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Two new species of the genus arisaema mart araceae described for flora of vietnam

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VNƯ Journal of Science, N atural Sciences an d Technology 23 (2007) 86-90 Two new species of the genus Arisaema Mart (Araceae) described for Flora of Vietnam Nguyen Van Du * I n s titu te o fE c o lo g y a n d B iological R esources, V ietnam ese A c a d e m y o f Science and T echnology 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Hanoi, Vietnam R eceived 10 A u g u st 2006 A b stract Arisaema omkoiense G u s m a n a n d A ramulosum Andervv h av e been described as nevv reco rd for Flora o f V ietn am A m o n g them , Arisaema omkoiense w a s fo u n d in C hieng M (T hailand) recently by G u sm a n , novv re c o rd c d in C en tre V ietnam (Q u an g T ri a n d K o n tu m prov.) T he o th er One, A ramulosum A ndervv an en d e m ic of In d o n e sia for longtim e, has been fo u n d in N o rth e rn V ietn am (C ao B ang a n d Bac C an prov.) In tro d u ctio n The genus Arisaema c M art (Araceae Juss.) includes ab o u t 170 species [1] They are distributed m ainly in A sia an d few species there are in E ast-N orthern A írica and N orthern A m erica [2] Beíore, this gen u s w as recorded w ith species belonging to sections in V ietnam [3-6] R ecent stu d ies [7-9] ve recorded 16 species of this gen u s know n in Vietnam AU of them belong to sections (following M u rata's concept [5]) o r sections (following GusmarTs concept [10]) Base on the M urata's system [5], am ong V ietnam ese species, 12 species belong to the section ỉimbriata, species b elong to th e section Decipientia, species belong to the section Franchetiana and species belong to the section Sinarisaema In this paper, the au th o r describes tw o species A omkoiense G u sm an and A * Tel.: 84-4-8360169 E-mail: Vandu@iebr.vast.ac.vn ramulosum Aldrervv found V ietnam recently Both of them belong to the section Fim briata (follow ing M u rata' concept) The first time, both species are described from m aterials collected in Vietnam The first species, A omkoiense G usm an, w as described by G usm an from the type specim ens collected from C hiengm (Doi Inthanon) of Thailand [1] Follow ing G usm an, this species are distributeđ vvidely from South-W est of China to Thailand and Vietnam Base on the com parison betw een the m aterials collected in H uong H oa (Q uang Tri prov.) and in Ngoe Linh m ountain (K ontum prov.) and the original description, type specim en as well as discussion directly behveen the author and Prof G usm an in his house in Bruxsell, the species A omkoiense has been recorded for Flora of Vietnam In the expeditions in Thang H en (Cao Bang prov.) and Babe lake (Bac Can prov.) that vvere carried o u t the author and Mary Sizem ore (Plorida, USA) and John Tan Hoew (Singapore), a species of Arisaema genus was N g u y en Van Du / VblU Ịournaỉ o f Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 23 (2007) 86-90 coilected T hrough m orphological analyses, vve recognized that the characters of this species com pletely fit to the species A ramulosum Aldrervv This investigation surprised us because A ramulosum vvas an endem ic species of Indonesia for long time but now it has been íound in N orthern Vietnam vvhere is separated from Indonesia not only by distance b u t also by sea Hovvever the identiíication vvas coníirm ed w hen type specim ens of A ramulosum checked by the auth o r in Borgo herbarium (BO) in N ovem ber, 2005 and m any discussions betvveen the au th o r and superspecialist of this genus in vvorld D escrip tio n of new species A risaem a o m k o ien se G usm an 2001 Syst Geogr Pl 71: 3; id 2003 Arisaema Mon Bot Mat Lov 83 R hizom atous herbaceous plant, c 60 cm tall Rhizom e short, 1.5-3 cm long, c cm in diam C ataphylls em brace petiole and p ed u n cle separately, around petiole, around peduncle, inside One longer than outside, c 13 cm long Leaf 1-2; petiole 56 cm long; leaf blade triíoliate; leaf lobes vvith stipitates, 1.5 n long at lateral lobes and cm long at Central lobe, ovate to nearly elliptic shape, 22-24 cm long, 14-15 cm w ide, base rounded at lateral lobes and obtuse at Central Iobes, apex acum inate; lateral veins 910 pairs, conspicuous, collective vein d istant 3-7 m m from m argin Peduncle 13.5-20 cm long, m ore stouter than at íem ale inílorescence; spathe 7-9 cm long, pale green, white at base; tube portion hm nel shape, 4-5 cm long, c cm vvide at m outh, m outh m argin lightly recurved; spathe lam ina shorter than tube portion, triangular form, 3- 87 cm long, acum inate 2-4 m m long; male spadix 4.5 cm long, íertile portion cylindrical, 1.7 cm long, fIow ers in loose arrangem ent, appendix lightly conical, from base to apex covered densely by slender filiform steriles; m ale flow ers consisted by 2-3 stam ens, stam ens w ith a sh o rt stipitate, 0.5 m m long, anthers subglobose, dehiscent by pore at apex, íilam ent depressed, base attenuate, u p p e r n arro w triangular, apex elongated into an acum ination; bisexual spadix cm long; íem ale p o rtio n cylindrical to lightly conical, 1.8 cm long, ovaries loose in arrangem ent, ovaries subglobose to spindle shape, truncate at apex, stigm a d o t íorm , penicillate, not rarely serrated disciíorm (in m aterial VH 070), style sh o rt conical; m ale portion c m m long, few íem ale in loose arrangem ent, stam ens g ro u p in 2, íilam ent 1.5 m m long, connected together at 0.5 m m , u p p er portion divided, c 0.3 m m long, apex elongate in subulate form , c 0.3 m m long; appendix rather stout, lightly conical, m m w ide at base, densely covered vvith filiform steriles from base to apex Typus: Thailand, Qìiengm prov., near Omkoi, G usm an GG00013 (holo BR (original type pictures!); iso BKF) Habitat: P rim ary and secondary boardleaved evergreen sub-m ountain íorest on very steep rocky shale Southern slopes of Sa M ui m ountain; 1200-1300 m alt Distribution: V ietnam (Q uang K ontum ), T hailand (Chiengm ai) Tri, Materials exampled: Q uang Tri prov., H uong H oa distr., H uong P m unicipality, P.K Loc et al HLF 5863 (HN) K on T um prov., N goe Linh m ountain, A veryanov & others VH 070 (HN, p, LE, MO) Discussion: In the original publication of A omkoiense, G usm an com pared this species 88 N g u y e n V a n D u / V N U Ịo u r n a ỉ o f S c ien c e , N a tu r a l S c ie n c e s a n d T e c h n o lo g y (2 0 ) -9 to other triíoliate species as A garrettii, A pingianense, A petelotii, and A balansae and gave the different characters betvveen species Hovvever, the author find th at A omkoiense is closest to A petelotii by having spadix not or hardly exserted from spathe tube, along spadix appendix covered by filiform sterile ílovvers A omkoiense is d iííeren t from A petelotii by not having pseudostem , stam ens vvith a short stipitate, connectives subulate, cross over anthers A risaem a ram u lo su m A lderw 1922 Bull Jard Bot Buitnezorg 3(4): 166; G usm an, 2003 Arisaema Mon Bot Mat Lov 181 H erbaceous tuberous m onoecious plant, 9-30 cm tall, usually sm all in m ale plants Tuber subglobose, 0.5-4 cm in diam , light brow n ou t side, vvhite in side Leaf solitary; petiole 9-30 cm long, pale to d ark som etim e dirt green, low er portion created into pseudostem 5-15 cm, free portion 4-15 cm long; leaf blade triíoliolate, lobes d ark green on suríace and paler at u n d er suríace, glossy; lateral lobes subsessile, lanceolate ovate, 7.5 - 12 cm long, 4.5 - 6.2 cm vvide, oblique, ba se obtus to round, apex acum inate 1-1.5 cm long, tip arista; Central lobe vvith a stipitate, ovate lanceolate, 7-14 cm long, 4-8 cm vvide, base cuneate, obtus to round, apex acum inate w ith short arista at tip Peduncle equal, shorter or little longer than free portion of petiole, 7-12 cm long, pale green or brow n w ith w hite rouges; spathe long 5-8 cm long, tube cylindrical, 2-4 cm long, c cm vvide, w hite to pale green or little purplish, m ottled and w ith longitudinal, d ark p u rp le stripes, inside white; m outh m argin green and hardly recurved; spathe lam ina triangular, 3-4 cm long, outside dull, pale green, glossy, w ith dark stripes and ílushed purple near margins, w ith d ark green cross band at base, apex acum inate; m ale spadix 2.5 cm long w ith a short stipitate, stipe c m m long, íertile portion conical, 1.2 cm long, rather dense flowers/ appendix subulate íorm, c cm long, d ark green w ith brow n strips, covered w ith several purple, filiform sterile flowers at base and apex; m ale flow er grouped in stamensy sessile, anthers dehiscence by lateral slit; íem ale spadix cm long, íertile portion slightly conical m m long, m m vvide at base, appendix the sam e in m ale spadix, a little thicker, c cm long, 1.5 m m thick at base; ovaries bottle shape, size 1.5 X mm, stigm a spot íorm, style absent Typus: Indonesia, Java J.J Smith 775 (BO!) Habitat: The plants grovv in the gaps of rocks, u n d e r shade Broad leaf evergreen prim ary íorest on lim estone m ountain Distribution: Indonesia N orthern Vietnam Qava) and Materials exampled: Cao Bang prov.y Tra Linh distr., Q uoc Toan com m unity, Thang H en lake, A veryanov et al VH 4873, 4874 (HN, LE), N guyen Van Du 404 (HN) Discussion: In the section Pimbriata, species have spathe having d ark cross b m d at base of spathe lim e as A ramulosum A penicillatum and A ỉaminatum A ramuloìum distinguished from A peniciỉlatum by its spathe tube vvhitish, equal or shorter than lam ina portion, w ith o u t w hite area betvveen tube an d distinguished lam ina from A A ramulosum ỉaminatum also by its appendix stout subulate, vvith few sterile flowers loosely arranged at base and apex Reíerences [1] G G u sm an , A risaem a om k o ien se (Aracea?)/ a n ew species describ ed from N o rth T h aihnd, Syst Geogr Pl., B clgium 71 (2001) N g u y ê n V a n D u / V N U Ị o u r n a ỉ o f S cien c e, N a tu r a l S e n c e s a n d T e c h n o lo g y (2 0 ) -9 89 [2] S.J M ayo ct al., The genera o f Araceae, Kew publ., London, Kevv, 1997 [7] N g u y e n V an Du, T hrce nevv records of the g enus A risaem a (A raceae) for Flora of V ietnam (3| F G agnepain, Araees Flore Générale de rindỡChine, (1942) 1075 [4| C.R.W.K A ld erw ere lt/ N e w o r Notevvorthy M alayan A raceae Bull Ịard Bot Buitenzorg ser 3, 4(1) (1962) 163 [5] J M urata, ^ u r n , An A tte m p t a t an Inírageneric C lassiíication of th e G en u s A risaem a (Araceae) Faculty Sà U n i v e r s Tokyo, sect.3, 13 (1984) 431 [6] Pham H o an g Ho, Araceae Ịlỉustrations fo r Fỉora of an d th eir m e d iđ n a l values, Ịournaỉ o f Mat Med., Vietìtam, vol 3, book (1993) 416, M ontréal (in V ietnam ese) Plate: A risa em a o m k o ie n s e G u sm an Habit; Spíĩthe; Female spadix; Male spadix; variation o f maỉeỊĨoĩvers; Ovary (2002) 69 [8] N g u y e n V an D u, O n e nevv species of the genus A risaem a c M art (A raceae) for the Flora of V ietnam , Ịoum ofBiol 26 (2004) 54 [9] N g u y e n V an Du, p.c Boyce, T w o N ew Species of T he G enus A risaem a (Araceae: Arisacmateae) from Northern Vietnam, Folm Míỉhĩysừtrm (2005) 35 [10] G G u sm an , G Liliane, The genus Arisaema Publ House A.R Gantner Verlag Mommanditgeseilschaít FL 9491, R uggeỉl G erm any, 2003 Pictures: A risa em a m u lo su m A lderw H a b it a n d íem al spadix (Photo: N g u y e n V an Du) 90 N g u y e n V a n D u / V N U Ị o u m a ỉ o f S cie n c e , N a tu r a l S c ie n c e s a n d T e c h n o lo g y (2 0 ) -9 Mơ tả lồi thuộc chi Arisaema Mart (Araceae) cho hệ thực vật Việt Nam • • • • Nguyễn Văn Dư Viện Sinh thái Tài nguyên Sinh vật, Viện Kỉtoa học Công n%hệ Việt Nam 18 Hồng Qc Việt, Hà Nội, Việt Nam Lần loài thuộc chi Arisaema m ô tả cho hệ thực vật Việt N am từ n h ữ ng m ẫu vật thu gần Đó Arisaema omkoiense G usm an A ramulosum Alderw Cả loài thuộc section Fim briata (dựa theo hệ thông cùa M urata, 1984) với đặc điếm phiến xẻ thuỳ, phần phụ nhiều m ành, khơng có cuống, nhiều có hoa bâ't thụ dạng sợi Trong loài, Arisaema omkoiense G usm an râ't gần với A petolotii bơng nạc thư ờng nhơ khói ông mo, toàn phần phụ bao phủ hoa bất thụ Tuy nhiên khác với A petelotii thường chi m ang lá, khơng có phần thân giả, nhị có phần Irung đới kéo dài hình dùi, ngắn A ramolusum trước chi biết có Inđơnêxia av a)/ n ay lại tìm thây Việt Nam Đây lần loài p hát có ngồi khu phân bơ' Lồi râ't gần với lồi A ramulosum, A penicilỉatum and A lamimtum phiên m o đểu có m ột dải m ầu xanh đậm gô'c N hưng A ramulosum phân biệt với A penicillatum có ống m o m ầu trắng, dài ngắn phiến mo, khơng có khoảng trắng ông m o phiến mo A ramulosum phân biệt với A laminatum có p hần phụ hình dùi m ập hoa bâ't thụ xếp gơc đỉnh phần phụ (hình dùi m ảnh, khơng có hoa bất thụ A ỉaminatum) ... Habit; Spí? ?the; Female spadix; Male spadix; variation o f maỉeỊĨoĩvers; Ovary (2002) 69 [8] N g u y e n V an D u, O n e nevv species of the genus A risaem a c M art (A raceae) for the Flora of V ietnam... recognized that the characters of this species com pletely fit to the species A ramulosum Aldrervv This investigation surprised us because A ramulosum vvas an endem ic species of Indonesia for long... 89 [2] S.J M ayo ct al., The genera o f Araceae, Kew publ., London, Kevv, 1997 [7] N g u y e n V an Du, T hrce nevv records of the g enus A risaem a (A raceae) for Flora of V ietnam (3| F G agnepain,

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