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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ********************* HOÀNG THỊ HÀ XUYÊN HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING IN THE NEW ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS (Nhận thức giáo viên trung học phổ thông việc sử dụng phương pháp học dự án sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh thí điểm) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 HANOI – 2017 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ********************** HOÀNG THỊ HÀ XUYÊN HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING IN THE NEW ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS (Nhận thức giáo viên trung học phổ thông việc sử dụng phương pháp học dự án sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh thí điểm) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60140111 Supervisor: Dr.Vũ Thị Thanh Nhã HANOI - 2017 DECLARATION I hereby certify the thesis entitled “High school teachers‟ perceptions of project-based learning in the new English textbooks” as my own work in the fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts at the University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi Hanoi, 2017 Hoàng Thị Hà Xuyên I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This thesis would not be completed without the help of a number of people From my deep heart, I would like to express my thanks to all of them First of all, I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my beloved supervisor, Dr Vu Thi Thanh Nha, for her enthusiastic and careful guidance as well as her encouragements she gave me while I was doing this study Second of all, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to my respectful lectures in Faculty of Post-Graduated Department at University of Languages and International Studies for their devotion and their useful lectures Last but not least, I would like to give my great thanks to my friends and all teachers for their willingness to take part in my research II ABSTRACT This study explored high school teachers‘ perceptions of project-based learning in the new English textbooks The specific areas of investigations were teachers‘ perceptions about (1) PBL‘s definitions, PBL‘s benefits for students in language learning in terms of motivation, improvements in language skills, learning autonomy, teamwork skills and teachers‘ roles in PBL, (2) their challenges in implementing PBL The findings from questionnaires and interviews reveal that teachers had a clear understanding of PBL was and a positive attitude to the benefits of PBL for students in language learning Also, the results of the study show that teachers encountered with three main challenges when implementing PBL : students‘ ability, time for preparation and schools‘ facilities Basing on these findings, suggestions are made to enhance the success of PBL in teaching and learning English language III TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration I Acknowledgement II Abstract III Table of contents IV List of abbriviations VI List of figures and tables VII PART A INTRODUCTION 1.Rationale for the study 2.Aims of the study 3.Research questions 4.Scope of the study 5.Method of the study Design of the study PART B CHAPTER I: LITERATURE REVIEW 11 1.1.Teacher cognition 11 1.1.1.Definition of teacher cognition .11 1.1.2.The importance of teacher cognition 12 1.1.3.The relationships between teacher beliefs and classroom practice .12 1.2.Project-based learning .13 1.2.1.Definitions of project-based learning .13 1.2.2 Characteristics of project-based learning 14 1.2.3.Benefits of project-based learning 15 1.2.4.Challenges of project-based learning .17 1.2.5 Teachers’ roles in project-based learning .18 1.3.The previous studies of project-based learning in English language teaching 19 1.4 An overview of the new English textbooks 21 CHAPTER II: METHODOLOGY 29 IV 2.1.Context of the study .29 2.2 Research questions 29 2.3.The study 30 2.3.1 Participants .30 2.3.2 Data collection instruments 30 2.3.3.Data collection procedure 32 CHAPTER III: FINDINGS 34 3.1.The findings from questionnaires 34 3.1.1.Teachers’ background information 34 3.1.2 Teachers’ perceptions of PBL and their challenges in implementing PBL 35 3.2 The findings from interviews 44 3.2.1.Teachers’ perception of project-based learning in the new English textbooks .44 3.2.2 Teachers’ challenges 48 PART C CONCLUSION 51 1.Summary of the key findings 51 Implications .53 Limitations of the study .54 Suggestions for further study 55 REFERENCES 56 APPENDENCES I APPENDIX I APPENDIX V APPENDIX VI APPENDIX 4: VII APPENDIX 5: X APPENDIX 6: XI V LIST OF ABBRIVIATIONS ELT: English Language Teaching MOET: The Ministry of Education and Training PBL: Project-based learning SPSS: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences VI LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1: Teachers‘ teaching experience 34 Figure 2: Teachers‘ time of knowing project-based learning 35 Table 1: The performance objectives of the new textbooks 23 Table 2: Topics in English 10, English 11 and English 12 28 Table 3: Teachers‘ definition of PBL 37 Table 4: The benefits of PBL for students‘ motivation in English learning 38 Table 5: The benefits of PBL for students‘ improvements in language skills 39 Table 6: The benefits of PBL for students‘ learning autonomy 40 Table 7: The benefits of PBL for students group work 40 Table 8: Teachers‘ roles in implementing PBL 41 Table 9: Teachers‘ challenges in implementing PBL 42 VII PART A INTRODUCTION Rationale for the study Recently, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has paid more attention to teaching and learning foreign languages In secondary education, Decision No 5209/QD –BGDĐT was released on the 23rd of November, 2012 on the Approval of Chương trình giáo dục phổ thơng mơn tiếng Anh thí điểm cấp trung học phổ thơng (Pilot English Curriculum for Vietnamese Upper Secondary Schools) Therefore, the new English textbooks namely Tiếng Anh 10, Tiếng Anh 11 and Tiếng Anh 12 are designed and promulgated by MOET The goals of the new textbooks are to help students develop their language ability and the communicative competence through four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) The contents and structures of the new textbooks are different from the old ones focusing on task-based approach ―Looking back and Project‖ is one section at the end of each learning unit, which is new to both teachers and students A project lesson focuses on a group activity, which requires students to closely cooperate with their friends in their own group to make a final product relating to the topic of each learning unit The results of project are presented in many different forms such as an article, a presentation or a PowerPoint The teacher acts as a guide for students, not a one-way knowledge transfer as before Therefore, in order to see whether applying project is effective in the classroom or not, it is necessary to explore teachers‘ perceptions of project-based learning because their beliefs may have an influence on their classroom practice in the future Here, teachers‘ perceptions include their attitude, knowledge, evaluation and thinking of project-based learning (Borg 2006) In fact, many studies about project-based learning have been conducted; however, studies on teachers‘ perceptions of project-based learning in second language teaching are very limited That is motivation for the researcher to investigate high school teachers‘ perceptions of project-based learning in terms of its definition, benefits, teachers‘ roles and their challenges in implementing items in the questionnaires were removed because they were not reliable after the researcher calculated the value of Cronbach‘s alpha Suggestions for further study In the light of the study findings, the researcher also gives a recommendation for other studies First, it is suggested that further study should explore the perceptions of both teachers and students towards project-based learning in order to make a comparison between students‘ achievement and teachers‘ statements Second, in order to see clearly about the relationship between teachers‘ perceptions and their classroom practice, it is necessary to observe the lessons of teachers and students in the classroom, which this study has not done yet In brief, this chapter summarizes the results of the study followed by an implication, a limitation and a recommendation for further studies 55 REFERENCES Baysura, O.D., Altun, S & Yucel-Toy, B, 2015 Perceptions of Teacher Candidates regarding Project-Based Learning Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, Issue 62, 2016, 15-36 Borg, S (2003) ‗Teachers‘ Cognition in Language Teaching: A Review of Research on What Language Teachers Think, Know, Believe and Do‘ TESOL: 36:81-109 Borg, S (2006) Teachers Cognition and Language Education: Research and Practice London: Continuum Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo Chương trình giáo dục phổ thơng mơn tiếng Anh thí điểm cấp trung học phổ thông (Ban hành theo Quyết định số 5209/QĐBGDĐT ngày 23 tháng 11 năm 2012 Bộtrưởng BộGiáo dục và Đào tạo), 2012 Buck Institute for Project-Based Learning (2003) Project based learning handbook Retrieved July 12, 2013, from: http://www.bie.org/pbl/pblhandbook/intro.ph Dörnyei, Z (2003) Questionnaires in second language research: Construction, administration, and processing Mahvah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Eyring, J L (1997) Is project work worth it? Eric Digest (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No ED407838 Elementary School Journal, 94(5), 341 358) Fried-Booth, D.L (2002) Project work New York: Oxford University Press Gallacher, L (2004) Project work with teenagers Retrieved on 12 September, 2009 from: http://www.teachenglish.org.uk/think/methodology/project_work.html 10 Joseph, A.G, & Rosemary, R.G (2003) Calculating, Interpreting, and Reporting Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient for Likert-Type Scales Retrieved from http://www.ssnpstudents.com/wp/wp- content/uploads/2015/02/Gliem-Gliem.pdf 56 11 Harris, M.T (2014) The challenges of implementing project-based learning in middle schools Unpublished doctoral dissertation The University of Pittsburgh, America 12 Hatch, J A (2002) Doing qualitative research in education settings Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 13 Hutchinson, T (1992) Introduction to Project Work 1991 Oxford: Oxford University Press 14 Hedge, T (2000) Teaching and learning in the communicative classroom Oxford: Oxford University Press 15 Hedge, T (1993) Key concepts in ELT ELT Journal 47 (3) 275-277 16 Marx, R et al (1997) Enacting project-based science: Challenges for practice and policy Retrieved Jan 13, 2013 from: http://cell.uindy.edu/docs/PBL%20research%20summary.pdf 17 Phipps, S (2009) The Relationship between Teacher Education, Teacher Cognition and Classroom Practice in Language Teaching: A Case Study of MA Students' Beliefs about Grammar Teaching Unpublished doctoral dissertation The University of Leeds School of Education 18 Richards, J.C (1998) Beyond training Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press 19 Stoller, F L (2007) Project work: A means to promote language and content English Teaching Forum, 35(4), 2-9 20 Stivers, J (2010) Project-based learning: A dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges, simultaneously developing 21st Century skills while working in small collaborative groups Retrieved from http://www.fsmilitary.org/pdf/Project_Based_Learning.pdf 21 Stevens, J (1996) Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences (3rd ed.) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 57 22 Vibulphol, J (2004) Beliefs about language learning and teaching approaches of pre-service EFL teachers in Thailand Unpublished doctoral dissertation The Oklahoma State University 23 Van, H (2015) Teachers‘ evaluation of primary English textbooks for Vietnamese Schools Developed under the National Foreign Language 2020 Project: A Preliminary Internal Survey VNU Journal of Science: Education Research, Vol 31,No (2015) 1-15: http://tapchi.vnu.edu.vn/upload/2016/01/1901/1.pdf 24 Van, H (2016) Renovation in Curriculum Design and Textbook Development: An Effective Solution to Improving the Quality of English Teaching in Vietnamese Schools in the Context of Integration and Globalization VNU Journal of Science: Education Research, Vol 32, No (2016) 9-20 25 Wanchid, R & Wattanasin, K (2015) The Investigation of Students‘ Attitudes toward Project Work in Enhancing Independent Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 6, No (2015)581-192 26 Wang, S (2006) An implementation study of the English as a foreign language curriculum policies in the Chinese tertiary context Unpublished doctoral dissertation The Queen‘s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada 27 Westwood, P (2008) What teachers need to know about teaching methods Camberwell, Vic.: ACER Press 9780864319128 (pbk.) Retrieved Jan 25,2013fromhttp://albaniarsimin.wikispaces.com/file/view/What_teachers_nee d_to_know_about_Teaching 58 APPENDENCES APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRES Dear teachers, This questionnaires aims to explore the implementation of project-based learning in Vietnam’s new English textbooks There are 40 questions in two sections It will take you about 15 minutes to complete the questionnaires Your responses are invaluable and will be used for the completion of my MA thesis at University of Languages and International Studies Your personal information will NOT be revealed for any other parties If you have any questions, please contact Ms Xuyen at 0968.008.838 Thank you very much for your time! I Personal information Please give the answers for the following questions Teaching experience: □ < years □ 5-9 years □ > 10 years known How long have you about project-based learning? II Survey questionnaires Please give the answers for the following questions Your definition of project-based learning is………………………………… a a model that organizes learning around projects b a way for students to plan, research and a project c.an approach that teachers work with students to design an authentic experience d.a method that places the teacher a facilitator and students in collaborative groups in problem-solving situations e an extended task which usually integrates language skills by means of a number of activities f a learning model in which students are in the center, they gain social responsibility in groups and they acquire the scientific knowledge Benefits of project-based learning Put a tick (√) in the appropriate columns SD= Strongly Disagree (1) I D = Disagree (2) N= Not sure (3) A = Agree (4) SA = Strongly Agree (5) No Statement Project-based learning (PBL) in the new English textbooks is very useful for students in learning English PBL in the new English textbooks makes students use their creativity PBL in the new English textbooks makes students participate in class more PBL in the new English textbooks helps students enhance their self-confidence in learning English PBL in the new English textbooks makes students improve their reading skill PBL in the new English textbooks makes students improve their speaking skill PBL in the new English textbooks makes students improve their listening skill PBL in the new English textbooks makes students improve their writing skill PBL in the new English textbooks makes students widen their vocabularies 10 PBL in the new English textbooks helps students integrate language skills such as reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar and vocabulary while doing project work 11 PBL in the new English textbooks makes students study English more interesting II SD D N A SA (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 12 PBL in the new English textbooks helps students become more active in the classroom 13 PBL in the new English textbooks makes students feel more relaxed than when they study in the classroom 14 PBL in the new English textbooks helps students look for more knowledge outside the classroom 15 PBL in the new English textbooks helps students develop learning autonomy 16 PBL in the new English textbooks makes students become more responsible for studying 17 Students apply the knowledge from the classroom when they the project in the new English textbooks 18 PBL in the new English textbooks encourage students to develop self-assessment skills and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their own work 19 Students need more help from the teacher when doing the project 20 PBL in the new English textbooks allows students to work with others as a team 21 PBL in the new English textbooks helps students develop their teamwork skill 22 PBL in the new English textbooks encourages students to exchange knowledge with their friends 23 PBL in the new English textbooks enables students to interact more with their friends outside of class Your roles in project-based learning My role is to maintain discipline in the class I take on the role of a facilitator/a guide during the project I play an important role to motivate students in learning Your challenges in project-based learning implementation III Put a tick (√) in the appropriate columns Not a challenge = 1, A minor challenge = 2, A moderate challenge = 3, A major challenge = 4) No Challenges 1 I find it difficult to guide the students how they conduct their project I find it difficult to organize all the students‘ projects I find it difficult to develop materials related to topics in the new English textbook I find it difficult to assess all of the students‘ project work objectively I find it difficult to manage the student group I find it difficult to collaborate with other teachers PBL takes a lot of time to plan and implement Students not spend enough time to conduct their project work I lack professional development or coaching in PBL 10 There is a lack of models or examples for using PBL with students 11 There is a lack of funds, materials, or resources (e.g., access to technology, a library, art supplies, etc.) in my school If you are willing to participate in an interview after completing this questionnaire, please give me your name and your contact details (Name……… School………… Mobile phone :………………….) Thank you very much for your cooperation! IV APPENDIX CÂU HỎI PHỎNG VẤN (Vietnamese Version) Theo bạn/chị nào là dạy học dự án? Bạn/ chị có nghĩ dạy học dự án sách giáo khoa có tạo động lực cho học sinh việc học tiếng Anh khơng? Vì sao? Bạn/chị có nghĩ dạy học dự án có giúp học sinh cải thiện kĩ ngôn ngữ không? Nếu có, kĩ nào cải thiện nhiều và kĩ nào cải thiện nhất? Vì sao? Bạn/chị có nghĩ dạy học dự án có giúp học sinh phát triển tính tự chủ việc học khơng? Vì sao? Bạn/chị có nghĩ dạy học dự án giúp học sinh phát triển kĩ làm việc nhóm khơng? Vì sao? Vai trị bạn/chị dạy học dự án là gì? Những thách thức bạn/chị gặp phải tiến hành dạy học dự án là gì? V APPENDIX INTERVIEW QUESTIONS What is your definition of project-based learning? Do you think project-based learning in the new English textbooks motivates students to learn English? Why? Do you think project-based learning helps students improve their language skills? If yes, which ones are improved most and which ones are improved least? Why? Do you think project-based learning helps students develop their learning autonomy? Why? Do you think project-based learning helps students develop teamwork skills? Why? What are your roles in project-based learning? What are your main challenges in implementing project-based learning? VI APPENDIX 4: SAMPLED TEACHERS INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTS Date of interview: 10/04/2017 Interview length: 10 minutes Interviewer: Xuyen Interviewee: L (Teacher :T1, she is the interviewer‘s ex-friend at university) Xuyen: Hello L, long time no see you You look more beautiful than you were at university L: Thanks Your M.A thesis is being done well, isn‘t it? Xuyen: Uhm, it‘s still going ahead so tonight I would like to interview you seven questions related to the project lessons in the new textbooks Can we start right now? L: Yes Let‘s start Xuyen: Ok What is your definition of project-based learning? L: To best of my knowledge, project-based learning in English subject in particular is a method that after transferring the knowledge and skills of learning unit, the teacher will assign students a task or a group activity related to the topic of learning unit to research and solve a problem Students will apply the knowledge from the lesson in real life to make questions, research, investigate followed by interviews Finally, students will summarize and report the results in front of the class Additionally, the teacher serves as a guide to assign students tasks and groups and help them throughout project-based learning implementation About students, they will work in groups, self-divide their work and collaborate each other.‖ Xuyen: Great! Do you think project-based learning in the new English textbooks motivates students to learn English? Why? L: From my own experience, although each lesson of project is interesting and useful it isn‘t suitable for students‘ low level It is just welcomed by students‘ good ability Those who are not good at learning English, they always feel embarrassed when being called to the blackboard VII Xuyen: Do you think project-based learning helps students improve their language skills? If yes, which ones are improved most and which ones are improved least? Why? L : Waite me a minute! My dad is calling me Xuyen: Ok (The interview is interrupted for minutes) L : Yes I‘m back Uhm… From my own experience, when conducting project students must look for information from different resources like reading books, web-searching and present the final product in front of the class so their speaking and reading skills are developed more than other skills Students also learn many new words But a problem I feel furious most is that students often copy passages, not paraphrase them so writing skill is not improved Xuyen: Do you think project-based learning helps students develop their learning autonomy? Why? L: Autonomous learning Let‘s me see Uhm Yes Because students actively apply their knowledge and language skills to read materials, research around the topics and explore more information through interview in order to complete their project before the deadline One more thing, since everything is available on the Internet so students can access to the Internet to download materials relevant to the topic Xuyen: Do you think project-based learning helps students develop their teamwork skills? Why? L: Of course Because students are encouraged to work in group to conduct their project work so they have a chance to practice more and collaborate with their friends They aslo share duties and idea with their friends From these, students have a close friendship each other and the group solidarity among students is promoted Xuyen: Can you tell me what your roles are in implementing project-based learning? L: It is very different from a traditional teaching method before that I serve as a VIII guidance for students in the class I always try to create the pleasant atmosphere for my students to their project Xuyen: What a great teacher! Because I have never applied project I don‘t know the difficulties can arise So can you tell me what your main challenges are in implementing project-based learning? L: Challenges? I feel tired when talking about them But actually, there are three main challenges First, it‘s my students‘ ability They are not capable of doing project because of their poor knowledge and language skills such as vocabularies, pronunciation and grammar They don‘t know how to collect information scientifically Second, it is time for project that prevents students from conducting their project When being called to report the final product, many groups of students didn‘t complete their task because of a lack of time As a result, they got punished from me Finally, well, it‘s hard to say that my school‘s facility is excellent because there isn‘t any computer available in the classroom If we want to use computers we have to go an IT room but it is very small, not spacious enough for students to work in group Xuyen: Ok I see Do you want to share anything else? Loan: Definitely not (Smile) Xuyen: Thank you very much Now, we move to another topic, not mention my thesis Have you kept contact with Nhung for a long time? ……… IX APPENDIX 5: SAMPLE OF THE PROJECT LESSON IN UNIT 1, ENGLISH 10 X APPENDIX 6: SAMPLE OF THE PROJECT LESSON IN UNIT 6, ENGLISH 11 XI ... PROJECT-BASED LEARNING IN THE NEW ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS (Nhận thức giáo viên trung học phổ thông việc sử dụng phương pháp học dự án sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh thí điểm) M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English... giáo dục phổ thơng mơn tiếng Anh thí điểm cấp trung học phổ thơng (Pilot English Curriculum for Vietnamese Upper Secondary Schools) Therefore, the new English textbooks namely Tiếng Anh 10, Tiếng. .. signed Decision No 5209/QD –BGDĐT on the Approval of Chương trình giáo dục phổ thơng mơn tiếng Anh thí điểm cấp trung học phổ thông (Pilot English Curriculum for Vietnamese Upper Secondary Schools)

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 08:48



