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Finding critical success factors for thuong long join stock company in the period 2018 2022

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    • 1.1 Reasons for choosing the research topic

    • 1.2 Research objectives:

    • 1.3 Scope of research:

    • 1.4 Research method:

    • 1.5 Content of thesis:

    • 1.6 Proposed timetable for completion of the thesis


    • 2.1 Strategy

    • 2.1.1 Strategy definition

      • 2.1.2 Levels of strategy

      • Corporate-level strategy

      • Business-level strategy

      • Functional level strategy

    • 2.2 Strategy and advantage competiveness

      • * Cost leadership strategy

      • * Differentiation strategy

      • * Focus strategy

    • 2.3 Balance score card

    • 2.4 formulate business strategy

    • 2.5 Critical success factors

    • 2.6 Determination of factor importance


    • 3.1 General information

    • 3.2 Establishment and the milestones

    • 3.3 Mission, vision and core value:

      • 3.3.1 Visions:

      • 3.3.2 Objectives: 3.3.3 Mission

    • 3.4 Organizational structure

    • 3.5 Products and facilities of Thuong Long join stock company

      • 3.5.1 Concrete batching plant

      • 3.5.2 Abode brick:

      • 3.5.3 Enameled brick

      • 3.5.4 Terrazzo Brick

    • 3.6 Analyzing the current strategy of Thuong Long Joint Stock Company.

    • 3.7 Assessing the current strategy of Thuong Long Joint Stock Company.

    • 3.8 Pestel analysis

      • 3.8.1 Political

      • 3.8.2 Economics

      • 3.8.3 Social and cultural

      • 3.8.4 Environment

      • 3.8.5 Technologies

      • 3.8.6 Legal

    • 3.9 Five Forces’ Analysis

      • 3.9.1 Power of buyer

      • 3.9.2 Power of supplier

      • 3.9.3 Threat of substitute

      • 3.9.4 Rivalry among competitors

      • 3.9.5 Thread of new entry


    • 4.1 Case study methodology

    • 4.2 Sample

    • 4.3 Research processes

    • 4.4 Deep interview

      • 4.4.1. Research objectives:

      • 4.4.2. Methods, questions interview, interview information, summary result (attached file)

      • 4.4.3 Sample information

      • 4.4.4 Result:

    • 4.5 Questionnaire


    • 5.1 Reliability

    • 5.2 Rank of the importance

      • 5.2.1 Calculate sum

      • 5.2.2 T test

    • 5.3 EFA test


    • 6.1 Competitor analysis

      • 6.1.1 Competitors

        • Duc Anh Construction Joint Stock Company:

        • Viet Lam construction and concrete joint stock Company

        • Tuoi Tre Building materials co-Operative

        • Tự Lập Co., Ltd

    • 6.2 Benchmarking with competitors

      • Weakness of Thuong Long Join Stock Company:


    • 7.1 Conclusions

    • 7.2 Management implication

    • 7.3 Limitation and Future research



Nội dung

Lunghwa University of Science and Technology Department of Business Administration Thesis for a Master’s Degree Finding critical success factors for Thuong Long Join stock company in the period 2018-2022 Researcher: Le Hai Nam Supervisor 1: Chia-chi Tsan Supervisor 2:Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh November 2018 Lunghwa University of Science and Technology Approval Certificate of Master's Degree Examination Board This is to certify that the Master’s Degree Examinations Board has approved the thesis Finding critical success factors for Thuong Long Join stock company in the period 2018-2022 published by Mr Le Hai Nam in the Master Program of Graduate School of Department of Business Administration Master’s Degree Examination Board Board Members:TSAN CHIA-CHI Mai Anh Doan Thu Trang Advisors: Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh TSAN CHIA-CHI Chair: TSAN CHIA-CHI Date:2018/11/25 ABSTRACT Thesis Title: Finding critical success factors for Thuong Long Join stock company in the period 2018-2022 Pages: 50 University:Lunghwa University of Science and Technology Graduate School:Department of Business Administration Date:November, 2018 Researcher:Le Hai Nam Degree:Master Advisor:Chia-chi Tsan; Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh This study researches about the company Thuong Long join stock company What aspect the company should focus to compete with other competitors? There is lack of research about critical success factors for this industry in Vietnam This study use mix research method which including case study and t test analysis There are 22 cases was analyzed The result showed that seven critical factors influencing the success of the company Those factors are: Transportation management, Relationship marketing, Overall product quality, Upgrading staff competencies, New Product development, Reaction to customer needs, Manufacturing i ACKNOWNLEDGEMENT To teachers and staffs at International School, Vietnam National University, Hanoi Initially, I would like to express my gratitude to all teachers in International School, Vietnam National University for giving a great opportunity to work as an intern before my graduation During my study process, I applied knowledge studied in school as well as learnt other skills that helped so much for my future career This is such a precious experience to my period of student Besides that, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor – Supervisor 1: Chia-chi Tsan and Supervisor 2: Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh my enthusiastic and considerate teachers who always supported and helped me in my thesis Actually, without your guidance, my thesis could not be completed I would like to thank my family for all your support when i spent much of my time with study and business Thank you so much for your kind cooperation during my master study time Yours sincerrely, Le Hai Nam ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT i ACKNOWNLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES .vi LIST OF FIGURES vii INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reasons for choosing the research topic 1.2 Research objectives: 1.3 Scope of research: 1.4 Research method: 1.5 Content of thesis: 1.6 Proposed timetable for completion of the thesis 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Strategy: 2.1.1 Strategy definition 2.1.2 Levels of strategy Corporate-level strategy Business-level strategy Functional level strategy 2.2 Strategy and advantage competiveness 2.3 Balance score card 2.4 formulate business strategy 2.5 Critical success factors 2.6 Determination of factor importance 11 THUONG LONG JOIN STOCK COMPANY 13 3.1 General information 13 3.2 Establishment and the milestones 14 3.3 Mission, vision and core value: 14 3.3.1 Visions: 14 3.3.2 Objectives: 3.3.3 Mission 15 3.4 Organizational structure 16 3.5 Products and facilities of Thuong Long join stock company 19 iii 3.5.1 Concrete batching plant 19 3.5.2 Abode brick: 21 3.5.3 Enameled brick 22 3.5.4 Terrazzo Brick 23 3.6 Analyzing the current strategy of Thuong Long Joint Stock Company 24 a/ Strategy on product diversification 24 b/ The strategy focuses on the market trend 24 3.7 Assessing the current strategy of Thuong Long Joint Stock Company 24 a/ Advantages 24 b/ Disadvantages 24 3.8 Pestel analysis 25 3.8.1 Political 25 3.8.2 Economics 26 3.8.3 Social and cultural 27 3.8.4 Environment 27 3.8.5 Technologies 28 3.8.6 Legal 28 3.9 Five Forces’ Analysis 28 3.9.1 Power of buyer 28 3.9.2 Power of supplier 29 3.9.3 Threat of substitute 29 3.9.4 Rivalry among competitors 29 3.9.5 Thread of new entry 29 RESEARCH METHOD 31 4.1 Case study methodology 31 4.2 Sample 31 4.3 Research processes 32 4.4 Deep interview 33 4.4.1 Research objectives: 33 4.4.2 Methods, questions interview, interview information, summary result (attached file) 33 4.4.3 Sample information 33 4.4.4 Result: 33 iv 4.5 Questionnaire 33 DATA ANALYSIS 35 5.1 Reliability 35 5.2 Rank of the importance 35 5.2.1 Calculate sum 35 5.2.2 T test 36 5.3 EFA test 38 APPLICATION OF THE BALANCE SCORE CARD 40 6.1 Competitor analysis 40 6.1.1 Competitors 40 Duc Anh Construction Joint Stock Company 40 Viet Lam construction and concrete joint stock Company 40 Tuoi Tre Building materials co-Operative 40 Tự Lập Co., Ltd 41 6.2 Benchmarking with competitors 42 CONCLUSIONS 44 7.1 Conclusions 44 7.2 Management implication 44 7.3 Limitation and Future research 45 REFERENCES 46 APPENDIX A: BẢNG HỎI 48 v LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Thesis progress Table 2: Critical success factors: industries example (Leidecker and Bruno, 1984) Table 3: Literature review critical factors Table 4: The Company’s assets over the years 17 Table 5: Company’s capital over the years 17 Table 6: Investment at current prices by types of ownership (Ministry of Investment and Planning) 26 Table 7: Proposed factors 34 Table 8: Reliability Statistics 35 Table 9: Ranking the importance of items 36 Table 10: One sample test for major activities of business 37 Table 11:One sample test for activity require large dollars involved 37 Table 12: One sample test for activity has major profit impact 38 Table 13: One sample test for activity has major changes in performance 38 Table 14: Principal Component Analysis 39 Table 15: KMO and Bartlett's Test 39 Table 16: Competitors analysis 42 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Balance score card framework (Kaplan and Norton, 2006) Figure 2: Andrew’s model of the strategy formulation process (Hofer and Schendel, 1978) Figure 3: Competence in Roadstone (O'Driscoll, 2006), 11 Figure 4: The organization chart 16 Figure 5: Sale 18 Figure 6: Revenue 18 Figure 7: Cao Xá Concrete batching plant 19 Figure 8: Phượng Lâu Concrete batching plant 19 Figure 9: Manufactor in Vĩnh Phúc 20 Figure 10: Manufactor in Vĩnh Phúc 20 Figure 11: Tremie lorries, ready-mix concrete lorries 20 Figure 12: Adobe brick 21 Figure 13: Enameled brick 22 Figure 14: Terrazzo brick 23 Figure 15: Gross domestic product at constant 2010 prices by types of ownership and by kinds of economic activity (Ministry of Investment and Planning) 26 Figure 16: GDP growth (annual %) (World bank data) 27 Figure 17: Five Forces’ 30 Figure 18: Research process 32 vii INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reasons for choosing the research topic Thuong Long join stock company is a pioneer in producing building materials in large scale The company focuses on producing new building materials that reducing environment impacts such as un-burnt blocks The company provides fulltime jobs for local people Company also faces intensive competition Other competitors enter the market, try to gain market share Thuong Long join stock company is following the diversify products strategy, entering new market The company faces a lot of challenges to achieve its goals How to build a right strategy for the company is very important for a CEO Making the right strategy is very important for the success of the company When “Build business strategy for Thuong Long join stock company in the period 2018-2022”, the company need to analysis its competitors Lack of research point out: what are the critical success factors for a construction material company in Vietnam? Lack of research discuss about this topic Which aspects of business should the company focus to keep its leading position in the region? 1.2 Research objectives: - understand building strategy processes, and literature review about strategy - understand the current situation of Thuong Long joint stocks company - Formulate strategy for Thuong Long join Stocks Company 1.3 Scope of research: Content: literature review about current issues and formulate strategy for Thuong Long join stocks company in the period 2018-2022 Location: Thuong Long’s market, and its future market Time: understand the company’s activities from 2009-2017, and build strategy for the period 2018-2022 Table 9: Ranking the importance of items Process efficiency teamwork and coordination 105.25 Cost reduction, productivity improvement 107.25 15 customer complaints range of service offered 107.25 10 Advertising 118.5 11 Post sales services 122.5 14 service quality 12 Customer value Technology transfer/ Technical capability 19 Financial growth 131.5 Internal business process 133.5 20 Asset utilization 13 customer satisfaction 136.25 17 Relationship marketing 136.75 Distribution 138.25 Transportation management 18 Upgrading staff competencies 144 16 reaction to customer needs, 148 Overall product quality New Product development 155.75 Manufacturing 169.25 127.6667 127.8 130.25 135 143.5 150.5 5.2.2 T test “A one sample t-test was carried out to determine whether the population considered a specific attribute to be important or otherwise Furthermore, the mean ranking of each attribute was tabulated to help provide a clearer picture of the consensus reached by the respondents” (Ahadzie, 2008) A summary of the test results is shown in Tables 8–10 The mean for each attribute including the associated standard deviation and standard error is reported in each Table For each attribute, the null hypothesis was that the attribute was unimportant (H0:U = U0) and the alternative hypothesis was that the attribute was important (Ha:U > U0), where U0 is the population Media (U0 was fixed at 5, ) The significance level was set at 95% in accordance with conventional risk levels Thus, based on the nine-point Likert rating scale, a success criterion was deemed 36 critical or important if it had a mean of or more Where two or more criteria have the same mean, the one with the lowest standard deviation was assigned the highest importance ranking Table bellows shows that these factors are significant at 0.000 level 1.1 stands for question 1, criterion (New product development is major activity of business) Table 10: One sample test for major activities of business One-Sample Test Test Value = 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Mean t df Sig (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper 1.1 9.287 22 000 1.696 1.32 2.07 3.1 10.750 22 000 1.783 1.44 2.13 7.1 9.771 22 000 1.174 92 1.42 8.1 4.309 22 000 870 45 1.29 16.1 6.996 22 000 1.261 89 1.63 18.1 10.969 22 000 1.522 1.23 1.81 Table below shows that the “new product development”, “reaction to customer needs” and “manufacturing” are not required large dollars involved Manufacturing required large investment at the beginning, but when running this process doesn’t require much investment Table 11:One sample test for activity require large dollars involved One-Sample Test Test Value = 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Mean t df Sig (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper 1.2 -1.518 22 143 -.522 -1.23 19 3.2 -1.000 22 328 -.174 -.53 19 7.2 -4.746 22 000 -1.391 -2.00 -.78 8.2 -2.647 22 015 -.435 -.78 -.09 18.2 -4.859 22 000 -1.391 -1.99 -.80 16.2 -.594 22 558 -.174 -.78 43 In table 11, transportation management, reaction to customer needs, upgrading staff competencies don’t significant influencing to profit 37 Table 12: One sample test for activity has major profit impact One-Sample Test Test Value = 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference t df Sig (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper 1.3 2.299 22 031 609 06 1.16 3.3 12.217 22 000 1.826 1.52 2.14 7.3 4.811 22 000 1.087 62 1.56 8.3 000 22 1.000 000 -.43 43 16.3 302 22 765 087 -.51 68 18.3 2.011 22 057 435 -.01 88 In the table bellows shows that all the factors (1, 3, 7, 8, 16, 18) (New product development, Manufacturing, Overal product quality, Transportation management, Reaction to customer needs, Upgrading staff competencies) having major changes in performance of the business Table 13: One sample test for activity has major changes in performance One-Sample Test Test Value = 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference t df Sig (2-tailed) Mean Difference Lower Upper 1.4 5.660 22 000 1.304 83 1.78 3.4 12.024 22 000 2.000 1.66 2.34 7.4 6.754 22 000 1.304 90 1.70 8.4 2.958 22 007 522 16 89 16.4 2.418 22 024 565 08 1.05 18.4 2.421 22 024 478 07 89 5.3 EFA test “Factor analysis was employed to establish which of the variables could be measuring aspects of the same underlying dimensions Factor analysis is useful for identifying clusters of related variables and thus ideal for reducing a large number of variables into a more easily understood framework”(Ahadzie et all, 2008) Factor loading in table bellows shows that they are not belong to one factors There are many value are less than 0.6 38 Table 14: Principal Component Analysis Communalities Initial Extraction 1.2 1.000 455 3.2 1.000 424 7.2 1.000 340 8.2 1.000 797 17.2 1.000 742 18.2 1.000 775 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis The value of KMO is 0.502 Kaiser put the following values on the results:  0.00 to 0.49 unacceptable  0.50 to 0.59 miserable  0.60 to 0.69 mediocre  0.70 to 0.79 middling  0.80 to 0.89 meritorious  0.90 to 1.00 marvelous In this case, our result is in questionable The significant value is 0.633, which is higher than significant level 0.05 (95%) Items can’t be rank hierarcally Items can’t be present by common factors Table 15: KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Sphericity 502 Approx Chi-Square 12.600 df 15 Sig .633 39 APPLICATION OF THE BALANCE SCORE CARD 6.1 Competitor analysis 6.1.1 Competitors Duc Anh Construction Joint Stock Company: Business Certificate No 2600668466, issued date: 26/02/2010 Address: Hop Hai industrial zone, Lam Thao district, Phu Tho province Facilities:  Number of Concrete batching plant:  Number of Tremie lorry:  Number of Ready-mix concrete lorry: Duc Anh Construction Joint Stock Company work in construction field, commercial concrete With large number of shareholders, this company has a good networking The company has large number of business staffs Their staffs have been formal educated, and work professionally This company has good sale in home sector Viet Lam construction and concrete joint stock Company Business Certificate No 2600960189, issued date: 13/05/2016 Address: Section 14, Nguyễn Tất Thành street, Thanh Miếu ward, Việt Trì city, Phú Thọ province Representative: Doan Quoc Hung Facilities:  Number of Concrete batching plant:  Number of Tremie lorry:  Number of Ready-mix concrete lorry: 14 This company main business is commercial concrete This is new established company The company lack of experience Their sale are based on personal relationship Tuoi Tre Building materials co-Operative Business Certificate No 2601000858, issued date:01/06/2018 40 Address: Section 5, Nguyễn Tất Thành street, Ha Thach commune, Phu Tho city, Phú Thọ province Representative: Le Van Hung Facilities:  Number of Concrete batching plant:  Number of Tremie lorry:  Number of Ready-mix concrete lorry: This is new established company The company doesn’t have many experiences in this field Their facilities, management team, sale staff capabilities are not so strong Tuoi Tre Building Material Co-Operative isn’t a strong competitor for Thuong Long Join Stock Company This company is just established This company doesn’t has much experience in this field This company is slightly not good in Transportation management, relationship marketing, Upgrading staff competencies, and New product development This company is moderately not good in Reaction to customer needs Their capabilities in Overall production quality and Manufacturing are not good or not bad Tự Lập Co., Ltd Business Certificate No 2600251062, issued date:12/10/2001 Address: Section Hanh Chinh, , Lam Thao commune, Lam Thao district, Phú Thọ province Phone: 02103826 946 Facilities:  Number of Concrete batching plant:  Number of Tremie lorry:  Number of Ready-mix concrete lorry: 12 This company has brand name in construction field in Phu Tho province In 2016, the company started joining commercial concrete market Tu Lap Co has good facilities Tu Lap Co are very good at transportation management, Overal production quality, and Upgrading staff competencies This is the strongest competitor of Thuong Long Join Stock Company However the capability of Manufacturing of this company is neutral (not good and not bad) 41 6.2 Benchmarking with competitors Seven critical success factors for building material companies were found The table below shows competitor analysis based on these critical success factors Each company was graded base on seven critical success factors The final column show total grade of seven criteria The rating scale is nine-point Likert’s rating scale (extremely good = 9, very good = 8, Moderately good = 7, Slightly Good = 6, Neutral = 5, slightly not good = and moderately not good = 3, not good = 2, extremely not good =1) New Product development Reaction to customer needs, Manufacturing Total Stock Company Upgrading staff competencies Duc Anh Construction Joint Overall product quality Company Relationship marketing Thuong Long Joinstock Transportation management Table 16: Competitors analysis 8 51 7 45 7 6 42 4 4 29 8 49 Viet Lam construction and concrete joint stock Company Tuoi Tre Building materials co-Operative Tự Lập Co., Ltd Base on the results of the table above, the differences between Tu Lap and Thuong Long Joinstock Company are not so high To maintain the leading position, Thuong Long has to improve its core values such as Relationship marketing, Reaction to customer needs Thuong Long JC.’ Transportation management is not as good as Tu Lam Co Ltd 42 Competitive Advantages: Base of the results of competitors analysis in table above, the competitive advantages of the company (Thuong Long Join Stock Company) are: Overall Product quality, New Product development, and Manufacturing Weakness of Thuong Long Join Stock Company: Thuong Long Join Stock Company is not outperform others competitors The company shows its weakness in marketing activities such as: Relationship marketing, and Reaction to customer needs 43 CONCLUSIONS 7.1 Conclusions After data analysis, study find out six critical factors for a business in concrete and unbaked brick Those critical factors are:  Transportation management  Relationship marketing  Overall product quality  Upgrading staff competencies  New Product development  Reaction to customer needs,  Manufacturing The most important factor is manufacture and the second is Reaction to customer needs These results are consistent with the study of O'Driscoll (2006) There are a lot of factors that appear in O’Driscoll but doesn’t appear in this study such as:  Information technology  Acquisition integration  Readymix, blacktop, block&’national products” production  Pricing  Quarrying From this study, Overall product quality is a critical factor This factor doesn’t appear in O’Driscoll (2006) study 7.2 Management implication Base on study of critical factors for a business in concrete and unbaked brick, company in this field can focus their resources on those critical factors To be successful in field of concrete and unbaked brick, a company need to focus on transportation management, relationship marketing, overall product quality, upgrading staff competencies, new product development, reaction to manufacturing process 44 customer needs, and 7.3 Limitation and Future research This is a case study research Sample size is small In the future, the result of this study should be tested in larger sample 45 REFERENCES Ahadzie, D.K., Proverbs, D G., Olomolaiye, P.O (2008), Critical success criteria for mass house building projects in developing countries, International Journal of project management, Vol 26, pp 675-687 Alexander,K., B Atkin, J Brochner, T Haugen (2004), Facilities Management, Innovation and Performance Bagozzi R P., Yi T., (1988) On the evaluation of structural equation models, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), 74 - 94 Beard, D W., Dess, G G (1981) Corporate-Level Strategy, Business-Level Strategy, and Firm Performance Academy of Management Journal, , Vol 24, No 4, 663-688 Chandler, A D (1969) Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Enterprise.MIT Press CIRT: https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources/research_ready/descriptive/case_stu dy Hofer C., 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10.1362/026725706776022290 Porter, M.E., Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, Free Press, New York, 1980 Small Business: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/pros-cons-differentiation-strategy21452.html (SGT): https://english.vietnamnet.vn/fms/business/54125/chances-for-unbaked- building-materials.html Thompson Jr., A., Strickland III, A J and Gamble J E (2007) Crafting & Executing Strategy 15th Edition, New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin https://study.com/academy/lesson/cost-leadership-strategy-definition-examples.html Thuvienphapluat.vn: https://thuvienphapluat.vn/van-ban/Xay-dung-Do-thi/Quyet- dinh-567-QD-TTg-Phe-duyet-Chuong-trinh-phat-trien-vat-lieu-xay-khong-nung104751.aspx World Bank data (access August 2018): https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.ZG?end=2017&locations =VN&start=1985&view=chart 47 APPENDIX A: BẢNG HỎI Kính gửi Anh Chị, để phục vụ cho nghiên cứu nhân tố quan trọng lập kế hoạch kinh doanh công ty Thượng Long Kính mong anh chị hỗ trợ để hồn thành bảng hỏi hoàn thành nghiên cứu Trân trọng cảm ơn Anh Chị chia sẻ thời gian q báu Anh chị cho điểm từ đến vào ô Với hàng (là nhân tố) anh chị đánh giá nhân tố dựa vào tiêu chí cột tương ứng Ví dụ với nhân tố số (), - Theo quan điểm tôi, nhân tố () hoạt động cơng ty, nên với tiêu chí “hoạt động cơng ty” tơi cho điểm 8, điền số vào cột số - Theo quan điểm tôi, nhân tố số () không cần q nhiều tiền đầu tư, tơi cho điểm - Theo quan điểm tôi, nhân tố số () đóng vai trị quan trọng ảnh hưởng tới lợi nhuận, 48 Distribution Process efficiency teamwork and coordination Cost reduction, productivity improvement Overall product quality Transportation management Internal business process 10 Advertising 11 Post sales services 12 Customer value 13 customer satisfaction 14 service quality Phạm vi dịch vụ hỗ trợ phàn nàn khách 15 hàng customer complaints range of service offered 16 reaction to customer needs, 17 Relationship marketing 18 Upgrading staff competencies 19 20 Financial growth (balance income and expenditure) Asset utilization (cost reduction rates, cost per unit of output) 49 This activity has major Manufacturing changes in performance This activity has Technology transfer/ Technical capability major profit impact This activity require New Product development large dollars involved This is major activities Factors of business Order Chuyển giao kỹ thuật/ Khả kỹ thuật Sản xuất Phân phối Phối hợp hiệu làm việc nhóm Giảm chi phí hoạt động tăng suất Chất lượng sản phẩm Quản trị vận chuyển hàng hóa Qui trình kinh doanh kinh doanh nội 10 Quảng cáo 11 Dịch vụ sau bán hàng 12 Giá trị khách hàng 13 Sự hài lòng khách hàng 14 Chất lượng dịch vụ 15 Sự phàn nàn khách hàng customer complaints range of service offered 16 Đáp ứng nhu cầu khách hàng 17 Relationship marketing 18 Upgrading staff competencies 19 20 Financial growth (balance income and expenditure) Asset utilization (cost reduction rates, cost per unit of output) 50 Hoạt động gây ảnh Phát triển sản phẩm New Product development hưởng đến thành tựu độngty.này có tác động Hoạtcơng đến lợi nhuận cơng Nhân tố tự Hoạt động cần đầu tư lớn ty tiền Đây hoạt động cơng ty Thứ ... Examination Board This is to certify that the Master’s Degree Examinations Board has approved the thesis Finding critical success factors for Thuong Long Join stock company in the period 2018- 2022. .. company is very important for a CEO Making the right strategy is very important for the success of the company When “Build business strategy for Thuong Long join stock company in the period 2018- 2022? ??,... CHIA-CHI Chair: TSAN CHIA-CHI Date? ?2018/ 11/25 ABSTRACT Thesis Title: Finding critical success factors for Thuong Long Join stock company in the period 2018- 2022 Pages: 50 University:Lunghwa University

Ngày đăng: 17/03/2021, 17:28