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THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION Grade 10 1. I/ USE OF ENGLISH 2. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. 3. A. moon B. food C. foot D. pool 4. A. shirt B. working C. answer D. burn 5. A. ma rk B. ca rd C. ha rd D. wa rm 6. A. fu n B. su n C. su per D. stu dy 7. A. u seful B. hu rry C. confu se D. refu se 8. A. fou nd B. cou nt C. bou nd D. cou sin 9. A. hou se B. mou se C. cou ntry D. to wel 10. A. sky B. eigh ty C. heigh t D. li fe 11. A. bi rd B. chu rch C. shi rt D. pa goda 12. A. hea t B. hi t C. ki ck D. bi t 13. A. stu ff B. stu dy C. stu dent D. u nderstand 14. A. sai d B. pe n C. me n D. ma n 15. A . boy B. goi ng C. voi ce D. enjoy 16. A. follow B. grow C. narrow D. tow n 17. A. su permarket B. unplu g C. bu tton D. trou ble 18. A. changed B. watched C. looked D. introduced 19. A. rai n B. fa mous C. trai n D. fa mily 20. A. arou nd B. mou se C. cou nt D. cou ntry 21. A. denti st B. ani mal C. hospi tal D. vi tal 22. A. plea sant B. rea son C. crea ture D. mea n 23. A. advised B. finished C. jumped D. dressed 24. A. snow storm B. know ledge C. show D. know 25. A. comes B. walks C. tries D. goes 26. A. employer B. stimulate C. appearance D. remember 27. A. mysterious B. diploma C. communicate D. altitude 28. A. disabled B. excursion C. destination D. geography 29. A. computer B. important C. villager D. Condition 30. A. channel B. cartoon C. headline D. popular 31. A. electronic B. media C. radio D. basketball 32. A. wonderful B. occasion C. geography D. excursion 33. A. advantage B. advertise C. adviser D. adventure 34. .her absence from school yesterday, she couldn’t understand the lesson. A. Because of B. Because C. As D. Despite 35. Tom is away on holiday now and he hasn’t returned home. He to Spain. A. went B. has gone C. has been D. is gone 36. "I've decided to try and learn a foreign language".- "Have you?"- “Which language ?” A. are you going to learn B. are you learning C. will you have learnt D. will you learn 37. She earned a Physics Degree with flying colors. A. received B. lived on C. make money from D. make her living from 38. The children to the Botanical Garden. A. were enjoyed taking B. enjoyed taking C. enjoyed being taken D. were enjoyed taken 39. we live on the same street, we hardly ever see each other. B. In spite of B. Because C. Because of D. Although 40. We friends since we at college together. A. were / were B. were / have been C. had been/have been D. have been / were 41. Don't forget home as soon as you arrive at your destination. A. to call B. calling C. having called D. to be called 42. Are you looking forward on your vacation? A. you go B. going C. to going D. to go 43. Most people prefer money to it. A. spending - earning B. to spend - to earn C. spend - to earn D. spending - to earn 44. ……………was he driving? -- 140 km an hour. A. How long B. How far C. How fast D. How often 45. Mrs. Hoa……… out of hospital next week. She is recovering very fast. A. comes B. is going to come C. will come D. shall come 46. English people spent 18 hours per week………… TV. A. to watch B. watching C. watch D. for watching 47. We're so proud her for telling the truth. A. on B. with C. for D. of THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION Grade 10 48. Henry______ in New York for ten years before he moved to Chicago last month. A. had lived B. lived C. was living D. has been living 49. Blind children a great effort to learn "Braille". A. did B. got C. created D. made 50. As soon as the light turned red, she the car. A has stopped. B. stopped C. was stopping D. stops 51. ……… 108 if you want to speak to the telephone operator. A. Ask B. Hear C. Turn D. Dial 52. ………first stepped on the moon? -Neil Amstrong, wasn't he? A. Whose B Where. C. Who D. When 53. . ……… the traffic jam, I came late for the interview. A. Although B. Because C. In spite of D. So 54. ………….is a system connecting millions of computer worldwide. A. The television B. The media C. The Internet D. The phone 55. They are trying to find a ………….apartment. A. three rooms B. three-room C. three room D. three-rooms 56. She resumed her career as a tour guide after an interval of six years taking care of her two sons. A. ended B. protected C. persuaded D. continued 57. Choose the word which has the opposite meaning to the word given "give up". A. cancel B. continue C. increase D. quit 58. The teacher encouraged the students to speak. A. forced B. persuaded C. stimulated D. required 59. The plane is due to leave at 10 o’clock, so we should hurry up or we will be late for it. A. needn’t B. had better C. shouldn’t D. must 60. Please close the windows. The rain . A. is coming B. would come C. had come D. came 61. We intend to have a . around Europe but our mother prefers visiting Vietnam and China. A. fourteen day trip B. fourteen-day trip C. trip in fourteen days D. fourteen days trip 62. Another word for "gift" is . A. disabled B. special C. talent D. present 63. The electricity failed while she . our dinner. A. would cook B. was cooking C. has cooked D. is cooking 64. They live happily although it is hard to make ends . A. gather B. visit C. meet D. come 65. He . before doctor came . A. have died B. had died C. died D. has died 66. This is the first time I . to play soccer. A. would be trying B. am trying C. was trying D. have tried 67. Thousands of people came to see the football team . the rain. A. inspite of B. owing to C. according to D. because 68. Children enjoy . in the river. A. swam B. to swim C. swimming D. swim 69. Viet ‘s sister has passed the driving test, . is good news. A. it B. that C. this D. which 70. My brother said that . going to buy a new car. A. he was B. he would C. he is D. I’m 71. If you do more homework, I . the exam. A. would pass B. passed C. will pass D. pass 72. . . the bad condition of the house, we didn’t buy it. A. Because of B. Apart from C. Inspite of D. Thanks to 73. Mrs Hoa . out of hospital next week. A. shall come B. is coming C. is going to come D. come 74. They are living in the house . they bought last month. A. who B. where C. when D. which 75. Would you mind . down the radio, please. A. turned B. to turn C. turning D. turn 76. That house . several times this year. A. has been repaired B. has repaired C. repaired D. is repaired 77. Do you remember Mrs Huong, . taught us English. A. which B. who C. whom D. that 78. The English book . was a little expensive. A. that I bought B. I bought that C. what I bought D. that I bought it 79. My father didn’t . coffee for breakfast. A. use be having B. use to have C. use to having D. used to have THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION Grade 10 80. I ’d like to introduce you to Mrs Thuy, . is the teacher of this special class. A. whom B. which C. who D. that 81. CPU stands for central . unit. A. procession B. prosessing C. process D. processed 82. A . person can not hear any kind of sound A. dumb B. mute C. blind D. deaf 83. To be . , my favourite subject is English. A. honest B. correct C. right D. true 84. The government should have special policies to help the . . A. disablement B. disabled C. disability D. disable 85. I . here sixteen years ago. A. had come B. have come C. was coming D. came 86. I was late for school this morning because my alarm clock didn’t . A. go off B. go away C. go up D. go on 87. A . is a film or a radio or television program giving facts about something. A. news B. cartoon C. documentary D. comedy 88. 89. “ I am watching TV” she said.--She said that . A. She watched TV. B. She is watching TV C. She was watching TV. D. She were watching TV 90. She was born in a picturesque fishing village in Ha Long Bay. A. dangerous B. poor C. pictured D. pretty 91. She harbored the thought of being a member in the parliament to struggle for women's rights. A. determined B. passed C. took charge of D. kept in mind 92. Television helps us broaden our awareness of cultures and societies around the world. A. news B. knowledge C. information D. entertainment 93. They are enjoying a ………………….and they laugh a lot. A. comedy B. tragedy C. weather forecast D. concert 94. If you use media …………………., you can get remarkable results. A. effect B. effective C. effectively D. effectiveness 95. “We ……………a party on Sunday 12 th November. Can you come?” – “ Yes, I’d love to “ A. are going to have B. are having C. will have D. will be having 96. Yesterday, when I ……………… at the station, the train ……………… for 15 minutes. A. arrived/ had left B. arrived/ left C. had arrived/ left D. arrived / has left 97. Ann quit her job at the advertising agency, ………………….surprised everyone. A. that B. which C. who D. whom 98. This computer isn’t capable…………………….running this software. A. on B. in C. of D. off 99. You are not allowed to camp here without ………………………. A. permit B. permitting C. permitted D. permission 100. The meeting had been cancelled ………………the chairman’s absence. A. because B. because of C. although D. in spite of 101. If I … .John tonight, I ……………….him my plans. A. saw /told B. will see / will tell C. see / will tell D. will see / tell 102. Don’t ……………….such a lie to me, I can see you through. A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak 103. My sister left her job……………………the good salary. A. because of B. in spite of C. although D. because 104. John “ Would you like a cup of tea?”- Mike: “………………… ” A. Yes, I do B. Yes, please C. Yes, I would D. It’s my pleasure 105. We ……to get up early when lived in the countryside. A. didn’t used B. were used C. hadn’t used D. didn’t use 106. She said to me that she………. to me the Sunday before. A. wrote B. has written C. was writing D. had written 107. It ‘s 8 months……. I last saw Tom. A. for B. ago C. since D. when 108. Thousands of people……… in the earthquake so far. A. killed B. have been killed C. were killed D. have killed 109. David: “ Merry Christmas “ John : “………………” A. You are the same B. Same for you C. The same to you D. Me, too 110. We haven’t been to the concert for two years A. We didn’t go to the concert two years ago. B. The last time we went to the concert two years ago C. It’s two years since we went to the concert D. A&C are right 111. He told me that he wasn’t . about the next meeting. A. excite B. exciting C. excitement D. excited THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION Grade 10 112. Thank to the television people can get the information. A. later B. latest C. newest D. newer 113. The Smiths will move to New York. But we hope to with them. A. keep touch B. keep at touch C. keep on touch D. keep in touch 114. William suggested . at home for a change. A. to stay B. stay C. staying D. stayed 115. Tuan’s mother is very that he is doing his best at school. A. please B. pleases C. pleasing D. pleased 116. Your friends won’t be here for long, ? A. do they B. won’t they C. would they D. will they 117. I wish it . rain so often here. A. doesn’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. did 118. This is the house Nam was born. A. where B. which C. that D. when 119. She is very kind to everybody all of us love her. A. so B. because C. in order D. so that 120. Tim hasn’t talked to me . a long time. A. in B. for C. since D. after 121. Tet is the holiday .celebrated in Lunar New Year. A. which is B. what is C. which was D. what was 122. She said I . learn harder pass the exam. A. had/ in order to B. should/ so as to C. must/ in order to D. will/ so as to 123. The bus driver was so tired . on the same route that he asked for a transfer. A. to drive B. of driving C. driving D. with driving 124. I advised Tom .too much about the result of the test. A. not to worrying B. don’t worry C. not to worry D. not worrying 125. They are still worried about the dinner party they have ordered the food and drinks from the restaurant nearby. A. even B. though C. so D. if 126. I……to school yesterday. A. go B. gone C. didn’t went D. didn’t go 127. The computer was the most wonderful ……in the 20th century. A. invented B. invention C. inventing D. invent 128. There were a lot of accidents …… the icy roads. A. thanks to B. because C. because of D. in spite of 129. is a film or a television programme giving facts about something. A. Comedy B. Cartoon C. Drama D. Documentary 130. There’s someone at the door. I ……it. A. am answering B. ‘ll answer C. answer D. answered 131. “ ” means “unable to see anything” A. Disabled B. Retarded C. Deaf D. Blind 132. Unless you …… all my questions, I can’t do anything to help you. A. would answer B. answer C. answered D. are answering 133. “ ” does not belong to “computer”. A. Radio B. Keyboard C. Software D. CPU 134. ‘Why did you buy all this sugar and chocolate?’ -‘ I …… a delicious dessert for dinner tonight.’ A. will make B. make C. will have make D. am going to make 135. I don’t think he’ll give up money to buy a new car. A. to save B. save C. saving D. will save 136. You should stop ………… so much TV and study more. A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. and watch 137. ‘…… do you go to the library?’ –‘ Twice a week’. A. How B. How often C. How long D. How much 138. They used to… . the good friends when they were young. A. being B. are C. be D. were 139. More than 50 films .in HANOI since June. A. has shown B. has been showed C. have been shown D. have shown 140. If Mary …….me, I will go to the party. A. invite B. inviting C. invites D. invited 141. The man … you visited last night is a famous scientist. A. what B. whom C. whose D. which 142. Although he was tired, he was dermined to finish his work. In spite of____________________________. A. he was tired, he was dermined to finish his work. B. tired, he was dermined to finish his work. C. was tired, he was dermined to finish his work. D. being tired, he was dermined to finish his work. THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION Grade 10 143. “ Get on with your work!” the boss said to me. The boss_______________________________________. A. told me get on with my work B. told me to get on with my work. C. told me to get on with your work D. told me to get on with his work. 144. He suggested that____________________ A. we went to the movies B. we should go to the movies. C. we go to the movies D. we went seeing the movies. 145. She told me I would have an accident if________________ A. I am not taking more care. B. I haven’t taken more care. C. I didn’t take more care. D. I won’t take more care. 146. It is supposed that too much chocolate is bad for you. Too much chocolate_______________________. A. is suppose to be bad for you B. supposed to be bad for you C. is supposed bad for you D. is supposed to be bad for you 147. Floating markets are the ones held on . A. ships B. ferries C. boats D. all are correct 148. .does she play football? – Sometimes A. How long B. How often C. How D. How times 149. Mr. Ba brings his farm .to the local market everyday. A. produce B. production C. productivity D. producing 150. The shop is opposite the hospital. You can't it. A. avoid B. miss C. forget D. leave 151. I .a lot of sports and I've a few competitions. A. do / lost B. play / won C. do / got D. play / done 152. Go .ahead and then left. A. A. along / turn B. past / look C. straight / turn D. to / look 153. Mary is revising for her coming . A. sixty-minutes test B. sixty-minute test C. test sixty-minutes D. sixty-minutes with test 154. "I really must have a rest" she said. _ She having a rest. A. suggested B. advised C. insisted on D. asked for 155. You .English fluently unless you practise it everyday. A. will speak B. won't speak C. can speak D. didn't speak 156. When I got lost, I asked a policeman for A. direct B. director C. directing D. direction 157. Heavy industry in France developed rapidly its rich natural resources. A. because of B. in spite of C. since D. as result of 158. We must go now, or we will be late. A. If we didn't go now, we would be late B. If we hadn't gone, we would have been late C. If we don't go now, we will be late D. we wouldn't be late if we went now 159. She left home in 1993 and .since. A. hasn't seen B. didn't see C. hasn't been seen D. hadn't seen 160. How do you feel about the movie? _ I've seen it five times. A. I think it's terrible B. In my opinion, it's boring C. I feel it's not excellent D. I'd say that it's terrific 161. Can you give me some information? _ . A. No, thanks B. Yes, I can C. Certainly, sir D. I'd love to 162. " Yes, I made the mistake" she said. _ She .making the mistake. A. admitted B. agreed C. hoped D. regretted 163. She pretended me when I passed by. A. to not see B. not to see C. seeing D. not seeing 164. I turned on the fan it was cold. A. due to B. despite C. though D. because 165. I'm tired now. I .this afternoon. A. wouldn't work B. not working C. am not going to work D. don't work 166. Although they have little money, they are happy.'' A. They have little money so they are happy. B. They don't have much money and they aren't happy. C. Their happiness is due to the fact that they have little money. D. They are happy in spite of not having much money. 167. Can you tell me when you were born? A. I want to know your date of birth. B. Can you have your name and address, please? C. Can you tell me about your last birthday? D. Please give me your place of birth. 168. Mai didn't come to class yesterday. This surprised all of us. A. Mai didn't come to class yesterday, which surprised all of us. B. This Mai didn't come to class yesterday surprised all of us. C. Which surprised all of us that Mai didn't come to class yesterday. D. Mai didn't come to class yesterday that surprised all of us. 169. We haven't been to the concert for two years. A. The last time we went to the concert was two years. B. We didn't go to the concert two years ago. C. It's two years since we last went to the concert. D.It's the last time we have gone to the concert. THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION Grade 10 170. Although he has a lot money, he feels unhappy A. He has a lot of money, so he feels unhappy. B. Despite his money, he feels unhappy. C. He feels unhappy whether he has a lot of money or not. D. He feels unhappy because of his unhappy. 171. We arrange to meet you at 8 A.M tomorrow. A. We will meet you at 8 A.M tomorrow. B. We were going to meet you at 8 A.M tomorrow. C. We have met you at 8 A.M tomorrow. D. We are meeting you at 8 A.M tomorrow. 172. We were astonished that she didn’t pass her exam A. We were astonished that her exam is not over. B. We were astonished that she did pass her exam. C. She didn’t pass her exam, which astonished her. D. That she failed in her exam astonished us. 173. I / nothing / important / do / weekend / help / everything / you / want / A. Due to I have nothing important to do at the weekend, I will help you with everything you want. B. Just because I have nothing important to do at the weekend so I will help you with everything you want. C. I have nothing important to do at the weekend so I will help you with everything you want. D. I have nothing important to do at the weekend so that I will help you with everything you want. 174. However / no one / deny / advantages / TV / bring / our lives. A. However, there is no one can deny the advantages that TV brings to our lives. B. However, no one can deny the advantages that TV brings to our lives. C. However, no one cannot deny the advantages that TV brings to our lives. D. However, no one who can deny the advantages that TV brings to our lives. 175. couldn’t/to /which/ pity/ Phong/ come/ the/ a / was/ party A. Phong couldn’t come to the party, which was a pity. B. Phong, which was a pity couldn’t come to the party. C. Phong, which couldn’t come to the party was a pity.D. Phong was a pity, which couldn’t come to the party. 176. My sister/ going/ get/ next/ is / to / married/ week/./ . My sister get to is going married next week. B. My sister is going to get married next week. C. My sister next week is going to married yet. D. My syster going to get married next week. 177. They have just opened a new airport. A. A new airport was just been opened B. A new airport has just been opened C. A new airport have been just opened D. A new airport has just opened 178. He / cigarettes/ 20/ used/ a/to/ day/ smoke/./ A. He used to smoke a day 20 cigarettes. B. He used smoke to 20 cigarettes a day. C. He used to 20 cigarettes smoke a day. D. He used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day. 179. I/ not take part/ parties/ since/ come here A. I don’t take part in any parties since I come here B. I haven’t taken part in any parties since I came here C. I hadn’t taken part in any parties since I came here D. I didn’t take part in any parties since I came here 180. Spite/ terrible weather/ tourists/ like/ come here A. In spite of the terrible weather but tourists like to come here B. In spite of the terrible weather, tourists like to come here C. Spite of the terrible weather, tourists like to come here D. In spite the terrible weather, tourists like to come here 181. Although it was cold, we all went for a walk. A. Despite of the cold weather, we all went for a walk. B. Despite the cold weather, we all went for a walk. C. Despite the cold, we all went for a walk. D. Despite being cold, we all went for a walk. 182. Jack has stopped writing to Jill. A Jack has stopped writing to Jill anymore. B Jack used to write letters to Jill. C Jack has never written to Jill before. D Jack stopped writing letters when Jill came. 183. Walk/ souvenir shop/.Mine/ second/ after the shop. A. Walk to past a souvenir shop. Mine is the second after the shop. B. Walk past a souvenir shop. Mine is the second after the shop. C. Walk pass a souvenir shop. Mine is the second after the shop. D. Walk to pass a souvenir shop. Mine is the second after the shop 184. Although he was ill, he managed to go to school A. He managed to go to school because he was ill B. Despite his illness, he managed to go to school C. He managed to go to school because of his illness D. In spite his illness, he managed to go to school 185. They said that ……………………………………… A. they drove through the desert the previous day B. they had driven the desert yesterday C. they had driven through the desert the previous day D. they have driven the desert the previous day 186. Tom said, " Can I have some brochures, please?" [brochure: thin book] A. Tom asked if he can have some brochures B. Tom asked for some brochures C. Tom told me to have some brochures D. Tom insisted on having some brochures 187. " Let's go to the movies tonight." Tom said A. Tom invited me to the movies that night. B. Tom suggested going to the movies that night. C. Tom asked me go to the movies that night. D. Tom advised me to the movies that night. 188. She had a terrible headache. So she stayed at home. A. She had a terrible headache because she stayed at home B. She stayed at home because of had a terrible headache. C. Although she had a terrible headache, she stayed at home.D. Because of having a terrible headache, she stayed at home. THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION Grade 10 Choose the underlined part that needs correcting. 189. It (A) took me three hours (B) to get here (C) because of the roads (D) are flooded 190. (A) The weather (B) has been (C) quite good (D) at Christmas. 191. (A) The girl (B) whom my cousin married (C) was used to be a (D) fashion designer. 192. We must take better care of old in our country . A B C D 193. I enjoy to talk with my classmates about their future plans . A B C D 194. Can you tell me where were you bor n? – In Paris A B C D 195. Will life he be better in the future? I doubt that. What do you think ? A B C D 196. I like (A) the present whom (B)you gave (C)me on (D)my birthday. 197. A. Unless we (A)work harder (B), we will (C)finish (D)on time. 198. She said (A)his friends that (B) she was going (C)away the next day (D) 199. Braille is a system (A)of reading and writing (B)by t ouch (C)for the blind. (D) 200. If there will be too much exhaust fume in the air , our breathing will badly affected . A B C D 201. We suggest to plant more treess along the streets to have more shades and fresh air . A B C D 202. Mai didn’t go to the zoo with her friends last Sunday because her sickness . A B C D 203. Our neighbor will look for the garden when we go on holiday. A B C D 204. My family used to be having dinner at 7 o’clock in the evening . A B C D 205. (A) In spite of the house (B) was in bad condition, it (C) was sold at (D)a high price . 206. She is good (A) at (B) sing English (C) songs and (D) making birthday cakes. 207. We didn’t use to(A) talked to(B) each other when we(C) were at (D)high school . 208. She (A) told that she (B) would visit (C) me (D) the next day . 209. When have you started (A)learning English? - I started (B) learning it (C) when I was (D) six. 210. You can miss (A) weight (B) by playing( C) sports such as (D) swimming, hiking. 211. We'll (A) have a picnic on( B) Saturday. Would you (C) like to join (D) us? 212. If (A) she shows (B) how to make a cake, she will (C)make a very tasty (D)one. 213. He says that (A)he would come (B)and see (C)her the (D)next day. A. Read the text and choose the correct answers. Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and went to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many letters seeking admission to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. As a determined woman, she taught at the school and gave music lessons to earn money for her study. In 1849, after her graduation from medical school, she decided to continue her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to give up the idea. After returning to the United States, she realized that it was difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another female doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children. She not only was the first female physician and a founder of her own hospital, but also set up the first medical school for women. 214. What was the main reason that made her dream of becoming a doctor impossible? A. She wrote too many letters B. She couldn’t finish her study at the medical school. C. She couldn’t set up her own hospital. D. She was a woman 215. Why couldn’t Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon? A. Because she seceded to continue her education in Paris. B. Because a serious eye infection prevented her. C. Because it was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States. D. Because she could get admitted to medical school. 216. All of the following are “ firsts” in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell, EXCEPT: A. She was the first woman surgeon. B. She and many other women founded the first hospital for women and children. C. She established the first medical school for women. D. She became the first female physician. 217. How long was it from her graduation to the opening of her hospital? A.10 years B.19 years C. 36 years D. 8 years Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank Why I Dislike Computers Almost everyone says that computers are wonderful and that they are changing our lives for the better by (33) . everything faster and more reliable, but I’m not so sure that this is the case. The other day, I was standing in a large department store (34) .to pay for a couple of films for my camera when the THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION Grade 10 assistant announced that the computer (35) .the till had stopped working. I didn’t think this was a big problem and I set off to find another counter, but of course, all the machines are part of the same (36) So there we were: a shop 37) . customers, money at the ready, waiting to make our purchases, but it was quite clear that none of the assistants knew what to do. They weren’t (38) .our money and give customers a written receipt, because the sales wouldn’t then have been recorded on the computer system. (39) ., like many other people, I left my shopping on the counter and walked out. Don’t you think that ‘s funny? It would never have happened before computers, and that, for me, is the problem: we are beginning to depend on these machines so completely that we simply can’t manage (40) . any more. 218. A. doing B. causing C. working D. making 219. A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waited 220. A. controlled B. which controlling C. who controlled D. which controlled 221. A. computer B. system C. shop D. machine 222. A. crowded of B. fill with C. full with D. full of 223. A. allowing to takeB. allowing taking C. allowed to take D. allowed taking 224. A. At the end B. By the end C. On the end D. In the end 225. A. without them B. without it C. with it D. with them Read the following passage below and choose one correct answer for each question Miss Mary was a teacher at a school in England. She taught chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the school. Sometimes the new classes learnt quickly but sometimes they were very slow, and then Miss Mary had to repeat things many times. One year, the first class had studied chemistry for several weeks when Miss Mary suddenly asked “ what is water ?” there was a silence for a few seconds, and Miss Mary felt sad, but then one of the boy raised his hand. He was not one of the most intelligent students in the class, so she was glad that he could answer “ water is a liquid which has no colour untill you wash your hands in it” the boy replied. 226. What did Miss Mary teach ? A. Both B and D B. physics C. English D. chemistry 227. The word “ repeat” in this passage means . A. explain B. reuse C. study more D. say again 228. How did Miss Mary feel when the students couldn’t answer her question immediately ? A. miserable B. unhappy C. normal D. happy 229. The boy who answered the question was . A. not the tallest students in the class. B. one of the laziest students in the class. C. not one of the best students in the class. D. one of the most intelligent students in the class. 230. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Miss Mary ? A. Her question in the passage was in chemistry. B. She only taught the highest class. C. Her new class sometimes learnt very slowly. D. She taught natural science subjects.2010 READING : Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase : E-mail offers a cheap and easy alternative to traditional methods of correspondence. It is faster and easier than (1). letters and cheaper than using the telephone. Of course, there are disadvantages,…(2)… It is not as personal as a…. ( 3)… letter and not as reliable, either. If you spell the name of the street wrong in a conventional address, it is not too difficult…( 4 )…the post office to work out what you mean. However, if you spell anything wrong in an e-mail address, your mail will not be …(5) … You might get it sent back to you or you might never realize. 231. A. creating B. writing C. reporting D. noting 232. A. either B. neither C. also D. too 233. A. handy B. handwritten C. handmade D. handed 234. A. as B. with C. of D. for 235. A. divided B. solved C. delivered D. asked *Read the passage, then choose the correct answer : The first school for blind, deaf, and mute children in the Tibet Autonomous Region celebrated its first anniversary on Friday. The school is built in the eastern suburb of Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and is designed to hold 200 students. It covers 20,000 square meters. The school curriculum includes Braille and sign language training, Tibetan, mathematics, writing, ethics training, physical education, arts, handicrafts, speech and walking courses. At the celebration, the audience was touched by a silent song expressed by the students with sign language. Baiba Toinzhub, a10-year –old blind child, can speak fluent Chinese and is good at singing and dancing. He told the visitors that life in the boarding school was comfortable. 236. What type of the students attend the school ? A. Children who live in the Tibet Autonomous Region. B. Children with a variety of disabilities. C. Children who cannot see, hear, or speak. D. Children who are visually impaired. 237. The school is located in ………………………………. A. the capital of Tibet B. the suburb of the capital of Tibet C. the eastern of Tibet D. 20,000 square meters 238. The school is ……………………………………………. A. able to hold 200 students B. the first boarding school in Tibet C. 20,000 square meters in area D. A&C are correct THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION Grade 10 239. Which subject is taught in the school ? A. Physics B. foreign language C. Computers D. Braille 240. Which of the following is not true ? A.Tibet’s first blind, deaf, mute school celebrated its first birthday. B. The visitors were welcomed with a silent song. C. Life in the boarding school is uncomfortable. D. Baiba Toinzhub can sing and dance very well. Choose the most suitable options to complete the passage: Television is an inescapable part of modern culture. We depend on TV for entertainment, news, (1) , culture, weather, sports and even music since the advent of music videos. With the recent …(2) in satellite and digital specialty channels, we now have access…(3) a plethora of both good quality and inappropriate TV content. In this crowded television environment, the (4) for parents is to search out high quality programs for their kids, and whenever possible, enjoy them together (5) a family. 241. A. studying B. schooling C. education D. learning 242. A. increase B. explosion C. development D. number 243. A. with B. for C. in D. to 244. A. key B. problem C. way D. need 245. A. in B. with C. as D. among Read the passage, then choose the correct answer People in cities all over the world shop in supermarkets. Who decides what you buy in the supermarket? Do you decide? Does the supermarket decide? When you enter the supermarket, you see shelves full of food. You walk in the aisles between shelves. You push a shopping cart and put your food in it. You probably hear soft, slow music as you walk along the aisles. If you hear fast music, you walk quickly. The supermarket plays slow music. You walk slowly and have more time to buy things. Maybe you go to the meat department first. There is some meat on sale, and you want to find it. The manager of the supermarket knows where customers enter the meat department. The cheaper meat is at the other end of the meat department, away from where the customers enter. You have to walk by all the expensive meat before you find the cheaper meat. Maybe you will buy some of the expensive meat instead of meat on sale. Most of the food in supermarkets is very attractive. It all says "Buy me!" to the customers. The supermarket tells you what to buy. 246. The author asks if you decide .in supermarkets. A. how to buy B. what to buy C. the things sold D. when things are sold 247. In the supermarket, there . A. is a shopping cart B. are full shopping carts C. places with food D. are shelves with food 248. What separates shelves in supermarkets? A. the space near the entrance B. the space between shelves C. the space at one side of the supermarket D. the space between the upper and lower shelves 249. According to the passage, music can customers. A. motivate B. tell the mood of C. have an effect on D. make customers happy 250. Which of the following is NOT true about supermarkets? A. They play soft and slow music B. They put cheaper meat near the entrance C. They want their customers to buy expensive meat D. Customers do not have to listen to fast music Choose the most suitable options to complete the passage: Thomas Edison was born in Ohio, the seventh and …(28)…child of Samuel and Nancy Edison. Even …(29)…a small child he was curious about everything. He always asked questions like. "Why is the sky blue?" or " What makes it rain?" When he was… (30)…to school at the age of seven, he asked so many questions… (31)… the school teacher beat him with a leather strap and …(32)…that Tom was "dull". When Tom told his mother, she took him out of school and taught him …(33)…. His total education in public school …(34)…three months. Because of his curiosity to …(35)…out what made things happen, he developed an interest in electricity and experimented constantly. Eventually, his experiments led to many inventions including the photograph, the electric light and motion pictures. 251. A. young B. younger C. youngest. D. youth 252. A. as B. like C. Nor D. with 253. A gone B. been C. sent D. come 254. A. that B. which C. who D. what 255. A. talked B. promised C. told D. said 256. A. himself B. herself C. itself D. themselves 257. A. was B. longed C. lasted D. spent 258. A. find B. look C. watch D. search Read the passage, then choose the correct answer My cousin Bianca is a motor mechanic. She works in a busy garage in the middle of the town about 5 minutes walk from home. She likes everything about the job, except for the fact that she can never seem to get completely clean at the end of the day. All the other mechanics, except for the supervisor, are men. She gets on with everyone very well although she sometimes has trouble with customers who think that, being a woman, she cannot be a good mechanic. As it happens, she is considered by most of her workmates to be the best mechanic in the garage. THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION Grade 10 259. Most of her fellow workers think that Bianca A. is a very good mechanic. B. is very popular. C. shouldn't be a mechanic. D. isn't as good as they are. 260. The phrase "As it happens" can best be replaced by A. Unfortunately B. In fact C. Luckily D. Surprisingly 261. What Bianca dislikes about working in the garage is that: A. She doesn't get on with the supervisor B. All the other mechanics are men. C. The garage is a long way from the center. D. It's quite dirty work. 262. Which of these statements about Bianca is true? A. She doesn't like her job. B. Every customer likes her. C. She gets on well with all her workmates. D. She isn't a good mechanic. 263. Which of these think that Bianca cannot be a good mechanic? A. A few customers B. Her supervisor C. Most of her workmates D. Some of her male colleagues Choose the most suitable options to complete the passage: Computers have had an enormous impact on our lives nowadays. We do shopping, work, or visit places of scenic ____ (26)___ with the help of computers. We pay bills prepared by computers. We read newspapers and magazines, which have been produced on computers. We receive letters from and____(27)___ letters to almost every part of the world with the help of computers. And we can even learn foreign languages on computers. ____ (28)___ makes computer a miraculous device? Each time you turn it on, with appropriate hardware and software, it is capable of ____ (29)___ almost anything you ask. It is a calculating machine which speeds up calculations: it can add, subtract, multiply, and divide with lightning speed and perfect accuracy. It is a personal ____(30)___ which helps you to interact with other computers and with people around the world. And if you like entertainment, you can relax with computer game or computer CD music. 264. A. beautiful B. beauties C. beauty D. beautifully 265. A. do B. send C. damage D. throw 266. A. what B. when C. where D. whose 267. A. to do B. do C. doing D. done 268. A. communicator B. communication C. communicate D. Communicating Read the passage, then choose the correct answer Is Australia the world’s largest island or its smallest continent? Actually, it’s both. In fact, Australia is the only country that is also a continent. Australia has a population of about 16.5 million people. That makes this island nation one of the least densely populated countries. What ethnic groups make up the Australian population? The majority of Australians are of English, Irish, Italian, Greek, Dutch, and Polish. However, over the past 50 years, some four million people from more than 120 countries have made Australia their home. This includes a large number of Asian and African immigrants. 269. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The natural resources of Australia B. The economic features of Australia. C. The history of Australia D. The geographical features of Australia. 270. That makes this island nation one of the least densely populated countries means. A. This nation has the most population in the world. B. This nation has more population than other countries. C. This nation has less population than its neighbours. D. This nation is one of the countries that has the least population. 271. The majority of Australians are of A. English and Irish B. English, Irish, Greek. C. English, Irish, Italian, Greek, Dutch, and Polish D. English, Irish, Greek, Dutch, and Polish. 272. Over the past 50 years, some four million people from more than 120 countries have made Australia their home means. A. They left their countries and moved to Australia B. They built their new houses in Australia. C. They bought houses in Australia D. They made their houses the same as in Australia. 273. What is NOT true about Australia? A. It is the biggest island in the world B. It consists of islands C. It is the only country that is also a continent D. It is the smallest continent. 274. There are tens of thousands of robots doing work all …(3)… the world. Robot is the name given to any …(4)… that can do a certain job automatically. These machines come in any shapes and …(5)… It is possible to build a robot in the shape of a person, but most look like machines built for specific purposes. They are …(6)…by computers. The computers …(7)…the robot what to do and how to do it. 275. A. about B. of C. over D. in 276. A. machine B. television C. car D. person 277. A. lengths B. widths C. heights D. sizes 278. A. controlling B. to control C. controlled D. control 279. A. tell B. say C. says D. tells Read the passage, then choose the correct answer Miss Richards was a teacher at a school in England. She taught chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the school. Sometimes the new classes learnt quickly, but sometimes they were very slow, and then Miss Richards had to repeat things many times. One year, the first class had studied chemistry for several weeks when Miss [...]...THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION Grade 10 Richards suddenly asked ‘What is water?’ There was a silence for a few seconds, and Miss Richards felt sad, but then one of the boys raised his hand He was not one of the most intelligent students in . permitted D. permission 100 . The meeting had been cancelled ………………the chairman’s absence. A. because B. because of C. although D. in spite of 101 . If I … .John. / will tell D. will see / tell 102 . Don’t ……………….such a lie to me, I can see you through. A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak 103 . My sister left her job……………………the

Ngày đăng: 09/11/2013, 19:11



