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Environment factors for foreign direct investment for american business corporation in three main commercial centers of viet nam

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Tiêu đề Environment factors for foreign direct investment for american business corporation in three main commercial centers of vietnam
Tác giả Nguyen Anh Tuan
Người hướng dẫn Do Anh Tai, PhD
Trường học Southern Luzon State University
Chuyên ngành Business Administration
Thể loại Luận văn
Năm xuất bản 2013
Thành phố Lucban
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ENVIRONMENT FACTORS FOR FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT FOR AMERICAN BUSINESS CORPORATION IN THREE MAIN COMMERCIAL CENTERS OF VIETNAM _ A DISSERTATION Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School Southern Luzon State University, Lucban, Quezon, Philippines in Collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam _ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Business Administration _ By NGUYEN ANH TUAN (RAPHAEN) December 2013 i APPROVAL SHEET This Dissertation of NGUYEN ANH TUAN entitled ENVIRONMENT FACTORS FOR FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT FOR AMERICAN BUSINESS CORPORATION IN THREE MAIN COMMERCIAL CENTERS OF VIETNAM Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree DOCTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION A program offered by Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines in collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam has been approved by the Oral Examination Committee MELCHOR MELO O PLACINO, PhD Expert CONRADO L ABRAHAM, PhD Expert WALBERTO A MACARAAN, EdD Expert TRAN DAI NGHIA, PhD External Panel CECILIA N GASCON, PhD Chairman Endorsed by: Recommended by: DO ANH TAI, PhD Adviser APOLONIA A ESPINOSA, PhD Dean Accepted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Business Administration _ Date WALBERTO A MACARAAN, EdD Vice President for Academic Affairs ii CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was a process of learning that asked for the involvement of individuals, companies and institutions During the research period, the researcher received unconditional cooperation from individuals/organizations, and their support was a key factor in successfully completing the dissertation He greatly appreciates the contribution of everyone involved and apologizes to those he did not mention Professor Do Anh Tai, who provided him with valuable guidance and comments throughout the research period giving him the opportunity to work in the area of his interest; Officials and Members of the Department of Planning and Investment (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh city, Da Nang) and Foreign Investment Agency – Ministry of Planning and Investment , for their willingness to be interviewed and also for spending time and effort in filling questionnaires: Board of Rectors of Hanoi University of Industry, for permitting him to pursue this course and accomplish his goals;and Officials and Professors of Thai Nguyen University and Southern Luzon State University, for organizing and supporting this cooperation Nguyen Anh Tuan iv DEDICATION This research endeavor is dedicated to my family, colleagues and the Vietnamese People Nguyen Anh Tuan v TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………… I APPROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………………… ii CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY ……………………………………… iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ………………………………………………… iv DEDICATION ……………………………………………………………… v TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………… vi LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………… viii LIST OF FIGURES ……………………………………………………… ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ……………………………………………… x LIST OF APPENDICES ………………………………………………… xi ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………… xii CHAPTER I II III INTRODUCTION …………………………………………… Background of the Study ………………………………… Statement of the Problem ………………………………… Hypothesis ………………………………………………… Significance of the Study ………………………………… Scope and Limitations of the Study ……………………… Definition of Terms ………………………………………… REVIEW OF LITERATURE ……………………………… 11 Conceptual Framework …………………………….……… 58 METHODOLOGY Locale of the Study ………………………………………… 60 Research Design …………………………………………… 60 Treatment of Data ………………………………………… 62 Sample Size and Sampling Technique ………………… 63 Data Gathering Procedure ………………………………… 64 Statistical Analysis … …………………… …….…… 66 vi IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ………………………… V SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND 68 RECOMMENDATIONS Summary ……………….…………………………………… 117 Conclusions ………………………………………………… 118 Recommendations ………………………………………… 121 REFERENCES ……………………… ………………………………… 127 APPENDICES …………………………………………………………… 130 CURRICULUM VITAE …………………………………………………… 153 vii LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE Comparison of Transportation Cost ………………………… 72 GDP Growth in Southeast Asian Countries ………………… 75 Forecast of GDP of Some Asian Countries in the Coming Years …………………………………………………………… 80 U.S FDI Structure by Investment Form …………………… 94 Cronbach’ Alpha of Political Environment ………………… 102 Cronbach’ Alpha of Institutional and Management Environment …………………………………………………… 103 Cronbach’ Alpha of Infrastructure and Geographic Environment …………………………………………………… 104 Cronbach’ Alpha of Economical and Financial Environment 104 Cronbach’ Alpha of Labor Environment …………………… 105 10 Cronbach’ Alpha of Investor's Determination ……………… 106 11 Mean Value of Statistic Variables …………………………… 106 12 Post Hoc Tests on Political Environment …………………… 107 13 Post Hoc Tests on Institutional and Management Environment …………………………………………………… 108 14 Post Hoc Tests on Infrastructure and Geographic ………… 109 15 Post Hoc Tests on Economical and Financial Environment 110 16 Post Hoc Tests on Labor Environment …………………… 111 17 Pearson Correlation Coefficient Between Variables ……… 112 18 Statistics of Developed Regression Models ……………… 114 viii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE Conceptual Framework 59 Data Collection Process 65 Structure of U.S FDI among G7 Countries ………………… 89 FDI from the United States in Vietnam during the Period 1988-2012 ……………………………………………………… 92 U.S FDI Structure by Investment Form ……………………… 95 The U.S FDI Structure by Investment Sector ……………… 97 The US FDI Structure by Region (USD/Province) ………… 99 The U.S FDI Position in the FDI Structure in Vietnam (USD/ State) …………………………………………………………… 100 ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Area ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations BCC Business Cooperation Contract BOT Build – Operation – Transfer Contract BT Build – Transfer Contract BTO Build – Transfer – Operation Contract EU European Union FDI Foreign Direct Investment ICOR Incremental Capital - Output Rate IMF KCN, KKT, KCX International Monetary Fund Industrial zone, Economic zone, Processing Zone for Export NEU National Economic University MNCs Multinational Companies MPI The Ministry of Plan and Investment (Vietnam) NSNN National Budget ODA Official Development Assistant Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD PCI Provincial Competitiveness Index PPP Public Private Partnerships R&D Reserch and Development TNCs Transnational Companies UBND People’s Committees UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development USD U.S Dollars VCCI Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vietnam VĐK Registered Capital VND Vietnam’s Currency (Dong) VTH Implement Capital WB World Bank WTO World Trade Organization x 142 ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig 6.976 3.488 58.487 000 5.725 96 060 Total 12.702 98 Between Groups 5.770 2.885 37.159 000 Within Groups 7.066 91 078 Total 12.836 93 Between Groups 3.164 1.582 38.106 000 Within Groups 3.570 86 042 Total 6.734 88 Between Groups 24.701 12.350 116.212 000 10.202 96 106 34.903 98 Between Groups 5.196 2.598 30.895 000 Within Groups 8.072 96 084 Total 13.268 98 Between Groups Political environment Within Groups Institutional and management environment Infrastructure and Geographic Environment Economical and Within Groups financial environment Total Labor Environment 143 Appendix Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable (I) Area Mean (J) Region Differenc e (I-J) Sig 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound -.652821* 086477 000 -.82448 -.48116 -.566920* 652821* 085901 566920* -.085901 -.47586* -.54623* 47586* -.07037 54623* 07037 -.15122* -.41667* 15122* -.26544* 41667* 26544* 055384 086477 080204 055384 080204 09867 06415 09867 09218 06415 09218 07328 04894 07328 06762 04894 06762 000 000 287 000 287 000 000 000 447 000 447 042 000 042 000 000 000 -.67686 48116 -.07330 45698 -.24510 -.6719 -.6737 2799 -.2535 4188 -.1127 -.2969 -.5140 0055 -.3999 3194 1310 -.45698 82448 24510 67686 07330 -.2799 -.4188 6719 1127 6737 2535 -.0055 -.3194 2969 -.1310 5140 3999 -.51254* 11544 000 -.7417 -.2834 Hochiminh -1.11475 Ha noi 51254* Da nang Hochiminh -.60221* Ha noi 1.11475* Hochiminh Da nang 60221* 07393 11544 10706 07393 10706 000 000 000 000 000 -1.2615 2834 -.8147 9680 3897 -.9680 7417 -.3897 1.2615 8147 Da nang -.06217 10268 546 -.2660 1416 * 06576 10268 09523 06576 09523 000 546 000 000 000 -.6131 -.1416 -.6094 3520 2314 -.3520 2660 -.2314 6131 6094 Ha noi Da nang Hochiminh Political Ha noi environment Da nang Hochiminh Ha noi Hochiminh Da nang Da nang Ha noi Hochiminh Institutional Ha noi and Da nang management Hochiminh environment Ha noi Hochiminh Da nang Da nang Ha noi Hochiminh Infrastructure Ha noi and Da nang Geographic Hochiminh Environment Ha noi Hochiminh Da nang Ha noi Economical and financial environment Std Error Ha noi Da nang * Hochiminh -.48256 Ha noi 06217 Labor Environment Da nang Hochiminh -.42039* Ha noi 48256* Hochiminh Da nang 42039* * The mean difference is significant at 0.05 level 144 Appendix Linear Regression Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std Error of the Estimate 771a 595 590 38353 806b 649 641 35895 833c 694 683 33734 a Predictors: (Constant), On Labor Environment b Predictors: (Constant), On Labor Environment, Infrastructure and Geographic Environment c Predictors: (Constant), On Labor Environment, Infrastructure and Geographic Environment, Political environment ANOVAd Sum of Squares 17.710 12.062 df Mean Square F Sig 82 17.710 147 120.398 000a Total Regression 29.772 19.336 83 9.668 75.039 000b Residual Total 10.436 29.772 81 83 129 Regression Residual 20.668 9.104 29.772 80 83 6.889 114 60.540 000c Model Regression Residual Total a Predictors: (Constant), On Labor Environment b Predictors: (Constant), On Labor Environment, Infrastructure and Geographic Environment c Predictors: (Constant), On Labor Environment, Infrastructure and Geographic Environment, Political environment d Dependent Variable: Determination of Investor 145 Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients t B SE Beta -.412 335 -1.231 (Constant) On Labor 1.216 111 771 Environment (Constant) -2.059 560 On Labor 768 163 487 Environment Infrastructure and Geographic 821 231 368 Environment (Constant) -2.836 573 On Labor 602 161 382 Environment Infrastructure and Geographic 780 217 350 Environment Political 394 115 243 environment a Dependent Variable: Determination of Investor Sig Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF 222 10.973 000 1.000 1.000 -3.680 000 4.695 000 403 2.483 3.552 001 403 2.483 -4.951 000 3.739 000 367 2.728 3.588 001 402 2.490 3.421 001 758 1.319 Excluded Variablesd Model Political environment Infrastructure and Geographic Environment Economical and financial environment Institutional and management environment Political environment Economical and financial environment b21 Institutional and management environment Economical and financial environment Institutional and management environment Beta In T Sig Partial Correlation Collinearity Statistics Minimum Tolerance VIF Tolerance 760 1.315 760 257a 3.383 001 352 368a 3.552 001 367 403 2.483 403 089a 1.092 278 120 742 1.347 742 244a 2.701 008 287 561 1.783 561 243b 3.421 001 357 758 1.319 367 030b 385 701 043 706 1.417 383 117b 1.156 251 128 419 2.384 301 175 1.370 -.152 549 1.823 365 -.003c -.025 980 -.003 363 2.752 295 -.114c 146 a Predictors in the Model: (Constant), On Labor Environment b Predictors in the Model: (Constant), On Labor Environment, Infrastructure and Geographic Environment c Predictors in the Model: (Constant), On Labor Environment, Infrastructure and Geographic Environment, Political environment d Dependent Variable: Determination of Investor Collinearity Diagnosticsa Variance Proportions Model Dimension Eigenvalue Condition Index (Constant) 1.992 1.000 00 008 15.926 1.00 2.991 1.000 00 2 008 19.476 29 001 45.765 71 3.985 1.000 00 008 22.063 15 3 006 26.337 16 001 53.358 69 a Dependent Variable: Determination of Investor Infrastructure On Labor and Political Environment Geographic environment Environment 00 1.00 00 43 57 00 43 00 57 00 00 1.00 00 00 05 95 00 09 89 03 147 Appendix The US Investors' Determination Descriptive Statistics N Mean Statistic Statistic Std Deviation Skewness Kurtosis Statistic Statistic Std Error Statistic Std Error Maintaining investment in Vietnam 99 3.80 685 281 243 -.845 481 Extending projects in Vietnam 99 3.05 578 001 243 063 481 Encouraging other investor to Vietnam 99 2.75 628 248 243 -.605 481 Determination of Investor 99 3.1987 58305 315 243 -.459 481 Valid N (listwise) 99 148 Appendix Direct Investment Abroad by the United States and Other G7 Countries Unit: billion USD Countries 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 USA 31.38 42.66 77.59 69.26 86.74 87.81 119.44 142.7 189 178.3 127.8 123.5 Japan 31.62 17.39 13.83 18.09 22.51 23.44 26.00 24.2 12.8 31.5 38.3 32.3 Germany 23.72 19.67 15.26 17.26 38.84 29.55 33.13 88.9 109.7 56.9 42.1 24.6 France 23.93 31.27 20.6 24.44 15.82 30.36 34.69 48.6 126.9 177.5 93 62.6 England 16.31 18.99 26.58 33.8 44.09 34.11 58.15 121.5 202.3 255.2 68.1 39.8 Italy 6.93 6.5 9.27 5.64 6.93 6.05 11.74 16.1 6.7 12.3 21.5 17.1 Canada 5.84 3.55 5.88 9.13 11.17 8.52 12.97 34.4 15.6 47.5 35.5 27.94 139.73 140.03 169.37 177.62 226.1 219.81 270.12 476.4 663 759.2 426.3 327.84 G7 Source: Institute for American Studies 149 Appendix Total FDI from the United States in Vietnam Period 1988-2012 Registered investment capital Year Project number Value (USD) 1988 280,000 1989 1,660,000 493 830,000 1990 330,000 (80) 330,000 1991 5,245,000 1.489 1,748,333 1992 2,007,000 (62) 1,003,500 1993 600,000 (70) 600,000 1994 20 200,359,604 33.293 10,017,980 1995 24 461,890,175 131 19,245,424 1996 14 111,042,016 (76) 7,931,573 1997 14 303,092,519 173 21,649,466 1998 17 125,933,156 (58) 7,407,833 1999 18 103,944,912 (17) 5,774,717 2000 16 128,393,907 24 8,024,619 2001 28 126,741,000 (1) 4,526,464 2002 40 176,423,674 39 4,410,592 2003 27 122,747,199 (30) 4,546,193 2004 32 107,958,765 (12) 3,373,711 2005 59 333,380,165 209 5,650,511 2006 51 769,762,368 131 15,093,380 2007 61 385,135,599 (50) 6,313,698 2008 95 1,948,391,805 406 20,509,387 2009 60 9,805,824,270 403 163,430,405 2010 70 1,965,397,538 (80) 28,077,108 2011 37 253,990,090 (87) 6,864,597 Increase/ Decrease (%) Average project size (USD) 280,000 2012 45 160,403,282 (37) 3,564,517 Source: Foreign Investment Department-Ministry of Planning and Investment 150 Appendix FDI from the United States in Vietnam by Investment Form - Period 1988 2011 (As of 31/12/2011 - only valid projects) N o Investment form 100% foreign capital Joint venture Joint - Stock Business Cooperation Contract BOT, BT, BTO Contract Parent – subsidiary company Projects Val ues 478 98 13 12 (%) Registered investment capital Values 79.5 8,890,01 1,446 16.3 2,567,57 0,295 119,082, 2.16 500 2.00 77,536,0 82 (%) 76.2 22.0 Average registered investment capital (USD) 111,776,085 157,460,178 1.02 55,052,756 0.67 38,832,654 Charter Capital (USD) 2,320,646, 241 754,691,1 16 34,916,99 76,154,95 11,654,2 3,186,409, 100 116,542,003 00,323 306 Source: Foreign Investment Department-Ministry of Planning and Investment Total 601 100 151 Appendix 10 FDI from the United States in Vietnam by Investment Sector Period 1988 – 2011 (As of 31/12/2011 - only valid projects) Projects No 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Sector Accommodation and food services Estate business Processing, manufacturing industries Production and distribution of , Electricity, Gas, Water, Air conditioner Transportation and storage Finance, banking, insurance Agriculture, forestry and fisheries Professional, Science and Technology Contracts Information and communication Mining Administrative and support service Wholesale, retail and repair Construction Health and socialassistance Other Services Arts and entertainment Education and training Water supply, waste treatment Total Registered investment capital Average registered investment capital (USD) Values (%) Values (%) 16 2,66 6,008,066,800 51,55 1,334,185,000 10 1,66 2,039,376,496 17,50 650,459,454 294 48,92 1,714,506,372 14,71 663,683,363 1,33 849,757,660 7,29 23,775,200 13 2,16 192,682,000 1,65 67,004,000 1,50 168,210,000 1,44 184,210,000 14 2,33 126,844,162 1,09 49,557,445 63 10,48 94,226,370 0,81 36,295,441 95 15,81 72,094,618 0,62 32,300,465 0,67 61,400,000 0,53 1,400,000 1,50 44,175,980 0,38 22,670,500 30 4,99 51,298,564 0,44 23,522,470 11 1,83 190,980,000 1,64 ,680,000 10 1,66 18,891,301 0,16 6,785,301 0,83 2,190,000 0,02 11,660,000 0,67 11,930,000 0,10 7,440,000 1,00 7,570,000 0,06 3,780,667 0,00 601 100 11,654,200,323 100 3,186,409,306 Source: Foreign Investment Department-Ministry of Planning and Investment 152 Appendix 11 FDI from the United States in Vietnam by Provinces - Period 1988 – 2011 (As of 31/12/2011 – only valid projects) Projects No 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Province Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu Phú Yên Cà Mau TP Hồ Chí Minh Bình Dương Hải Phịng Đồng Nai Bình Định Đà Nẵng Hà Nội Hải Dương Quảng Ninh Thừa ThiênHuế Dầu khí Tây Ninh Quảng Nam Bình Thuận Long An An Giang Hà Nam Lạng Sơn Đồng Tháp Vĩnh Phúc Bạc Liêu Bắc Ninh Cần Thơ Quảng Trị Bình Phước Trà Vinh Lâm Đồng Vĩnh Long Hịa Bình Kiên Giang Ninh Thuận Hưng n Tiền Giang Sóc Trăng Thái Bình Registered investment capital Average registered investment capital (USD) Values (USD) Proportion (%) Values (USD) Proportion (%) 18 3,00 6,591,220,477 56.56 1,011,078,631 13 2,16 0,33 1,178,728,752 773,525,000 10.11 6.64 155,991,633 125,000 229 38,10 675,333,088 5.79 335,866,082 89 18 42 71 15 14,81 3,00 6,99 0,50 11,81 1,00 0,67 2,50 474,923,942 367,481,275 332,430,710 252,650,000 211,474,480 129,800,000 121,062,500 81,040,690 4.08 3.15 2.85 2.17 1.81 1.11 1.04 0.70 196,910,476 481,778,950 132,856,443 65,800,000 110,042,925 78,400,000 77,200,000 42,862,500 0,33 65,811,800 0.56 16,162,690 10 17 1 2 3 2 1 0,67 0,50 1,66 0,33 1,16 0,33 2,83 0,83 0,17 0,17 0,17 0,67 0,33 0,33 0,33 0,67 1,00 0,50 0,50 0,33 0,33 0,17 0,50 0,17 0,17 61,400,000 0.53 61,400,000 48,141,000 0.41 16,700,000 42,500,000 0.36 7,080,000 30,080,000 0.26 9,428,000 27,260,125 0.23 11,970,526 21,500,000 0.18 18,141,000 20,268,936 0.17 18,758,000 0.16 15,000,000 15,000,000 0.13 14,200,000 15,000,000 0.13 5,500,000 14,200,000 0.12 5,316,000 13,155,500 0.11 9,440,000 12,487,836 0.11 6,839,597 12,464,816 0.11 6,442,100 11,000,000 0.09 3,067,000 9,602,000 0.08 2,600,000 7,639,597 0.07 5,300,000 4,590,000 0.04 2,500,000 4,519,235 0.04 3,869,554 4,302,564 0.04 4,200,000 2,871,000 0.02 2,409,839 700,000 0.01 2,700,000 697,000 0.01 150,000 497,000 0.00 497,000 280,000 0.00 280,000 11,654,397,32 100.00 2,920,105,946 Total 601 100,00 Source: Foreign Investment Department-Ministry of Planning and Investment 153 CURRICULUM VITAE I PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: NGUYỄN ANH TUẤN Sex: Male Date of Birth: 19/09/1961 Place of Birth: Phu Ly – Ha Nam Hometown: Nam Đinh City - Nam Đinh Ethnic: Kinh Office address: Head of Administrative and Personal Department – Hanoi University of Industry Home address: Collective zone - Hanoi University of Industry Phone: 0437655979 (home); 0983594277 (mobile) E-mail:tuanna@haui.edu.vn II EDUCATION Technical Secondary Degree: Training system: Official Training period: 1981 - 1984 Place (school, city): Secondary school of Mechanics I Field: Machine Manufacturing Mechanics Bachelor ‘s Degree: Training system: in-service training Training period: 1995 - 2000 Place (school, city): University of Multi-technologies Field: Business Administration Master’s degree: Training system: official Training period: 2000 -2002 Place (school, city): University of Multi-technologies Field: Business Administration 154 PhD degree: University: Thai Nguyen University (Vietnam) and Southern Luzon State (Philippines) Training period: 2009 - 2013 Field: Business Administration Foreign language English: Level C Degrees, Academic Titles and Formal Technique Positions, Number of diploma, Date and Place of Issue: Master degree in Business Administration Number of diploma: 000442 Date of issue: 27/05/2004 III PROFESSIONAL POSITION Period 2000-2003 Place of work Undertaken work Hanoi College of Industry Teacher; Standing committee of Labor Union; Chairman of the Examination Committee of Labor Union, Deputy Secretary of Economy, Faculty, Deputy Head of Education Inspector Department 2003-2006 Hanoi University of Industry 4/20065/2008 Hanoi University of Industry Lecturer; Dean of Faculty of Garment – Fashion Technology; Standing Committee of Labor union; Chairman of the Examination Committee of Labor Union, Deputy Secretary of Economy Faculty, Deputy Head of Education Inspector Department Lecturer; Head of Administrative and Personnel Office; Standing Committee of Labor Union; Chairman of the Examination Committee of Labor Union, Deputy Secretary of Party Cell of Economy Faculty, Deputy Head of Education Inspector Department 155 6/20084/2010 5/2010- Hanoi University of Industry Senior Lecturer; Head of Administrative and Personal Office; Deputy Secretary of Party Cell of Administrative and Personal Office Hanoi University of Industry Senior Lecturer; Head of Administrative and Personal Office; Party member; Secretary of Party Cell of Administrative and Personal Office IV RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Projects: No Name of Projects Establishment of Vietnamese-Japanese Center - Hanoi University of Industry Improvement of Income Distribution for Civil Servants Scientific paper No Name Nguyen Anh Tuan (2008) Situations and solutions to improve quality of high-quality human resources Journal of Industrial, 04/2008 ISSN1859-3984 www.tapchicongnghiep.vn Nguyen Anh Tuan (2012) Attraction of direct investment from the U.S to Vietnam: Status and Solutions Journal of Industrial, 06/2012 ISSN1859-3984 www.tapchicongnghiep.vn Nguyen Anh Tuan (2012) Some solutions to attract direct investment in our country -specific from the U.S Journal of Science and TechnologyNo.10 -6/2012 ISSN1859-3585 tapchikhcn@haui.edu.vn Nguyen Anh Tuan (2012) Some comments concerning the socialization of infrastructure development capital in Vietnam according to the public-private model Journal of Science and Technology No.10 06/2012 ISSN1859-3585 Nguyen Anh Tuan (2013) Ability improvement of FDI attraction in the agricultural sector and rural region in Vietnam Journal of financial No.4- 2013 ISBN-005-56 www.taptritaichinh.vn 156 No Name Nguyen Anh Tuan (2013).The Impacts of Investment Environment on Attracting the United States Enterprises’ Foreign Direct Investment to Three Biggest Economic Centers of Vietnam Journal ofScience and Technology No.08/2013 ISSN18593585.tapchikhcn@haui.edu.vn Books and curriculums No Title (Author, Publishing house and year) Curriculum of Basic Marketing – Economic Faculty – Hanoi College of Industry – Published year: 2000 Curriculum of production organization at industrial enterprises Economic Faculty – Hanoi College of Industry – Published year: 2000 I hereby declare that the information that has been provided in this form, and on any attachments to it, is complete and correct in every detail Nguyen Anh Tuan ... Dissertation of NGUYEN ANH TUAN entitled ENVIRONMENT FACTORS FOR FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT FOR AMERICAN BUSINESS CORPORATION IN THREE MAIN COMMERCIAL CENTERS OF VIETNAM Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of. .. indirect foreign investment which is a form of investment that foreign investors invest in other countries, but are not under the power of the management Characteristics of indirect foreign investment. .. MNCs for growth and sustainable development objectives This dissertation entitled: ? ?Environment Factors for Foreign Direct Investment for American Business Corporation in Three Main Commercial Centers

Ngày đăng: 16/05/2021, 11:46


