Báo cáo Y học: The structure of the O-chain of the lipopolysaccharide of a prototypal diarrheagenic strain of Hafnia alvei that has characteristics of a new species under the genus Escherichia pot
ThestructureoftheO-chainofthelipopolysaccharideofa prototypal
diarrheagenic strain of
Hafnia alvei
that hascharacteristicsofa new
species underthe genus
Reine Eserstam
, Thushari P. Rajaguru
, Per-Erik Jansson
, Andrej Weintraub
and M. John Albert
Clinical Research Center, Analytical unit, Karolinska Institute, Huddinge Hospital, Huddinge, Sweden;
Department of Chemistry,
University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka;
Karolinska Institute, Department of Microbiology, Pathology and Immunology,
Division of Clinical Bacteriology, Huddinge University Hospital, Sweden;
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait
University, Safat, Kuwait
The structureofthe O-polysaccharide ofthe lipopolysac-
charide from a diarrheal strain isolated in Bangladesh
was studied with sugar, and methylation analysis, NMR
spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and partial acid hydrolysis.
The strain was first designated as Hafnia alvei, but later
found to be a possible newspecies in thegenus Escherichia.
Two different polysaccharides were detected, a major and a
minor one. Thestructureofthe major polysaccharide is gi-
ven below, while thestructureofthe minor one was not
investigated. Thestructureofthe repeating unit was estab-
lished as
The structure does not resemble any ofthe previously
investigated lipopolysaccharide O-chains from Escherichia
coli or H. alvei, but could fit in either group based on types of
sugar residues and acidity.
Phenotypic microbiological studies cannot definitely
assign it to either speciesofthe two genera. Genetic
hybridization studies indicate thatthe Bangladeshi isolates
may require anewspecies designation underthe genus
Keywords: lipopolysaccharide; Escherichia; Hafnia alvei;
diarrhea; neuraminic acid.
Hafnia alvei is a Gram negative bacterium and a member of
the family Enterobacteriaceae. There are reports of associ-
ation of H. alvei with diarrhoea in Canada [1] and Finland
[2], but the mechanism of diarrhoea caused by this organism
in these locations remains unknown [3]. However, some
isolates ofa bacterium typed as H. alvei from patients with
diarrhoea in Bangladesh produced diarrhoea in rabbits by
attaching and effacing (AE) lesions in the intestinal mucosa
that are characteristic ofthe lesions produced by entero-
pathogenic Escherichia coli [4]. Like enteropathogenic
E. coli,theseH. alvei isolates possess a homologous patho-
genicity island in the chromosome locus for enterocyte
effacement (LEE), which is responsible for producing
attaching and effacing lesions [5]. LEE encodes a type III
secretory system [6]. Secretion ofthe virulence factors leads
to effacement ofthe microvillus structure and reorganiza-
tion ofthe actin cytoskeleton to form a pedestal-like
structure, the attaching and effacing lesion [7]. AE lesion
formation is critical in mediating diarrhoea production in
the host, but its exact role in disease is not known. Recent
results from conventional biochemical analyses, testing of
susceptibility to cephalothin, lysis by a Hafnia-specific
phage, and amplification ofthe outer membrane protein
gene phoE with species-specific primers support the identi-
fication of these isolates as members ofthegenus Escheri-
chia rather than Hafniaalvei [8]. We studied thestructure of
the O-chainofthelipopolysaccharideof one them.
Bacterium, cultivation and isolation
of lipopolysaccharide and O-specific polysaccharide
The Hafnia alvei, strain number 10457, was from the culture
collection ofthe International Centre for Diarrhoeal
Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR, B), Dhaka. This
strain was isolated from a patient with diarrhoea and was
positive for the AE property [15]. The bacterium was grown
in TY-medium, and thelipopolysaccharide isolated by
centrifugation and extraction of bacterial cells with hot
aqueous phenol [16]. The polysaccharide was analysed as
Correspondence to P E. Jansson, Karolinska Institute,
Clinical Research Center, Novum, Huddinge University Hospital,
S-141 86 Huddinge, Sweden.
Fax: + 46 8 58583820, Tel.: + 46 8 58583821,
E-mail: pererik.jansson@kfc.hs.sll.se
Abbreviations: AE, attaching and effacing; Hex, hexose; DEPT, dis-
torsionless enhanced polarization transfer; HMBC, heteronuclear
multiple-bond correlation; HSQC, heteronuclear single-quantum
coherence; LEE, locus for enterocyte effacement; TMS, trimethylsilyl.
(Received 19 March 2002, revised 6 May 2002,
accepted 21 May 2002)
Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 3289–3295 (2002) Ó FEBS 2002 doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2002.03009.x
the lipopolysaccharide, or degraded with 0.1
acetic acid/
sodium acetate, pH 4.2, for 4 h at 100 °Ctogivethe
O-polysaccharide. The O-polysaccharide was isolated by
gel-permeation chromatography on a column (70 · 2.6 cm)
of Sephadex G-50 using 0.05
pyridinium acetate, pH 4.5,
as eluent and monitoring with a differential refractometer.
Sugar analysis
Hydrolysis was performed with 2
trifluoroacetic acid
(120 °C, 2 h), and monosaccharides identified by GLC as
their alditol acetates. Sugars were analysed on a Hewlett–
Packard 5880 GLC instrument on a DB-5 fused-silica
capillary column and a temperature gradient of 160 °C
(1 min) to 250 °Cat3°CÆmin
. The absolute configura-
tions were determined by GLC of acetylated glycosides
with (+)-2-butanol, as described previously, but with the
modification that acetates were used [9–11]. Neuraminic
acid methyl glycoside methyl ester was analyzed as the
trimethylsilyl (TMS)-derivative and authentic reference.
A colorimetric test for Kdo using thiobarbituric acid was
also made [17].
Methylation analysis
Methylation was carried out with methyl iodide in dimethyl
sulfoxide in the presence of sodium methylsulfinylmethanide
[18]. The methylated polysaccharide was purified using Sep–
Pak C18 cartridges. Hydrolysis was performed as described
for sugar analysis; partially methylated monosaccharides
were converted into alditol acetates and analyzed by GLC
and GLC-MS on a Hewlett Packard 5890 chromatograph
equipped with a NERMAG R10–10 L mass spectrometer,
using the above conditions. Identification was made using
reference data.
NMR spectroscopy
H- and
C-NMR spectra were recorded with a JEOL
GSX-270 or JEOL JNM ECP500 instruments or solutions
Oat70or85°C. Chemical shifts are reported with
internal acetone (d
2.25, d
31.00) as reference. Mixing
times of 30–160 ms were used in TOCSY experiments, and
for NOESY 100 and 300 ms.
MALDI mass spectrometry
MALDI mass spectrometry in the positive mode was run on
a Finnigan Lasermat instrument using dihydroxybenzoic
acid acid as matrix. Between 10 and 20 scans were
accumulated and added. The neuraminic-acid-free polysac-
charide was treated with 0.01
acetic acid for 1 h at 65 °C
and then neutralized with dilute sodium hydroxide solution.
Hafnia alveistrain number 10457 was grown in tryptone-
yeast (TY) medium and harvested by centrifugation.
Extraction with hot phenol/water (1 : 1, v/v) gave a lipo-
polysaccharide in the aqueous phase, which was recovered
and freeze dried. Ultracentrifugation ofthe lipopolysaccha-
ride gave a pellet and an upper phase, the latter containing
most ofthe material. SDS/PAGE ofthe two materials
(Fig. 1) in the upper phase and the pellet showed identical
patterns and it was therefore concluded thatthe same
polysaccharide was present. A hydrolysate ofthe upper
phase, analyzed as alditol acetates, revealed as
-glucosamine in the proportions 6 : 65 : 19 : 6 : 3.
The relatively high proportion of heptose may be the result
of short chains. It is not a component in the polysaccharide
as demonstrated in the MS analysis (see below). The
absolute configurations ofthe sugars were established by
GLC analysis ofthe acetylated (+)-2-butyl glycosides
[9–11]. Methanolysis ofthe sample and analysis by GLC-
MS gave, in addition to the sugars mentioned, neuraminic
acid. The pellet showed essentially the same compounds.
To verify thatthe material was an O-polysaccharide or
exclude the possibility, the content of Kdo was checked with
the thiobarbiturate method. It showed thatthe content of
Kdo in the crude material, the pellet, and the supernatant
was 11, 15, and 12 lgÆmg
, respectively, corresponding to
one Kdo per 70 sugars or two per 35, i.e a significant
amount of Kdo.
Treatment ofthe upper phase with acetic acid buffer of
pH 4.2 followed by gel chromatography on a Sephadex
G-50 column gave a major O-polysaccharide peak at the
void volume (O-polysaccharide) and a minor peak just after.
The material in the major peak was devoid of neuraminic
acid. The second minor peak, which was included in the
column and had four signals in the anomeric region of the
H-NMR spectrum at d 5.07, 4.92, 4.80, and 4.49, clearly
different from the major compound. The presence of two
different polysaccharides in Hafniahas not been observed
before. It was not clear whether it was an lipopolysaccharide
or a capsular polysaccharide and the fraction was not
further investigated. The proportion ofthe minor polysac-
charide was indicated by the size ofthe minor peaks in the
H-NMR spectrum (Fig. 2), especially as the peak near
d 5.0 was separate enough to be able to make a quantitative
estimation, approximately 5%.
In the methylation analysis ofthe O-polysaccharide,
derivatives corresponding to 6-substituted galactofuranose,
3-substituted galactopyranose and 3-substituted galactosa-
Fig. 1. SDS/PAGE ofthe upper phase (1) and the pellet (2) obtained on
ultracentrifugation oftheHafniaalvei lipopolysaccharide. For com-
parison lipopolysaccharide from a smooth (Shigella flexneri,3)anda
rough bacterium (Salmonella typhimurium Ra, 4) was run simulta-
3290 R. Eserstam et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
mine were detected, thus indicating a linear polysaccharide
consisting of repeats with three sugar residues. This was
corroborated by the
H-NMR spectrum, which showed
signals for anomeric protons at d 5.11 (J small), 4.76
(J 7.7 Hz) and 4.46 (J 7.7 Hz), for ring protons, and for an
N-acetyl methyl group at d 2.05. The first chemical shift
should belong to a furanoside as these normally have small
J-values, the second and third signal have typical J-values
for b-linked sugars with galacto-pyranose configuration.
The absence of NeuAc was evident as no methylene-
deoxyresonances could be detected. The
C-NMR spec-
trum showed signals inter alia for anomeric carbons at d
109.9, 104.1 and 103.6. The first value is very high and
characteristic ofa b-furanosidic sugar. A distorsionless
enhanced polarization transfer (DEPT) spectrum revealed
that the substituted hydroxymethyl group, C-6 of the
galactofuranose, is located at d 71.8, thus among those of
secondary carbons. The
H- and
C-NMR spectra were
assigned with 2D NMR spectra including COSY, TOCSY,
NOESY, HSQC, and HMBC. Overlap in the spin systems
were in some cases a problem, but could be overcome with a
combination ofthe spectra. Residues and spin systems are
denoted A–C in Table 1. Indeed, theA residue was the
furanoside as evident from the correlation in the HSQC-
spectrum between d 5.11/109.9. The possibility to trace
signals beyond that H-2 was limited, but two ofthe signals
in the
C-NMR spectrum at 82–84 p.p.m. could be shown
to derive from C-2 and C-4 in A, and to correlate to proton
signals at approximately d 4.07. B could be assigned to the
GalNAc residue as evident from the chemical shift of C-2
signal, which appeared at d 52.2, typical for C-N signals. A
downfield shift ofthe signal for C-3 signal to d 78.7
corroborated the linkage position. Residue C gave in the
TOCSY spectrum three correlations, up to H-4, which had
aresonanceatd 4.16, from the high value it was confirmed
that it was galactose. In addition, the couplings of H-4 (1D/
2D) were small, indicative ofthe galacto configuration. In
C-NMR spectrum, it was evident that two signals were
present at d 75.6, the second being assigned to C-5 in residue
C, close to the value in the monomer. The sequence of
Fig. 2. The
H-NMR spectrum ofthe Hafnia
alvei lipopolysaccharide in D
Table 1.
H- and
C-NMR chemical shifts (d, p.p.m.) for different H. alvei polysaccharides. The N-acetyl group in the GalNAC residue appears at d
2.05/22.7/176.1 in the O-polysaccharide and in the GalNAc and NeuAc residues at d 2.05/22.8–22.9/175.8 in the lipopolysaccharide.
Sugar residue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
H. alvei O-polysaccharide
fi 6)-b-
-Galf-(1 fi (A) 5.11 4.09 4.06 4.06 4.02 3.75, 4.04
109.9 82.1 77.6 83.7 70.2 71.8
fi 3)-b-
-GalpNAc-(1 fi (B) 4.76 4.05 3.82 4.02 3.71 3.77
103.6 52.2 78.7 70.2 75.6 61.6
fi 3)-b-
-Galp-(1 fi (C) 4.46 3.62 3.76 4.16 3.71 3.77
104.1 70.7 82.6 69.3 75.6 61.6
Native H. alvei lipopolysaccharide
fi 6)-b-
-Galf-(1 fi (A) 5.11 4.09 4.05 4.04 4.00 3.89, 3.89
109.9 82.8 77.8 83.8 70.6 72.1
fi 3)-b-
-GalpNAc-(1 fi (B) 4.73 4.04 3.83 4.07 3.70 3.75, 3.75
103.7 52.4 78.8 68.5 75.6 61.7
fi 3,6)-b-
-Galp-(1 fi (C) 4.43 3.65 3.72 4.19 3.73 3.62, 3.92
104.2 70.6 82.8 69.0 73.4 64.1
a-NeuAc-(1 fi (D) – – 2.74, 1.68 3.74 3.84 3.70 3.78 4.03
174.2 101.2 41.0 69.0 52.6 73.8 69.0 72.4 63.4
Ó FEBS 2002 NewspeciesunderthegenusEscherichia (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 3291
sugars was indicated by the following H/C correlations in
the HMBC spectrum, d 5.11/78.7 (A H-1/B C-3), d 4.73/82.6
(B H-1/C C-3), and d 4.44/71.8 (C H-1/A C-6). The
disaccharide elements A–B, B–C, and C-A were thus present
to make up the chain as
The next step was to analyze the native lipopolysaccha-
ride. Methylation analysis ofthe native lipopolysaccharide
gave major GLC peaks corresponding to 6-substituted
galactofuranose, 3,6-disubstituted galactose, and 3-substi-
tuted 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-
-galactose. In addition, smaller
peaks corresponding to the minor component polysaccha-
ride were observed. The repeating unit ofthe polysaccharide
thus contains a terminal NeuAc, and the above mentioned
residues. A comparison to the methylation analysis data on
the O-polysaccharide, indicates thatthe terminal NeuAc
should be substituting the galactose residue in the
For the full characterization ofthe lipopolysaccharide,
with NeuAc still present, an NMR sample was prepared
from the native lipopolysaccharide. The spectrum had
broadened lines but were surprisingly good with resolved
couplings (Fig. 2). The
H-NMR spectrum ofthe lipopoly-
saccharide showed signals for three anomeric protons at
d 5.11 (J small), 4.73 (J 7.7 Hz), 4.43 (J 7.7 Hz), thus close
to those observed for the O-polysaccharide. In the high field
region signals for a methylene group, assigned to CH
NeuAc were observed at d 2.75 and 1.68, the large difference
establishing the presence of an axial carboxyl group and an
a-linkage in the NeuAc residue. Signals for N-acetyl groups
deriving from NeuAc and GalNAc were present at d 2.05. In
C-NMR spectrum, the corresponding signals were
present inter alia at d 109.9, 104.2, 103.7, and 101.2 for
anomeric carbons and at d 41.0 and 22.8–22.9 for methylene
and methyl groups, respectively. The spectrum resembled
that ofthe O-polysaccharide, but some changes were
evident. The signals at d73.8, 69.0, 63.4, and 52.6 were
higher than the others and were subsequently assigned to
the NeuAc residue.
Analysis of both of the
H- and the
C-NMR spectra
using 1D and 2D techniques gave the data shown in
Table 1, where the residues are referred to as A–D, D being
the additional NeuAc residue. Most ofthe signals could be
unambiguously assigned. The
C-NMR spectrum showed
28 signals ofthe possible 30. The assignment was made
essentially as described for the O-polysaccharide and by
comparison with the spectra ofthe O-polysaccharide.
Figures 3–6 show the COSY, TOCSY, HSQC and HMBC
spectra, respectively.
From the large glycosylation shifts of signals from C-6 in
A, C-3 and C-6 in B,andC-3inC, the linkage positions
were verified. The absence of any glycosylation shift in D
further indicated that it was terminal. The chemical shift
displacement ofthe C-6 signal in C to d 64.1, is small,
typical for substitution with ketosides. An HMBC experi-
ment showed the following inter-residue correlations from
anomeric protons to linkage carbons: A H-1/B C-3 (5.11/
78.8), B H-1/C C-3 (4.73/82.8) corroborating elements A–B
and B–C. From the NOE spectrum the following inter-
residue correlations between H-1 and protons on linkage
carbons were observed: A H-1/B H-3 (5.11/3.82), demon-
strating the element A–B. Correlations 4.73/3.72 and 4.43/
3.90 are in accord with elements B–C and C–A but
ambiguous due to signal overlap. From the combined data,
however, the following structure can be postulated for the
repeating unit
Fig. 3. The COSY spectrum theofthe Hafnia
alvei lipopolysaccharide showing the anomeric
and the ring proton region.
3292 R. Eserstam et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
MALDI-MS ofthe O-polysaccharide
The O-polysaccharide, i.e. the desialylated polysaccharide
chain, was also characterized by MALDI-MS of the
fragmented chain, anticipated to be facile to cleave with
acid, as furanosides were present. Thus, the O-polysaccha-
ride was treated with aqueous 0.01
acetic acid and the
samples were withdrawn at different times. Good spectra
were obtained after approximately 1 h. The spectra showed
three series of ions, all sodiated, the first at m/z 1626, 2149,
2677, 3204, 3730, and 4254, the second at m/z 1825, 2352,
2881, and 3401, and the third at m/z 1946, 2475, 3001, 3528,
and 4054. All series are spaced with approximately
527 atomic mass units (amu), corresponding to the molecu-
lar mass ofthe repeating unit containing two hexoses and
one acetamidohexose. The first series corresponds to a
multiple ofthe repeating unit, thought to be derived from
the expected hydrolysis ofthe furanosidic linkage, thus
. The second series contains a mul-
tiple ofthe repeat plus an additional acetamidohexose
(203 amu) and the third contains a multiple ofthe repeat
plus two additional hexose residues (324 amu). This implies
that not only the furanosidic linkage is acid-labile, but also
that ofthe b-D-GalNAc residue. Thus, assuming that the
linkage second most easily hydrolyzed is thatof the
acetamidohexose, the ions in the second and the third series
correspond to the formulas (HexNAc-Hex-Hex)
and Hex-Hex-(HexNAc-Hex-Hex)
and the sequence is
further established.
The initial phenotypic characterization ofthestrain 10457
with a commercial identification system, API-20 E identified
the strain as Hafniaalvei [4]. Additional phenotypic
characterization and partial 16S rRNA sequencing of a
set of isolates identified them not as typical Hafnia alvei, but
Fig. 5. HSQC spectrum oftheHafnia alvei
lipopolysaccharide showing the anomeric and
the ring proton/carbon region and including
high resolution
H- and
C-NMR spectra.
Fig. 4. TOCSY spectra oftheHafnia alvei
lipopolysaccharide showing the correlations
deriving from the anomeric protons. Mixing
times were from 30 to 160 ms.
Ó FEBS 2002 NewspeciesunderthegenusEscherichia (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 3293
unique isolates [12]. Further phenotypic characterization
suggested that these isolates are neither Hafniaalvei nor
Escherichia coli, but closely related to thegenus Escherichia
[8]. DNA hybridization studies suggested that these isolates
deserve anewspecies name underthegenus Escherichia
(J. Albert, Kuwait University, Safat, Kuwait, personal
communication). The unique structureoftheO-chain of
one of these isolates further confirms this conclusion.
The lipopolysaccharide structures of both H. alvei and
E. coli are known [13,14]. More than 20 strains from
H. alvei have been investigated and both amino sugars and
acidic sugars are frequent. Furanosidic sugars are also
observed. Neuraminic acid has been found once but only as
an internal residue. Ofthe more than 60 E. coli strains that
have been investigated, many contain hexoses and hexosa-
mines, as well as acid functions. Also here, neuraminic acid
has been found only internally. Furanosidic galactose is
present, but not common. As a whole, the structural
features ofthe investigated strain cannot be related to any
particular structure among those studied ofHafnia and
Escherichia. The terminal neuraminic acid is, however, an
interesting feature, normally associated with glycoproteins
and glycolipids. The biological properties ofthe novel
lipopolysaccharide of this strain remain to be elucidated.
The authors thank Mrs G. Alvelius for help in mass spectrometry and
Mrs M. So
rensson for microbiology work. This work was supported
by grants from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council, the
Swedish Medical Research Council (No. B95-16X-11227-01 A), and
the International Science Programs, Uppsala University, Sweden. Mrs
Farrah Vesali is thanked for some preliminary experiments.
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Ó FEBS 2002 NewspeciesunderthegenusEscherichia (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 3295
. The structure of the O-chain of the lipopolysaccharide of a prototypal
diarrheagenic strain of
Hafnia alvei
that has characteristics of a new
species under. indicate that the Bangladeshi isolates
may require a new species designation under the genus
Keywords: lipopolysaccharide; Escherichia; Hafnia alvei;