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Hoàn thiện chiến lược marketing cho công ty cổ phần bột giặt và hóa chất đức giang giai đoạn 2018 2023

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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - TRẦN XUÂN LINH IMPROVING THE MARKETING STRATEGY OF DUC GIANG DETERGENT AND CHEMICALS COMPANY IN THE PERIOD OF 2018 – 2023 HOÀN THIỆN CHIẾN LƯỢC MARKETING CHO CƠNG TY CỔ PHẦN BỘT GIẶT VÀ HĨA CHẤT ĐỨC GIANG GIAI ĐOẠN 2018 – 2023 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH HÀ NỘI - 2019 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - TRẦN XUÂN LINH IMPROVING THE MARKETING STRATEGY OF DUC GIANG DETERGENT AND CHEMICALS COMPANY IN THE PERIOD OF 2018 – 2023 HỒN THIỆN CHIẾN LƯỢC MARKETING CHO CƠNG TY CỔ PHẦN BỘT GIẶT VÀ HÓA CHẤT ĐỨC GIANG GIAI ĐOẠN 2018 – 2023 Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số: 60 34 01 02 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC : TS PHẠM VĂN HỒNG HÀ NỘI - 2019 DECLARATION The author confirms that the research outcome in the thesis is the result of author’s independent work during study and research period and it is not yet published in other’s research and article The other’s research result and documentation (extraction, table, figure, formula, and other document) used in the thesis are cited properly and the permission (if required) is given The author is responsible in front of the Thesis Assessment Committee, Hanoi School of Business and Management, and the laws for above-mentioned declaration Date………………………… I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deep gratitude to the teachers at the Faculty of Business Administration, Hanoi National University for imparting valuable knowledge for nearly two years This knowledge does not only help me complete the thesis but also be very useful for my work in the future I would like to send sincerely thank the teacher, Dr Pham Van Hong, who enthusiastically instructed me during the completion of this thesis I also would like to thank all colleagues, friends for supporting and providing useful information so that i can complete my thesis During the course of thesis, mistakes are unavoidable due to limited knowledge, lack of experience and time Therefore, I would like to receive comments from teachers to make this essay more complete and practical Sincerely, Ha Noi, October 25, 2018 Tran Xuan Linh II CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Literature review Aims of research 4 Objects of research Scope of research Research methodology Thesis structure CHAPTER 1: THEORY ON MARKETING STRATEGY 1.1 OVERVIEW OF STRATEGY 1.1.1 Concept of strategy 1.1.2 General competition strategy 1.1.3 Competitive advantage 1.1.4 Building Competitive Advantage Through Strategies 1.2 OVERVIEW OF MARKETING STRATEGY 1.2.1 Concept, Nature, Role, Objective of Marketing Strategy 1.2.2 Factors affecting marketing activities of enterprises and Analysys of Marketing environment 10 1.2.3 Target market and product positioning 18 1.3 MARKETING STRATEGIES 22 1.3.1 Product strategy 23 1.3.2 Price strategy 26 1.3.3 Place strategy 27 1.3.4 Promotion strategy 31 CHAPTER 2: CURRENT STATUS OF MARKETING STRATEGY OF THE COMPANY 36 2.1 OVERVIEW AND MAIN BUSINESS RESULTS OF DUC GIANG COMPANY 36 2.1.1 Overview 36 2.1.2 Main business results 39 2.2 ANALYZE CURRENT MARKETING ENVIRONMENT OF THE COMPANY 42 2.2.1 Macro environment 42 2.2.2 Industry environment 45 III 2.2.3 Micro environment 48 2.2.4 Target market and Product positioning 52 2.3 ANALASIS OF STRENGTH, WEAKNESS, OPPORTUNITIES, THREATS 54 2.3.1 Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats 54 2.3.2 Building strategy from SWOT matrix 56 2.4 CURRENT MARKETING STRATEGY OF COMPANY 60 2.4.1 Assessment about current marketing strategy of company 60 2.4.2 Product strategy 59 2.4.3 Price strategy 62 2.4.4 Place strategy 63 2.4.5 Promotion strategy 63 CHAPTER 3: SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE THE MARKETING STRATEGY OF DUC GIANG DETERGENT AND CHEMICAL JSC 65 3.1 DEVELOPMENT ORIENTATION AND GOALS OF THE COMPANY FROM 2018 TO 2023 65 3.2 SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE MARKETING STRATEGY OF THE COMPANY 65 3.2.1 Solutions about Product 65 3.2.2 Solutions about Price 67 3.2.3 Solutions about Place 68 3.2.4 Solutions about Promotion 69 CONCLUSION 71 LIMITATION AND IMPLICATION ………………………………………………… 71 REFERENCE 722 APPENDIX 724 IV LIST OF TABLE Table 1: Products with output 36 Table 2: Situation of Business Activities 37 Table : Product volume 38 Table 4: Overall finance status 39 Table 5: Inflation rate 41 Table 6: Balance of trade 43 Table 7: GDP growth rate 43 Table 8: Urban and rural population 46 Table 9: Finance performance 48 LIST OF FIGURE Figure 1: Strategic model of Marketing Mix 22 Figure 2: Direct distribution channel scheme 29 Figure 3: Indirect distribution channel scheme 29 Figure 4: Company Organizational Chart 36 Figure 5: Technological Model 51 Figure 6: Three level distribution channel 61 Figure 7: Vertical marketing system model 68 LIST OF ABBREVIATION CPI: Consumer Price Index DGC: Duc Giang Detergent and Chemical Joint Stock Company FTA: Free Trade Agreements GDP: Gross Domestic Product GSO: General Statistic Office QC: Quality control WTO: World Trade Organization V INTRODUCTION Rationale Building a marketing strategy is a very important task of every business to achieve the most effective three goals of profit, position and safety In a fiercely competitive market economy, an enterprise wants to survive and develop, it must mobilize all resources, must know how to manage all factors to achieve the set objectives Through the marketing strategy, enterprises can promote their internal strengths to aim to attractive opportunities in the market and thus help businesses improve business efficiency; enhance competitiveness in the process of opening up and liberalizing the economy The role of marketing is not new anymore, but how to it effectively is the concern of the management Moreover, with the development of information technology and the industrial 4.0 revolution, consumers will have easy access to information on all products, prices, quality of services will affect very much to business efficiency Therefore, effective marketing strategy becomes more urgent Duc Giang Detergent and Chemical Joint Stock Company was established in 1963 In more than 50 years of development and growth, the company has developed strategies to adapt and promote its strengths Marketing activities are noticed and implemented and bring about high economic efficiency, contributing to increase business scale, promote consumption, increase sales and profit However, the implementation of marketing activities are lack of synchronism, not scientific, often subjective, which is one of the reasons for reducing the business efficiency and competitiveness of the company In the face of that situation and after spending time for learning, researching the status of the company's marketing strategy and learning knowledge, I would like to contribute a small part to the overall interest of the company through the Master's thesis "Develop Marketing Strategy for Duc Giang Detergent and Chemicals JSC in 2018-2023" Literature review Master Thesis: Completing marketing strategy for Vinamilk dairy products Author: Team 4-QC - 2008: Target of this thesis is to increase sales and expand the market for dairy products Since the company has no clear, specific marketing strategy Therefore, there should be a reliable marketing orientation The thesis uses methodology of Collecting and analyzing existing documents Result: The author provides the basis of marketing theory and marketing strategy in the enterprise Based on this theoretical basis, the author presents the current business situation and analysis of the company's current marketing strategy The author also analyzes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and Threads in the SWOT model From there, the author proposes a solution to improve the marketing strategy for the company In the solution to improve the marketing strategy for the company, the author focuses on improving the quality and improvement of products such as design and packaging: the company should pay attention to the quality as well as packaging design to look good, suitable for all subjects, color courteous, sharp images Focus on diversifying products and quality products to meet the increasing demand of consumers Investing in new products has the characteristics that products are not available in the market Prices must be consistent, so that businesses and consumers can cooperate for a long time The author also made some suggestions to develop the policy of promotion such as advertising, discount… Master Thesis: Improving marketing strategy at Vu Que Rubber Company - Author Nguyen Thi Luu - 2008 Target of this master thesis: As a company manufacturing tires and tubes, marketing strategy is very meaningful to the company If marketing plan is created that focus on the business objectives, stick to the market, coordinate with other functional strategies and perform marketing activities in line with that strategy, then surely the company will expand and occupy the market; generate great revenue and profits Method: Collect, analyze existing documents Result: The author provides a theoretical basis for the marketing strategy of the business to create a premise to evaluate and analyze the current status of marketing activities of the company The author has made a number of solutions to recomend the current marketing strategy Details as below: Firstly, solutions to improve the content of the marketing strategy (completing the objectives, completing the planning process, improving the target market) Secondly, solutions for Marketing - Mix: product solutions; price solution; Place solution; Promotion Solutions Thirdly, Solutions to complete marketing strategy: organizational apparatus; Leader; Budget; Master thesis: Solutions to improve marketing strategy for Sony Bravia LCD TVs by 2010 - Author Tran Mai An - 2007: Target of the thesis: Being aware of LCD TVs will be the hottest product in the world of imaging equipment and a new trend of the Vietnamese television market, Sony Vietnam has launched a new line of Bravia LCD TV with deciding that this will be the company's strategic product line, replacing the bulb TV line However, because Bravia LCD TV is only at the beginning of its life cycle, the LCD market in Vietnam is only in its infancy, so it is necessary to take a look at the overall marketing environment for Bravia LCD TV product of the company From there, find out solutions to complete marketing strategy, helping to improve he business efficiency of this strategic product line The author used two method for implementing the thesis That is: collecting, analyzing existing documents and Interview 300 people in person based on the questionnaire Results: The author provides a theoretical basis for marketing strategies Present the current marketing situation of the company From that analysis to propose some solutions to improve marketing strategy for Bravia LCD TVs by Sony Vietnam until 2010 Specifics: solutions for market: demand forecast; Research on customers and Solutions for marketing mix strategies: Products; Price; Place, Promotion Master thesis: Completing marketing mix of packaging products at Starprint Vietnam Co., Ltd - Author Vo Thi Hien - 2012 Target of the thesis: The increase of competitors in the industry, to compete market share for more and more aggressive and diversified demand about taste customers However, if want to develop the right marketing and long-term development, there must be a comprehensive marketing strategy to be a guideline for all activities Recognizing the importance of using Marketing Mix, the author has researched to improve the marketing mix of packaging products in his company hoping to help the company improve business performance Methods: Collection, comparison, analysis of existing documents Result: The author provides a theoretical basis for Marketing Mix; Point out the realities of Marketing Mix at Starprint Vietnam From that, analyzed and proposed some solutions to improve marketing Mix in the company Details of solutions as below: Firstly, finalizing the product strategy: Forecasting, checking and correcting quality problems; improve production processes; promoting internal strength to increase competitiveness Cost-based pricing strategy To evaluate the price of a product, normally related departments will calculate the costs of materials and costs in the production process, plus promotion and advertising costs to produce the cost of the product Based on this cost plus the target profit of the board will determine the price for a product It is known that the target profit that the board made is usually about 10% of the sale price The evaluation based on costs of Duc Giang Detergent and Chemicals Joint Stock Company is difficult due to the fluctuation of raw material prices as well as the prices of some of the same products on the market Pricing strategy based on market demand, competitive factors To sell products, the price of the company's products also often refer to the price of some products of the same type on the market However, most of the products has selling price lower than same products from Unilever or P & G Due to the characteristics of detergents, the rule of supply and demand on the market does not affect the pricing of products of companies Because in this industry is always bigger than demand 2.4.4 Place strategy The distribution network of Duc Giang Detergent and Chemicals Corporation has existed and developed for many years Due to the special nature of the chemical industry, while focusing on developing in the North, the distribution channel of the company is quite simple Distribution channels that the company often use and operate quite successfully, is also the main distribution channel of the company in the domestic market That is: Three level distribution channel According to the regulations of the company, in provinces only one distributor, if any province has high annual sales, there will be two or three distributors The company's products will be shipped to the provinces and delivered to distributors, so that the products can be sold to retailers (department stores, markets ) but can be sold to wholesalers (dealer or smaller distributor) and finally to the consumer Duc Giang Distributor Wholesaler Retailer Figure 6: Three level distribution channel The company also uses the distribution channel as below: One level distribution channel 62 Consumer Normally the distribution channel is used in Hanoi The retailers here are the supermarkets in the city They will take the goods directly from the company and then sell the product to consumers through their retail channels 2.4.5 Promotion strategy In order to implement this strategy, Duc Giang detergent and Chemical Corporation has also used four main tools in this approach: Advertisement; Sales Promotion; Personal Selling; PR Advertising strategy From the beginning, the company's products are positioning in the rural and small urban markets, most of the advertising of the product is aimed at these markets The forms of advertising that the company usually uses are advertising on television, radio and sometimes in newspapers, magazines In addition, when launching new products, the company still forms a separate advertising strategy for the product to engage consumers to keep an eye on the products Sales promotion strategy Companies often use push strategies to sell the products, so most promotions focus solely on the wholesalers to push the product through the distribution center However, the company still uses promotional methods for consumers on the occasion of introducing a new product, or a certain season of the year Personal selling strategy In addition to the distribution channel as mentioned above, the company also uses sales staffs to offer products, introduce new products or launch new products Based on this personal selling the company has achieved its goal: Explore new customers Express information about the company's products and services Selling Technical assistance Research and collect information about the market Evaluate the customer characteristics and coordinate the goods The sales staff have been trained to understand the product, the process of offering… PR strategy Sometimes the company also organizes a group of employees go to market for PR as well as washing for the consumer to see the quality of their products In addition, the 63 company is also actively participating in domestic trade fairs to introduce and display its products Participating in such fairs also contributes actively to introduce the products to consumers in large cities At the same time, it helps customers find the company more easily 64 CHAPTER 3: SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE THE MARKETING STRATEGY OF DUC GIANG DETERGENT AND CHEMICAL JSC 3.1 DEVELOPMENT ORIENTATION AND GOALS OF THE COMPANY FROM 2018 TO 2023 Based on the current business situation as well as the opportunities and difficulties of the business environment, Duc Giang Detergent and Chemicals Joint Stock Company has set the following development orientations: Growth: to expand its market share with the goal of growth by 2% of the detergent market share until 2023 This is a challenge for the company's production and sales team To achieve this goal, Duc Giang Detergent and Chemicals Joint Stock Company focuses on promoting the selling of goods through distribution channels, through effective and reasonable marketing strategies Focus on improving product quality; Research to create new products suitable for tastes and income of consumers Development: In the process of improving product quality as well as creating new products, the company always strives for this development to be sustainable Taking the foundation is the current product, always improving the best quality, improving the process of production management, business processes, distribution of goods Make premise to develop new products As such, the company stands firm and growing Profit: Any company has to set a goal for themselves that the ultimate destination is profit Not beyond that rule, Duc Giang Company also sets itself the annual profit target through the promotion of business development in which Marketing plays an important role in promoting products, improving the management ability for the staff; saving costs; reducing waste; investing to enhance invisible values; Enhancing the value of the customer Thus, profit will be achieved sustainable and long term 3.2 SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE MARKETING STRATEGY OF THE COMPANY 3.2.1 Solutions about Product Packaging and Labeling Packaging is considered "silent salesman" and according to the current trend, customers are always interested in the design, packaging Products with beautiful designs, always receive attention of the consumer Therefore, the company should pay attention to this issue to study to create beautiful packaging patterns, catch up the general trend to avoid boring 65 Besides the design, the company should also pay attention to the quality of packaging Packaging must be absolutely sure not to be torn or scratched, protect the product in the best way when shipping and storage If possible, the company should choose materials that are environmental friendly For the holiday season of the year such as the TET companies should pay attention to design patterns appropriate to the atmosphere of the holiday season, bringing the message to customers The diversification of designs and eye-catching labels also help customers easily select and bring success to the company The correct information should be also printed on the products in order to consumers understand the product better, showing them the use of the product compared to other detergent products The company also needs to register for new products to avoid counterfeiting The company should also make a difference on the packaging so that consumers can distinguish clearly with other products This will protect the prestige of the brand and create the trust of consumers Diversify and improve product quality Duc Giang's products are relatively diversified but will also cause difficulties in storage and distribution Therefore, the company needs to focus on improving product quality Consider producing products that consumers prefer and choose; removing products not appreciated Product quality is always the most important factor determining the existence of the product Consumers always pay attention to this The company needs to improve the QC, always ensure quality stably This will create trust for the consumer, which promotes the consumption of the product The company also needs to study the environmental characteristics such as land, water sources to see the impact of current detergent on the environment that consumers use in the process of washing From there, will study the ingredients of the detergent corresponding to the water source, and then adjust the ingredients Duc Giang is focusing on the rural area, mainly people are washing by hand, so if the cleaning ingredients too much will damage the hands Therefore, the company should reduce the amount of cleaning agent in the detergent; instead of that, the other ingredients that make the powder completely dissolved in water will make detergent absorb quickly into clothes, save washing time In the future, if the company is oriented to urban areas, it is important to focus on detergent products for washing machines Because almost every home owns a washing 66 machine Therefore, in terms of quality, the company needs to constantly improve its technology on bleach quality and scent in order to improve the product to suit the taste of the user In the harsh competition environment, customers are looking forward to new and better products In order to increase sales and market share, the company must pay attention to developing new products and diversifying products This task requires the company to invest more in human resources In addition, the company should boldly invest in technology, acquire advanced science and technology, attract good people to meet the increasing demand of the domestic market, increase sales and market share in the future 3.2.2 Solutions about Price To build a proper pricing strategy, the company need: Firstly, Price strategy must be consistent with the company's strategic objectives this is a constant requirement of pricing Secondly, Analysis of competitors, the economic situation must be taken seriously and objectively Thirdly, Update market fluctuations, competitiveness to have appropriate price strategy Fourthly, continuously measure sales fluctuations, purchasing power, payment levels, satisfaction of customers after each price adjustment to have appropriate strategies Fifthly, in terms of Competitor based pricing, the company will have an analysis of the product; their short-term or long-term marketing objectives and competitors Sixthly, the price strategy may come from the economic factors: inflation, consumption trends, management policies are the important basis for product pricing Seventhly, Price adjustment for each distribution channel: For the retail channel: Duc Giang has a unique price system that is consistent with the business characteristics of each channel, to meet the purchase of the consumer For Distributors: Distributors are assigned to distribute the company's products under certain pricing policies in the market and earn commission income Price strategy for new product When determining the price for a new product, the company should consider how to apply the price policy such as: skimming or penetration The company can also pursue pricing policies for new products with the following basic objectives: to maximize profits, to increase market share, or to target others Strategy for discount and commission 67 For Discount: Firstly, Quantity Discount: Orders can reduce the cost of production and transportation of goods Secondly, Trade discounts Thirdly, Discounted payment For Commissions: It is a discount to redeem the promotional services that resellers have made 3.2.3 Solutions about Place With each of the simple and compact distribution channels as analyzed above, the company's products reach the consumers, while the company also saves a considerable amount of money in managing as well as distributing of goods However, the current distribution system still has some problems: Firstly, Due to lack of control over the distribution of products at the distributor stage to the consumer, sometimes the company does not grasp the market as well as the tastes of consumers Secondly, the distribution of the product to the distributor will make the company heavily dependent on them, so the company can not take the initiative in selling the product Thirdly, the absence of product launch shops as well as retail stores is a disadvantage for consumers to know the products In order to solve these problems thoroughly, the company needs to make some changes to its channel At present, in the provinces, the company usually uses the normal distribution channels: Duc Giang Company  Duc Giang Distributors  Stores  Consumers From this model, the company can switch to the vertical marketing system model as follows: 68 Stores, Retailers Distributors of Duc Giang Consumers Duc Giang Company Figure 6: Vertical marketing system model From this marketing system model, the marketing channel of the company has become a unified mass It can help the company control the operation of the channel and resolve the conflict because each member only runs according to their own interests Besides, the company also needs to apply some other combination solutions such as: Analyze and filter out provinces with potential markets to open showrooms or distributors; Reviewing and arranging distributors according to turnover and performance in recent years, listening to their aspirations, accompanying them with solutions to increase sales effectiveness On the other hand, apply sales target to actively promote sales or find subdistributors in the provinces; Direct selling at supermarkets in the province The system of supermarkets in provinces and cities are developing in the chain, opening up an effective sales channel in the future 3.2.4 Solutions about Promotion The combination of marketing activities has helped the company's products known by consumers, have a position in the domestic market However, media strategies focus only on the domestic market or developed markets in order to maintain existing market share, but there is no strategy for expansion and development outside the domestic market Therefore, the promotion of the Company does not contribute to develop new markets as well as expand the market Advertising forms as well as product propaganda are spontaneous whenever consumers' demand for goods is reduced or new products are launched, so advertising and propaganda are not carried out regularly and clear plan Propaganda staff is also unstable, many seasonal workers This will greatly affect the quality and effectiveness of advertising activities 69 With some limitations in advertising, propaganda, if the company want to develop up, promote product consumption, expand the market share to increase sales revenue, the company should put out a number of specific strategies such as: It is necessary to set up detailed advertising plans for every year, every month, with detailed contents Plans for attending exhibitions, trade fairs in the provinces and cities that have no distributors yet; Considering neighboring export markets such as Laos, Cambodia through trade fairs and trade fairs to introduce products and brand marketing; Launching programs and contests to create slogans, to find good and memorable messages for advertising their products This competition can be developed internally or externally; Establish a professional marketing team with deep knowledge in products to go introduce products, give samples to try, ask for opinions of consumption Through this, it is possible to collect market data, the opinions of customers, contribute to timely information to the product researcher, make the product better 70 CONCLUSION Throughout the process of researching and analyzing business activities at Duc Giang Detergent and Chemicals Joint Stock Company, we find that the company has stood firm in the market with many different kinds of products However, the growth rate in the past few years seems to be slow, consumption is still low in comparison with production capacity In order to clarify all the issues and learn more about the company, the thesis studied the internal factors and pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of the company through detailed and specific analysis about the marketing strategies applied at the company, the financial indicators, personnel situation, production technology At the same time, the thesis also investigates and analyzes the external factors affecting the operation of the company through analyze macro-environment and micro-environment, helps to make strategic plan more objective Using the method of analyzing data and SWOT matrix, the thesis has improve the marketing strategy in accordance with the current market situation: For products: Always have to improve packaging design, quality to ensure products is the best when reaching consumers Regularly research and improve to bring the market with good quality products For price: The company always sets different prices with many types of products, flexibility in pricing to be able to compete with other companies For place: create many distribution channels to promote sales, use vertical marketing system so that the company can control the operation of the channel For promotion: Make plan to advertise more frequent on media, using direct marketing tools, personal selling The strategies outlined in the thesis are subjective and lack practical experience so will encounter many difficulties and inadequacies in the implementation process However, these strategies are based on scientific methods Hopefully, it is a useful reference for the Duc Giang Detergent and Chemical Joint Stock Company to thrive on its path of integration 71 LIMITATIONS & IMPLICATIONS Some limitations in the thesis as follows: Firstly, due to large scales of macroenvironment and micro-environment, the researcher has studied and evaluated the impacts on enterprises, However, can not cover all issues There may be a shortcoming in the assessment of these impacts on the marketing activities of the business Secondly, the researcher based only on materials, data and discussions with experts, staffs and employees Not make a survey to get specific opinions of customer about the product Thus, it can cause shortcomings when making solution to improve marketing strategy for the company This is maybe the goal for the next few years to evaluate the satisfaction of the product through the opinion of the customer Thirdly, the researcher evaluated the factors influencing and offering solutions for the marketing activities of Duc Giang Chemicals and Detergent Joint Stock Company These results will not be suitable for all other detergent companies However, it is also a reference for other companies to refer and make marketing strategy 72 REFERENCE Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller, (2012), Marketing Management, Fourteenth edition, Prentice Hall, USA Philip Kotler, Gary Amstrong, John Saunders & Veronica Wong, (1999), Principles of Marketing, Second edition, Prentice Hall, USA Philip Kotler & Gary Amstrong, (2017), Marketing-an-introduction, Thirteenth edition, Pearson Education David W Cravens & Nigel F Piercy, (2009), Strategic Marketing, Nineth edition, McGraw Hill, Inc Philop Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan, (2017), Marketing 4.0 Moving from Traditional to Digital, John Wiley & Sons, Inc Peter, J and Olson, J, (2005), Consumer Behavior and Maketing strategy, Seventh edition, McGraw-Hill USA Tim Smith, (1980), Pricing 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Nxb Lao động xã hội 24 PGS TS Nguyễn Thị Lan Diệp, (2006), Chiến lược sách kinh doanh, Nxb Lao động xã hội 74 APPENDIX INTERVIEW GUIDELINES A INTRODUCTION I am Tran Xuan Linh, currently working on a master's thesis to study the factors affecting the marketing activities of Duc Giang Detergent and Chemical JSC The goal of the dissertation is to understand the factors that affect to the Marketing activities and then find the best solutions to improve all marketing acitivities in the company Participation in the in-depth interview is voluntary and you have the right to stop participation at any time The data obtained will be kept anonymous and are used only in the framework of this study Thank you for your cooperation B INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Purpose of all these questions is to identify whether the enterviewees know about company’s detergent products and marketing activities (4P)? Evaluation of the interviewees about the product and these activities At the same time get their opinions to improve operational efficiency Q1: Have you ever known or tried Duc Giang detergent yet? Q2: How you assess Duc Giang detergent products on the current market in term of quality, design, packaging ? Q3: According to your opinion, how should Duc Giang Detergent improve in term of design and product quality? Q4: Do you have any comment about the prices of Duc Giang detergent products? According to your opinion, is the price reasonable or does it need to be adjusted? Q5: Where you often buy Duc Giang detergent powder? How you evaluate this distribution channel? Please give some ideas to improve this distribution channel? Q6: Do you often see which Duc Giang detergent appears on the information channel? In your opinion, is this channel effective? Is there any improvement? Q7: According to your opinion, what kind of promotions should companies make? 75 DÀN BÀI PHỎNG VẤN SÂU A GIỚI THIỆU CHUNG Tôi Trần Xuân Linh, thực đề tài tìm giải pháp để hồn thiện chiến lược Marketing cho cơng ty cổ phần bột giặt hóa chất Đức Giang Mục tiêu bao quát luận văn tìm hiểu yếu tố tác động lên hoạt động Marketing cơng ty để từ đưa giải pháp nhằm nâng cao hiệu hoạt động Marketing doanh nghiệp Việc tham gia vấn sau hồn tồn tự nguyện anh/chị có quyền dừng tham gia câu hỏi Các liệu thu được ẩn danh sử dụng khuôn khổ nghiên cứu B CÁC CÂU HỎI PHỎNG VẤN SÂU Mục đích câu hỏi đưa xem xét xem người vấn có biết nhiều sản phẩm hoạt động Marketing (4P) công ty hay không? Đánh giá người vấn sản phẩm hoạt động Đồng thời lấy ý kiến họ để nâng cao hiệu hoạt động Câu 1: Anh/ Chị biết đến dùng thử bột giặt Đức Giang hay chưa? Câu 2: Anh/ Chị đánh giá sản phẩm bột giặt Đức Giang thị trường như: Chất lượng, mẫu mã, bao bì…? Câu 3: Theo Anh/ Chị, sản phẩm Bột Giặt Đức Giang cần cải tiến mẫu mã hay chất lượng sản phẩm nào? Câu 4: Anh/ Chị có ý kiến giá sản phẩm bột giặt Đức Giang? Theo anh chị Giá hợp lý chưa hay cần phải điều chỉnh nào? Câu 5: Anh/ Chị hay mua bột giặt Đức Giang đâu? Anh chị đánh giá kênh phân phối này? Anh/chị cho vài ý kiến để cải tiến nâng cao kênh phân phối Câu 6: Anh/ Chị có thường thấy bột giặt Đức Giang xuất kênh thông tin nào? Theo anh chị, việc xuất kênh có hiệu khơng? Có cần cải tiến khơng? Câu 7: Theo Anh/Chị, hình thức khuyến cơng ty nên đưa gì? 76 ... TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - TRẦN XUÂN LINH IMPROVING THE MARKETING STRATEGY OF DUC GIANG DETERGENT AND CHEMICALS COMPANY IN THE PERIOD OF 2018 – 2023 HOÀN THIỆN CHIẾN LƯỢC MARKETING CHO CƠNG TY. .. THE PERIOD OF 2018 – 2023 HOÀN THIỆN CHIẾN LƯỢC MARKETING CHO CƠNG TY CỔ PHẦN BỘT GIẶT VÀ HĨA CHẤT ĐỨC GIANG GIAI ĐOẠN 2018 – 2023 Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số: 60 34 01 02 LUẬN VĂN THẠC... propose new marketing strategies, implementation solutions and control marketing strategy for Duc Giang detergent in the period 2018- 2023 Objects of research Master thesis studies all marketing

Ngày đăng: 17/03/2021, 17:24

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