addition, the Vietnamese are not as precise as English people in terms of singular and plural forms 32 In some cases, the translator encounters un-Vietnamese translation which occurs when translating plural nouns in the English text Therefore, intra-system shift is employed to make the best translation version i SL plural noun is translated into TL singular noun Frank Trinh (2002) notes that in some situations, automatically using plural nouns as “các” and “những” is ungrammatical to Vietnamese people For example, in nominal groups, Amount in words should not be translated as Số tiền chữ or Full name in block letters can not be equivalent to Họ tên đầy đủ chữ in hoa though they are right in principle Omission appears to be a good strategy in these cases and they should be translated as Số tiền chữ and Họ tên đầy đủ chữ in hoa The omission of plural nouns in translating for easier understanding is acceptable in Vietnamese as the target language since the linguistic system of Vietnamese plural noun and singular nouns is more flexible than that in English There is no loss or gain of information in this data because all the parts of the English noun phrase is translated into Vietnamese and the translation version is clear to understand clearly Let us look at these following examples to see that clearly in the banking forms No English Vietnamese Foreign currencies Ngoại tệ Notes Lưu ý User cannot make transactions in Người sử dụng thực categories in which limit is set at giao dịch hạng mục có hạn mức zero The Bank shall be under no Ngân hàng không chịu responsibilities in this Athorisation is trách nhiệm trường hợp Ủy quyền vô hiệu deemed void This Authorization shall be governed Ủy nhiệm điều chỉnh pháp luật Việt Nam by the laws of Vietnam 33 Xin điền vào ô trống Please fill up the gaps ii The omission of SL determiners and articles The definite article “the” standing before singular and the article “a” which precedes noun (Classifiers for people) are often not translated to Vietnamese versions By omitting these elements, Vietnamese language regains its purity and Vietnamese readers no longer have to encounter unnatural expressions Following are examples that the translator omits unnecessary determiners and articles in TL No English Vietnamese I, a registered user of the Company, Tôi, người đăng ký sử dụng dịch acknowledge that… vụ Ngân hàng Trực Tuyến Doanh nghiệp Doanh nghiệp, xác nhận rằng… In some special cases, the clearing Trong số trường hợp đặc biệt, bank may be displayed on Internet chi nhánh Ngân hàng trung gian hiển thị Ngân Banking hàng trực tuyến Therefore we know that a loss of information happened in this translation in which the determiner “a” in the source language text is not translated The determiner “a” can have the meaning of “một” in the target language and this translation can be understood by the readers However, the translator chose to translate it into “Tôi, người đăng lý sử dụng dịch vụ Ngân hàng Trực Tuyến Doanh nghiệp Doanh nghiệp, xác nhận rằng…” because it sounds more natural than if he translated it literally However, the translator did not translate this determiner because without it, the translation had already clear To improve the effectiveness of translation, a translator should try to escape the source language towards a more target-language-oriented translation In this case, the translator can employ intra-system shift in order to convert SL plural 34 nouns to singular TL or omit determiners and articles Switching between the plural form and singular form is acceptable because it does not affect the meaning of the words in TL and the translation best suits the thinking of Vietnamese readers 4.3 Translation by level shift According to Frank Trinh (2002), Vietnamese words “các” and “những” are “used as plural noun markers to convey the notion of plurality” Take some cases in banking forms as examples The sentence “It is, therefore, recommended that registered payees will be added for transaction users only” is translated as “Do Ngân hàng khuyến khích Doanh nhiệp đăng ký tài khoản hưởng thụ cho người sử dụng có khả thực giao dịch.” Another example in this type is sentence “This form should be signed by holders of business accounts in accordance with the Mandate” is translated into “Đơn phải chủ tài khoản Doanh nghiệp ký phù hợp với Ủy nhiệm tài khoản.” The linguists also found that in some cases “các” and “những” can be exchanged because they have no difference in meaning For English singular nouns with the articles “a, an” are translated in form “một + singular”, for instance, “Please open an account in my/our name(s) as detailed below…” is translated into “Đề nghị mở tài khoản đứng tên tôi/chúng với chi tiết sau…” Level shift is recognized here with –s plural morpheme being shifted into a particle „những/các‟ preceding the equivalent nouns 4.4 Summary and Implications So far in this chapter, the analysis of shift translation identified in the translations of the ten HSBC forms has been presented according to two main categories, level shift and category shift The category shift involves structure shift, rank shift, class shift and intra-system shift In the course of the analysis, some implications have been made regarding the answers to the three research aims First, the answers to the research aims should be mentioned (1) To find out the types of translation shifts occur in the translation of English to Vietnamese in HSBC banking forms 35 (2) To analyzed and describe about the reason why shifts occur in the translation of English text to Vietnamese text (3) To analyze why the loss and gain of information occur in translation Two main categories of shift translation together with four sub-categories have been found in the translation All examples in each group have been analyzed referring to the theory of Catford and assessed the translation according to the theory of Nida Shifts should be considered as the consequence of the translators effort to establish translation naturalness between two different languages, SL and TL The occurrence of shift reflects the translator‟s awareness of the linguistic and nonlinguistic discrepancies between SL and TL In this sense, shift can be defined as problem solving strategies adapted consciously to minimize the inevitable loss of meaning when rendering a text from one language into another language The shift in the translation of English into Vietnamese as the TL happened because of some factors such as the linguistic differences between English as the source language text and Vietnamese as the target language text The other factor is based on the translator preference Though without changing the structure of the English phrases in the target language, it is already understood enough by the readers If the translator feels by doing the shift in translation, he will make a better translation, it also can be done and caused the shifts in translation happened Most of them occur based on the preference of the translator who wants to make the translation clearer and natural The loss of information only occurs in the Intrasystem shift translation from English into Vietnamese but it does not affect the meaning of TL; thus from the view of researcher, the omission is acceptable Through the analysis hereof, it can be concluded that the shift is an effective translation procedure and employed flexibly but it still preserves the information of SL 36 Second, implications concerning the possible causes of the study on shift translation should be discussed Theoretically, the implications of this study is to give contribution to the translation study, some insights of the translation shift and also the loss and gain of information in the translation Therefore the clearest translation can be done by the translator Then, in practical implication, hopefully, the result of this research can be used as a reference in the process of translating English into Vietnamese Also, The research is expected to be used as a framework for translating English text into Vietnamese, especially the banking documents 37 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION This chapter provides a conclusion for this thesis Firstly, a brief overview and a summary of the main chapters are provided Secondly, the strengths and weaknesses of the thesis are discussed Finally, suggestions for the further research and a final comment are made 5.1 Overview and summary of the thesis Apart form the chapter which can be considered a brief information introduction to the thesis, the study is divided into four main chapters Existing literature on basic concepts discussed in the thesis is mentioned in the Chapter It includes an overview of translation and translation procedures, the main focus on the translation shift together with different shift types and the loss and gain of information This chapter attempted to provide the readers fundamental theories to the analysis of the study Chapter deals with the methods that were applied in the course of the thesis A brief summary of the participants of the study and basic steps including collecting, analyzing data as well as the reasons why such steps are crucial to the study are mentioned Chapter can be considered as a classification of shift translation types that were identified in the translations The analysis can be in the realm of linguistics or translation studies Specific examples are taken from the translations By the classification and examples cited, the thesis attempted to help readers of this thesis be full aware of what kinds of shift that translator used Implications are also provided in the chapter 38 5.2 Limitation Though there have been many theses on translation procedures so far; however, they only focus on the unit of linguistic for example noun phrase s or terms and the way to translate them into Vietnamese This thesis, however, discusses in detail this phenomenon with relevant examples This thesis discusses in detail the issue about shifts occurring during the process of translation with relevant examples It is organized in a way that helps readers find it easy to get the general ideas about the issue These are factors that may make the thesis stand out from other studies also touching on the issue Finally, The aims and scope of the thesis is consistent from the beginning to the end Nevertheless, there are some limitations in this study that may affect the thesis quality First, due to the limited time of the research, it is hard to provide a comprehensive approach to the issue The scope of the thesis is only at word level and above word level (the nominal group), therefore the readers of this thesis not how shift translation is applied at sentence level and to some extent it may not be very diverse Second, due to the researcher‟s limited knowledge in the realm of linguistics and translation studies, mistake in the course of analysis are unavoidable 5.3 Suggestions for the further research A translator should be aware of the complexity and faithfulness in translating and perpetuating the meaning of the message in the source language which is translated into the target language In another word, a translator needs to master both the SL culture and the TL culture In this case, it is also advised for the translator to understand the meaning of the source language and able to translate it into the target language in the proper translation A translator also needs to widen the knowledge about every term in the source language and target language Due to the time and word limit of the thesis, the researcher has only investigated the translation at the low level of language in English banking forms So, further study should take on other features such as sentences, noun phrases, verb phrases, 39 prepositional phrase from English into Vietnamese or should look into the translation quality from observing and assessing other translation works In short, this study is only my first attempt to an investigation into the translation field, especially in ESP, but I hope that the study would provide some ideas on the translation of banking texts for me and other students, particularly those interested in ESP Due to the limited time and knowledge, the shortcomings are inevitable in this study, consequently I wish to receive the comments and suggestions from those concerned 40 REFERENCES Andini, TM 2007, „Translation shift found in the novel “No great love” by Danielle Steel‟, Muhammadiyah University of Malang, viewed November 2008, Arfanti, Y n.d., „The Equivalence and the Shift of Meaning in the Translation of Indonesian into English in the Cover Stories of Tempo Magazine‟, Universitas 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tiếng Việt, Nhà xuất Giáo dục 20 Nida, EA 1969, The Theory and Practice of Translation, Leiden 21 Pizzuto, A 2010, Translation procedures: Technical component of Translation process, viewed January 2012, 22 Vinay, JP & Darbelne J 1965, Stylistique Comparee du francais et de l’anglais in Newmark, P 1988b, A Textbook of Translation, Prentice Hall International 23 Retnomurti, AB 2011, „The equivalence and shift in the English translation of Indonesian noun phrase‟, MA thesis, Universitas Gunadarma Jl, Margonda Raya no 100 Depok, viewed November 2008 24 Yến, VTT 2008, „A study on the equivalence between English and Vietnamese translation of insurance terms in US health insurance‟, BA thesis, University of Languages and International Studies 42 APPENDICES A PIN Acknowledgement Letter B Telegraphic Transfer/Demand Draft/Local Transfer Application Form C Security Device Acknowledgement Letter D Business Internet Banking Service Amendment Form E Time Deposit Placement Form/ Account Mandate/Board Resolution F Account Opening Form – For Existing Customers G Mandate of Account Operation and Banking Services H Business Internet Banking Application Form I Automated Telephone Banking Service J Account Closing Request Form 43 ... TRƢỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƢ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH ******************* KHOÁ LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ CÁCH DỊCH CHUYỂN ĐỔI ANH- VIỆT TRONG CÁC MẪU ĐƠN NGÂN HÀNG Giáo viên hƣớng dẫn: PGS Nguyễn Xuân... translated as “Nghị việc ủy quyền Quản lý Dịch vụ Ngân hàng Trực tuyến Doanh nghiệp lập vào ngày - chấm dứt hiệu lực kể từ ngày Ngân hàng chấp nhận đơn thay đổi này” In this situation, the adjective... có liên quan đến việc dịch cụm danh từ tiếng Anh sang tiếng Việt, Nội san Ngoại Ngữ số – 1998, Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ Đại học quốc gia Hà Nội 12 Vân, HV 2005, Nghiên cứu dịch thuật, Nhà Xuất

Ngày đăng: 20/03/2021, 19:38

Nguồn tham khảo

Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
1. Andini, TM 2007, „Translation shift found in the novel “No great love” by Danielle Steel‟, Muhammadiyah University of Malang, viewed 2 November 2008,<http://research-report.umm.ac.id/index.php/research-report/article/view/79 &gt Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: No great love
3. Bassnett, S 1991, Translation Studies, Revised Edition, London and New York: Routledge Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Translation Studies
5. Bell, R 1991, Translation and Translating Theory and Practice, London / New York, Longman Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Translation and Translating Theory and Practice
6. Catford, JC 1974, A Linguistics Theory of Translation, London: Oxford University Press Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: A Linguistics Theory of Translation
7. Frank , T 2002. Vietnamese translation in Australia: A missing link, viewed 19 December 2011,<http://vny2k.net/hocthuat/FrankTrinh_VNTranslation_AMissingLink.htm &gt Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Vietnamese translation in Australia: A missing link
8. Giang, CTT 2005, „Noun phrases in some selected chapters from “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen and the equivalents in the translated version in Vietnamese‟, Minor thesis, College of foreign languages, Vietnam National University, Hanoi Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Pride and Prejudice
9. Halliday, MAK 1985, An Introduction to Functional Grammar, London: Arnold Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: An Introduction to Functional Grammar
11. Vân, HV 1998, Một số vấn đề có liên quan đến việc dịch cụm danh từ tiếng Anh sang tiếng Việt, Nội san Ngoại Ngữ số 5 – 1998, Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ - Đại học quốc gia Hà Nội Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Một số vấn đề có liên quan đến việc dịch cụm danh từ tiếng Anh sang tiếng Việt
13. Vân, HV 2005, Translation: Theory and Practice, Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Translation: Theory and Practice
Nhà XB: Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục
15. Machali, R. 1998, Redefining Textual Equivalence in Translation , Jakarta: The Translation Centre, Faculty of Arts, the University of Indonesia Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Redefining Textual Equivalence in Translation
16. Newmark, P 1988, A textbook of Translation, Prentice Hall International Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: A textbook of Translation
17. Newmark, P 1988, Translation Equivalence: Nature in the Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Oxford Pergamon Press Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Translation Equivalence: Nature in the Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics
22. Vinay, JP & Darbelne J 1965, Stylistique Comparee du francais et de l’anglais in Newmark, P 1988b, A Textbook of Translation, Prentice Hall International Sách, tạp chí
Tiêu đề: Stylistique Comparee du francais et de l’anglais"in Newmark, P 1988b, "A Textbook of Translation
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4. Bay, HT 2005, „A study on the translation of economic terminology. A case study on the economic textbooks‟, MA minor thesis, College of foreign languages, Vietnam National University, Hanoi Khác
10. Hartman, RRK & Stork, FC 1972. Dictionary of language and Linguistics Khác
14. Lê, PL 2006, „Unnaturalness in English – Vietnamese translation: Causes and Cures‟, BA thesis, Hanoi University of Foreign Studies, Vietnam Khác
18. Linh, NN 2008, „A study on the English-Vietnamese translation of terms in the materials for mechanical engineering‟, BA thesis, University of Languages and International Studies Khác
21. Pizzuto, A 2010, Translation procedures: Technical component of Translation process, viewed 2 January 2012,< http://www.slideshare.net/apizzuto/translation-techniques-presentation&gt Khác
23. Retnomurti, AB 2011, „The equivalence and shift in the English translation of Indonesian noun phrase‟, MA thesis, Universitas Gunadarma Jl, Margonda Raya no. 100 Depok, viewed 1 November 2008<http://papers.gunadarma.ac.id/index.php/mletter/article/view/15885 &gt Khác