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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES ********* LÊ VÂN ANH A SYSTEMIC – FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF INTERPERSONAL GRAMMATICAL METAPHOR IN ENGLISH ANNOUNCEMENT SPEECHES Phân tích Ẩn dụ liên nhân diễn văn tuyên bố tiếng Anh theo quan điểm chức hệ thống M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 60220201 HANOI – 2017 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES ********* LÊ VÂN ANH A SYSTEMIC – FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF INTERPERSONAL GRAMMATICAL METAPHOR IN ENGLISH ANNOUNCEMENT SPEECHES Phân tích Ẩn dụ liên nhân diễn văn tuyên bố tiếng Anh theo quan điểm chức hệ thống M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 60220201 Supervisor: Dr NGUYỄN THỊ MINH TÂM HANOI – 2017 DECLARATION I, Lê Vân Anh, hereby certify that the thesis “A systemic-functional analysis of Interpersonal Grammatical Metaphor in English Announcement Speeches” is the result of my own research for the Degree of Master at University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, and that the substance of the thesis has not, partly or wholly, been submitted for a degree to any other universities or institutions Hanoi, 2017 Signature Lê Vân Anh i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to the people who assisted and always made the best conditions and environment for me to complete this thesis First of all, I would like to send my special thanks to Dr Nguyễn Thị Minh Tâm, who spent much of her valuable time supervising and guiding my study This paper would not be finished without her support and guidance Her useful suggestions and valuable critical feedback encouraged me during the process of conducting this study I am also indebted to my lecturers in both under-graduate and post-graduate faculties at University of Languages and International Studies for their precious lectures in linguistics which help me to have the basic and necessary knowledge to carry out this study Last but not least, I also owe many thanks to my family members for their great encouragement, my friends and my colleagues for their support in completing this thesis ii ABSTRACT This study investigates the realization and effects of interpersonal grammatical metaphor in political announcement speeches made by five US presidents The analytical framework of the study is based on M A K Halliday‟s Systemic Functional Grammar theory of Interpersonal Grammatical Metaphor The data of the research is taken from the analysis of five announcement speeches made by US presidents: George H W Bush in 1991, Bill Clinton in 1999, George W Bush in 2003, Barack Obama in 2016, and Donald Trump in early 2017 The results reveal that metaphor of mood and metaphor of modality are realized in all the speeches but not much However, there is quite a balance in the times of metaphorical occurrences in all the speeches in general and in each separate speech in particular In terms of metaphor of mood, all the three moods including declarative, interrogative and imperative are employed metaphorically In terms of metaphor of modality, specifically the orientation, explicitly subjective forms of modality overtake explicitly objective forms Besides, concerning the type, modalization is adopted metaphorically more than modulation Despite the fact that interpersonal metaphor is not frequently used in the announcement speeches, it has shown its effectiveness and importance in the process of delivering the speeches iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES ivi PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Purpose and significance of the study .2 2.1 Purpose of the study 2.2 Significance of the study Scope of the study .3 Design of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics 1.2 Interpersonal Metafunction 1.3 Grammatical metaphor .11 1.4 Interpersonal Grammatical Metaphor 12 1.5 Political discourse 16 1.6 Literature review 17 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY .19 2.1 Data source .19 2.2 Research questions 19 2.3 Methods of the study 19 2.4 Analytical framework .20 2.5 Data analysis procedure 22 CHAPTER 3: MAJOR FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 23 3.1 Data analysis and major findings .23 3.2 Discussion 26 iv PART C: CONCLUSION .41 Summary and major findings 41 Implications .43 2.1 To the teachers 43 2.2 To the students 44 Suggestion for further studies 45 REFERENCES 46 APPENDICES I APPENDIX I APPENDIX IV APPENDIX IX APPENDIX X APPENDIX XI APPENDIX XII APPENDIX XIII APPENDIX XXXII v LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1: Speech functions and responses Figure 2: Relation of modality to polarity and mood Figure 3: System of types of modality Figure 4: System of types of orientation in modality Figure 5: Expressions of probability Figure 6: Three values of modality Figure 7: Explicitly subjective modality as grammatical metaphor 15 Figure 8: Explicitly objective modality as grammatical metaphor 15 Table 1: Modal operators Table 2: Modal adjuncts 10 Table 3: Modality: examples of „type‟ and orientation combined 14 Table 4: The subtypes of interpersonal metaphor 20 Table 5: The subtypes of modality and their realization 20 Table 6: Realization of metaphor of mood 21 Table 7: Realization of metaphor of modality 22 Table 8: Metaphor of mood in five announcement speeches 24 Table 9: Metaphor of modality in five announcement speeches 25 Table 10: Metaphor of mood and metaphor of modality in five announcement speeches 27 Table 11: Metaphorical decorative mood in five announcement speeches 28 Table 12: Metaphorical interrogative mood in five announcement speeches 30 Table 13: Metaphorical imperative mood in five announcement speeches 31 Table 14: Explicitly subjective and explicitly objective forms of modality in five announcement speeches 33 Table 15: Modalization and Modulation in metaphor of modality in five announcement speeches 36 Table 16: Mood and Metaphor of mood in five announcement speeches 38 Table 17: Modality and Metaphor of Modality in five announcement speeches 39 vi PART A: INTRODUCTION Rationale Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is an approach to language developed mainly by M.A.K Halliday in the U.K during the 1960s, and later in Australia The approach is now used world-wide, particularly in language education, and for purposes of discourse analysis While many of the linguistic theories in the world today are concerned with language as a mental process, SFL is more closely related to Sociology: it explores how language is used in social contexts to achieve particular goals In terms of data, it does not address how language is processed or represented within the human brain, but rather looks at the discourses we produce (whether spoken or written), and the contexts of the production of these texts Because it is concerned with language use, SFL places higher importance on language function (what it is used for) than on language structure (how it is composed) Halliday mentioned three kinds of metafunctions of language including ideational metafunction, interpersonal metafunction and textual function Among these, interpersonal metafunction is the one that shows us communication purposes the most clearly – that is, to establish and maintain appropriate social links between people Therefore, the researcher has decided to choose five announcement speeches to analyze how effective interpersonal metaphor is Announcement speeches at meetings or conferences, especially at political events are always presented by influential English speakers who tactfully use their wordy power to attract their audience Therefore, announcement speeches play a very important part in orienting, inspiring, and persuading the listeners Clearly, the success of an announcement speech is the successful communication between the speaker and the listeners To achieve this interaction, many language skills have been employed in the addresses Realizing the importance of announcement speeches and the skillful communication skills of the speakers, the researcher decided to choose five announcement speeches as the object of the research Through studying these speeches, the researcher realizes that interpersonal grammatical metaphor is a linguistic feature of addresses or speeches It plays a significant role in the achievement of various communicative purposes such as making the speeches more convincing, attracting the audience‟s attention or calling for agreement from others In the light of Halliday‟s view of interpersonal grammatical metaphor, the analysis is carried out from the realization means of metaphor of mood and metaphor of modality Purpose and significance of the study 2.1 Purpose of the study The purpose of the research is to study, identify and investigate metaphor in the expression of mood and modality in five announcement speeches Simultaneously, the researcher would like to see how effective the metaphor of mood and metaphor of modality are used in these speeches The investigation is guided by the research questions:  How is metaphor in the expression of mood and modality realized in the announcement speeches?  What are the effects of interpersonal grammatical metaphor in the speeches? 2.2 Significance of the study This research, which aims to investigate the realization of mood and modality in some authentic announcement speeches, elaborates how language forms are combined with language functions to achieve various communicative purposes Therefore, a functional analysis of interpersonal grammatical metaphor can provide a new perspective for various discourse analyses Another point is that the research of interpersonal grammatical metaphor in discourse can also benefit English teachers and learners in better understanding and employing target language and thus improving the communicative competence "More than 35 countries are giving crucial support from the use of naval and air bases to help with intelligence and logistics to deployment of combat units "Every nation in this coalition has chosen to bear the duty and share the honour of serving in our common defence "To all the men and women of the United States armed forces now in the Middle East, the peace of a troubled world and the hopes of an oppressed people now depend on you That trust is well placed "The enemies you confront will come to know your skill and bravery The people you liberate will witness the honourable and decent spirit of the American military "In this conflict America faces an enemy that has no regard for conventions of war or rules of morality "Saddam Hussein has placed Iraqi troops and equipment in civilian areas, attempting to use innocent men, women and children as shields for his own military A final atrocity against his people "I want Americans and all the world to know that coalition forces will make every effort to spare innocent civilians from harm "A campaign on the harsh terrain of the nation as large as California could be longer and more difficult than some predict and helping Iraqis achieve a united, stable and free country will require our sustained commitment "We come to Iraq with respect for its citizens, for their great civilisation and for the religious faiths they practise "We have no ambition in Iraq except to remove a threat and restore control of that country to its own people "I know that the families of our military are praying that all those who serve will return safely and soon "Millions of Americans are praying with you for the safety of your loved ones and for the protection of the innocent "For your sacrifice you have the gratitude and respect of the American people and you can know that our forces will be coming home as soon as their work is done XLI "Our nation enters this conflict reluctantly, yet our purpose is sure The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder "We will meet that threat now with our army, air force, navy, coastguard and marines so that we not have to meet it later with armies of firefighters and police and doctors on the streets of our cities "Now that conflict has come, the only way to limit its duration is to apply decisive force and I assure you this will not be a campaign of half measures and we will accept no outcome but victory "My fellow citizens, the dangers to our country and the world will be overcome We will pass through this time of peril and carry on the work of peace We will defend our freedom We will bring freedom to others and we will prevail "May God bless our country and all who defend her." Barack Obama’s announcement speech (2016) THE PRESIDENT: Mark, I want to thank you for your introduction I still remember the first time we met, the time we spent together, and the conversation we had about Daniel And that changed me that day And my hope, earnestly, has been that it would change the country Five years ago this week, a sitting member of Congress and 18 others were shot at, at a supermarket in Tucson, Arizona It wasn‟t the first time I had to talk to the nation in response to a mass shooting, nor would it be the last Fort Hood Binghamton Aurora Oak Creek Newtown The Navy Yard Santa Barbara Charleston San Bernardino Too many AUDIENCE MEMBER: Too many AUDIENCE MEMBER: Too many AUDIENCE MEMBER: Too many THE PRESIDENT: Thanks to a great medical team and the love of her husband, Mark, my dear friend and colleague, Gabby Giffords, survived She‟s here with us today, with her wonderful mom (Applause.) Thanks to a great medical team, her XLII wonderful husband, Mark who, by the way, the last time I met with Mark this is just a small aside you may know Mark‟s twin brother is in outer space (Laughter.) He came to the office, and I said, how often are you talking to him? And he says, well, I usually talk to him every day, but the call was coming in right before the meeting so I think I may have not answered his call (laughter) which made me feel kind of bad (Laughter.) That‟s a long-distance call (Laughter.) So I told him if his brother, Scott, is calling today, that he should take it (Laughter.) Turn the ringer on (Laughter.) I was there with Gabby when she was still in the hospital, and we didn‟t think necessarily at that point that she was going to survive And that visit right before a memorial about an hour later Gabby first opened her eyes And I remember talking to mom about that But I know the pain that she and her family have endured these past five years, and the rehabilitation and the work and the effort to recover from shattering injuries And then I think of all the Americans who aren‟t as fortunate Every single year, more than 30,000 Americans have their lives cut short by guns 30,000 Suicides Domestic violence Gang shootouts Accidents Hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost brothers and sisters, or buried their own children Many have had to learn to live with a disability, or learned to live without the love of their life A number of those people are here today They can tell you some stories In this room right here, there are a lot of stories There‟s a lot of heartache There‟s a lot of resilience, there‟s a lot of strength, but there‟s also a lot of pain And this is just a small sample The United States of America is not the only country on Earth with violent or dangerous people We are not inherently more prone to violence But we are the only advanced country on Earth that sees this kind of mass violence erupt with this kind of frequency It doesn't happen in other advanced countries It‟s not even close And as I‟ve said before, somehow we‟ve become numb to it and we start thinking that this is normal XLIII And instead of thinking about how to solve the problem, this has become one of our most polarized, partisan debates despite the fact that there‟s a general consensus in America about what needs to be done That‟s part of the reason why, on Thursday, I‟m going to hold a town hall meeting in Virginia on gun violence Because my goal here is to bring good people on both sides of this issue together for an open discussion I‟m not on the ballot again I‟m not looking to score some points I think we can disagree without impugning other people‟s motives or without being disagreeable We don't need to be talking past one another But we have to feel a sense of urgency about it In Dr King‟s words, we need to feel the “fierce urgency of now.” Because people are dying And the constant excuses for inaction no longer do, no longer suffice That‟s why we‟re here today Not to debate the last mass shooting, but to something to try to prevent the next one (Applause.) To prove that the vast majority of Americans, even if our voices aren‟t always the loudest or most extreme, care enough about a little boy like Daniel to come together and take common-sense steps to save lives and protect more of our children Now, I want to be absolutely clear at the start and I‟ve said this over and over again, this also becomes routine, there is a ritual about this whole thing that I have to I believe in the Second Amendment It‟s there written on the paper It guarantees a right to bear arms No matter how many times people try to twist my words around I taught constitutional law, I know a little about this (applause) -I get it But I also believe that we can find ways to reduce gun violence consistent with the Second Amendment I mean, think about it We all believe in the First Amendment, the guarantee of free speech, but we accept that you can‟t yell “fire” in a theater We understand there are some constraints on our freedom in order to protect innocent people We cherish our right to privacy, but we accept that you have to go through metal detectors before XLIV being allowed to board a plane It‟s not because people like doing that, but we understand that that‟s part of the price of living in a civilized society And what‟s often ignored in this debate is that a majority of gun owners actually agree A majority of gun owners agree that we can respect the Second Amendment while keeping an irresponsible, law-breaking feud from inflicting harm on a massive scale Today, background checks are required at gun stores If a father wants to teach his daughter how to hunt, he can walk into a gun store, get a background check, purchase his weapon safely and responsibly This is not seen as an infringement on the Second Amendment Contrary to the claims of what some gun rights proponents have suggested, this hasn‟t been the first step in some slippery slope to mass confiscation Contrary to claims of some presidential candidates, apparently, before this meeting, this is not a plot to take away everybody‟s guns You pass a background check; you purchase a firearm The problem is some gun sellers have been operating under a different set of rules A violent felon can buy the exact same weapon over the Internet with no background check, no questions asked A recent study found that about one in 30 people looking to buy guns on one website had criminal records one out of 30 had a criminal record We‟re talking about individuals convicted of serious crimes -aggravated assault, domestic violence, robbery, illegal gun possession People with lengthy criminal histories buying deadly weapons all too easily And this was just one website within the span of a few months So we‟ve created a system in which dangerous people are allowed to play by a different set of rules than a responsible gun owner who buys his or her gun the right way and subjects themselves to a background check That doesn‟t make sense Everybody should have to abide by the same rules Most Americans and gun owners agree And that‟s what we tried to change three years ago, after 26 Americans -– including 20 children -– were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary XLV Two United States Senators -– Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia, and Pat Toomey, a Republican from Pennsylvania, both gun owners, both strong defenders of our Second Amendment rights, both with “A” grades from the NRA –that‟s hard to get worked together in good faith, consulting with folks like our Vice President, who has been a champion on this for a long time, to write a common-sense compromise bill that would have required virtually everyone who buys a gun to get a background check That was it Pretty common-sense stuff Ninety percent of Americans supported that idea Ninety percent of Democrats in the Senate voted for that idea But it failed because 90 percent of Republicans in the Senate voted against that idea How did this become such a partisan issue? Republican President George W Bush once said, “I believe in background checks at gun shows or anywhere to make sure that guns don‟t get into the hands of people that shouldn‟t have them.” Senator John McCain introduced a bipartisan measure to address the gun show loophole, saying, “We need this amendment because criminals and terrorists have exploited and are exploiting this very obvious loophole in our gun safety laws.” Even the NRA used to support expanded background checks And by the way, most of its members still Most Republican voters still How did we get here? How did we get to the place where people think requiring a comprehensive background check means taking away people‟s guns? Each time this comes up, we are fed the excuse that common-sense reforms like background checks might not have stopped the last massacre, or the one before that, or the one before that, so why bother trying I reject that thinking (Applause.) We know we can‟t stop every act of violence, every act of evil in the world But maybe we could try to stop one act of evil, one act of violence Some of you may recall, at the same time that Sandy Hook happened, a disturbed person in China took a knife and tried to kill with a knife a bunch of children in China But most of them survived because he didn‟t have access to a powerful XLVI weapon We maybe can‟t save everybody, but we could save some Just as we don‟t prevent all traffic accidents but we take steps to try to reduce traffic accidents As Ronald Reagan once said, if mandatory background checks could save more lives, “it would be well worth making it the law of the land.” The bill before Congress three years ago met that test Unfortunately, too many senators failed theirs (Applause.) In fact, we know that background checks make a difference After Connecticut passed a law requiring background checks and gun safety courses, gun deaths decreased by 40 percent 40 percent (Applause.) Meanwhile, since Missouri repealed a law requiring comprehensive background checks and purchase permits, gun deaths have increased to almost 50 percent higher than the national average One study found, unsurprisingly, that criminals in Missouri now have easier access to guns And the evidence tells us that in states that require background checks, law-abiding Americans don‟t find it any harder to purchase guns whatsoever Their guns have not been confiscated Their rights have not been infringed And that‟s just the information we have access to With more research, we could further improve gun safety Just as with more research, we‟ve reduced traffic fatalities enormously over the last 30 years We research when cars, food, medicine, even toys harm people so that we make them safer And you know what - research, science those are good things They work (Laughter and applause.) They But think about this When it comes to an inherently deadly weapon nobody argues that guns are potentially deadly weapons that kill tens of thousands of Americans every year, Congress actually voted to make it harder for public health experts to conduct research into gun violence; made it harder to collect data and facts and develop strategies to reduce gun violence Even after San Bernardino, they‟ve refused to make it harder for terror suspects who can‟t get on a plane to buy semi-automatic weapons That‟s not right That can't be right XLVII So the gun lobby may be holding Congress hostage right now, but they cannot hold America hostage (Applause.) We not have to accept this carnage as the price of freedom (Applause.) Now, I want to be clear Congress still needs to act The folks in this room will not rest until Congress does (Applause.) Because once Congress gets on board with common-sense gun safety measures we can reduce gun violence a whole lot more But we also can't wait Until we have a Congress that‟s in line with the majority of Americans, there are actions within my legal authority that we can take to help reduce gun violence and save more lives -– actions that protect our rights and our kids After Sandy Hook, Joe and I worked together with our teams and we put forward a whole series of executive actions to try to tighten up the existing rules and systems that we had in place But today, we want to take it a step further So let me outline what we're going to be doing Number one, anybody in the business of selling firearms must get a license and conduct background checks, or be subject to criminal prosecutions (Applause.) It doesn‟t matter whether you‟re doing it over the Internet or at a gun show It‟s not where you it, but what you We‟re also expanding background checks to cover violent criminals who try to buy some of the most dangerous firearms by hiding behind trusts and corporations and various cutouts We're also taking steps to make the background check system more efficient Under the guidance of Jim Comey and the FBI, our Deputy Director Tom Brandon at ATF, we‟re going to hire more folks to process applications faster, and we‟re going to bring an outdated background check system into the 21st century (Applause.) And these steps will actually lead to a smoother process for law-abiding gun owners, a smoother process for responsible gun dealers, a stronger process for protecting the people from the public from dangerous people So that's number one XLVIII Number two, we‟re going to everything we can to ensure the smart and effective enforcement of gun safety laws that are already on the books, which means we're going to add 200 more ATF agents and investigators We're going to require firearms dealers to report more lost or stolen guns on a timely basis We're working with advocates to protect victims of domestic abuse from gun violence, where too often (applause) where too often, people are not getting the protection that they need Number three, we're going to more to help those suffering from mental illness get the help that they need (Applause.) High-profile mass shootings tend to shine a light on those few mentally unstable people who inflict harm on others But the truth is, is that nearly two in three gun deaths are from suicides So a lot of our work is to prevent people from hurting themselves That‟s why we made sure that the Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare (laughter and applause) that law made sure that treatment for mental health was covered the same as treatment for any other illness And that‟s why we‟re going to invest $500 million to expand access to treatment across the country (Applause.) It‟s also why we‟re going to ensure that federal mental health records are submitted to the background check system, and remove barriers that prevent states from reporting relevant information If we can continue to de-stigmatize mental health issues, get folks proper care, and fill gaps in the background check system, then we can spare more families the pain of losing a loved one to suicide And for those in Congress who so often rush to blame mental illness for mass shootings as a way of avoiding action on guns, here‟s your chance to support these efforts Put your money where your mouth is (Applause.) Number four, we‟re going to boost gun safety technology Today, many gun injuries and deaths are the result of legal guns that were stolen or misused or discharged accidentally In 2013 alone, more than 500 people lost their lives to gun accidents –and that includes 30 children younger than five years old In the greatest, most technologically advanced nation on Earth, there is no reason for this We need to XLIX develop new technologies that make guns safer If we can set it up so you can‟t unlock your phone unless you‟ve got the right fingerprint, why can‟t we the same thing for our guns? (Applause.) If there‟s an app that can help us find a missing tablet which happens to me often the older I get (laughter) if we can it for your iPad, there‟s no reason we can‟t it with a stolen gun If a child can‟t open a bottle of aspirin, we should make sure that they can‟t pull a trigger on a gun (Applause.) Right? So we‟re going to advance research We‟re going to work with the private sector to update firearms technology And some gun retailers are already stepping up by refusing to finalize a purchase without a complete background check, or by refraining from selling semi-automatic weapons or high-capacity magazines And I hope that more retailers and more manufacturers join them because they should care as much as anybody about a product that now kills almost as many Americans as car accidents I make this point because none of us can this alone I think Mark made that point earlier All of us should be able to work together to find a balance that declares the rest of our rights are also important Second Amendment rights are important, but there are other rights that we care about as well And we have to be able to balance them Because our right to worship freely and safely –- that right was denied to Christians in Charleston, South Carolina (Applause.) And that was denied Jews in Kansas City And that was denied Muslims in Chapel Hill, and Sikhs in Oak Creek (Applause.) They had rights, too (Applause.) Our right to peaceful assembly -– that right was robbed from moviegoers in Aurora and Lafayette Our unalienable right to life, and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness -– those rights were stripped from college students in Blacksburg and Santa Barbara, and from high schoolers at Columbine, and from first-graders in Newtown First-graders And from every family who never imagined that their loved one would be taken from our lives by a bullet from a gun L Every time I think about those kids it gets me mad And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day (Applause.) So all of us need to demand a Congress brave enough to stand up to the gun lobby‟s lies All of us need to stand up and protect its citizens All of us need to demand governors and legislatures and businesses their part to make our communities safer We need the wide majority of responsible gun owners who grieve with us every time this happens and feel like your views are not being properly represented to join with us to demand something better (Applause.) And we need voters who want safer gun laws, and who are disappointed in leaders who stand in their way, to remember come election time (Applause.) I mean, some of this is just simple math Yes, the gun lobby is loud and it is organized in defense of making it effortless for guns to be available for anybody, any time Well, you know what, the rest of us, we all have to be just as passionate We have to be just as organized in defense of our kids This is not that complicated The reason Congress blocks laws is because they want to win elections And if you make it hard for them to win an election if they block those laws, they‟ll change course, I promise you (Applause.) And, yes, it will be hard, and it won‟t happen overnight It won‟t happen during this Congress It won‟t happen during my presidency But a lot of things don‟t happen overnight A woman‟s right to vote didn‟t happen overnight The liberation of African Americans didn‟t happen overnight LGBT rights that was decades‟ worth of work So just because it‟s hard, that‟s no excuse not to try And if you have any doubt as to why you should feel that “fierce urgency of now,” think about what happened three weeks ago Zaevion Dobson was a sophomore at Fulton High School in Knoxville, Tennessee He played football; beloved by his classmates and his teachers His own mayor called him one of their city‟s success stories The week before Christmas, he headed to a friend‟s house to play video games He wasn‟t in the wrong place at the wrong time He hadn‟t made a bad decision He was exactly where any other kid would be Your kid My kids And LI then gunmen started firing And Zaevion who was in high school, hadn‟t even gotten started in life dove on top of three girls to shield them from the bullets And he was shot in the head And the girls were spared He gave his life to save theirs –- an act of heroism a lot bigger than anything we should ever expect from a 15-year-old “Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” We are not asked to what Zaevion Dobson did We‟re not asked to have shoulders that big; a heart that strong; reactions that quick I‟m not asking people to have that same level of courage, or sacrifice, or love But if we love our kids and care about their prospects, and if we love this country and care about its future, then we can find the courage to vote We can find the courage to get mobilized and organized We can find the courage to cut through all the noise and what a sensible country would That‟s what we‟re doing today And tomorrow, we should more And we should more the day after that And if we do, we‟ll leave behind a nation that‟s stronger than the one we inherited and worthy of the sacrifice of a young man like Zaevion (Applause.) Thank you very much, everybody God bless you Thank you God bless America Donald Trump’s announcement speech (2017) Thank you very much We‟re in the middle of a crisis on our southern border The unprecedented surge of illegal migrants from Central America is harming both Mexico and the United States I believe the steps we will take starting right now will improve the safety in both of our countries Going to be very, very good for Mexico A nation without borders is not a nation Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders, gets back its borders Thank you I just signed two executive orders that will save thousands of lives, millions of jobs, and billions and billions of dollars These two orders are part of an immigration reform we outlined during the campaign I want to emphasize that we will be working in partnership with our friends in Mexico to improve safety and LII economic opportunity on both sides of the border I have deep admiration for the people of Mexico and I greatly look forward to meeting again with the president of Mexico We will be doing that shortly We will discuss close coordination on many, many important issues between our countries This coordination includes the dismantling of cartels, and keeping illegal weapons and cash from flowing out of America and into Mexico, out of our country, out of the United States, and it goes right into Mexico They have to stop it We have to stop it We are going to save lives on both sides of the border and we also understand that a strong and healthy economy in Mexico is very good for the United States very very good We want that to happen by working together on a positive tray, safe border and economic cooperation I truly believe we can enhance the relation between our two nations to a degree not seen before certainly in a very very long time I think our relationship with Mexico is going to get better Here‟s a brief summary of what actions are contained in my executive orders The Secretary of Homeland Security working with myself and my staff will begin immediate construction of a border wall So badly needed you folks know how badly needed it is as a help but very badly needed This will also help Mexico by deterring illegal immigration from Central America and by disrupting violent cartel networks as I‟ve said repeatedly to the country we are going to get the bad ones out the criminals and the drug deals and gangs and gang members and cartel leaders The day is over when they can stay in our country and wreak havoc We are going to get them out and we‟re going to get them out fast and John Kelly is going to lead that way Our order also does the following: ends the policy of catch-and-release at the border, requires other countries to take back their criminals they will take them back, cracks down on sanctuary cities, empowers ice officers to target and remove those who pose a threat to public safety, calls for the hiring of another 5,000 border patrol officers, calls for the tripling the number of ice officers LIII And you both an incredible job but you need help you need more, creates an Office of Homeland Security dedicated to supporting the victims of a legal immigrant crime For years the media has largely ignored the stories of Americans and lawful residents victimized by open borders To all of those hurting out there, I repeat to you these words We hear you we see you and you will never ever be ignored again As I travel the country I had the chance to get to know mothers who have lost their children to violence spilling over the border I want to thank the remembrance project such incredible people for giving these families a voice They‟re called angel moms for good reason because they are a voice to protect all of America‟s joke Their children have not died in vain Believe me Pundants talk about how enforcing immigration laws can separate illegal immigrant families but the families they don‟t talk about are the families of Americans forever separated from the people they love they don‟t talk about that ever As your president I have no higher duty than to protect the lives of the American people First, these families lost their loved ones Then they endured a system that ignored them While at the same time constantly rewarding those who broke the laws For these families, it‟s been one injustice after another But that all turns around beginning today We are joined here this afternoon by parents whose children were horribly killed by individuals living here illegally I will now read these parents‟ names and ask them to stand Many have become friends of mine over the last two years and have supported me so dearly and I appreciate it Marianne Mendoza who lost her son, police sergeant Brandon Mendoza Fred Funding Burr and his son James who lost Billy Billy was Fred‟s son in James‟s brother Billy‟s wife Natalie was also killed by an illegal immigrant, somebody that should never ever have been here Laura Wilkerson who lost her 17-year-old son, beautiful Josh Josh was special Where‟s Laura? Laura thank you LIV Carrie Ruiz and Lucio Rosier Junior who lost their young daughter Felicia Thank you Beautiful thank you very much Thank you Stephen Rana Beck who lost his twenty-one-year-old son, Grant Thank you Steve And we have many others with us from remembrance and from other groups and these are incredible people that have endured so much and I just want to thank everybody for being a very very special people Nothing can ever make their pain go away but I want you to know your children will not have lost their lives for no reason They‟ve set this incredible goal for so many These were great young people and they will always be remembered Always We will never forget them And to the parents and loved ones you kept the flame of justice alive with your activism keep it going And now together we will save thousands and thousands of lives When it comes to public safety, there is no place for politics, no Republicans, no Democrats, just citizens and good citizens We want safe communities and we demand safe communities for everyone We want respect We want great schools We want dignity and equality for everyone And I will be a president, I promise you, for everyone We will bridge our divisions, heal our wounds and unify our country And if we that If we work together then there is nothing we cannot achieve as Americans The future is limitless Good luck to our new and brilliant leader at DHS General John Kelly Thank you God bless you and god bless America Congratulations to John LV ... VÂN ANH A SYSTEMIC – FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF INTERPERSONAL GRAMMATICAL METAPHOR IN ENGLISH ANNOUNCEMENT SPEECHES Phân tích Ẩn dụ liên nhân diễn văn tuyên bố tiếng Anh theo quan điểm chức hệ thống. .. the last part PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language centered around the notion... been submitted for a degree to any other universities or institutions Hanoi, 2017 Signature Lê Vân Anh i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to the people who

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 08:49


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