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Gender based differences in compliments and compliment responses in the american comedy tv series ugly betty

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  • 1. Statement of the problem and rationale for the study

  • 2. Aims of the study

  • 3. Research questions

  • 4. Scope of the study

  • 5. Methodology

  • 6. Significance of the study

  • 7. Organization of the study


  • 1.1. Speech act theory

  • 1.1.1. Austin’s speech act theory

  • 1.1.2. Searle’s speech act theory

  • 1.2. Politeness and face theory

  • 1.2.1. Notion of politeness and face

  • 1.2.2. Conversational-maxim view on politeness

  • 1.2.3. Face-management view on politeness

  • 1.3. Compliments

  • 1.3.1. The definition of compliments

  • 1.3.2. The topics of compliments

  • 1.3.3. The functions of compliments

  • 1.4. Compliment responses

  • 1.5. Gender and language

  • 1.5.1. Gender and sex

  • 1.5.2. Gender-based differences in language use

  • 1.5.3. Explanations for gender-based differences in language use

  • 1.6. Gender and politeness

  • 1.7. Related studies

  • 1.7.1. Review of the studies on compliments and compliment responses

  • 1.7.2. Review of the studies on gender-based differences in compliments and compliment responses


  • 2.1. Methodology

  • 2.1.1. Material

  • 2.1.2. Data collection procedures

  • 2.1.3. Participants

  • 2.1.4. Data analysis procedures

  • 2.2. Results

  • 2.2.1. The differences in compliment behavior between males and females

  • 2.2.2. The differences in compliment responses between males and females

  • 2.3. Discussion

  • 2.3.1. Discussion of the findings on the differences in compliment behavior between males and females

  • 2.3.2. Discussion of the findings on the differences in compliment responses between males and females


  • 1. Summary of the findings

  • 2. Implications

  • 2.1. Intercultural communication

  • 2.2. Pedagogical implications

  • 3. Limitations of the study

  • 4. Suggestions for further research



Nội dung

iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration - i Acknowledgements - ii Abstract - iii Table of contents iv List of abbreviations vii List of tables viii List of figures ix INTRODUCTION - 1 Statement of the problem and rationale for the study - Aims of the study - Research questions - Scope of the study Methodology Significance of the study Organization of the study CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 SPEECH ACT THEORY - 1.1.1 Austin’s speech act theory - 1.1.2 Searle’s speech act theory - 1.2 POLITENESS AND FACE THEORY - 1.2.1 Notion of politeness and face - 1.2.2 Conversational-maxim view on politeness Grice’s cooperative principle - Leech’s politeness principle 1.2.3 Face-management view on politeness - 11 Negative and positive face 11 Positive and negative politeness - 12 1.3 COMPLIMENTS 13 1.3.1 The definition of compliments 13 1.3.2 The topics of compliments 13 1.3.3 The functions of compliments 14 v 1.4 COMPLIMENT RESPONSES - 14 1.5 GENDER AND LANGUAGE - 17 1.5.1 Gender and sex 17 1.5.2 Gender-based differences in language use 19 Topic control 19 Talking time 20 Tag questions - 20 Interruption 23 Use of silence - 24 1.5.3 Explanations for gender-based differences in language use 24 1.6 GENDER AND POLITENESS 27 1.7 RELATED STUDIES - 29 1.7.1 Review of the studies on compliments and compliment responses - 29 1.7.2 Review of the studies on gender-based differences in compliments and compliment responses 33 CHAPTER 2: THE STUDY - 37 2.1 METHODOLOGY - 37 2.1.1 Material 37 2.1.2 Data collection procedures 37 2.1.3 Participants 37 Female characters 37 Male characters - 38 2.1.4 Data analysis procedures 39 2.2 RESULTS - 39 2.2.1 The differences in compliment behavior between males and females 39 Frequency of compliments 39 Topics of compliments 42 Functions of compliments 47 2.2.2 The differences in compliment responses between males and females - 51 2.3 DISCUSSION 56 2.3.1 Discussion of the findings on the differences in compliment behavior between males and females - 56 vi 2.3.2 Discussion of the findings on the differences in compliment response between males and females - 58 CONCLUSION 61 Summary of the findings 61 Implications - 62 2.1 Intercultural communication 62 2.2 Pedagogical implications 63 Limitations of the study - 65 Suggestions for further research 65 REFERENCES - 67 APPENDIX Compliments and compliment responses in the American comedy TV-series “Ugly Betty” (Episodes 1-10, Season 1) - I vii LISTS OF ABBREVIATIONS CA: Conversation analysis CP: Cooperative principle CR: Compliment response DCT: Discourse Completion Test FSA: Face-saving act FTA: Face-threatening act F: Female M: Male PP: Politeness principle viii LISTS OF TABLES Table 1-1: The five general functions of speech acts (Yule, 1996, p 55) Table 1-2: Herbert’s CR types (1989) Table 1-3: Functions of tag-questions between women and men (Holmes, 1992) Table 1-4: Functions of tag-questions between women and men (Coates & Cameron, 1989) Table 1-5: Interruptions in cross-sex conversations (Zimmerman & West, 1975) Table 2-1: Female characters Table 2-2: Male characters Table 2-3: The distribution of compliments to someone present and someone absent by gender of complimenter Table 2-4: The number of compliments in the overall episodes Table 2-5: Compliments by gender of participants Table 2-6: Interaction between compliment topic and gender of participants Table 2-7: Compliments on Appearance Table 2-8: Compliments on Possession Table 2-9: Compliments on Performance/ability/skill Table 2-10: Compliments on Personality Table 2-11: Interaction between compliment function and gender of participants Table 2-12: The distribution of compliment responses Table 2-13: Compliment response interaction data Table 2-14: Three broad categories of compliment responses Table 2-15: ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT responses Table 2-16: APPRECIATION TOKEN responses Table 2-17: AGREEMENT (ACCEPTANCE and NON-ACCEPTANCE) responses Table 2-18: NON-AGREEMENT responses Table 2-19: NO ACKNOWLEDGMENT responses ix LISTS OF FIGURES Figure 1: Leech’s indirectness scale (1983, p 108) Figure 2-1: Interaction between compliment topic and gender of participants Figure 2-2: Interaction between compliment function and gender of participants INTRODUCTION The introduction states the problem and the rationale of the study, together with the aims, scope, methodology, the significance and the organization of the whole paper Above all, it is in this chapter that the research questions are set out to work as the guidelines for the whole research Statement of the problem and rationale for the study An effective language user is competent in not only linguistics but also pragmatics As Yule (1996) put it, “nothing in the use of the linguistic forms is inaccurate, but getting the pragmatics wrong might be offensive” (p 5-6) To be able to use a target language appropriately in terms of pragmatic competence, language users should employ a variety of speech acts Complimenting is one of them Compliments not only express sincere admiration of positive qualities, but they also replace greetings, thanks or apologies, and minimize face-threatening acts (henceforth FTAs), such as criticism, scolding, or requests (Brown & Levinson, 1987; Holmes, 1988a; Wolfson, 1983, 1989) Complimenting is a tool of establishing friendship that creates ties of solidarity in American culture It is also an important social strategy that functions as an opener for a conversation, allowing meaningful social interactions to follow Americans pay compliments so frequently that neglecting to so can even be interpreted as a sign of disapproval (Manes, 1983; Wolfson, 1989; Wolfson & Manes, 1980) and a wrong use of compliments may cause embarrassment and offense (Dunham, 1992; Holmes & Brown, 1987) Each culture requires various kinds of speech act behavior Blum-Kulka, House and Kasper (1989) found that “culturally colored interactional styles create culturally determined expectations and interpretative strategies, and can lead to breakdowns in intercultural and interethnic communication” (p 30) In other words, when people from different cultures interact, breakdowns in communication may happen due to signaling different speech act strategies that reflect the culture‟s distinctive interactional style Complimenting is a particularly suitable speech act to investigate because it acts as a window through which we can view what is valued in a particular culture Thus, it is essential for Vietnamese learners of English to know how to give appropriate compliments and responses in English Complimenting is inevitably affected by social factors including gender According to Tannen (1990), gender differences are parallel to cross-cultural differences Therefore, it is worthwhile to study the interactions between men and women, men and men, or women and women exchanging compliments and responses All those reasons stimulate the researcher to conduct a study on gender-based differences in compliments and compliment responses in English conversations through the American Comedy TV-series “Ugly Betty” The people in the TV series are not real people, but the actors are chosen to match the real ones in daily life What can be assumed is that the data would bare resemblance to real life language Hopefully, the study will make a contribution to the field which it is envisioned and fill the gaps in previous research Aims of the study First of all, the study sets out to investigate the gender-based differences in compliment behavior including the frequency of compliments, compliment topics and the functions of compliments Secondly, the differences between males and females in compliments response strategies are explored The findings will pave the way for several pedagogical and intercultural communication implications Research questions The research seeks the answers to the following research questions: Research question 1: What are the differences in compliment behavior between males and females? Research question 2: What are the differences in compliment responses between males and females? Scope of the study There are four seasons in this TV-series with the total of 85 episodes However, due to the size and limitation of a preliminary research, the dialogues in the episodes one to ten in the first season are used with the development of the story Every episode takes about 40 minutes Totally, this study will analyze ten episodes of around 400 minutes The compliments among 18 characters balanced in gender, females and males, are chosen Some compliments are excluded from the present study: compliments to a place or an object that does not belong to interactants, compliments to speakers themselves or to a group of people, compliments from a group to a particular thing or a special person Furthermore, a compliment may be sincere or insincere Mills (2003) stated: The hearer might consider that the speaker is being insincere and is only complimenting because he/she wants something – i.e that it is serving some longer term goal; or it might be interpreted as suggesting that the person does not look good at all, but the speaker is being kind (p 220) Also, compliments can have an ironic meaning (Holmes, 1995, p 119) For instance, if the interlocutors are enemies, the compliments between them have ironic meanings Within the scope of an M.A thesis, only sincere compliments are analyzed Methodology Quantitative and qualitative methods are both used in this paper with priorities given to the quantitative one In other words, all the conclusions and considerations are based on the analysis of the empirical studies and statistics processed on Stata 10, a software program commonly used in social sciences In addition, such methods as descriptive, analytic, comparative and contrastive are also utilized to describe and analyze, to compare and contrast the database so as to find out gender-based differences in compliments‟ frequency, topics and functions and types of compliment response strategies Significance of the study The present study is conducted to find out the influences of gender on compliment behavior and compliment response strategies in English It will add to the research on compliments and second language acquisition Regarding researchers who share the same interest in the topic, they could rely on this paper to get useful information for their future studies Besides, the study could help Vietnamese learners of English to be aware of sociolinguistic aspects of English and thus to improve their pragmatic competence As for teachers of English, the findings from this paper may have crucial pedagogical implications for practice of teaching English as a foreign language Organization of the study After the Introduction, the rest of the paper includes the following parts: Chapter (Literature Review) provides the background of the study including the definitions of key concepts and the discussions of related studies Chapter (The study) describes the procedures to conduct the research, presents, analyzes the results and discusses the findings the researcher obtained according to the two research questions Conclusion summarizes the main issues discussed in the paper, provides some implications and points out the limitations of the research as well as proposes several suggestions for further studies Following this part are References and Appendix CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW In this chapter, theoretical preliminaries and fundamental concepts related to the research topic are reviewed Moreover, the overview of related studies is also taken into consideration 73 Manes, J (1983) Compliments: A mirror of cultural values In N Wolfson & E Judd (Eds.), Sociolinguistics and language acquisition (pp 88-95) Rowley, MA: Newbury House Manes J & Wolfson N (1981) The compliment formula In F Coumas (Ed.) 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(1975), Language and Sex: Difference and dominance (pp 105-129) Rowley, MA: Newbury House VIETNAMESE 77 Nguyễn, Q (1998) Một số khác biệt giao tiếp lời nói Việt-Mỹ cách thức khen tiếp nhận lời khen Luận án tiến sĩ khoa học ngữ văn ĐH KHXH & NV, ĐHQGHN I APPENDIX COMPLIMENTS AND COMPLIMENT RESPONSES IN THE AMERICAN COMEDY TV - SERIES “UGLY BETTY” (EPISODES – 10, SEASON 1) Betty: I like your poncho Amazon: Milan Dolce & Gabbana Fall Christina: Betty, we’re all proud of you 3-4 Betty: That Traveler layout with the tiki torches was so gorgeous I just wanted to say what a big fan I am of your work Craig: I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t look at other photographer’s stuff Amanda: Ugh, she is so fabulously douchey 6-7 Amanda: Oh, he’s amazing He’s shot, like, everything Betty: Your best one Marc: Killer poncho Betty: Thanks 10 Ignacio: You’ve always been so good to me So strong Patient Optimistic Just like your mother was Betty: Thanks, Dad 11 Daniel: I never saw that layout you made until tonight I thought it was smart And beautiful Betty: Thank you 12 Ignacio: You look way too young to be anyone’s boss Daniel: I’ve gotten that before 13 Bradford: Good work Daniel: This idea was actually… 14 Daniel: Nice place Betty: We’re just in between interior designers 15 Daniel (- Betty): She appears to be good Capable A go-getter 16 Marc: Nice, you stole the good stuff Justin: Thanks II 17 Amanda: Hi! Love your highlights! Kate: Me, too 18 Betty (- Amanda): You’re being so thoughtful 19 Wilhelmina: Good work, darling Marc: So did you leak the pictures? 20 Wilhelmina: Very good 21 Kate: I like that bunny Betty: Really? 22 Kate: It’s kind of hideous, but also strangely adorable 23-28 Christina (- Kate): Oh I hear she’s lovely Betty: She seemed really friendly She looked great the way she was Betty: (- Kate) She was so nice She sat down and talked to us forever Hilda: she looks pretty damn good Christina: Look at Kate Winslet - the beautiful super star on the cover 29 Kate: You can’t fire that wonderful assistant of yours 30 Marc: And I certainly applaud your efforts at personalizing your desk So different Betty: Thanks, Marc! 31 Marc: Great bunny! Betty: Oh thanks! It was a gift from my sister when I graduated Queens College 32 Ignacio: Bueno, the woman has good taste 33 Wilhelmina: You’re gorgeous! 34 Christina: You look fine Betty: But you’re not Vincent Bianchi 35 Fabia: Baby, you look better 36 Betty: Daniel, your first issue was a big success Daniel: It wasn’t my issue, and you know it I just signed my initials to lots of memos 37-38 Betty: That cover shoot you did for "Rolling Stone" - wow, that was amazing Bianchi: Oh, thank you You have excellent taste III 39 Wilhelmina: Daniel, I for one, think it’s wonderful you’ve taken such initiative at the magazine 40 Betty (- Vincent Bianchi): Yeah, he’s really amazing 41-42 Betty (- Vincent): This one right here this is my favorite He’s amazing He’s shot everyone from, like, Madonna to the Dalai Lama 43-46 Kenny: You’re a legend Betty: Me? Kenny: You saved the Fabia layout in your first week Betty: Oh, no No, no, no, no It didn’t happen like that Kenny: What is your secret? Betty: Um just, uh, doing my job Kenny: And she’s modest, too 47 Justin: You’d be perfect for my school project Betty: Oh, yeah If it’s okay with your mum 48 Justin: You’re a celebrity The Meade security guard knows your name! Betty: Thanks! 49 Daniel: Good point Wilhelmina: Thank you 50 Marc: Nice Justin: Thank you 51 Marc: Nice vest Justin: Thanks, Hugo Boss 52 Marc: Pretty cool, huh? Justin: Best day of my entire life 53 Amanda (- Betty): Oh, that’s sweet See? You did the right thing taking him back 54 Betty (- Igano): Good one 55 M: You know, paper burns at 451 degrees W: Good You can become a science teacher after I fire you 56-57 Marc: You set the standards Women look to you for inspiration, and when you go to that ball tonight with that young man of yours, I guarantee no woman in America tomorrow morning will leave her house without a man ten years younger than her IV Wilhelmina: Five years 58 Marc (- Wilhelmina): Hail to the queen She lives She breathes 59 Hilda (- Leah, a lawyer): That was amazing Leah: You know what? Don’t tell him, but that subchapter 60 Wilhelmina: Oh, things with Nico are fine IIse’s steaming her pores as we speak Fabia: Good 61 Nico (- Wilhelmina): How proud you must be 62 Sofia Reyes (- Daniel): The only one in this room who was born into his job 63 Betty: Sofia Reyes She she’s a best - selling author 64 Wilhelmina: Do you know Rodrigo in styles? Betty: Sure He has great taste Impeccable, 65 Wilhelmina: It’s the greatest lesson the senator ever taught me 66 Betty: You’re our rock, dad 67 Bradford: Meade publishing launches a new weekly targeting the empowered modern woman The point is, that I wish to introduce the best-selling author and editorial brains behind our new magazine, “M.Y.W.,” Sofia Reyes 68 Daniel (- Sofia): She was ten steps ahead of me on every point 69-71 Daniel (- Sofia) I mean, it’s gotta be smarter You know, skillful Something profound Jewelry! 72-73 Sofia: Betty, I’ve got something for you This one’s nice and dry Betty: Wow, that's so nice Thank you 74 Sofia (- Betty) You’re my key demographic for “M.Y.W.” 75 Betty: Um you know, I'm- I'm not so sure that I'm qualified to give an opinion on the subject Sofia: Betty Suarez, you are more than qualified 76 Betty (- Sofia): I mean, I have read every single one of your books, and, um, when I was at Queens college, I wrote a report about you Sofia: I’m honored 77 Sofia: and I’m taking advantage of Betty’s intelligence V 78 Christina (- Wilhelmina): I’m sure you’ll be a big hit at the next bagpipe convention 79-80 Sofia: I thought your article was terrific Betty: You liked it? Sofia: I loved it 81 LeBeau: Why don’t we chat about it over dinner? Wilhelmina: Oh, wonderful 82 Hilda (- Santos): Look papito, I know your father messes up sometimes all the time, but he means well, and he loves you 83-84 Bradford (to Wilhelmina): We both know you’re the best person for the job You’ve landed almost every account for “Mode.” Wilhelmina: And yet I'm still just creative director 85 Bradford: Also, I think Ted might be more receptive to a beautiful woman Wilhelmina: Well, I can’t argue with that 86 Marc: You look like a bank manager Wilhelmina: I doubt any bank managers are wearing La Perla undergarments 87-88 Lebeau: Affordable and stylish The career woman on a budget Wilhelmina: It’s like nothing I own LeBeau: Well, it looks good on you 89 Santos: You look good Hilda: Thanks 90 Wilhelmina: With my help, I can convince a designer to a line for Beaumart LeBeau: That's interesting 91 LeBeau: Wilhelmina is a mom! Wilhelmina: Trying to be a mom 92-93 Daniel: Wow, it’s really good You did great Betty: Thanks, Daniel 94 Nico: I can’t believe you did all of this Wilhelmina: It was nothing I just 95-97 Betty: You’re an amazing person, Daniel Daniel: Ah, if you just wanna blurt it out VI Betty: You’re smart, you’re handsome, you were voted one of the top ten bachelors in the city by some magazine Daniel: "Esquire." Betty: Trust me, Hunter is the one who should be nervous about sitting across from you Daniel: Thank you, Betty 98 Justin: Hey, mom, is it okay if I sit between dad and Christina? I really want to talk to her about Stella McCartney’s spring line Hilda: Great I’m sure your father will be very proud Justin: Thanks, mom 99 Daniel: I think the three of us should go dancing Sofia: I think that’s a great idea 100 Betty (- Daniel): Your shirt looks great 101 Santos: Well, look at you, little man Justin: Hi, dad 102 Santos: You look good, man Ignacio: Glad you could make it 103 Daniel: I really like that vest Gordon: No, no, I'm Gordon Levine, editor of “Tech Wiz,” the 14th floor 104 Marc: Slimming Betty: Thanks, Marc 105 Santos: So word is, you’re a big career girl now Betty: Yeah, not that big Where’s Hilda? 106 Marc: You look pretty Amanda: Thanks 107 Ignacio: Hey, nice turkey Justin: [smile] 108 Justin: Hey, cool, a costume Santos: Actually, it’s a uniform, man, from the Jets 109 Santos: Hey, look at this I got you a helmet and a football Justin: Cool! 110-111 Sofia: Hunter found some house - six bedrooms, huge porch Says it’s the perfect place to raise our future family VII Betty: Sounds nice 112 Sofia: Yeah, knowing Hunter, he probably found some old captain to marry us in a lobster boat this weekend Betty: Marry? Great Congratulations 113-114 Sofia: You had a few good ones yourself Betty: Not that we’re really using any of them Sofia: Because you think with your heart, not just with your head 115 Betty: (when she comes home seeing the Christmas tree) Wow, no wonder he wanted to bring them here Sofia: It looks like Daniel had the winning idea after all, huh? 116 Betty: You’re the one who saved the day Daniel: Yeah, but you’re the one who brought Sofia here 117 Hilda: Oh, well, we really appreciate the tree It’s so nice Daniel: Well, thanks 118 Hilda: Wow, he was such a nice guy 119 Wilhelmina: Wait, are you saying they chose us to reveal baby Chutney? Fabulous 120 Betty: “Mode’s” getting the first pictures of baby Chutney? Shut up! I mean, that’s really exciting 121 Bradford: Yeah, I like that Sofia: Thank you 122-123 Daniel: (to Betty) You know, your family has a lot of cool ornaments I really like your glitter period 124 Daniel: Betty, you're the man Betty: Thanks 125 Marc (- Wilhelmina): Everyone knows traffic’s insane on Thanksgiving weekend, and besides, I'm sure Bruno’s handling it You hire the best 126 Ignacio: How about right there? Daniel: Good job Okay 127 Justin: I made the frame out of chenille sticks Daniel: Cool Where’d you find those? Justin: Fabric store VIII 128 Daniel: I need Justin’s eyes He’s got a gift 129 Ignacio: You’ll make a great father someday Daniel: Thank you 130 Santos: Smells great Ignacio: You’re a guest in this house 131 Ignacio: I really appreciate this Daniel: Thanks 132 Amanda: Hey, Betty, I love your sweater Did you make it yourself? Betty: Amanda, look, I need to plan a “Mode”-worthy party for $500, get Daniel a new assistant and get Justin a signed photo of Lindsay Lohan in two days I’m kinda busy 133 Amanda: You look totally radiant Seriously Betty: Well, thank you You, too 134 Betty: You really pulled it off Amanda: Thanks 135 Betty (- Amanda): Well, you’re obviously smart enough 136-137 Hilda: You’re a dreamer, Betty And look at you – you’re 22 years old, you already work at “Mode.” You can anything Betty: Well, I sure hope you’re right about everything 138 Daniel: In fact, I stopped by to see Nigel on the way to work this morning I'm through with being a bachelor for good Betty: Oh, my god Are you serious? I mean, congratulations That’s great 139 Henry: Yeah, I have this weird talent for remembering useless facts Betty: Oh, no, it's not useless It’s it’s cute Henry: Thanks 140 Amanda: Princess cut canary carats Oh, my god 141 Betty: And, tonight, Amanda proved that she can 142 Henry: Most people around here fit into the first category, but, you, Betty, you’re always nice Betty: (smile) 143 Betty: You know, office party hook ups and Henry: That’s very responsible of you IX Betty: Thanks 144 Daniel: I’m sorry, Aerin You’re – you’re beautiful Aerin: I know 145 Daniel: You’re more than just a pretty face, Amanda, even I know that 146 Daniel: I’m very proud of you, Betty Betty: Well, thank you 147 Marc: It’s a 2007 - fresh off the lot This is bigger than my apartment 148 Marc (- Wilhelmina): Two words fa boo 149 Ignacio: Amor, you are so beautiful Betty: Dad, stop Please don’t even try that 150 Ignacio: And you have such a big heart-Betty: And stop it with the "big heart." 151 Ignacio: You were a really terrific rock Betty: Thanks, Dad 152 Bradford: Oh, yeah, yeah You look taller Betty: Thank you 153 Daniel: Yeah, and dress up you did Yeah Betty: Um, you know what? 154 Ignacio: I’m very proud of you Betty: Thank you, Dad 155 Bradford: Congratulations Daniel: Thank you 156 Daniel (- Vincent): Because he's one of the best 157 Marc: Good idea Amanda: Thanks! 158 Betty: It’s easy when you have a good boss I’m really lucky to work for Daniel 159 Wilhelmina: Perfect Then we’ve in this together 160 Wilhelmina: Fey put herself in the photo It sent shockwaves – no editor had ever appeared in a center spread 161 Betty: Daniel’s a lot smarter than people think 162 Hilda: I like that dress 163 Betty: Oh! I was getting Sofia’s autograph You like her books? X Daniel: It’s terrific 164 Justin: I used the shampoo you bought me It really gets the frizz out 165 Marc: Nice ones 166 Marc: I think Davy Crockett showed at Westminster How nouveau riche! 167 Hilda (- Santos): He’s good at that ... conduct a study on gender- based differences in compliments and compliment responses in English conversations through the American Comedy TV- series ? ?Ugly Betty? ?? The people in the TV series are not... Phase 2: While watching the episodes, the researcher highlighted all the valid compliments and compliment responses basing on the standards of compliments in the present study The compliments from... envisioned and fill the gaps in previous research Aims of the study First of all, the study sets out to investigate the gender- based differences in compliment behavior including the frequency of compliments,

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 08:41