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Referential equivalence between the english and vietnamese versions of lolita

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES -   - PHẠM THỊ HỒNG NHUNG REFERENTIAL EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN THE ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE VERSIONS OF "LOLITA" (ĐÁNH GIÁ MỨC ĐỘ THAM CHIẾU CỦA HAI BẢN TIẾNG ANH VÀ TIẾNG VIỆT CỦA TÁC PHẨM “LOLITA”) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 60220201 Hanoi, 2014 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES -   - PHẠM THỊ HỒNG NHUNG REFERENTIAL EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN THE ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE VERSIONS OF "LOLITA" (ĐÁNH GIÁ MỨC ĐỘ THAM CHIẾU CỦA HAI BẢN TIẾNG ANH VÀ TIẾNG VIỆT CỦA TÁC PHẨM “LOLITA”) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 60220201 Supervisor: Asoc Prof Dr Lê Hùng Tiến Hanoi, 2014 ACCEPTANCE PAGE I hereby state that I: PHẠM THỊ HỒNG NHUNG, K20C, being a candidate for the degree of Master of Arts accept the requirements of the college relating to the retention and use of master‘s graduation paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Hanoi, February 10th, 2014 Phạm Thị Hồng Nhung i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to many people who have assisted me in the completion of my research First and foremost, I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Assoc Prof Dr Le Hung Tien for his patient guidance, critical feedback, encouragement, and constructive supervision throughout my research I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to all of my friends who have always encouraged and given me valuable advice in the process of doing this research The support extended to me by members of my family has been immeasurable I would like to express my sincere thanks to my father, my mother, and my brother for their support and encouragement throughout my study ii ABSTRACT In today‘s world where no nation can ignore the globalization trend, the demand for easy access to the body of literary works of a country is greater than ever before More and more literary works are being translated from English, the international language of communication into Vietnamese, for various purposes This calls for academic studies into the field of literary translation It is extremely necessary to evaluate the quality of the translation text with a view to improving translation in general and Literary Translation in particular This study aims at revealing the most basic features of English literary text and basic concepts of translation theory in general, literary translation in particular Then it will test the appropriateness of House‘s model for translation quality assessment in assessing Vietnamese version of English novel ―Lolita‖ regarding referential equivalence Finally, suggestions for further studies in translating English literary texts into Vietnamese will be proposed iii TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Acceptance page i Acknowledgements ii Abstract iii Table of contents iv List of abbreviations vi PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Statement of the problem and the rationale for the study Aims and objectives of the study Significance of the study Scope of the study Organisation PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Definition of translation 1.2 Translation Equivalence 1.2.1 The nature of translation equivalence 1.2.2 Translation equivalence types 1.2.3 Discourse analysis in translation 1.3 Literary translation 10 1.3.1 Basic features of literary text 10 1.3.2 Problems of literary translation 11 1.3.3 Covert and Overt Translation 12 Julianne House‘s translation quality assessment model 14 CHAPTER 2: ANALYSIS OF THE ENGLISH VERSION OF ―LOLITA‖ 17 2.1 17 Brief introduction iv 2.2 Analysis of the original text based on J House‘s model 19 2.3 Statement of function 24 2.4 Summary 25 CHAPTER 3: TRANSLATION QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF VIETNAMESE VERSION OF ―LOLITA‖ 3.1 Comparison in referential level of equivalence between the 26 26 source text and the target text based on J House‘s model through lexical means 3.2 Statement of quality 41 PART C: CONCLUSION 42 Recapitulation 42 Concluding remarks 42 Limitations 43 Suggestions for further research 43 Contribution of the research 44 REFERENCES 45 APPENDIX: SUGGESTEST TRANSLATIONS v I LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS SL: Source Language TL: Target Language ST: Source Text TT: Translation Text vi PART A INTRODUCTION Statement of the problem and the rationale for the study The profound importance of translation cannot be denied all over the world through the ages The massive expansion of translation of a wide diversity of fields such as economics or literature has increased a mutual exchange of knowledge and culture In particular, not only nations depend on it to bridge what would otherwise an impossible communication gap, but it also accommodate human access to the wealth of global scientific and technology information, as well as to the ideas that shape our society However, translation has never been an easy task, but truly an art which requires great efforts and proficiency of translators Not surprisingly, the translator's role is, however, by no means a passive and mechanical one, and has also been compared to that of an artist A translator must well-understand both languages, as well as the culture that he is to translate When the researcher set out to investigate what had been written on the topic of translation assessment the researcher could notice that much had been written about translation theory and practice, but very little had been written on translation assessment Owing to the Vietnamese readers‘ increasing demand for English works of literature, there is a growing tendency for literary translation without being assessed and edited carefully This has led to a hot issue ―translation disaster‖ arising among translators The translator, Tran Dinh Hien stated that the essence of the translation is the cultural exchange between two countries As a result, in order to be a good translator, apart from the exceptional ability to use languages, he also needs relevant experience and deep understanding of two cultures How one piece of literary work is translated has an enormous influence on the readers‘ interpretation and understanding of the country Therefore, comprehensive assessment of literary work is badly needed However, there has been, so far, no appropriate official study on evaluating English-Vietnamese translation in the field of literature ‗Lolita‘ by Nabakov is one of the most notable literary works that has excited long-standing controversy over the morality among translators Additionally, this piece of work is also reputable for Nabakov‘s writing style The Vietnamese version of ―Lolita‖ was translated by an experienced translator, Duong Tuong; however, not only experts in translation quality assessment but also Vietnamese readers are doubtful about the quality of this version All the things concerned above have offered the researcher an opportunity to conduct a study on ‗Referential equivalence between the English and Vietnamese versions of "Lolita" Aims and objectives of the study Regarding the aforementioned research gaps, the present study is undertaken as an attempt to evaluate the quality of translation text compared to the original one ―Lolita‖ in terms of referential equivalence In short, the principal aims of the study could be summarized into the research question as follows: How is the translation quality of Vietnamese version “Lolita” regarding referential equivalence? Significance of the study Once having been completed, the study would serve as one official academic study on translation evaluation of Vietnamese version ―Lolita‖ that is eagerly awaited for so long among Vietnamese readers In addition to academic significance, the findings from the research would probably contribute to the process of editing this version later Scope of the study As a matter of fact, there has been different views and models on translation quality assessment Due to time constraint, resources, the seems to assure that her father is English and her mother is Dutch This is unable to convey the true meaning of Annabel‘s origin compared to the ST E.g … and then I see Annabel in such tơi hình dung Annabel 12 general terms as: ―honey-colored dạng vẻ mơ tả skin,‖ ―think arms,‖ ―brown từ chung chung như: ―da bobbed hair,” ―long lashes,‖ ―big mật ong‖, ―hai cánh tay mảnh bright mouth‖ (p 7) dẻ‖, “tóc nâu bồng”, ―mi dài‖,―miệng rộng tươi rói‖) Comment: “Bobbed hair” means a style of a woman's hair in which it is cut the same length all the way around In the TT, the researcher is not sure whether the readers can get a picture of a girl with short hair or long hair Therefore, the translator somewhat fails to convey the denotative meaning in this case E.g She would try to relieve the pain of Em ráng làm dịu bót nỗi 13 love by first roughly rubbing her dry khắc khoải yêu đương, trước lips against mine; then my darling hết cách chà mạnh cặp would draw away with môi khô vào môi tôi; a nervous toss of her hair, and then người yêu dấu rời again come darkly near and let me với động tác bồn feed on her open mouth, (p 9) chồn , hất ngược tóc sau gáy, lại lầm lì xáp tới, miệng cho tơi ngốn thỏa thuê Comment: In the TT, nervous is an adjective to modify the action of toss of her hair, however, nervous is used to modify the action of moving in the ST E.g The days of my youth, as I look Những ngày xuân tôi, 35 14 back on them, seem to fly away tơi nhìn lại, dường bay from me in a flurry of pale khỏi tơi xốy lốc repetitive scraps like those mảnh nhờ nhạt lặp lặp morning snow storms of lại không cùng, tựa mớ used tissue paper that a train giấy lụa nhàu nát quay cuồng passenger sees whirling in the thành bão tuyết ban wake of the observation car In mai mà hành khách ngồi my sanitary relations with women toa quan sát(1) nhìn thấy I was practical, ironical and brisk phấp phới đằng sau đoàn tàu (p 9) Trong quan hệ mang tính vệ sinh với đàn bà, thực dụng, mỉa mai nhanh gọn Comment: In the TT, the relationship between Humbert and women is compared with used tissue paper In his memories, Lolita and other nymphets appear pure and beautiful This way of translation conveys the misleading information regarding denotative and connotative meaning E.g Overtly, I had so-called normal Bề ngồi, tơi có 15 relationships with a number of quan hệ gọi bình thường terrestrial women với số phụ nữ trần tục having pumpkins or pears for breasts; vú to bầu hay trái (p 11) lê; Comment: Literally, pumpkin is a large round vegetable with thick orange skin The seeds can be dried and eaten and the soft flesh can be cooked as a vegetable or in sweet pies In this case, the writer is trying to make 36 a comparison between women‘s breasts with pumpkins or pears This comparison helps the readers imagine how big they are However, in the TT, the translator gives a picture of ‗quả bầu‘, which has a long body, so the readers might not grasp the denotative and connotative meaning in this sentence E.g Had I not somehow tampered with Cách đó, liệu tơi có tác 16 her fate by involving her image in động đến số phận em my voluptas? Oh, it was, and việc lồng hình ảnh em vào remains, a source of great and khối lạc tơi? Ơi, terrible wonder (p 13) điều đó, tơi, cịn nguồn tạo kì diệu lớn lao đáng sợ Comment: Apart from the meaning (sự kì diệu) in the TT, wonder also means a feeling of surprise and admiration that you have when you see or experience something beautiful, unusual or unexpected (sự kinh ngạc, hoài nghi) The first meaning does not seem to match with the flow of information in the novel E.g … and presently, instead of a pale … thay gái vỉa hè 17 little gutter girl, Humbert Humbert trắng trẻo, Humbert had on his hands a large, puffy, short- Humbert phải hứng tay legged, big-breasted and practically brainless baba (p 16) baba* (bánh baba) bự, phốp pháp, chân ngắn, vú to rỗng óc Comment: The appearance of a baba as a piece of cake seems unreasonable Based on its modification, this word cannot refer to a small cake A cake cannot possess a large, puffy short leg, big breast and practical 37 brain In this case, baba means an old woman E.g Possibilities 18 of sweetness on Từ lâu nay, triển vọng technicolor beaches had been phút êm đềm trickling through my spine for bãi biển đầy màu sắc rực some time before, and McCoo's rỡ róc rách suốt dọc sống cousin had, in fact, sharply lưng người bà diverted that train of thought with McCoo, thực tế, làm his well-meaning but as it lệch dòng suy nghĩ transpired now absolutely inane đề xuất thiện ý suggestion hóa hồn tồn ngu xuẩn ơng ta Comment: Possibility means the fact that something might exist or happen in the future In this case, Humbert expects the sweet things or moments on technicolor beaches to happen Literally, the word ―triển vọng‖ partly convey the denotative meaning of the word ―possibility‖ only However, it seems to make the readers hard to absorb the information flow when the ―possibility‖ is collocated with ―sweetness‖ E.g I was still walking behind Mrs Tơi cịn theo bà Haze 19 Haze though the dining room qua khỏi phịng ăn, when, beyond it, there came a thấy bừng lên khoảng sudden burst of greenery "the xanh rờn - “piazza”(1) , piazza," sang out my leader, and người dẫn đường reo then, without the least warning, a lên, rồi, bất thình lình, khơng blue sea-wave swelled under my có dấu hiệu nhỏ báo heart and, from a mat in a pool of trước, sóng xanh trào sun, half-naked, kneeling, turning dâng tim tơi kìa, q about on her knees, there was my vũng nắng, gần 38 Riviera love peering at me over khỏa thân, xoay hai dark glasses (p 25) đầu gối, người yêu dấu bãi biển Riviera dõi mắt nhìn tơi bên cặp kính râm (1) Quảng trường Comment: From the TT, the readers might imagine that Mrs Haze‘s house is next to the Piazza (Quảng trường) However, it is essential that we follow the information flow After this, Nabokov writes: ―All I now is that while the Haze woman and I went down the steps into the breathless garden, my knees were like reflections of knees in rippling water, and my lips were like sand, and — ―That was my Lo,‖ she said, ―and these are my lilies.‖ ―Yes,‖ I said, ―yes They are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.‖ (p 26) According the American English dictionary, piazza also means the veranda of a house (cái hiên nhà, nhìn vườn, thường có mái che) The TT fails to build a clear image of romantic scene when Humbert first met Lolita E.g With awe and delight (the king crying Vừa sợ vừa sướng (đức vua 20 for joy, the trumpets blaring, the nurse khóc vui mừng, kèn đồng drunk) I saw again her lovely indrawn vang dậy, bà nhũ mẫu say abdomen where my southbound mèm), tơi lại nhìn thấy mouth had briefly paused; and those bụng yêu kiều em thót puerile hips on which I had kissed the vào chỗ miệng Nam crenulated imprint left by the band of tiến tơi thống dừng 39 her shorts … (p 25) lại; cặp hơng trẻ thơ tơi lên vết lằn dải nịt quần soọc em để lại Comment: In the ST, Nabokov describes Humbert fondling Lolita with eyes downwards and pausing when his mouth touches Lolita‘s abdominal Americans reside in the Northern Sphere, therefore, southbound to them means move downwards However, Vietnamese people might think of wars if the translator uses the word ‗Nam tiến‘, so the readers cannot fully understand the meaning of the text E.g All I know is that while the Haze Tôi biết 21 woman and I went down the steps into bà Haze bước xuống the breathless garden , my knees bậc dẫn vào khu were like reflections of knees in vườn, hổn hển , đầu gối rippling water, and my lips were like cịn bóng đầu gối sand, and phản chiếu nước "That was my Lo," she said, "and lăn tăn, môi khô these are my lilies.‖ cát, "Yes," I said, "yes They are beautiful, “Đây Lo tôi,” bà beautiful, beautiful." nói, “và bơng (p 26) huệ tơi” “Vâng,” tơi nói, “vâng Rất đẹp, đẹp, đẹp!” Comment: From the ST, the readers can imagine the breathtaking beauty of the garden However, from the TT, the text creates a lustful Humbert when he sees a half-naked Lolita on a mat in a pool of sun The TT contributes to distorting the connotative and denotative meaning of 40 the ST E.g stature, fifty-seven inches; weight, chiều cao, mét bốn mươi 22 seventy-eight pounds; figure, linear; lăm; cân nặng ba mươi sáu intelligence quotient, kí; dáng mảnh; số 121; vermiform appendix present , IQ, 121; có ruột thừa hình thank God (p 71) sâu, đội ơn Chúa Comment: From the ST, the readers understand that Humbert is describing Lolita‘s beauty, even without any scars on the stomach However, the readers are unable to understand this from the TT 3.2 Statement of quality In general, the translator has demonstrated his great attempts in keeping the TT as close to the ST as possible However, the mismatches are unavoidably found in terms of referential equivalence as shown above The majority of mismatches in referential equivalence between the ST and TT are defined concerning the misleading meaning of denotation and connotation This leads to misunderstanding of the information that the writer wants to convey through the lexical means Another consequence is that the readers of the TT find it difficult to fully understand the sequence of events within the novel Another mismatch that contributes to a limited understanding of the novel is the ignorance of words or phrases translation, which also proves the lack of equivalence between the two texts What is more, the TT manifests its closer proximity to the addressees than ST, which is elaborated through the changes in the usage of active and passive voice and vice versa 41 PART C CONCLUSION Recapitulation The underlying idea in House‘s model is that a translation should be functionally and pragmatically equivalent to its original Referential equivalence is achieved when the TT can match its ST in linguistic or lexical means The deep analysis of the both ST and TT based on J House‘s TQA model has led the researcher to some important findings regarding referential equivalence The mismatches in referential equivalence between two texts can be clearly seen in the dimension of Social Attitude The TT lessens the formality and exact meaning which characterizes the ST The translator gives the preference to some changes in using the voice between active voice and passive voice or vice versa His aim is to help the readers with the profound understanding of the information flow in this novel; however, this seems to be counterproductive Another finding is related to several mismatches in referential equivalence between the TT and the ST in the Province dimension Although many attempts are made in the TT to match the ST in terms of lexical means, the translator still fails to convey the full information and denotative and connotative meaning of words and phrases in the ST Concluding remarks From important mismatches in referential equivalence stated above, the researcher has come to the conclusion that the TT belongs to an overt translation Tran, T C D (2012) also agrees that he is reading an overt translation, not a covert translation in an interview with him The translator‘s attempt to retain the value of the ST in the TT and manifest the correct implication of the ST can be proved through the deep analysis in the dimension of Social attitude and Province 42 In conclusion, although some unavoidable mismatches still exist in the TT compared with the ST, the translator has achieved some certain success in transmitting the information in the ST One of the outstanding achievements is that like the ST, the TT demonstrates the wide proximity between the addresser and addressees through the use of well-structured sentences and structures It seems that the natural flow of information is interrupted by the addressees' participation Another undeniable significant achievement is that the translator somewhat impresses the readers by employing a vast variety of imagery lexical wordings and figurative language to make them sympathetic to the main character Limitations Even though the researcher has made a considerable effort during the research time, time and resource constraint and the limitation of the researcher‘s experience led to some unavoidable limitations beyond hope The limitation is related to the length of this novel and the research time Though the researcher has made a general conclusion about the translation quality of Vietnamese version of ―Lolita‖, it is highly unlikely that the researcher provides with more comprehensive analysis of the whole novel Despite the aforementioned shortcomings, the researcher‘s flexibility and dedication could help gain the findings‘ validity and reliability It should be noted that future researchers should take those limitations into serious consideration when conducting related studies Suggestions for further research The verifications and substantiations of the findings in this study demand further investigation One possibility is that researchers may wish to use other TQA models Another possibility is to replicate the study by comparing other languages, texts and cultures It may also reveal some nice 43 outcomes if the researcher can conduct a broader and more comprehensive analysis regarding other types of equivalence Contribution of the research The findings in this study somewhat demonstrate the techniques employed in the translation process of a literary work, which is considered as a tough job for translators due to the cultural gap embraced in language Hopefully, this paper can be considered as a useful reference document for English – Vietnamese translators and novel editors Moreover, the researcher would like to raise the awareness and understanding of translation quality assessment from English into Vietnamese and vice versa As a translator, he or she should take the sufficient understanding the denotative and connotative meaning of words or phrases into consideration in order to create a high-quality TT The findings of the current study are hoped to be of help to trainers of would-be translators as another source in the learning/teaching process The findings of the current study may be a means to elicit the translator of this work to revise his translation; also, the current study can be used as a framework for other critics concerning this type of analysis 44 REFERENCES Bassnett, S and A Lefevere 1998 Constructing cultures Essays on literary translation Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Bassnett-McGuire, S 1980 Translation studies London: Methuen Bell, Roger T (1991) Translation and Translating London and Newyork: Longman Brown, G & Yule, G (1983) Discourse analysis Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Catford, John C (1965) A Linguistic Theory of Translation: an Essay on Applied Linguistics, London: Oxford University Press Catford, J.C 1974 A linguistic theory of translation An essay in applied linguistics London: Oxford University Press Chesterman, A (ed.) 1989 Readings in translation theory Helsinki: Finn Lectura Halliday K (1994) An Introduction to Functional Grammar 2nd ed Oxford University Press House, J (1977) A Model for Translation Quality Assesment Huong, L Retrieved December 03, 2014 from http://tienve.org/home/activities/viewThaoLuan.do?action=viewArtwork&art workId=14856 Newmark, P (1981) Approaches to translation Oxford: Pergamon Newmark, P (1988) A textbook of translation Great Britain: Prentice Hall Nida, E.A and C.R Taber 1969 The theory and practice of translation Leiden: Brill Tran, T C D (2012) Trần Tiễn Cao Đăng nói vụ "Lolita": Muốn nói dịch lỗi, phải đọc đến nơi đến chốn Retrieved December 03, 2014 from http://thethaovanhoa.vn/van-hoa-giai-tri/tran-tien-cao-dang-noi-ve-vu-lolitamuon-noi-dich-loi-phai-doc-den-noi-den-chon-n20120423065539214.htm Wills, W (1982) The Science of Translation: Problems and Methods Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag 45 APPENDIX SUGGESTED TRANSLATIONS The elimination of information ST TT Suggested translation E.g a few days before his hơm trước bắt đầu hơm trước phiên trial was scheduled to phiên tòa xử ông ta tòa xét xử dự định diễn start (p 3) E.g … the most strictly … cảnh có tác “Hướng tới mục đích functional ones in the dụng triệt để khơng khác ngồi tôn development tragic of tale a diễn biến câu vinh đạo đức” tending chuyện bi thảm kiên OR “hướng đến việc ca unswervingly định hướng tới tôn vinh tụng đạo đức mà thôi.” to nothing less than a đạo đức moral apotheosis (p 4) E.g References to Những tị mị muốn tìm Những tị mị muốn “H.H.”'s crime may hiểu kĩ truy cứu tìm hiểu kĩ truy be looked up by the tư liệu liên quan đến tội cứu tư liệu liên inquisitive in the daily hình “H H.” quan đến tội hình papers báo hàng ngày “H H.” báo for September- tháng Chín năm hàng ngày tháng October 1952; (p 3) 1952; Chín – tháng Mười năm 1952; Changes in translating the voice ST E.g “Lolita, or TT Suggested translation the “Lolita” hay “Lời thú “Lolita hay Lời thú tội Confession of a White tội gã đàn ông gã đàn ông da Widowed Male,” such da trắng góa vợ”, trắng góa vợ”, hai were the two titles under hai đầu đề tập tựa đề tập I which the writer of the thảo kì lạ gửi thảo kì lạ mà người present note received the đến người viết viết dòng strange pages it dịng làm mào đầu lời nói đầu nhận preambulates “Humbert cho “Humbert “Humbert Humbert,” their author, Humbert” (1), tác giả Humbert”, tác giả had died captivity, in of legal nó, chết tù tập thảo, chết coronary chứng nghẽn động chứng nghẽn động thrombosis, on mạch vành vào ngày 16 mạch vành trại November 16, 1952, (p tháng Mười năm giam 3) vào ngày 16 1952, hơm trước tháng Mười năm bắt đầu phiên tịa xử ơng 1952, hơm trước ta phiên tòa xét xử dự định diễn Misleading of denotative and connotative meaning ST E.g Indeed, the Suggested TT translation robust Quả thật, kẻ phàm tục The robust philistine who is conditioned by kiên cường philistine: kẻ modern conventions into ước lệ đại luyện phàm phu vai u accepting without qualms a cho quen thói chấp nhận thịt bắp, kẻ lavish array of four-letter không chút đắn đo hàng rợ vai u thịt bắp words in a banal novel, will be loạt chữ tục trắng trợn quite shocked by their absence tràn ngập here (p 4) tiểu thuyết tầm thường , phẫn nộ không thấy chúng E.g He is ponderously capricious Tính khí ông ta vừa thất ―Ông ta (p 4) thường vừa tẻ ngắt II bốc đồng‖, or ―ông ta đồng bóng nặng.‖ E.g He is abnormal He is not Ơng ta bất bình thường, Ơng ta bất bình a gentleman (p 4) ông ta thường Ông ta người hào hoa phong quý ông nhã lịch lãm E.g […] for in this poignant […] nghiên lời tự personal study there lurks a cứu cá nhân xót xa này, general lesson; the wayward ẩn chứa học phổ child, the egotistic mother, the quát; đứa trẻ ngang panting maniac, […](p 4) ngạnh, người mẹ ích kỉ, gã quỉ ám hổn hển, […] E.g Ladies and gentlemen of the Thưa q ơng q bà bồi Envied: ghen tỵ, jury, exhibit number one is thẩm, tang vật số hờn ghen what the misinformed, seraphs, the mà thiên thần The simple, noble- thượng winged seraphs, envied Look thiên at this tangle of thorns (p 5) đẳng, misinformed: thần ngây ngô, không chất phác với đơi cánh thơng tin đầy cao q, thèm muốn đủ, bị Xin nhìn mớ gai thơng chằng chịt E.g Annabel was, like the writer, of Giống 11 mixed parentage: half-English, half-Dutch, in her case (p 7) tin sai lệch tác dòng giả Annabel này, lai, nửa Anh, Annabel lai: nửa Hà Lan bố Anh, mẹ Hà Lan E.g She would try to relieve the Em ráng làm dịu bót nỗi Nervous: mạnh 13 pain of love by first roughly khắc khoải yêu đương, mẽ, dứt khoát III rubbing her dry lips against trước hết cách chà mine; then my darling would mạnh cặp môi khô vào draw away with a nervous toss môi tôi; người yêu of her hair, and then dấu rời với again come darkly near and let động tác bồn me feed on her open mouth, (p chồn , hất ngược tóc 9) sau gáy, lại lầm lì xáp tới, miệng cho tơi ngốn thỏa th E.g stature, 22 fifty-seven inches; chiều cao, mét bốn chiều cao, weight, seventy-eight pounds; mươi lăm; cân nặng ba mét bốn mươi figure, quotient, linear; intelligence mươi sáu kí; dáng lăm; cân nặng 121; vermiform mảnh; số IQ, ba mươi sáu kí; appendix present , thank God 121; có ruột thừa hình dáng (p 71) sâu, đội ơn Chúa mảnh; số IQ, 121; ruột thừa hình sâu, cịn, đội ơn Chúa IV ... evaluation of Vietnamese version of ? ?Lolita? ?? in terms of referential equivalence PART C: CONCLUSION contains the summary of the main findings of the study, the brief limitations of the research and. .. limitation of time and the length of the novel, the researcher is able to concentrate on the analysis of referential equivalence Newmark (1988) proposes that the referential goes hand in hand with the. .. Statement of the problem and the rationale for the study The profound importance of translation cannot be denied all over the world through the ages The massive expansion of translation of a wide

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