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Enhancing fund mobilization at lien viet post bank ninh binh province branch

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  • 1.1 Rationale

  • 1.2 Research objectives

  • 1.3 Objects and scope of the thesis

  • 1.4 Research methodology

  • 1.5 Thesis structure


    • 2.1 Theoretical basis

      • 2.1.1 Introduction to commercial banks

      • + Financial intermediation function

      • + Intermediary payment function

      • + Money creation function

      • 2.1.2 Fund mobilization of commercial banks

      • - Fund mobilization is the basis for the bank organizing all business operations

      • - Fund mobilization determines credit scale and other activities

      • - Fund mobilization determines payment capacity anden sure the prestige of banks in the financial market

      • - Fund mobilization is one of the keys to competitiveness of banks

        • Table 2.1. Advantages and disadvantages of fund mobilization through deposits

        • Table 2.2. Advantages and disadvantages of fund mobilization by issuing debt instruments

      • 2.1.3 Factors affecting fund mobilization of commercial banks

      • Objective factor

      • a, Political - law environment

      • b, Economic environment

      • c, Population environment

      • d, Geographic environment

      • e, Environmental technology

      • f, Socio-cultural environment

      • Subjective factors

      • a, Business strategy of commercial banks

      • b, Competitive interest rate policy

      • c, Customer policy

      • d, Forms of fund mobilization of the bank

      • e, Services provided by the bank

      • f, Service policy, advertising

    • 2.2 Literature review



    • 3.1. Data collection

      • 3.1.1. Primary data collection

      • 3.1.2. Secondary data collection

    • 3.2. Data processing



    • 4.1. Introduction to Lien Viet Post Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Lien Viet Post Bank) - Ninh Binh Branch

      • 4.1.1 Overview of the Bank

        • Figures 4.1. Structure of Lien Viet Post Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Lien Viet Post Bank) - Ninh Binh Branch

      • 4.1.2 Business situation ofLien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Province Branch

        • Table 4.1. Some main perfor mane indicators of the Lien Viet Post Bank Ninh Binh Branch 2015 -2017

    • - On investment and lending

    • - Other banking services:

    • - Business operation results

      • Table 4.2. Business results in 2015 - 2017

    • 4.2 Fund mobilization at Lien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Province

      • 4.2.1 Fund mobilization function and structure

      • 4.2.2 Fund mobilization policy

      • In recent years, the branch has focused more on development planning and strategy, focusing on the growth of the scale of operation which must be associated with the efficiency of fund mobilization. The forms of fund mobilization are more diversified,...

      • Transaction procedures, especially fund mobilization procedures, are adjusted and supplemented regularly to meet the needs of customers.

      • Management has developed appropriate policies such as: The various and diversified product policy satisfies the customers' demands such as: savings, promissory notes, bonds with various maturities, diversification in the interest payment method, step ...

      • To increase the fund needed to mobilize, Lien Viet Post Bank has set out targets for the staff as below.

      • 4.2.3 Fund mobilization methods applied

      • 4.2.4 Fund mobilization results

    • - Scale and structure of mobilized fund

      • Table 4.3. Size and growth of capital mobilization

    • Classification in the form of mobilization

    • Classification by term

    • The Bank's lending

    • - Loan turnover in term

      • Table 4.6. Bank’s lending

    • The balance between fund mobilization and use

      • Table 4.7 Balance of fund mobilization and use

    • The balance between fund mobilization and use of funds by time

      • -The balance between fund mobilization and use of short-term fund:

        • Table 4.8: The balance between fund mobilization and use of short-term fund

    • Cost of actual interest payment

    • Fund mobilization interest rates, average short-term loans

      • - Interest rate for fund mobilization, average short-term loans in VND

        • Table 4.9: Fund mobilization interest rates, average short-term loans in VND

      • - Fund mobilization interest rates, average short-term loans in USD

        • Table 4.10 Fund mobilization interest rates, average short-term loans in USD

    • 4.3 Assessment of fund mobilization at Lien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Province Branch

      • 4.3.1 Achievements

      • The analysis above shows that the fund operation in general and fund mobilization in particular of Lien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Province Branch has achieved certain successes, ensuring good mobilization and use of fund.

      • -The fund mobilized from the branch always keeps up with the growth rate and accelerates in 2017. The branch always tries to find ways to increase the mobilized fund such as setting various terms with different forms of interest payment, expanding for...

      • 4.3.2 Limitations and reasons

      • a,Limitations

      • b, Cause of limitations

      • Subjective reasons:



    • 5.1 Development orientation of Vietnam Lien Viet Post Bank in 2018 and the following years

      • 5.1.1 General orientation

      • 5.1.2 Orientations for fund mobilization

    • 5.3 Solution to improve the mobilization of capital at Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province

      • 5.3.1 To improve product quality, simplify procedures and reduce transaction processing time

      • 5.3.2 To develop banking services for capital mobilization support

      • - Essential conditions of solution implementation

      • In order to implement this solution, it is necessary for the branch leaders to work closely with departments to make a detailed plan in the spirit of preventing any risks in the course of implementation.

      • 5.3.3 Human resources

      • Human resources are the most valuable asset and a prerequisite in the operation of any bank. Human resources training and development are considered a regular and ongoing task in the process of existence and development of commercial banks in general ...

      • - Essential conditions of solution implementation (1)

      • In order to implement this solution, it is necessary for the branch leaders to work closely with departments to make a detailed plan in the spirit of preventing any risks in the course of implementation. (1)

      • 5.3.4 To plan and implement capital mobilization strategies

      • It is essential to develop and implement well the capital mobilization strategy in close combination with other business strategies so as to be able to mobilize capital abundantly and diversely.

    • For residential market

    • For coporate customer

      • - Essential conditions of solution implementation

      • In order to implement this solution, it is necessary for the branch leaders to work closely with departments in studying and researching about the geographical areas of operation as well as the needs of local people for accurate view.

      • 5.3.5 Interest rate policy

      • Interest rate policy is a very sensitive leverage to customers' demand for deposit when any change in interest rates may affects the amount of money deposited into a bank. Currently, interest rates are considered the most important competitive factor ...

      • - Essential conditions of solution implementation (1)

      • In order to implement this solution, it is necessary for the branch leaders to work closely with departments to make a detaled plan that prevents risks in the course of implementation.

      • 5.3.6 Marketing policy

      • - Essential conditions for solution implementation

      • 5.3.7 Technology policy

      • - Essential conditions for solution implementation (1)

      • 5.3.8 To strengthen the management, administration and internal supervision




Nội dung

Lunghwa Universityof Scienceand Technology Department of Business Administration Thesis for a Master’s Degree Enhancing fund mobilization at Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branch Researcher : Tran Quynh Hoa Supervisor : Ass Pro PhD Nguyen Van Dinh Supervisor : Assistant Professor Tseng Kuo-An December 2018 Lunghwa University of Science and Technology Approval Certificate of Master's Degree Examination Board This is to certify that the Master’s Degree Examinations Board has approved the thesis Enhancing fund mobilization at Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branchpublished by Ms.Tran Quynh Hoa in the Master Program of Graduate School of Department of Business Administration Master’s Degree Examination Board Board Members:Mr Tsan ChiaChi Mr Dao Tung Mrs Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh Advisors:Ass Pro ThD Nguyen Van Dinh Chair: Assistant Professor Tseng, Kuo-An Date: 2018 /12/12 ABSTRACT Thesis Title:Enhancing fund mobilization at Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branch University:Lunghwa University of Science and Technology Graduate School:Department of Business Administration Date:December, 2018 Researcher:Tran Quynh Hoa Degree:Master Advisor:Nguyen Van Dinh Keywords:fund mobilization, degree of development … Based on actual requirements, theoretical basis, documents and research on the development of commercial banking in general and the development of capital mobilization at commercial banks in particular, I have chosen thesis for my thesis: “Enhancing fund mobilization at Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branch” In this thesis, I use secondary sources from reports of Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branchto analyze and compare the development ofLien Viet Post Bank services and those of other local banks In thesis, the author simultaneously use the main data sources collected from the customer surveys to study the satisfaction of customer service quality At the same time, the factors that test the author belong to the customer affect the development of commercial bank services Research methods: During the course of this project, I have used the following research methods: Desk research, Data collection, Data processing method Therefore, the thesis leads to a general view of the development of the bank for Lien Viet Post Bank- Ninh Binh Province Branch in the period 2015-2017 In addition, the analysis of the data also shows some degree of development of bank capital mobilization at branches and offers advantages and shows the existing disadvantages Investigative analysts point to the i causes of these problems and firstly point out the limitations that exist not only from external factors but also from internal factors of banks The thesis concludes wwith the introduction of service-oriented development at banks and offers solutions for futher development Therefore, I believe that my research will not only give the bank a more general view of the current development of capital mobilization but also find some good solutions for this work at the branch ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS During the study of this thesis, the author has received enthusiastic support from agencies, organizations and individuals The author would like to express the deepest thanks to all the collectives and individuals who have facilitated the author during research process of this thesis First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the School Management Board of Lunghwa University - Vietnam National University, Hanoi, the Department of Training and Postgraduate of the University, and the teachers, who have provided knowledge to the author during the learning process The author sincerely thanks to the teacher of Scientific Instructor Associate Professor PhD Nguyen Van Dinh, who has enthusiastically instructed, guided and made great contributions to the author to complete this thesis The author also sincerely thanks the Board of Directors and the employees at Lien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Province Branch for facilitating and assisting the author in the process of collecting data, documents and spending time to answer the interview, respond by inquiry to help the author complete the thesis Although the author has tried in the research process; due to limited conditions, the thesis will have inevitable defects, so the author looks forward to receiving comments and feedback to continue to improve Thank you ! Author Tran Quynh Hoa iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT Error! Bookmark not defined ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ivv LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS………………………………………………………….vii LIST OF FIGURE…………………………………………………………………… viii INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Research objectives 1.3 Objects and scope of the thesis 1.4 Research methodology 1.5 Thesis structure THEORETICAL BASIS AND LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical basis 2.1.1 Introduction to commercial banks 2.1.2 Fund mobilization of commercial banks 2.1.3 Factors affecting fund mobilization of commercial banks 20 2.2 Literature review 24 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 31 3.1 Data collection 31 3.1.1 Primary data collection 31 3.1.2 Secondary data collection 31 3.2 Data processing 31 CURRENT SITUATION OF FUND MOBILIZATION AT LIEN VIET POST BANK – NINH BINH PROVINCE BRANCH 35 4.1 Introduction to Lien Viet Post Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Lien Viet Post Bank) - Ninh Binh Branch 35 4.1.1 Overview of the Bank 35 4.1.2 Business situation of Lien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Province Branch 36 4.2 Fund mobilization at Lien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Province 40 4.2.1 Fund mobilization function and structure 41 iv 4.2.2 Fund mobilization policy 41 4.2.3 Fund mobilization methods applied 42 4.2.4 Fund mobilization results 45 4.3 Assessment of fund mobilization at Lien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Province Branch 57 4.3.1 Achievements 58 4.3.2 Limitations and reasons 59 PROPSED SOLUTIONS TO INPROVE FUND MOBILIZATIIONFOR LIEN VIET POST BANK – NINH BINH PROVINCE BRANCH 65 5.1 Development orientation of Vietnam Lien Viet Post Bank in 2018 and the following years 65 5.1.1 General orientation 65 5.1.2 Orientations for fund mobilization 65 5.2 Opportunities and challenges for Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branch in the current context 66 5.3 Solution to improve the mobilization of capital at NHLPB NB 66 5.3.1 To improve product quality, simplify procedures and reduce transaction processing time……………………………………………………………………………… 66 5.3.2 To develop banking services for capital mobilization support 67 5.3.3 Human resources 69 5.3.4 To plan and implement capital mobilization strategies 70 5.3.5 Interest rate policy 73 5.3.6 Marketing policy 73 5.3.7 Technology policy 77 5.3.8 To strengthen the management, administration and internal supervision 78 CONCLUSION 812 REFERENCES 823 v LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of the form of fund mobilization through deposits 12 Table 2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of fund mobilization by issuing debt instruments 16 Table 4.1 Some main performane indicators of the Lien Viet Post Bank Ninh Binh Branch 2015 -2017 36 Table 4.2 Business results in 2015 - 2017 39 Table 4.3 Size and growth of capital mobilization 46 Table 4.4 Structure of mobilized fund in the form ofLien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Province Branch 48 Table 4.5 Structure of fund mobilized by the term ofLien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Province Branch 50 Table 4.6 Bank’s lending 52 Table 4.7 Balance of fund mobilization and use 54 Table 4.8: The balance between fund mobilization and use of short-term fund 55 Table 4.9: Fund mobilization interest rates, average short-term loans in VND 56 Table 4.10 Fund mobilization interest rates, average short-term loans in USD 57 vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS No Abbreviation Original meanings A ATM Automated teller machine B EUR European's common currency C L/C Letter of credit D USD U.S Dollar E WTO World Trade Organization F CBTD Credit officer G CNH- HĐH Industrialization - modernization H DNNN State enterprises I NH Bank J SBV State Bank of Vietnam K NHLPB Lien Viet Post Bank L NHLPB NB Lien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Province Branch M NHTM Commercial Bank N PGD Transaction office O XLRR Risk handling P TCTD Credit institutions Q DN Enterprise R VND Vietnamese Dong vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Structure of Lien Viet Post Commercial Joint Stock Bank ( Lien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Branch ) 36 viii phone banking, Internet banking, etc, should be effectively implemented, in addition to close coordination with enterprises, sectors and sectors to continue to expand payment via mobile phone network At the same time, it is highly recommneded to study the application of information search feature for savings account such as total account balance, new interest rate, next maturity date, etc Banking services such as continued payment by ATM card at enterprises with high income workers, provision of bid security, performance security, product warranty guarantee, opening import LC for businesses, re-guarantee, etc, should also be expanded - Essential conditions of solution implementation In order to implement this solution, it is necessary for the branch leaders to work closely with departments to make a detailed plan in the spirit of preventing any risks in the course of implementation 5.3.3 Human resources Human resources are the most valuable asset and a prerequisite in the operation of any bank Human resources training and development are considered a regular and ongoing task in the process of existence and development of commercial banks in general and Lien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Branch in particular The establishment of a professional, friendly and enthusiastic staff, together with the appropriate arrangement in line with the ability and qualification helps banks to attract more customers and enhance the competitiveness between branches and other banks in the area Profession training: Training activities are conducted through weekly training in the branch, sending staff to participate in training courses of Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade, intensive training courses in accounting, credit, information technology, etc Only by continuously improving the qualification of staff, the bank can keep pace with rapid innovation and progress of the society, better meet the needs of customers and improve the efficiency of business operations Marketing training: In addition to improving professional qualifications, bank staff especially sales staffs who directly deal with customers must be reminded of an open, polite, happy and enthusiastic attitude toward their customers As they play the role of creating the image of the Branch, the bank must pay attention to marketing training to 69 make customers feel warm and welcome This is considered the art of communication, hitting the psychology of customers, making them not only feel happy and satisfied when depositing money into the bank for the first time onwards but also encourage them to introducte others Arrangement of personnel at the branch: It is necessary to arrange staff appropriately in accordance with professional qualifications and family conditions in order to encourage them to maximize their ability in the job On the other hand, care should be taken to the staff, along with a favorable working environment with comfortable psychology to motivate them to make their best effort for a stronger bank with high business results In the course of training and staffing, the human resource development should be regarded as the decisive factor in all business success - Essential conditions of solution implementation In order to implement this solution, it is necessary for the branch leaders to work closely with departments to make a detailed plan in the spirit of preventing any risks in the course of implementation 5.3.4 To plan and implement capital mobilization strategies It is essential to develop and implement well the capital mobilization strategy in close combination with other business strategies so as to be able to mobilize capital abundantly and diversely Choosing the target market as well as diversifying capital mobilization products, thus developing a clear capital mobilization plan definitely help the bank raise the efficiency in mobilizing capital with a more reasonable capital structure, meet the needs of using capital at the branch, increase liquidity, etc Specific department strategies are presented as follows: Target market selection What the Bank has to is to segment the market and define its target market to find new customers, which will make it easy for the development of marketing programs in a way that is more optimal than that of competitors and helps control results on each segment of the market more efficiently The striking point of this area is to have quite crowded population and small and medium enterprises operating in industrial parks, administrative units These will be the two economic sectors that form the target market for the Bank Once the target market 70 segment is identified, the bank needs to collect information, classify and analyze information of potential customers to establish a list of customers that the bank is targeting For residential market For residential areas having income from land compensation: because this area often has land-compensating areas, households are compensated with high demand for deposit products stemming from having a large amount of money and wishing to deposit into the bank instead of planning to use immediately The Bank should closely monitor the compensation situation in these residential areas, regular contact with local authorities to get the most realistic situation The products that should be offered to this customer group are attractive deposit products with attractive promotions Savings products can be borrowed at the bank to create favorable conditions for customers For individual households newly established and operating effectively: they have demand for savings products and payment deposits due to the income they receive is relatively significant and fairly frequent For the elderly: this group tends to use long-term savings products Products such as: retirement savings, security savings, etc., with utility services such as: ability to withdraw before the deadline in case of any occurrence in life or bank loans with preferential interest rates as well as services and utilities will help this group feel secured upon making any deposit at the Bank For coporate customer The major customers of the Bank are non-state enterprises, administrative units, schools: known as large numbers, mainly small and medium scale In addition, the administrative units, schools have diverse needs from payment deposit to savings deposit, opening account to pay employees, etc This encourages the Bank to seek out and advise them to make the most of banking services + Capital mobilization product strategy Product competition is made by diversifying products and services At present, the branch has products to attract a variety of short-term funds and meet the needs of many customers However, with medium and long-term deposits, the current situation seems to be difficult because customers are anxious to make long-term deposits for fear of currency devaluation, interest rates fluctuation and failure to be active in spending In order to overcome these factors, the branch can design products with flexible interest 71 rates such as: It is possible to provide VND deposits guaranteed by the value of gold on the basis of the psychology of Vietnamese people in general who still believe in ensuring the value of gold over money; accordingly, the interest rate applied to this product is much lower than that of VND mobilization in the same term to offset the risk of gold price fluctuations One-time withdrawal deposits are added with other privileges on fees or other utilities when using additional banking services Cumulative savings for house purchase, whereby customers are supported on procedures, finance with preferential interest rates to buy a house, build a new house or repair the house In addition, the Bank may issue bonds, promissory notes ranging from to years with interest rates applied on the principle that the longer the deposit period, the higher the interest rate At the same time, it is possible to carry out the form of mobilizing promissory notes and bonds freely in the market so as to create conditions for the buyers of promissory notes and bonds to sell to other persons or resell to banks, thereby increasing the liquidity of promissory notes and bonds In order to increase efficiency, the marketing tools should be taken before issuing bonds, promissory notes such as promoting propaganda and marketing to the companies, residential groups, newspapers, radio stations, veterans' associations, women associations, etc., to attract capital from these customers The refinement of traditional capital mobilization products as well as development of new product must be made on the basis of studying changes in customer demand, psychological characteristics and population income associated with each sector Based on these analysis results, the branch should develop a specific plan for product development in each area + Establishment of a clear capital mobilization plan for each period As each stage of economic development has its own characteristics and nature, the Bank needs to develop a clear capital mobilization plan for each period This plan should be based on studies of potential capital in the population and capital requirements of customers, as well as orientations for the next steps such as offering flexible deposit rates, identifying adentify appropriate forms of mobilization, etc - Essential conditions of solution implementation 72 In order to implement this solution, it is necessary for the branch leaders to work closely with departments in studying and researching about the geographical areas of operation as well as the needs of local people for accurate view 5.3.5 Interest rate policy Interest rate policy is a very sensitive leverage to customers' demand for deposit when any change in interest rates may affects the amount of money deposited into a bank Currently, interest rates are considered the most important competitive factor among banks as the relative differences in the interest rates will cause depositors to focus mainly on banks with higher interest rates A reasonable interest rate level will attract customers and minimize the cost of mobilization It is required to offer reasonable interest rates to attract customers, minimize the cost of mobilization through a number of solutions To apply interest rate lower than the interest rate of the original term to a certain level calculated on the actual term against the agreed term of the deposit for customers to withdraw the deposit before maturity Progress over time (the longer the term, the higher the interest rate, more promotions to raise the proportion of long-term capital and help stabilize operations) Progress over the amount of deposits: the higher the amount, the higher the interest rate, or give the priority on gifts, promotions to stimulate customers to focus more savings into a single saving, make it easy for management, as well as attracting customers' funds from other banks For customers who send large amounts of money (VIP customers) with long-term or longer term deposits compared with the original term, the Bank should develop policies to give more interest, present gifts on holidays, Tet holiday, etc., to encourage customers to make longer deposits, thereby creating medium and long-term capital for banks - Essential conditions of solution implementation In order to implement this solution, it is necessary for the branch leaders to work closely with departments to make a detaled plan that prevents risks in the course of implementation 5.3.6 Marketing policy As banking operations are carried out in order to attract a large number of customers 73 from different economic sectors with different income, psychology and interests, the application of marketing principles in management of customer relationship has an important significance It is considered a business strategy to connect and coordinate people with communication skills with optimal processes and modern technology to balance the two benefits: bank profits and maximum customer satisfaction In the current competitive environment, building relationships with loyal customers helps the Bank to maintain its market share, contributing to its competitive position in the market From this point, the customers can grasp a comprehensive view of the branch and understand the benefits provided by the bank Another important factor is to adapt banking services to the customers so that they can accept, trust and continue to use these services Based on the actual operation, Lien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Branch should implement the following measures to the marketing work: To establish a brand identity system in order to create a professional image of Lien Viet post bank in general and branches in particular, and change the appearance of the transaction room to be spacious, polite, convenient for customers at the same time To organize a customer care department at the branch, which guides customers provide information upon working with the bank for the first time, answers questions, consult and introduce products of the bank so that customers can feel respected when coming to the bank To develop appropriate marketing policies in propagandizing, promoting and introducing the utility of the existing products to a large number of customers so that it is posible to create conditions for customers to reach and grasp the habit of using services and aware of the utility of these products and services Expand the service to all types of customers, regardless of what type of economy they are, maintain relationships with existing customers and expand the customer base by searching, marketing, etc It is essential to actively conduct market research to capture customer tastes, identify timely changing customer needs to develop and add new products and services A good marketing policy must include customer management strategies in which the market is segmented according to geography, age, income, and occupation Regular organization of promotions with valuable gifts, prizes, and, most importantly, suitable 74 to match the needs of the target audience of the bank is also required To frequently gather information from competitors such as tariffs, interest rates, new products and services, networks, sales, market share, service style, procedures, forms of advertising, promotion, etc., in order to provide appropriate strategic measures in business, especially in the capital mobilization To develop advertising programs on the mass media for promotion of images, brands, sponsor financial programs, or major festivals in the area, maintain charity work, etc Dynamic and effective competition policy When competition is the rule of the market economy, the bank need to improve its competitiveness by establishing a dynamic and effective competition policy if it wishes to survive and have good mobilization At the branch, the contents that should be focused include: Organizing research activities related to competitors: commercial banks in the same area, financial institutions with competitive products, etc, which is an important task to build a competitive strategy effectively The research should be conducted periodically, while reports on comparison of product, price (interest rate), advertising activities, etc., of the bank with those in the same area must be based on a quarterly basis Then, the bank needs to gather and analyze, identify strengths and weaknesses of existing deposit products, thereby improving and developing products and services to mobilize capital of the Branch Creating trust with customers: the trust is created by the inside image, including the place, headquarters, symbols of the Bank, quantity and quality of products and services provided, communication skills of staff, technical equipment, own capital and financial capacity, especially efficient and safe deposit, etc Upon having confidence in the bank, customers, especially corporate customers, will be loyal to the products and services of the Bank Changes in the transaction style: the urgent requirement is to innovate communication styles and promote business culture The Bank tellers always have to keep close, enthusiastic, thoughtful and open manner to create trust for customers when they make any deposit It is also necessary to develop incentive policies, encourage staff to make good achievements in attracting customers and increasing deposit balances 75 It is required to make a difference, especially in the present time when there are dozens of different banks operating in the same small area The bank needs to find out the difference but still in the unity of policies and images of Lien Viet post bank so that customers remember and find the bank's products when there is a need The difference created may cover products, services provided to the market, advertising activities, promotion of communication, etc Customer policy Establishing a policy to raise funds from customers at the branch is a very urgent task in which the quality of service is a prerequisite for customers to stick with the bank for a long time Care and support measures as well as providing incentives to different customers need different policies Customer policy should include a policy to develop support services (charge of money transfer, charge of selling and purchasing foreign currencies, interest rates, etc.) in order to attract existing customers, potential ones to use capital mobilization products The Customer Care department should arrange a dedicated employee who is in charge of making reports, analyzing and aggregating information on mobilization of corporate clients, individual clients, etc., as well as building and implementing customer policies throught out the branch With a clear and specific customer policy, branches can be deployed and applied immediately to each customer without having to spend time approving each specific case The customer policy of Lien Viet post bank can be segmented on the basis of market segments, target customers as follows: Potential customers include people who not have a deposit account but will bring profit to the bank upon being served under the strategic customer policy when Lien Viet post bank apply marketing policies and builds relationships Existing customers, divided into types: (i) Customers with large deposit balances are highly profitable for the bank enjoy the VIP customer policy (the most important customer of the bank is served in the fastest time with the lowest price and enjoying the most preferential service); (ii) Customers with average deposit balances and likely to continue to increase deposit balances for Lien Viet post bank are served under the preferential customer policy in terms of deposit interest rates, possibly including the loan interest rate (if needed), reduced transfer fee, etc 76 (iii)Customers with weak financial signals, bad situation of production and business should be closely monitored together with the necessary measures - Essential conditions for solution implementation It is required to hire highly experienced and professional marketing staff to implement this solution effectively 5.3.7 Technology policy In order to meet the requirements of international standards, the technology must be constantly improved, modernized and upgraded to really become a powerful tool for bank employees Choosing the right technology for management and banking business is critical to the development of the service, increase in the scale of capital mobilized and considered a decisive factor in the effectiveness of capital investment What the branch needs to is to make recommendations to Vietpost bank in paying attention to the development of information technology in accordance with international standards with reasonable capital and key investment, to enhance the effective application of information technology achievements in the inspection and to perform monitoring activities for the purpose of ensuring safety and minimizing risk for banking operations In addition, Lien Viet post bank needs to select the right technology to apply in management activities In this process, it is necessary to carefully consider other banks to learn experiences, there by identifying good technology suppliers that are in line with the bank's business conditions and have any break through factor and the ability of forestalling, limitation of back wardness due to the development of technology It is required to regularly upgrade and maintain the network and quality of data transmission from the server to avoid congestion, error upon handling business for customers More over, the use of modern technology must meet the following requirements: bring convenience to customers, meet the requirements of internal management, business transactions, risk management, management liquidity and seamlessly connection with other banks The technology applied must be capable of managing, preventing risks, security and safety in operation The development and application of technology must be based on the conditions, 77 capabilities and characteristics of the actual business operations of the branch - Essential conditions for solution implementation The Bank leaders need to deduct a fixed monthly fee to implement the development and application of technology 5.3.8 To strengthen the management, administration and internal supervision In the fiercely competitive financial and banking environment in general and especially in the field of capital mobilization in particular, improving the quality of customer service is a key task and a breakthrough point to create the difference In the context of the ultimate goal of customer satisfaction, the quality of customer service will help build the brand of the bank This requires the bank to clearly define and seriously evaluate customer service practices in such areas as the effectiveness of standards, customer service quality policy and program applied in practice, the responsibility of each individual in the unit about the quality of customer service In addition, it is necessary to have appropriate forms of reward and handling, in particular the continued use of confidential client programs to be able to regularly capture the most objective and accurate quality of services applied with respect to each employee The improvement of quality of customer service must be initiated by assigning responsibilities and enhancing the sense of customer service from management level to individual staff so that every Lien Viet Post Bank employee understands that the quality of customer service is particularly important in business activities, especially customers in the capital mobilization section As banking is a particularly sensitive and risky area, post-audit, especially auditing, of commercial banks is considered an urgent need Accounting - Finance department of a commercial bank is an independent unit that examines the effectiveness and efficiency of internal control systems and other important objectives It reviews and evaluates the truthfulness and accuracy of economic information and financial statements to help the Bank's management make proper business decisions The purpose of internal auditing is to minimize risks that may arise, improve the quality of bank asset operations, protect asset security and stabilize operations For the task of monitoring and supervising financial and banking activities, it is necessary to pay attention to internal auditing and control activities in order to evaluate the situation of operation in general and capital mobilization in particular, there by take measures to 78 handle in case of necessity Internal audit work in the banking sector in Vietnam shows many difficulties The biggest problem faced by internal auditors in the banks is the lack of clear and longterm strategy for internal auditing and the audit staff has not had reasonable and complete internal audit procedures Therefore, it is necessary to train internal auditors with experience and knowledge, and at the same time to develop an appropriate inspection system to evaluate the effectiveness of internal audit and risk management system of the bank In order to promptly adjust and deal with problems arising in banking activities, it is necessary to improve the efficiency and quality in the examination and supervision of monetary transactions, especially the mobilization interest rate in VND; and foreign exchange risk management These activities will contribute to the efficiency and stability in the mobilization of capital, both in terms of quality and quantity 79 CONCLUSION SECTION Section analyzes and presents short-term and long-term fundamental solutions to enhance fund mobilization in Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branch 80 CONCLUSION In today's market economy, openness and integration, banking services are increasingly diversified and perfected to better meet the needs of customers as well as economic growth requirements of any country However, regardless of the extent to which banking services are developed, fund mobilization remains a concern of banks, as they are fundamental, traditional, and impossible lacking of the bank Thus, the growth of fund, especially external fund, it is crucial not only to the survival of the bank, but also to the growth and development of that bank in the future Therefore, the study of the situation of fund mobilization of Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branch is particularly meaningful For the purpose of research, the subject has completed the following basic tasks: Systemize theory of commercial banks, fund, fund mobilization at commercial banks, and influencing factors Analysis of the status of mobilized fund of Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branch in terms of scale, structure, in relation to the use of fund, while pointing out the limitations and causes in fund mobilization of Bank Based on the requirements and orientation of fund mobilization of Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branch, analysis and short-term solutions have been analyzed and proposed to enhance fund mobilization in Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branch It is hoped that with these basic solutions, Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branch will be able to step up and improve the mobilization of funds in terms of scale, structure, maturity and better service for the fund use of Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branch 81 REFERENCES Bui Thi Thuy, Phan Thi Dieu Huong, Experiences on Restructuring of Commercial Banks in Some Southeast Asian Countries, Workshop Documents on Restructure of SOCBs, SBV, Hanoi, 2005 Report on business performance in 2015, targets, tasks and solutions 2016 of NHBPB Ninh Binh Branch Summary report of business activities in 2016, mission objectives and solutions 2017 of NHBPB - Ninh Binh Branch Report on business performance in 2017, targets, tasks and solutions 2016 of NHBPB Ninh Binh Branch World Bank, Economic Development Review 2003 -2004-2005 Nguyen 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LIEN VIET POST BANK – NINH BINH PROVINCE BRANCH 4.1 Introduction to Lien Viet Post Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Lien Viet Post Bank) - Ninh Binh Branch 4.1.1 Overview of the Bank Lien Viet Post. .. increase fund mobilization in Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province Branch 1.3 Objects and scope of the thesis - Study the basics of external fund mobilization of Lien Viet Post Bank – Ninh Binh Province. .. Industrialization - modernization H DNNN State enterprises I NH Bank J SBV State Bank of Vietnam K NHLPB Lien Viet Post Bank L NHLPB NB Lien Viet Post Bank - Ninh Binh Province Branch M NHTM Commercial Bank

Ngày đăng: 17/03/2021, 17:27



